How to use Vishnevsky Ointment for acne on the face?

Vishnevsky ointment is a drug that consists only of natural ingredients. It has wound-healing, antiseptic, antimicrobial properties. Accelerates the healing process of affected skin areas.

This is a natural remedy that works no worse than antibiotics. It was created more than 50 years ago. Using it, you can count on factors such as effectiveness and efficiency.

Composition and release form

Vishnevsky ointment is a homogeneous mixture that has a yellow or brown tint and a specific, slightly unpleasant odor. For external use only.

The official name of the drug is Balsamic Liniment according to Vishnevsky. Available in glass jars or tubes.

The components are very simple, accessible and known to almost everyone:

  • Birch tar. Has stimulating properties. Promotes a rush of blood and warms up the desired area, which is a prerequisite in order to accelerate the renewal of tissues and cells;
  • Xeroform . Acts as an antiseptic in ointments, added in powder form. Xeroform disinfects the skin on which it is applied and kills pathogens, preventing them from entering the skin;
  • Castor oil. Acts as a catalyst. Helps soften the top layer of skin, which allows medicinal components to quickly penetrate the skin and act there.

Vishnevsky ointment consists only of natural ingredients that cannot cause harm to health. It is thanks to these components that it helps relieve inflammatory processes, quickly removes acne and promotes wound healing.

Mechanism of action

A strictly adjusted ratio of active components provides Vishnevsky ointments with such properties as:

  • Anti-inflammatory;
  • Disinfectant;
  • Drying;
  • Decongestant;
  • Antiseptic;
  • Emollient;
  • Restorative.

The mechanism of action on the skin consists of the following stages:

  • Castor oil softens the skin, opens pores, which provides access to the active ingredients into the deeper layers;
  • Xeroform powder, penetrating deep, disinfects the affected area and eliminates the inflammatory focus. Accordingly, redness is eliminated and swelling goes away. There may be a tingling or burning sensation;
  • The last to enter is birch tar - it stimulates skin receptors, which ensures rapid healing and restoration.

Using the ointment effectively removes purulent contents from acne on the back, shoulders, chest and face and prevents the formation of post-acne. The product is effectively used in the treatment of eczema, abscesses, and trophic ulcers.

Indications for use

Vishnevsky ointment is a product that is used only externally on the skin. It is considered a good antiseptic and quickly relieves irritation.

Vishnevsky ointment is used:

  • For the treatment of purulent inflammatory processes, carbuncles and boils;
  • After surgical interventions. Very effective for skin restoration after surgery, considered absolutely safe;
  • Positively affects the affected vessels of the lower extremities;
  • Indicated for burns, bedsores, frostbite, diseases of the arteries, blood vessels, veins, ulcers, and also treats psoriasis and inflammation of the lymph nodes.

The remedy is especially popular in the fight against acne and acne. As a result of the fact that the ointment warms up well and stimulates the work of the main components, the pimple matures much faster and the pus comes out.

Beneficial features

The ointment has several effects. The main one for which it is prescribed is antimicrobial . Due to birch tar and xeroform, an environment is created that is unfavorable for most microorganisms. In it, their death occurs, reproduction activity decreases, and as a result, the inflammatory process stops.

Another effect that is achieved through xeroform and oil is acceleration of regeneration . Xeroform increases blood flow, and castor oil supplies nutrients to restore skin. This allows various injuries to quickly heal and prevents the development of post-acne - marks on the skin after deep acne.

Features of the use of Vishnevsky ointment

The method of applying Vishnevsky ointment depends on which problem areas of the skin it will be applied to. It is recommended to use the following methods of applying the product to the skin: making applications from gauze, smearing the ointment on the face, spot application.

For acne

Acne can occur due to hormonal imbalance, skin damage, or strong activity of the sebaceous glands.

Vishnevsky ointment is good at removing acne and cleansing the skin. But you need to be prepared that the first use may not bring the desired effect. This is only the first time, since it will take a long period to “bring” acne to the surface of the skin.

Special masks are prepared to remove acne. A mask of the required size is made from gauze (depending on the area affected by acne). Ointment is applied to it. The mask is applied to the face for 2.5 hours.




For subcutaneous acne and scars

The product is very effective and quickly gets rid of scars and acne. The drug is applied to the affected area and used until the scars completely disappear.

Treating the wound with hydrogen peroxide can speed up the process. The average period of treatment with ointment is 12-14 days. This time is enough to completely remove the inflammatory process and penetrate the ointment into the deepest outer layers of the skin. In parallel with this, the ointment regulates the metabolic process in the skin.

For subcutaneous acne, it is recommended to lubricate the affected area with a cotton swab. This is the easiest application method. To achieve the effect, the ointment must be on the skin for 45 minutes. You need to rinse off with warm water.

It is prohibited to treat or contact the ointment with the mucous membranes of the body.

After applying, wash your hands thoroughly so that there are no ointment residues on them. If any residual product accidentally gets on the mucous membranes, rinse the area thoroughly with clean water at room temperature.

If after several uses even minimal results are not visible, you should consult a doctor for advice on the advisability of such a drug.

Subcutaneous acne


For internal acne

You can get rid of them only if you use the ointment at least 2 times a day . This will provoke a faster release of pus. The main property of the ointment in this case is the removal of pus to the surface of the skin. When treating internal acne, the properties of Vishnevsky ointment are equated to Ichthyol ointment.

For internal acne, use special compresses with ointment. For this you will need a sterile piece of gauze, which must be folded in several layers, and a plaster that will be used to secure the bandage. It is applied at night.

To make the effect more effective, you can simultaneously use products that have a drying and smoothing effect.

During this period, you should pay attention to switching to a balanced diet and taking a course of vitamins.

For boils

The drug for boils is used as early as possible.
Vishnevsky ointment accelerates the process of ripening of boils and promotes their exit from the lower layers of the dermis. To do this, apply ointment to the boil at least 3 times a day. After this, the boil is kept warm. But you need to make sure that it does not overheat.

As soon as the contents of the boil are released, treat the wound with hydrogen peroxide. It is necessary to lubricate the wound with ointment for a few more days to avoid relapse or infection.

Boils must be removed promptly. If the situation is neglected, the appearance of boils can become chronic.

The product can cure any types of pimples, acne, boils, as well as spots, marks and scars after them. It is not necessary to increase the amount of ointment to speed up the results. This can only provoke side effects.

Compresses with liniment

For subcutaneous, purulent and internal acne, the drug is applied under a bandage at night. It can be used for inflammatory fragments on the back, face and other parts of the body. The product is applied overnight and left until the morning. In the evening the manipulations are repeated again.

After opening the abscess, the resulting wound is filled with medicine, and a sterile napkin is applied on top, fixed with a hypoallergenic plaster. Bandages are applied until the damaged tissues are completely tightened.

This compress helps avoid the appearance of scars, cicatrices and blemishes that are typical during post-acne periods. Thus, it allows you to quickly draw out pus from a pimple without any consequences.

General recommendations for treating acne with Vishnevsky ointment

Many people talk about the simple components of the ointment, its versatility, but do not forget that this is a medicinal product.

It is important to know special recommendations for use:

  • You can apply the ointment only to well-cleansed skin ; you can steam it a little. This will allow the skin to better absorb medicinal components. Be sure to remove makeup.
  • To get the desired result, apply the ointment in a thick layer to the pimple. It is important to keep the damaged area warm.
  • It is better to use after a pimple or boil has just appeared.
  • Basically, the ointment is applied to a mask, which is made from gauze. It is folded in 4-5 layers. After applying the ointment, it is better to secure the mask with a band-aid. This way bacteria will not get into the wound and it will be securely fastened.
  • In the morning, the ointment is wiped off the area, and the skin is wiped with lotion that contains alcohol. After cleansing, you can use a light cream.
  • If your entire face is affected by acne, it is much easier to make a mask for the entire face , cutting out holes for the eyes, mouth, and nose. Vishnevsky ointment is applied to the remaining gauze. Keep it on your face for about 2 hours. The frequency of repetitions of the procedure is 2-3 times a week.
  • A positive property of the ointment is its minimal number of contraindications and side effects. Even with an accidental overdose, you cannot get a skin burn.
  • Soreness of the treated area and slight redness are considered normal temporary symptoms At this time, blood flow to the heated area increases, and the tar exhibits minor irritant properties.
  • If there are no contraindications or side effects, it is allowed to use the ointment for therapy until the desired result is obtained.

Can everyone apply it?

Doctors allow everyone, without exception, to apply Vishnevsky ointment to pimples. It is even indicated for the treatment of dermatological diseases in children. Rarely, hypersensitivity occurs due to substances contained in birch tar.

During use, a burning sensation or local hyperthermia is sometimes noted. This reaction is completely normal and is explained by increased blood flow in the skin tissues.

Before starting treatment with Vishnevsky ointment, you should be aware of some precautions and rules of use:

  • Conducting an allergy test before applying to acne;
  • Preliminary complete cleansing and drying of the face;
  • Avoid combining ointment with other topical drugs;
  • Steaming the face in the shower or bath before applying a compress;
  • Consult with your doctor before treating skin diseases during pregnancy.

Side effects

Doctors and ointment manufacturers say that the product has no side effects.

But there are a few exceptions to this statement:

  • Individual intolerance to the drug, which can manifest itself in the form of an allergic reaction;
  • Do not use on inflammatory areas whose cause is unknown;
  • In rare cases, after prolonged use, slight swelling of the area, redness, peeling or itching may occur.

Aloe for internal acne

Aloe or agave is widely used by alternative medicine practitioners to treat a wide variety of health problems. In particular, to get rid of purulent pimples under the skin you can:

  • Simply cut the leaf lengthwise and apply the fresh cut to the problem area. Secure this design as tightly as possible with a plaster or bandage (if the acne is on the back or in other places that are inconvenient for treatment), leave it for an hour, and then replace it with a fresh one.
  • Grind a large aloe leaf to a pulp and leave for a quarter of an hour. Add 1 tsp to this mixture. olive oil and stir. Place the resulting mixture on cotton pads and apply to problem areas for 15 minutes. Then remove the product with a cotton pad. Repeat this procedure at intervals of 3 hours until the desired effect is achieved.
  • Pour 200 ml of water into 2 aloe leaves, and after an hour, boil them for 2 minutes. after boiling. Then drain the water, cool the leaves and grind them until you get a paste. Apply it to problem areas for 20 minutes, then rinse with warm water.

Aloe is an excellent hypoallergenic folk remedy that can give a quick therapeutic effect. But if the pimple does not decrease with such treatment, but only grows and hurts greatly, it is better to hurry to the doctor.


There have been no cases of acute overdose after even long-term use of Vishnevsky ointment.

Manufacturers state the possibility of such manifestations after applying an excessive amount of the drug:

  • Allergic reaction – itching, rash;
  • Redness of the area to which the ointment is applied;
  • Slight peeling of the skin near the wound.

After such manifestations, it is recommended to temporarily stop using liniment.


Tar can increase skin sensitivity to sunlight. People with different forms of photodermatitis fall into the group for which the use of ointment on the face is contraindicated.

If there is skin itching, the ointment has a soothing and analgesic effect. However, at the time of application, a burning sensation occurs, which passes over time and relieves the itching. Frequent use of the drug on the same areas of the skin can lead to serious allergic reactions and damage to the epidermis, similar to a burn.

The main contraindication noted by dermatologists is an innate individual aversion to the components of the ointment.


On the Internet you can find a lot of positive reviews about the use of Vishnevsky ointment for the treatment of acne:

Negative reviews of Vishnevsky ointment are often associated with the unpleasant odor of this product:

( 2 ratings, average 4.5 out of 5 )
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