Aloe vera oil for the face: unique properties and rules of use

A picture from childhood - a pot with a thorny plant on the windowsill. Aloe was in almost every home, it was grown, its shoots were shared with neighbors and acquaintances. Our grandmothers called it agave and used it to treat almost all diseases. If there was a small child in the house, then his presence was mandatory - runny nose, cuts, burns - a magical succulent was used for everything.
The most common type is Aloe Barbados. It grows in Southeast Asia and other tropical areas of the planet. It belongs to the Xanthoriaceae family and has about 340 species, many of which are decorative.

Its medicinal properties were discovered long before the advent of our era; aloe was used by Sumerian healers. The Hindus called him the “silent, mysterious healer,” and the ancient Egyptians called him the elixir of youth.

Since then, medicinal recipes have been passed down from generation to generation. Today we most often find it under the name aloe vera.

general description

Aloe oil is a derivative product. The substance is obtained by combining the contents of plant leaves with a base oil. The cut leaves of the succulent are cooled, which triggers the biostimulation of the raw material. The internal substance in the form of a gel is isolated from the prepared plant. The substance is poured with the selected oil (soybean, sesame, olive), infused, and filtered.

The resulting product is called aloe macerate. The substance is characterized by a herbal odor of components of varying strength. The oil form of agave leaf extract has a thick, non-viscous consistency of medium fat content. The color of the product depends on the components used: from transparent, characteristic of the plant leaf extract, to whitish or yellowish, characteristic of the base fatty base.

Aloe vera oil is often called essential oil. This is not entirely true. Considering the method of teaching the product, volatile aromatic compounds are found here in small quantities. The substance is produced in concentrated and lightweight forms. The product is widely used for medicinal and cosmetic purposes.

Advice. Industrial soaps, creams, and shampoos often include plant juices and extracts. To prepare home remedies, it is better to take ready-made macerate.

Home cooking

There is another reason why you should make your own aloe oil. Cosmetics giants widely use aloe vera in a wide variety of products. However, scientists have proven that its effectiveness is very low due to the low concentration of beneficial substances of this plant. In order for it to exhibit its beneficial properties, it must be at least 40% in the composition of the care product . Conclusion - homemade oil or gel is much more effective than store-bought preparations.

At home you can make aloe macerate based on vegetable oil . To do this, the leaves are cut off, washed, placed in a paper bag and in the refrigerator for 12-14 days. This is how biostimulation of raw materials is carried out.

Next, the leaves are cut into pieces and a jelly-like mass is released from them. For 10 g of jelly you need 90 g of oil. Extra virgin olive oil is perfect. You can use soy or sesame. Uncork the jar tightly and place in a dark place for 2 weeks. During this time, you need to shake it periodically. After 14 days, the oil must be strained. To extend its shelf life, add the contents of 1 pharmacy capsule of vitamin E for every 100 g of product.

Historical facts

In the natural environment, aloe is most often found in Southeast Asia, North Africa, America, Australia, and the Mediterranean. Humanity became acquainted with the beneficial properties of the plant long before the advent of our era.

Active use of the substance was noticed among the most ancient peoples: Hindus, Egyptians, Sumerians. For medicinal purposes, the pure contents of the plant's leaves were often used. In cosmetology, the benefits of combining the extract with oily structures have been noted. The accumulation of experience in using useful plants and the transfer of recipes occurred from generation to generation.

Aloe was actively used as a unique remedy to get rid of infections, burns, and skin irritations. The oil helped improve the age-related appearance on the face. There is evidence of the use of the substance as a natural deodorant.

Composition and beneficial properties

Aloe oil has an extremely beneficial effect on the skin. The substance is characterized by moisturizing, anti-inflammatory, soothing properties. An increased softening and regenerating effect was noticed.

The activity of stimulating capillary blood circulation and helping to accelerate collagen production has been proven. The substance improves the skin's ability to retain moisture. Effectiveness has been repeatedly confirmed when applied topically.

A wide range of beneficial effects is associated with the rich composition of the product. The macerate contains:

  • essential minerals (sodium, potassium, sulfur, magnesium, manganese, calcium, iron, zinc, phosphorus, copper, selenium, chromium);
  • essential amino acids;
  • mono- and polysaccharides;
  • enzymes;
  • vitamins (A, B1, B2, B3, E, C, folic acid);
  • fatty acid;
  • antiseptics.

The product penetrates deeply into cellular structures, helps strengthen membranes, and increases the speed of restoration of damaged areas. Regular use of the oil form of a beneficial plant extract is aimed at maintaining the health and beauty of the appearance of the integument. The aging process is slowed down and protected from destructive influences.

For skin diseases

Aloe is on the list of the most beneficial plants for the skin. With its help you can get rid of bacteria, viruses and improve the overall condition of the skin. Thanks to this plant, boils are quickly treated. The succulent leaf is cut into two parts and the inside is attached to the inflamed area using a plaster. Within a short period the boil will disappear.

A special tincture is prepared for the treatment of psoriasis. Place in a container with aloe leaves:

  • celandine;
  • calamus root;
  • vinegar;
  • flax oil;
  • fresh cocklebur.

The components are added in equal proportions, after which they are thoroughly mixed. Then boiling water is poured into the mixture. Infusion time is 3 hours. After this, plant residues are removed from the substance and it is applied to the affected areas of the skin using compresses.

The most effective remedy is aloe vera tincture with guava. This component allows beneficial elements to better penetrate the skin pores.

In case of herpes and abscesses, freshly squeezed juice is applied to the skin. If you have other skin conditions, the use of aloe should be discussed with your doctor.

Indications for use

Aloe oil is indicated for softening and moisturizing the skin. It protects against sunburn and relieves unpleasant symptoms after they occur. The product is useful in the treatment of wounds, irritations, and peeling. The substance is used in the fight against acne and sagging.

Macerate of a useful plant will eliminate fine wrinkles and prevent the appearance of new imperfections on the skin.

The oil is considered universal: suitable for any skin type, combating various problems. The substance can be used in its pure form, applying the contents of the bottle to the skin. To achieve bright results, it is recommended to use masks containing other components. Macerate can be used to enrich ready-made products: cream, shampoo.

How to cook at home

If desired, aloe vera oil can be prepared with your own hands at home. The algorithm looks like this:

  1. Medium-sized juicy leaves are cut from a healthy and strong succulent and placed in the refrigerator for two weeks.
  2. The plates are crushed and the gel-like mass is separated from the remaining skin.
  3. The raw materials are placed in a glass jar and filled with olive or soybean oil in a ratio of 1:9.
  4. Place the closed container in a cool place for two weeks.

After time, the finished oil is filtered and poured into a clean vessel. The properties of the product are slightly inferior to the purchased one, but it also brings considerable benefits.

Subtleties of purchase

It is better to buy the oil version of a healthy succulent at a pharmacy. You definitely won’t be able to spot a fake here; the product is stored according to all requirements. Specialized stores are also interested in selling quality products that bring benefits. You should be careful when purchasing products from multi-specialty retail outlets.

It is recommended to pay attention to the product in glass containers. Such storage vessels are recognized as chemically neutral. The content, if the conditions are met, does not risk losing its beneficial properties. Options at an affordable price are usually packaged in plastic capsules.

It is advisable to carefully read the composition of the product. The manufacturer is required to indicate the components present and their percentage.

Attention! The greatest benefits are obtained from a substance mixed from aloe juice or gel, a base oil of plant nature. It is possible to add vitamins.

Synthetic substances: fragrances, mineral base will improve consumer properties, but will not bring benefits. Conscientious manufacturers take care of the pH level.

The indicator, which is usually indicated on the label, should be 7 points or slightly deviate in either direction.

You can find products from different manufacturers on sale. Domestic options usually have a lower price: 180–250 rubles. for 100 ml. The substance from Egypt or Kuwait is usually more concentrated and sells for 200–1000 rubles. for 10–30 ml.

Storage conditions

Small amounts of aloe should be stored in a dark place at a temperature not exceeding 20°C. Otherwise, the product risks oxidizing and losing some of its beneficial properties. The shelf life under favorable storage conditions is 1–2 years. You can actually prepare the substance that provides maximum benefit yourself.

Spoiled macerate has an unpleasant rancid odor. The product may contain sediment and various inclusions. The substance risks changing color and consistency.

General recommendations for use

The product is recommended to be used as needed or in courses of 1–2 months up to 3 times a week. Less frequent use allows for continuous use of the product. The substance will cleanse, heal the skin, give a beautiful color and natural shine, and help problematic, dry, aging skin maintain optimal condition.

The oil form of aloe extract can be used situationally: in case of minor wounds, irritations, sunburns. When treating acne, cleansing masks are done twice a week until the picture improves. It is recommended to nourish aging skin regularly 1-2 times a week. After 2–3 months, take a break or change the current medications.

The use of aloe oil does not depend on the season. Skin care can be situational or systemic.

Causes of atherosclerosis

The fact is that due to systematic additional loads, microdamages can form on the walls of the arteries. Damaged tissues swell. Cells that respond to inflammation (for example, white blood cells) accumulate around the damage, and fat and cholesterol that float in the blood also cling to them - a cholesterol plaque is formed. It is no longer possible to get rid of it using completely non-invasive methods. At the same time, the walls of the vessels become coarser and thinner - this pathological condition is called atherosclerosis, which in turn can lead to coronary artery disease and causes the need for “cleansing of blood vessels”.

Thus, it is important not only to eat right, but also to maintain the functional state of the cardiovascular system.

Methods of application

The finished product can be applied to the skin in its pure form. The covers must be pre-cleaned in the usual way. It is acceptable to use any detergent. Macerate will perfectly soothe the skin after home peeling, scrub, and depilation.

To obtain a narrowly targeted effect, the oil form of aloe is mixed with other components and applied as a mask. The following use cases are popular:

  1. For oily skin , make cleansing applications with 1 egg white, juice of 1 lemon. Achieve uniformity of composition. Apply the mixture evenly, avoiding the eye and lip areas. Wash off with water and a mild cleanser after 20 minutes. It is allowed to make such masks up to 2-3 times a week.
  2. Fading skin is supported by treatments with aloe macerate, honey, and glycerin. The components are mixed in equal proportions until smooth. The resulting mass is distributed over the skin. After 20 minutes, the surface is cleaned in the usual way. The skin is additionally nourished with cream.
  3. Tired and dull skin will benefit from a refreshing mask with aloe and peach kernel oils. The base consists of 3-4 drops of each product. Additionally, mashed strawberries and St. John's wort infusion are added. The components are mixed until smooth. Keep the mask on the skin for up to half an hour. It is recommended to wash your face with warm milk.

You don't have to make masks to get the effect. It is permissible to simply enrich the cosmetics used with the oil form of the useful plant. Place a portion of the cream in your palm, add 1-2 drops of macerate, and mix thoroughly. The product is applied to the skin in the usual way. This method of use saves time.

Why and how to use aloe vera oil

Aloe oil is mainly used in cosmetology and dermatology for skin care. But the product can also be used for medicinal purposes.

Use in folk medicine

Aloe vera extract rarely causes allergic reactions and helps fight not only skin diseases, but also colds and digestive diseases. It is allowed to be used, including internally.

For gastritis

The valuable properties of aloe vera extract help eliminate pain and discomfort in the stomach during chronic gastritis. The following remedy is prepared for treatment:

  1. About 45 ml of oil extract is combined with 250 g of natural honey.
  2. Pour the components into 400 ml of high-quality Cahors.
  3. Mix properly.
  4. Place in a closed container in a dark place for five days.

The finished product is taken 15 ml up to four times a day. It is recommended to use the drug on an empty stomach or between meals.

Aloe vera oil, when used internally, helps relieve chronic constipation

For periodontal disease

Aloe vera oil has strong anti-inflammatory properties. It can be used for periodontal disease and other diseases. You need to moisten a cotton swab in the product and treat problem areas of the oral cavity. In case of severe pain and bleeding, you can also press the lotion to the gum for 10-15 minutes.

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With a runny nose

The antibacterial properties of the oil make it possible to use the product for a runny nose. For instillation, prepare the following mixture:

  1. Dilute 5 g of liquid honey in 5 ml of clean water.
  2. Add 2-3 drops of healthy oil.
  3. Mix properly.

The finished composition is instilled into the nostrils up to three times a day. Aloe vera oil frees breathing and prevents a runny nose from developing into chronic sinusitis.

For sore throat

The anti-inflammatory and softening properties of the oil help get rid of the unpleasant symptoms of sore throat and colds. For a sore throat, it is recommended to prepare the following remedy:

  1. Water in a volume of 200 ml is heated to a warm state.
  2. Add 5 ml of aloe vera oil extract.
  3. Stir until smooth.

The product is used to gargle four times a day. After use, the composition must be spat out.

When coughing

Aloe vera oil promotes expectoration and helps to get rid of bronchitis symptoms faster. When coughing, it is recommended to use the following remedy:

  1. About 250 ml of milk is heated until hot, without bringing to a boil.
  2. Add 10 g of honey and 10 ml of aloe oil to the liquid.
  3. Mix thoroughly.

The finished product is taken twice a day, morning and evening. The drink helps get rid of high fever, eliminates cough and improves overall well-being.

Application for face and body

Aloe vera oil is universal and works equally well for any skin type. Several recipes are especially popular in home cosmetology.

For oily skin

Aloe vera oil helps clear the epidermis of rashes, regulates the functioning of the sebaceous glands and prevents the appearance of new acne. For skin care make the following mask:

  1. Mix 10 ml of aloe vera extract with egg white.
  2. Beat until smooth.
  3. Add 5 ml of lemon juice.

The mask is evenly distributed over the face, avoiding the area around the eyes. You need to keep the composition for 20 minutes, after which the remaining product is washed off with warm water.

You can use aloe vera oil on your face up to three times a week.

For dry skin

Natural oil extract moisturizes and refreshes the skin, helps restore its healthy color and softness. Make a mask at home like this:

  1. Mash about 20 g of fresh strawberries.
  2. Mix with 15 ml of St. John's wort infusion.
  3. Add four drops of aloe vera oil and peach kernels.
  4. Stir until smooth.

The composition is distributed over the skin of the face and left for 20 minutes, and then removed using a mild tonic for washing.

For stretch marks and cellulite

Aloe vera oil extract can be used to care for the skin of the entire body. The following remedy has a good effect:

  1. Pour 50 ml of aloe oil into a small container.
  2. Add 25 ml of jojoba and almond extracts to the base.
  3. Add five drops of rose ether.
  4. Stir.

The product is applied to the body and lightly rubbed in immediately after taking a shower. You need to repeat the procedure twice a week; after just a few sessions of using oils, the skin becomes more elastic and toned.

Using aloe oil for hair

Aloe vera oil restores strength and shine to weakened hair, nourishes subcutaneous hair follicles and promotes rapid hair growth. The product can be used for curls damaged by frequent dyeing, to get rid of dandruff and eliminate itching in the root area.

Mask for dry hair

Aloe vera oil extract adds volume and strength to dry and thin hair. Use the product like this:

  1. Mix five drops of aloe oil with raw egg yolk.
  2. Beat until smooth.
  3. Add ten drops of lavender and sage ethers.
  4. Mix again.

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The product is distributed over the entire length of the curls and left for half an hour. After the period has passed, the mixture is removed and the strands are washed with shampoo.

The use of aloe vera oil protects curls from electrification in dry and cold weather

Mask for dull hair

You can use aloe vera oil to add shine to dull hair. The following mask has a good effect:

  1. About 15 g of honey is mixed with 15 ml of castor oil.
  2. Add five drops of aloe vera extract.
  3. Mix properly.

The product evenly treats hair from roots to ends. After half an hour, the remnants of the mask are removed using natural shampoo.

Anti-dandruff mask

Aloe vera has good emollient properties, and its oil eliminates flaking and itching of the scalp. For dandruff, use the following remedy:

  1. Mix 5 g of honey with 15 drops of aloe oil extract.
  2. Add 15 ml of calendula decoction to the ingredients.
  3. Stir until smooth.

The product is applied to the hair in the root area and left for 30 minutes. After the expiration date, the remaining mixture is washed off, but shampoo is not used.

Use in aromatherapy

Aloe vera oil has a mild neutral odor. Due to the lack of specific bright notes in aromatherapy, it is used very rarely.

However, the product can be used to treat the room for medicinal purposes. The vapors released by the oil have a slight sedative effect and calm the nervous system. Pouring aloe vera extract into an aroma lamp is useful for increased anxiety, a tendency to depression and sleep disorders.

Other uses

Aloe oil is used not only for facial skin care. The substance is useful for the body, hands, hair. Macerate is suitable for oral use for medicinal purposes. The oil form of the plant extract is suitable for improving the condition of eyelashes, eyebrows, and lips.

Eyelash and eyebrow care

Masks containing an oil form of the contents of succulent leaves will help strengthen hair, stimulate its growth, and get rid of dandruff.

Pure macerate can be rubbed into the hairs of eyelashes and eyebrows. This promotes recovery, nutrition, and improved growth. The hairs in these areas become denser, thicker, and shiny.

Improving lip condition

Succulent oil extract is an ideal lip care product. The product will help keep the skin healthy, promote rapid healing of cracks and eliminate flaking. Rubbing the substance is indicated for dry, chapped skin in any season.

Performing a lip massage to enlarge them or maintain youth with aloe oil will bring better results. The substance perfectly activates blood circulation and helps strengthen tissues. After such procedures, your lips will become juicy and attractive.

For medicinal purposes

For medicinal purposes, macerate is used internally or externally. It all depends on the problem at hand. Aloe oil is popular for treating:

  • skin diseases (psoriasis, eczema, dermatitis, fungus, herpes);
  • disorders of the digestive system (gastritis, peristalsis failures);
  • ailments of the genitourinary organs;
  • respiratory diseases;
  • pain syndromes of different nature.

Attention! When solving skin problems, the substance is simply rubbed onto the sore spots. In other cases, rinsing, lotions, and internal use help. In these cases, the macerate is combined with honey, herbal infusions, and water strictly according to the recipe.

For massage

For massage, aloe is used exclusively in the form of oil. With the help of this substance the condition improves:

  • endocrine system;
  • nerve cells;
  • regenerative abilities of the skin.

The massage is performed according to a standard scheme, but for a limited time. Initially, its duration should be up to 5 minutes. Once the skin gets used to aloe vera, the oil can be rubbed in longer. The substance is well absorbed and softens the skin. Aromatherapy massage involves the additional use of essential oils.

The advantage of the succulent is its anti-cellulite properties. This feature is provided thanks to:

  • exfoliation of dead skin layers;
  • hydration;
  • stimulation of blood circulation in capillaries;
  • strengthening the walls of blood vessels;
  • removing excess fluid from skin tissue;
  • healing of wounds and scars.

For anti-cellulite massage, the tincture is rubbed exclusively into problem areas. Agave is better suited for making massage oil. Among other subspecies of this plant, it has the most active anti-cellulite properties. The recipe for its use came from Egypt, where it was among the most common health care medicines. Agave oil is produced according to the following scheme:

  • the leaves of the plant are placed in a small container and ground;
  • olive oil and lemon zest are added to them;
  • the substance is infused, after which the remaining leaves are removed from it.

Before applying the oil, the skin is steamed. Then the substance must be rubbed in for 10 minutes, making gentle rotational movements. After this, the thermal effect should be ensured using clothing or a blanket. At high temperatures, beneficial substances are more active. If the oil is not completely absorbed, you should take a shower or bath.

Precautionary measures

When using macerate externally, the only contraindication may be individual intolerance. A reverse reaction during wound healing is possible.

Frequent procedures with high concentration substances during pregnancy and lactation are not recommended. Patients with oncology need to think about the appropriateness of use.

The substance is not used internally in its pure form. Macerate is used strictly according to the prescription, do not get carried away with such treatment. Overdoing it is fraught with impaired intestinal motility, kidney damage, and excessive growth of typical and atypical cells.

Contraindications and side effects

Contraindications to the use of ether are few, but you should familiarize yourself with them so as not to harm the body:

  • allergic reaction;
  • pregnancy and breastfeeding (only when taken orally);
  • prolonged constipation;
  • severe kidney damage;
  • oncological diseases.

Side effects are also uncommon. External use can only result in allergy symptoms - redness, itching, burning.

Internal use is more dangerous, especially if dosages are not observed: disturbances in the functioning of the kidneys, digestive system, and accelerated growth of tumors are possible. People with heart disease should be careful when taking the product - the product reduces potassium levels and neutralizes the effect of some medications.

Feedback on effectiveness

Aloe oil is not considered common. Consumers more often come across cosmetics based on this product and use the plant extract. In everyday life, natural leaves of the plant or ready-made extract are used. Cosmetologists do not neglect the oil form of the product. The substance is often recommended to eliminate various problems in the field of dermatology.

Negative opinion about the product.

The consumer is satisfied with the result of using the product.

The consumer praises the aloe gel.

Treatment of wounds and burns

Aloe has a bactericidal and wound-healing effect. Therefore, it is well suited for treating wounds and burns. To make the medicine, not only the leaves and juice of aloe are used, but also the root of the plant. Using these components you can make:

  • ointments;
  • compresses;
  • lotions.

If there is a wound, the sheet is cut off, after which it is longitudinally divided into two parts. The inner side is applied to the wound and fixed with a bandage or plaster. The leaf changes at least twice during the day.

Agave tincture is also used to heal wounds. To do this, the leaf of the plant is cut and crushed. Boiled water at room temperature and glycerin are added to the container. For greater effect, you can add 1 tsp. lemon juice. The mixture is stirred and infused in a dark place. The body oil will be ready for use after 24 hours. It is stored in the refrigerator and can be used for wounds and other skin damage.

A tincture for healing burns is more difficult to prepare. The leaves of the plant are cut and crushed in a small container, after which honey is added to them. The substance is thoroughly mixed and then placed in a dark place. It will take 1 month to infuse. After this, the mixture is used using compresses. If such a tincture is not available, freshly cut leaves are applied to the burns. But this method is less effective.

If you are unable to prepare the ointment yourself, you can purchase ready-made aloe-based medications at the pharmacy. Due to its healing properties, the plant is also used in tanning creams and ointments against insect bites.

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