Ringworm: an effective ointment for treatment


Ringworm (also known as microsporia) is a highly contagious fungal disease caused by the Microsporum fungus. It affects the skin, scalp and vellus hair, and rarely nails. Ringworm on the skin develops in animals and humans. The source of infection is most often a sick animal. At the same time, children are more susceptible to the disease, since they are more likely to come into contact with stray cats and dogs, which may be carriers of the fungus. In addition, the pH of the skin of adults is shifted to the “acidic” side, which prevents the fungus from actively multiplying. According to statistics, symptoms of ringworm are 5 times more common in boys than in girls.

Can I use ointments only?

Treatment for lichen is carried out over a long period of time, that is, at least a month. The ointments described in the previous section fight only the external manifestations of the disease. Therefore, it is important to use them not separately, but in combination with other drugs. This is the only way to not only relieve the symptoms, but also completely destroy the fungus.

Ointment is the main element of treatment, but it can only be used in the first days after symptoms appear.

Doctors usually prescribe pills. They serve both to prevent relapse and to destroy the cellular structure of lichen. Among the most common names are Orungal, Lamisil tablets.

A shampoo like Nizoral, Ecoderma or Sebozol can also support a patient whose lichen is localized on the head.

With comprehensive therapy, the first signs that the disease is receding will appear already in the first week.

It is worth explaining the consequences of refusing complex therapy. Ringworm can become chronic. And then temporary baldness on the head and unpleasant-looking crusts on the skin will appear as soon as the immune system weakens even a little. Yes, ointments, tablets, and shampoos are quite expensive. But saving on treatment is simply dangerous.

Reasons for development

The main causes of ringworm are contact with the pathogen:

  1. A child aged 4–11 years whose sweat reaction is predominantly alkaline.
  2. A child or adult with reduced immunity, the presence of scratches, scabs, microtraumas that can become infected.

Most often the carrier is an animal, less often a person. Infection also occurs through objects or personal belongings on which infected hairs, hairs or skin scales remain. Infection is possible through undisinfected hairdressing tools, through soil on which the causative agent of the disease can persist for up to 3 months, during processing of hay. According to statistics, up to 70–80% of cases of the disease occur as a result of contact with stray young cats and kittens.


Ringworm on the face and body appears in the form of pink or red circles raised 1-3 mm above the surface of the skin. The lesions are characterized by clear boundaries, while pale areas of skin with red dots are visible inside. These spots quickly increase in size. Their number is growing over time.

The skin inside the lesions becomes covered with a white crust, which peels and itches. Ringworm on the scalp is characterized by split hair and hair loss. As the number of lesions increases, they begin to connect and overlap each other. Ringworm on the body occurs with increased symptoms when the pathogen gets inside existing lesions, and new fungal rings form in them.

Hygiene measures when in contact with a sick person

If you or your child have touched a sick animal or interacted with a sick person, then you need to take immediate action.

  1. The sooner you wash away particles containing fungus from your skin, the less likely you are to become infected.
  2. Wash your hands several times with antifungal soap. The simplest remedy, which is available in almost every store, is cinnamon laundry soap, or better yet, soap with birch tar.
  3. Wash your entire body with this soap. Suddenly, particles of the patient’s skin got under his clothes. Do not use a hard washcloth. It leaves micro-scratches on the skin, into which fungus easily penetrates.
  4. To wash your hair, you must use an antifungal shampoo. For example, Nizoral. You can also use it as a shower gel.
  5. A modern remedy with a powerful antifungal effect is Citeal. Dilute it in a small container five times. You will end up with a foaming liquid that can be used to wash your hands and entire body.
  6. Lavender oil, tea tree oil and turpentine have an antifungal effect. They can be used to treat small areas of skin.

Also, five days after contact, it is advisable to consult a dermatologist. He examines the body with a Wood's lamp. If you do become infected, the disease can be detected in the early stages. This will help you quickly treat her at home and avoid going to the hospital.


It is not difficult to make a primary diagnosis if you know what ringworm looks like. To clarify the diagnosis use:

  • analysis of clinical data;
  • results of luminescent analysis;
  • microscopic studies;
  • sowing material.

In some cases, the source of infection is difficult to determine, since the incubation period ranges from 2 to 45 days. Symptoms may appear on the head, neck, arms, legs, including the palms, soles of the feet, groin areas and folds. Fungal infection causes itching, discomfort in the area of ​​inflammation, and creates psychological discomfort.


If you notice the first symptoms of ringworm, you should immediately go to the hospital. The effectiveness of treatment and the patient’s quality of life during it depend on the timely initiation of treatment.

Prescribed against ringworm:

  • antifungal drugs of systemic or local action. For large areas it is better to use ringworm preparations in the form of sprays, for small areas - ointments and creams;
  • hormonal drugs. They are prescribed for severe inflammation of the skin in combination with antimycotic agents;
  • glucocorticosteroids are necessary in cases where a secondary infection is associated with inflammation.

The main part of treatment is the use of local drugs. The decision on the need to use tablet forms of drugs is made by the doctor based on the clinical picture of the individual patient.

List of optimal drugs

The essence of the action of the ointments described in this table comes down to the destruction of the DNA structure of fungi. This leads to the fact that the reproduction processes stop, and the disease - and this can be lichen of any variety, including ringworm, pink and pityriasis versicolor - stops progressing. The preparations also contain wound-healing and antibacterial components. As a result, the infection stops developing, and its manifestations dry out, crust over and heal.

The list of ointments with the most successful composition and algorithm of action includes the following names:

Name of ointmentMain active ingredientManufacturer country
TerbinafineTerbinafineIndia, Russia, Belarus
ClotrimazoleClotrimazole (Сlotrimazolum)India, Poland, Russia, Ukraine, Moldova
Lamisil DermagelTerbinafineSwitzerland
Sulfuric ointmentPrecipitated sulfurRussia Ukraine

It should be said right away that treatment should not be limited to the use of external agents, that is, ointments, gels, sprays or solutions for rubbing into spots on the body. And even the most powerful medicines for lichen cannot completely destroy the disease. However, you need to know what functions drugs in this form of release can perform.


Terbinafine is used in the treatment of lichen planus, herpes zoster and ringworm. This medicine generally copes well with diseases that are caused by yeast, dermatophytes or molds. Terbinafine is sometimes used by dermatologists in the treatment of other diseases: ointments, sprays and creams have less strict indications for use than tablets. This is due to the fact that they are poorly absorbed into the blood, so they cannot cope with stronger infectious agents. Features of Terbinafine are:

  • is available not only in the form of an ointment, but also in the form of a cream, 250 milligram tablets, and spray;
  • the duration of treatment and dosage are determined by the dermatologist;
  • prices fluctuate between 55 and 867 Russian rubles.

There are a number of strict contraindications to the use of the drug, and they apply to all forms of release. So, it is not given to pregnant women, lactating women, people with liver disease, lactose intolerance, or weighing less than 20 kilograms. Terbinafine should not be prescribed to those who are allergic to the active substance and the main components of the composition.

Relative contraindications are alcoholism, tumors, endocrine diseases and the age of sick children less than 12 years.

Even a patient who seems to be able to use Terbinafine may experience complications. They are manifested by loss of appetite, nausea, weakness, jaundice, change in the color of urine and feces. Cholestasis, diarrhea, or an acute allergic reaction may occur. That is why pharmacists advise first consulting with your doctor.


Clotrimazole helps with fungal infections of the skin, and, as you know, most of the lichens belong to this category of diseases. It copes with mold and yeast fungi, dermatophytes and other pathogens that are sensitive to clotrimazole as a substance. It is usually used for nail fungus, diaper rash, fungal erosions, microsporia, candidiasis, trichophytosis. It regularly becomes the main remedy for pityriasis rosea. It is important to know that:

  • there are gel, cream, ointment, solution, suppositories and tablets with a digestible coating;
  • the ointment is applied to the areas affected by lichen one to three times a day for half a month;
  • prices start at 11 rubles, but usually the drug costs at least 112.

The only mandatory contraindication is hypersensitivity. But side effects cannot be excluded, manifested as burning, swelling of the treated area, the appearance of blisters, erythema, tingling sensation, peeling or other manifestations of skin irritation.


Mycospor is prescribed when the disease is caused by dermatophytes, corynebacteria, yeast-like or mold fungi. Thus, it helps with the superficial form of skin candidiasis, mycosis of the bones of the hands, pityriasis versicolor, interdigital dermatophytosis or acute mycotic lesions of the legs. The characteristics of the drug are as follows:

  • distributed as a solution in a glass bottle or ointment in a tube with a convenient cap;
  • the ointment is carefully and slowly rubbed into the lichen spot once a day;
  • the approximate cost of a pharmaceutical against fungus is 496-1532 Russian rubles.

The German drug is not prescribed during pregnancy, regardless of trimester. It is avoided in pediatric practice, and is also not given to those who are allergic to the slightest components of the composition. The instructions for the product note that the patient may be concerned about side effects. Usually these are swelling, painful pallor, blisters, itching, dermatitis, eczematous changes on the treated surface. As soon as therapy is stopped, adverse reactions will disappear. But it is not recommended to stop it.

Lamisil Dermgel

Lamisil Dermgel quickly destroys diseases caused by Pityrosporum orbiculare, that is, including lichen versicolor. It destroys skin fungal infections, manifested as mycosis of the feet, inguinal athlete's foot. The list of applications for Lamisil Dermgel is small, because it is absorbed only by 5%. It is important to know that:

  • The medication is produced exclusively in the form of a 1% ointment, which resembles a gel in consistency;
  • used for a week, once a day you need to rub Lamisil Dermgel into the area affected by lichen and the skin around it;
  • prices in chain pharmacies are about 567-796 Russian rubles per package.

The medicine is not prescribed if the patient is under 12 years of age, if she is a woman during breastfeeding or a person with hypersensitivity to the active substance. The drug is prescribed with caution to pregnant women. It is also not recommended for use in the postoperative period, when the body is especially weakened. Side effects are rare. No more than 3% of cases of use lead to allergic reactions, mild rash or angioedema. If the described symptoms appear, therapy must be interrupted immediately.

Fungicide Mycozoral

Mycozoral is called one of the most effective remedies for lichen. It is also prescribed by dermatologists for candidiasis, folliculitis, dermatophytosis and systemic fungal infections. The basic characteristics of Mycozoral include the following facts:

  • Shampoos, ointments and tablets are available on sale;
  • the ointment is applied externally and applied once a day, treatment lasts up to four weeks;
  • The average cost of a fungicide in different regions of the country is 254-706 Russian rubles.

The drug is prohibited for chronic or acute diseases of the liver and kidneys. It is not used if the patient has excessive sensitivity to the active substance. The ointment should also be applied with caution during pregnancy, old age, and disorders of the adrenal glands or pituitary gland. It should not be treated if the skin in the area of ​​the lichen spot is damaged or during lactation. However, exceptional situations are possible. Only a professional dermatologist can accurately understand whether Mycozoral is suitable in a particular case.

Side effects include acute headache, diarrhea, exacerbation of chronic diseases and general weakness.

Overdose occurs only if Mycozoral is taken orally. But even this medication can cause side effects. Patients often experience skin rashes, burning sensations, and hives. Contact dermatitis is occasionally observed. To eliminate unpleasant reactions, you need to either interrupt the course or carry out symptomatic treatment.

Universal Sulfur Ointment

The main indication for the use of Sulfur ointment is scabies. However, along with Chinese ointment, it is used in the treatment of lichen and related diseases. Sometimes it is prescribed for psoriasis, seborrhea, mycoses of various types, acne and sycosis. It is important that the therapy is comprehensive, otherwise there will be no effect at all. Remember, that:

  • the medicine is produced exclusively in the form of an ointment, distributed in small jars;
  • The product must be treated with the affected skin for five days;
  • the lowest price in chain pharmacies is 24-26 rubles.

The medicine is considered universal, therefore it is prescribed without a prescription, and without instructions from a dermatologist. It is only important that the patient is not allergic to the active substance, that is, to sulfur. In rare cases, local reactions may occur approximately where the product was applied. But they pass within a couple of days.


The main measures to prevent ringworm are careful adherence to hygiene procedures:

  • Using only your own towels and combs, preventing the child or adult from sharing them and using other people’s hygiene items.
  • After visiting swimming pools, bathhouses, and water parks, you should immediately wash with soap, wash and wash the items you used.
  • If someone in your home shows signs of ringworm, further infestation should be prevented. His bedding and underwear must be washed separately. All items are thoroughly washed and treated with disinfectants.
  • Preventing contact with stray animals, especially cats. According to statistics, about 50% of them are infected with microsporia or are its carriers.
  • The patient should be isolated from the team until complete recovery.
  • If there is a sick animal in the house, all surfaces must be treated with disinfectant solutions.

With careful prevention, ringworm may not appear in other household members.

Conclusions about the treatment of lichen

The appearance of lichen in a patient, regardless of gender and age, is always unpleasant. That is why you need to start treatment as soon as possible. Ointment alone is enough only if therapy began no more than two days after the moment of infection. If symptoms were noticed later, you need to include the drug in a comprehensive course. Ointments for fungal diseases have completely different compositions, prices and features of use. So choosing a pharmaceutical product will not be difficult. Especially if the patient consulted a dermatologist.

Popular questions about ringworm

How does ringworm manifest in children?

When lichen develops on the skin, pink round spots appear on the infected areas, which rise slightly above the rest of the surface. These spots itch and become covered with a whitish crust that begins to peel off. If the spots are located on the scalp, the hair within their radius breaks off and falls out.

How does lichen manifest itself in a child?

Ringworm is manifested by the development of spots of fungal infection, the number of which is constantly increasing. The spots increase in size and merge into asymmetrical patterns. A flaky crust forms inside the spots, from which scales infected with the fungus fall off. Secondary infection is possible when one spot begins to develop another.

What does ringworm look like in its early stages?

At the initial stage, ringworm looks like a pink spot of regular shape, raised above the surface of the skin by 1-3 mm. The spots can be localized on any part of the body - head, neck, arms, legs, stomach, back and even in the groin.

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