Which brewer's yeast is best for treating acne and boils?

To treat boils, brewer's yeast is used in both dry and liquid form. They say that this is one of the most effective ways to help fight the disease. Brewer's yeast not only relieves boils, but is a good preventive measure.

Brewer's yeast is effective in the treatment and prevention of boils


By nature, brewer's yeast is a fungal microorganism. They contain a large amount of useful substances. They are also rich in vitamins. Therefore, they are used to prepare many medicinal preparations. Their effectiveness is explained by the fact that they contain:

  • amino acids,
  • minerals,
  • fatty acids of a unique composition,
  • many vitamins, more than 10 types,
  • carbohydrates.

The scope of use of brewer's yeast is quite wide. They are used to make beer, wine and bread products. The fact of the therapeutic effect of this biological additive on the body has been proven. They have a positive effect in the treatment of a number of diseases, especially boils and furunculosis.


Proper nutrition is very important for furunculosis. It is necessary to include in the diet:

  • Oils – butter, unrefined vegetable.
  • Vegetables (except potatoes) and fruits.
  • Legumes rich in fiber.
  • Buckwheat.
  • Lean boiled meat.

During a diet for furunculosis, you should exclude from the menu:

  • Fatty, fried and baked foods.
  • Any cereal porridge, with the exception of buckwheat and legumes.
  • Chocolate and candies.
  • Carbonated drinks, lemonade.
  • Potatoes, pasta.

If abscesses appear in a child, you need to constantly monitor his stool during treatment. It should not become irregular.

Beneficial features

Taking brewer's yeast is beneficial because it helps:

  • normalize metabolic processes,
  • eliminate vitamin deficiencies,
  • replenish mineral deficiency,
  • improve digestion and gastrointestinal function,
  • get rid of toxins,
  • restore the functioning of the nervous system.

All this together is the prevention of a number of diseases, including boils. In addition to regular brewer's yeast, doctors recommend drinking fortified yeast. They contain additional ingredients that significantly expand their therapeutic effect.

If brewer's yeast is enriched with magnesium, then taking this drug will give the body vitality and energy. If you enrich this drug with zinc, the drug acquires antitoxic and antiviral properties. This has a preventive effect and prevents the formation of boils. In addition, the body becomes resistant to colds, which is often the cause of boils.

Taking the drug with iron helps get rid of anemia. If you add selenium, the aging process in the human body slows down.

Brewer's yeast can be fortified with other microelements

Effect of brewer's yeast on skin condition

Brewer's yeast is a fungal unicellular microorganism that is used to ferment sugar in the production of beer. A dietary supplement is not a medicine, but is used in traditional and alternative medicine.


  • proteins and essential amino acids;
  • vitamins of groups D, F, E, K, B;
  • microelements – magnesium, phosphorus, manganese, calcium, iron;
  • beneficial enzymes (glucosidase) speed up metabolism;
  • Ribonucleic acid (RNA) prevents cell aging.

Why you need to take yeast for chiria

Cause of furunculosisAction of brewer's yeast
Gastrointestinal tract dysfunctionImprovement of gastrointestinal motility, normalization of stool
Metabolic disorderImproved metabolism
Weakening of the immune systemStrengthening the immune system, saturating the body with vitamins and minerals


For medicinal purposes, doctors recommend drinking preparations with brewer's yeast after meals. If this is a pharmaceutical drug, then you should follow the instructions that come with it.

Often these biological additives are taken from breweries. They contain no additives and there are no instructions for use. Then it is recommended to drink this drug, following the following scheme:

  • adults should drink 2 tsp. yeast diluted in 100 ml of water (boiled),
  • reception is carried out for a month 1 time per day,
  • after this it is recommended to stop taking it for 2–3 months,
  • the course of treatment is repeated until complete cure.

It is also recommended for children to take brewer's yeast for boils, but the dosage must be reduced by half. It all depends on the child’s age and weight. Therefore, you must first consult your doctor.

Yeast is taken as a prophylactic against boils. The regimen is as follows:

  • adults should drink 1 mg 2-3 times a day,
  • children under 7 years of age should take the drug, the dose of which is 4 times less than for adults,
  • if the age of children is from 7 to 12 years, then the dose of the drug is halved.

You should know that squeezing out, much less opening, a chiri on your own is strictly prohibited. Since infection of nearby skin areas may occur, which will complicate the course and treatment of the disease. More serious complications are also possible.

Yeast tablets are sold in pharmacies

other methods

There are other folk remedies that are good for chirp. But before using them, you should definitely consult your doctor. Not all patients are indicated for “grandmother’s medicine.” When choosing treatment tactics, the doctor takes into account the individual characteristics of the body, as well as concomitant diseases.


At the initial stage of the appearance of an abscess, you can wet your finger with water, dip it in salt and gently rub it into the area around the boil. Repeat several times. The abscess may disappear to a small speck.

If a boil has already appeared or there are several of them, you need to moisten a cotton swab with vodka, alcohol or cologne, pour a pile of salt on top and rub it with a little force into the affected area. Let it dry on its own. The boil should dry out.


You need to pour 1 teaspoon of soda into 250 ml of boiling water. Let cool. How to treat abscesses with this solution? Need to:

  1. Soak a cotton pad with it.
  2. Apply to the abscess.
  3. Secure with a bandage or bandage.

During the day, the procedure must be repeated 2 to 3 times.

Baked onion and plantain

A very good remedy. Necessary:

  1. Bake the onion in the oven. It is advisable to do this in foil.
  2. Cut into 2 parts, let cool slightly.
  3. Apply a thick layer to the sore spot and leave overnight.

Usually after this in the morning only the rod remains in the wound, and the existing pus is drawn out. The rod must be removed very carefully, making sure to wash your hands with soap before doing so, so as not to introduce an infection into the resulting wound.

If the rod is not removed, do not pull it. Wash the plantain leaf and mash it. Lubricate the sheet with laundry soap. Attach the plantain to the rod. Leave until morning. The rod should come out.

Parsley root

You will need:

  • Grated parsley root - 2 tbsp. l.
  • Gastrointestinal fat – 2 tbsp. spoons.

Mix the ingredients and apply the resulting mixture to the affected area. Cover the top with gauze and compress paper. Fix.

At the same time, take a strongly infused decoction of parsley, 1 glass every 2 hours. The last dose of the decoction should not be later than 16 hours due to the diuretic properties of parsley.

Treatment mask

It’s not just taking yeast orally that helps get rid of boils. Masks that are applied to the affected area differ in their effectiveness. They are easy to prepare and the procedure can be performed independently. To prepare it you need the following ingredients:

  • 25 mg dried brewer's yeast,
  • Rye flour,
  • celandine in drops (take a few drops),
  • 100 ml of clean boiled water.

The water is heated, all components are mixed, with the exception of celandine. Flour is added as much as required to make the solution sufficiently thick and homogeneous. It takes time (usually a day) for the mixture to infuse sufficiently. To do this, it is composed in a warm and dry place.

Before applying the mask to the boil area, add a few drops of celandine to the mixture. The mask is applied for 25 minutes. After the procedure, everything is washed off with warm water.

Apply masks until the skin is cleared of boils. The effectiveness of using masks is quite high. Its results become noticeable after the first procedures.

Drops of celandine are included in the mask with brewer's yeast

Using honey cake for chiria

Honey cake for boils is prepared according to a certain principle:

  1. You need to take 1 teaspoon of chicken yolk and mix it with a spoon of honey.
  2. Add butter and flour to the resulting mixture. You should get a soft dough.
  3. The folk remedy is applied to the boil for several hours. For convenience, fix with adhesive tape.

Using the prepared dough, the following effects can be achieved:

  1. The infiltration stage decreases over time. The boil opens faster, which leads to an improvement in the patient’s well-being.
  2. Honey removes signs of inflammation and reduces discomfort in the area of ​​pathology.

It is advisable to alternate the use of honey cake with other folk or pharmaceutical remedies for the treatment of boils, wen, and carbuncle. The combined effect on boils can improve the course of purulent disease of the skin appendages.


Brewer's yeast is a natural product. Therefore, there are practically no contraindications to their use. The only condition under which you should stop taking the drug is allergic reactions.

Elderly people should use brewer's yeast with caution. This is explained by the fact that brewer's yeast contains a large amount of amino acids.

The drug should not be given to children under 3 years of age. Pregnant women should take brewer's yeast only after consulting their doctor.

There are diseases for which taking the drug is prohibited. This is gout and dysbiosis.

It is prohibited to take yeast with:

  • alcohol,
  • diuretics,
  • hormonal drugs,
  • contraceptives.

Alcoholic drinks do not mix with brewer's yeast

Special Recommendations

Take the drug according to the instructions. Yeast is a natural medicine and is practically harmless to the human body, however, the annotation indicates a number of contraindications.

Treatment of boils and furuncles with the drug is not recommended for the following indications:

  • risk of an allergic reaction to the composition;
  • renal pathologies;
  • age over 60 years;
  • atrophy of the nerves of the visual organs;
  • fungal infections of the body;
  • the child's age is less than 3 years;
  • gout;
  • pregnancy period.

If used incorrectly or if a patient with furunculosis has contraindications, a side reaction may occur, manifested in the form of an allergic reaction (itching or urticaria). An individual reaction in the form of rapid weight gain is also possible.

General information

The dietary supplement has a therapeutic and preventive effect on the body. With regular course use of the product, it will be possible to get rid of boils and other types of dermatological inflammation:

  • acne;
  • acne rash;
  • severe allergic reaction;
  • boils;
  • psoriasis;
  • eczema;
  • dermatitis and others.

In order to speed up the healing process and enhance the effect of the remedy, treatment should be supplemented with the use of medications for external application and a diet that excludes foods that increase the production of sebaceous gland secretions and accelerate the purulent process.

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