Psychosomatics: acne on the face - description, causes and solution to the problem

Acne in teenagers Acne on different parts of the body - on the face - on the nose - on the chin - on the cheeks - on the lips - on the chest - on the arms - on the buttocks - on the legs - subcutaneous Opinion of psychologists Treatment

The skin is our largest organ. And very sensitive, especially since it protects our body. It is also a reflection of all the internal experiences that occur within us. According to psychology, skin is one of the channels of nonverbal (non-speech) communication through which others can understand us. Our unresolved conflicts are expressed in the form of various diseases and very often in the form of acne. This disorder is included in the list of psychosomatic disorders, and in Britain psychotherapy was officially included in the acne treatment protocol.

Having learned the psychosomatics of acne, it is much easier to cope with it by working through internal conflicts and combining this process with competent cosmetic skin care. You can even carry out the diagnosis yourself, since even depending on the location of acne, the causes vary.

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Psychosomatics: the appearance of acne on the face

  • Stress or depressive situations can provoke the formation of adrenaline in the blood. This hormone affects blood vessels, narrowing them. This negatively affects the nutrition of the epidermis. Another hormone that can negatively affect the skin is cortisone . It slows down collagen formation and skin renewal.
  • Stressful situations have a bad effect on food digestion. toxins accumulate in the intestines . They negatively affect the condition of the epidermis.

Often occurs at a young age

  • There can be many germs on the skin. Even those that are considered opportunistic. With a weak immune system, microbes multiply quickly. This leads to acne and other skin diseases.
  • In addition, stress in the body activates the overactive functioning of the sebaceous glands. The pores begin to become clogged, creating excellent conditions for the appearance of acne and blackheads on the skin. What else does psychosomatics say about the appearance of acne on the face?

Comparison of psychosomatic acne and acne

Acne is one of the most common dermatological diseases that can bother a person not only in adolescence. Acne on the face is psychosomatically perceived as the result of accumulated psychological negativity and emotional stress.

The reasons why pimples appear on the face or body can be different, but they are all associated with stressful situations and mental imbalance.

The most common provoking factors include:

  1. Frequent or prolonged stressful situations cause disturbances in the functioning of the digestive system. She cannot fully digest food and extract all the necessary nutrients. Toxins begin to accumulate, causing acne.
  2. Depression and severe emotional shocks activate the production of adrenaline in the body. This causes a narrowing of the blood capillaries, a deterioration in the supply of blood and oxygen to the skin, as well as a slowdown in metabolism and the development of rashes.
  3. Emotional unrest and mental imbalance lead to disruption of the sebaceous glands and increased production of sebum. As a result, the pores become clogged, creating a favorable environment for bacteria and acne to grow.

Nervousness, irritability and sudden mood swings - such psychosomatic problems worsen not only the mental state, but also the condition of the skin in both women and men. The immune system weakens, provoking inflammatory and infectious processes in the body.

The psychosomatics of acne looks like this: when any stressful situation develops, a person directs all his strength to cope with it. In some cases, this means giving up your principles and beliefs. This causes a subconscious feeling of guilt and dissatisfaction with oneself, the external manifestation of which is acne on the skin of the face and body.

Psychosomatics of acne on the face: psychological causes

Among the most basic reasons for the appearance of acne, pimples, blackheads on the face, using psychosomatics, it is worth highlighting the following:

  • Emotional contact with mother is disrupted. When a person in childhood feels that his loved one does not like him, this leads in the future to the following - he develops acne on his face in adolescence, this is one of the first reasons according to psychosomatics.
  • Parents ignore their children's feelings. In this case, the reason can be considered the authoritarianism of mom and dad. They impose their own desires, principles, and forbid children to have their own interests, hobbies, and preferences.
  • Strong concern . Works in the same way as ignoring.
  • Dislike for your appearance. This often occurs in teenagers when children begin to depend on the opinions of other people.
  • Conflict within yourself. The occurrence of acne may indicate difficulty in establishing contact with people. For children in adolescence, this may indicate that they are afraid to interact with other teenagers of the opposite sex.


  • Benefit to your advantage. Sometimes a person tries to attract the attention of others, but he does not understand how to carry out his plans.
  • An attempt to become like a friend, an acquaintance. In such a situation, a person has an idol, he diligently tries to copy his appearance and habits. Over time, a person moves away from his own body; he does not perceive himself and his appearance.
  • Lack of patience. When solving problems, a person often abandons his principles, he simply gives up. The human psyche is not prepared for such a decision, and therefore does not want to put up with it.
  • Work-related problems. Acne often occurs in adult men and women who have changed jobs or are just joining a new team atmosphere. Tense emotions can cause skin problems. Acne also occurs if a person cannot find contact with the director or has a difficult work schedule.
  • Conflicts in the family . In this case, acne occurs in women. Constant coolness in relationships, daily scandals, misunderstandings between children - all this can cause acne.

Due to conflicts

  • Financial difficulties. Acne can be a problem for men. After all, it is more difficult for them to tolerate their own inadequacy.
  • Punishing yourself. After a person commits a bad deed, he feels guilty, and therefore unconsciously punishes himself.

Symptoms and signs of psychosomatic formations on the skin

Psychosomatic formations can appear on any part of the face and body - on the forehead, cheeks, nose, neck, shoulders or other skin.

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Depending on the location of the rash, such a rash has its own characteristic signs and features.

On the face

The main meaning of a small rash on the skin of the face is a negative or inadequate perception of any changes in life regarding the usual way of life, work or personal life.

If the acne on the face is large, this indicates a feeling of protest - both in relation to the world around you and to yourself. For example, this can happen after making some mistake.

Psychosomatics regards acne on the forehead as a result of fears of looking funny and ridiculous in the eyes of others, not meeting their expectations. Most often, people with a strong dependence on public opinion face this problem.

On the chin

Psychosomatics regards acne on the chin as the result of tense, conflictual relationships with loved ones.

Lack of mutual understanding with others leads to prolonged emotional instability, causing dissatisfaction with oneself and the outside world. The result is deterioration of the skin condition and the appearance of pimples and blackheads.

On the nose

If a person is worried about something for a long time, he may develop pimples on his nose. This is how psychosomatics connects anxiety and nervousness with acne in the nose area.

Around the eyes

Mental or physical fatigue, emotional stress, lack of proper rest - all this can lead to the appearance of pimples and small red rashes around the eyes. To solve this problem, you need to balance your work and rest schedule.

On the cheeks

Pimples on puppies in psychosomatics are a reflection of a deep feeling of loneliness, a feeling of uselessness and the absence of loved ones and relatives nearby.

Lack of support and prolonged loneliness are outwardly expressed in small acne on one or both cheeks.

On the lips and lower face

A pimple on the lip in psychosomatics is an expression of inner isolation, restraint and complexness.

This problem is typical for men and women who do not know how to express their feelings and show emotions, holding them back. This leads to emotional imbalance and deterioration of not only mental health, but also skin condition.

Acne on neck

Psychosomatic specialists regard acne on the neck in adults and children as the body’s response to some stressful situation. This could be a move, a change of place of work or study, separation from a loved one, illness or death of loved ones.

To get rid of acne, experts advise first of all to stop taking everything that happens around you to heart.

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You need to learn to understand that any change is the norm. It is common for every person to show emotions, but prolonged experiences and worries can negatively affect their health and appearance.

On the back

Acne on the back in psychosomatics is the result of an unbearable weight on a person’s shoulders. If he takes on many overwhelming obligations that he cannot cope with, a protracted state of stress develops.

Due to public opinion, external pressure, or personal responsibility, a person cannot simply refuse his obligations. This state leads him to a complete dead end; he feels the hopelessness of the situation, forcing the body to function on the verge of maximum stress. The natural result of such a burden is acne on the back.

On the lower back

Rashes on the lower back are typical for people with an overly soft, calm and trouble-free character.

Under the pressure of life circumstances, they feel defenseless. Internal tension and psycho-emotional instability result in acne in the lumbar region.

On foot

Psychosomatics considers rashes and redness on the legs as an external manifestation of the impossibility of realizing set plans and aspirations. This is the result of a feeling of one’s own unfulfillment, personal failure and difficulties in translating one’s plans into reality.

On the buttocks

In psychosomatics, pimples on the butt are an external manifestation of a feeling of dissatisfaction with oneself and the world around us, a feeling of undervaluation and humiliation.

On the chest

The main reason for the appearance of rashes and acne on the chest is depression and moral humiliation on the part of a person occupying a high social position.

Most often this is a manager at work, a dean at a university, or a teacher at school.

On hands

Unrequited love, lack of attention, love and intimacy with another person leads to dissatisfaction with oneself and life, stress and emotional tension.

Psychosomatics of acne on the face according to Louise Hay

Louise Hay is a popular author of books on psychology and psychosomatics. Its publications have been able to help many people cope with psychosomatic illness. The author's books are a real discovery in this area. One book contains a special table of diseases and the causes due to which they occur. There is also information regarding the appearance of acne.

Skin disease

So, the psychosomatics of acne on the face according to Louise Hay says:

  • When acne or pimples appear on the skin, this indicates that a person often has small outbursts of anger.
  • If there are acne on the skin, a person does not want to agree with himself. He doesn't respect or love himself.
  • When whiteheads appear, a person tries to hide himself and is embarrassed by the reflection in the mirror.

In the table you can find not only what causes problems on the epidermis, but also recommendations with which you can cope with them. This method should not be taken with irony. Since it was recognized even by official world medicine. Louise Hay is also called by many “the queen of affirmations”, because her table works accurately.

People who were seriously interested in this theory tried it. They claim to have achieved the following results:

  • Louise's advice helped them heal not only the body, but also the soul.
  • If you use the technique correctly, you can get more strength.
  • By following the author’s recommendations, you can cure not only acne on the face, but also other diseases.

From what?
To learn how to use the technique, first learn “affirmations.” It is in the table from the author's book. Repeat the words every day 2 times. You will be able to believe what you say. You will quickly notice results on your skin.

Psychosomatics of neurodermatitis in adults

Symptoms of neurodermatitis in psychosomatics are rather signs that may indicate the psychological nature of the disease. An adult with this diagnosis has the following characteristics:

  • a person is not able to “live” positive moments;
  • has high expectations;
  • having a passive life position with the inability to defend one’s boundaries;
  • painful reaction to criticism and disapproval of others;
  • constant tension, suspiciousness and caution;
  • pessimism and irritability;
  • touchiness;
  • self-rejection, irritation and anger in case of failures.

Psychosomatics of acne on the face according to Sinelnikov’s method

  • A dissatisfied attitude towards oneself and one’s own appearance is the main reason why acne appears on the face according to Sinelnikov’s method .
  • Acne usually occurs during puberty. It is precisely at this time that girls and boys have a question that concerns appearance and attractiveness. During this period of time, every rejection of appearance can be reflected on the skin of the face.
  • How much effort do young people spend in order to hide their “skin imperfections”, thereby improving their own appearance a little? Thanks to this illness, teenagers learn lessons about self-love and begin to accept themselves and their own sexuality as they are.


  • An unknown, new energy becomes the main basis of the lives of young people. This energy wants to leave the body, to go outside. But at the same time she is holding back, going deeper inside due to the influence of morality.
  • At a young age, it is very important that teenagers are supported by their parents. For example, some tribes even today use special initiation rituals.
  • During puberty, the sebaceous glands are actively functioning . But why is this necessary? This is because these glands lubricate the skin and improve contact. When acne appears on the face, the glands become clogged, and the inflammatory process begins.

It is important to cleanse your own consciousness, eliminate “dirty” and “inflamed” thoughts that may relate to sexual relations with the opposite sex.

  • It is necessary to open up to enter into a new life . You also need to calm down, perceive sexuality as a natural force of this world. Everything has its own time.

What psychological disorders occur with acne?

Experts distinguish several levels in the development of psychosomatic disorders in patients with acne50:

  1. initial features of the emotional sphere;
  2. conscious attitude towards illness;
  3. psychopathological reactions and conditions.

The first two levels are predisposing factors to the development of psycho-emotional disorders. Worries about skin disease (especially in adolescents and women) trigger a number of pathological reactions that cause the progression of the disease. Against the background of suspiciousness, embarrassment, social isolation, fear of communicating with the opposite sex, irritability and anxiety, patients develop the following psychopathological conditions50:

  • hypochondriacal disorders (anxiety, fear of having a disease/possibility of getting it);
  • dysmorphomania (pathological belief in the presence of physical defects, deformity);
  • pathomimia (artificial skin damage that the patient inflicts on himself to reduce emotional stress);
  • anxiety disorders (panic attacks, self-doubt, phobias);
  • depression (depressed, depressed, anxious, melancholy state, which is accompanied by a decrease/loss of the ability to enjoy any activity);
  • eating disorders (including anorexia nervosa).

Unfortunately, acne can even provoke suicidal behavior, which is especially dangerous for teenagers. Patients with acne that occurs against a background of neurosis (excoriated acne, stress rash) may develop schizotypal disorders. In many ways, the severity of psycho-emotional disorders is determined by the patient’s age, gender, severity of the disease, personal factors, as well as relationships with family and society. But, according to researchers, these are not all the psychosocial factors that influence the severity of emotional disorders in patients with acne.50

Psychosomatics of acne on the face according to the theory of Liz Burbo

The author of many books, Liz Burdo, claims that acne in a person can occur for several psychological reasons. This mainly happens due to blocking.

Depends on psychology

According to the psychosomatics of acne on the face, according to Liz Burbo, there are 3 reasons:

  • Physical . Basically, acne appears only on oily skin. Acne occurs during adolescence and disappears over time when a person turns 20 years old. But there are people who keep them. Acne vulgaris disappears after a few years. They leave no scars. But there are nodular acne that takes longer to develop and has unpleasant consequences. After all, they leave behind ugly scars.
  • Emotional . Acne on the face is a symptom of each person’s subconscious desire to alienate others, to prevent others from examining their appearance up close. This skin disease says that a person does not like himself, cannot love, respect himself.
  • Acne is a symptom of a rather sensitive, but at the same time, introverted person. Perhaps this is why we notice acne on the skin of young people who are too demanding of themselves and are ashamed of their appearance. They do not hide, but push others away from them due to their skin disease. Acne often appears in those individuals who, in order to please their family, try to be completely different from what they really are.
  • Mental . If you are a young person and have acne on your face, reconsider your attitude towards your appearance. Find out in your thoughts what prevents you from remaining the same person, showing individuality. Perhaps you want to become like your mom or dad. Or maybe, on the contrary, you don’t approve of your parents’ words and actions, you force yourself to be different from your mom and dad. In both cases you are not yourself. Ask your friends how they feel about you. Compare them and your own opinion. If you are an adult, but you still have acne on your skin, then mentally return to adolescence and analyze what happened to you then.

Reconsider your attitude

  • If your acne does not go away, then you are suffering from some kind of psychological trauma that you received when you were a teenager. Reconsider your attitude towards yourself. If acne occurs at an older age, it means that as a teenager, you suppressed some bad emotions within yourself. They may have been associated with an attack on individuality. Think about what happened to you when you were young.
  • Maybe your body is telling you that it's time to release emotions hidden somewhere deep in your soul that you are unable to suppress. To suppress any emotion, strength and energy are needed. Your body tells you to start respecting yourself and recognizing your own spiritual beauty.

Differential diagnosis

Psychosomatic rashes can have different characteristics and causes of appearance. First of all, it depends on the age of the person:

  1. Teenagers – at this age, the most common cause of acne is hormonal changes in the body of a teenager. But often they are combined with the development of an inferiority complex regarding one’s own appearance, the first unrequited love, and a feeling of uselessness. Stress and anxiety lead to increased sweating, which activates the rash - a kind of “vicious” circle develops.
  2. Adults - the main causes of emotional instability and deterioration of skin condition are financial problems, difficulties at work, deterioration of relationships with colleagues, children or spouses.

Men most often suffer from acne in the back area. They are not inclined to show emotions; they try to experience any stressful situations within themselves and not show their feelings to others. The result is acne on the skin of the back.

Girls, in turn, are more emotional, often even excessively. They take any exciting situation to heart, throwing out all their feelings and emotions in response to the most insignificant events. The result of excessive emotionality is acne on the face.

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Psychosomatics of acne on the face according to R.G. Hamer

  • Psychosomatics of acne on the face according to Hamer. He linked acne to the scandal of devaluing one's own appearance. Acne occurs in teenagers, when, as a rule, a girl or boy falls in love for the first time. A teenager wants to evaluate his own body and skin in order to understand how beautiful he is.
  • And here, depending on how much the child was told how beautiful he is, how his attitude towards his own appearance was formed , the child will be prepared to evaluate himself.
  • It is advisable to repeat to the child several times how beautiful he is, rather than to say once that his lips do not look like his mother’s, they are like his father’s, too narrow. And the child will remember his “narrow” lips for a long time, even when he grows up, until awareness gathers inside him, thanks to which he will get rid of the thought of such words.
  • Until awareness accumulates, and self-esteem about appearance does not increase, processes that are triggered by these worries will occur deep in the skin, which will continue during acne recovery.

From self-rejection

  • A vicious circle appears here. reduces self-esteem more The child begins to think that he is ugly, it is even impossible to look at him. The next wave of unrest occurs, and with it new pimples appear.
  • For a child in such a situation, there is only one way out - support from mom and dad , removing mirrors in the bathroom. If possible, the child can be taken to the sea for several days, where he will not think about the mirror.

Gel Azelik® – help with acne

Azelik® is a 15% azelaic acid gel that can be used to treat mild to moderate acne. The drug has the following properties5:

  • has an antibacterial effect against propionibacteria, epidermal staphylococcus;
  • contributes to the normalization of keratinization processes occurring in the follicles of the sebaceous glands;
  • reduces the level of free fatty acids in skin lipids;
  • has an anti-inflammatory effect, which is explained by a decrease in the metabolism of neutrophils and a decrease in their production of free radical forms of oxygen.

The gel is applied to previously cleansed skin in a thin layer with light rubbing movements (without using an occlusive dressing). When treating acne, it is recommended to use Azelik® gel 2 times a day5.


Psychosomatics of acne on the face according to Gilbert Renaud

  • Psychosomatics of acne on the face according to J. Reno. A talented man associates the appearance of acne with sexuality, which is characteristic of young people.
  • “Dirty” statements that enter the vocabulary of teenagers, hidden cigarettes from parents, secretly watched adult films, first kisses and hugs. It's shameful, but necessary.
  • The first acne is a reminder that the child is ready to enter adulthood, to become more sexual, which some consider shameful.
  • At one seminar with Reno, a woman who has 3 children decided to say: “My children have never developed acne. And all because we had a warm, trusting relationship with them, the children did not hide secrets from me.”
  • Great method against acne, right?

Psychosomatics of acne on the face: dependence on the place of occurrence

According to psychosomatics, facial acne that appears in a certain place on the face can have the following meanings:

  • Over the entire surface of the face. If the skin is completely covered with acne, this indicates that the person refuses to perceive himself as an individual. He is not satisfied with his own character, he is ashamed of his desires and actions.
  • In the forehead area. A person is demanding about his appearance. He wants others to take him seriously, so the person is considered quite responsible. He is afraid that he will seem funny from the outside.

Depending on the zones

  • In the chin area. Acne appears in this place if a person constantly conflicts with family members. This can knock him down. Acne on the chin worries vulnerable people who are highly sensitive. Sometimes acne appears on the face of these people if they simply do not get enough sleep.
  • On the nose. Acne on the most noticeable part of the face occurs in overly anxious people. If the pimple is located in the area of ​​the bridge of the nose, it means that the person has accumulated a lot of anger inside, which he has been trying to endure for a long time.
  • Around the eyes. Pimples under the eyes indicate that a person is tired and often experiences stress. Sometimes acne appears because a person tries to waste his own energy aimlessly.
  • In the cheek area. Acne appears on the cheeks if a person feels lonely, abandoned by everyone. It seems to him that someone is trying to put pressure on him, and therefore he does not notice joy in life. Hidden indignation boils inside a person.
  • On the lips, at the bottom of the face. Acne in this area occurs when a person withdraws into himself and becomes fixated on his own worries.

Accept yourself
To overcome acne, find companions. Discuss this problem with them, look for information on different forums. This way you will definitely find like-minded people who can share your grief and excitement.

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