Semolina mash and other ways to prepare semolina for fishing

Problems associated with acne are familiar to most people. Such rashes can take a long time to heal, become inflamed, fester, hurt and itch, and they also cause psychological discomfort when they appear on visible parts of the body.

Today, there are many home and pharmacy medications available in various forms designed to combat acne. Despite the rapid development of pharmacology, one of the most effective remedies against acne is still chatterbox.

This article discusses in detail the methods of preparing various versions of mash and the features of its use in practice.

When should you use an acne lotion?

The use of talker is recommended in the following cases:

  • The presence of minor skin lesions with acne;
  • Tendency to acne - in this case, the product helps to tone the skin and is used for preventive purposes.

When acne or extensive rashes appear, the mash is ineffective; in such situations, you need to contact a dermatologist to diagnose, determine the causes and prescribe complex therapy.

Important Note

You can always enhance the recipe for the above chatterboxes with an additional antibacterial agent. To do this, read the table below, find the main antibiotic and look for a drug that is marked with one (+) or several (++) pluses. This indicates how well the two products work together.

For example: chloramphenicol combines well with erythromycin, tetracycline and sulfonamide (streptocide), which means that you can add one of these antibiotics to increase the effectiveness of the chatter several times.

How is chatter beneficial for the skin?

There are many different recipes for making mash; using different components allows you to achieve the necessary results depending on the specifics of the problem that has arisen.

Among the positive properties that the product has are:

  • Elimination of existing rashes and reducing the risk of subsequent relapses;
  • Moderate drying of the skin;
  • Normalization of the sebaceous glands;
  • Providing a tonic effect;
  • Vitamin and mineral replenishment, taking into account the characteristics of the selected composition;
  • Stimulation of restoration processes in areas with damaged tissues;
  • Local impact directly on pathogenic foci.

Precautionary measures

  • People with individual immunity to the components of zindol are contraindicated for use.
  • Allergic reactions may occur in the form of skin itching, redness, and hyperemia.
  • Incorrect and excessive use of the drug can lead to skin dehydration, peeling, and increased sensitivity of the epithelial layer.
  • The drug is approved for use by pregnant and nursing mothers and infants.


Dermatologists speak positively about the drug cindol in the treatment of acne on the face. The drug has a pronounced anti-inflammatory effect, and positive results are achieved in alleviating the patient’s condition. The price factor is also important. The medicine is affordable.

When applying the suspension, albumin protein forms salts that actively resist inflammatory processes. Tsinadol has the property of denaturation, i.e. it reduces fluid secretions, relieves irritation and inflammation of the skin.

Proteins form a protective layer on the human body, which allows you to reliably block the access of infection to the source of inflammation. Under such a barrier, the source of infection is successfully eliminated.

This article is for informational purposes only, please consult your doctor for details!

Tips for use

It is recommended to use acne talker in accordance with the list of rules outlined below:

  • Before the procedure, it is necessary to thoroughly clean the treated areas ; for this, special alcohol-free products are used. Tar soap or skin care products containing casein are best suited for such purposes, since they do not cause drying and flaking;
  • The mash is applied to areas with acne using a sterile cotton swab or fingers , but excessive rubbing must be avoided, as this increases the risk of drying out the upper layers of the epidermis, which can subsequently provoke relapses;
  • The mash is applied to the face once a day ; it is better to choose the evening hours for the procedure;
  • When carrying out the procedure, you should avoid applying the mash to the area around the eyes and eyelids , as it can lead to unpleasant consequences;
  • When treating acne with talkative, sunbathing and the use of decorative cosmetics are contraindicated;
  • When completing the course, it is recommended to follow a dairy-vegetable diet ; fried foods and foods high in fat are excluded from the diet. Meals should be fractional, meals are taken 5 times a day;
  • The mash is stored in glass containers for no more than 1 month ; after the expiration of the specified period, the product must be disposed of. It is best to keep mash in the refrigerator, but not in the freezer;
  • The duration of the course is 1 month . It is not recommended to use the mash for a longer period of time, as this can cause drying and flaking of the skin, disruption of the sebaceous glands and the reappearance of acne, and will also cause addiction to the product, which will reduce its effectiveness. After taking a break of 2-3 weeks, you can take a repeat monthly course.

Cooking secrets

To make a healthy mash for the skin , you need to follow simple recommendations when preparing it.

To begin with, solid ingredients should be crushed to a powder state, then mixed with liquid ones, which are first combined in a separate container. Then all the ingredients need to be mixed thoroughly.

If you are using a recipe for acne mash from a cosmetologist for the first time, you need to adhere to the following rules :

  1. You should not use a blender or coffee grinder to grind tablets. As a result, bitterness may remain in the devices, which will be very difficult to get rid of.
  2. First of all, you should mix the liquids, then pour the powdered ingredients into them.
  3. To store the medicinal composition you need to use a glass container. The chatterbox should only be left in a cool place.
  4. Immediately after mixing, the bottle should be left for several hours at room temperature. At the same time, it needs to be shaken vigorously from time to time.
  5. For the first time, it is not recommended to prepare a lot of medicine. The fact is that the resulting composition may not suit your skin.

After applying the medicinal product to the face, the actions are different - it all depends on the composition of the mash.

Some drugs should be washed off with warm water, after which it is recommended to treat the skin with a moisturizer. Other products are left on the face.

Effective recipes for pimples for acne

The composition of the mash is selected taking into account the skin type and the nature of the rash. Let's look at the most effective and frequently prescribed formulations.

Chatterbox with Levomycetin

Levomycetin is added to many skin masks, tonics and other products for external use designed to combat acne.

It allows you to reduce inflammation, effects on local areas, and speed up the process of getting rid of skin rashes.

It must be remembered that Levomycetin is an antibiotic, so before using mash and other products based on it, you should make sure that there are no contraindications.

The mixture with Levomycetin and salicylic acid is good for fighting acne on oily skin.

The cooking recipe is as follows:

  • Mix 2% salicylic acid, boric acid and medical alcohol in equal proportions - 50 ml of each component is enough;
  • Add 5 grams of crushed Levomycetin to the mixture, mix thoroughly.
  • The resulting product is poured into a glass container ; it must be shaken before each use.

A mash recipe based on Levomycetin and Metronidazole has an antiseptic effect, eliminates dead skin particles and increased oiliness, normalizing the functioning of the sebaceous glands.

The cooking recipe is described below:

  • Crush and mix 10 tablets of Levomycetin and Metronidazole.
  • Dilute the dry mixture with 10 ml of boric acid and 40 ml of salicylic alcohol.
  • Mix thoroughly and pour into a glass container.

The use of all described options for talker with Levomycetin is allowed no more than 1 time per day. It is necessary to continue treatment until signs of inflammation disappear and the skin condition noticeably improves.

Shredder with salicylic acid

If it is impossible to use Levomycetin, it can be excluded from the composition, making salicylic acid the main component.

There are various ways to prepare such a mash; one effective recipe is described in detail below:

  • Mix salicylic and boric acid , sold in pharmacies in 40 ml bottles;
  • Pour the resulting liquid back into the bottles in equal quantities;
  • Half a teaspoon of any zinc-based ointment is added to one bottle , and the amount of sulfur ointment is also added to another bottle;
  • Treatment is carried out 2 times a day : in the morning, a salicylic acid-based mash with the addition of zinc ointment is used, and in the evening, a sulfuric agent is used.

Treatment using such a mash can speed up the healing process of damaged skin areas, relieve inflammation and eliminate oily sheen.

It can be used not only to treat acne, but also to eliminate various dermatitis, including those of allergic origin. The duration of the course is from 3 to 6 days and depends on the severity of the lesions.

Chatterbox with Streptocide and sulfur

Chatter with streptocide and sulfur is effective in the treatment of skin rashes caused by the activity of subcutaneous mites, purulent lesions and large red pimples.

The preparation recipe and rules for using the product are described below:

  • Mix 7 grams of Streptocide and sulfur and dilute 50 ml of 2% salicylic acid;
  • Add 50 ml of boric alcohol to the composition and mix thoroughly;
  • Skin treatment is carried out once a day after preliminary cleansing;
  • It is necessary to apply the mash using rubbing movements to improve the penetration of substances into the layers of the epidermis;
  • with a moisturizing effect must be applied to the treated areas of the skin
  • Such therapy should continue until there is a noticeable decrease in the severity of the rash , but with interruptions in use.

Chatter with Erythromycin and zinc oxide

The powder, which contains Erythromycin and zinc oxide, accelerates the healing process of damaged skin and effectively fights acne that occurs due to prolonged stress or hormonal imbalance.

It is recommended for those with oily skin to use the product, as it helps cleanse the pores of excess sebum and normalize the functioning of the sebaceous glands.

The product is effective only for moderately severe skin lesions.

The recipe for its preparation and features of use are described below:

  • Mix 4 grams of zinc oxide and Erythromycin;
  • The chatterbox is diluted with 50 ml of boric acid and the same amount of salicylic alcohol;
  • The mixture is thoroughly mixed , it should be applied locally to areas of skin with acne;
  • It is recommended to carry out the treatment shortly before going to bed ; 5-10 minutes after using the mash you will need to use a moisturizer.

Chatterbox with aspirin

The use of a mash with aspirin and Levomycetin is recommended when bacterial microflora gets into open pimples, since this product has a powerful antiseptic effect.

The preparation and application process is as follows:

  • Crush several tablets of Levomycetin and aspirin to a powder and mix;
  • Add 50 ml of ethyl alcohol and boric acid;
  • Treatment is carried out in the evening , preferably two hours before bedtime;
  • The product is applied pointwise to problem areas with light rubbing movements;
  • After the procedure, you should definitely use a moisturizing skin care product to prevent it from drying out;
  • It is necessary to continue using the mash until acute inflammation is eliminated , but not more than one month.

Chatterbox with Trichopolum

The use of a mash with Trichopolum and other drugs based on metronidazole allows you to dry out weeping pimples. The product has an enhanced anti-inflammatory effect and can be used to treat skin rashes of any type.

The recipe and instructions for use are described below:

  • The main component is metronidazole tablets , 4 pieces will need to be crushed to a powder;
  • The dry base is filled with 250 ml of 90% medical alcohol;
  • The resulting mixture must be kept warm and dark for 3 days , after which it can be used to treat acne;
  • Before processing, shake the container with the mash to dissolve the sediment;
  • The average duration of treatment is 3-4 weeks.

Chatterbox with camphor alcohol

Another product that has a good drying effect is a mash based on camphor alcohol; It is most effective when dealing with profuse small rashes.

The recipe and instructions for use are given below:

  • Pour powder obtained from 10 tablets of Streptocide and 4 tablets of Levomycetin into 80 ml of camphor alcohol;
  • Add 30 ml of 2% salicylic acid and mix;
  • treat acne and adjacent skin areas in the evening;
  • After the procedure, it is necessary to use a moisturizer , since camphor alcohol and salicylic acid increase the tendency of the skin to dry out;
  • It is not recommended to use mash prepared according to this recipe for more than 1.5 weeks ; after this time, it loses its medicinal properties.

Chatterbox with Clindamycin

The addition of Clindamycin and aspirin not only dries the skin and improves the functioning of the sebaceous glands, but also additionally eliminates and provides protection against bacterial infection, and reduces the severity of inflammation.

The mash prepared in accordance with this recipe is universal; it can be used to treat acne for those with any skin type.

The process for obtaining and using the product is described below:

  • Aspirin and Clindamycin are taken 4 tablets each and crushed to a powder;
  • The powder is diluted with 100 ml of a solution obtained by mixing boric and ethyl alcohol in equal volumes;
  • If there is pigmentation and other residual traces of acne, you can exclude ethyl alcohol from the composition , replacing it with an alcohol tincture based on calendula;
  • Treatment is carried out once a day , after the procedure the skin must be additionally moisturized;
  • You should use the mash until not only the inflamed pimples disappear, but also their traces , but it is worth remembering that the duration of the course should not exceed 1 month.

Chatter with calendula

An alcohol tincture of calendula can be used as a component of a mash to combat acne.

The plant is rich in antioxidants and various natural acids, which have a complex positive effect on the epidermis, helping to nourish, moisturize and stimulate regenerative processes.

One of the options for preparing and using calendula mash is given below:

  • Alcohol tincture of calendula can be purchased at a pharmacy , 100 ml will be enough;
  • Grind 8 tablets of chloramphenicol and 10 tablets of aspirin , pour the resulting powder into the tincture;
  • Add half a teaspoon of zinc oxide in powder form - this is an auxiliary component necessary to increase the effectiveness of the mash;
  • Mix all components thoroughly , keep the product in the refrigerator for 24 hours;
  • Treatment of acne and inflamed skin areas is carried out in the evening once a day , the duration of treatment is no more than 1 month.

Chatter with fruit acids

Fruit acid mash is popular due to its ease of preparation, but it is only effective in treating acne at the initial stage of its appearance.

The product will cleanse pores, eliminate excess sebum, reduce pigmentation, relieve inflammation, nourish the epidermis and provide it with the necessary set of vitamins.

The recipe and application are given below:

  • Mix freshly squeezed lemon juice with vodka in equal quantities; 2 tablespoons of each component is usually enough to treat the face;
  • The resulting product is used for application to problem areas and preventive wiping of the skin around them;
  • The procedure is carried out 1-2 times a day;
  • It is recommended to use a product with fruit acids for no more than a month , after which you should take a break of several weeks.

Chatterbox with Dimexide and Doxycycline

This version of the product has a rare odor; it cannot be used for liver and kidney diseases, some ophthalmological diseases, during pregnancy and lactation, for atherosclerosis and a tendency to an allergic reaction.

Despite this, the product will have a powerful antibacterial effect, in addition, dimexide allows other substances to penetrate into the deepest layers of the epidermis, which increases effectiveness in the treatment of subcutaneous inflammation, which is inaccessible to many external preparations.

The recipe and main features of use are given below:

  • You must first dilute the Dimexide solution with water in a ratio of 1:3 to 1:7, depending on the degree of oiliness of the skin. A concentration of 1:3 is used when the sebaceous glands are active; this product must be used with extreme caution so as not to cause chemical burns;
  • To 250 ml of Dimexide solution obtained from concentrate, add 20 Doxycycline tablets , crushed to a powder;
  • The components are mixed , the container with the resulting product is placed in the refrigerator for a day - it must be shaken every 2-3 hours;
  • Treatment is carried out 1-2 times a day, depending on the selected concentration of Dimexide solution and the resulting effect;
  • Duration – no more than 4 weeks.

After using any acne treatment, before applying the nourishing cream, it is recommended to wipe the skin with a piece of ice and chamomile.

As a bonus - other recipes based on semolina

Boiled porridge

Boil 100 ml water in a small saucepan. Slowly add semolina, stirring all the time. Cook for half an hour over low heat without boiling, stirring the mixture all the time. Leave it warm, wrapping the pan in a towel. Knead the warm mass by hand until a homogeneous composition of the “soft plasticine” state comes out. Cool to 25͒C.

Boiled boiled

2 tbsp. semolina pour 100 ml of water. Bring the mixture to a boil. Cool in air. Knead by hand until smooth. Boiled mash is great for making balls.

Then pour a drop of unrefined sunflower oil into the plastic mass, knead it thoroughly, form balls, lightly fry them in a frying pan until golden brown, boilies will come out.

To prepare this recipe right at the fishing spot, it is optimal to take a spirit lamp or dry alcohol, sifted semolina, select an accessible tank, then cook the mixture over an open fire.

How to make a rubber chatter from semolina for fishing, suitable for catching roach, bream, rudd and other fish - video recipe:

Is it possible to buy a ready-made acne powder?

Ready-made mash with different compositions can be found in pharmacies; the most popular product today is Propeller based on salicylic acid and zinc. The cost of a 25 ml bottle is 100-120 rubles .

To treat acne, Tsindol solution is often used - if it is kept at rest for a long time, a zinc precipitate is observed, which can be used as a mash, the average price of which is 100 rubles .

Propeller Tsindol

Contraindications to the use of acne talkers

The main contraindication for the use of talkers is individual intolerance to the components included in the composition.

Before using such products to combat acne in childhood, as well as during pregnancy or breastfeeding, prior consultation with a specialist is always required.

Talkers that contain Levomycetin or other antibiotics have an extended list of contraindications.

They are not recommended for use in the following cases:

  • Diseases of the hematopoietic system;
  • Severe liver or kidney damage;
  • Age under 12 years;
  • Pregnancy and lactation.

Advantages and disadvantages

Both home and pharmacy remedies have both advantages and disadvantages.

The advantages of this tool include the following:

  • Low price. The medicines included in the composition are inexpensive. Basically, the finished mixture costs no more than 100 rubles.
  • Easy to prepare. You can prepare the product in a few minutes; you just need to mix all the medications according to the recipe.
  • Easy to use. It is easy to use the mash; you just need to apply the mixture to the affected areas of the skin that have been previously cleansed with soap.
  • Helps quickly and effectively get rid of acne and superficial inflammatory processes. The effect, although not great, will be visible after the first use.
  • Several drugs can be added to the mixture, which will be most effective when interacting with each other.

It also has the following disadvantages :

  • It is not stored for a long time; generally, the shelf life of the finished mixture is 1 day. If the product is purchased at a pharmacy, the pharmacist prepares the dosage form before dispensing it to the buyer.
  • The product does not penetrate into the deep layers of the epidermis; it acts only on the surface layer of the skin.
  • If there are inflammatory processes of moderate or greater severity, then this suspension will not have an effect; it must be used in combination with drug therapy.
  • It is necessary to use the product for an average of 2 weeks, the skin is treated 2 times daily. Some users note that using the mixture for such a long time causes inconvenience.
  • If the drugs in the suspension are chosen incorrectly, then there is a risk of a negative reaction; there will be no effect from such a mixture.
  • If a person has a dry skin type, then this product is not recommended due to the fact that some medications contained in the suspension dry out the skin.
  • The existing disadvantages are mainly associated with the incorrect selection of drugs for the suspension. Therefore, it is recommended to strictly follow all the doctor’s instructions.

Side effects of acne talkers

In some cases, the use of talkers to treat acne can cause the following side effects:

  • An allergic reaction to components from the composition - it may be accompanied by severe itching, burning, redness of the treated areas, local swelling;
  • Drying of the skin and severe peeling.

Both side effects can worsen acne problems or cause complications, so if they occur, you should stop using the product and seek help from a dermatologist.

How to plant

When catching crucian carp with this bait, small hooks No. 14 are suitable; you can also use models with a spring. You need to install the talker according to the following instructions:

  1. Squeeze out a little bait and fix it on the sting.
  2. Now you need to press on the syringe plunger and wrap the hook all the way to the ring; the tip can be hidden or left open.

If the chatter is in a jar, then you just need to use a stick instead of a syringe and apply the bait according to the same principle.

The more turns, the tighter the bait will be, and therefore the tighter it will sit on the hook. You can also change the direction of winding the talker at different angles. Some fishermen first plant pearl barley or maggots, and then wind semolina on them.

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