Provocateurs of acne and wrinkles. 8 Products Your Dermatologist Doesn't Recommend

Even the most useful product, consumed in large quantities, becomes poisonous. In the case of skin, this statement is truer than ever. For example, red berries (strawberries, cherries) can cause rashes, irritation and unpleasant itching.

So for the skin (as well as for other organs, especially the gastrointestinal tract), moderation is important. But there are also products that have a bad effect on the condition of the epidermis in any quantity. They can cause acne, irritation, and even worsen wrinkles. has compiled a list of the eight most dangerous.


Sugar, especially refined sugar and in large quantities, is harmful to the entire body. It causes significant damage to the skin as well. If you eat a lot of sweets, then the B vitamins we need, which are deservedly called beauty vitamins, will not be absorbed. They are useful not only for skin, nails, hair, but also for the stable functioning of the nervous system. Sweets also interfere with the absorption of calcium and magnesium. If there is an excess of sweets on the table, there is a chance of becoming nervous and developing chronic fatigue syndrome.

Finally, sugar in large quantities in the diet destroys collagen, the protein responsible for the elasticity and appearance of the skin.

Unsweetened sweet death. What unobvious foods contains sugar? More details

Causes and treatment of acne

Acne develops when the skin produces too much oil. This excess oil causes skin cells to become stuck inside the pore. Bacteria from the skin combine with oily and dead skin cells to form a red, inflamed bump.

The causes of acne are different for each person. Research shows that acne can be passed on genetically. But they can appear at any age, regardless of whether people have a family history of acne or not.

If a person has acne, they may first try over-the-counter products that contain salicylic acid or benzoyl peroxide.

If the skin does not improve within a few weeks or worsens, you should consult a dermatologist. Failure to treat acne can lead to scars on the face and body and emotional distress.


Disputes about the benefits and harms of milk and dairy products do not subside. On the one hand, milk contains a lot of calcium, which is so necessary for bones and stable heart function, on the other hand, not all people are able to digest lactose and milk sugars.

Milk contains a large number of different hormones, often these are anabolic steroids, similar to those used by bodybuilders for muscle growth. Lactose stimulates the synthesis of insulin, and this hormone enhances the effect of steroids on the skin.

Drinking milk and ice cream can cause acne on the face. Milk triggers the process of increased sebum production, which clogs the pores, causing acne to form.

Fermented milk products can also have a negative effect on the skin, so if you have a problem with acne, dermatologists recommend giving up all dairy products, including cheese and yoghurt, see how the skin clears up, and then gradually introduce cottage cheese, kefir and other fermented milk products into your diet. And look at the reaction of your skin. If some product harms her, she will immediately show it with new formations.

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How can poor diet cause acne?

Normally, sebum is secreted by the skin to maintain its protective functions, as it is an important component of the hydrolipid mantle and protects the epidermis from dehydration and negative environmental fusion. With increased work of the sebaceous glands, problematic skin secretes excess sebum, which clogs pores and creates a favorable environment for the development of bacteria and the appearance of blackheads.

In order for the skin condition to improve and acne relapses to decrease, it is important to regulate sebum production, normalize the function of the sebaceous glands and nourish the skin with missing vitamins and elements - a diet for the treatment of acne will do this perfectly.

By solving the problem from the inside, the diet will help the entire body as a whole, and a pleasant bonus to clear skin will be a noticeable improvement in overall well-being. Remember that every body is individual and, if possible, together with a nutritionist, create a personal nutrition plan aimed at combating rashes.


A large amount of salty food affects the condition of the skin, this will be especially noticeable on the skin around the eyes.

Salt contributes to the formation of swelling and bags under the eyes. In addition, a large amount of salt slows down the absorption of nutrients and vitamins.

So you need to try to keep within the WHO recommended 5 grams of salt per day. Please note: just because you don't add salt to your food doesn't mean it isn't there. For example, it can be found in corn flakes, baked goods, and sausages.

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Drinking coffee without worsening acne

There are several ways to enjoy your coffee without it negatively affecting your acne. Such methods are given below:

  • Consuming less caffeine overall: People can do this by buying decaf coffee or drinking coffee much less frequently. However, they should be aware of other drinks such as tea and energy drinks that may also contain caffeine. The Food and Drug Administration (FDA) recommends no more than 400 mg of caffeine per day, or 4 to 5 cups of regular coffee. However, some people are more sensitive to the effects of caffeine and should consume much less than this amount.
  • Reducing sugar: This can be achieved by adding less sugar to your coffee, as well as reducing or eliminating sugary sodas from your diet.
  • Reducing low-fat or skim milk: You can do this by replacing milk with dairy cream, or using whole milk.


It is most often made from white flour, sugar is added, and a lot. White flour contains gluten, which is not recommended for people with sensitive skin. This plant protein damages the mucous membrane of the small intestine, which causes inflammation, indigestion, and impaired absorption of nutrients.

Gluten is found in wheat, rye, oats and barley.

In addition, vegetable oils are often used in sweet baked goods, which also disrupt intestinal function and affect the absorption of vitamins. As a result, the sweet bun can result in rashes, irritation and dehydration of delicate skin.

Why do acne appear?

We are sure that you already know very well what products you need to avoid so as not to become the owner of a “sugar face” with acne, but still, let’s once again separately go through the participants in our anti-hit parade.

Sweet drinks. Consumption of carbonated drinks, sweet fruit drinks, tea with sugar, coffee with caramel syrup leads to a sharp increase in blood sugar, and therefore to the occurrence of acne. What to replace: water, green or herbal tea that has an antioxidant effect (white tea, Chinese green teas, milk oolong, chamomile).

Confectionery. It's no secret that most often in confectionery products you can find a combination of low-quality saturated fats with a large amount of simple sugars and white flour. These are foods with a high glycemic index, they have a minimum of nutrients.

Alcohol. It directly affects hormone levels. One of the direct causes of acne is an imbalance in testosterone or estrogen levels. In addition, people who are prone to drinking alcohol often cannot cope with stress, which also affects the hormonal system and, as a result, leads to skin problems. Try to avoid alcohol during acne treatment. It is strictly forbidden to drink wine and stronger drinks while being treated with antibiotics.

Chips and other snacks. These foods, high in salt, sugar, saturated fat and flavor enhancers, combined with high calorie content, have a way of causing addiction and, as a result, health problems.


Another product that helps dehydrate the skin. In addition, coffee contains the hormone cortisol, which stimulates the sebaceous glands and can cause inflammation. That’s why coffee often causes acne, not only in teenagers, but also in adults. In addition, under the influence of large amounts of coffee, the skin ages faster, as collagen production decreases.

Coffee etiquette. Which drink option is better for health? More details

Is it possible to get rid of acne if you exclude foods that cause acne* from your diet?

The list of foods that cause acne* is very long. In fact, each body can react individually to junk food. In some patients, while consuming sweets, the clinical picture changes, in others it remains the same.

Dermatologists consider the nutritional factor as potentially influencing the development of acne, but do not dwell on it alone. To the main treatment of acne, the doctor can add a diet as an auxiliary measure, but in general, anti-acne therapy should be medicinal.

One of the drugs that can be prescribed for mild to moderate acne is Azelik®5 gel. Its main active ingredient is azelaic acid; the base contains auxiliary components, including the emollient squalane, which softens and moisturizes the skin5,1.


Cottage cheese causes acne: truth or myth?

The same product, medicine, folk remedy always has 2 sides. In therapeutic doses, many of them are undoubtedly useful, but exceeding the dosage causes a variety of negative reactions in the body.

This also applies to the composition of a particular product. Low-fat cottage cheese is not harmful and can be consumed in unlimited quantities. On the contrary, a high percentage of oil content can worsen the skin. Cottage cheese causes acne if it is very oily. This also applies to cream, sour cream, and some types of cheese.

What should lovers of an invigorating drink do?

However, you can minimize the effect of coffee on human skin if you adhere to the following rules:

  • Drink instant coffee as little as possible, as it contains many chemical additives. Drink more coffee beans or ground coffee;
  • It is safest to drink a black drink without sugar or cream;
  • consume hormone-containing tablets with coffee as little as possible;
  • use high-quality cosmetics;
  • Buy coffee from well-established manufacturers in the store and make it a rule to drink no more than two cups of an invigorating drink per day.

Coffee can not only bring pleasure to a person, but also harm his body. In particular, it can easily cause acne if a lover of an invigorating drink does not care much about the condition of his skin. Knowing and following basic rules when drinking a drink can significantly reduce the risk of acne.

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Dairy products contain sugar in the form of lactose. Whole milk leads to the appearance of inflammatory elements in people prone to acne, and when drinking heavily, it promotes additional glycation of proteins in the skin.

Fermented milk products are considered healthier, but in some patients they can cause an inflammatory reaction.

Milk substitutes made from soy, buckwheat and oatmeal also contain a large amount of fast carbohydrates, so these products should be equated to sweet drinks and consumed as rarely as possible.

Unsweetened sweet death. What unobvious foods contains sugar? More details

Is it possible to eat cottage cheese if you have acne?

Nutritionists recommend adhering to strict dietary restrictions if you have a skin rash. It is acceptable to eat cottage cheese for acne if the fat content does not exceed 3%. Other varieties, including homemade products, should be excluded from the diet.

It is important to understand that cottage cheese is one of the least dangerous among dairy products. When consumed in moderation, it provides many beneficial properties and ensures a healthy state of the body. But if there is a direct relationship between the consumption of cottage cheese and the occurrence of acne, you should limit or completely abandon its consumption, making up for the lack of necessary substances with special vitamin complexes or nutritional supplements.

How to remove acne

Unfortunately, acne treatments often include actions that only further contribute to the development of acne or are simply useless.
What can and cannot be done about acne? It is forbidden:

  • touching the face (picking, squeezing out pimples) - this leads to the appearance of scars and post-inflammatory spots;
  • self-medicate (go to the pharmacy, buy products “on the advice of experienced people” and apply them to the skin);
  • go to the solarium, sunbathe. This reduces the skin's immunity and provokes new rashes;
  • visit the sauna and swimming pool;
  • use scrubs;
  • use ultrasonic brushes like Clarisonic.

Need to:

  • visit a dermatologist, gynecologist and gastroenterologist;
  • follow a diet;
  • cleanse the skin properly - use daily products that promote exfoliation and have an anti-inflammatory effect;
  • protect yourself from the sun;
  • use drying masks.

Menu for the week

A menu that will help normalize the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract. Everything you need from Monday to Sunday.


  1. In the morning you need to prepare oatmeal. In addition to this, you need to eat fresh fruits. You can drink tea (unsweetened).
  2. For lunch you should prepare soup with chicken broth, boil an egg and drink tea.
  3. For dinner, it is best to cook fish with vegetables. You can add bread. Brew and drink rosehip decoction.


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