How to remove dandruff in children and what this disease is

Dandruff in an adult is usually considered as a cosmetic problem that causes only some aesthetic discomfort. But when it comes to the child, the mother will certainly sound the alarm when she sees abundant white flakes on the shoulders of her child. In fact, dandruff occurs much less frequently in children than in adults, which is due to fewer negative factors in a child’s life that contribute to the development of this disease. In teenagers, dandruff is often a temporary phenomenon caused by a hormone imbalance.

How to remove dandruff from children and why dandruff appears in general - let's try to figure it out in our article.

Why does dandruff occur?

Usually the skin on the head is renewed within 26-28 days. But sometimes cells, not having time to mature, die. This phenomenon is called hyperkeratosis. In this case, small white scales are formed - dandruff. There may be several reasons for such a failure. How

As a rule, this is the active reproduction of fungi Pityrosporum Ovale, which live on the skin of every person and, under certain conditions, begin to actively colonize the scalp. Incentives for their activation can be:

  • nervous overstrain (spasm of skin vessels disrupts the nutrition of hair follicles);
  • overheating (especially important for infants if the cap is put on even when it’s warm);
  • disruption of the gastrointestinal tract;
  • metabolic disease;
  • unbalanced diet (deficiency of vitamin A and vitamins B, E, fiber);
  • seborrhea;
  • frequent use of a hairdryer (skin becomes dry);
  • incorrect selection of shampoo;
  • incorrect hair washing technique (no need to disturb the hair too much with active chaotic movements);
  • too hot water when washing hair (can cause hyperactivity of the sebaceous glands).

It is often very difficult to give a definite answer regarding the exact cause of dandruff. We can definitely say that the hereditary factor plays an important role.

Anti-dandruff medicated shampoo for children

Perhotal shampoo with ketoconazole [11] does not contain toxic carcinogens or skin irritants, so it can be recommended not only for adults, but also for children. The safety and effectiveness of this shampoo have been proven by clinical studies, the results of which can be found here: It is worth noting that this product is inexpensive and even with severe seborrhea, 8-12 procedures per month are enough to get rid of unpleasant symptoms: dandruff and itching. For treatment, Perhotal with 2% ketoconosal is used, and for prevention, 1% shampoo is used, which is applied to the head once a week for a month.


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This text is not an instruction for use; it is necessary to consult a specialist.

Why dandruff appears in babies and what to do about it

Peeling of the scalp is a fairly common occurrence in infants. Perhaps the reason simply lies in incorrect care using low-quality shampoos or washing your hair too often. But what if the source of the scary flakes is not shampoo or daily bathing?

Indeed, an allergen can also be a provoking factor for peeling. In this case, exfoliation will be accompanied by itching and redness of the scalp. If the baby is breastfed, the mother should probably carefully analyze her diet.

Infestation by parasites can also cause dandruff, for example with helminthic infestation or pediculosis, as well as skin pathologies such as eczema and seborrhea. By the way, the latter is the culprit of dandruff in infants in the vast majority of cases. The fact is that the sebaceous glands have not yet adjusted their work, and the immune system has not yet strengthened: the sebaceous glands are not working correctly, and the immune system is not yet able to protect the baby’s body from the activation of pathogenic microorganisms in favorable conditions.

If you can cope with seborrhea on your own by applying oil to the scalp and patiently, carefully combing out the softened exfoliated crusts with a soft special brush, then in case of itching or redness, it is better to consult a trichologist.

The structure of the skin and its appendages

Skin is a part of the body that performs many functions:

  1. Protective. A function that protects the body from harmful influences - chemical, mechanical, hypothermia and overheating, etc.
  2. Respiratory. The surface of the skin makes 2% of the total “breathing” of the entire human body.
  3. Regulatory. Mineral and water balances, thermoregulation (due to sweating) are carried out by this function.

The skin consists of three components:

  1. Epidermis is the outer layer.
  2. The dermis, that is, the skin itself, is an intermediate layer (connective tissue). The dermis is the support for blood vessels, nerves and skin appendages.
  3. The hypodermis is the layer that lies deeper than the others.

Hair, sebaceous, sweat glands are skin appendages on the head.


Several layers make up the epidermis. Cells originate in the basal layer, some of them continuously move towards the stratum corneum, changing their appearance along the way and, at the final stage, losing their nucleus. By the end of the movement, these cells become keratinized, nuclear-free scales that form the stratum corneum.

These scales are constantly replaced by others that rise from the basal layer. This is how skin regeneration or renewal occurs. Melanin, which determines the color of hair and skin, is produced by cells located in the cuticle. And the immune system of the skin is macrophages.


A set of bundles of connective tissue and elastic fibers, which is the dermis, helps maintain the shape of the skin, that is, stretch and contract without visible changes.

Here are located:

  • nerves;
  • hair follicles;
  • vessels;
  • sweat and sebaceous glands.

Sweat creates comfortable thermoregulation and removes dangerous substances from the body. The sebaceous glands have an equally important function. They produce sebum, which protects against hypothermia and drying out, and prevents the dermis from cracking.


The layer that is located deeper than the others. This is where blood vessels and nerve trunks are located. The thickness of the hypodermis on the head is about 2 mm.

Dandruff in a teenager: causes and treatment

Among the most common reasons leading to the death of epidermal cells of the scalp of a teenager, experts note:

  • a sharp change in hormonal levels;
  • unbalanced diet;
  • “experiments” with alcohol and/or cigarettes;
  • stressful situations.

It is possible and necessary to eliminate any of the above factors, except for hormonal changes in the body. However, if this does not bring results, you should consult a trichologist or dermatologist, who, using laboratory methods, will be able to determine the cause and prescribe treatment, give advice on the choice of shampoo, diet, and possibly prescribe auxiliary homeopathic medications that will improve immunity and normalize work gastrointestinal tract.

Types of oily dandruff

Oily dandruff not only makes hair unattractive. In advanced forms, this disease activates hair loss and significantly worsens the condition of the skin. The curls look repulsive - the strands, as if smeared with oil, shine and emit an unpleasant odor.

Trichologists distinguish between two types of oily dandruff - thick and thin. Let's look at each form of seborrhea in more detail.

Thick form of seborrhea

The main symptoms of thick dandruff include:

  • Skin thickening.
    The skin becomes less elastic, and an unhealthy brownish-gray color of the face and scalp appears.
  • Enlarged openings of the sebaceous glands.
    Hair is oily, coarse and stiff.
  • Blackheads.
    With oily, thick dandruff, the excretory ducts of the sebaceous glands begin to expand and become clogged with sloughing skin cells. Characteristic comedones appear, which release thick sebaceous masses when pressed.
  • Sebaceous gland cysts
    occur in advanced forms of oily dandruff and require surgical treatment. When opened, cysts release a mass similar to cottage cheese. The doctor opens the inflammation and pumps out the pus.

A thick form of oily dandruff without proper treatment can provoke infectious pustular skin diseases, for example, folliculitis, boils, hidradenitis, acne and others.

Liquid form of seborrhea

The liquid form of oily dandruff manifests itself in the following symptoms:

  • Oily skin.
    The shiny scalp resembles an orange peel, the pores are enlarged and stand out profusely.
  • Oily hair shines
    and sticks together into unpleasant strands. The curls are so saturated with sebum that they look like they are greased with oil.
  • Skin scales gradually begin to cover the hair
    , and the head constantly itches.
  • Hair loss.
    In severe forms of liquid seborrhea, active baldness begins.

The liquid form of oily dandruff, like thick dandruff, can cause the formation of pustules, boils and other skin diseases. In some cases, untreated seborrhea provokes the formation of age spots.

In severe cases of oily seborrhea, strands begin to stick together, hair actively falls out, and the dandruff flakes themselves become clearly visible to people around them. In such situations, you need to contact a trichologist or therapist, who will prescribe tests to identify the root cause of the disease and prepare a course of treatment with hormonal medications, vitamin-mineral complexes, and antimycotics for oily dandruff.

Diagnosis of oily seborrhea

The symptoms of oily dandruff are obvious. Even a person far from medicine can recognize the disease, but an accurate diagnosis must be made by a dermatologist or trichologist. In addition to a visual examination, the doctor will prescribe hormone tests to the patient to determine an effective course of treatment.

Prevention of dandruff in children: prevention is easier than cure

Preventive measures that will help reduce the likelihood of an unpleasant disease occurring should include:

  • organization of proper nutrition;
  • organization of proper sleep and wakefulness;
  • maintaining hygiene: do not wear other people’s hats, use only your own comb, preferably made of natural wood, and regularly replace it with a new one;
  • be in the sun, but in moderation - ultraviolet rays kill the fungus, but dry the skin.

Characteristic symptoms

Regardless of the cause, the symptoms of the disease are always typical:

  • white or yellow scales of the epidermis on the skin and hair. In this case, dandruff may take the form of small flaking scales or large crusts that cover large areas of the head;
  • itching The symptom is characteristic of both mild and severe degrees of the disease;
  • signs of skin irritation. A characteristic manifestation of a severe form of the disease.

Sometimes dandruff reveals itself not as a set of signs, but only as one symptom, and it can be difficult to independently determine the degree of development of the disease.

How to eat to avoid dandruff

The child must necessarily consume vitamins such as A, B, E, and fiber with food. This is found in foods such as potatoes, bananas, bran, brewer's yeast, carrots, and greens. Particular attention should be paid to vitamin B - it is the lack of this vitamin, as well as zinc, that most often causes dandruff. It is not for nothing that in Soviet times, children were given fish oil rich in vitamin B.

Explain to your child that it is important to avoid fatty oil products that cause hyperfunction of the sebaceous glands. This list includes: fried meat, sausage, chips, crackers, French fries. In addition, sweet carbonated drinks, packaged juices, mayonnaise, and fast foods are harmful. Unfortunately, in practice, parents often fail to convince their child that such food is harmful to the body. A visit to a trichologist can be an effective way to solve this problem, because often the doctor looks more authoritative in the eyes of a child when talking about the dangers of fast foods.

A child’s daily diet must include fresh vegetables and fruits, meat, dairy (fermented milk) products, whole grain bread, seeds and/or nuts, and herbs. In winter, you can give multivitamin complexes.

Summarizing all of the above, we conclude that dandruff is not a particularly dangerous disease. However, the child’s immune system is not yet capable of providing reliable protection, and “white snow” on the hair and shoulders should serve as the first “bell” for parents, forcing them to carefully analyze some aspects of their child’s life.

A competent trichologist will undoubtedly help you make such an analysis comprehensively and with correct conclusions. At the MediLife clinic in St. Petersburg, you can get a consultation with a trichologist at any time convenient for you by making an appointment. High professionalism and an individual approach to the patient will allow you to solve the problem in the most optimal and loyal way.

Prevention of oily dandruff

Trichologists say that the predisposition to oily dandruff is inherited genetically. However, the risk of the disease can be reduced if you take some preventive measures:

  • Wash your hair no more than three times a week
    using high-quality cleansing shampoos. It is better if the product contains zinc, tar or salicylic acid. Remember that shampoos with aggressive ingredients can cause itching and activate the growth of oily dandruff fungus.
  • Surprisingly, ordinary carrots
    are an excellent means of preventing dandruff. This vegetable contains vitamin A, which prevents the development of seborrhea. Don't forget about this red-haired beauty at lunch or dinner.
  • Remember, hair needs to breathe.
    To avoid oily dandruff, do not wear hats or wigs indoors. You should also wear hats or panama hats outside only if you are suffering from heat or cold.
  • Healthy sleep and physical activity
    will have a beneficial effect on the condition of the head.
  • Don't forget about a healthy diet - following a balanced diet will strengthen your hair and normalize your metabolism. Less fatty, fried, salty foods, more fruits, vegetables and dairy products, and your hair will thank you.

Many patients, complaining about lack of time, decide not to deal with the problem of oily dandruff. This approach is fundamentally wrong. Chronic oily seborrhea can cause dermatitis. Clots of fat completely clog the gland ducts, the scales begin to peel off, the skin becomes inflamed, abscesses and boils develop. Try to start treating oily dandruff on time, and you won’t be faced with frightening problems.

So, now you know how to cure oily dandruff and prevent the disease from occurring. Remember, it is important to eliminate the cause of seborrhea, and not just eliminate the unpleasant external symptoms. We wish you and your hair health!

Diagnosis of the problem in the clinic

Before you begin treating dandruff, you need to determine its causes. All questions can be accurately answered only after a detailed diagnosis.

At the initial examination, the SM-Cosmetology doctor determines the size and nature of the scales, examines the scalp to assess color changes, the presence of plaques and scratches. In addition to a visual examination, the doctor refers the patient to a biochemical blood test, the results of which will allow us to look at the problem more broadly and, possibly, identify hidden causes.

If there is any doubt about the diagnosis, a histological examination of a skin biopsy is indicated, in which biological material is taken from the affected area and examined under a microscope.

Seborrheic dermatitis in children


Seborrheic dermatitis is a serious pathology associated with dermatological problems. The disease is characterized by the fact that patients experience severe redness of the skin, followed by itching, flaking, the formation of hard scales, and even the discharge of pus in the affected areas of the body. The main locations of the disease are the head, ears , shoulder blades, upper chest , and the area between the nose and lips.

This disease occurs in people suffering from problems with the functioning of the sebaceous glands. Because of this, the level of subcutaneous fat, as well as its quality, changes greatly. Subsequently, the surface of the epidermis becomes vulnerable and the most favorable place for the development of fungus and other harmful organisms.

Description of seborrhea in children

This disease is a serious danger, because it can provoke the occurrence of other, more severe diseases. And at the same time, it is also very difficult to fight the disease, since often medications alone will not be enough for this, because patients will be required to strictly follow a diet and give up bad habits.

But the disease will be even more dangerous for children, since the immune system at an early age is very weak and vulnerable. Therefore, treatment will require more complex and drastic measures to prevent the occurrence of similar pathologies.


Seborrheic dermatitis in children does not always occur due to physical infection, because this disease can also be transmitted genetically from parents. Therefore, mothers and fathers who have previously suffered from this problem should warn their child in advance and take appropriate measures.

It is quite simple to identify this disease by the characteristic scales on the child’s body, which have a rough structure and a yellow tint. And in the initial stages of the disease, small, pronounced circles with a black tint form on the body at the epicenter of the source of infection.

Dermatitis also be identified by the presence of dandruff on the baby’s head, but unlike the standard problem, the epidermal flakes will be much larger and more voluminous.

Causes of seborrheic dermatitis in children

According to statistics, more than 50% of babies suffer from this disease in the first months of life. This is due to disruptions in the hormonal system, which negatively affect the functioning of the immune system and protection from external threats. Seborrheic dermatitis in an infant can be provoked during the period of intrauterine development if the mother has hormonal problems at all stages of pregnancy .

Disruption of the system also occurs in children during puberty, since due to major changes in the body, the immune system and its protective functions are greatly weakened. Therefore, teenagers are very vulnerable at this time.

Other reasons for the development of the disease should be highlighted, such as:

  • genetic predisposition;
  • vulnerability to allergic reactions ;
  • disturbance of intestinal ;
  • the presence of chronic or infectious pathologies;
  • a long course of taking medications that can greatly weaken immunity ;
  • problems with the stomach and digestive system;
  • poor child care, violation of hygiene rules;
  • pregnancy complications ;
  • improper feeding;
  • prolonged stay in environmentally polluted places.

Symptoms of seborrheic dermatitis in children

Severe redness on the scalp, on the shoulder blades, face and even in the groin. This symptom can be identified by a characteristic shade of grayish color, with black dots in the center of the source of infection. The following symptoms may also be present:

  • severe itching;
  • the formation of yellow scales in places where the disease is localized;
  • presence of large dandruff on the head;
  • oily hair color;
  • discharge of pus in damaged areas;
  • fragility and hair loss.

Seborrheic dermatitis on the head of a child is classified into several categories, according to the severity of the disease:

  • dry - occurs when the efficiency of the sebaceous glands decreases, due to which the surface of the epidermis dries and forms rough scales that easily peel off;
  • greasy - occurs when the secretion of organic secretions is too active and is characterized by giving the skin and hair an oily tint and structure. In later and more severe stages, ulcers or acne ;
  • mixed - the most complex type of disease, which can simultaneously combine the symptoms of oily and dry seborrhea ;

Treatment of seborrheic dermatitis in children

Self-treatment of the disease is not recommended, as this may lead to the risk of complications. Initially, you should consult a dermatologist who can perform an ultrasound and find the main cause of the disease.

As for treatment, it mainly focuses on normalizing the functioning of the sebaceous glands, since in most cases they contribute to the formation of the disease. If seborrhea on the head in children, treatment occurs not only with the help of medications, but also with the use of a special shampoo, which will help prevent the spread of the fungus and will help restore damaged skin.

If the child is already a teenager, then you should additionally build a diet in such a way that the diet does not contain fatty foods, fast food, and instant food. Adding spices, salt and hot sauces negatively affects the treatment processes.

Prevention of seborrheic dermatitis

If the disease has been successfully defeated, then it is too early to relax, because to further protect the baby, a set of preventive measures should be carried out. These include:

  • mobile and active lifestyle;
  • compliance with personal hygiene rules;
  • maintaining optimal temperature conditions in the house;
  • removing things from the room that can cause allergic reactions ;
  • proper and regular feeding;
  • strengthening the immune system through good sleep and walks in the fresh air;
  • use of medicated shampoos and soaps.

Published in Dermatology Premium Clinic

Possible complications

Violation of the rules for using medications, delaying treatment, and incorrectly prescribed therapy contribute to the development of unpleasant complications:

  • allergic rashes, irritability of the skin;
  • severe hair loss, baldness;
  • the appearance of crusts and scabs on the skin;
  • large-scale damage to the integument by fungi, bacteria, problem areas can be seen on the hands, face and body.

Children are characterized by mobility and susceptibility to dermatological diseases. The task of parents is to protect them as much as possible from attacks of harmful infections, start treatment in a timely manner, and prevent relapse in the future. Remember, dandruff is a signal of a malfunction in the body that requires attention and appropriate treatment, otherwise harmless “snow” in the hair will result in a complex problem.

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