How to make aloe lotion at home: recipes, proper use and contraindications

Aloe arborescens is native to South Africa.
In the desert areas of the region, you can often find this plant on rocky soil or among bushes. In many other countries, aloe is widespread as an indoor flower. This heat-loving plant, confidently located on almost every windowsill in our homes, has truly amazing medicinal properties.


In home cosmetology, aloe is widely used in skin care. The pulp, or rather the juice of the agave, contains a complex of nutrients, vitamins and antioxidants that have a beneficial effect on the skin, healing minor wounds, nourishing and moisturizing the skin.

The juice of this plant, when used regularly, relieves acne, dries out inflammation, relieves skin irritation, eliminates puffiness and helps smooth out fine wrinkles.

That is why in today’s article the Beauty Pantry decided to talk about what aloe lotions can be prepared for daily facial care.

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Useful and healing properties

Aloe juice is unique in its composition, due to the increased content of minerals and vitamins. Has an active healing effect on the body as a whole, including the skin :

  • enhances cell nutrition;
  • has antibacterial and anti-inflammatory effects;
  • inhibits age-related destructive processes;
  • creates an additional flow of oxygen;
  • prevents neoplasms;
  • facilitates getting rid of acne and pimples;
  • promotes healing of cracks and wounds;
  • removes swelling and bruising in the eye area;
  • intensely nourishes and moisturizes the skin;
  • reduces the manifestations of eczema, dermatitis and psoriasis.

You can read about the use of aloe in cosmetology in a separate article.

Aloe lotion for acne. Does aloe help with acne?

The source of the healing power of aloe lies in the leaves of the plant, and only freshly cut ones are used: the juice secreted by the leaves is healing during the first three hours.
After just two or three hours, the juice becomes practically useless and cannot have the desired effect.

But fresh aloe juice is not only good for getting rid of small blackheads and small pimples: it can also draw out pus from inflamed pimples in just a few days.

Regardless of the type in which such a product is used (masks or lotions), in the vast majority of cases it is more effective than expensive medications.

The main thing is to use the product in certain correct proportions.

If you do not grow indoor plants, you can purchase medicines that use aloe juice at any nearest pharmacy, but you should take into account the nuances:

  • Only drugs containing more than 20% aloe juice will be effective against acne. All other remedies are suitable only as preventative measures.
  • Medicines may contain other ingredients that cause allergic reactions.
  • To combat acne, only the complex use of several pharmaceutical products based on aloe juice can help, which always leads to additional financial costs.

It follows that the best option would be to use natural aloe juice - it effectively fights pimples and acne and has virtually no side effects.

How to apply?

  1. Apply the lotion to previously cleansed facial skin. We skip the eye area with thin and vulnerable skin. We wipe the neck and chest.
  2. For prevention, it is enough to apply the lotion once a week. For medicinal purposes, the cosmetic is applied every day. The course lasts one and a half months.

Important! Before using aloe lotion for the first time, you must make sure that you are not allergic to the plant.

Aloe Vera at home. Aloe Vera in nature and at home

Before aloe conquered our window sills, settling there under the name "agave", its habitat was hot countries - South America, Africa and the island of Madagascar, the Arabian Peninsula.

True, we might not recognize the plant if we met it in its natural environment - it is very different in appearance from the flowers we are used to with watery-green leaves. Wild specimens reach fifteen meters in height, shoot a long arrow from a rosette of leaves, at the end of which you can see a fiery red or bright yellow flower. Unfortunately, some species, such as Aloe Helena and Aloe Suzanne, are facing extinction.

In countries where aloe is grown professionally, entire hectares are planted with it (approximately 15,000 plants per 1 hectare), and the leaves are collected no more than three times a year. The use of pesticides to fertilize the soil is strictly prohibited.

Botany includes more than five hundred plant species. At home we can grow aloe vera, aloe vera and others. They are about equally easy to care for.

Types of aloe

  1. Aloe Vera (Barbados). The plant has a short stem on which there is a rosette of succulent and hard leaves. It forms an inflorescence like a brush and forms a peduncle up to 90 cm long. It blooms with yellow and sometimes red flowers.
  2. Aloe arborescens. The tall stem of the plant forms many shoots and has narrow and fairly succulent leaves.
  3. Aloe folded. A small tree with a short trunk, on which elongated leaves grow in the amount of 10–16 pieces.
  4. Aloe is awesome. The plant is distinguished by fleshy and thick leaves, with small red-brown thorns. It blooms with scarlet flowers collected in a spike-shaped inflorescence;
  5. Aloe spinosa. A distinctive feature of the plant is its large, numerous and thick leaves with soft and transparent thorns. A white border runs along the edge of the leaf blade.

Which product should I buy?

Aloe Cleanser

The lotion is suitable for all skin types . Suitable for application to the skin around the eyes. Cleans well. The skin becomes velvety and oil-free, ideally prepared for applying cosmetics.

Moisturizing micellar water "Aloe and cucumber"

The product is completely safe as it contains no alcohol. Suitable for all skin types. Ideally cleanses, moisturizes and nourishes facial skin. Actively saturates it with vitamins, tones and softens. Relieves inflammatory processes.

Activator lotion with Aloe Vera

Particularly suitable for sensitive skin with signs of irritation and inflammation, as well as oily and combination skin. Used pure and diluted with water.

Important! Skin care should be daily. In addition to lotion, it is necessary to use a cream that matches your skin type, and also apply nourishing masks 1-2 times a week.

Advantages and disadvantages

Natural lotion:

  • high concentration of juice,
  • no preservatives.

Cosmetic product:

  • ease of use;
  • high efficiency;
  • long shelf life.

For medicinal purposes, it is better to use homemade lotion . For prevention purposes, use proven cosmetic products. Remember that natural lotion has a short shelf life. Take into account the “addictive effect”, take breaks: use it for a month, rest for a month.


The secret of the high effectiveness of aloe as a medicine is in its unique composition. This is truly a rich cocktail of biologically active substances. The viscous greenish liquid with a pronounced herbaceous odor contains:

  • antioxidants (vitamins C, E, etc.) – protect cell membranes from the destruction of free radicals and slow down the aging process;
  • minerals and trace elements : potassium, magnesium, iron, phosphorus, zinc, copper, manganese – regulators of intracellular metabolic processes;
  • B vitamins – substances that directly affect the condition of the skin;
  • retinol – helps fight pigmentation, regulates the activity of the sebaceous glands;
  • phytoncides - natural antibiotics that are destructive to fungi, bacteria and other microbes;
  • amino acids – building materials necessary for new healthy cells;
  • organic acids – improve subcutaneous blood circulation and work as exfoliators;
  • tannins – regulate blood clotting, act antibacterial and anti-inflammatory.

Interestingly, fresh aloe juice is less valuable than that obtained after preliminary preparation of the leaves. I'll tell you how to do this correctly a little later.


Since aloe juice has an effect on the body as a whole, contraindications must be taken into account. Do not use preparations with aloe in the following cases:

  • menstruation and cystitis;
  • liver diseases;
  • pregnancy and breastfeeding;
  • cardiovascular diseases;
  • stomach ulcers;
  • exacerbation of chronic diseases.

On the pages of our website you can find out how aloe cream is useful and what skin it is suitable for, as well as how to use this plant for acne or against wrinkles.

Using the recipes and recommendations given in the article, you will help your skin look fresh and healthy.

Aloe lotion for wrinkles. Tricks of use

How to use aloe for the face against wrinkles to get maximum effect?

  • You can simply wipe your face with aloe pulp.
  • Make masks with the plant and other ingredients that are effective against wrinkles.
  • Apply the pulp of the plant to the eyelids like patches.
  • Use in juice as a lotion.

It should be remembered that the juice of this plant cannot immediately eliminate deep age and facial wrinkles. Along with the use of this product, it is necessary to regularly do special massages and gymnastics, and take daily care of your face.

But aloe juice does an excellent job of treating fine wrinkles and helps slow down the process of aging of the skin of the face and neck due to the fact that it saturates it with moisture and nutrients.

The natural preparation can be added to massage mixtures. This will help cope with sagging skin and make it more toned.

Aloe for wrinkles can be purchased at a pharmacy; it is sold in ampoules that are convenient to use on the face. But still, fresh juice is much healthier and better to use, but pharmaceutical aloe extract can help if there is no plant in the house.

If you want to completely rejuvenate your skin, it is useful to use the juice of this plant internally. But for this you need to consult a doctor, because he has contraindications, and the wrong dosage can cause negative consequences. Therefore, the quantity and duration of treatment with aloe should be selected by a specialist.

And the external use of aloe juice is in any case very useful and effective against wrinkles and imperfections!


Aloe extract has a wide spectrum of action.


  • inflammatory processes on the epidermis (acne, eczema, psoriasis, dermatitis: seborrheic, atopic, allergic);
  • uneven skin tone (pigment spots, redness);
  • dryness, peeling;
  • excessive secretion of sebum;
  • age-related changes in the skin (decreased tightness, elasticity, sagging, wrinkles, creases);
  • violation of the integrity of the epidermis (wounds, burns, abrasions).

The extract is also indicated for preventing skin problems and maintaining a healthy appearance.

Aloe boasts an anti-inflammatory effect. That is why it will be relevant for acne. Apply the product directly to pimples with a cotton swab three times a day.

Dermatologist Emily Altman

Preparing the tincture

Alcohol tincture of aloe juice is best suited for oily skin types. The principle of preparing the product is very similar to the homemade gel version, only here alcohol acts as a preservative. The tincture is prepared as follows: take an agave leaf, remove the pulp and pour it with alcohol - 1:2, then leave in a dark place for a week. The resulting tincture can be used for problematic and oily skin as a lotion that helps remove acne. This recipe is not suitable for women with dry skin.

Agave tincture should be prepared from mature leaves, the optimal age of which is four years and above.

DIY face moisturizer

This natural cream is absolutely fabulous. Its texture is reminiscent of heavy cream. Lemon and orange esters add an incredible citrus aroma. Almond oil soothes irritation and moisturizes. Jojoba acts as an antiseptic and kills bacteria. Beeswax retains moisture and has antioxidant and anti-inflammatory properties.

You can take any esters, I recommend lemon (antiseptic and antibacterial) or orange (soothing).

You will also need a hand mixer to make the mixture smooth.


  • Fatty oils: 2 tbsp. sweet almonds + 2 tbsp. jojoba
  • 1/3 cup aloe vera gel
  • 1 tbsp. beeswax
  • 10 drops of your favorite essential oils

1. Heat almond, jojoba and beeswax in a water bath for 2-5 minutes. They should melt and mix.

2. Pour the mixture into a narrow container and cool to room temperature.

3. Combine aloe gel with essential oils.

4. Start beating the cooled mass with a mixer. Add the gel mixture little by little (you may not need all of it). Beat until you reach the desired consistency. The process takes about 10 minutes.

5. Place the finished product in a glass jar with a lid and place it in the refrigerator.

If you have problems making the cream, here are some recommendations.

The consistency turned out to be liquid:

  • lack of beeswax, you need to pour in a little more;
  • added too much almond butter, you need exactly 2 tbsp. If you accidentally increase the dose, balance it with the same amount of jojoba;
  • When whipping, they rushed to pour out all the aloe, but it turned out to be too much.

The gel does not mix:

  • It is necessary to cool the oil mixture to room temperature and only then combine. They must be the same temperature;
  • it may need more time to whisk.

You need to store the finished aloe in the refrigerator in a dark box so that it does not oxidize. You only need a small amount to cover the entire face area. Therefore, a jar will last you for several months.

Preparation of raw materials

Proper preparation of raw materials is very important. At this stage, a base is formed, the basis of a useful mixture or mask. The main thing here is to choose the right leaves.

There are several simple rules for selection and preparation:

  • You need to choose the thickest, fleshiest leaves, slightly dried out at the ends, but without visible damage. There should be no signs of rotting;
  • To obtain the most beneficial juice, the plant should be stopped watering 10 days before cutting;
  • Leaves must be cut off near the stem, closer to the ground;
  • Rinse with plenty of warm, running water;
  • Dry;
  • Wrap in paper or cotton cloth;
  • Place in the refrigerator for 10 - 14 days. Leaves should be placed so that they are as far away from the freezer as possible;
  • After the required period has passed, the leaves must be removed;
  • Throw away those that have shriveled or darkened;
  • Rinse others again, remove thorns and thick skin;
  • Squeeze thoroughly until the juice releases. You can squeeze it manually or using a meat grinder.;
  • Be sure to strain the juice through cheesecloth;
  • Pour into bottles, preferably dark glass;
  • Store in the refrigerator or in a cool place away from sunlight;
  • The juice retains its beneficial properties for 10-14 days, so it should be used as a medicine against acne as quickly as possible.

The juice must be prepared no later than 3 hours after unloading the plant leaves from the refrigerator. When using a meat grinder, the primary mass should be put in the refrigerator for an hour and a half and only then squeezed out, and through double gauze.

This way you can get biostimulated juice, which is much healthier for the skin.

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