The main reasons why the face turns red (6 photos)

Almost every person dreams of having beautiful, healthy skin. An impeccable appearance makes us attractive and gives us confidence. Problem skin with various rashes, inflammation, redness produces the opposite effect. As a result, a person experiences discomfort and loses self-confidence. The so-called “red face” in women is a fairly common phenomenon. There are many factors that can cause this problem. Often the reason lies in the disruption of internal organs. In such cases, the phenomenon is not only aesthetic in nature, but also represents a symptom of the disease. What is redness on the face, the causes of the phenomenon, prevention, treatment, this will be discussed further.

Redness on the face

Why does redness occur on the face?

If a problem arises such as a red face in a woman, the reasons may be the following:

  1. Emotions. The most common phenomenon is redness of the face due to strong experiences (stress, anxiety, depression, fear, shame, the presence of complexes and other psychological problems), due to which dilation of blood vessels on the face occurs.
  2. Physiological reasons. In this case, redness appears and disappears quite quickly. Over time, the problem does not get worse and does not require treatment. Most often, such redness occurs in women. Physiological factors may be the following:
  • Exposure to cold wind.
  • Washing with cold water.
  • The influence of high temperatures (walking in hot weather, visiting a bathhouse or sauna, etc.).
  • Consumption of spicy, spicy, very hot foods and drinks.
  • Smoking, alcoholism. In addition to redness, the skin also acquires other negative properties (flabbiness, wrinkling).
  • Mechanical effects on the skin (massage, rubbing in cosmetics, rubbing, etc.).
  • Strong physical activity.
  • Lack of sleep.
  1. Diseases of internal organs. These include:
  • Impaired liver function, for example due to hepatitis (redness appears in the cheeks and forehead). The pathology can be hereditary in nature, and also be a consequence of surgery and trauma (in this case, a vascular network may appear on the skin).
  • Hypertension. Increased pressure has a direct effect on the condition of blood vessels, including those on the face.
  • Mental illnesses and psychological problems.
  1. Allergy. Usually in such cases the face becomes very red in the areas near the nose. In severe cases, redness may spread over the entire face and neck, and the skin may become swollen. Allergens most often are:
  • Use of various medications.
  • Eating foods that cause allergies (for example, oranges, chocolate, etc.).
  • Direct contact with allergens (pollen, wool, poplar fluff, etc.).
  • Chemical components included in decorative and caring cosmetics.
  • Frequent skin scrubbing.

Allergy to face cream

  1. Red skin on the face may be the result of an infectious disease. These can be fungal pathologies, demodicosis, erysipelas. Sometimes serious lesions occur, accompanied by ulcers, blisters, etc. In these cases, urgent treatment with antibacterial drugs (injections, tablets) is necessary.
  2. Inflammation. Most often provoked by chemical factors.

Interesting. It happens that improper use of medications weakens the skin’s natural protection from ultraviolet radiation. As a result, the dermis's sensitivity to sunlight increases, and redness, swelling appears, and the skin seems to start to burn. This condition goes away on its own as the drug is eliminated from the body.

  1. Vascular diseases. As a result of excessive filling of the vessels on the face with blood, areas of the skin begin to turn red.

Redness, caused not by natural but by pathological causes, has a number of symptoms:

  • Over time, the redness intensifies and covers more and more space.
  • The problem does not go away on its own, so you have to resort to drug treatment.
  • The redness lasts a long time.
  • After treatment, red marks may remain on the skin for some time.
  1. Vascular network (rosacea). A favorable factor is vascular weakness. The reasons may be:
  • Illiterate facial skin care.
  • Poor nutrition.
  • Hormonal disbalance.
  • Nervous tension and stress.
  • Frequent physical activity.
  • Individual characteristics of the dermis.


The problem requires timely elimination with medications (including antibiotics), as well as masks and creams. In advanced cases, laser or plastic surgery is used.

  1. Rosacea. The disease is characterized by skin lesions in the forehead, cheeks, nose, and chin. The causes of the pathology are still not fully understood. In this regard, the treatment of rosacea is also imperfect. You can get rid of the pathology with the help of medications. In serious cases, treatment is carried out using a laser or surgery. The disease is not infectious; it is a chronic pathology.
  2. Erythrophobia, or blushing syndrome. In stressful situations, there is a sharp reddening of the face, and the spots do not go away for a long time. The symptom occurs not only with strong feelings, but also with minor excitement. In this case, medications are ineffective, since it is not possible to change the reactivity in the nervous system. The only way to eliminate the problem is to block the nerve that is responsible for the sharp dilation of facial vessels.
  3. Subcutaneous mite (Demodex). The disease demodicosis is quite common. Appears against the background of decreased immune defense, in unfavorable climate conditions, or due to improper care of the dermis. As a result, the skin begins to constantly itch, peel, and pustules form. Redness is a symptom of an advanced disease. First, the mite is localized in the follicles and only then begins to move under the skin, taking up more space. Timely treatment will prevent the pathology from becoming chronic.


  1. Lupus (butterfly-shaped redness on the face). Reddish spots appear on the nose (except on the wings) and on the areas under the eyes. The cause of the disease is unknown. It develops against the background of autoimmune inflammation caused by the production of antibodies against the cells of one’s own body. It is not completely cured.
  2. Other skin pathologies. This may include acne, pimples, white and black comedones, irritation of the dermis, inflammation, etc.


Redness of the skin most often occurs in adolescence (during puberty, when the first periods appear), as well as in women after 35 years (the onset of menopause). Hormonal changes affect the functioning of the nervous system, which leads to changes throughout the body. One of these consequences is often redness on the face.

The problem can also arise in a child. “Red face” also occurs in men; the causes and treatment in these cases are practically the same, with the exception of the characteristics characteristic of the female body (for example, hormonal changes during menopause and the associated treatment process).

Common Causes of Facial Redness


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The main causes of facial redness are:

  • emotions. A person experiencing joy, pleasure, embarrassment or aggressiveness feels an increase in heart rate due to the release of adrenaline. Thanks to this, blood flow is activated, and capillaries located close to the surface of the skin cause redness of the face;
  • mental or sexual overstimulation. Similar to the first case, the release of adrenaline causes red spots to appear. The reason for an excessively bright blush is an increased heart rate and increased blood flow in the facial capillaries;
  • exposure to sunlight. During a long stay outdoors without a hat and dark glasses to prevent exposure to ultraviolet radiation contained in sunlight, the skin turns red. And then the process of exfoliating the upper dead layer of cells begins;
  • mechanical impact. It appears during various cosmetic procedures - facial massage, peeling, mechanical cleansing;
  • influence of external factors. The face begins to become covered with red spots due to sudden changes in temperature, the influence of frost, or hot dry air;
  • strong wind. Because of it, the skin becomes chapped, red, and itchy. Moreover, the symptoms affect not only the skin directly, but the ears, eyelids, lips;
  • dust. A dull reddish skin tone can be caused by ordinary street dust. During active physical activity, it settles on the skin, mixes with sweat and causes discomfort and irritation;



  • passion for alcohol. With regular abuse of alcoholic beverages, small capillaries become clogged, resulting in the development of rosacea: the face becomes covered with a network of small red veins;
  • poor nutrition. Often, a change in skin color is caused by eating too fatty foods and fried meat;
  • smoking. Experienced smokers often have unhealthy burgundy facial skin;
  • allergy. Redness, accompanied by flaking and itching, is often the result of the body's reaction to allergens - dust, pollen, wool, cosmetics, and care products. In this case, the reaction can affect not only the face, but also the neck, décolleté, arms and even the whole body;
  • diseases of the cardiovascular system. These are high blood pressure, heart disease, heart failure;
  • skin diseases. An unhealthy reddish or purple color can signal the development of dermatological diseases such as eczema, psoriasis, dermatitis, lupus erythematosus;
  • other reasons. In women, redness can be triggered by hormonal changes caused by pregnancy or menopause. Redness accompanied by heat can also signal diseases of a viral and bacterial nature.


Ways to get rid of skin redness

Why does the face turn red and burn?

To eliminate this symptom, it is necessary to identify the cause that caused it. Only a doctor can make an accurate diagnosis, so do not postpone a visit to a therapist, dermatologist or other specialist (gastroenterologist, endocrinologist, gynecologist, etc.).

The following methods will help remove the symptom:

  • Treatment of the specific disease that caused the redness, according to medical instructions.
  • Using soothing cosmetics.
  • The use of medications that improve the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract and liver (as recommended by a doctor).
  • Traditional methods. Using masks, for example, made from fresh chopped cucumber. The paste is applied to a clean, dry face and kept there for half an hour. Another option is chopped parsley with sour cream, as well as oatmeal with honey in a 1 to 1 ratio.

Preventive measures

Couperosis on the face: causes and treatment at home

To prevent facial redness, you should adhere to the following rules and recommendations:

  • Avoid unnecessary physical activity.
  • Maintain proper sleep and nutrition (sweet, fatty, smoked foods must be excluded from the diet).
  • Take good care of your facial skin.
  • Monitor the health of the gastrointestinal tract, liver, endocrine and cardiovascular systems.
  • Use only high-quality care and decorative cosmetics.
  • Use medications with caution.
  • Avoid contact with allergens.
  • Try not to overuse sun tanning and visit solariums less often.
  • Try not to expose your skin to freezing winds for long periods of time.
  • Treat diseases of the skin and internal organs in a timely manner.
  • Do not overuse peeling and scrubbing (such cosmetics often contain nicotinic acid, which can cause allergies).

By taking simple precautions, you can minimize the appearance of redness on your face. It is important to remember that reducing the impact of external factors is much easier than eliminating internal pathologies. The problem should not be left to chance; if you suspect a disease, seek advice from a specialist.

Folk remedies for restoring inflamed skin

  1. Birch buds are good at eliminating inflammation. They are used in the form of lotions and rubs.
  2. It is necessary to choose facial cosmetics based on natural ingredients with minimal use of chemical ingredients. White clay masks are good for removing red spots. It is mixed with vegetable oil and applied to inflamed skin. The mask is washed off with warm water.
  3. Important to remember! The nature of inflammation of the epidermis varies. It is difficult to determine the cause of the spots without laboratory tests and a full examination. Therefore, any redness should lead the patient to a specialist doctor.
  4. To avoid the appearance of spots on the face and body, you need to monitor your health, adhere to a healthy lifestyle, eat right, and not get irritated over trifles. Everyday careful care will allow the skin to receive enough oxygen, vitamins and microelements.
  5. You should wash your face with warm water. But morning rubbing with ice cubes from decoctions of medicinal herbs is very beneficial for the skin. In cold weather, you should not use a moisturizer, but a nourishing, fatty cream that will protect against severe hypothermia. And in the heat, the face is treated with moisturizers, refreshing sprays are used, and a minimum of heavy decorative cosmetics is used.
  6. High-quality cosmetics do not cause allergies and do not damage the skin. If you do not have the funds to purchase expensive creams and serums, use folk recipes - masks, lotions, medicinal applications, pharmaceutical preparations that whiten the skin:
  • hydrogen peroxide;
  • baking soda;
  • salicylic-zinc ointment;
  • essential oils and more.
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