Tattoo on moles - is it possible to get a tattoo, possible contraindications and complications, photos of works

An original tattoo is attractive and original, despite the fact that this phenomenon is not rare. However, you should not think only about beauty and the impression that the tattoo will make on others. You should carefully weigh the possible risks when applying a design. One of them is the presence of moles on the body.

Possible consequences

Everyone has their own reasons for getting a tattoo, but not everyone uses it to emphasize their individuality by decorating their body. Some tattoos are a way to disguise moles that seem unattractive. As a result, there is a desire to decorate yourself with one or even several drawings.

In this case, you should ask yourself: is it possible to get a tattoo on moles? The negative answer has its own logical explanation:

  • There is a risk of infection.
  • The development of skin cancer is initiated due to the activation of degeneration in its cells. One incorrect injection of the needle is likely to lead to negative consequences.
  • If an allergic reaction to the ink occurs, scratching may cause itching.
  • Monitoring the condition of the mole will become difficult, and this may result in lost time in case of possible changes, which of course puts a person’s health at great risk.

Now it has become clear what will happen if you get a tattoo on a mole. If you have already applied a pattern, you should not try to reduce it, as this can lead to excessive or insufficient pigmentation of the neoplasm.

Danger of nevus injury

You cannot get a tattoo on any type of mole; the formation can be malignant and consist of mutating cells in a dormant state. By piercing a needle, the master starts the pathological process, and a malignant tumor appears. Chemicals in ink can cause cell burns and trigger the development of melanoma.

Tattoos and moles are incompatible; nevus requires care and observation. If the mark is hidden under a picture, it is easy to miss the moment when the pigment spot changes appearance, color and degenerates into cancer.

The second problem is tattoo removal. If the malignant process has not been started, then the mechanical friction that accompanies the tattoo removal procedure will surely damage the mole. You will experience adverse effects ranging from bleeding to inflammation of the inner layer of skin, infections and scarring. In addition to damage to the nevus, in uncertified salons you risk encountering poor-quality needle handling and sexually transmitted diseases, hepatitis B and C, and HIV infection.

The presence of a tattoo on a nevus is not evidence of degeneration into cancer.

How to get a tattoo if you have moles

Having decided to apply a tattoo, special attention should be paid to the choice of design. Situations often arise when the design you like should go through the place where one or more moles are located.

This should not be done under any circumstances, so you should entrust your body to an experienced specialist who will skillfully walk around a certain place at a sufficient distance. In any case, the drawing visually blurs the mole if you are embarrassed by it.

general information

Scientifically, birthmarks are called nevi. Nevus is a benign neoplasm in the upper layers of the epidermis. Melanin gives the spots their characteristic dark brown color. The appearance of nevi occurs even before the birth of the child. After birth, a person periodically receives a dose of ultraviolet radiation, which provokes the formation of new moles. Among the reasons for the appearance of a nevus is a hormonal imbalance, which occurs during a woman’s pregnancy or puberty. The listed reasons contribute to the overflow of dermal cells with melanin, which, in turn, concentrates in one place.

Tattoo on the site of a removed mole

Some people decide to get a tattoo on the site of the removed nevus to hide the resulting scars. It is believed that this does not pose any danger, but only if the mole has been completely removed and there are no roots left under the surface layer of the skin. Before going to a tattoo parlor, you should consult with a dermatologist and oncologist. If the answer is positive, then you can get this kind of tattoo.

Signs of violations

Always pay attention to whether a normal nevus is degenerating into a malignant formation. The signs of this phenomenon are as follows:

  • the color is different from other nevi;
  • the edges are uneven, asymmetrical;
  • diameter more than 0.5 cm;
  • convex shape, increase in size.

If there are such observations, it is important to undergo examination by a dermatologist and monitor the condition of the skin. First of all, it is better to think about health and only then about decoration. And then you won’t have to correct any sad consequences of your hasty decision by regretting your choice.

Experts' view

The question of whether it is possible to get tattoos on moles is not the least important in the list of topics of interest to tattoo parlor visitors.

Many problems when applying a tattoo can be associated with non-compliance with sanitary and hygienic standards. There are cases in life when such negligence led to death.

Highly qualified professionals take the health of their clients very seriously, carefully weighing all their actions and being aware of the possible consequences. That is why such a specialist’s answer to the question: is it possible to get a tattoo on a mole will be truthful, and therefore negative.

That is why the place where you plan to get a tattoo must be treated with great responsibility, and certain points must be taken into account to ensure safety:

  • Pay attention not only to the qualifications and experience of the master, but also to how long the salon itself has been operating. Take into account the presence of positive reviews indicating the ability of the establishment’s employees to resolve emerging issues and provide quality advice to their clients.
  • There must be certificates confirming the possibility of using the equipment and necessary products for tattooing. There must also be a license for this type of activity.
  • It is mandatory to maintain sterile cleanliness for instruments and the room where the procedure will take place. Personnel must wear shoe covers and gloves.

Tattooing is an excellent method for various cosmetic disguises, but a mole in this case should not be considered an acceptable area for tattooing. Health and well-being are the deciding factors when in doubt.

Care instructions and precautions

In order for the process of applying a skin pattern to have a benign outcome, it is important to take care of the tattoo. Follow these rules for caring for your drawing:

  1. The bandage applied by the master should be removed after 2 hours and the drawing should be washed with water and antibacterial soap. The flow of water should be weak, a strong stream will wash the paint out of the wound.
  2. Do not dry your skin with a towel to avoid irritation and distortion of the pattern for the first week.
  3. Avoid cosmetics containing oil.
  4. Apply antibacterial ointments to the drawing (which ones the master will tell you).
  5. Protect the skin in the tattoo area from sunlight or use high-protection sunscreens.

It would be a good idea to avoid visiting baths, saunas, and swimming pools. Elevated temperatures will negatively affect the condition of the skin, and aggressive components found in the pool water will provoke allergies. You can lead your usual lifestyle a month after the drawing is applied.

As the tattooed skin heals, the design becomes crusty. The dermis should be softened with nourishing creams and ointments. You can’t rip off the crust; you could cause an infection or remove the design.

To avoid adverse consequences, if there is the slightest change in the skin at the puncture site, inform your doctor. The doctor will examine the affected area and prescribe a course of treatment or vitamins to heal the wounds. If a mole changes size or shape after getting a tattoo, contact a dermatologist and get it examined.


Like any cosmetic procedure, although it is not dangerous in itself, this type of makeup also has contraindications:

  • pregnancy;
  • inflammation and infections on the face, such as herpes;
  • psoriasis;
  • cancer;
  • diabetes;
  • Taking certain medications, such as steroids, that increase wound healing time.

It's also worth noting that doing this type of makeup is quite a painful procedure, so women with a low pain threshold should not take the risk. Moreover, the paint is applied to extremely sensitive areas of the face.

Do not forget about possible side effects: allergies to dyes or lack of dye degradation after a certain period of time.

Getting a tattoo is a medical procedure

Before performing the procedure, the technician should always open a new package of sterile needles, put on disposable rubber gloves and do this in front of the patient.

A client who comes to the salon must understand that tattoos are the same medical procedure as dental drilling. Therefore, it is forbidden to drink alcohol before applying a tattoo. It reduces blood clotting and slows down healing.

Before applying the design, it is necessary to shave the area on which the tattoo will later be reproduced. It is forbidden to do this yourself at home. It’s better to entrust this to a master. He has a professional tool with which he will prepare the area for work without damaging the skin.

Who is suitable for permanent makeup?

Permanent makeup, like daily makeup, should emphasize or correct certain facial features. It may not be very intense and bright, but it allows you to always have beautiful eyes and lips, even if you can’t apply makeup.

  • Permanent makeup will be of great help to women who lead an active lifestyle and play sports.
  • It is suitable for those for whom daily makeup has become a burdensome ritual - not everyone likes to spend a lot of time in front of the mirror.
  • It is ideal to do permanent makeup for women who have imperfections in the eyebrows and lips, which can be forgotten for several years.

You can also use the services of a cosmetologist if you want to have an attractive appearance in any situation.

History of permanent makeup - created to correct imperfections

Although permanent makeup was popularized in Europe only a few decades ago, the method has deep roots. It was invented in ancient China. Chinese women naturally have very sparse, almost invisible eyelashes and eyebrows; tattoo makeup using natural pigments helped them correct the problem. Bamboo sticks and thin silk fibers served as tools for introducing paints into the skin.

Thousands of years later, at the Cosmetology Congress in New York, this technique was first officially presented by the Chinese woman Cheng Ming. Since then, permanent makeup has gained popularity among women all over the world. At first it was an extremely luxurious and unaffordable procedure - now everyone can afford it.

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