Face masks in cosmetology: types and effectiveness

From this article you will learn:

  • Why are face masks more effective than creams and other skin care products?
  • How do face masks differ in composition?
  • What substances form the basis of face masks?
  • Do professional face masks contain natural ingredients and which ones?
  • How to choose and apply a mask to your face

What products do women use in skin care, trying to prolong its beauty and youth? But face masks have been considered the most effective since ancient times. In cosmetology, they are the basis of many procedures. The main thing is to choose the right components of the medicinal composition according to the type of dermis. We will tell you how to use masks to the greatest benefit in our article.

Advantages of face masks in cosmetology

Currently, these cosmetics are very popular. They are used in skin care not only of the face, but also of the whole body. But you need to know how to use them. Only in this case will they prove useful. Their main purpose is intensive cleansing of the dermis (increased sweating, exfoliation of the stratum corneum), improving blood supply, increasing tone, narrowing pores, and relieving irritation.

Some face masks in cosmetology have an anti-inflammatory effect, and also produce a stimulating effect, have a moisturizing, astringent, and warming effect. They are selected depending on the individual qualities of the dermis.

In addition, these products fill cells with oxygen, smooth out wrinkles, nourish and restore the skin. After using them she looks younger.

Read material on the topic: Masks for facial rejuvenation: 8 tips from cosmetologists

Masks are one of the most favorite and effective home care procedures. Why?

A home procedure available at any convenient free time
. Effective intensive care. Professional masks provide an effect for at least 3 days

It is not necessary to go to a cosmetologist - the procedure is easy to use, they are easy to use and apply

“Ambulance” in emergency situations (dehydrated, “tired” skin, inflammatory elements, enlarged pores)

Composition of face masks

The composition of face masks in cosmetology can include a variety of components depending on the desired effect.

For their production they use:

  • flax seeds;
  • alginates;
  • gelatin;
  • oat flour;
  • kaolin clay;
  • bentonite;
  • synthetic plastics (for example, polystyrene);
  • some oils and fats;
  • mineral wax.

We have already said that face masks in cosmetology differ in the type of effect. To do this, they add, for example, extracts of some herbs that produce an anti-inflammatory or tonic effect. Thus, sulfur and its compounds, salicylic acid, zinc oxide are included in products for oily skin or skin with acne.

They may also contain dyes or aromatic substances. For example, a composition made from algae has a very unpleasant fishy smell, but shows excellent results, especially in the fight against cellulite on the stomach.

Types of face masks in cosmetology

There are cosmetic face masks that:

  • needs to be washed off with water;
  • must be removed with a product specially designed for this purpose;
  • do not require rinsing.

Depending on the form of release, face masks in cosmetology are divided into:

  • creams and gels;
  • textile;
  • film;
  • silicone;
  • gypsum;
  • paraffin;
  • biomatrices;
  • those produced on the basis of alginate;
  • those that are sheets of collagen;
  • intended for modeling, etc.

You should not use masks unless absolutely necessary. Thus, paraffin-based products are necessary to increase the effectiveness of facial cleansing. The use of tissue options depends on the active elements in their composition: they can be intended to nourish, moisturize or tighten the dermis.

Modeling face masks in cosmetology are a gel based on medicinal plants, for example, ginseng or aloe. In addition, kaolin, calcium sulfate, and minerals are added to their composition. The thickly diluted powder mass should be applied to the face in a thick layer so as to maintain a high temperature underneath. The warming effect helps smooth the dermis and increase its elasticity. After removing the mask, a lymphatic drainage massage should be performed to optimize lymph flow and relieve swelling.

Read the material on the topic: How to properly care for your facial skin

How to choose a face mask in cosmetology according to skin type

It is known that skin care products are chosen depending on its type.

The dermis can be:

  • dry;
  • fat;
  • normal;
  • combined.

However, at present, the division into these categories is no longer relevant. Manufacturers of modern cosmetics rely on the individual characteristics of the dermis. Therefore, now you can buy products to care for problematic and sensitive skin. They will also help in the fight against rosacea and pigmentation.

But keep in mind that over time, under the influence of various factors (age, climate, hormonal levels, stress), the skin changes.

Face masks in cosmetology are also divided into groups according to the effect they provide:

Thus, each type of mask performs a specific function to improve skin condition.

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Natural active components of face masks in cosmetology

In the industrial production of masks, not only synthesized substances are used, but also those that you can find in a pharmacy or on your spice shelf. Yes, yes, based on such products, you can prepare your own cosmetic composition and use it when you don’t have time to visit a professional salon.

Flax seed in cosmetology for preparing a face mask

As a component of face masks, flaxseed flour is used quite widely in cosmetology, since these seeds contain a whole range of valuable nutrients that have a beneficial effect on the skin.

They include:

  • polysaccharides;
  • lignans;
  • amino acids;
  • fatty acid;
  • various vitamins (A, B, E, F).

Therefore, flax seed is currently used in the treatment of many skin diseases.

Ginger in cosmetology for preparing a face mask

Do you have acne, inflammation, blackheads, dull skin and lacks elasticity? Ginger will help you get rid of these problems! In addition, it nourishes and moisturizes the dermis and has a rejuvenating effect.

And all because it contains:

  • a lot of essential oil;
  • amino acids – valine, threonine, leucine, phenylalanine, tryptophan;
  • complex of minerals – calcium, potassium, zinc, iron, magnesium, phosphorus, sodium;
  • vitamins A, C, B1, PP.


  1. Has an anti-inflammatory effect.
  2. It has a beneficial effect on blood circulation and improves oxygen metabolism.
  3. It has a lifting effect and makes the skin elastic.
  4. Refreshes the color of the dermis.
  5. Helps lighten freckles and age spots.
  6. Ensures the activity of intracellular processes.
  7. Strong antioxidant.
  8. Promotes rapid renewal of the dermis.
  9. Provides smoothing of facial and age wrinkles.

Cinnamon in cosmetology for preparing a face mask

Surely you didn’t know that cinnamon can also be used to make homemade skin masks? But it is so.

The rich composition allows it to be used for facial care:

  • vitamin E – ensures rapid regeneration of dermal cells, promotes its rapid hydration;
  • vitamin C – helps smooth out wrinkles, increases skin elasticity, makes it smooth and velvety;
  • vitamin K – accelerates blood circulation in blood vessels, metabolic processes in the depths of the skin, thereby producing a rejuvenating effect;
  • thiamine is an antiseptic, has a detrimental effect on microbes developing in the upper layer of facial skin, helps relieve irritation and neutralize the inflammatory process, prevents the appearance of acne;
  • choline – helps normalize the activity of the sebaceous glands;
  • beta-carotene – evens out the tone of the dermis, inhibits the aging process.

Laminaria in cosmetology for preparing a face mask

Sea kale, known as kelp, contains a large number of micro- and macroelements.

In addition, it contains fatty acids, vitamins, and bioactive substances:

  • vitamins of groups A, B, C, E and D inhibit the aging of facial skin and prevent wrinkles around the eyes;
  • iodine normalizes the metabolic process inside the cells of the dermis, prevents inflammation and reduces secretions of the sebaceous glands;
  • organic acids ensure the formation of collagen and elastin fibers, cleanse pores of impurities and remove dead keratinized particles.

Sea kale is a powerful antioxidant, stimulates intracellular synthesis, moisturizes and nourishes the dermis, and lightens age spots.

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Agar-agar in cosmetology for preparing a face mask at home

Agar-agar is an extract from red and brown algae, which is a yellow-white powder. It is widely used in medicine, cooking, cosmetology, including as a remedy, for example, for sensitive or problematic skin.

Why are face masks based on agar-agar used in cosmetology? Such compositions:

  1. They moisturize the dermis, creating a protective film on it that retains fluid.
  2. As a sorbent, they cleanse the skin of the face, effectively removing impurities and fat, and removing swelling under the eyes.
  3. They have an anti-inflammatory effect, destroying acne and ulcers. The substance is not an allergen. Agar-agar makes the consistency of cosmetic products thicker. Their texture does not respond to sudden changes in temperature and humidity.
  4. They have a strengthening effect due to the calcium sulfate and protein contained in agar-agar.

Fish oil in cosmetology for preparing a face mask

Fish oil contains:

  • oleic and palmitic acids;
  • stearic, acetic, valeric acids;
  • vitamins A, E and D;
  • polyunsaturated fatty acids omega-6 and omega-3;
  • minerals.

Fish oil helps:

  1. Reduce the number of wrinkles.
  2. Nutrition and elasticity.
  3. Restoration of lipid metabolism.
  4. Complex treatment of acne inflammation.

Badger fat in cosmetology for preparing a face mask

Badger fat is widely used in cosmetology, as it has a beneficial effect on hair and skin.

It includes:

  • Fatty polyunsaturated acids. These are linolenic and linoleic acids, which are not formed in the body, but enter it only with food. They help to activate metabolic processes, while the dermis becomes elastic and its tone is even. With a deficiency of polyunsaturated acids, atherosclerotic plaques form.
  • Oleic acid. Reduces cholesterol levels, promotes the production of antioxidants, activates metabolism, and fights cancer cells.
  • Retinol, or vitamin A. Neutralizes the effects of toxins on the body's cells, inhibits the aging of the dermis, which is why this substance is added specifically to anti-aging masks.
  • Mineral components and salts. Removes toxins and promotes wound healing.
  • Vitamin B. Fills the body with the energy necessary for cell function.

Bear fat in cosmetology for preparing a face mask

Bear fat has been used since ancient times as a protective, restorative, supportive and rejuvenating agent.

Do you want to know the secret of his popularity?

Then pay attention to the fact that bear fat contains various fatty acids:

  • Palmitic. Promotes cell structure formation, simplifies the process of penetration of other components into the skin.
  • Myristic. Supports the natural protective function of the dermis.
  • Caprine. Helps the body fight germs.
  • Stearic. Helps strengthen the protective qualities of the skin, fights the formation of microcracks.
  • Linolenic. It has anti-inflammatory and regenerating properties, retains moisture in cells.
  • Lauric. Activates the body's defenses, neutralizing the effects of harmful bacteria.
  • Linoleic. Moisturizes the dermis, helps strengthen the cell structure, and produces an antiallergic effect.
  • Oleic. It itself is easily absorbed into the dermis and ensures that other components enter it as quickly as possible.

Bear fat also contains phospholipids. As the main component of cosmetics, they moisturize, soften the skin and restore its damaged areas.

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With collagen

With age, the skin loses its properties, so it is important to maintain it in time. For initial age-related changes, it is enough to use moisturizing masks based on hyaluronic acid; over time, it is necessary to switch to more powerful products. All previous cosmetic options also provide a slowdown in age-related changes, but a more radical approach is needed - a loading dose of collagen and substances that promote its absorption.

As a result of using a moisturizing lifting mask with collagen, rejuvenation occurs, the first wrinkles are smoothed out, and aging is significantly slowed down. Contains:

  • aloe vera – moisturizes, eliminates dehydration, normalizes hydrolipid balance, soothes, eliminates inflammation, heals, accelerates regeneration, provides an anti-aging effect, protects against negative external factors;
  • amino acids – restore and strengthen, regulate moisture levels, increase firmness and elasticity, normalize pH and the action of free radicals;
  • vitamins E and A - moisturize, smooth, tighten, tone, slow down age-related changes, heal wounds, fight pimples and blackheads, age spots, scars;
  • hyaluronic acid – acts at the cellular level, accelerates the regeneration process by promoting the production of its own collagen, saturates the epithelium with moisture;
  • placenta – saturates with collagen and elastin, restores, smoothes wrinkles, slows down aging.

Professional cosmetics take good care of the skin, helping to restore its beauty and velvety.

TOP 7 professional face masks

In modern beauty salons you will be offered the following facial products.

1. Alginate masks.

Such cosmetics are considered professional and are based on seaweed. They contain useful substances such as vitamins, minerals, and proteins. Effect of masks: have a rejuvenating, moisturizing and toning effect, activate the regenerative functions of dermal cells.

Alginate compositions are powder. Immediately before use, it must be diluted to a homogeneous consistency and applied to the skin of the face. After five minutes the mixture will harden, and after another 15–20 minutes the specialist should remove the composition from the dermis.

After the procedure:

  • skin looks fresh and rested;
  • pores are not so noticeable;
  • the dermis receives additional hydration and becomes soft;
  • smoothing of fine wrinkles is observed;
  • acne and inflammation will become almost invisible;
  • the contour of the face is more clearly defined;
  • swelling will disappear.

2. Plasticizing masks.

The mixture is prepared immediately before application: to do this, you need to mix the powder and a special gel containing many nutrients until smooth. The gel not only removes toxins and excess fluid, but also reduces the depth of wrinkles, filling them. The procedure takes 30 minutes.

After cleansing the skin, the cosmetologist can apply an ampoule and another mask to enhance the effect of this drug.

Advantages of the plasticizing composition:

  • the intensity of lymph flow increases, excess fluid, waste and toxins are removed;
  • nutrients are absorbed faster;
  • The mixture is soft, easy to apply, and dries slowly.

Plaster face masks in cosmetology have a similar effect.

3. Collagen masks.

It is no secret that as we age, our skin produces its own collagen less actively, so cosmetologists recommend using masks and creams containing it more often. By using such cosmetics, we delay the aging of our dermis, moisturize and tone it.

4. Moisturizing masks.

These cosmetics prevent dryness and irritation of the skin, fight wrinkles and peeling of the surface layer of the epidermis. They contain water, glycerin, hyaluronic acid, extracts of medicinal plants, natural oils, and fruit acids.

The peculiarity of moisturizing masks is that they combine lipophilic (act on the surface of the dermis, preventing moisture from evaporating too quickly) and hydrophilic (moisturize the skin by attracting moisture from the outside) components. As a rule, such products in cosmetology have a cream or gel-like structure.

5. Nourishing masks.

They are most often used in the off-season, when our dermis is sorely lacking in vitamins and nutrients. In addition, they have a beneficial effect on aging skin.

Compared to moisturizers, their consistency is thicker and richer. They contain biologically active substances such as vitamins, acids, minerals, extracts of medicinal plants, etc.

6. Anti-inflammatory masks.

As a rule, these products are made based on different types of clay. It is known that this substance is a good absorbent: it removes toxins, absorbs excess sebum, cleanses pores, has an anti-inflammatory effect, and exfoliates the upper stratum corneum of the skin.

If you are concerned about problems with the dermis (ulcers, irritation, etc.), then anti-inflammatory masks will help cope with them. They normalize the functioning of the sebaceous glands and have a calming and drying effect.

7. Biomatrices.

These professional facial products in cosmetology are a dense substance that, when water is added, becomes soft and similar to a thick gel. The main active component of the biomatrix can be collagen, algae, medicinal plants, hyaluronic acid, etc. The specialist chooses the product depending on what your dermis needs.

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The best brands of professional face masks in cosmetology

In modern cosmetology, various creams, peelings, and masks are used, but it is better to use professional products from well-known brands. These products are not cheap, but they successfully cope with skin problems after just a few sessions.

Before you settle on any brand, evaluate its rating, read customer reviews, and study all the pros and cons of the product. This is the only way you can choose the most suitable product for your skin that will help you cope with troubles.

Cosmetic products are professional if:

  • the series contains at least 100 skin care products;
  • There are options for all types of dermis;
  • There are products with different climatic orientations.

Professional cosmetics must undergo clinical trials, which is usually confirmed by relevant documents.

  1. Natura Bisse.
  2. The product line of the popular brand Natura Bisse (Spain) is considered one of the best. It contains: olive oil, black caviar, honey, diamond dust.

    These products can be used both in the salon and at home. The result is noticeable after the first use. With the help of Natura Bisse cosmetics you can easily remove age spots and smooth out facial wrinkles.

  3. Janssen.
  4. Alginate products from the German manufacturer Janssen are very popular. They are created on the basis of kelp seaweed alginates. With the help of this cosmetics you can correct the oval of the face, make the dermis more elastic and firm.

    Cleansing masks have a beneficial effect on the skin, moisturize it, and eliminate excessive thickening of the stratum corneum of the epidermis (hyperkeratosis). Soothing agents help nourish the dermis, normalize its structure, make it smooth and attractive.

  5. Gigi.
  6. Israeli manufacturer Gigi specializes in products with a rejuvenating effect. Masks of this brand have an analgesic and anti-inflammatory effect. But, in order to achieve the desired result, they must be used regularly.

    Gigi cosmetics are mainly used in salons by professional cosmetologists. Let's name just some of the components of this brand's products: collagen, healing salts, corals and Dead Sea minerals.

  7. Tony Moly.
  8. The Korean company Tony Moly specializes in cosmetics at an affordable price. Its products are based on snail mucus, egg extract, snake venom, and plant juices.

    In cosmetology, the most popular are fabric face masks with extracts of tea tree, rice, avocado, red wine, and tomato. They all act differently: they help fight skin imperfections, moisturize it, and activate the regenerative qualities of the dermis.

  9. Frais Monde.

Italian brands are famous for their wide range of products and high-quality packaging design. The products from these manufacturers contain extracts of medicinal plants, essential oils, orange, lemon, and grapefruit juices. In cosmetology, the most famous face masks are from Frais Monde.

The main active component of this brand’s products is sulfurous thermal water, which is extracted from the Terme Ripole spring. It is located near the city of Calabria. The thermal clay contained in the mask helps cleanse the skin, and white algae extract helps normalize the functioning of the sebaceous glands.

If you have problems with the dermis, it is best to consult a specialist. He will select a suitable face mask from professional cosmetics.

Now let's talk a little about how effective they are.

What is the difference between professional cosmetics and those we can buy in a store? Basically, this is a high concentration of nutritional and moisturizing elements, thanks to which the result is noticeable after the first use. However, in order to get the best result, cosmetologists recommend taking a course of five to seven procedures.

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For dry skin

Dry dermis becomes more sensitive and dull if it lacks moisture. Its relief does not change for the better, signs of fatigue appear, and age-related changes occur much faster. To reduce discomfort and slow down aging, even out the shade and improve the hydrolipid balance, you need to properly care for your face. To do this, use moisturizing masks in the morning and evening, 2-3 times a week. You can use them more often if you feel dehydrated.

A cosmetologist at the Institute of Plastic Surgery and Cosmetology recommends choosing products with retinol and natural oils.


A mask with vitamins A and E also helps slow down age-related changes. Vitamin A promotes rejuvenation, because... penetrates the cellular level and starts the regeneration process. This eliminates the appearance of new facial wrinkles, fights existing ones, and smoothes out deep folds. Vitamin E is able to normalize the hydrolipid balance, eliminate irritation, and moisturize.

Carrot seed oil fights intoxication, provides antioxidant and anti-aging effects, accelerates regeneration, improves complexion, and makes the dermis more elastic and toned. Existing scars dissolve, which can become a critical factor when choosing care cosmetics. Amaranth oil blocks the appearance of cancer cells, protects against negative external influences, restores, and increases the flow of oxygen.

How to properly apply face masks

The exposure time of the mask and how you will apply it to your face depend on the release form and components.

But there are certain rules for using these funds:

  1. Before using the mask, the skin must be cleansed, since otherwise decorative cosmetics or cream, reacting with the components of the drug, can at least reduce its effectiveness, or at maximum cause inflammation or allergies.
  2. To keep your hair out of the way, it is better to tuck it under a cap or headband.
  3. Do not apply the product to the lips or the area around the eyes. This is done only in exceptional cases.
  4. It is better to apply the mask with a special device, for example, a spatula, brush, or tampon. The volume of the substance applied depends on the manufacturer's recommendations.
  5. After distributing the product over the skin, you should not talk.

Daily use of masks is not the best option. Their use depends on the needs of the dermis and the type of product. Typically, cosmetologists advise applying the product once or twice a week or in systematic courses. So, if you have oily skin, then it is better to use cleansing masks regularly once every seven days. But to tone the dermis, experts recommend professional collagen products, 10 procedures twice a year.

You can restore or prolong the youth and health of your skin only by regularly using properly selected cosmetics. In this case, thanks to the saturation of nutrients in the dermis, metabolic processes are normalized, its color is evened out and its appearance improves. But masks are especially useful for complex care, which includes cleansing, peeling, and moisturizing the skin of not only the face, but also the neck and décolleté.

Nowadays, you no longer have to spend a lot of time performing complex and unpleasant procedures at home. It is much easier to seek help from real professionals - the Veronika Herba beauty and health center, equipped with effective and modern equipment.

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For oily skin

It is a common belief that oily skin does not need moisturizing. However, this is a myth; it also requires restoration of the hydrolipid balance. When moisture is lost, sebum is released, which leads to a number of problems - enlarged pores, the appearance of inflammation, and a feeling of tightness.

To combat the negative consequences, moisturizing masks are used, but the regularity of their use is reduced to once a week. It is important to choose ingredients that contain vitamins, plant extracts and algae. Products with a light texture that do not cause excessive oiliness, eliminate clogging of pores, and allow you to breathe have a good effect on the dermis.

Frequent use is acceptable when using gel types of cosmetics that contain plant extracts. They give an even tone and texture, a fresh and radiant look.

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