A boost of energy: dermatologists explained how caffeine is good for the skin

For many, a cup of coffee in the morning is a familiar ritual, a guarantee of energy and vigor for the whole day. Caffeine, used in cosmetic products, performs almost the same role. For this reason, manufacturers often add it to the formulas of various products for the care of facial skin, body and more. Together with Kokoloko, we propose to understand what caffeine is, how it affects the skin, hair and the body as a whole, and how to choose the right cosmetics with an invigorating ingredient in its composition.

What is caffeine

Caffeine has alternative names: theine, mateine, guaranine. This is a substance that has a transparent texture. The fact of its content in coffee beans was first established by the scientist Runge in 1819. (country of study: Germany).

Caffeine in cosmetics is present as a leading component in the molecular composition of many products. In its insoluble form, it is a crystal that can be transformed into a liquid substance only in boiling water. For this reason, coffee drinks are usually processed and infused in hot water.

The benefits and harms of caffeine

There has long been debate about the benefits and harms of coffee, and all this is due to the caffeine content in it.
Caffeine is an alkaloid, it can increase performance, invigorate, enhance physical and mental activity, but a large dose will lead to depletion of nerve cells. Many scientists talk about this. If you drink coffee frequently, caffeine will be present in all organs. What does "often" mean? Everyone must experimentally determine and choose their daily dose of coffee. The main thing is not to feel dependent on this drink. Although dependence on coffee is viewed differently by researchers. Some say that it should not be given importance, while others believe that the body gets used to caffeine, just like sugar, alcohol and smoking.

However, dependence on coffee, in other words, on caffeine, should not be compared with dependence on alcohol or smoking, especially on drugs.

How caffeine affects the body

The benefits of caffeine lie not only in the cheerfulness that the drink gives. It is a natural stimulant that:

  • Increases heart rate and reduces drowsiness;
  • Stimulates blood pressure and improves concentration;
  • Improves digestion and stimulates the breakdown of fats in the body.

With the help of caffeine, the tone of both the cardiovascular and digestive systems and nerve cells is maintained. The benefits of caffeine are obvious, as is the harm it can cause if the prescribed daily or single dose is exceeded. It is allowed to consume up to 4 cups of the aromatic drink in the daily diet. Otherwise, coffee turns into an addictive product, and also causes sleep disturbances and increased excitability.

How does caffeine affect health and beauty?

Caffeine stimulates the respiratory system, increases cardiac activity - causes rapid heartbeat, increases pulse, can cause cardiac arrhythmia, dilation of the bronchi and increase blood pressure.
Caffeine tones the skin, stimulates blood circulation in the skin tissues and increases elasticity. Just as a mug of coffee gives you energy, caffeine products give your skin freshness and radiance.

Ground coffee beans have been used since ancient times. Most likely, the beauties of the East were already familiar with the preparation of scrubs and exfoliating masks based on coffee beans, which contributed to increased blood microcirculation, cellular metabolism and the breakdown of subcutaneous fats.

Caffeine in cosmetics

Caffeine in face cream stimulates the amount of fluid, reducing it and thereby eliminating unwanted puffiness. This component increases vascular tone, improving microcirculation, helps strengthen membranes and is responsible for the synthesis of a large group of organic compounds - lipids that protect the skin from negative factors (including ultraviolet radiation).

Caffeine is especially valuable for its cellular rehabilitation properties and potential in the fight against excess fat deposits. Therefore, you should not be surprised that it appears in the formulas of components positioned as means to combat:

  • Swelling, “bags” in the periocular area;
  • “Double chin”;
  • Cellulite.

The sphere of influence of this ingredient in cosmetics is not limited to the fight against puffiness and fat. It is often added to moisturizing creams and is widely known as a component that can retain moisture for a long time and restore the epidermis, and therefore appears in after-sun products.

Can it cause insomnia?

Yes, if you drink coffee in the afternoon and in large doses.
And if you drink coffee in the first half, it’s unlikely, since caffeine is eliminated from the body within 8–10 hours, after which no more than 25% of the original dose remains in the blood. You should also note the strength of the drink, as well as the characteristics of your body. Some people have severe reactions to caffeine. The “vigor” obtained after taking the drink can go beyond its limits, and this will lead to irritability, insomnia and headaches. Caffeine increases blood pressure, or better yet, it can increase blood pressure. Again, this depends on personal characteristics. If you notice this phenomenon in yourself, and it is discomfort for you, then either reduce the dose or stop completely.

Caffeine and exercise. By invigorating yourself with one cup of coffee, you increase the body's endurance, and, consequently, increase physical activity. Many people use this when doing fitness.

Caffeine affects calcium metabolism in the body. This effect of caffeine – “calcium leaching” – is observed, but only if you consume a lot of caffeine (about 750 mg per day). It is unlikely that anyone achieves such results. However, if this is the case, then add milk to your coffee (this will compensate for the effect of caffeine). Nutritionists recommend that older people be more careful with coffee, but not even because caffeine will cause osteoporosis - there are already enough diseases at a serious age for other reasons. And in such a situation it is better to be careful.

Why is caffeine used in face cream?

In addition to the described properties, caffeine, when used externally, tones and is considered a good prevention of swelling and age-related changes visible on the skin. A one-time use to prevent such visualized problems, of course, will not be enough - regular care is required. However, in high concentrations (for example, caffeine in patches), the product can demonstrate an immediate effect.

The tonic component in anti-aging cosmetics stimulates regenerative processes and retains moisture in cells, therefore, if it does not completely eliminate the problem, it significantly slows down unwanted processes.

Hair care products

Caffeine is an excellent helper for our curls, it stimulates the hair follicles, and therefore hair grows better.
Caffeine gives energy to hair, keeping it thick and healthy for a long time. Use Marc Anthony shampoo

(USA). In addition to caffeine, it contains ginseng and vitamin E. They strengthen the hair roots, and the hair itself becomes smooth and soft.

Alpecin Double Effect Shampoo

(Germany) – an effective anti-dandruff shampoo with a double-action formula. The shampoo has an anti-inflammatory effect on the scalp and removes dandruff. It contains effective anti-dandruff components, as well as caffeine, which penetrates deep into the hair roots. The product creates a feeling of freshness and cleanliness.

Shampoo Rinfoltil Espresso

(Italy) with caffeine strengthens and activates hair growth. It will make even weak hair feel strong and well-groomed.

The list of products containing caffeine can be continued... Caffeine is used in facial moisturizer, in lifting products, especially in night products, which helps get rid of puffiness.

Author: Tatyana Dmitrieva

Caffeine will help you lose weight

Some cosmetologists and consumers are skeptical about the properties of caffeine as an assistant in the fight against cellulite, but it has been scientifically proven that this component is able to penetrate into the deep layers of the skin, stimulate the breakdown of fat deposits, providing a lymphatic drainage effect.

Adipose tissue contains beta-adrenergic receptors, which are responsible for fat burning functions, supporting metabolic processes, increasing the release of energy value from fat cells and stimulating heat production. Thanks to caffeine, the described chain reaction occurs many times faster.

Conclusion: with the help of caffeine-containing products aimed at combating excess weight, it is impossible to lose weight by several sizes, but it is quite possible to improve the situation and visually make the skin more attractive, strengthen the walls of blood vessels from the inside, expand them and improve trophism at the cellular level.

Caffeine (Koffeinum) (Spain, France)

Plant alkaloid, purine derivative . Its chemical structure is similar to theophylline and theobromine.

Caffeine is involved in the lipolysis process by inhibiting the action of phosphodiesterases. The drug has a stimulating effect on the central nervous system, increases respiratory rate, tones smooth muscle cells, and increases diuresis.

Promotes the release of catecholamines, an increase in the amount of cAMP, the hydrolysis of triglycerides in adipose tissue into glycerol and free fatty acids.

Used in the treatment of cellulite and local obesity.

Buy caffeine 20%, 6 ml

Release form: ampoules 1 and 2 and 6 ml of 20-25% solution.

Caffeine: indications and contraindications

Caffeine-containing cosmetics are indicated for everyone who pursues the following goals:

  • Get rid of puffiness;
  • Improve skin color and reduce cellulite deposits;
  • Overcome dry skin that appears due to age-related changes.

Caffeine in cosmetics has virtually no contraindications (except for cases with risks of an allergic reaction), but the safety of its use depends on the concentration. So, if the ingredient is present in the product in a minimal dosage, the effect is unlikely to be noticeable, and if there is too much of it, a rash and other signs of irritation may appear.

To soften or stimulate the effects of caffeine, cosmetics manufacturers add additional ingredients to the composition.

Let's go through the colors and properties of each type


Black clay is a high-quality detox product for the skin. It quickly absorbs all dirt, fat and toxins. This is an ideal component for caring for oily and problematic skin. It contains a lot of iron, as well as magnesium, calcium, strontium, nitrogen, phosphate, quartz and selenium, so this clay nourishes the skin well, saturating it with microelements, and activates metabolism. Black clay is used to care not only for the face, but also for the body (in figure correction procedures), as well as for the scalp (cleanses excess sebum, normalizes microflora and prevents dandruff).


White clay, also known as kaolin, contains a number of important trace elements: zinc, sodium, copper, calcium, potassium, magnesium. It is very soft, delicately envelops the skin and removes all excess - dirt, fat - from its pores. White clay is considered a high-grade component, has whitening properties, has an antiseptic effect and helps normalize sebum production.


Blue clay, in addition to its ability to cleanse and regulate the intensity of sebum secretion, has light smoothing and whitening properties. It contains a lot of zinc and silicon, which allows it to be used as an anti-acne product. Can be used for combination and sensitive skin. Also indicated for body treatments - wraps to increase skin elasticity and eliminate cellulite.


Pink clay is universal. It cleanses the skin, tightens pores, has a slight lifting effect, and improves complexion. After its use, the tone and relief of the skin are evened out, its tone increases, and regenerative processes are stimulated. This type of clay is suitable not only for oily skin, but also for aging and sensitive skin.


Green clay is indicated for any type, but is especially suitable for combination and problematic acne-prone skin. It has an antibacterial effect, tightens pores, cleanses, saturates the skin with minerals and mattifies. Phosphorus, zinc, copper, and aluminum predominate in its composition.

In the photo (center): cleansing cream and mattifying serum for problem skin based on clay,
Elemis (Top, clockwise.) Nativ 3 detox clay for hair, System Professional ; cleansing mask with white and green clay, [comfort zone] ; cleansing detox mask Rice, Thann ; warming clay mask, Sammy Beauty

How to choose the right cosmetics with caffeine

The first thing you should pay attention to when purchasing a cosmetic product containing caffeine is its quantitative content in the product. The optimal dosage is from 1 to 5 percent. For comparison, we note that a freshly brewed drink contains no more than 0.2 percent caffeine.

In large quantities, caffeine-containing products cause skin irritation and are not recommended (especially for those with increased sensitivity). Side effects include redness, itching, burning sensation and “tightness.” If an allergic reaction occurs, you must stop using the composition and seek advice from a dermatologist or cosmetologist.

Many people use ground coffee as a scrub for their face and body. However, experts do not advise relying on a magical result: it works as an exfoliating and slightly toning component, but in practice it is unlikely to increase hydration or get rid of wrinkles and puffiness under the eyes. When using the ingredient as a scrub, you should understand that it can give the effect of a slight tan, which, however, easily remains on a towel or clothing.

What problems can be solved with caffeine?

You can name the indications for using the drug. We are talking, first of all, about problems with obesity, cellulite, and a “double chin.” In addition, hair loss is treated with caffeine-containing medications. In such situations, the alkaloid as a local irritant ensures hair growth.

Cosmetic procedures that use caffeine are characterized by the following results:

  • Improving microcirculatory processes of lymph and blood.
  • Increased muscle tone: the skin tightens and becomes smooth.
  • Restoring the balance of water and lipids in the skin.
  • Reducing pores on the face.
  • By removing excess fluid from tissues: a person gets rid of swelling.
  • Eliminating the “orange peel”
  • Getting rid of excess weight due to a layer of fat.
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