Recipes for peeling scalp, face, body, hair with baking soda at home. Peeling the face and scalp with baking soda: reviews

If you think that you need a minimum of cosmetic products to care for your scalp and hair, then you are mistaken. In addition to the obligatory shampoo, which absolutely everyone uses, there are also balms, masks and conditioners, which are frequent guests on bathroom shelves. But have you ever heard of a hair scrub? Yes, yes, specifically for the hair, and not for the body or face. I’m sure that if they heard it, they shook their heads in surprise and shrugged their shoulders. Doubts about the need for this cosmetic product are quite understandable. But if you understand more deeply what it is for and how useful it is, then you will definitely want to make such a scalp scrub with your own hands and enjoy healthy and beautiful hair!

Why do you need a scalp scrub?

So, what is this miracle remedy for and how to get the maximum benefit from it.

  • First of all, this is a must-have for those with oily hair. Frequent washing, unsuccessful styling due to the fact that the hair quickly becomes oily, and a bad mood. Sound familiar? This miracle product will help thoroughly cleanse the scalp and remove excess oil. Unfortunately, shampoo does not cope with this task 100%, so we highly recommend supplementing your regular cleansing care with this cleansing procedure.
  • Or maybe you still suffer from dandruff? Then you definitely need to prepare a scalp scrub. Gentle scrubbing particles provide an amazing exfoliating effect and remove dandruff, cleanse the sebaceous glands and thus significantly reduce the formation of dandruff.
  • If your hair has become dull and lifeless, then this procedure is also necessary. This hair scrub stimulates blood circulation and our hair follicles begin to receive more nutrients.
  • For hair growth, trichologists recommend not only drinking vitamins and making special masks, but also regularly using this product. This comprehensive approach gives amazing results within 3 weeks.
  • If you have a very sensitive scalp, then it is very good to carry out this procedure at least once a week using small scrubbing particles. You will get rid of redness and itching, soothe your scalp.

Many people ask, is there any harm from this procedure? We must say right away that hair scrub is not suitable for everyone. If there are obvious problems with skin and hair, it is better to refuse this manipulation so as not to harm yourself. If you have wounds in your head, it is better to postpone the procedure. Also, you cannot carry out such peeling if you have very severe hair loss; it is better to immediately contact a trichologist to solve the problem.

Very dry hair also requires a more competent approach, which will be provided by a specialist.

Hair loss treatment

Before starting therapy, it is important to identify the exact cause of baldness.

Baldness treatment

selected individually based on diagnostic results. The sooner therapy is started, the higher its effectiveness will be.

Hair and scalp are treated using special procedures and drug therapy, which includes drugs aimed at reducing the sensitivity of the follicles and restoring them.

Proper balanced nutrition, which includes all the necessary vitamins and microelements, is also important.

Among the most effective procedures are the following.

Plasma therapy (PRP therapy)


: For hair loss, dry and oily seborrhea, fungal infections of the scalp, thinning hair, dull color, increased hair fragility.

The method is similar to Mesotherapy

, only the injectable drug is not therapeutic cocktails, but platelets, which are obtained from a small amount of blood taken from the patient.

The resulting concentrate contains 4-5 times more platelets compared to the starting material taken from the patient. It is injected into areas of the scalp where hair loss is noticeable. The administered drug begins to work instantly. Penetrating into the skin, blood cells - platelets - begin to have a strengthening effect. After this procedure, the hair follicles begin their work with renewed vigor, which leads to active hair growth. When treating baldness, the main thing, as you know, is not to miss the moment when the hair follicle itself is still alive, since new hair grows from the same follicle as the old one. Therefore, PRP therapy

recommended for patients who have begun to lose hair or have encountered the problem of alopecia relatively recently.

The procedure activates the mechanism of intercellular metabolism, enhances the synthesis of useful substances, which is why the hair becomes thicker and stronger within a few weeks. In addition, PRP therapy helps eliminate dandruff and perfectly relieves inflammation. As a result of treatment, hair acquires a healthy shine, becomes more elastic, thicker, and its structure is restored. Hair stops splitting.

Placental therapy


: For hair loss. To enhance their growth.

Preparations based on the hydrolyzate of human placenta (primarily Japanese Laennec), which are administered intravenously, intradermally, at biologically active points, stop hair loss and activate their growth. The hair on the placenta is alive and shiny.

In addition, Placental therapy is a complex effect on the body. After all, the condition of the hair is a reflection of the internal processes occurring in the body.

Unlike most modern medicines, Laennec has a therapeutic effect without causing side effects or causing harm to the body. Such drugs are called “smart” or “intelligent”, since they themselves find disturbances, as well as points of imbalance, and have an optimal targeted effect to restore balance and optimize the parts of the body system.

The drug contains more than 50 water-soluble components, including: 18 amino acids; mucopolysaccharides necessary for the construction of connective tissues; nucleic and organic acids, nucleosides that enhance protein biosynthesis; vitamins B2, B3, C, D, PP, which provide the antioxidant effect of the drug and are catalysts for metabolic processes; minerals (zinc, magnesium, iron, manganese, copper, selenium, etc.), which are involved in the construction of the skeleton and the formation of hemoglobin, regulate the exchange of vitamins and hormones; Pohormone DHEA is the ancestor of the missing hormone at the physiological level - progesterone, estrogens or testosterone.

The components of the drug Laennec introduced into the scalp penetrate into the foci of pathology and eliminate them, restoring the immune system and mobilizing the body's defenses.



: Prevents hair loss and improves its general condition, helps fight premature gray hair.

Special therapeutic cocktails are injected into the scalp. In other words, there is a direct delivery of medicinal drugs directly to the hair follicle. The cocktails contain various substances that nourish the hair follicle, improve its blood supply and oxygen supply.

Most often, cocktails consist of zinc, selenium, vitamin B, and amino acids. Vitamin B helps get rid of dandruff, strengthens the hair follicle and normalizes the functioning of the sebaceous glands.

Zinc and selenium play an important role in skin regeneration processes and promote hair growth. All these substances beneficial to the body help stop the process of graying and restore the natural color of the hair.

In addition, the injection itself matters. Because the area between the upper and middle layers of the skin, where the germ cells are located, is mechanically irritated. They are encouraged to be active.

One of the causes of hair loss is poor blood supply to the cervical spine. Because of this, hair follicles receive insufficient amounts of vitamins, microelements, and oxygen. Therefore, if the patient is already experiencing loss or this process is just beginning, mesotherapy cocktails are administered not only to the scalp, but also to the cervical-collar area.


normalizes blood microcirculation. Blood supply in the cervical spine is normalized.

Microcurrent therapy


: With hair loss, deterioration of its structure, which leads to the thinning of each hair shaft. Suitable for reducing oily scalp.

The essence of the method is that the scalp is exposed to pulsed currents of low frequency. To carry out Microcurrent therapy, Biogenie Capillaire is used - a fundamentally new device developed by the Rene Bouchaud laboratory (the French company founded by Jaqui Bouchaud uses unique developments, all the most advanced that scientists can offer today) for biotherapy. The potential of Biogenie currents, corresponding to the potential of the cell membrane, in combination with individually selected cosmetics, perfectly promotes the growth of the hair follicle.

It is thanks to the low frequency of pulses that microcurrents penetrate deep into the layer of the epidermis, promoting the dilation of blood vessels, improving blood flow, lymph flow, nourishing the skin with oxygen, and activating metabolic processes in the hair follicles. As a result, hair begins to grow faster, acquires a healthy shine and well-groomed appearance. Weak, damaged hair is restored, the secretion of the sebaceous glands is normalized.

Microcurrents, stimulating the metabolic processes of the scalp, promote the removal of harmful substances from the body, tissue regeneration, and a general improvement in hair condition. In addition, the “sleeping” bulbs are awakened.

Microcurrent therapy

– a painless procedure. It is carried out either in areas that are affected by a particular disease, or over the entire surface of the head.

The procedure is very comfortable for the patient and causes only pleasant sensations. It is especially loved by men who, unlike women, tolerate injection techniques worse.

After just one procedure, hair loss is reduced. After the procedure, the hair looks more vibrant and healthy. The scalp begins to breathe.

Laser therapy


: For diseases of the scalp - psoriasis, atopic dermatitis, neurodermatitis, dysfunction of the sebaceous glands (dryness, oiliness, dandruff). Hair after laser exposure becomes more elastic, dense, and manageable.

Low Level Laser Therapy

approved by the US Food and Drug Administration.

A low-frequency pulsating light beam penetrates deep under the surface of the skin to the very hair roots - to a depth of 6-8 mm. The energy generated by laser radiation increases the level of blood circulation in the scalp, supplying it with oxygen and increasing the level of metabolism in cells.

At the same time, approximately 70% of hair moves from the resting phase to the growth phase. As a result, 90% of patients stop losing hair, and 50% experience significant hair growth. During therapy, the quality of thinning hair also changes: it thickens and acquires a healthy shine. Renewing blood flow can also be a means of solving problems such as itching, dandruff, hypersecretion of the sebaceous glands, which are also causes of hair loss.

How to use a hair scrub

Unfortunately, not everyone knows how to apply this peeling correctly. For this reason, a lot of questions and indignation arise, because as a result of careless and incorrect application, not only the skin, but also the hair can be damaged.

First, let's decide how often you can use this miracle remedy.

  • For oily scalp, we recommend doing this procedure every two washes.
  • For normal skin, once every 4-5 washes is enough.
  • But if you have sensitive skin, then once a month is enough so as not to damage the skin.

We also draw your attention to the fact that the scrub is done before using shampoo!

Important! But, if the skin is very oily, then you can first use shampoo, then scrub and shampoo again.

  1. So, apply the hair scrub to the scalp with gentle massaging movements. Apply to damp skin, so the scrubbing particles are easily distributed and cleanse the skin.
  2. Gently massage for a couple of minutes and leave for 5-10 minutes.
  3. Wash off with shampoo and be sure to make a moisturizing mask.

Recipe for facial peeling with baking soda for problem skin: recipe

smiling girl exfoliates problem skin with baking soda

In the vast majority of cases, soda is used for home scrubs for problematic, oily and combination skin types.

To maintain a clean, fresh, healthy complexion, wash your face with a light baking soda solution every 7 days.

  • To do this, dissolve 1 teaspoon of white soda powder in a glass of warm boiled water.
  • Wash your face with this solution so that all problem areas on your face are thoroughly soaked and lightly massaged.

To achieve a healing effect, prepare the following mask as an emergency:

  • baking soda and flour (wheat, oat, bran) in a ratio of 1:5
  • warm water

Mask operation:

  • Mix dry ingredients first and then add water. Stir until thick sour cream forms.
  • Apply the mask generously onto your steamed face and leave for 10-15 minutes.
  • rinse with warm water using massaging movements,
  • rinse with cool mineral water and apply day cream to skin.

Homemade scalp scrub for dandruff

There is an amazing folk recipe that will help you get rid of dandruff. All components can be easily found and the scrub can be prepared at home.

So, we need sea salt and almond oil. Salt perfectly cleanses the sebaceous glands and removes dandruff. If you have coarse salt, you can simply grind it in a coffee grinder to the consistency you need.

The second component is an essential oil that ideally fights dandruff. The advantage of this oil is that it gently cleanses without clogging the hair follicles.

We take two components in equal proportions - 2 tablespoons of salt and 2 tablespoons of almond oil!

Coconut oil for hair against dandruff

How to exfoliate with baking soda and shaving foam: recipe

girl with a mask on her face against the background of an inscription about the benefits of soda

If you are bothered by deep blackheads on your nose and the area around it, then a mask with baking soda, salt and shaving foam will help eliminate this problem.


  • food water, sea salt or extra salt and shaving foam in equal proportions
  • container for preparing a mask

Mask operation:

  • combine the ingredients in any order,
  • steam your face
  • spread the prepared mask solution over the skin with light rubbing movements of your fingers,
  • wait up to a quarter of an hour and remove the mask with warm water or herbal decoction,
  • rinse your face with cool water,
  • Complete the procedure by applying day cream.

Salt hair scrub

We have already written that sea salt is great not only for body care, but also for hair.

Due to its rich and beneficial composition, sea salt perfectly cleanses and strengthens hair follicles. You can mix salt with various components, constantly making new versions of this product.

We offer this interesting and effective recipe:

  • 2 tablespoons sea salt.
  • 2 tablespoons of honey. It has an anti-inflammatory effect and gently nourishes the epidermis.
  • 2 tablespoons olive oil.

Hair mask with honey and burdock oil

Recipe for facial peeling with baking soda and lemon: recipe

Ingredients for homemade baking soda and lemon scrub

This mask can:

  • restore freshness and natural whiteness to facial skin
  • dry out minor inflammations
  • cleanse pores of dirt
  • help reduce sebum production


  • half a lemon and 1 measure fresh baking soda

Mask operation:

  • mix the ingredients until the baking soda is completely dissolved,
  • Gently spread the mask onto prepared facial skin,
  • rinse it off without rubbing after 10 minutes with cool water or blot it with a cotton pad,
  • Complete your facial skin care by applying day cream.

Scrub recipe for oily skin

Owners of this skin type probably know about the miraculous properties of clay, which cleanses, tones and moisturizes the skin well. We will prepare this cosmetic product with the addition of clay. There are a large number of different types of clay, you can choose any, but we recommend blue clay.

It’s good to add a little chamomile decoction to this recipe.

So, we take the following components:

  • 2 tablespoons clay + 2 tablespoons fine salt.
  • Now add the chamomile decoction until you get a thick consistency. For aroma, you can add a couple of drops of any essential oil.

How to exfoliate your face with baking soda and peroxide: recipe

Baking soda and hydrogen peroxide ingredients for homemade face scrub

To improve your complexion, treat acne and clear comedones from pores, prepare yourself such a mask. It is especially relevant for those with oily skin types.


  • food water and hydrogen peroxide in proportions 1:2
  • ceramic bowl

Mask operation:

  • mix fresh ingredients that have not expired in a bowl,
  • Apply the mask onto a washed face, treated with a pore-opening agent, with light movements. Leave the areas around the eyes and mouth untouched.
  • After 10-15 minutes, wash off the mask with cool water. The tufts of your fingers should move in a circle without pressure,
  • spread your regular day cream on dry skin,
  • After 14 days, repeat the procedure.

Coffee scrub for scalp

What could be better than a cup of aromatic coffee brewed with your own hands? While you're enjoying the coffee aroma and taste, don't forget to pamper your hair. The remaining coffee grounds can be used to prepare a miracle recipe! What you need:

  • 2 teaspoons coffee grounds.
  • 1 yolk.
  • 2 tablespoons coconut oil.

The main thing is to try not to eat this tasty and aromatic mixture!

Lifehack! Ground coffee is a coarser scrubbing particle. But coffee grounds or cake resemble a gentle peeling.

If you are blonde, it is better to avoid coffee peeling, as coffee is a natural dye.

Scrub peeling

You can also prepare a gentle hair peeling that will gently cleanse the skin. It is good to do this procedure using crushed grape or apricot seeds. But if such a component is difficult to find, then you can use regular soda.

But we highly recommend peach oil, it contains many vitamins and takes very good care of the skin. Take these components:

  • 2 tablespoons of soda.
  • 2 tablespoons peach oil.

From salt and butter

As you already understood, a great way to prepare a hair scrub is to add a little essential oil to the scrub particles and base. Which oil to use depends on your hair type. For example, with oily hair it is better to use lighter oils - tea tree or lemon oil, but dry hair loves lavender and juniper oil.

In this version we will use salt and two types of oil. One will be our base. A win-win option is olive or almond.

  • 1 tablespoon sea salt.
  • 1 tablespoon olive oil.
  • 4-6 drops of tea tree oil or lavender depending on the hair.

Homemade scrub recipe for hair growth

The most proven method is cleansing with small scrubbing particles (which will gently improve blood circulation) and nourishing the hair follicles (castor oil has no equal here). All you need to do is just mix everything in equal proportions. You can use finely ground salt or brown sugar. For aroma, add a couple drops of lavender oil.

How to use tea tree oil for hair growth

Your questions:

  1. Can I use a body scrub on my scalp? We do not recommend it. Such cosmetics may contain aggressive scrubbing particles, as well as components that cause allergies. Manufacturers often add anti-cellulite ingredients that strengthen skin turgor and help get rid of cellulite crusts. But it is worth remembering that such products irritate the skin and are not suitable for sensitive scalps.
  2. How often to use a scalp scrub It depends on the condition of your hair. It is very important not to overdo it with this procedure so as not to cause harm. 1-2 times a week will be enough.
  3. Hair fell out after a hair scrub. There may be several reasons. The first is that your hair was already dead and this procedure only accelerated the process of hair loss. The second is the use of rough scrubbing particles that traumatize the hair. It is also important to apply the exfoliant very gently and carefully. There is no need to vigorously rub it in. And the third reason is the too frequent use of peeling. Follow the recommendations and do not resort to the procedure too often.

Recipe for facial peeling with baking soda and salt

ingredients for homemade baking soda and salt scrub

A good mask for problem-prone skin:

  • acne
  • increased greasiness
  • blackhead formation


  • food water and sea/cosmetic salt in a 1:1 ratio
  • warm melt or mineral water
  • ceramic mixing bowl

Mask operation:

  • combine soda and salt,
  • gradually pour in water and mix soda with salt until the crystals of the latter are completely dissolved,
  • Apply the salt mask evenly onto cleansed facial skin. Avoid sensitive skin areas around the eyes and mouth,
  • leave for 10-15 minutes and remove the mask. To do this, blot your face with a damp towel/cotton pad,
  • complete the procedure by applying your usual day cream for your skin type and time of year,
  • The frequency of using such a mask is once every one and a half weeks.
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