Homemade bath scrubs for gorgeous, glowing skin

A body scrub is a popular way to exfoliate your skin. Of course, you can buy it in the store, but it is better to make your own homemade scrub using affordable ingredients that everyone can find.

Body scrubs are like dessert in the skin care world. Exfoliators not only feel physically, but often smell like a real treat. They do not replace washing products, but complement them, turning the process into a real pleasure. Scrubs after a bath are especially effective.

No matter how busy you are, your skin needs proper care, which is where scrubs come in. Learning how to make them yourself is not at all difficult. In addition, homemade scrubs do not contain harmful substances or preservatives that can harm the skin.

Benefits of using body scrubs

Regular use of scrubs can improve the health and appearance of your skin. Mechanical exfoliation removes the top layer of dead cells and stimulates collagen production, which helps the skin remain firm and taut.

Don’t discount the fact that massaging your skin with a scrub is a great way to relax, makes you feel calmer, relieves stress and accumulated fatigue.

As dermatologist Howard Sobel said:

“Exfoliating your face and body is incredibly important because it rids the skin of buildup and dead cells. Scrubs make it brighter, smoother and healthier.”

Including scrubbing in your body care routine is the key to beautiful, glowing skin. Scrubs help keep it clean and reduce the likelihood of rashes. "Exfoliators help cleanse the skin, remove impurities, and prevent the formation of blackheads and whiteheads," says dermatologist Shari Sperling.

Expert opinion

Lovkachev Boris Petrovich

Bath master who knows everything about steaming

If you have sensitive or very dry skin, talk to your esthetician or dermatologist to find out if exfoliating with a body scrub is right for you.

Subtleties of applying peeling in a bath

High-quality preparation for a cosmetic procedure will make it useful and effective. Therefore, it is so important to know about the features of applying bath cosmetics. They may be as follows:

  • The natural peeling composition is prepared in advance from fresh and high-quality ingredients.
  • To carry out cosmetic procedures you will need a hat, a towel, slippers, brushes, shampoo, a broom, a ladle, and soap. To apply peeling to the body, you can use a brush, massage brush or glove.
  • It is better to apply cosmetics after the 2nd visit to the steam room. This helps the skin become as steamed as possible, which means that enlarged pores are able to absorb more nutrients. Some formulations are applied directly in the steam room.
  • For better absorption, the finished mask or scrub needs to be preheated to 35 degrees. To do this, leave the jar with the product in the steam room for several minutes. The heated mixture is applied to the skin after completion of the procedure.
  • Natural-based cosmetics are applied with soft and smooth movements in a clockwise direction. They start with problem areas - feet, elbows, knees, hands, which require deeper cleansing and nutrition. If you have cellulite, you should pay more attention to the affected areas to increase blood circulation and break down fat deposits under the epidermis. In this case, you should avoid excessive exposure to sensitive areas of the face and body - décolleté, around the eyes, under the knees, in the crook of the arms. Also, the products are not applied to damaged areas with cuts, abrasions and wounds.
  • To prevent allergic reactions and enhance the positive effect of the procedures, bath cosmetics must be selected taking into account your skin type. If after applying the composition there is itching, redness or the appearance of spots, the product must be thoroughly rinsed off and, if possible, not used in the future.
  • Warm water is used to remove cosmetics. After each procedure, the skin can be protected with moisturizer.

The bathhouse is a wonderful place designed for taking wellness treatments based on healthy and easy-to-prepare cosmetics.

We offer proven recipes for bath cosmetics that you can easily prepare with your own hands at home.

Bath and scrubs

Homemade scrubs are in no way inferior to those bought in a store or pharmacy. Everyone can prepare them to their own taste and taking into account the characteristics of their skin, excluding harmful components or those ingredients that can cause an allergic reaction.

Using scrubs after a bath increases the effectiveness of creams applied to the skin. Thanks to scrubbing, the cream will be able to penetrate deeper into the skin, maximally nourishing and moisturizing them.

It has been proven that daily use of scrubs does not do any good and can make your skin dry, sensitive and irritated. That is why the combination of bath procedures with skin care will be simply ideal.

It is safe to exfoliate your skin two to three times a week.

What benefits does using a scrub in a bath provide:

  • getting rid of dead skin and its dead particles;
  • skin regeneration, oxygen and water exchange in cells improves;
  • improved blood circulation;
  • better absorption of skin care products;
  • effective cleansing of pores;
  • allows you to maintain and make your tan more even.

Massage in the bath: types and features

There are quite a lot of different types of bath massages, but the most traditional and common are broom massage and foam massage.

  • Massage with brooms. The massage is done with different brooms using stroking, patting, whipping, fanning and rubbing movements. Oak, birch, spruce brooms, brooms made from lilac, nettle and other plants can be used. Juniper and fir brooms can be used to massage against cellulite. A special type is a massage in a bathhouse with a bamboo broom, which is used to pat the steamed body either stronger or weaker. Such massages help improve the elasticity and firmness of the skin, and also have a positive effect on the musculoskeletal system.
  • Foam massage. For a foam massage, olive and eucalyptus soap is used, which is foamed in a special bag, after which this foam is gently and leisurely applied to the body, paying attention to every part of the body. The most popular procedure is in the Turkish hammam; spa massage in a bathhouse or sauna is more exotic.

What do you need to make your own body scrub?

Preparing a homemade scrub is not difficult, the main thing is to prepare everything you need in advance:

  1. Measuring utensils (bowl, cup, spoon).

  2. A container in which everything will be mixed.
  3. Base oil is the basis of the scrub. You can take coconut oil, jojoba oil, grape seed oil, almond oil or olive oil.
  4. Sugar or salt (exfoliant).
  5. Optional additional ingredients - essential oils, honey, green tea, coffee, cocoa, etc.
  6. An airtight container for storing the finished scrub.

If you want to add essential oils to your body scrub, do a test with the diluted oil on your skin first to make sure you are not allergic to the oil.

The best essential oils with a healing effect:

  • Based on citrus fruits (bergamot, orange, lemon, tangerine) - in addition to the invigorating and refreshing nature of the oils, they have mild antibacterial, antiseptic, antifungal and antimicrobial properties, helping damaged skin.
  • Geranium – Due to its ability to balance sebum secretion, this essential oil is ideal for all skin types. Geranium also has anti-inflammatory properties that help soothe itchy skin.

  • Lavender is the most popular essential oil, loved for its sweet aroma and ability to soothe the skin. Combines well with almost all base oils.
  • Frankincense – This ancient oil has proven effective against uneven skin tone caused by aging or sunburn and combats age spots.
  • Tea Tree – Tea tree essential oil has strong antiseptic properties. This is an excellent choice for products designed to treat common skin infections.

Expert opinion

Lovkachev Boris Petrovich

Bath master who knows everything about steaming

When preparing homemade scrubs, it is very important to achieve the correct consistency of the finished product so that it is not too liquid (then the scrub will spread), or too thick (it will be very difficult to take), or too crumbly (the scrub will simply crumble like sand).

Below are some of the most popular and proven recipes for preparing body scrubs, which are convenient to use both in the bathhouse and in the shower or bath. Treat your body!


Not all types of peelings can be used in steam rooms. However, bath body scrubs are safe and effective because the hard abrasives are not exposed to high temperatures, unlike chemical exfoliants.

Skin scrubbing is a simple procedure with many advantages:

  • exfoliates dead skin cells of the epidermis;
  • cleanses pores;
  • has a massage effect;
  • fights pigment spots and shallow scars;
  • tones;
  • nourishes.

Thanks to the high concentration of hot steam, the bath enhances all the beneficial properties of scrubs :

  • exfoliation occurs more gently than under normal conditions, since high humidity and temperature soften the keratinized layers of the epidermis;
  • the pores expand, which allows them to be better cleaned;
  • toxins are released and nutrients penetrate deeper;
  • temperature changes in the bathhouse affect increased blood flow, causing blood vessels to narrow and dilate;
  • thanks to peeling massage, blood vessels are significantly strengthened and oxygen exchange in cells is stimulated;
  • the effect of active substances under the influence of heat increases , the effect of using exfoliants with targeted action increases (anti-cellulite, anti-aging, against hyperpigmentation, etc.).

So, if you are losing weight or getting rid of cellulite , then by combining scrubs for weight loss baths and massage with brooms in saunas and steam rooms, you can stimulate blood microcirculation and the breakdown of subcutaneous fat, even out the relief of the epidermis, and restore elasticity.


And the facial scrubs used in the bath maintain skin tone, remove wrinkles, and get rid of post-acne and hyperpigmentation.

However, not all scrubs are equally good in a bath, and when choosing a product, it is advisable to adhere to the following criteria:

  • natural composition - various petroleum derivatives and other chemicals, due to high temperatures and maximally open pores, penetrate deeper and cause more harm;
  • compatibility with the type of epidermis - body skin is usually normal or dry, and facial skin often combines oily, dry and normal areas;
  • correspondence of the composition to the type of problem being solved - each scrub ingredient has individual properties that affect certain cellular processes.

We recommend: MATTIFYING SCRUBS: benefits, TOP 5 purchased products + 5 best recipes

The following ingredients are most often used in natural scrubs

  • rich in vitamins, replenishes nutritional deficiencies;
  • stimulates metabolism;
  • launches regeneration processes
  • removes toxins;
  • dries out inflammation;
  • has antimicrobial properties;
  • removes excess sebum;
  • contains a large amount of useful minerals;
  • maintains elasticity
  • improves blood microcirculation;
  • stimulates the breakdown of fats;
  • stimulates cellular metabolism;
  • reduces swelling
  • maintains water balance in cells;
  • removes toxins;
  • relieves irritation;
  • is an antioxidant;
  • restores elasticity
  • remove toxins;
  • have antioxidant properties;
  • nourish with vitamins, micro- and macroelements;
  • enhance regeneration processes;
  • break down and remove fatty compounds;
  • reduce swelling
Olive oil
  • moisturizes;
  • stimulates collagen production, prevents the formation of age spots;
  • regenerates
  • replenishes the lack of potassium and magnesium;
  • regulates the water-salt balance of the epidermis;
  • removes excess sebum;
  • dries out inflammation
  • restores elasticity;
  • retains moisture in cells;
  • enhances the protective functions of the epidermis;
  • regulates the functioning of the sebaceous glands
Ground nuts and fruit seeds
  • antioxidants;
  • supply the skin with vitamins and microelements;
  • soften;
  • improve metabolism
Essential oilsEach essential oil has individual properties and can tone, whiten, soothe, promote cleansing, even out the tone and relief of the epidermis, etc.

This is just a small list of ingredients for bath exfoliants. And in cosmetic stores you can find jars with very exotic ingredients.

However, for steam rooms, the issue of the harmful effects of chemical components is acute. Therefore, it is advisable to purchase scrubs for baths in handmade shops. Better yet, cook it yourself. Moreover, during one visit to a bathhouse, sauna, or hammam, considerable amounts of exfoliant are consumed.

How to properly use scrubs in a bath

Typically, exfoliation is carried out according to the following scheme:

  1. Masks and scrubs for baths begin to be used when the skin is already steamed , as evidenced by open pores and profuse sweating. This usually happens after 2 or 3 visits. The exfoliant needs to be warmed up before use, so you can take it with you to the steam room.
  2. After leaving the steam room, you should rinse under warm water to wash away the salts and toxins that came out with sweat.
  3. Apply exfoliant to clean, damp skin. It is advisable to have several types of scrubs with you: for different types of facial and body skin.
  4. Rub the composition with light movements along the massage lines , starting from the feet and moving upward. Typically the massage lasts 1-2 minutes. But for problem areas, the treatment time can be increased.
  5. If the exfoliant has a natural composition (for example, homemade bath scrubs), then after scrubbing the product is left on the skin for another 5-10 minutes.
  6. Rinse off the exfoliant under a warm shower and gently pat your body dry with a towel.
  7. Before leaving the sauna, apply skin care products. You should take special care of your facial skin during the cold season.

You will be interested in : PEELING MITTEN for face and body: how to use and how to make

But scrubs will not benefit everyone. To avoid harm to yourself, peeling is prohibited in the following cases:

  • open mechanical damage to the skin;
  • inflammation or viral diseases of the skin in active form;
  • recent medium or deep peels;
  • allergy to individual components of the exfoliant.

It should be remembered that at high temperatures the effect of any active substances is enhanced. This may lead to allergic reactions. Therefore, you should use only those products that have been used repeatedly before and do not cause negative skin reactions.

Sugar scrub with eucalyptus and orange essential oils

This homemade sugar scrub is perfect for tired legs and feet. The reason for choosing eucalyptus essential oil is that it has an amazing soothing effect, makes the skin cool and fresh, and also helps relieve joint pain.


  • 1/2 cup coconut or olive oil;
  • 1.5 cups brown sugar (you can use white sugar);
  • 20 drops of eucalyptus essential oil;
  • 10 drops of orange essential oil.


  1. In a bowl, combine one cup of sugar and butter, stir until a paste forms.
  2. Then you need to add 20 drops of eucalyptus essential oil and 10 drops of orange essential oil to the mixture. Mix well.
  3. To obtain a thicker scrub consistency, add the remaining sugar gradually as you stir.
  4. Transfer the finished scrub into a container with a lid and store in a cool, dry place.

Hair mask recipes

Hair treatments are much more effective when done in a bathhouse. Opened pores on the scalp facilitate deep penetration of all components of the masks. Hair becomes healthier, becomes shiny, strong and beautiful.

Bread hair mask

Take 3-4 pieces of rye bread and knead. You can dry it and grind it in a meat grinder. Add kefir until you get a paste. Apply to damp hair for 10-15 minutes.

Perfectly nourishes the scalp. Hair becomes shiny and silky.

Mask of oil, honey and yolk

Mix olive and burdock oil, 1 tbsp each. l., add 1 tbsp. l. honey and 1 yolk. Apply the mixture evenly from roots to ends.

An excellent healing, strengthening and nourishing mask.

Kefir mask

In this case, kefir or yogurt is suitable. Take half a glass and apply to hair.

The composition moisturizes and nourishes.

Lavender and lemon scrub for face, neck and hands

This sugar scrub is renowned for its soothing and moisturizing properties. And what a scent it has!


  • 1/2 cup coconut or almond oil;
  • 1.5 cups white (or brown) sugar;
  • 2 teaspoons lavender essential oil;
  • 10 drops of lemon essential oil;
  • 1-2 teaspoons dried lavender.


  1. Mix sugar and butter in a bowl.
  2. Add essential oils to the mixture. Mix well.
  3. Then add dried lavender and mix again.
  4. Transfer the finished scrub into a glass container with a lid. Store in a cool dry place.

When using a scrub specifically for the face and neck, it is better to use ground sugar, since its particles are smaller and less aggressive for these sensitive areas.

If during storage the essential oils have evaporated or dried out, you can simply add more of them.

Salt based scrubs

Salt-based scrubs have a number of advantages - they perfectly cleanse the skin, and are also low in cost.

Salt scrub with lime added

In order to prepare a cosmetic product, you will need to take coarse salt, to which you need to add fresh lime juice. Next, you need to mix everything and apply to damp skin, then rinse.

Honey scrub with grapefruit

The product allows you not only to cleanse the skin of dead cells, but also:

  • destroy microorganisms living on its surface;
  • free the skin from acne;
  • moisten;
  • smooth out.

To prepare you need salt, honey and grapefruit juice.

Photo by Tima Miroshnichenko: Pexels

The scrub contains antioxidants that destroy free radicals, prevent skin aging, and even out its color.

Scrub with pink sea salt and geranium oil

This scrub will perfectly help reduce inflammation, and geranium essential oil will prevent depression, anxiety, and insomnia. Suitable for those who love the smell of geranium. It remains on the surface of the skin for a long time, reminding of the procedures being carried out. To prepare, you need to mix salt with a small amount of essential oil.

Bath scrub “Exotic rose and hibiscus”

If you're looking for a luxurious, aromatic body scrub recipe, this is it. Not only will your skin be smooth and glowing, but it will also smell divine.


  • 1/3 cup jojoba oil or coconut oil;
  • 1/3 cup almond oil;
  • 2 small cups white sugar;
  • 1 tablespoon dried rose petals;
  • 1 tablespoon hibiscus petals;
  • 15 drops of lavender essential oil;
  • 10 drops of rose essential oil.


  1. Mix almond oil with jojoba oil and sugar in a bowl.
  2. Add essential oils to the mixture. Mix well.
  3. Then add rose petals and hibiscus and mix again. The flowers should be evenly distributed in the mixture.
  4. Transfer the finished scrub into a glass container with a lid. Store in a cool dry place.

Tips for preparing and storing the scrub

Read about the recommendations that should be followed to ensure that the scrub lasts longer:


  • All components necessary for the preparation of a cosmetic product must be stored in separate containers. This will avoid the occurrence of a chemical reaction and the formation of by-products;
  • The finished scrub should be stored in a cool place in a separate container with a tight lid. The shelf life is designed to last only a few weeks;
  • Before applying a homemade scrub to your skin, you should wash your hands. It is recommended to take out the required volume of the product with a small spoon or spatula, which will prevent its contamination with microorganisms;
  • The shelf life of the scrub can be increased by adding one of the preservatives;
  • additional additives will expand the way you use the scrub. For example, you can mix liquid soap with the ingredients and use the product as a cleansing shower gel;
  • It is possible to enhance the cleansing effect using a washcloth or a brush with bristles;
  • The scrub can be used no more than once every 7-10 days. With frequent application, the skin is damaged and irritation occurs;

How to exfoliate your body in a sauna

  • If you choose between plain salt and Dead Sea salt, it is better to choose the latter product. It has healing properties, for example, it alleviates joint diseases, etc.

Vanilla Sugar Scrub

This scrub, combined with bath procedures, has antioxidant properties. It will help your skin tone and cope with age-related changes.


  • 1/2 cup jojoba oil or olive oil;
  • 1 cup white sugar;
  • 2 teaspoons honey;
  • 8 drops of vanilla essential oil or half a teaspoon of vanilla extract.


  1. Mix all ingredients. A thick paste should be obtained by adding or reducing sugar/oil.
  2. Mix well.
  3. Transfer the finished scrub into a glass container with a lid. Store in a cool dry place.


Bath scrubs are very easy to prepare at home. It is not at all necessary to look for exotic ingredients for this: effective remedies can be obtained from products familiar to any housewife.

During production, the following must be taken into account:

  1. Products must be fresh and natural.
  2. It is better to prepare the exfoliant shortly before visiting the bathhouse.
  3. If easily soluble abrasives (salt, sugar or soda) are used, they should be added to the mixture immediately before applying the product to the skin.
  4. The size of the abrasive particles depends on the properties of the epidermis - the weaker, drier and more sensitive the skin, the finer the grind.
  5. If desired, the ingredients can be changed - many products are interchangeable, as they have similar properties.

Here are some recipes for effective bath scrubs.

Coffee bath scrub

Coffee bath scrubs are widely known for their tonic effect. They are used to restore freshness to tired or aging skin. Coffee is often part of the prevention of stretch marks and is included in anti-cellulite therapy.


  • 3 tbsp. coffee grounds;
  • 2 tbsp. sunflower or olive oil;
  • 3 drops cinnamon, rosemary and orange essential oils.

The coffee grounds in this bath scrub are a very delicate abrasive, and the stimulation of coffee is combined with the moisturizing properties of oils. Therefore, the recipe is suitable even for the most sensitive skin.

Honey-salt scrub

To make honey scrubs for a bath with your own hands, any honey, even candied honey, is suitable. Most often it is used in nourishing scrub-masks, as well as in anti-cellulite formulations.

As a base, honey is suitable for skin of any type and age. However, salt, which acts as an abrasive, has drying properties. Therefore, this mask is used for oily and normal skin.

Salt scrubs for baths are best made from sea salt, but if necessary, table salt can also be used.


  • 3 tbsp. salt;
  • 3 tbsp. l. honey;
  • 2 tsp lemon juice.

The composition is rubbed in until the salt is completely dissolved, after which it is left for the required time. With regular use, the scrub evens out the skin texture and allows you to quickly get rid of shallow scars and age spots.

Homemade sugar scrub

Like salt, sugar dissolves quickly. But it is a more gentle abrasive, as it does not dry out the skin. Sugar can be added as an additional element to any recipe. As an exfoliant base, it is best suited for dry, weakened and mature skin.


  • 3 tbsp. cane sugar;
  • 1 raw potato, grated into a fine grater;
  • 1 raw yolk;
  • 3 drops of orange oil.

Potato mixture can be replaced with potato juice. The resulting mixture is also rubbed in until the abrasive is completely dissolved. The composition will moisturize the skin and increase its tone, slow down the processes of cellular aging, and discolor pigment spots.

Scrub with clay

The beneficial properties of clay are difficult to overestimate. Clay can dry out inflammation and remove excess sebum, which makes it indispensable for oily epidermis prone to the formation of pimples and comedones.

Due to its ability to maintain the tone of the epidermis and reduce the number of wrinkles, clay is excellent for mature skin. However, in this case, after exfoliation, you need to pay special attention to moisturizing.


  • 2 tbsp. black clay;
  • 2 tbsp. l. ground coffee;
  • 4 tbsp. sour cream;
  • 3 drops of chamomile oil.

The recipe is suitable for any type of skin and helps to cope with most problems from dryness and excess sebum to cellulite and aging skin.

From olive oil

Homemade bath scrubs based on olive oil are hypoallergenic and suitable for everyone. But they are especially effective for aging and sensitive skin with moisture deficiency.

  • 4 tbsp olive oil;
  • 2 tbsp. cane sugar;
  • 2 tbsp. ground coffee or coffee grounds
  • 1 tsp lemon juice.

This mixture is convenient for use in the cold season, when the epidermis especially requires hydration. The exfoliant will support weakened skin, even out its tone, and slow down the aging process.

Baths allow you to steam your skin well, so they are great for using all kinds of scrubs. When purchasing an exfoliant for a steam room, you should choose products with the least amount of chemicals, or make scrubs for the bath at home. When used correctly, exfoliating beauty products are an excellent way to maintain the beauty and tone of the skin.

Text author : Alexandra Gribovskaya

Body scrub with coffee and sugar

Probably one of the most popular homemade scrub recipes. Coffee is rich in antioxidants that help fight cellulite, and the sugar in this mixture acts as an exfoliant that helps get rid of dead skin. Olive oil penetrates deeply into the skin, moisturizing it and keeping it healthy.


  • 1/4 cup ground coffee;
  • ¼ cup white sugar;
  • 2 tablespoons extra virgin olive oil;
  • 3 capsules of vitamin E.


  1. Combine sugar and coffee.
  2. Add oil and capsule contents to them. Mix well.
  3. Transfer the finished scrub into a glass container with a lid. Store in a cool dry place.

Contraindications for use

Despite their high efficiency and a large number of beneficial properties, the use of cosmetic scrubs is not always possible. Their use is contraindicated in the following cases:

  • hypersensitivity to the components included in the product;
  • dermatological diseases;
  • psoriasis;
  • lupus;
  • pemphigus;
  • malignant and benign neoplasms;
  • phlebeurysm;
  • the presence of small scratches, rashes or wounds on the skin;
  • after visiting the solarium;
  • close location to the surface of blood vessels and the existing vascular network.

We recommend: How to make your own coffee body scrub at home? Recipes and rules of use

Using cosmetics when visiting a bathhouse helps you get rid of excess weight and cellulite, give your skin a healthy look, and also feel more energetic and self-confident.

Homemade sea salt scrub

Sea salt is rich in minerals that help your skin look young and healthy. Using this scrub after a bath improves blood circulation and also helps reduce problems such as scars and stretch marks (not old ones).


  • 1 cup sea salt;
  • 1/2 cup extra virgin olive oil;
  • 5-15 drops of any essential oil.


  1. Mix all ingredients to form a thick paste.
  2. Transfer the finished scrub into a glass container with a lid. Store in a cool dry place.

Are there scrubs and masks for weight loss?

The bath itself promotes the removal of toxins and weight loss. To increase the effect, you can do a preliminary light body massage before the bath. Or take a steam bath with a broom in the steam room.

Cleansing scrubs will help increase sweating, further improving blood flow and speeding up metabolism. With sweat, toxins and substances unnecessary to the body disappear. Containing salt, coffee or sugar, scrubs give a lifting effect and promote weight loss.

Masks using products that speed up blood flow, such as mustard, apple cider vinegar, pepper or cosmetic clay, also help burn fat.

Important - consult with specialists before using them. Careless use of “inflaming” components can lead to body burns.

In my opinion, it is preferable to use soft products - honey, sour cream, yogurt, etc. They nourish and at the same time tighten the skin.

Coconut scrub with salt and sugar

This recipe is a homemade analogue of the “Coconut” scrub from VkusVill. A dry scrub with a delicate coconut aroma perfectly cleanses, moisturizes and softens the skin, and has a rejuvenating effect.


  • 15 grams of small coconut flakes;
  • 2 tablespoons salt;
  • 3 tablespoons sugar;
  • 2 tablespoons coconut oil.


  1. Mix all ingredients thoroughly.
  2. Use immediately on washed skin.

You can pound the coconut shavings a little in a mortar to soften the particles slightly.

What scrubs and masks to use in the bath

The modern human body is exposed to various types of stress every day. Exhaust gases, atmospheric emissions from industrial enterprises, medicines, synthetic clothing, general “chemicalization” of food and household goods.

Help yourself avoid additional exposure to preservatives and dyes. Let your body rest. Use homemade scrubs and masks in the bathhouse. Fortunately, the range is extensive and the components are available.

An important rule is that the greatest effect and benefit will come from mixtures prepared immediately before visiting the bathhouse. This way, all the beneficial substances and elements of the composition will be preserved as much as possible.

How to use body scrubs correctly?

After performing bath procedures, the skin should be moistened with warm water and a scrub should be applied in a circular motion.

For greater effect, use your fingers to gently massage the skin with the scrub for several minutes. There should be no feeling of discomfort or pain. There is no need to rub very hard so as not to injure the skin.

Then rinse off the remaining scrub from the skin with cool water.

Expert opinion

Lovkachev Boris Petrovich

Bath master who knows everything about steaming

It is better to massage the skin of the legs from the bottom up, from the ankles to the hips along the lymph flow, thighs, buttocks, abdomen - in a circular motion. This is necessary in order not to disrupt the functioning of the lymphatic system and speed it up. Improving lymph flow allows you to get an anti-cellulite effect.

Body scrub is a simple and effective care product that can quickly put your skin in order. Making bath scrubs yourself is not difficult, but using them is even easier. They are an excellent alternative to purchased scrubs, they are more affordable and not dangerous, since the main ingredients are sugar/salt, oil and healthy natural additives. Homemade scrubs can be used to both cleanse and soften and nourish your skin.

Advantages and disadvantages

The result can be seen immediately after using the scrub. The skin takes on a fresh and healthy appearance. Cosmetics have the following positive effects:

  1. enrich the skin with essential nutrients;
  2. deeply cleanse the skin and prepare it for the use of moisturizers;
  3. stimulate the production of collagen, due to which the skin becomes more toned;
  4. activate metabolism and blood microcirculation in small vessels;
  5. accelerate the removal of excess fluid;
  6. are a means of preventing cellulite and improve the appearance of the skin;
  7. normalize fat metabolism in skin cells, reduce its fat content.

Unfortunately, bath scrubs are not without some disadvantages:

  1. small abrasive particles can injure the skin and cause inflammation or irritation;
  2. when used on injured or inflamed areas, may cause scarring;
  3. make the skin defenseless against ultraviolet rays and contribute to the appearance of age spots and sunburn;
  4. Frequent use causes roughening of the skin.

To ensure that scrubs do not cause harm to the body, you should carefully choose the products and use them in accordance with the recommendations.

Question answer

Can a scrub be harmful to the skin?

If there are no irritations, wounds or microcracks on the skin, using the scrub will be absolutely safe. Scrubs work great on dry, rough areas of skin on elbows, knees and heels.

Which scrub is better: sugar or salt?

Sugar grains have a less pronounced abrasive effect (due to their rounded shape), so sugar-based scrubs are softer. This allows them to be used to care for even sensitive areas of the skin.

How long can homemade scrubs be stored?

As a rule, most homemade scrubs can be stored for several months, provided that storage rules are followed. The specific timing also depends on the ingredients included in the scrub.

Can I use homemade scrubs to cleanse my face?

It’s possible, but to do this you need to choose the most gentle oil-based scrub options.

What oil is best for a sugar scrub?

Olive oil, grapeseed oil, sweet almond oil, or virgin coconut oil are good choices for sugar scrubs.

What it is?

A cosmetic scrub is a product in the form of an emulsion or gentle cream containing small abrasive particles. For facial care, scrubs containing small particles are used. To cleanse the body, harsher means are used.

Various exfoliating components are used to prepare scrubs:

  • sea ​​salt;
  • granulated sugar;
  • orange zest;
  • apricot kernels;
  • cereals;
  • coffee grounds;
  • or artificial granules.

The compositions are used not only to cleanse the skin, but also to achieve the effect of weight loss, whitening and rejuvenation.

The most effective bath masks

Face masks

The following masks provide a good moisturizing effect: made from high-fat sour cream, a mixture of carrot juice (one tablespoon) and honey (one tablespoon), and a mixture of honey and olive oil, taken in the same proportion.

The most effective nourishing masks are yolk and honey . The first contains yolk, brewer's yeast (one teaspoon) and olive oil (one teaspoon). The second consists of two teaspoons of milk, olive oil, oatmeal and honey.

Cucumber and lemon masks are good for face whitening . Their use is as follows: wipe the face with a lemon slice, grate the cucumber and apply the pulp to the skin.

All proposed mixtures are taken for a quarter of an hour, after which the skin is gently rinsed with warm water. Using a face mask in a bathhouse, every woman will feel its magical properties. The skin will become soft and smooth.

Body care compositions

Every girl dreams of having a flawless look and soft skin; body masks will help with this. In the bathhouse, the use of such products has a colossal effect.

The composition of sea salt (250 g) and honey (200 g) is a leader among scrubs with exfoliating properties. It is applied to the body, massaging for about 10 minutes, and then in this form it is sent to the steam room. This is one of the few masks that you can and should use in a steam room, which makes it even more effective due to the action of wet steam and the healing properties of honey. After the procedure, before leaving the steam room, you need to wash off the mask and carefully pat your body dry with a soft towel.

The second most effective skin cleanser is a coffee mask . Natural medium-ground coffee is brewed, the liquid is drained, and the remaining grounds (2 tablespoons) are mixed with sour cream (6 tablespoons). This mixture is rubbed in the steam room, but unlike the previous mask, it does not need to be rubbed vigorously so that coffee particles do not damage the skin. Then they also wash off with water, gently wipe the body and get the result - soft, velvety skin.

Hair care compositions

If you want to thoroughly improve your appearance, then you should include hair masks for baths in your bath procedures. In the bath you should take a mask prepared at home, consisting of three teaspoons of castor oil and shampoo mixed with burdock oil, apple cider vinegar and glycerin, taken one teaspoon each. Leave the mixture and then rinse with water. The result is silky, shiny hair, which usually loses its natural properties after hairdressing procedures.

Also, for good restoration of damaged hair, you can use a composition consisting of one egg, castor oil (4 teaspoons), glycerin (2 teaspoons) and vinegar (1 teaspoon). Action time: 20 minutes.

A mixture of two tablespoons of natural honey mixed with two tablespoons of burdock (linseed oil) is considered an excellent prevention of hair loss. It is rubbed into the scalp, applied to the hair and kept for 15 minutes.

Using a hair mask in a bath is very effective. The scalp breathes after treatments and nutrients are absorbed into the pores, thereby promoting hair growth and strengthening.

After reading this article, are you ready to visit the bathhouse and try its miraculous power for yourself? If yes, then start stocking up on bath accessories and ingredients for healthy masks and scrubs. Let every visit to the bathhouse be a small holiday for you, and let good health and well-groomed appearance be the most priceless gift!

Scrubs for dry skin

The products will help not only free the skin from the upper layers of the epidermis, that is, dead cells, but also enrich it with nutrients. One of them is pumpkin scrubs. To prepare, you will need to grind the hard parts of the pumpkin and add coconut oil.

Another recipe is based on small oatmeal with kefir. The scrub has anti-inflammatory properties, so it helps reduce the appearance of acne. The scrub with pomegranates helps reduce skin rashes and also eliminate minor sunburns.

Use one of the recipes listed. You will definitely like the result!

Tips for making and using masks in the bathhouse

If you want the masks to bring the expected effect, you should adhere to these rules and recommendations.

  1. You need to prepare the compositions immediately before leaving home, and also test them in advance for an allergic reaction.
  2. It is best to put them not in plastic, but in glass jars, tightly closing the lids.
  3. Apply masks to facial skin washed with water and soap, avoiding the area near the eyes and lips, only after completing all procedures and not in a steam room, in order to avoid unwanted consequences in the form of burns, redness, and rejection reactions.
  4. The period of action of masks in the bath is limited to 10 - 15 minutes, after which they must be thoroughly rinsed with cool water and wiped dry with a disposable paper towel.
  5. Such procedures are contraindicated for those who have extensive areas of inflammation on their facial skin, as well as rosacea (vessels and capillaries located close to the surface).

Persons with hypertension, problems with the cardiovascular system and asthma are not recommended to go to the bathhouse!

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