Cream "Burenka" for face: composition, benefits and consumer reviews

What are the benefits of Burenka cream?

“Burenka” for the face is a multifunctional cream that has earned recognition among most women due to the fact that:

  • it perfectly nourishes and moisturizes the skin. Regular use of this product promotes rapid restoration of even the most dry skin;
  • it perfectly protects the skin from frost and exposure to UV rays;
  • this product effectively evens out skin tone, penetrating deeply into its layers, and therefore can be safely used as a base for foundation;
  • “Burenka” is a cream that is suitable for both day and night use;
  • this product helps perfectly in the fight against age-related skin changes;
  • thanks to Burenka cream, even very dry and sensitive skin can be tidied up;
  • The main feature of the cream is to soften the skin and get rid of cracks.

It is worth noting that Burenka cream, like some other cosmetics, in addition to its positive qualities, also has disadvantages that are very important to consider:

  • For oily skin, this cream is best used only in the evening. During the day, an oily sheen may appear on the skin;
  • In the morning, it is recommended to use the cream 20-30 minutes before applying makeup. This time will be enough for it to be well absorbed.

With regular and correct use of Burenka cream, the skin will become elastic, firm, supplied with vitamins, beautiful and healthy.

Burenka face cream - reviews


I love this cream!


I really like this Burenka cream, I’ve been using it for quite a long time, it helps against wrinkles, perfectly moisturizes and nourishes the skin, the smell is neutral for me, there is not much fragrance, but I didn’t feel anything so terrible. I can use it as a base for makeup, it does not leave marks on clothes.


Perfectly nourishes and moisturizes the skin, absorbs quickly enough, does not leave stickiness or grease on the skin. The cream instantly relieves dryness and flaking.


Hello! It’s a very normal cream for dry skin, and not expensive, I personally used it myself.

lena orlovva

Probably every second person has already heard about the once sensational face cream “ Burenka ”. I read about it, both negative and positive reviews, but, as I was convinced a long time ago, until you test it yourself, you will not know how effective the product is, or whether it is effective at all.

External data:

The packaging design of the cream is uncomplicated and simple: a small jar is made of durable white plastic, it has a label with basic information about the product, as well as a cute cow, after which, apparently, the cream was named.

The lid is also plastic and unscrews. It contains a label with the manufacturer's promises:

An equally important fact is that the packaging is protected from extraneous influences: the jar has an adhesive seal tape, by which you can immediately determine whether the packaging has been opened before you or not. Also, inside the jar itself there is a protective membrane, which, unfortunately, I did not have time to capture.

Directions for use, contraindications, composition:

Consistency: at first glance it seems light and airy, but in reality it turns out to be very dense and thick. Personally, the consistency of the cream reminds me of some kind of emulsion mixture:

color .

Smell: fresh, pleasant, unobtrusive.

My impressions:

Burenka cream is intended for dry and aging skin. My facial skin really likes to be harmful, and, depending on the time of year, it can be classified as either dry type or combination. At the moment I have normal skin type, but nevertheless the cream suited me perfectly.

So, I’ll start with the consistency, which reminds me a lot of the consistency of the also very popular NIVEA Creme in an iron blue jar. Just like Nivea, Burenka is applied and distributed over the skin heavily, viscously, with some effort.

The aroma upon application (and subsequently) is practically not felt, which for me is a huge advantage.

The cream is not immediately absorbed and an oily sheen may remain on the skin for 5-8 minutes after application. However, there is nothing to worry about: soon the cream is completely absorbed and you can forget about shine.

During the day, the skin on your face feels more than comfortable: there is no feeling of dryness or tightness. There is also no other discomfort.

Thanks to its moisturizing properties, the cream not only hides flaking on the skin, but over time completely “smoothes” them. I would also like to note that the cream suited me perfectly as a moisturizer and, to some extent, a soothing agent after peeling or facial scrub.

Among the other advantages of the Burenka , I will highlight that the cream is very economical in consumption: a very small amount is enough for one application.

During the entire period of use, the cream did not cause any allergic reactions.


To say that Burenka cream is good is to say nothing. I fell in love with it almost instantly and I don’t think I’ll want to change it to something else anytime soon. Even heavy application does not bother you - because the result will be one: soft, velvety and radiant skin!


I have Burenka for my face, I’m happy, especially now it’s really drying out my face... it’s cold again and there’s no humidifier in the apartment... I use Burenka under makeup in the morning - it moisturizes well, but my face doesn’t have any oiliness, I really like it... But There is also a Burenka cream specifically for hands and heels, you need to buy it, the jar is also faceted there.

Perova Natalya


  • Feelings of softening and moisturizing the skin
  • It seems to be absorbed well.


  • Although it is absorbed well, it is still a bit greasy, I wouldn’t recommend applying it in the morning.

Girls, Buryonka cream is a real find in the cold season! The skin does not chapped, does not redden, does not flake even in a strong frosty wind! I read the ingredients: if they’re not lying, then there’s a whole bunch of medicinal herbs . It smells nice, it’s in vain that they write that it “smells” bad. The price is quite reasonable - for a large economical jar of really good cream!

The only negative is the fat content, but it is also an advantage in the fight against dry elbows and knees! I apply it to my face at night and there is no problem with oily shine in the morning.



  • Nourishes the skin


  • No

I already bought Burenka for the body, but I didn’t really like the fragrance of the cream. So I decided to try the option for the face. It’s not difficult to find the cream on the shelves. And the advertising did its job. I took it upon myself to check the naturalness of the product. The cream is packaged in a small branded jar with a picture of a kind cow. The jar contains only one hundred milliliters. The shelf life of the cream is two years, which is a bit long, but, of course, you will most likely use it up sooner. The lid unscrews. There is a thick buttery cream inside. It is intended for dry, dehydrated skin. The texture of this cream is thick. Its color is pleasant, milky. It is not completely absorbed and leaves a film on the face, body, and hands. But I believe that this cream is truly nourishing. I used it on my face once, but it was a bit greasy for my skin. Therefore, the cream was used to nourish the neck, décolleté and arms. In principle, this cream coped with its task. My skin objectively began to look better.

By the way, this cream costs not so little, three hundred rubles for a small jar. But the manufacturers promised the presence of peptides and phytoflorane in it. I hope they really are there. Fortunately, this cream does not have such a strong natural fragrance as body cream, which is a plus for me.

I advise you to try it.

I give it five stars.



  • The result is visible
  • not expensive


  • not beautiful packaging

I bought Burenka cream with phytofloran and pepdides. After applying the cream to my face and neck, literally in the morning I saw the result. The face becomes smooth and velvety. My wrinkles have noticeably straightened. The structure of the cream itself is oily, but don’t let this scare you, it is well absorbed into the skin and does not leave any marks on the skin. After using the cream for two weeks, my face looks rested and toned. The work of peptides significantly helps to acquire a good complexion, you become younger, this immediately lifts your mood, and you feel like a queen.

I recommend applying the cream at night. You can buy it in pharmacies. It's not expensive.


“For me Burenka is the best night cream. I apply it every day throughout the year. The face glows in the morning, the skin is velvety. It smoothes out wrinkles well, I noticed it almost immediately. I never thought that I would use such a product, but one day I went to the pharmacy to buy my favorite Horsepower shampoo and saw there a nourishing face cream from the same manufacturer. I haven't seen it in regular cosmetic stores. I decided to try applying it twice a day, but the product was not suitable for morning use, as it takes a long time to be absorbed.”


I saw the cream during an advertisement on TV and was just choosing which one to buy. Without hesitation I bought Burenka. A good cream, moisturizes and does not dry out the skin, I used it twice a day, morning and evening. My skin became soft and I like the result.


Pros: Very helpful

Disadvantages: no cons


Hello! I bought the Burenka face cream and I really liked it, since my facial skin is not very dry, it became my savior. I apply the cream after I wash my face, before going to bed. The next morning, the skin on your face becomes very soft and smooth). The cream has a very pleasant, not pungent smell and is very pleasant to apply to the skin of the face. A friend recommended this cream to me after she saw my face, my face was all rough, peeling and terribly dry. The next day I went and bought this cream and it really paid off, it helped right away. I am delighted with it and now recommend it to all my friends. Good luck!


An awesome cream, although without modern fragrances and very thick. My skin is very dry, after a shower my face feels painfully tight, after this cream my skin became tight, almost like a baby’s, I can’t be happier with the effectiveness of this cream on my face. I put all my creams aside, this one is the best (and I’ve tried quite a few of them because of my dry skin). As for the foil that some write about, this cream doesn’t have it; a cardboard disc is inserted into the lid to which this foil is glued, and not to the jar itself, as we are used to (in Soviet times, creams were made this way).

Cream "Burenka": unique composition

Burenka face cream is distinguished by its unusual composition. Its main ingredient is phytofloran. This substance is truly a magical elixir that has a beneficial effect on the skin, making it younger and more beautiful. Phytoflaran contains a variety of natural extracts, the names of which are kept secret by the manufacturer. Due to the distinct smell of herbs, this cream may or may not be liked by the fair sex.

Burenka cream is excellent not only for caring for the skin of the face, but also for hands, elbows, décolleté and legs. The main reason why women choose Burenka cream is the natural need to please others and to preserve their already short-lived natural beauty. After all, unfortunately, the skin is susceptible to aging and external influences.

A truthful review of the composition of Buryonka face cream

The composition of Burenka face cream raises many questions, since there are not too many components indicated on the product’s packaging. Of particular interest is “Fitofloran” and its functions. Below is a complete list of ingredients and their characteristics:

  1. Demineralized water. This is water that has been previously purified from calcium and magnesium salts. It is used in creams as a solvent for active ingredients, it promotes the delivery of active substances to the skin, and is used to determine the texture of the product. Has no negative impact or side effects.
  2. Cosmetic complex "Fitofloran". The manufacturer keeps the formula secret; it is only known that it consists of 23 components - plant extracts and oils. It can be assumed that these components together have a synergistic effect - they multiply the effect of each other, thereby increasing the effectiveness of the cream. Such a complex may have one drawback - individual intolerance to its components.
  3. Polyglyceryl – 3 polyricinoleate. Used to control the viscosity of the product, has no side effects.
  4. Isopropyl palmate. It is used in cosmetics as a solvent and binder; in itself it has a softening and moisturizing effect. Not allergenic or toxic. In case of individual intolerance, it may cause a rash.
  5. White beeswax. Used in cosmetics as a softening and moisture-retaining component, rich in vitamins and microelements. An allergic reaction is possible if you are intolerant to bee products.
  6. Glycerol. It is used in cosmetics as a powerful moisture-retaining component. Opinions differ about its benefits and harms. At high concentrations in a cosmetic product it can cause dryness and dehydration of the skin.
  7. Magnesium sulfate. Provides a delicate cleansing effect, has an antiseptic and rejuvenating effect. Safe, non-comedogenic. Individual intolerance is possible.
  8. Phenoxyethanol. Preservative, has a rejuvenating effect, is used to care for thin and sensitive skin, and has antiseptic properties. May have a negative effect on organs and systems of the body, affecting reproductive function. Banned in the USA.
  9. Ethylhexylglycerin. A safe preservative, softens and moisturizes the skin, has a slight antiseptic effect. It can extremely rarely cause allergies.
  10. Sorbitan oleate. Emulsifier, cares for dry skin and helps soften it. Safe, no side effects.

The face cream, the description of the ingredients given above, can be successfully used for dry, overdried and dull skin. Thanks to its almost natural composition, such a cosmetic product is unlikely to cause allergic reactions or irritation.

The only component that may cause concern is phenoxyethanol. However, it is located almost at the end of the list of ingredients, which indicates its low content.

How to use it correctly?

According to reviews from doctors and women who have become fans of the cream, the results from its use are not observed immediately, but only after 2-3 weeks. But how to properly use this unique tool? After all, there are no instructions for the cream. However, there are a number of recommendations from women who have tested it from their own experience:

  1. apply the cream 2 times a day (mornings and evenings);
  2. It is better to remove this product from the jar with a special spatula. This will help protect it from germs that can then get on the skin;
  3. If you are using the cream for the first time, do not forget to test for allergic reactions. Apply a little product to the wrist area and wait about 30 minutes. If irritation or burning does not appear, you can safely use it;
  4. Do not rub the cream too hard, but apply it with light pats using your fingertips. The skin will absorb as much cream as it needs. Remove the remains with a paper napkin.

Side effects

This product has no side effects as such. However, Burenka has some features:

  1. May not be suitable for those with oily skin types due to its oil-rich composition. In such cases, it is recommended to use Burenka only at night, applying a small amount to damp skin with light patting movements.
  2. Due to its thick texture, the cream is difficult to quickly apply to large areas of the skin.
  3. If the cream is used as a base for makeup, then it is applied half an hour before applying decorative cosmetics, after absorption, remove the remains with paper napkins

Important! Despite the safe composition, before using any new skincare product, you need to do an allergy test. To do this, apply a small amount of cream to the inside of the elbow or behind the ear. If no negative reactions appear (itching, burning sensation, redness, rashes), then you can safely use it.

Reviews from women

You can find a wide variety of reviews about Burenka cream. For some it is too thick in consistency, for others it is too expensive. But in general, they speak only well of it, and there are representatives of the fair sex who consider it simply a magical remedy. But, nevertheless, in order to be convinced of its usefulness or find any shortcomings, you need to try it on yourself.

Burenka cream for the face and other parts of the body: application

The cream, in addition to the unique Phytofloran complex, contains components such as demineralized water, glycerin, magnesium sulfate, white wax and others.

The jar is quite large and contains 250 ml of cream. The cream can be stored at an ambient temperature of 5 + 25 degrees for 2 years. Naturally, it should not be used after the expiration date.

The cream is quite fatty and has a dense consistency. You can hardly expect miracles from a single use. It has a cumulative effect and with each subsequent use, less and less of it is required to achieve results.

Another advantage of the cream is its pleasant smell, reminiscent of olive oil. In general, this cream is just good for normal skin, excellent for dry skin, and a great find for very dry and flaky skin!


As for contraindications, these include only individual intolerance to any component of the cream.


Marina: I used this cream for a very long time, since the jar is large. Perfect for hands and softening heels.

Alina: I took this cream from my mother because my hands began to crack badly in the cold in winter. It helps me great.

Ilona: For me, “Burenka” is very oily, my skin doesn’t perceive it at all.

Lisa: Good, inexpensive product with a lot of volume. Suitable for the whole family and especially useful in winter for the face and hands.

( 2 ratings, average 4 out of 5 )
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