Burenka cream consumer reviews on use for face and body


Burenka cream contains the following components:

  • The main component, which is no longer found in any other face cream in the world, is the secret Phytofloran complex. This is a complex of special essential infusions and extracts of 25 medicinal herbs, which does not contain artificial preservatives. The components are selected in such a way that they only enhance each other’s effects and increase the positive effect of the cream on the skin of the face and body. The complex contains antioxidants that help restore damaged skin, heal inflammatory processes in the body and trigger a rejuvenating effect.
  • Glycerol. This component helps the skin soften, making it smooth and elastic.
  • Polyglyceryl emulsifier is a plant-based component that adds shine and hydration to the skin. It is also used to lower the freezing point and increase boiling points. This makes the Burenka cream more durable.
  • Beeswax - soothes and fills the skin with nutrients, has rejuvenating properties, and is used as an anti-inflammatory and bactericidal agent.
  • Ethylhexylglycerin - adds aroma to the cream, stabilizes skin moisture, and has antioxidant properties.
  • Phenoxyethanol gives an antiseptic effect, preserves the properties of the cream and enhances the effect of other components
  • Magnesium sulfate helps remove toxins from the body and normalize metabolism.

Burenka cream does not contain parabens or synthetic fragrances. Therefore, it can be used by people with any skin type, including sensitive skin.

The consistency of this product is creamy, oily, it is not immediately absorbed, it leaves a greasy film, it is better to use it before bed and applying a little cream will be enough, as it is quite nutritious. No fragrance or perfume smell. There is a slight olive oil aroma.

Useful properties and uses of spermaceti cream

Reviews from experts

According to reviews, Burenka cream can be used for delicate facial skin. It has a composition that is close to natural, healthy and of high quality. It provides the skin with restoration, hydration and protection. Cosmetologists and dermatologists recommend using it as an anti-aging cream, as it has regenerating properties. Clinical studies prove that the product meets all dermatological standards. The cream is safe as the composition does not contain harmful chemicals. The product slows down the aging process of the skin, saturates it with useful microelements. It heals scratches and cracks, is hypoallergenic, and cases of allergies to it are extremely rare.

Popularity of the cream

This product has become very popular these days due to its natural composition. In addition, there is an advertisement on TV every day, where actress Tatyana Vasilyeva actively promotes it, which naturally affects its demand.

Nowadays, the store sells a lot of products that are stuffed with chemicals and do not have the best effect on the condition of the skin. Because of this trend, most ladies try to choose creams containing only natural ingredients and vegetable oils. After all, only such cosmetics can keep the skin young and beautiful for a long time.

Therefore, over time, women turned their attention to Burenka cream, which for a long time was sold only in veterinary pharmacies and has a completely natural composition that nourishes the skin well

More recently, the product was adapted to human skin and received the appropriate certificate, after which it began to be sold in a regular pharmacy.

About the composition of the cream

Burenka cream, which has a unique composition, includes demineralized water, the Phytofloran complex with extracts of various plants (30 items), polyglyceryl, isopropyl palmitate, white beeswax, glycerin, magnesium, phenoxyethanol, ethylhexylglycerin, sorbitan oleate. Does not contain toxins and is not addictive, it can be used for a long period.

The active components of the product exhibit keratoplasty, anti-inflammatory and antiseptic activity. It is endowed with softening and wound-healing properties.

Burenka cream, the composition of which is ideal for aging and aging skin, intensively nourishes the epidermis with all kinds of vitamins, increases its turgor, elasticity, smoothes wrinkles, and evens out.

What does it consist of?

The composition of Zorka cream includes natural, safe, environmentally friendly substances. The active ingredient is Floralizin. There is also a complex of emollients and vitamins. The composition is presented as follows:

  • Floralizin;
  • purified water;
  • petrolatum;
  • emulsifier;
  • natural preservative.

Floralizin has no analogues; it is considered a patented complex. The substance contains:

  • components that activate collagen synthesis to improve skin elasticity and rejuvenation (for example, coenzyme Q10);
  • extract obtained from mushrooms;
  • natural antioxidants that protect the skin from free radicals and environmental factors;
  • vitamin complex (A, D, E), which is necessary for the stability of the skin and restoration of metabolism;
  • amino acids, trace elements, phospholipids, polysaccharides.

Vaseline is necessary for the skin to quickly moisturize and create a protective film. An emulsifier is needed to obtain a uniform consistency. Thanks to the natural preservative, the product can be used for six months after the protective membrane is removed. When unopened, the shelf life is 2 years. The product should be stored in a cool place. The bottom shelf of the refrigerator is suitable for this.

Storage conditions for the cream

The “Burenka” product is a “living” product, as it contains about 30 various herbal ingredients collected in the unique “Fitofloran” complex. In order for all active ingredients to remain active and the cream to help eliminate problems, it should be stored correctly. The optimal temperature at which the active substances do not lose their properties is from +5 °C to +25 °C.

The product has a fairly large jar - 250 ml, in which, under proper conditions, it can be stored for up to two years. Do not use it after the expiration date.

Cosmetologists' opinion

The absence of harmful components, dyes, and fragrances makes Burenka face cream an excellent choice for people of different ages and with different typical features of the dermis. However, reviews from doctors advise owners of oily skin not to be too zealous with applying this product, but to use it only once a day, preferably at night.

Cosmetologists also emphasize that it is necessary to wait until it is completely absorbed before applying makeup, which will allow the skin to get the maximum benefit from it. First of all, this product is recommended for people with dry, dehydrated, prone to flaking, sensitive, weakened skin - for them it can simply be a salvation.

Have you read reviews from cosmetologists about Radevit ointment? Read here.

Being beautiful is not easy at all. To do this, you need to eat right, exercise, lead a healthy lifestyle, and, of course, take care of yourself. For these purposes, not only salon cosmetic procedures are used, but also all kinds of products, for example, Burenka cream.

Review from a cosmetologist

Cosmetologist-dermatologist Igor Demidov expressed his opinion on the effectiveness of the unique product: “The product is an excellent competitor to many domestic and foreign brands. I can't help but rejoice at the natural composition. A time-tested tool. It acts gently, gradually, the effect lasts a long time. I believe that every woman should have Burenka cream. This is not a simple cosmetic product with a healing effect. Quickly saves from frostbite, peeling, and excessive dryness. However, you should not cross the line. This cream is not suitable for long-term continuous use. Whether it's dry or oily skin."

Composition of the product

Burenka cream contains components that are as close to natural as possible. What does this cream contain?

  1. Phytofloran. A special complex of extracts and vegetable oils, which consists of thirty highly concentrated substances, therefore the result is excellent after use. Phytofloran is the basis of this cream.
  2. Emulsifier polyglyceryl-3. A substance produced from castor oil.
  3. Beeswax is white. It is an antibacterial, antiseptic agent. Wax heals cracks, damage, and restores the skin.
  4. Glycerol. Used as a moisturizer. Retains moisture in skin cells and prevents it from evaporating.
  5. Magnesium sulfate. It is a binder in the composition.
  6. Phenoxyethanol. This is an antiseptic component that is endowed with antibacterial properties. It also acts as a preservative.
  7. Ethylhexylglycerin. A component that increases the conductivity of cell membranes.

The composition of Burenka cream is good because it does not contain dyes or fragrances, so there is no doubt about the safety of this product.


The cream is a universal remedy that, perhaps, every woman has used at least once. “Burenka” refers to cosmetic products designed to improve the skin, give it youth and health. Why is the Burenka cream for heels, body and face called exactly that? If you do not take into account the fact that it was originally intended for the udder of cows, the composition of this cream does not contain harmful and dangerous substances, nourishes and softens. Veterinary care cosmetics are of high quality, so the manufacturer has taken care to preserve this property of the adapted product.

Beneficial features

Reviews online confirm the effect of the drug, aimed at productive treatment with subsequent updating. Burenka for the face will provide amazing results in solving a number of aesthetic problems. Among the proven beneficial properties of the cream are:

  • deep hydration, healing of the skin by restoring elasticity and maintaining water balance;
  • getting rid of the problem of peeling;
  • restoration of healthy tone of “tired” skin;
  • elimination of inflammation, redness, irritation;
  • improvement of the functioning of the sebaceous glands, thanks to the influence of the active elements in the composition of the product, reduction of enlarged pores, prevention of the appearance of post-acne;
  • long-term nutrition that improves complexion and skin texture;
  • protection from the environmental influences of the external environment, thanks to vitamin complexes that prevent the skin from becoming chapped in summer and hardened in winter;
  • getting rid of dryness after sunbathing in summer (glycerin);
  • pronounced antiseptic and antibacterial effect heals skin lesions.
  • timely removal of toxins and cell waste products, as a result of which swelling, dark circles under the eyes, and dullness disappear.

When to start using

Burenka skin cream is designed to nourish and moisturize the skin. Women usually face such problems after 30 years of age. The heavy structure of the cosmetic product does not allow it to be used by teenagers, but by young women. Although there are exceptions. The only contraindication for use is individual intolerance to the components. However, incorrect use of the cream does not solve the problems at all; on the contrary, it adds to them. Why is that?

Young skin is able to cope with problems on its own. Moisturizing with such a strong product as Burenka will lead to the appearance of excess fat and disruption of the sebaceous glands. As a result, comedones, inflamed acne, and so on will appear. But for aging skin, problematic after 35 years, it’s just right. Thanks to excellent hydration and nutrition, the skin is gradually rejuvenated. Water balance is restored, dryness disappears, tone is evened out, wrinkles are smoothed out. Elasticity, silkiness and youth return.

Periodic use of Burenka cream by young people for medicinal purposes is allowed - to eliminate problems of frostbite and chapping. Or as a preventive measure for these conditions.

For psoriasis

Although the original purpose was in the veterinary field, the cream can still eliminate skin diseases in humans. With psoriasis, inflamed areas of the skin hurt, itch, and itch. The Zorka cream will help eliminate painful symptoms. It should be used on cleansed and dried body skin. Painful areas are treated 1-2 times a day.

Apply the product in a thin layer, carefully rubbing it into the inflamed areas. Regular procedures can improve skin condition. Itching and pain disappear. For a long period of remission, you need to use the drug constantly, and in addition use drugs with systemic effects.

Negative impressions of the cream

But not only the Burenka cream left behind positive impressions, there are also negative reviews about it.

Many ladies, despite its positive effect, do not understand how such a product can be used on the face. After all, there is a huge assortment of all kinds of caring products designed specifically for these purposes. In their opinion, cosmetic preparations cannot be universal; they must be divided according to skin type and are not at all suitable for all parts of the body.

Some representatives of the fair sex are confused by the aroma of the cream, since, according to them, it not only contains the smell of olive oil, but also smells slightly of gasoline. There is a category of people for whom it did not help at all, but only caused irritation on the skin.

Despite the fact that the product has been certified, and the Burenka cream, the reviews of which are simply amazing, is sold in pharmacies, many people still have doubts about its adaptation to human skin. According to them, the drug “Burenka” from the veterinary pharmacy is no different in composition from the cream “Burenka” from “Horsepower”.

Cream "Burenka", reviews of which are very different, of course, is not a panacea for all ills and is effective only with regular use for several weeks, but this remedy is quite worthy of attention, and every woman should try it.

Composition and unique properties of the cream

This product has a unique composition. Namely, the phytofloran component, which is not found in any other preparations. This is a “secret ingredient” that contains extracts of herbaceous plants. Due to them, “Burenka” has a pronounced aroma. And it is sold exclusively in pharmacies.

The most important advantage of this cosmetic product is that it is created not only for the face or décolleté, neck, but also for the arms, elbows, and feet. In addition, according to the manufacturer, it is suitable even for already aging skin that needs additional care. Many women say that with constant use, fine wrinkles smooth out and disappear; positive reviews only confirm this. After all, it is able to perfectly nourish the skin and give it hydration, even if the skin is severely dehydrated. Penetrating deep into the layers of the epithelium, this drug is perfect as a base for foundation, while additionally evening out skin tone.

In addition to all of the above, this drug has another beneficial effect: it is excellent protection from both the sun and frost. It can be applied not only during the day, but also in the evening for basic overnight care.

“Burenka” is great for those with dry skin due to its moisturizing and nourishing properties. In addition to this, it perfectly softens the epidermis, moreover, it perfectly fights cracks in the skin - with regular use of this cream, all these imperfections will disappear, and the skin will be made elastic, nourished with vitamins from the composition of this drug.

Body and foot care

Burenka cream for hands, face, body and feet is considered an excellent modern remedy for combating imperfections. Its unique composition is suitable for many, which means that all women can use it, regardless of age. Burenka cream is perfect for feet with cracks and dryness. It softens the epithelium, giving it softness. Before using the cream, you need to steam your feet in a hot bath. Then use a pumice stone to clean the heels as carefully as possible, but so that no rough skin remains. If the condition of the heels is severe (deep cracks, bleeding), then you should not use rough pumice. In this case, you need to add medicinal herbs to the bath water, and then carefully get rid of the old layer of epithelium.

You cannot apply the cream to open wounds; you need to let them heal. If the cracks are small, then after the procedure the cream is rubbed with massage movements into the skin of the entire foot. Body care using cream is also no different. It is applied in a thin layer after a bath or shower. If your skin is aging and prone to stretch marks, this cream will help tighten it and tone the epithelium. In addition, the product gives a healthy glowing tone.


According to the instructions, Burenka cream is indicated for dry and sensitive skin. The manufacturer positions it as a nutritional product that is not a medicine. When should you use this cream? If a woman works in a dry room, often washes dishes, the skin dries out, peels and cracks. It nourishes the skin, a thin protective film is formed on the surface, which prevents dryness, irritation, and the formation of wrinkles. Due to the fact that “Burenka” contains cosmetic oils in large quantities, its consistency resembles thick sour cream, while at the same time the cream is viscous. It fills cracks, relieves discomfort, and makes the skin silky. It is not recommended to use the product if a woman is allergic to beeswax. The cream is produced at Emanci Laboratory JSC in Moscow.

Basic steps

The cream is based on phytofloran, that is, it contains extracts from plants. Burenka actively nourishes, moisturizes and resists the aging process.

  • nourishes the dermis thanks to vegetable oils in the composition;
  • moisturizes and saturates cells from the inside;
  • protects from environmental factors such as sun, wind and frost;
  • soothes inflamed areas, relieves redness;
  • quickly heals and regenerates;
  • makes the skin smooth and elastic;
  • softens rough areas.

So, Burenka’s actions are truly amazing, I would like to know the composition in more detail and understand whether there really is no chemistry there.

For face

Burenka ointment for the face from a Russian manufacturer will provide an opportunity to quickly and safely achieve incredible results in moisturizing, nutrition, acne treatment, and aging prevention. The main thing is to follow the recommendations of experts:

For those with oily skin prone to acne, cosmetology experts advise applying the product in the evening. This will avoid the appearance of greasy shine. The white thick consistency and greasy composition of Burenka face cream may not be completely absorbed by the skin

Cosmetologists recommend removing any remaining cream with a napkin. The drug can be used as a daily foundation half an hour before makeup. Doctors advise applying the cream using a special cosmetic spatula, which will avoid the risk of bacteria developing in the jar. Before the first application, it is important to check the skin for an allergic reaction. For this purpose, it is necessary to apply a small amount of ointment to any part of the body.

The absence of irritation or redness is the key to excellent results from regular use of the drug without causing damage to the skin of the face. The consistency of the product does not require intense rubbing. Tapping movements with your fingers is enough to evenly distribute the cream base.

Indications and contraindications

The main indications for its use are excessively dry, chapped, sensitive and problematic facial skin.

Face cream "Burenka", reviews of which are positive, removes peeling, irritation, relieves various redness of the skin, heals cracks and wounds. And all this thanks to the “Fitofloran” plant complex.

A contraindication is individual intolerance to the ingredients in the drug. The cream is natural, so many of its components can cause an allergic reaction.

The product is recommended to be used morning and evening on problem areas of the skin. Rub it in with massaging movements until completely absorbed.

Burenka cream price

The goal of the manufacturer of the drug Burenka is to provide the market with a natural, unique and multifunctional cosmetic product at a competitive, affordable price. A comparison table indicating the price will allow you to find out how much Burenka cream costs in Russia with delivery in Moscow and St. Petersburg. This will give you the opportunity to choose, order and buy the drug cheaply with maximum benefit for your health.

Online storeCityCost, rubles
beauty-express.ruSaint Petersburg650
BaltPharm Pharmacy No. 1Saint PetersburgRUB 506.10
medkv.ruSaint Petersburg553

Mode of application

  • Apply a small amount of cream to clean, dry skin and rub over the entire area. You can apply it to absolutely all parts of the body, such as arms, legs, neck, and also to the heels. It is better to apply in the evening before bed, knowing that you do not need to go anywhere. Since the cream has a thick composition, it takes a long time to absorb.
  • If you use Burenka cream as a makeup cream, the product should be applied half an hour before makeup.
  • It is better to apply the cream with a previously purchased wooden spatula. To avoid introducing dirt into the product and then onto the skin, it is also more convenient to apply the product to the body with a spatula.
  • The cream does not need to be rubbed in; the required amount of components will be absorbed into the skin, and residues can be removed with a cosmetic damp cloth.

Benefits of non-comedogenic face creams

Due to its long-lasting effect and oily texture, the cream is a very economical product and lasts for a long time.


If we take into account the reviews of doctors, Zorka cream with Floralizin is one of the available products that increases the protective functions of the epidermis and eliminates various problems. It can be used on the skin of children, women, men. Suitable cream “Zorka” with Floralizin is suitable for the face, hands, and feet. Its properties include:

  • intensive hydration;
  • elimination of dryness, peeling, red spots;
  • nourishing the skin with useful components;
  • relief from painful sensations;
  • healing of wounds, cuts, cracks, abrasions;
  • restoring skin elasticity, smoothing wrinkles;
  • elimination of inflammation, acne;
  • resumption of metabolism, stimulation of blood circulation;
  • smoothing scars;
  • treatment of stretch marks after childbirth;
  • acceleration of regeneration;
  • protection from environmental factors;
  • acceleration of treatment of burns;
  • relieving irritation and itching from insects;
  • antiseptic, antibacterial effect;
  • protection against early skin aging;
  • treatment of bedsores;
  • elimination of eczema, dermatitis, psoriasis.

The cream is used for different parts of the body. It is applied in a thin layer. It can be used for sensitive and allergenic skin.

Doctors' recommendations

Due to its healing properties, Burenka cream, which has only positive reviews from doctors, is recommended for use by cosmetologists on dry and problem areas of the skin. In these cases, it shows simply amazing results, removes peeling, inflammation, irritation, heals cracks and wounds. The product is able to moisturize even the most dry skin and provide it with proper care. Helps preserve youth and beauty when the skin is withering, as it effectively smoothes its surface, improves complexion, and helps increase turgor.


There are also analogues of the product, the composition of which is similar. Moreover, they act in almost the same way. Instead of Zorka cream, Power of the Forest is often used, which, compared to a veterinary drug, is prescribed for human use. This preparation contains flavorings, but its price is higher - approximately 500 rubles.

In addition to “Forest Power”, there are other analogues of “Zorka” that are used to treat psoriasis:

  1. "Lyubava."
  2. "Burenka".
  3. "Tenderness".
  4. Baby creams with celandine, chamomile and calendula.
  5. Retinoids – “Tazorak”, “Tazarotene”, “Zorak”.
  6. Preparations with vitamin D - “Daivobet”, “Calcipotriol”, “Davonex”.

Although there are many analogues, many prefer to use Zorka cream. In addition to pharmaceutical drugs, you can make ointment for psoriasis yourself. You need to mix birch tar with extract of vitamins E and D.

Thus, Zorka cream is an effective remedy, but still, it is better to consult a specialist before use. If it is suitable for treating a specific skin problem, then the procedures will be safe. Several procedures have already produced excellent results.

Reviews about "Burenka"

Perhaps no product has caused as many conflicting opinions as Burenka cream, reviews of which are mostly positive. Those with dry skin especially noted its effect. After using it, their skin literally came to life. Dryness, flaking and feeling of tightness are gone. It is especially effective after taking a shower or bath, when the skin is steamed and ready to actively interact with the ingredients of the product.

“Burenka” face cream, reviews of which you can hear from friends, makes the skin more toned and moisturized already after 2-3 uses. Some say that it can stop time, because the effect after its use lasts for a long time, and nutrients accumulate in the skin gradually.

The Burenka cream, reviews of which speak of its effectiveness, affects the skin gradually, and only after 2 weeks of its use a truly amazing effect is noticeable.

This product can be used not only for the face, but also for the whole body. It is also used as a hand cream. “Burenka” received simply amazing reviews about itself in this case. Thus, most ladies compared the skin of their arms, legs and body after regular application of the cream with the skin of a baby. They applied it in a thick layer to their limbs, after which they put cotton socks on their feet and gloves specially designed for this purpose on their hands. After this procedure, extraordinary smoothness and softness were observed. I felt nourished and hydrated. Turgor increased. These qualities were especially observed in women after forty, because it was during this period that the epidermis loses its former elasticity and begins to fade.

Many people use the product as a lifesaver when the skin is most exposed to the external environment, for example in summer or autumn-winter. It is at this time that the skin on the face, hands and feet is most affected by factors such as heat, dry air, smog, large amounts of dust, cold air, frost, wind and rain.

Where to buy a miracle cure

Thanks to its unique composition, more and more people want to buy Burenka cream. And it's not just women. You should not purchase this cream in stores or cosmetic boutiques. The true product is sold only in pharmacies. Otherwise, you may end up with a successful fake and not get the expected effect. The name is quite common, and in order not to be confused with other creams, you can find photos on the Internet. The volume of the jar is 250 milliliters, which allows you to use it for a long time.

You can also order this cream online. This will save time and money. Its cost is not the smallest, but this indicates the high quality of the product. Depending on how much it costs, you can judge the funds invested in its production. All funds enter the retail network with their own premiums.

To find out the cost of the cream in Moscow, just go to the pharmacy website of this city.

What I learned about Burenka cream on the Internet

It’s good that nowadays we can easily find answers to our questions on the Internet. I turned on my tablet and started searching by name. I quickly found the official website and began reading the information. It turns out that this is indeed a cosmetic product that is distinguished by its naturalness and safety.

Initially, Burenka cream was developed for the udder of a cow, because it is very vulnerable and often cracks. And since the udder is in contact with milk, and this is a food product, experts have developed the composition in such a way that it is environmentally safe and does not cause harm. I read on the website that there are two types of these products: for the face and for the hands, body and heels.

Instructions for use of face cream

Indications for the use of Burenka ointment for the face are dehydrated, dry skin prone to peeling, as well as skin with increased sensitivity. The full results from using the peptide cream will be noticeable after 2 weeks.

The composition should be used according to the following rules:

  • the cream can be used daily, including twice a day;
  • When applying before bed, you should not go to bed immediately, let at least 20 minutes pass;
  • The volume of the jar is quite large, and in order to protect the product from dirt, it is better to take the amount with a cosmetic spatula;
  • When using for the first time, it is worth checking whether the cream will cause an allergic reaction. To do this, they carry out a standard test - apply a little product to the skin on the inside of the elbow and after an hour see if irritation or redness appears;
  • It is better to apply the composition on the face with light patting movements of the fingers; thorough rubbing should be avoided - the skin will absorb the required amount of the product, and the residue can be removed with a napkin.

For legs, arms and body

But not only the face will be delighted with the Burenka cream; other parts of the body will not refuse to “feast” on the beneficial substances in the product. This product is unique and easily heals the most severe cracked heels in 2-3 applications. Well softens rough skin on elbows and hands. Used after shower to moisturize and nourish the entire body. Perfectly moisturizes the skin after sunbathing and prevents flaking. Protects against wind and frost in winter.

The cream is too thick and it is better to lightly moisten the skin with water before using it. The product does not help solve all problems the first time, but it has a cumulative effect, in which the need for its consumption decreases, and the skin absorbs less and less of it over and over again.


Instructions for using Zorka cream are simple. Apply the product to clean skin in a thin layer. It can be used daily. But since the drug is considered therapeutic and prophylactic, it should be used if there are indications:

  1. Sun and thermal burns. Painful areas should be treated several times a day. Absorption takes a long time, about 20 minutes. Residues should not be removed.
  2. Chapping and frostbite. The cream must be applied 2 times a day until the skin recovers. To prevent such unpleasant consequences, the product should be used half an hour before going outside. Cracks on the lips are also treated.
  3. Cream helps against cracked nipples when breastfeeding. A little product should be applied after feeding. Before this, you should rinse your breasts with warm water. Be sure to lubricate before bed.
  4. To get rid of dryness, flaking, red spots, dehydration, apply the cream in a thin layer to the skin before bed. During the night, absorption and saturation with valuable components occurs. Cells will be renewed and rejuvenated.
  5. The cream has a rejuvenating effect, but for these purposes it is advisable to use the cream for women with dry, aging skin. It should be used 2 times a day. You should not expect immediate results; everything will happen gradually. Wrinkles are smoothed out due to normalization of water balance and activation of collagen synthesis.
  6. If there are scratches, abrasions, hematomas, bruises, the cream should be applied to the sore spots until they are eliminated. Small wounds usually heal over the next day.
  7. If there are deep cracks on the hands and heels, apply the product after bathing before bed.
  8. If your skin is oily or combination, you should use the product for inflammation, damage, and irritation. For rejuvenation, it is advisable to take another cream, since “Zorka” has a greasy consistency, which causes clogging of pores.

For eczema, psoriasis, and pathological dry skin, apply the cream 2 times a day. A few procedures are enough to noticeably improve the condition. But it is still better to consult a doctor to prevent adverse consequences.

Doctors' opinion about the cream

The product has a lot of advantages for the consumer: it is universal, comes in an economical large package at an adequate price, has natural ingredients in its composition, is suitable for all skin types, is economically consumed and at the same time moisturizes the skin well. However, experts warn that the cream also has a number of important disadvantages:

  • if the skin is oily, then the product will have to be used with caution and only at night;
  • the dense consistency is quite difficult to distribute over large areas, so applying to the entire body becomes a problematic task;
  • It is much better for facial skin if specialized formulations selected for a specific type of skin are used. They deal with existing problems more effectively.

Application of cream

The “Burenka” face cream has proven its effectiveness; fortunately, the reviews for it are encouraging; the price still allows you to purchase it. But in order for it to really be effective and to maximize its beneficial qualities, it is necessary to adhere to some recommendations for its use. First of all, this is, of course, systematic application - you need to apply it daily, possibly twice (in the morning and at night, before bed). This regimen will allow you to notice improvements after two to three weeks of use.

It is worth noting that the consistency of the product is quite thick, which requires some time for it to be well absorbed. Therefore, you need to remember to allow about half an hour for this. This means that when used in the morning, other makeup products can be applied only after the Burenka cream has been completely absorbed. Evening use of the cream also requires 20-30 minutes before bedtime (so as not to smear all the cream on the pillow).

Another general rule, which in particular applies to Burenka cream, is the use of a special spatula. This technique will protect the cream from sebum and other contaminants, which can subsequently cause skin problems, various rashes, and irritations.

It is recommended to check any new product for the occurrence of various types of allergic reactions. This rule also applies to the use of Burenka cream. This is especially true for people with allergies. You just need to apply a little cream on your wrist (a sensitive area with thin skin). It is worth observing the reaction for two to three hours. If there is no burning, redness, irritation or other unpleasant manifestations of the cream, then it can be safely used for its intended purpose, it is safe.

The peculiarity of this cream is that it is better to apply it with patting movements; you should avoid rubbing, since the epithelium will absorb the required amount, and the excess can then be blotted with a napkin. Of course, when applying you need to strictly follow the massage lines on your face, avoiding stretching the skin.

It is also important to remember that real Burenka cream is sold exclusively in pharmacies. Therefore, in order not to stumble upon a fake, you should not purchase Burenka cream in kiosks or stores


Burenka face cream is still not entirely ideal. It may cause an allergic reaction in women with very sensitive skin. If the skin is oily, then it is recommended to use the cream only at night, and apply it in a thin layer. Cleaning up excess with a napkin is very important. If Burenka is used as a base for makeup, apply the cream 30 minutes before. In order for the product to be better absorbed, the face needs to be slightly moistened. Girls with problem skin (pimples, blackheads) should use it with caution.

Cream Burenka - instructions for use

Burenka ointment is packaged in 250 ml jars. The instructions contain detailed indications for use. They are accompanied by some nuances that should be considered before application. The effect of the drug differs depending on the tasks assigned. The unique composition is developed according to the needs of the skin. Its correct use helps restore the epidermis and improve the structure of the skin.

For face

Burenka ointment for the face from a Russian manufacturer will provide an opportunity to quickly and safely achieve incredible results in moisturizing, nutrition, acne treatment, and aging prevention. The main thing is to follow the recommendations of experts:

For those with oily skin prone to acne, cosmetology experts advise applying the product in the evening. This will avoid the appearance of greasy shine. The white thick consistency and greasy composition of Burenka face cream may not be completely absorbed by the skin

Cosmetologists recommend removing any remaining cream with a napkin. The drug can be used as a daily foundation half an hour before makeup. Doctors advise applying the cream using a special cosmetic spatula, which will avoid the risk of bacteria developing in the jar. Before the first application, it is important to check the skin for an allergic reaction. For this purpose, it is necessary to apply a small amount of ointment to any part of the body.

The absence of irritation or redness is the key to excellent results from regular use of the drug without causing damage to the skin of the face. The consistency of the product does not require intense rubbing. Tapping movements with your fingers is enough to evenly distribute the cream base.

For hands

The problem of dry hands and heels is accompanied by the appearance of microcracks, peeling, and irritation on the surface of the skin. Burenka hand cream intensively nourishes, softens, and restores the water balance of the epidermis. Innovative ingredients based on phytofloran promote natural skin rejuvenation, blocking premature aging, dryness, age spots or cracks.

Plant extracts in ideal proportions harmoniously complement each other's actions, producing noticeable results after several uses. The cream is applied morning and evening with light massage movements until completely absorbed. The texture of the ointment has a pleasant smell, does not leave marks on clothes, is quickly absorbed, guaranteeing effective instant action.

What are buyers saying?

Reviews of the Burenka cream say that it has an excellent composition, the product makes the skin soft and tender. The cream is called healing, as it heals cracks and promotes skin regeneration. It has a pleasant smell, the cream does not leave marks on clothes, perfectly nourishes, cares for, relieves irritation, and eliminates dryness. In addition, customers like that it is versatile and economical. “Burenka” effectively removes peeling and is suitable as a night mask. It has an excellent texture and does not contain Burenka cream, parabens or fragrances. It improves the condition of the body's skin, increases elasticity, prevents stretch marks, and restores the skin.

The disadvantages of Burenka face cream include the following:

  • may not suit everyone;
  • absorbs for a long time;
  • sometimes difficult to find as it sells out quickly;
  • greasy, consistency similar to ointment;
  • For some, the smell seems pungent;
  • is not cheap;
  • lack of accumulating effect;
  • high cream density.
( 2 ratings, average 5 out of 5 )
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