Cream "Lora" with hyaluronic acid: reviews from customers and cosmetologists

Unfortunately, as we age, our skin becomes less elastic, wrinkles, age spots and dark circles under the eyes appear. The first signs of aging are visible on the skin of the face and hands. Women try to overcome time and the fading process using all possible methods, and cosmetics are the first to come to the rescue. Today we will tell you about a unique development - Laura cream with hyaluronic acid. Reviews from cosmetologists and consumers say that this lightweight product that literally melts on the skin can prolong youth and significantly reduce the signs of aging. Let's look at it in detail.

Breakthrough in cosmetology

Laura Evalar cream is developed from peptides produced in Switzerland with the addition of hyaluronic acid. , which has established itself as one of the best manufacturers of goods for youth and health in Russia, holds the brand firmly and tries to create high-quality and affordable products for its consumers.

Laura cream with hyaluronic acid, reviews of which are easy to find, is one of the latest developments that can not only prolong, but also restore youth. It is a real breakthrough in the world of cosmetology. Many studies conducted during the development of this product have proven that even at the age of sixty you can begin to fight aging. Women aged 55-65 years who took part in the studies claim that deep wrinkles were noticeably reduced and the so-called crow's feet disappeared after three weeks of using the cream.


Cream Laura Evalar: hyaluronic acid , L-carnosine , liposentol multi (complex A, E, F vitamins and plant phospholipids), soybean oil, wild yam extract, lipoderm 4/1, peptide complexes, soluble collagen with elastin, Tera-vital ( complex of DMAE and alpha-lipoic acid), ethyl alcohol, glycerin, d-panthenol, emulsifier T-8, dipropylene glycol, triethanolamine, lecithin, carbopol, euxyl K 300, PEG-40 stearate, aromatic composition, water.
Composition of Laura Evalar tablets: 1 tablet contains: wild yam extract, hyaluronic acid, active substances: vitamin E, vitamin C.

Composition of Laura Serum: SYN-HYCAN® – tripeptide, SYN-COLL® – component, REGU®-AGE complex, L – carnosine, third generation hyaluronic acid NovHyal®, Liposentol multi (vitamin complex), Pentavitin®, Aloe vera gel, D-panthenol, soybean oil, water.

Action of the cream

Thanks to the unique composition of Laura cream, your skin will receive the necessary protection, restoration and, as a result, rejuvenation. What substances give such a magical result?

  1. The peptide complex forces the skin to relearn how to independently produce elastin and collagen, so necessary for the elasticity of the facial contour. After all, they prevent the appearance of wrinkles. Thanks to the newly appearing collagen fibers, fairly mature wrinkles disappear.
  2. Hyaluronic acid is a powerful antioxidant that binds water molecules in the intercellular space. Thus, it increases the elasticity of the skin, moisturizing it. Thanks to its ability to scavenge free radicals, this acid protects the skin from aging due to excessive exposure to sunlight.
  3. UVA/UVB sunscreen filters, developed in Switzerland, work to protect the skin from sunlight, preventing aging and the appearance of age spots.
  4. Chromabrite is the latest substance for safe and high-quality skin whitening. It can remove existing pigmentation, prevent the appearance of new spots, and make the skin lighter. Protects it from damage that can be caused by ultraviolet rays.
  5. Provitamin B5 (D-panthenol) is necessary for the regeneration of skin tissue. Has a moisturizing, healing and smoothing effect.
  6. Vitamins E and F are necessary for normal regeneration of skin cells and are assistants to hyaluronic acid. They prevent sagging skin, the appearance of wrinkles, actively combat existing wrinkles, and promote active protein and fat metabolism, which is so necessary for youthful skin.

Laura cream with hyaluronic acid (reviews of which are given in this article below) is intended for women who want to prolong their youth and prevent fading. It contains only safe ingredients; studies have proven that the product is truly productive.

Features of application

The use of Laura cream has a number of advantages. However, to achieve a positive effect, you need to know several important nuances.


The use of this product for cosmetic purposes is contraindicated for girls under 25 years of age. According to cosmetologists, contact of the active ingredients of this anti-aging product with young skin will lead to a deterioration in its condition.

Why are young girls not recommended to use Laura moisturizer? The thing is that their skin recovers and regenerates on its own. For these processes, it does not require additional nutrition or hydration.

How to apply the cream?

Cosmetologists insist on the need to follow a number of rules for applying this product.

Worth considering! If you do not follow the rules for applying Laura cream below, stretch marks may appear on your facial skin.

Rules for applying Laura:

  • Daily facial massage will increase the effectiveness of using Laura several times;
  • Before you begin the procedure for applying this product, you should wash your face to clean it of dirt;
  • It is not recommended to go outside until the cream is completely absorbed into the facial skin. It should be applied at least 40 minutes in advance. before sleep;
  • Before applying this product, it is recommended to warm it in your palms. This is necessary for its even distribution;
  • Apply the product with slow massage movements. You cannot rub it randomly, as this will negatively affect the condition of your facial skin.

Good to know! If you apply Laura cream to a damp, cleansed face, the positive effect will occur much faster.

Frequency of application

Those with young skin are recommended to apply this product no more than once a day. But for representatives of the fair sex over 30 years old, cosmetologists recommend using Laura twice a day, in the morning and evening.

It is not advisable to use the Laura product more often. It is also not recommended to combine the daily application of cream with other anti-aging products, as this will lead to the absence of the desired effect. Moreover, some active components included in Laura cream, when interacting with other anti-aging agents, can lead to such negative consequences as sagging of the face and the appearance of new wrinkles.

Benefits of anti-aging cream

At a young age, collagen is produced independently, and to help it in this matter, you need to eat right. Many products contain substances responsible for its creation, but after thirty years it is simply necessary to additionally influence the production of collagen.

As we age, our body stops creating collagen threads on its own. This process begins faster in women than in men, so their skin begins to age earlier. And in this case, food will not help, no matter how many vitamins they contain. Laura Evalar cream works in the deep layers of the skin, and collagen arrives, one might say, in its pure form.

Laura cream with hyaluronic acid has reviews from both thirty-year-old and sixty-year-old women. Everyone notes that the skin becomes better, deep wrinkles are reduced by three times, fine lines and expression lines disappear completely. They also write that the complexion becomes healthy, and pigment spots actually disappear.

What do consumers think of the product?

Many people have already become familiar with this cream. We invite you to study the reviews for this product so that you can make an informed choice in favor of this cosmetic product.

Valentina Mikhailovna

A high-quality and good cream that fully met my expectations, even more than that. I use it as a daytime product. In my opinion, it does a good job of moisturizing my skin (I have normal skin) and improves my complexion. The foundation fits well on it. Regarding wrinkles, I can say that it smooths out facial wrinkles a little. But I haven’t reduced the deeper ones yet. But I'm happy with it.

Yulia Vitalievna

This day cream suits me. It has a pleasant, unobtrusive scent, good texture, and does not form a film on the face. I use it with pleasure, because according to my observations, it really improves my complexion, and quite quickly. I use it together with an eye product from the same manufacturer. I personally do not have enough sun protection factor in this cream. And this is an ideal remedy.


This Laura cream was suitable for my sensitive skin, although I was afraid that there would be rashes on the first day. There are no complaints about the product. I didn’t notice any oily shine after it, there was no dryness, it removed redness. I can’t say that this anti-aging product is so effective - I’ve only been using it for a month so far, and the progress is not very noticeable to me. But maybe in the future it will help me deal with fine wrinkles. I don't expect anything more at this price.

Does the cream have any contraindications?

Like any cosmetic product, the cream has contraindications associated with allergic reactions that may arise from intolerance to one or more components. Also, you cannot use Laura anti-aging cream with peptides and hyaluronic acid if there are neoplasms (moles, warts, acne) or inflammation on the skin. It can be used with caution and only if indicated by a dermatologist for existing psoriasis, acne, herpes, and other skin infections.

You should avoid using the cream during pregnancy and breastfeeding.

Opinion of domestic and foreign cosmetologists

Recently, many female representatives have begun to use Laura cream for facial rejuvenation. Reviews from cosmetologists about this product are extremely positive.

The cream helps to enhance the production of substances that prolong the youth of the skin: collagen and elastin, which increase the elasticity of the skin.

The cream helps to enhance the production of substances that prolong the youth of the skin : collagen and elastin, which increase the elasticity of the skin. It also helps smooth out wrinkles and improve complexion.

The use of Laura face cream, according to reviews from cosmetologists, can reduce the depth of facial wrinkles by about 30 percent within a month, tighten the oval of the face and bring skin tone to normal.

According to dermatologists, the cream is considered a safe cosmetic product. Its use very rarely can cause allergic reactions.

Also popular cream with retinol for facial skin rejuvenation from the pharmacy

At what age should the cream be used?

After twenty-five years, there is a special need to help your skin fight external factors that negatively affect its healthy appearance and youth. Therefore, it is possible to start using the product from this age. Face cream "Lora" for people aged up to thirty years should be used once a day; it can become an ideal base for makeup.

From the age of thirty, there is a need to use the cream twice a day: in the morning and before bed. From the age of forty, in order for the result to be not just good, but ideal and fast, you can combine the use of the cream with anti-aging tablets “Lora”. If you use these tablets and Laura cream with hyaluronic acid together (there are reviews about this method), the result can exceed all expectations. Women who take the pills along with the cream write that in a month their appearance has really changed, and everyone notices it. The oval of the face has become more toned, wrinkles have noticeably decreased, and the skin has become healthier in appearance.

Effect of cream on facial skin

Thanks to the balanced natural composition of the cream, the good appearance of the skin, its firmness and elasticity are maintained, and a component such as hyaluronic acid helps to preserve and retain moisture, protecting the facial skin from drying out and aging.

Using Laura cream every day will help:

  • make the skin firm and elastic;
  • adjust the shape of the face, as with the lifting effect of a facelift;
  • reduce the number of facial wrinkles;
  • provide skin cells with additional hydration;
  • improve complexion;
  • strengthen muscles.

How to use cream and tablets?

Laura face cream is very easy to use. A small amount of it should be squeezed onto the skin and rubbed in with fingertips until completely absorbed. The cream is quickly absorbed and does not leave a greasy sheen, streaks, or a feeling of heaviness or stickiness. Its texture is very light, delicate, it perfectly moisturizes the skin and refreshes it.

If you decide to use tablets, then you should take them once a day (one piece) with meals, and apply Laura cream with hyaluronic acid to your face twice a day. There are also plenty of reviews about the ease of use of the cream and tablets. Women note the convenient packaging, which is convenient to take with them on the road. There is no need to interrupt the rejuvenation course while traveling, since there are no special conditions for using the cream.

Face cream Evalar Laura - reviews


I used Laura SPF 50+ to protect my skin from sunburn... and in the end I also noticed a rejuvenating effect (this is rare)... of course, in addition, I try not to neglect the rule of sunbathing at the right hours... but everything together does its job)


The cream is very suitable for my skin, I am using it now, since the sun is already active and pigmentation may just begin, this is a feature of the skin. So I apply Lora cream in the morning and reapply once during the day if I spend a lot of time in the sun. but if you work in an office, then I think applying it in the morning will be enough... I just sweat sometimes and worry that the cream may stop working and have to be renewed. The tube is small, it won’t last long, but that’s even better, it’s better to buy fresh cream more often than to use the old one, because the old one may simply deteriorate and stop working

Maryana Grigorievna

I work in a beauty salon and know a large number of anti-aging creams. Many visitors to the salon speak well of the Laura cream. When using it, positive dynamics are observed, fine wrinkles and other imperfections on the facial skin disappear. The skin becomes more toned. My opinion is that this cream can replace plastic surgery and Botox injections.


Girls, the sooner you start taking better care of your skin, the better!

My skin became good after the Lora cream, but the pills finally “finished it off”. They act from the inside, so the effect is different, deeper, the skin is not just moisturized, it is moisturized from the inside, so when I wash my face now I don’t feel any tightness at all, whether the surface protective layer has been washed away or not.

The skin was very dry, it was constantly peeling, constant creams saved the day, I applied them to my face 4 times, since the skin was eating everything up, after lora tablets it became much better, I walk calmly all day and don’t think about tightness and dryness, all the peeling is gone, I can wear it normally I couldn’t afford both light BB creams and thick foundations before, as all the peeling was immediately emphasized.

It seems to me that it’s all about hyaluronic acid and wild yam extract, or rather its phytoestrogens. I didn’t always have such problematic skin, I didn’t have such dryness before, but with age... sometimes you need to drink natural remedies, creams won’t save you forever, I’ve already learned this the hard way...


Tired. I'm tired of everything. From advertising, from relatives. From people's indifference. She was once young and very beautiful. Well, I’m still beautiful, but I’m getting older! Where are we without him? He always makes himself known. You see a far from young, boastful girl looking at you from the mirror. More like a wrinkled Shar Pei, noble and proud. But who needs this pride if they have been turning to you for a long time? And not out of respect, but precisely because of the way you look... Probably, such a cry from the heart can only be written in reviews. At least someone will understand. After all, you shouldn’t talk about this to four of the same old women whom you call friends? They'll laugh! They will say that it’s been a long time since you looked at your passport? And they themselves also yearn for their youth. And not to say that they are just old women, but they don’t try to refute this. I don’t want to talk about myself... Although. I’m 54, which doesn’t seem like much, but it’s already a lot. You start to hate the mirror after forty. When seemingly even small wrinkles around the eyes turn into sagging skin over time. Previously, they could be called facial expressions, because she smiled and cried, and only then were they visible. And now they are with you all the time... I haven’t seen anything in 54 years! Dear mother! You can write a book, not a review of a cream. If it weren’t for memory, if it weren’t for photographs with my young husband, who is no longer there. After all, before everything was for him: beauty and sex, joy, and tears. And now for whom? Only for myself. If you know this, please like it, it’s fashionable now! A whole story came out with this Laura cream. I stand at the mirror, massage my chin, try to straighten the corners of my mouth with my fingers. I've been trying for a year now, almost every day. Of course, there is a result - your fingers have become stronger! I take the face cream, apply it to the skin, apply light makeup on top of it in the morning, and in the evening, after removing the makeup, apply the cream again. "Laura". It's like an actress, not a cream. And all I can say is that in half a month (I took special photographs) there are changes, small, but visible! I specifically looked at the composition of a very expensive French cream - the composition is identical. Use it, girls. There really is a result!


I am very pleased with the cream. I have skin prone to redness, my eyes are sensitive to almost all creams I have ever used. There was pain, tears, and redness. There are no problems with this cream. At some point, everything worked out. Ideal under makeup. Does not roll, does not shine, does not dry out. And the skin became noticeably fresher and more elastic. And of course creams will not correct deep wrinkles and swelling. You need to watch what you eat, drink and how you live. Of course heredity.


I am 33 years old, wrinkles began to appear around my eyes and the skin on my cheeks became uneven. I bought the Laura complex, maybe it was just my imagination, but my skin condition became much better after just a week. This is not nasty girl, this is a very good drug!!! It feels like Evalar’s ​​competitors are writing nasty things. The composition there is the simplest: grass and vitamin E. That is, those supplements that the body needs, like food! Better watch the program “beauty is the territory of deception”))))) those who don’t like Laura, what do you wash your hair with and what is included in each shampoo!!!! Sodium!!! This is why the eyes are red and spots on the body, etc. and the poison is the strongest inside you (it accumulates for years)!!!



Excellent cream.


Not detected

Hi all! Today we will talk about anti-wrinkle face creams. Of course, this cream is not mine, but my mother’s. She uses it often. This cream is created based on natural oils from all over the world. It is flavored with mango and neroli as well as ginseng extract. Mango butter: saturates the skin with vitamins and promotes its rejuvenation. Neroli oil: nourishes and moisturizes the skin, actively fights wrinkles. Ginseng extract: promotes the regeneration of skin cells, preventing their aging. Shelf life is three years. Volume 80 ml. Mom really likes this cream. The skin is soft after the cream. The cream does not leave an oily sheen and is absorbed into the skin very quickly. Mom recommends this cream to everyone if necessary. Thanks to all!



effective, natural, inexpensive cream



A lot of good things have been written about Evalar products and I agree with this. Most of this company's cosmetic products are distinguished by their quality, safety (natural ingredients) and low price. I met Evalar face cream from a friend. When I was visiting her, after a shower in the bathroom, a friend offered me her cosmetics, although I don’t like to smear other people’s, I decided to try this particular cream from many bottles and tubes. And you know, I liked it, so I decided to buy the same cream for myself. The cream is inexpensive and not too cheap; for a 30 ml tube I paid 267 rubles. Due to my age, it’s time for me to have wrinkles and they are there (damned), there’s no escape from them, but you can disguise them and hide them for a while. I used this cream for almost two months (I applied it only at night), that is, the cream is very economical. What did I discover after two months, there were fewer wrinkles on my forehead, my face seemed younger, my skin became smooth and velvety. That is, this cream lives up to its name “Cream Laura from Evalar - anti-aging face cream.” And completely safe, unlike plastic surgery and injections. In the Evalar cream I found the following substances: peptides (amino acids that strengthen the dermal layer of the skin and enhance collagen production), hyaluronic acid (strengthens the synthesis of collagen and elastin), wild yam extract (accelerates the renewal of skin cells). As you can see, everything is organic and natural. I applied this cream as follows. I thoroughly washed my face and neck with moisturizing soap, wiped it dry with sanitary napkins and then applied cream. You only need to take a small amount and apply with light massage movements until the cream is completely absorbed by the skin. In my opinion, a good alternative to famous brands. I recommend it, you won't regret it.

Nora Baeva


Pleasant smell, easily absorbed



I bought this cream for myself a month ago. I’m 30 years old and already showing signs of wrinkles. So my impression: the composition is not bad, the price is too high. I didn't notice any significant changes after using it for a month. It will work as a moisturizer, but no more...


Good day everyone!

I will share my impressions of using Laura Evalar anti-aging cream. I have used several tubes so far. I always buy it at the pharmacy, fortunately, now it is always in stock there. I admit, I didn’t immediately decide to buy it. I thought it was just another nonsense. But, inspired by positive reviews, I bought it anyway. Costs from 350 to 550 rubles in pharmacies.

Cream volume 30 g, in a box (I immediately threw it away, I don’t like storing boxes). The cream is in a tube, the cap can be unscrewed, I did not experience any inconvenience in using it. The cream itself is white. Everyone knows what effect peptides and hyaluronic acid have on the skin - a real storehouse of youth. This cream has it all.

My skin: aged (unfortunately, I’m 34 years old, not 16 in general), mostly oily, with enlarged pores.

I am not one of the people who believe that cream can erase all existing and future wrinkles. But it is quite possible to keep the skin in excellent condition, nourish and moisturize.

Impressions from the cream:

I’ve been using it for about a year, albeit intermittently, 2 times a day; if I forget, I can do it once. What can I say, I like the cream. It perfectly nourishes, moisturizes, evens out skin tone, and does not clog my pores. I think it takes great care of the skin. True, it leaves a slight shine after application, but it doesn’t irritate me at all. Moreover, having lightly powdered the skin, nothing shines anymore. The skin is elastic and nourished.

As for wrinkles, I don’t believe that they can be erased like an eraser, but on moisturized and nourished skin there will be fewer of them than on dry and dehydrated skin.

Therefore, I recommend Laura anti-aging cream with peptides!


Surprisingly good quality products. I purchased a complex

Laura tablets and

eye cream. The dietary supplement did not suit me, but I really liked the cosmetics.

They are produced in a convenient tube, the cream inside is only 30 grams. But it is used sparingly, melts on the skin upon application, and spreads easily, so you don’t need a lot of it for one application.

I've been using it since the new year, almost 2 months. According to the manufacturers, the product should awaken its own synthesis of collagen and hyaluronic acid, which are so necessary to prolong the youth of the skin.

But in my opinion this is a utopia and nothing more than a marketing ploy. For any cosmetics to work as effectively as possible, you need to eat right and give up bad habits.

And the Laura peptide complex should theoretically have an effect if you use everything at once - dietary supplement and both creams. That's why I bought them all. But the pills didn’t work for me, alas.

But nevertheless, as a caring agent it acts excellently on the skin. Absorbed in seconds, gentle, light, with a pleasant herbal-cosmetic aroma.

The skin after it is fresh, in all areas, both in the cheeks and in the T-zone.

Ingredients of Laura face cream.

As you can see, it is not ideal, but there are no most dangerous and dubious ingredients. Thanks for that too.

The only thing I didn’t like was that it didn’t suit my makeup. Manufacturers have already spoiled me with their BB and CC, and I have lost the habit of applying 3 layers of different creams. Laura needs a mattifying agent, since the area of ​​her nose and forehead will become shiny in a couple of hours.

It would be possible to adapt, but when you already have a good cream for cosmetics, there is no special desire.

So I use it every day at night. Excellent care, I am satisfied with everything. It is inexpensive, you can even buy it just for a sample.

Now I'm setting my sights on the serum as soon as the cream runs out. I'm happy with the results, Evalar surprised me with the appearance of cosmetics. We are waiting for more interesting new products.

Cream "Lora" with hyaluronic acid and mesoscooter

Every woman has heard about mesotherapy. Many people have experienced its effects and were satisfied with the results. Unfortunately, most of us do not have enough time and money to regularly visit salons, and in this regard, it has become a real savior. Now every woman can get a mesoeffect at home using Laura cream with hyaluronic acid with a roller. This serum contains a high concentration of active substances, and the mesoscooter promotes their faster effect on the skin.

Judging by the reviews of this product, it helps smooth out wrinkles twice as quickly and restore skin elasticity compared to using a cream. They also write that using the roller soothes the skin, so after a working day, thanks to it you can relax and unwind.

What is the new product from Evalar?

Anti-aging cream and biological additives (BAA), produced by a Russian pharmaceutical company, are products that help resist changes in the structure of the skin,

occurring with age. According to the creators, they work effectively from the inside, supplying those necessary substances that allow the skin to maintain its tone.

The innovative development of Evalar Laura has earned the highest reviews from domestic experts. Contains:

  • wild yam phytoestrogens;
  • vitamin E (tocopherol);
  • D-panthenol;
  • hyaluronic and ascorbic acids.

All together enhances the production of elastin and collagen, which increases skin elasticity, smoothes out wrinkles, and improves complexion. Manufacturers assure that a positive result will come within a month

– the depth of wrinkles will be reduced by approximately 30%, the oval of the face will be tightened, and the skin tone will return to normal.

To enhance the effect of the bio-rejuvenating cream, its developers suggest using anti-aging tablets. You can read about various phytohormones for women on the website

How to use the serum?

This remedy should be used in courses of 10-12 days every three months. The procedure is performed once a day, preferably closer to bedtime.

Apply the serum to the face and neck using cotton pads or a sponge and massage the skin with a roller. When applying, the main thing is to avoid getting the product on the area around the eyes (there is a special Laura cream for this thin skin). The first movements of the roller should be light, without pressure, then apply a little pressure. You need to massage your face and neck with a mesoscooter for ten minutes. There is no need to rinse off the product; after the session, you can apply a little Laura cream or serum to the skin.

How to use the product with a mesoscooter

Serum "Lora" with a mesoscooter is a unique anti-aging product , which, according to experts in the field of cosmetology and dermatology , is not inferior in quality to salon rejuvenation procedures.

The main advantage of the product over others is its affordability and ease of use. The use of a special device - a mesoscooter - improves the effect of the product on the skin.

A mesoscooter is a small massager with a roller on which there are a large number of very thin needles. A large number of small punctures activates the process of skin cell regeneration, which rejuvenates the face in a completely natural way.

The principle of operation of the mesoscooter is based on the fact that the needles leave punctures on the skin invisible to the naked eye, thereby irritating it and at the same time stimulating metabolic processes in it.

Due to the fact that before such a procedure a rejuvenating serum is used, and afterwards any cooling cream is used to relieve possible unpleasant sensations arising from the mesoscooter, the substances of these cosmetics do not remain on the surface of the skin, but penetrate into its deeper layers, enriching them with useful substances.

Algorithm for using Laura serum using a mesoscooter:

  1. After cleansing your skin of makeup using any cosmetic product that suits your skin type, you should apply a small amount of serum, spreading it with your hands over your entire face;
  2. Next, using a mesoscooter, starting from the forehead, treat the skin with smooth movements, gradually moving towards the center of the face and avoiding the area around the eyes, and without touching the nose;
  3. The entire procedure should be performed in accordance with the massage lines, moving towards the temples, and then, at the very end, treat the neck and chin.

Price, storage

A product for the area around the eyes will cost about three hundred rubles. The price for Laura cream with hyaluronic acid will be approximately five hundred rubles, and for a serum with mesoeffect you will have to pay from six hundred rubles without a roller and in a set with a mesoscooter - from a thousand rubles. Laura tablets cost from three hundred and fifty rubles.

Also in the anti-aging line you will find thermal water, tonic, and hand cream. There are also ready-made Laura sets that would be an excellent gift option for a woman of any age to prolong and restore her youth.

The shelf life of Laura cream with hyaluronic acid is two years if stored correctly. It should be stored in a dark place where the temperature ranges from plus 25 degrees to zero. You should also make sure that the product does not fall into the hands of children.

Price, where to buy

You can buy Laura medications from Evalar in pharmacies in Moscow and other Russian cities. The price of tablets is 270 rubles - 296 rubles, hand cream 250 - 334 rubles, face cream - 349-527 rubles. Price of serum Laura mesoeffect Evalar with mesoscooter 572 rub. – 620 rub.

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Laura Evalar tablets: expert reviews

  • I am a cosmetologist and have been working with anti-aging products for a long time. The composition of beauty pills from the Evalar company helps strengthen the immune system
    and energy level of a woman’s body, and has a positive effect on the dermis. Those who take them will not need expensive cosmetics or injections that have a short-term effect. This is a unique complex that effectively fights aging and intensively rejuvenates the entire body. Galina.
  • As a specialist, I can recommend Laura to those women who have already experienced menopause.
    They just have a lack of female hormones, so phytohormones will improve not only their appearance, but also their well-being. Not only will Laura not give anything to young girls, but she can also harm them. So my sincere advice: before taking any dietary supplements, consult a specialist! Olga.

you consult a specialist before using these products

Only a doctor, based on medical indications, can say how appropriate the use of drugs is.
Of great importance is how well your body responds at the individual level to the unique components of the cream and dietary supplements, because it contains hormone-like phytoestrogens.
For those over 30 – a club for women over 30.

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