Anti-wrinkle cream "Bioven": rules for using the drug + reviews from cosmetologists and women


Consultation with a specialist is necessary - do not self-medicate. At the first sign of disease, consult a doctor.

It is not easy for every woman to come to terms with skin aging, which begins at about 25 years old and reaches its peak by the age of 50–60 years. Today we have come up with many ways to visually rejuvenate your face and slow down the aging process. Among the most popular are plastic surgery and Botox injections. In addition to being expensive, these procedures often have side effects and are not suitable for everyone. Fortunately, there is an alternative - Bioven cream, which will smooth out wrinkles without Botox injections and operations, tighten your skin in just 30 days and make you 10 years younger in one course of use.

What kind of cream is this?

Bioven cream is intended for external use as an anti-aging cosmetic product.

The composition of the cream is chosen so perfectly that the drug acts not only on the epidermis, but also on the deep layers of the skin at the cellular level.

The result of the cream is noticeable after a couple of weeks of daily use, experts promise the following result:

  • muscle relaxation by almost 83%;
  • making the skin smooth;
  • reduction in wrinkle depth by more than 50%.

Bioven can be used by both women and men.

Is it effective in treating wrinkles?

The effectiveness of Bioven cream is confirmed by clinical studies that were carried out immediately after the development of the formula and creation of the cream.

The experiment involved three thousand women who had certain signs of aging and skin aging . They used this remedy for 20 days, after which the results were summed up.

Each of the women who took part in the experiment noted a significant decrease in the depth of wrinkles, facial skin became smoother, and in addition, age-related pigmentation disappeared.

The experimental data were confirmed by a large number of dermatologists and cosmetologists who now actively recommend Bioven to their patients.

Expert opinion

Dmitrieva Elena Yurievna

Gynecologist-endocrinologist, 40 years of experience

Every new anti-aging product that appears on the cosmetic market is questioned, and Bioven cream is no exception. At first, experts were skeptical about such bold assurances to manufacturers about almost instantaneous relief from wrinkles. But when studies were carried out on the composition of the cream, dermatologists and cosmetologists changed their point of view, it turned out that the cream contains snake venom, which, when it gets on the skin, relaxes the muscles. In addition, this poison has a positive effect on nerve endings, as a result of which cells begin to regenerate faster, which naturally also helps in the fight against age-related changes in the skin. The cream contains vitamins and useful additives, but nevertheless, it is still not recommended to use Bioven without consulting a specialist, since allergic reactions and individual intolerance to its components are possible.

Reviews of famous people

“I am skeptical about all innovative developments, but I decided to try BioVen cream for myself. This is a truly unique drug that allows you to normalize the condition of the skin, tighten the oval of the face and eliminate wrinkles. The action of the product is very mild and does not cause side effects.” Irina Malysheva

“I refused the services of cosmetologists a long time ago, because I realized that you can achieve good results at home on your own. Even though I have money, I love myself and use only natural products. This time I took a course with BioVen. This is a very cool cream that has a pleasant aroma, is developed on the basis of natural substances and the effect of use is noticeable after just 3-4 days. I advise everyone." Ani Lorak

“I would never have believed that natural products could help solve skin problems. Due to age, wrinkles appeared, the skin began to sag, but I was not upset and began to fight it. My assistant is BioVen cream. This is a unique product based on natural substances that does not have a harmful effect on the skin. But the result is amazing. I recommend."

Larisa Dolina

Advantages and disadvantages

The advantages of using Bioven are as follows::

  1. Within a week after starting to use the cream, you can see the first improvements.
  2. Snake venom, which is part of the cream, helps delay the formation of wrinkles and also actively fights existing ones, which makes it an excellent alternative to Botox, which often provokes undesirable effects.
  3. The cream consists mainly of natural ingredients and is considered one of the best creams with a lifting effect.
  4. You can use Bioven at home at a convenient time.
  5. Does not contain aggressive components or harmful additives.
  6. Durability of the effect.
  7. Suitable for all skin types.
  8. Does not create a frozen mask on the face.
  9. Easy to use.
  10. Can be used by men and women of different ages.

As for the disadvantages of Bioven, there are not many of them:

  • there are contraindications;
  • there is no data on the consequences after long-term use, since the cream is new;
  • there are few customer reviews, which is also due to the recent appearance of the cream;
  • the manufacturer does not indicate the exact composition.

Review of the pros and cons of a cosmetic product

Reviews of “Bioven” for wrinkles, the price and composition of which are discussed in this article, indicate the following advantages of this cosmetic product.

The advantages of the product are:

  • affordable price;
  • absence of allergic reactions;
  • use of natural ingredients;
  • a lot of positive customer ratings;
  • an excellent alternative to youth injections - Botox;
  • the absence of a frozen mask effect after using the cream, which is often observed after using Botox;
  • saving time and money on visiting a beauty salon, the ability to use this product at home.

Also, reviews from doctors about “Bioven” for wrinkles, the price of which is quite affordable for the general consumer, say that thanks to natural ingredients, the skin significantly improves. Experts note the effectiveness of the cosmetic product, which is achieved subject to its systematic use.

What results can you expect (photos before and after use)

The manufacturer states that regular use of Bioven leads to the following effects:

  • not only small and medium-sized, but also deep wrinkles are smoothed out;
  • nasolabial folds are eliminated;
  • facial contour improves;
  • wrinkles are eliminated throughout the face, including the eye and lip area.

Moreover, Bioven slows down all processes of aging and fading of the skin, therefore, new wrinkles will be delayed in their appearance.

Composition of the drug

Anti-aging cream Bioven contains the following components::

  1. Malaysian snake venom (synthesized). The main active ingredient of the poison is aimed at relaxing skin cells. In a sense, the skin experiences mild paralysis, causing wrinkles to smooth out. The same effect can be observed with Botox injections.
  2. Collagen and amino acids of plant origin. They activate the skin's own elastin production, which gives it firmness and freshness. This effect is called the lifting effect.
  3. Vitamin A. Improves complexion, gives the skin a healthy shine and velvety feel.
  4. Vitamin E. Retains moisture in the deep layers of the skin, protects against the negative effects of ultraviolet rays, removes pigmentation, increases blood circulation in the skin, resulting in tightened skin.
  5. Grapefruit extract. Relieves inflammation and swelling, maintains skin tone and youthfulness. Is a powerful antioxidant.
  6. Allantoin. Regenerates the skin, has a moisturizing effect, and helps restore elasticity.

Let's sum it up

In search of cosmetics that could prolong youth, cosmetics manufacturers are working to create the perfect cream. The main feature of the drug "Bioven" is that it consists of natural ingredients, the main one of which is snake venom.

When a person has a question about purchasing a particular product, he studies the reviews of other buyers. The article contained not only this information, but also reviews from specialists with medical education.

It is important to follow the recommendations specified in the instructions for use of the cream. This product is not intended for continuous use. There are a number of contraindications that cannot be ignored.

Using the cosmetic product "Bioven" will ensure the beauty and youth of the skin. Indicated for use by persons aged 30 years and older.

Indications for use

You should use Bioven if you have at least one of the problems listed below:

  • mimic or age wrinkles;
  • age folds in the face and neck area,
  • skin fatigue;
  • poor complexion;
  • loss of skin firmness and elasticity;
  • initial signs of age-related changes;
  • age-related pigmentation;
  • dryness and flaking of the skin.

How long to use?

To get the maximum effect from the cream, you should adhere to the following rules for its use::

  1. Before applying the cream to your face for the first time, it is necessary to conduct a test to determine the individual reaction of the body. To do this, apply a small amount of the product to the inner crease of the elbow or to the inside of the wrist. If no negative reaction occurs after 24 hours, the cream can be safely applied to the face.
  2. If you experience itching, burning or other undesirable effects when using Bioven, you should immediately remove the cream from your face, stop using it, and if negative symptoms increase or do not go away within 24 hours, you should consult a dermatologist.
  3. Up to 35 years of age, the cream should be applied in a thin layer; in the future, it is recommended to apply a thicker layer.
  4. The duration of continuous use of the cream should be at least 4 weeks.
  5. Bioven can be used as a base for makeup; it should also be applied to cleansed facial skin before bed, especially for the treatment of deep wrinkles.

Customer reviews about Bioven

Buyers of Bioven claim that it is possible to get rid of wrinkles without Botox injections, at home. The natural product fully replaces expensive cosmetic procedures and has no side effects. Bioven's unique formula provides a comprehensive positive effect in every clinical case. To get the best possible results, use the cream in a course.

After studying several thematic resources, we made a selection of the most interesting reviews.

11.09.2019, 15:23Answer: After a course of Bioven there is no end to men...


Registration: 06/02/2017 Messages: 466

I have long forgotten what male attention means. Due to endless problems, I completely stopped taking care of myself. There was neither time nor extra money for cosmetologists. Of course, you shouldn’t be surprised that men didn’t pay attention to me. I didn’t like myself, to say the least about others. A couple of months ago I found out about Bioven on a women’s forum, and the reviews simply amazed me.

Women wrote that this cream smooths out wrinkles no worse than Botox injections. I went to the official website and made an order, there was just a promotion there. I received the parcel just a week later and began using Bioven according to the instructions. Literally on the second day, the skin became very soft, and the tone noticeably evened out. After 2 weeks, facial wrinkles practically disappeared, and even the bruises under the eyes disappeared. I have become more confident in myself, and now men are starting to get acquainted with me...

Bioven – a scam or not?

09/14/2019 from Valentin

I have always had doubts about drugs sold on the Internet. The same thing happened with Bioven cream. The reviews were very good, but until recently I was overcome by the thought that this was a scam. First one friend took the course, then another. Observing excellent results, I finally decided to place an order. They sent everything to me very quickly, so within a week I already started using the product.

For several days in a row, in the evenings, I applied it to areas of the skin where there were wrinkles. I hoped that I would immediately notice the effect, but there were no significant changes. Thoughts arose again that I had fallen for a deception... As a result, after 2 weeks, my facial wrinkles only smoothed out a little. I hoped that they would disappear completely, because everyone writes about such a result. Bioven did not live up to my expectations; although it works, it is not fast at all.

Leave feedback


Reputation +844

Russia, Zheleznogorsk

I found a super remedy for wrinkles! I recommend it to everyone!!!


I always tried to take care of myself, bought expensive creams, lotions, tonics... And despite everything, by the age of 35 I discovered a lot of facial wrinkles. A good friend recommended Bioven to me. The reviews I found were only positive... And although I rarely buy medicines and cosmetics on the Internet, I decided to order them. I didn’t regret my decision, because I noticed the effect literally from the first days.

I used the cream every day before applying makeup and before going to bed. The wrinkles really began to smooth out. The crow's feet in the corners of the eyes have disappeared, and the folds on the forehead have become less noticeable. What I bought lasted for 1.5 months, and that was enough. Now I am very pleased with my appearance, I will definitely order Bioven again. I recommend it to absolutely everyone, and I will never use any other product again.

Review recommended:


September 13, 2019


Bioven copes with wrinkles with a bang. Real experience

I have never come across such an effective remedy for wrinkles as Bioven. The customer reviews were so good that I placed an order without any doubt. This is a natural cream that, in its action, replaces many cosmetic procedures. It has no contraindications and no side effects at all. She couldn’t believe it herself, but the result was the best confirmation. In total, I used the drug for 2 months.

Judging by the reviews, a month's course is enough for many women... Perhaps if I were 10 years younger, this would be enough for me. Be that as it may, I got just the perfect effect! And this without the help of specialists, at home and with absolute comfort. I really liked the texture of Bioven, it smells nice and absorbs quickly. I will resume the course every six months, I want to always look 1000%.

325 64 44

IrinaSt. Petersburg

Registered: Aug 04, 2017 Messages: 458
Re: After the course Biovena stopped seeing cosmetologists

If you are tired of spending money on cosmetologists, I recommend paying attention to Bioven. Reviews, price, composition, level of safety - everything here is perfect and at the highest level. I have used the services of specialists for many years, and even injected Botox. But any procedure gives a temporary effect, and therefore large financial expenses are endless. And here, not only is it cheap, but it helps for a long time!

Almost six months ago, a good friend recommended him to me. I noticed that she looked great, and the secret turned out to be Bioven. I bought it from the official manufacturer, and did everything as stated in the instructions. I noticed changes within a week: wrinkles became less pronounced and the skin became more elastic. Even minor defects disappeared, and the complexion became even. New acquaintances now give me no more than 40 years, so I’m happy with the result.

14 Sep 2022, 17:24

Instructions for use

Bioven cream should always be applied to cleansed facial skin . Before using the cream, you need to read the instructions very carefully and make sure there are no contraindications.


It is recommended to apply the cream 1-2 times a day - in the morning and at night.

For deep wrinkles, the cream can be applied pointwise to the problem area twice a day.

The duration of the course is 4 weeks, then you need to take a break and, if necessary, repeat the course.

Bioven - a scam or not?

While visiting online forums, we occasionally came across negative reviews about Bioven cream. The manufacturer never leaves them unattended. Company representatives promptly respond to all comments to help people understand the situation

I believe that Bioven is just a scam aimed at restoring women's youth. I’ve been applying it in the morning for a week now and the wrinkles haven’t diminished.

Manufacturer's response

Good morning! Bioven components have a cumulative effect. The healing properties appear gradually as their concentration in the dermis increases. We recommend summarizing the results within 2-3 weeks.

My cosmetologist praised Bioven very much and gave me a link to the manufacturer’s website to order. However, I didn’t have to worry too much - I bought the cream at the nearest pharmacy. But even a month later I didn’t look any better.

Manufacturer's response

Good afternoon, we bought a fake - the original cream is sold only on the manufacturer’s official website.

Side effects

Undesirable reactions after using Bioven may be as follows::

  • itching;
  • redness;
  • rash;
  • excessive dryness and flaking;
  • feeling of skin tightness;
  • burning;
  • hyperemia;
  • skin swelling.

In most cases, such side effects can be observed when using the cream in large doses and for a long time, as well as in cases where a person is prone to allergic reactions.

Possible contraindications

Like all cosmetic products, Bioven cream has a number of contraindications, namely:

  • tendency to allergies;
  • age up to 20 years;
  • skin diseases - eczema, dermatitis;
  • purulent inflammation;
  • acne;
  • open skin wounds;
  • oncology;
  • HIV;
  • weak immunity;
  • the period of bearing a child and the lactation period;
  • bleeding disorders;
  • period after recent manipulations of cosmetology salon procedures in the facial area.


Almost all major cosmetic brands offer customers a line of anti-aging products. Basically, analogues of Bioven can be considered:

  • Aquasource Air Cream from Biotherm;
  • BB-Cream “5-in-1 Secret of Perfection” from Garnier;
  • “Active lifting 45+” ​​from Garnier and others.

At the same time, Bioven anti-wrinkle cream has a number of undeniable advantages:

  • works as a “face sculptor”: it simultaneously smooths out wrinkles and tightens the oval;
  • has a pronounced anti-aging effect, which is noticeable after 1–2 weeks of use;
  • rich in natural antioxidants, vitamins, contains safe snake venom, but does not contain fragrances, alcohol or other potentially harmful ingredients;
  • effectively increases elasticity and firmness, and also stimulates the production of the dermis’ own building components;
  • absorbs without a trace in a few minutes and does not leave a greasy film, so it is suitable as a makeup product;
  • costs less than Botox injections and especially plastic surgery;
  • has no age restrictions, suitable for any type of skin.

An effective anti-aging product can slow down the aging process for a long time, protect the epidermis from external adverse factors, nourish it with energy and moisture, maintaining health, beauty and excellent appearance.

How to buy Bioven, availability in pharmacies in Moscow?

Purchase the original Bioven anti-wrinkle cream only on our website by pre-order. To do this, you must leave an application in a special form, indicating your name, telephone number and country of receipt. We will deliver the goods to any post office or courier in the next few days. We guarantee the safety of packaging and confidentiality of the order.

Why is the pharmacy “For Our Own!” is it convenient and profitable?

  • Buy Bioven in Moscow for 1 ruble!
  • According to our rules, you pay for the product only after receiving it.
  • We will deliver Bioven no later than 03/06/2022.
  • Our prices are without extra charges, because we work directly with suppliers.
  • Various delivery options, including pickup.

Pharmacies in Moscow:

Doctor Stoletov Phone:
+7 (495) 788–11–00
Lubyansky pr., 15, building 2, Moscow, Russia
Opening hours:
24 hours a day
Evalar Telephone:
Novoslobodskaya st., 12, Moscow, Russia
Opening hours:
Ozerki Telephone:

+7 (499) 603–00–00
Pushechnaya st., 9/6, Moscow, Russia
Opening hours:
Daily 08:00–23:00

Planet Health Telephone:

+7 (495) 369-33-00
Meshchanskaya st., 14, Moscow, Russia
Opening hours:
daily, 09:00–22:00

Pharmacy 24 Phone:
Zubovsky Blvd., 17, building 1, Moscow, Russia
Opening hours:
24 hours a day
Capitals Telephone:

, +7 (499) 649-65-36
Lyusinovskaya st., 6, Moscow, Russia
Opening hours:
Mon-Fri 08:00–22:00; Sat, Sun 09:00–21:00

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