Malavit - instructions for use, indications, dosages for children and adults, analogues and price

The medicine “Malavit” is used for acne and acne. The medicine contains a natural composition and effectively fights skin problems. Thanks to herbal components, the pharmaceutical product has virtually no contraindications or side effects, however, despite this, its use must still be agreed with a doctor. Before starting therapy, it is important to read the instructions in detail.

What is Malavit

The active ingredients of this hygiene product are plant extracts, natural essential oils and organic acids. The product has a pronounced antiseptic property, has deodorizing, antimycotic and anti-inflammatory effects, can relieve pain and eliminate swelling of soft tissues.

Composition and release form

The main forms of dietary supplement release are concentrated solution and cream-gel. The solution is based on many herbs and does not contain dyes, preservatives or alcohol. Cream-gel is a derivative of a concentrate with the addition of excipients. Mineral-organic composition:

Concentrated solution Cream-gel
Active components copper sulfate and carbon dioxide, rock oil, glycerin, gum, lactic acid, Siberian cedar resin, pine buds, mumiyo, chaga, plant extracts from the Altai Mountains region, purified ionized water, birch buds, oak bark.
Auxiliary components neutral gel, distilled water, grape seed essential oil, menthol.

pharmachologic effect

Antibacterial properties are manifested against almost all types of anaerobic and aerobic infections, while the drug does not cause resistance of microorganisms over time. A homeopathic remedy is used to treat fungal infections and inflammatory skin diseases caused by injuries, burns, frostbite, and insect bites.

The drug relieves swelling of the outer layer of the epithelium, improves blood supply to soft tissues, reduces the release of histamines, thereby achieving an anti-inflammatory, analgesic and decongestant effect. It is often used when it is necessary to speed up the process of resorption of hematomas, relieve inflammation, and in the treatment of joints. The solution and cream-gel are indispensable when treating wounds.

Indications for use

The drug has found application in dental practice, gynecology, and in the treatment of joint diseases. The solution is often used for body hygiene and eliminating acne in adolescents. According to the instructions, the naturopathic remedy is used to treat:

  • fresh injuries and to eliminate their consequences;
  • diseases of the musculoskeletal system that affect soft tissues or joints;
  • neuralgia, neuritis;
  • acne, acne, fungal infections, herpes, warts;
  • various lesions of the skin - frostbite, bedsores, open wounds, insect or animal bites, burns;
  • periodontal disease, stomatitis, for toothache relief and oral hygiene;
  • urological or gynecological diseases - cystitis, thrush, vulvovaginitis, genital herpes, inflammatory diseases of the genital organs, fissures;
  • diseases of the ENT organs - sore throat, pharyngitis, tonsillitis, otitis, sinusitis, frontal sinusitis.

Malavit in gynecology

The solution is used to sanitize the vagina before inserting an intrauterine contraception, for disinfection before childbirth, or during an artificial abortion procedure. The concentrate is also used for:

  • hygiene of the external genitalia or douching (the product is diluted with water in the proportions of 2 tsp of concentrate per 1 tbsp of water);
  • vaginal phonophoresis (for this, the naturopathic medicine is diluted 1 to 10 with water);
  • preparation of vaginal tampons (2 tsp of concentrate must be diluted in a glass of water, a cotton swab is moistened in the resulting solution, after which it is inserted into the vagina for 3-5 hours).

Skin treatment

The plant components of the drug have disinfectant and wound-healing properties, as described in the description of Malavit - the official instructions for use. Treatment regimens for skin diseases are as follows:

  • To get rid of excessive sweating of the feet or palms, the product is used to prepare baths: 10 ml of the drug is dissolved in 5 liters of water with the addition of a few pinches of sea salt. To achieve a deodorizing effect, wipe the armpits with an undiluted solution.
  • To eliminate fungal infections of the skin, turundas (cotton swabs soaked in concentrate) are placed between the fingers. Treatment can be supplemented with baths adding a solution in a ratio of 1 to 10.
  • To get rid of acne, boils, acne, herpes and chronic dermatoses, the affected areas of the skin are wiped with a solution 3 to 5 times a day.

Malavit for throat

Tannins, essential oils, saponins and organic acids have the ability to relieve cold symptoms, laryngeal swelling, and have an antimicrobial, expectorant and wound-healing effect. A homeopathic medicine is often used to relieve inflammation, pain and swelling of the throat due to sore throat or other respiratory viral diseases. Use Malavit for gargling in dosages of 15 drops per 100 ml of warm water.

Malavit for runny nose

The homeopathic remedy is effective in the initial stages of acute respiratory infections, acute respiratory viral infections and influenza. Malavit for the nose can be chosen in the form of a solution or cream. The liquid concentrate is diluted with warm water in a ratio of 5-10 drops per 100 ml. The resulting solution is used to rinse the nasal passages or use it instead of nasal drops. Rub the cream onto the patient’s back or chest, and place a small amount of the product in the nose. The frequency of such procedures is 5-6 times a day.

Washing the lacunae of the palatine tonsils

Recommended by doctors for chronic tonsillitis, including for the prevention of exacerbations of the disease. It can be carried out with a syringe with a special attachment - a cannula or using a vacuum method.

The palatine tonsils are accumulations of lymphoid tissue in the pharynx; their important anatomical feature is the crypts. Crypts are branching depressions in the tonsils, due to which the area of ​​contact of lymphoid tissue with infectious agents increases and, as a result, the immune response is carried out faster.

Tonsilloliths also form in the crypts - caseous plugs, which are dense formations consisting of desquamated epithelium and food debris. Usually the plugs are small and come out on their own; this process goes unnoticed by humans. In some cases, plugs linger in the crypts, and when bacteria and leukocytes join them, they increase in size and become denser. The presence of tonsillitis is associated with a feeling of discomfort in the throat, sore throat, reflex cough, and very rarely, only in 3% of cases, halitosis (bad breath). Among the normal microflora of crypts, anaerobes stand out separately, producing volatile sulfur compounds; it is because of them that the cork acquires a characteristic unpleasant odor.

It is believed that caseous plugs do not have a negative impact on health, which means they do not pose a danger. Only in Russia and the post-Soviet space is the detection of traffic jams associated with the presence of chronic tonsillitis. In other countries, this disease is classified as persistent inflammation and swelling in the throat, accompanied by pain, in some cases requiring systemic antibacterial therapy.

In our country, doctors usually recommend a course of rinsing, consisting of 5 procedures, which are carried out every other day or less often. This approach is not based on evidence of effectiveness, but on the preferences of a particular specialist, “his personal experience” and the desire of the patient. A wide variety of washing solutions are used - from furatsilin to systemic antibiotics and bacteriophages.

Foreign doctors offer patients to remove plugs themselves in a variety of ways. It has not been proven that a course of washing the tonsils reduces the incidence of tonsillitis. If caseous plugs cause a person significant discomfort, or he or she is bothered by bad breath, it is suggested that you discuss the possibility of tonsillectomy (tonsil removal) with your doctor. Sometimes, unfortunately, this is the only way to get rid of traffic jams. A one-time rinsing of the tonsils is allowed to remove tonsillitis (not during an exacerbation of chronic tonsillitis!), if they cause severe discomfort, including psychological, and the patient is unable to do this on his own.

The therapeutic effect of washing the palatine tonsils in the prevention of exacerbations of chronic tonsillitis has not been proven. There are also no clear recommendations determining the number of procedures.

It is important to know : washing the lacunae of the tonsils is not a therapeutic or preventive procedure.

Directions for use and dosage

To achieve maximum effectiveness from the treatment, it is recommended to simultaneously use or alternate treatment with cream and solution. According to the instructions, Malavit can only be used externally. The solution must be shaken thoroughly before application; the cream is used in its pure form.

Cream Malavit

Cream-gel Malavit can be used as a cosmetic product for personal hygiene or for the care of problem skin. The frequency of use depends on the diagnosis:

  • for herpes, the ointment is applied to the affected areas of the skin 3-4 times a day;
  • in the complex treatment of diseases of the ENT organs, the cream is applied up to 8 times a day to the projection of the maxillary sinuses;
  • for thrush, vaginal microflora disorders and other gynecological diseases, the cream is applied to a gauze swab, which is inserted into the posterior vaginal fornix and left for 3-5 hours.

For injuries, diseases of the musculoskeletal system or treatment of neuritis, the instructions for use indicate the following treatment regimen:

  • for rapid resorption of hematomas on the body, provided the skin is intact, the product is applied to the damaged area 2-3 times a day, without rubbing;
  • for inflammation of soft tissues, to eliminate the consequences of injuries, relieve pain or reduce swelling, cream-gel is applied to the damaged area twice a day;
  • for neuralgia and headaches, the homeopathic medicine is rubbed into the areas where the pain is located 2-3 times a day.

Malavit solution

The concentrate is applied to the skin using a cotton sponge at the site of pain projection. To quickly achieve a therapeutic effect, before applying the solution, the skin is warmed up with a massage, heating pad or rubbing. The drug is applied in two versions:

  • If the integrity of the epidermis is not compromised, use an undiluted solution. A gauze bandage, cotton pad or bandage is moistened in the concentrate and applied to the affected area for several hours.
  • If there are open wounds on the skin or the drug is intended to be used to treat mucous membranes, the solution is first diluted with warm water in a ratio of 10-40 ml of concentrate per 200 ml of water.

For fractures, the solution is used to relieve pain and swelling during the first five days after injury. The product is applied under the cast in dosages of 10-20 ml twice a day. For sprained ligaments, Malavita applications are made. To do this, a gauze bandage is moistened with a solution and applied to the affected area, the compress is covered with polyethylene or fixed with an elastic bandage. The use of a compress is acceptable when restoring ligaments after removing the plaster.

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Endolaryngeal infusions

Recommended for acute laryngitis, along with nebulizers, mucolytics and much more.

The cause of acute laryngitis in most cases is a viral infection. Therefore, the main treatment here is time. The use of antibiotics is not indicated even for mild bacterial infections in the larynx, which are much less common than viral ones.

With endolaryngeal infusion, the solution enters directly onto the vocal folds at the time of phonation, which means there is a very high risk of it entering the lower respiratory tract. In cases where the larynx is poorly visible and the procedure technique is not followed, the doctor pours the solution into the esophagus, the patient swallows it, and there is no positive effect after the procedure, even temporary. At the same time, such a “blind” infusion of the solution increases the risk of aspiration (entry into the respiratory tract).

Antibiotics are used for infusions into the larynx, which, when applied topically, do not have a bactericidal effect. Oil solutions can be used, the positive effect of which is easily replaced by a home humidifier and ventilation. The effect of using hormonal agents (dexamethasone or hydrocortisone) is very short-lived. Moreover, in emergency situations, for example, for singers before a concert, preference should be given to the systemic use of hormonal therapy. The use of hormones leads to the rapid disappearance of inflammation of the vocal folds and improvement of voice quality, but one has to put up with the possible side effects of this group of drugs, so in standard situations the potential risk of their use outweighs the possible benefits.

A number of studies have shown that the voice is restored in equal time - when treated with antibiotics and when taking a placebo.

Important to know : viral laryngitis usually lasts 7-10 days and goes away on its own.

Malavit during pregnancy

Malavit does not have a negative effect on the development of the fetus, either externally or intravaginally. The homeopathic medicine is approved for use at any stage of pregnancy and during breastfeeding. It is allowed to use the solution as a hygiene product, applying up to 5 drops of liquid to a sanitary pad.

Puncture of the maxillary sinus

Practically not used in modern otorhinolaryngology. For acute bacterial sinusitis, systemic broad-spectrum antibacterial drugs are indicated, which successfully cope with the bacterial process without punctures and “cuckoos”.

Punctures for a bacterial process in the maxillary sinuses are mainly indicated if culture of the sinus contents is needed - usually when 1-2 courses of antibacterial therapy are ineffective.

Very rarely, such punctures are performed for diagnostic purposes, when it is not possible to perform radiography or computed tomography of the paranasal sinuses. Another indication is severe pain associated with the pressure of the contents on the walls of the sinus. The puncture is done once during the main treatment. Several punctures are indicated only in the case of a persistent bacterial process with two or more courses of antibiotics, and there is no possibility of performing endoscopic surgery on the sinuses.

It has been proven that puncture of the maxillary sinus does not speed up the healing process.

It is important to know : puncture, like any invasive method, can have complications, including trauma to the medial wall of the orbit, nasolacrimal duct, soft tissues of the cheek, and nosebleeds.


Compared to other homeopathic remedies, the drug has state certificates and has undergone multiple clinical studies for the safety of use among different age groups of patients. Instructions for use of Malavita contain a minimum of contraindications, including:

  • ban on internal use of the drug;
  • individual intolerance to one or more components of the composition;
  • simultaneous use of cream with other products for external use.

Malavit: release form and composition

The hygienic natural elixir is available in 30 or 50 ml bottles. They are made of dark glass and equipped with a special dropper, which simplifies the process of using the product.

Malavit solution contains more than 100 different components. The balanced formula guarantees high effectiveness of treatment, which is confirmed by testing and in practice. The malavit solution, the instructions confirm this, does not contain ethyl alcohol. It contains no dyes or preservatives.

In the production of the product, purified ionized water is used, which is an information matrix. Other important components in the composition:

  • Copper ions provide wound healing effects. They relieve inflammation and have antimicrobial properties.
  • Lactic acid. The organic product accelerates recovery processes and promotes skin cell renewal.
  • Gum, which is a special additive that has protective properties and can reduce pain.
  • Siberian cedar resin, whose common name is “resin”. A characteristic feature of the substance is its biological activity, which guarantees an enhanced therapeutic effect.
  • Pine and birch buds, which contain beneficial essential oils and tannins. They enhance the antimicrobial effect, which promotes wound healing.
  • Oak bark, characterized by astringent and analgesic effects.
  • Birch chaga mushroom, which has antiseptic properties and the ability to strengthen local immunity.
  • Shilajit, which promotes tissue regeneration.
  • Extracts of various medicinal plants.


There are no drugs absolutely similar in composition to Malavit. However, in the absence of this herbal medicine in the pharmacy, it can be replaced with the following analogues:

  • Hepilor;
  • Zitrox;
  • Umlakor;
  • Givalex;
  • Rovamycin;
  • Nimid;
  • Lugs;
  • Alteyka;
  • But-salt.

Indications for use of the product

The plant-based Malavit solution is indicated for the treatment of damage to the surface of the skin and mucous membranes. When used, it is possible to reduce swelling and improve microcirculation in tissues. Thanks to the antiseptic properties of the product, it is possible to fight harmful microorganisms on the surface of the skin. The drug enhances the effect of other antiseptic drugs.

A solution of malavit is prescribed, the instructions for use confirm this, for treatment:

  • Oral cavity.
  • Nasal mucosa.
  • External genitalia.

Since the drug does not cause resistance in pathogenic microorganisms, it can be used for a long time.

Elixir malavit is effective in the complex treatment of diseases in various areas:

  • Otolaryngology: otitis, tonsillitis, sinusitis.
  • Gynecology: vulvo-vaginitis, candidiasis, etc.
  • Urology: cystitis, urethritis, etc.
  • Dentistry: periodontal disease, gingivitis, stomatitis.

The effectiveness of the drug has been proven in practice in the treatment of acne and fungal infections. The product is widely used in traumatology and sports medicine in the treatment of bruises, hematomas and muscle strains.

Price Malavita

The drug can be purchased at any pharmacy, ordered online with home delivery, or selected from a catalog on the official manufacturer’s website. Average price in the Moscow region for Malavit:

Release form, volume Price, rubles
solution 30 ml 120-213
solution 50 ml 180-426
cream-gel 50 ml 190-230
cream-gel 75 ml 260-280

Conditions of release and storage

To purchase Malavit for acne, a prescription from a specialist is not required. The annotation states that the medication should be stored in a dark room where the temperature does not rise above 25 degrees Celsius. Such a place should be closed to direct sunlight, children and animals. As for the solution, it can be stored for no more than 2 years from the date of production, the date of which is indicated on the pack. The cream-gel is stored for 3 years. After the expiration date, the use of the medicine is strictly prohibited, since in such a situation the risk of complications for the body increases.

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