How to rejuvenate facial skin using glycerin and vitamin E

Vitamin E for the face is produced in different forms: in ampoules, capsules, and in the form of oil. Tocopherol is added to creams, masks, serums and other cosmetics - this active component is perhaps one of the most sought after and most frequently used in cosmeceuticals. What is the secret of its effect on our skin? In this article I will tell you why this substance is necessary to maintain beauty and youth.

Tocopherol is famous for two main properties: it has a pronounced rejuvenating effect and starts the process of regeneration of epidermal cells - renewal and restoration. Old cells die off, and new ones, born in the basal layer, take their place. The regeneration process is directly related to the amount of collagen fibers. From the age of 30, their production decreases, the skin resists external irritants less and less, becomes less elastic, loses tone, healthy color and elasticity.

Tocopherol promotes the active production of collagen and elastin in epidermal cells. This literally transforms the most sensitive and unprotected areas - for example, the area around the eyes, where the first wrinkles appear first. The skin is tightened, looks younger, and is saturated with moisture.

Let's talk about the effect of vitamin E in an oil solution - in ampoules and capsules for the face - in more detail.

Effect on the skin

These ingredients are highly popular due to their beneficial properties. They affect the skin of the face as follows:

  • moisturize;
  • soften;
  • calm down;
  • bleach;
  • rejuvenate;
  • eliminate inflammation;
  • work as antioxidants.

Thus, a cosmetic mask with glycerin and vitamin E is a powerful moisturizing and anti-aging agent. Such a strong positive effect is due to the complementary and simultaneous effect on the skin of two equally beneficial components.

How to wash off a mask correctly

The glycerin mask can be washed off with warm or cool water. But the main thing is that toilet soap is not involved in the process. Lathering will dry out the skin, so the effect of the mask will be minimal. The best solution is to remove the remaining product with a hygienic wet wipe to remove makeup, and only then wash your face.

Step by step action:

  1. After the procedure, wipe your face with a damp cloth or paper napkin.
  2. After 15 min. You can wash your face with cool or lukewarm running water.
  3. It is recommended to remove moisture from the face with a lint towel.
  4. Then you need to apply any usual moisturizing or nourishing cream to the skin.

Important! Do not remove product residues by peeling them off the skin! This can injure the epidermis.


Glycerin covers the upper (outer) layer of facial skin with a thin film. It is a natural barrier that retains moisture inside cells and prevents its evaporation.

This substance is colorless and odorless. Its main advantage is its complete water solubility and excellent compatibility with other cosmetic ingredients. Therefore, manufacturers of caring cosmetics often add it to moisturizing creams.

Glycerin is a natural humectant

It attracts moisture from everywhere - including from the air.

Having received a sufficient amount of moisture, the skin of the face is transformed literally before our eyes. It becomes smoother, wrinkles become thinner or disappear altogether, dryness and the accompanying flaking disappear.

In addition, the film formed on the surface of the skin also plays a protective role. It prevents the penetration of pathogenic microorganisms and dust.

Double whammy on skin aging

The combination of vitamin E and glycerin is a godsend for women who dream of having a beautiful and fresh face. To enhance the effect, you can add additional nutritional components to the composition:

  • Butter, heavy cream, chicken egg yolk, honey - for combination skin.
  • Egg white, lemon, oatmeal - for very dry skin.
  • Aloe juice, decoction of birch buds - for skin with external problems: acne and rashes.

A pronounced result of the complex’s action will be visible after about the third application.

Cosmetologists recommend using the “Vitamin E + glycerin” complex daily. The properties of the two nutrients give a complete picture of the principles of its action. Tocopherol is the first antioxidant among vitamin preparations; it gives the skin a healthy appearance and prevents age-related changes. The essence of the effect of vitamin E on the skin is to slow down the oxidation processes in tissues and cells, nourish them, and protect them from the negative effects of sunlight.

Properties of tocopherol:

  1. Regenerates the skin.
  2. Maintains normal water balance.
  3. Eliminates swelling and problems on the skin surface: acne, rashes, stretch marks, scars.
  4. Slows down skin aging.
  5. Promotes estrogen production.
  6. Helps improve the absorption of vitamin A.

Tocopherol is commercially available in capsule form and is taken orally. The daily dose is 15 mg.

Glycerin: its important property is its ability to reliably retain moisture. It can be added to masks, any cream, gel

Glycerin can be used as a separate ingredient. Beneficial properties include the ability to regenerate cells and eliminate inflammation.

Thus, having full information about the benefits of glycerin and vitamin E for the skin, you can safely use them together to have a double effect on problem areas.

Vitamin E

By adding vitamin E to glycerin, you can enhance the anti-aging properties of the cosmetic product. After all, tocopherol is responsible for the youth and beauty of the skin, and is also a component of collagen, which ensures its firmness and elasticity.

When these two substances combine, they become a powerful anti-aging weapon. Penetrating deep into the cells, glycerin with vitamin E activates restoration and metabolic processes. They also accelerate blood circulation and also stimulate tissue regeneration.

The effect of this vitamin allows the skin of the face to practically be “born again”.

It is enough to use a cosmetic product based on it just a few times and you will see the result with the naked eye. Wrinkles will smooth out, tone will improve, pigmentation will lighten or disappear, irritation and acne will disappear.

Top 5 best glycerin face masks

Masks with glycerin and vitamin E make the facial care process better. Regular application of masks means quick relief from wrinkles and health for the epidermis. There are many recipes for making masks, the most popular are given below.

Mask with gelatin

Ingredients for gelatin-glycerin mask:

  • gelatin;
  • 6 ml. honey, 10 ml. glycerin;
  • 17 ml. dry white wine.

Before preparing the mask, you must first dilute the gelatin. For this purpose it should be in 100 ml. add 8 g of gelatin to milk or cream and stir until smooth.

The further procedure for using the mask is as follows:

  • it is necessary to thoroughly mix the elements of the composition, and apply the resulting result to a clean face;
  • the procedure lasts 50 minutes;
  • This mask should be applied once every 2 days for 3-4 weeks (preventive course).

Mask “glycerin and honey”

You will need:

  • juice squeezed from 1 lemon;
  • 40 ml. melted honey;
  • 10 ml. glycerin.

Honey is considered a natural antiseptic and, in combination with glycerin, rejuvenates the skin.
Recipe and application:

  • mix the ingredients;
  • apply a warm, damp gauze cloth soaked in the mask to your face;
  • keep the fabric on the skin for 20-25 minutes;
  • At the end of the procedure, the face should be wiped with a damp cloth. After 15 min. you can wash your face with warm water;
  • The mask is best applied daily at the same time of day. The course lasts 3 weeks to 1 month.

Honey-ginger glycerin mask

You will need:

  • 3 tsp. ginger powder;
  • 40 ml. melted honey;
  • 10 ml. glycerin.

Ginger eliminates excessive poverty, wrinkles, gives skin elasticity

Recipe and application:

  • composition elements are mixed;
  • apply a thin layer to the face;
  • You can keep the product on the skin for 15 minutes. up to half an hour;
  • at the end of the procedure, the mask can be removed with a makeup remover wipe;
  • procedures are performed every two days for 3 weeks.

Glycerin mask with aloe

You will need: 20 ml. aloe juice and 10 ml. glycerin

Recipe and application:

  • mix the ingredients;
  • Apply the mixture in an even thin layer for 20 minutes;
  • remove the mask with wet wipes and then wash your face with running water;
  • The procedure is daily and lasts 3 weeks.

Don't miss the most popular article in the section: Facial massage according to the system of the Japanese doctor Asahi Zogan.

Mask with glycerin and apple

You will need: 1 tsp. grated red apple and half a quarter teaspoon of glycerin.

Recipe and application:

  • mix and apply the composition to the skin for half an hour;
  • remove with a napkin and wash your face with plain water;
  • The procedure lasts 1 month and is daily. The course is preventative, so it should be repeated once every 4 months.

Terms of use

The simplest face mask consists only of vitamin E and glycerin. Both ingredients can be freely purchased at any pharmacy. Their cost is more than affordable.

When you ask your pharmacist for vitamin E, he will give you a choice of oil and capsules. Both the first and second options are suitable for preparing homemade cosmetics. But even experienced cosmetologists recommend choosing oil. It is much more convenient to use. The capsules will have to be perforated and their contents squeezed out.

Girls often ask the question: How many drops of vitamin E should be added to glycerin?

The answer is:

Proportions: 30 mg of glycerin should contain 10 drops of tocopherol. After combining the ingredients, they must be thoroughly mixed. But remember that whipping is strictly prohibited.

The glycerin-tocopherol cocktail should be carefully applied to the skin of the face (avoid the area around the eyes). The mask exposure time is 30-40 minutes. Frequency of application: every 2-3 days for a couple of weeks.

It is not necessary to wash your face after the allotted time. You can simply remove the excess with a napkin or cotton sponge.

Use of vitamin E: rules and indications

Our task is to learn how to get the maximum benefit from this biologically active substance. If treated correctly, it will transform our face, make its contours tightened, and the skin elastic and healthy.

Most often, tocopherol in capsules (in the form of oil) or in creams is used to affect the area around the eyes, which is extremely sensitive. I recommend not to get carried away with products you prepare yourself - only a professional knows the required dosage, as well as the optimal combination of active ingredients. I advise you to pay attention to liposomal cosmetics that carefully and effectively care for your skin.

Who needs vitamin E in all its forms?

  • For everyone over 30 years old – prevention of premature aging and protection from the negative influence of the environment.
  • For those over forty, tocopherol eliminates facial wrinkles, evens out complexion, eliminating age spots and dark circles under the eyes.
  • For those who are concerned about the loss of tone and elasticity, vitamin E returns moisture to the epidermal cells, saving dehydrated areas, and gives a healthy appearance to even dull, aging and sensitive skin.

Tocopherol is sold in several forms. Before choosing one of them, carefully read the description that I will give below for each of the forms. Don't forget that in most cases you can get by with purchasing professional cosmetics created by experts for your beauty and health.

Recipes for masks with glycerin

Glycerin is a kind of universal base. As already mentioned, almost any substance dissolves well in it. Manufacturers of caring cosmetics love him very much for this.

The composition of the classic mask of glycerin and vitamin E, the recipe for which was described above, cannot be limited to just these two components. To enhance its effect, add one or more nourishing and moisturizing ingredients.

Most often there are recipes with aloe juice, chamomile decoction and various cosmetic oils. Let us now describe some in more detail.

With aloe

If glycerin is considered to be a universal base, then aloe juice belongs to the category of universal additional components. It is used in a myriad of home and professional cosmetics.

Aloe is characterized by healing and anti-inflammatory properties. In addition, it is a natural antibiotic. The juice of this medicinal plant activates the production of elastin and collagen. It is thanks to them that the skin regains its lost elasticity and smoothness.

Preparing the mask is very simple. Add one teaspoon of aloe juice to a pre-prepared base of vitamin E and glycerin (see recipe above). Mix everything well.

The mask should be applied with the same frequency - every 2-3 days for two weeks. The obvious effect can be observed after 3 times. Tocopherol will nourish the skin, glycerin will give it life-giving moisture, and aloe juice will reward it with freshness and health.

With chamomile

Chamomile decoction is an effective natural anti-inflammatory and disinfectant. In addition, it has regenerating ability. If you combine it with nourishing cosmetic oils, the effect of the decoction will increase many times over.

To prepare the mask, take:

  • chamomile decoction (strong) – 100 ml;
  • universal base (glycerin + vitamin E) – 1 teaspoon;
  • oils (castor and camphor) - 1 teaspoon each.

First make a decoction. To do this, pour a full tablespoon of dry chamomile with a glass of just boiled water. Leave to cool, then strain.

Mix one full tablespoon of the prepared decoction with the glycerin-tocopherol base and oils. The result should be a mixture of homogeneous consistency.

Apply the mask 2 to 3 times a week to previously cleansed facial skin. My advice is to do this a couple of hours before bed. Just don't leave it on all night. After 30 minutes, simply remove excess with a napkin or cotton swab. There is no need to wash your face.


After 30 years, an anti-aging mask can be used to prevent the signs of aging. To prepare it you will need:

  1. glycerin – 10 ml;
  2. liquid vitamin E – 10 ml;
  3. vitamin A liquid – 10 ml;
  4. chicken egg yolk – 1 piece;
  5. decoction of chamomile flowers – 40 ml.

First, prepare a chamomile infusion. We recommend taking it packaged in bags for one-time brewing. Fill one sachet with boiling water (100 ml) and leave to cool for 30 minutes.

Pour 40 ml of the prepared broth into a separate container. Add glycerin, yolk and both vitamins to it. Mix everything thoroughly.

Apply the mask to your face. Wait 15 minutes, then wash with warm water. To get the expected effect, masks will need to be done every day. The duration of the course is 10 days.

For wrinkles

When the first small wrinkles appear on your face, you need to take immediate action. Don't wait until they turn into deep furrows and creases.

A special mask will help smooth the skin. To prepare it, take:

  • glycerin – 1 teaspoon;
  • tocopherol – 1 teaspoon;
  • cream – 1 teaspoon;
  • non-carbonated mineral water "Borjomi" - 1 teaspoon.

First, combine glycerin and vitamin E. Then add water and cream to this mixture. Mix the mixture thoroughly. Apply the mask to your face. Leave it on for 20 minutes, then rinse with plain water.

In addition to tocopherol, vitamins B12 and B6 effectively fight wrinkles. They can be used to enrich store-bought masks and creams.

Course and duration of procedures

More serious procedures aimed solely at rejuvenating the epidermis can last from half an hour to 1 hour. Such courses last from 3 weeks to 1 month with a necessary respite of 2 weeks.

If a glycerin mask is necessary to nourish the skin and maintain its tone, then the procedure may take a shorter period of time: from 15 minutes. up to 25 min. Wellness courses last from 2 to 3 weeks at weekly intervals.

Only in some cases, for example, when the procedure is performed once a week, the course can last 1 month. Some masks require permanent application (without breaks), the latter depends on the type of facial skin.

Recommendations from cosmetologists

Glycerin is a versatile substance, but capricious. It does not forgive errors in application and “takes revenge” with the opposite effect - drying out the skin. In order not to harm yourself, you should listen to the recommendations of experienced cosmetologists.

  1. Glycerin has the property of attracting moisture. To prevent drying of the skin, make masks with this component in the bath. The best time is immediately after a shower.
  2. Making cocktails of 2 or more vitamins at home is highly undesirable. Choose one. It is permissible to combine only vitamins E and A. Masks and creams enriched with them restore, nourish and rejuvenate the skin, and also help eliminate acne.
  3. Apply homemade cosmetics to the skin of the face very carefully. Movements should be light and directed along massage lines - from the chin area to the hairline on the forehead.


Any woman wants to look young and attractive, but without clean, glowing skin this is simply impossible; no decorative cosmetics can save her.

Some people choose innovative products from leading cosmetic laboratories, while others prefer homemade masks and creams, not trusting store-bought ones.

Not only expensive creams and salon treatments can help your facial skin recover from the daily stress of a big city, but also a simple combination of two amazing components - glycerin and tocopherol (vitamin E).

Facial care recipes

Effective tonics and lotions are prepared based on glycerin and tocopherol. Eg:

  1. Add a few drops of lime or lemon juice and 5 ml of water to the finished composition. It is recommended to wipe the affected areas of the skin with this product every day.
  2. Take 12 grams of chamomile and add hot water. Leave for 8 hours to infuse, after wrapping it in a warm blanket. Then we filter the product and add 1 tbsp in addition to the main composition. l. honey and 1⁄4 glass of vodka. We wipe the skin with this product every day.
  3. Brew 1⁄2 cup of peppermint with a glass of boiling water. The contents are infused for 24 hours. Then it is filtered and poured into a base of two ready-made components. The lotion for treating facial skin is ready.

Vitamins natural and synthetic: is there a difference?

As you can see for yourself, preparing the products is easy and simple. And the main thing is that after them you will feel beautiful and attractive again.

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