Rescuer ointment (balm): instructions and indications for use for various skin lesions, composition, analogues and reviews

Description of the drug

Thanks to its unique natural composition, the ointment is actively used in dermatology, cosmetology, rheumatology, and proctology. It can be effectively used as an adjuvant in acute, sluggish inflammatory processes. And the Rescuer can successfully cope with minor injuries to the skin and mucous membranes on his own. The undoubted advantage and feature of the drug is its complex effect. It immediately eliminates almost all symptoms of inflammatory skin pathologies.

Why doctors prescribe Rescuer ointment:

  • disinfection of wound surfaces, preventing the penetration of bacterial and fungal infectious agents;
  • relief of inflammatory processes by stimulating local immunity;
  • resorption of edema, removal of pathological exudate, including purulent, to the surface;
  • elimination of skin itching, burning, pain of any variability;
  • cleansing wounds from products of inflammation and tissue breakdown.

Rescuer is an indispensable external remedy for household skin damage in adults and children. Previously, iodine, brilliant green, and hydrogen peroxide were used to treat a ball cut. Then the therapy continued with the help of antibacterial ointments, antiseptic solutions, and regeneration stimulants. The balm contains a combination of ingredients that immediately disinfect the skin and restore its integrity.

Clinical and pharmacological group

Balm Rescuer is a representative of the clinical-pharmacological group of reparants and regenerants. The clinical activity of the drug allows it to be classified as an antiseptic, disinfectant, and immunostimulating agent.

pharmachologic effect

The principle of the therapeutic action of the Rescuer gel is based on the pharmacological activity of its ingredients. They enhance the natural protective properties of damaged epidermis, launching regeneration processes. During treatment, it significantly reduces the risk of formation of scars, cicatrices, and stretch marks.

What other medicinal properties are characteristic of a drug with natural ingredients:

  • weakening the severity of inflammation due to inhibition of the biosynthesis of mediators prostaglandins and bradykinins;
  • deactivation of pathogenic microorganisms - staphylococci, streptococci, yeast-like fungi.

The balm contains a high concentration of biologically active substances that accelerate metabolism. Under their influence, the blood supply to damaged skin with molecular oxygen improves. The nutrients necessary for regeneration begin to penetrate into it. Young, healthy tissue begins to form to replace destroyed cells.

The powerful bacteriostatic activity of the Rescuer is due to the normalization of biochemical reactions. The bactericidal properties of white blood cells are significantly increased, which helps clean the wound. The analgesic effectiveness of the ointment is due to the complex effect of oils, vitamins, and naftalan oil.

Release form and composition

The domestic manufacturer produces the drug in 30 g doses in hermetically sealed aluminum tubes. Secondary packaging is a cardboard box with instructions for use attached. All ingredients of the balm are considered active, that is, they have a therapeutic effect.

The composition of the Rescuer ointment is represented by the following components:

  • phytoextract of marigold. Has wound-healing properties, suppresses inflammation of non-infectious etiology;
  • sea ​​buckthorn oil. Powerful stimulator of regeneration, dermatoprotector, antiseptic of plant origin;
  • beeswax. Forms a protective film on the surface of wounds, prevents mycotic and bacterial infection of tissues;
  • essential oils of lavender, rose, tea tree. They have a distracting, antimicrobial, weak anti-inflammatory effect;
  • Naftalan oil. Accelerates metabolic processes, improves blood supply to the epidermis with nutrients and biologically active substances;
  • tocopherol and retinol. Fat-soluble vitamins stimulate local immunity and prevent cell damage from free radicals.

The composition of the drug is enriched with ghee and olive oils. Natural ingredients nourish the skin and prevent moisture evaporation. Due to them, a low-melting ointment base of the Rescuer is formed. After applying the product, it quickly melts, which ensures maximum absorption of the ingredients into pathological areas.

Storage conditions and periods

Cream Rescuer should be stored in places protected from direct sunlight. The optimal temperature is 5-25°C. If it is violated, the drug stratifies, its color and smell change. In such cases, restoration of the previous physicochemical and medicinal properties of the ointment is impossible. It is not suitable for therapy; the risk of developing allergic reactions increases significantly.

The shelf life of the Rescuer is 24 months. After the tube's seal is broken, it is limited to several months.


Analogues of the Rescuer in terms of the mechanism of action are:

  1. Alantan plus. The active substances are allantoin and D-panthenol. Helps with wound defects, promotes healing and the appearance of healthy physiological granulations. According to the instructions, it is allowed for use in nursing women with cracked nipples and in newborns with diaper dermatitis.
  2. Bepanten. It is based on dexpanthenol, which promotes scarring of changes in the skin. Indications: treatment and prevention of dryness, peeling, abrasions, skin cracks, eczematous and other dermatological rashes.
  3. Wundehil. The drug that is closest in pharmacological action consists of: tincture of Japanese Sophora, White Cinquefoil, Tree, propolis, carophilene. It has antiphlogistic, anti-edematous and bacteriostatic effects.
  4. Contractubex. Onion extract, heparin and allantoin have a gentle effect on ulcerated areas of the skin and mucous membranes. They have antiproliferative, antiphlogistic and decongestant functions.
  5. Levomekol. The composition contains chloramphenicol, a broad-spectrum antibiotic, aimed at eliminating the bacterial agent in the wound and preventing its infection.
  6. Solcoseryl. Contains calf hemoderivat, the active components penetrate deep into the wound and provoke improved blood circulation. Greater supply of oxygen to tissues, replenishment of phospholipids for building cell walls


At the pharmacy, Rescuer cream can be purchased at a price of 120 to 150 rubles.

Instructions for use

According to the instructions for use, Rescue ointment is intended for the treatment of children and adults.
It is used for minor skin lesions not complicated by acute inflammation and infection. In other cases, the balm is included in therapeutic regimens along with other local or systemic agents. These are glucocorticosteroids, antibiotics, antimycotics, analgesics, stimulators of tissue regeneration.

Indications and contraindications

The ointment quickly and effectively copes with hematomas (bruises) formed after bruises. The herbal ingredients of the ointment normalize the permeability of blood vessels and prevent platelet aggregation.

The drug is used to treat skin pathologies accompanied by pain and inflammation:

  • thermal, ultraviolet, chemical burns of 1st and 2nd degree;
  • superficial and deep wounds;
  • purulent-inflammatory diseases;
  • diaper rash;
  • bedsores;
  • eczema;
  • frostbite.

The use of the product promotes faster recovery after injury. It accelerates the regeneration of muscles, ligamentous-tendon apparatus after dislocations, partial or complete ruptures. In cosmetology, Rescuer is used to eliminate acne, post-acne, and pimples on the face.

Treatment with ointment is contraindicated in patients with individual intolerance to the components. It is not prescribed for trophic disorders that provoke the appearance of long-term non-healing wounds.

Directions for use and doses

Single and daily dosages and the duration of the therapeutic course are determined by a dermatologist or traumatologist. It takes into account the degree of tissue damage and the stage of the inflammatory process. If the doctor has not prescribed an individual dosage regimen, then you must follow the instructions. Burn rescuer is evenly distributed on the wound surface 1-3 times a day .

It can be applied under breathable dressings, which are changed 3-4 times a day. Before applying a sterile napkin soaked in the product, you should allow the wound to breathe for half an hour.

Single doses vary depending on the area of ​​the damaged surface of the epidermis. To treat a cut or abrasion, a 0.5 cm strip of balm squeezed out of a tube is sufficient.

Side effects and special instructions

The active ingredients are contained in the ointment in low concentrations, which explains the small number of contraindications. But there is a possibility of developing a local allergic reaction to essential oils and bee products. Therefore, before starting treatment, you should consult your doctor about the safety of the drug.

The Rescuer instructions recommend using the cream for children in lower dosages. Pediatricians recommend mixing the ointment with a nourishing cream and rubbing it into the skin of babies.

Rescuer is combined with almost all pharmacological drugs. The exceptions are an alcohol solution of iodine and hydrogen peroxide. Therefore, to avoid chemical interaction, combining these external agents is not recommended. Otherwise, skin problems will not only not disappear, but will also get worse.

Pregnancy and lactation

Lifesaver during pregnancy can be used in any trimester. Its ingredients do not penetrate the bloodstream and do not have a teratogenic effect. The use of the drug is absolutely safe during breastfeeding.

Use in childhood

The manufacturer produces Rescue balm, intended for the treatment of childhood skin pathologies. It has brighter, more attractive packaging and a lower concentration of active ingredients. This remedy is used not only for therapy, but also for the prevention of diaper rash and diaper rash.

Pediatricians recommend applying ointment to the cheeks and hands of babies before going for a walk in the fresh air. Herbal ingredients will protect the baby's delicate skin from chapping and frostbite.

Side effects

What undesirable effects can you encounter from using the Rescuer? In the vast majority of cases, the external agent is well tolerated and is considered a completely safe drug, which is confirmed by numerous clinical studies. In isolated cases, allergic reactions occur in the form of redness, swelling, itching, burning in the area where the medication is applied, etc.

At the same time, if I smear the skin with Rescuer and observe the appearance of side effects of various kinds, it is necessary to immediately stop using the drug and consult a specialist for advice as soon as possible.

For problem skin on the face, instead of balm, it is better to use antiseptic ointment or Acne Rescuer cream, which are quite effective for acne and other rashes.


Evgeniy, Pyatigorsk

Bruise Rescuer is an effective and time-tested remedy. After sports training, bruises often appear on the body. After using the balm a day later, only yellowish spots remain.

Vera, Penza

I always use the lifeguard before skiing. The ointment not only helps with frostbite, but also protects the skin from wind and frost.

Rescuer ointment (review) from 70 rub.


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Help is at hand

It is worth admitting that everyone has had to get burned at least once in their life. In addition, many of us often face various kinds of wounds, bruises, abrasions, and dermatological problems (pimples, blackheads, irritation). Such unpleasant situations can arise at any time and anywhere. It is quite obvious that you should have an effective first aid product on hand. The drug Rescuer is exactly the remedy that should be in every person’s home medicine cabinet.

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