Pimples in the throat - which may indicate diseases

Increased body temperature, painful sensations in the throat, weakness, headache - people usually attribute these symptoms in the spring-winter period to a common cold. However, often such signs indicate the development of a dangerous infectious disease, which doctors call purulent tonsillitis. The disease is manifested by severe inflammation of the tonsils (glands), located in the nasopharynx. The infection primarily affects the parenchyma and lymphoid tissue lining the tonsils. The disease is dangerous due to severe complications that develop when symptoms are ignored and there is no proper treatment.

If you suspect that you have a sore throat and need to consult a doctor, call +7 (499) 653-58-25 - we will definitely help you. Reception is carried out both in the clinic and with a visit to the patient’s home. To register online, fill out the form on the website.


Inflammation of the palatine tonsils is provoked by infections transmitted by airborne droplets. Less commonly, infection occurs through contact and household contact (through shared dishes, towels, bed linen). The most common causative agent of purulent sore throat is hemolytic streptococcus. However, if a person’s immune system works normally, bacteria of this group die immediately after entering the body. The development of pathology is facilitated by weakened immunity and provoking factors.

Indirect causes of purulent sore throat include:

  • severe hypothermia;
  • chronic diseases of the upper respiratory tract;
  • oral infections;
  • alcoholism and smoking history;
  • stress, overwork, strong emotional tension;
  • living in areas with difficult environmental conditions;
  • deficiency of vitamins and nutrients;
  • mechanical damage to the tonsils (trauma, surgery).

The disease is diagnosed with equal frequency in adults and children.

Prevention of recurrence of tonsil cysts

After removal of the cysts, relapse of the disease may occur. To avoid this, it is necessary to prevent the occurrence of situations that provoke inflammation of the mucous membrane of the oropharynx. Try to promptly treat ENT diseases, especially tonsillitis, and avoid injury to mucous tissues. If you smoke, if possible, give up the bad habit or reduce the number of cigarettes you smoke to 1-2 per day. Tars and other substances contained in tobacco have an irritating effect on the throat and can provoke an exacerbation of sore throats.

If the patient has a history of frequent ENT diseases and relapses of tonsillitis, then the doctor may recommend removing the entire tonsil. A tonsillectomy will relieve you of chronic infection and many other health problems. But tonsil removal is carried out according to indications. You can talk about the need for total resection with the doctors of the CONSTANTA Clinic at your appointment.

If you have any questions or make an appointment with a specialist, please call: (4852) 37-00-85 Daily from 8:00 to 20:00

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Incubation period

The period from the moment the pathogen enters the body until the appearance of the first characteristic symptoms can range from 2 to 6 days. During the first few days, the sick person is still unaware of his condition, becoming a source of infection for others. During the incubation period, the infection is actively transmitted by airborne droplets (through coughing, sneezing, kissing, talking). The onset of the disease is manifested by a feeling of chills, increased body temperature, weakness and headache. The sooner the patient sees a doctor, the easier the treatment is.

Symptoms of purulent sore throat

In most patients, the first signs of purulent tonsillitis appear 2-3 days after the pathogen enters the body. When the patient's immunity is weakened, the clinical picture is most pronounced. In adult patients, the following symptoms are observed:

  • the appearance of noticeable white or yellowish spots of pus on the tonsils;
  • high body temperature (in the range of 39-40 ° C);
  • intense pain in the throat that increases during swallowing;
  • significant enlargement of the lymph nodes located under the lower jaw;
  • easily removable whitish coating on the tongue;
  • severe headaches;
  • feeling weak and overwhelmed;
  • loss of appetite;
  • aching joints.

In adults, with timely treatment, the acute stage of the disease rarely lasts longer than a week. If the patient does not seek help from specialists, there is a risk of complications.


Rashes in the mouth appear with various types of acute tonsillitis after contact with a sick person.
Herpangina usually affects children between 2 and 5 years of age. Sometimes the disease occurs in infants. The herpes virus, penetrating through the respiratory tract, causes pimples to appear in the child’s throat. At the beginning of the disease, the papules are dry. Gradually filling with liquid, they take the form of bubbles.

They spread to the tonsils and soft palate, accompanied by pain when swallowing and enlarged cervical lymph nodes. The rash lasts in the throat for up to 7 days and may appear on the body.

No specific treatment is required. Local preparations are used to irrigate the oral cavity - Ingallipt spray, Hexoral. Antihistamines Claritin, Erius, Peritol are used.

By the way! Suprastin is not recommended to be taken as it dries out the mucous membranes of the respiratory tract.

Drinking plenty of fluids is prescribed. Salty and spicy foods are excluded from the diet. A warm semi-liquid diet is indicated.

Bacterial tonsillitis is caused by pneumococcus, streptococcus, and less commonly staphylococcus. A pimple in the throat in the form of a white dot indicates a purulent process.

With follicular tonsillitis, many such foci the size of a pinhead form on the tonsils. If not treated correctly, these rashes merge to form an abscess.

Signs of purulent sore throat:

  • white pimples in the throat on the tonsils;
  • the tonsils swell, hypertrophy to such an extent that they interfere with air access;
  • elevated temperature 38–39.0 °C;
  • severe weakness;
  • whitish coating on the tongue;
  • sore throat;
  • Pain in the throat worsens even when swallowing saliva.

Mostly children of preschool age and adults 35–40 years old suffer from tonsillitis. The infection is complicated by rheumatism and pyelonephritis. May spread to the bronchi and lungs.

  • A child has pimples and blisters in the throat: symptoms and treatment of possible diseases

Therapy for a bacterial form of sore throat cannot be done without the use of broad-spectrum antibiotics if a bacterial infection has occurred - Amoxiclav Solutab, Flemoxin Solutab, Sumamed (Azithromycin). Antiviral tablets are prescribed - Acyclovir, Tiloron. It is also recommended to irrigate the throat with Interferon and do disinfectant rinses.

The course of treatment lasts at least 10 days. It should not be stopped at the first symptoms of improvement. This leads to bacterial resistance to antibiotics.

When the temperature rises, antipyretics are used - Ibuprofen, Paracetamol. For children, these products are available in the form of syrup and suppositories.

In complex treatment, gargling with soda and salt solution is mandatory. Frequent rinsing removes bacteria from the surface of the tonsils along with plaque and purulent plugs.

Thanks to the procedure, throat sprays Orasept, Ingallipt, Hexoral, Stopangin effectively suppress the infection.

Stages of disease development

The disease progresses rapidly. This is especially true in children and adults with a weakened immune response. Symptoms depend on the current state of the body, age, concomitant diseases and the stage of infectious tissue damage.

Signs of the development of the disease at different stages from the moment of infection:

  • 2-3 days.
    This stage is characterized by the maximum severity of the symptomatic picture. The patient's tonsils increase significantly in size and white or yellowish ulcers appear on their surface. The inflammatory process covers the entire surface of the tonsils. The patient notes deterioration in health, weakness, loss of appetite and signs of fever, including an increase in body temperature to 39-40 ° C. The patient also experiences excruciating pain in the throat, which gets worse when swallowing.
  • Day 4
    The ulcers that form on the tonsils begin to spontaneously open, releasing the contents (pus). In their place, lacunae are formed - characteristic depressions. If at this stage the patient follows the doctor’s recommendations, the lacunae quickly close.
  • 5-6 day
    . At this stage, patients feel a noticeable improvement in their condition - body temperature normalizes, headaches go away, strength and appetite are restored.
  • 7-10 day
    . The last pathological sign – sore throat – recedes. The size of the lymph nodes located under the lower jaw also decreases. The patient ceases to feel pain and discomfort in this area.

Competent and timely therapy allows you to avoid serious complications.

Locations of acne in the throat

Pimples in the throat in infectious diseases are often located on the back wall. The favorite place of localization of fungi is on the tongue and its root. White pimples in a child's throat are clearly visible on the tonsils.

Widespread hyperemia of the mucous membranes of the soft palate and uvula is observed with inflammation of the nasopharynx. Stomatitis affects the gums.

The rash due to childhood infections is also located on the inner walls of the cheek, the tonsils. Diseases of the ENT organs are accompanied by pimples in the throat on the back wall.

Forms of the disease

The form of purulent tonsillitis depends on many associated factors and conditions. The most common three forms of development are follicular, lacunar and ulcerative-membranous (necrotic). Each type is characterized by characteristics of the course, specific lesions of the tonsil tissue and varying duration.


Follicular tonsillitis is manifested by pinpoint purulent lesions of the parenchyma of lymphoid tissue and follicles of the tonsils. The disease in 85% of cases is caused by group A streptococci. The remaining cases of infection are associated with staphylococcal infection, Haemophilus influenzae, pneumococcus, and adenovirus. This form of pathology is accompanied by a rapid increase in the symptom complex, severe hyperthermia, sweating, loss of sleep and appetite. Intense pain in the throat can radiate to the ear.


This type of disease causes severe inflammatory damage to the tissues of the peripharyngeal ring. The opening of abscesses is accompanied by the formation of specific perforations on the surface of the tonsils - lacunae. The acute phase of the disease is manifested by an increase in the size of the tonsils, up to difficulty breathing. Along with other symptoms, a characteristic sign of the lacunar type of pathology is bad breath. Sometimes doctors note a noticeable change in voice and diction problems. Inadequate therapy can lead to the development of a paratonsillar or retropharyngeal abscess.


Necrotizing ulcerative tonsillitis is rare (about 5-6% of cases). The main cause of the development of this type of disease is fusospirochetous infection. The rapid development of the infectious-inflammatory process causes the formation of histological changes in the tissues of the palatine tonsils. Violations of vascular permeability, associated with the active production of histamine and cytokines, lead to hypertrophy and sometimes tissue necrosis. The first sign of the disease is the feeling of a “lump in the throat.” Later, a sharp, unpleasant putrid odor appears from the mouth and salivation increases.

White plaque and plugs on the tonsils


The tonsils are the tonsils on the roof of your mouth that are located close to the larynx. They consist of lymphoid tissue. They belong to paired human organs. The tonsils perform functions such as protective and hematopoietic. In addition, they take part in the development of the immune system . The surface of the tonsils has a cavernous character. These depressions are called crypts or lacunae. Inflammation of the organ causes it to become covered with pus, which clogs the crypts. Because of this, traffic jams form. Next, we will consider information about what diseases are symptoms of inflammation of the tonsils , and what needs to be done.

Causes of white plaque and plugs on the tonsils

In most cases, inflammation of the tonsils indicates a disease called tonsillitis . It can be either acute or chronic.

In addition, the appearance of purulent plaque may be caused by the following reasons:

  • frequent ARVI
  • runny nose that lasts a long time
  • dental disease ( caries )
  • diphtheria
  • scarlet fever
  • infectious mononucleosis, etc.

Food can also cause clogging of lacunae. Products such as cheese, cottage cheese, nuts, seeds can cause specified consequences.

Treatment of inflammation of the tonsils

Inflammation the tonsils is accompanied by bad breath , a feeling of constant sore throat , pain during swallowing and changes in the voice. But these are not all the consequences. Much more serious is the appearance of problems with important vital organs, namely the heart , kidneys and liver .

Such appearances occur due to the fact that toxins enter the circulatory system, which are a consequence of the emergence of pathogenic bacteria in the clogged cavernous bodies of the tonsils . Therefore, treatment of the tonsils should not be delayed. To do this, first of all, you need to consult a doctor for a correct diagnosis and explanation of the treatment method. Very often, the only correct treatment for frequent inflammation of the tonsils is considered to be their surgical removal . However, more and more often there is an assertion that this is not the only way out of the situation; the conservative method also allows one to achieve positive results.

Contrary to the opinion of doctors who insist on removal , other doctors and researchers consider the tonsils to be a very important organ. It not only performs the function of protecting the immune system , but even resists the appearance of malignant tumor cells. Chronic inflammation of the tonsils is treatable, but it takes a long time. To achieve this, there is a set of measures that need to be repeated periodically. These are measures such as:

  • physiotherapeutic procedures, for example, UHF, ultrasound and others
  • mouth rinses
  • lubricating the tonsils with antibacterial agents and injecting with anti-inflammatory drugs
  • using medications to strengthen the immune system

Removing purulent plugs from the tonsils

Sometimes it happens that cleansing occurs naturally. At the same time, dense lumps enter the oral , improving the patient’s condition. But if the inflammation is caused by tonsillitis , then pus is constantly released, without giving time for cleansing. The hospital may remove the pus plugs. To do this, they are washed with a special solution. In this case, vacuum suction can also be used under local anesthesia.

Under no circumstances should you attempt to remove traffic jams yourself. Pressing with fingers or other objects can only aggravate the condition; pus can penetrate even deeper into the crypts.

Prevention of congestion in the tonsils

To prevent the occurrence of purulent plugs on the tonsils , after meals you need to gargle with a solution of soda (a teaspoon in a glass of warm water). to treat sore throat :

  • furatsilin or streptocid (in the ratio of 20 g of the drug per 100 ml of hot water)
  • chlorophyllipt solution in alcohol
  • chamomile infusion (1 tsp flowers per glass of boiling water, wait 20 minutes for it to settle)

Published in Otorhinolaryngology Premium Clinic

Diagnosis and treatment

To make a diagnosis and determine treatment approaches, you need to consult an otolaryngologist. Diagnostics is carried out according to the following algorithm:

  • collection of medical history and complaints;
  • examination of the pharynx using special lighting (pharyngoscopy);
  • general and biochemical blood test;
  • bacteriological examination of a smear with the preparation of an antibiogram.

How to treat a purulent sore throat is determined by an ENT specialist. In severe cases, hospitalization is required. General medical recommendations include bed rest, drinking plenty of fluids, taking vitamins and restorative medications.

Specific treatment of the disease is a complex of procedures and medications:

  • Drug treatment of the oral cavity.
    Complex therapy necessarily includes gargling with antiseptic solutions. For this purpose, solutions of furatsilin, manganese, hydrogen peroxide, sea salt, and natural herbal decoctions (chamomile, calendula) are used. This procedure is aimed at removing pathogenic microorganisms from the throat and mouth.
  • Taking systemic antibacterial drugs.
    A full course of antibiotic therapy allows you to get rid of pathogenic flora. Antibiotics and their dosages can only be determined and prescribed by a doctor. The most commonly used drugs are from the groups of penicillins, macrolides and cephalosporins.
  • Symptomatic therapy.
    To alleviate the patient’s condition during the acute stage, the specialist prescribes symptomatic treatment in the form of antipyretics, antihistamines and anti-inflammatory drugs. Sometimes it is recommended to undergo physiotherapeutic procedures during the recovery period.

Correctly selected treatment helps to avoid serious consequences and ensures healing of the affected tissue areas without visible defects.

Surgeries for tonsil cysts

The smaller the size of the cyst, the easier it is to perform surgical treatment. Small neoplasms with a thin wall are usually opened and the contents are pumped out. In the future, treatment continues and consists of the use of anti-inflammatory drugs and high-quality antiseptics. If this technique turns out to be ineffective, a classic operation is performed, when a specialist removes the tumor itself or all the tonsils if they show signs of hypertrophy and do not perform their protective functions.

The extent of surgical intervention depends on the size of the tumor, the condition of the ENT organs and the general well-being of the patient. The operation can be performed either under local anesthesia or general anesthesia. As a rule, long-term hospitalization of the patient is not required. It is very important to remove the cyst completely to eliminate the risk of recurrence of the pathology in the future. If the tumor is large, actively growing and often worsens tonsillitis and other ENT diseases, then a tonsillectomy is prescribed - an operation to remove the tonsils.

In our Clinic, such surgical interventions are performed using high-quality endoscopic equipment. Often, tonsillectomy is the only correct solution for frequently recurring tonsillitis and cysts on the tonsils.

After surgery, the patient is under the supervision of specialists for some time. Doctors monitor the patient’s condition and, if problems occur, provide the necessary medical assistance. The first day after removal of cysts or tonsils, you must observe relative rest: sports, visiting baths and saunas, and public swimming pools are prohibited. These restrictions are necessary to prevent bleeding and prevent the development of infectious complications. Food should be warm and as gentle as possible. During the first weeks, you should not eat foods that can injure the oral mucosa.

In the postoperative period, specialists can prescribe medications whose actions are aimed at relieving sore throat, relieving signs of inflammation and preventing secondary infections. Local procedures for gargling and irrigating the throat with antiseptics are also prescribed. Antiseptic treatment of the wound remaining after surgery must be carried out several times a day.

You should be attentive to your well-being and if you have any complaints, contact your doctor. Surgeries to remove cysts are successful, but in any case, patients must visit an otolaryngologist for several more months so that the doctor can monitor the quality of healing of the mucous membrane and, if there is a risk of relapse of the disease, can take all necessary therapeutic measures.

If you follow all medical recommendations and avoid heavy physical activity in the first weeks after surgery, the risk of relapse of the disease and complications will be minimal. You can ask the specialists of our Clinic in Yaroslavl all your questions. We will be happy to advise you and help you even in the most difficult clinical situations. For this, doctors have everything they need: innovative technology of European quality, rich practical experience of otolaryngologists, professional knowledge.

Purulent sore throat in children

If the disease develops in a child, in addition to the main symptoms, digestive disorders often appear - diarrhea, nausea, vomiting. Children may complain of abdominal pain caused by intestinal spasms. The follicular type of pathology is especially difficult for children aged 5-10 years, causing inflammation of the meninges. Young patients often experience fainting, dry cough and complaints of a feeling of a foreign object in the throat.

If parents ignore the symptoms, the pathology becomes chronic. Pediatricians call this condition chronic tonsillitis, exacerbations of which occur 2-3 times a year.

Complications and consequences

The advanced form of the disease leads to inflammatory damage to other organs, including the heart, kidneys, and joints. The most dangerous complications include:

  • mediastinitis
    – inflammation of the mediastinal tissue;
  • chronic bronchitis
    - inflammatory damage to the bronchi;
  • sepsis –
    spread of infection through the bloodstream;
  • arthritis -
    inflammation of the joints;
  • glomerulonephritis is
    a dangerous kidney disease;
  • purulent meningitis -
    damage to the meninges;
  • peripharyngeal abscesses
    - suppuration of the lymph nodes and tissue of the peripharyngeal space.

Timely access to a medical facility allows you to avoid negative health consequences.


The most common cause of candidiasis is decreased immunity. Therefore, thrush often occurs in the mouth of infants. Thrush is characterized by pimples in the throat, covered with a white cheesy coating. The spots are localized on the tongue, behind the arches, tonsils and soft palate.

Important symptom! After removing the top layer, small erosions are visible, from which droplets of blood are released. The rashes cause discomfort to patients.

Signs of thrush:

  • pain and dryness in the throat;
  • itching and burning;
  • tonsil hypertrophy;
  • redness of the throat;
  • elevated temperature is observed mainly in children;
  • decreased appetite.

Untreated thrush becomes more complicated. Ulcers appear in the mouth and fester. The infection spreads to the larynx. Yeast-like fungi Candida are able to penetrate the digestive system.

With the bloodstream they can spread throughout the body, leading a person to sepsis with a fatal outcome.

During treatment, systemic antifungal drugs are prescribed - Fluconazole, Mycostatin, Fucis, Itraconazole. Medicines are prescribed in courses. The doctor selects medications based on the results of the smear, taking into account the severity of the infection.

Gargles with boric acid and oak infusion are prescribed. The oral cavity is lubricated with Lugol's solution, Fukortsin, sea buckthorn oil and antifungal creams. Ultraviolet and laser rays are used in complex treatment.


By paying attention to preventive measures, you can reduce the risk of developing the disease. Effective prevention includes:

  • avoiding hypothermia (wearing warm clothes, monitoring microclimatic indicators in the room);
  • regular preventative visits to the dentist to identify the early stages of caries and stomatitis;
  • giving up bad habits (smoking, drinking alcohol);
  • moderate physical activity, regular walks in the fresh air;
  • normalization of diet, sleep and wakefulness;
  • compliance with hygiene standards and requirements, maintaining cleanliness in the home and workplace;
  • limiting contacts with unfamiliar people during periods of unfavorable epidemiological conditions.

Strengthening the immune system based on leading a healthy lifestyle helps to avoid infection and make it easier to endure purulent sore throat.

If you have a sore throat, call us and we will definitely help you!

Why do cysts appear on the tonsils?

Only a qualified specialist can indicate the exact cause of the appearance of a cyst on the tonsil, using examination data and a comprehensive examination. Chronic infectious and inflammatory processes in the oropharynx come first in this disease. If the patient suffers from diseases such as tonsillitis, sinusitis, laryngitis, in which there is pronounced swelling of the mucous membrane in the mouth and nose, then favorable conditions are created for tissue proliferation and the growth of pathological neoplasms.

But there are other reasons that lead to the growth of cysts on the tonsils:

  • changes in hormonal levels;
  • weakening of the body's defenses;
  • bad habits (smoking, drinking alcohol);
  • tonsil injuries;
  • work in hazardous industries associated with inhalation of polluted air poisoned by chemical vapors;
  • sluggish inflammatory process in the oropharynx;
  • development of autoimmune pathologies;
  • untreated tonsillitis.
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