Salicylic acid - 5 TOP recipes for acne and blackheads, using the solution for the face and nose

Description, composition and release form

Salicylic acid is a substance from the group of beta hydroxy acids (BHA), which has antiseptic, keratoplastic (in low concentrations) and keratolytic effects.

Useful properties that allow its use in cosmetology:

  • suppression of the activity of the sebaceous glands;
  • cleansing pores of dirt and fatty secretions;
  • elimination of the inflammatory process;
  • relieving irritation and redness;
  • antimicrobial effect;
  • softening and removal of keratinized epidermis;
  • activation of acne healing.

For medicinal and cosmetic purposes, the product is available in the form of a solution with ethanol, the concentration of salicylic acid in which is 1% or 2%. The alcohol is packaged in dark glass bottles of 25 ml, 40 ml or 80 ml.

Price of salicylic alcohol for acne

The medicine is sold in dark bottles, volume – 40 ml and 25 ml. It is recommended to store in the dark. You can purchase salicylic alcohol at a regular pharmacy or buy it at an online pharmacy. The price of drugs ranges from 7 to 40 rubles. This depends on the volume and percentage of the product. It makes sense to order salicylic alcohol from an online pharmacy if it has a representative office in your city or can deliver the medicine for free. In a different situation, the prices for the train and the transport services provided are incommensurable.

Indications for combating skin problems

Salicylic alcohol is prescribed for the following conditions:

  • acne, post-acne;
  • black dots;
  • infectious rashes;
  • oily seborrhea;
  • hyperkeratosis;
  • chronic eczema;
  • warts;
  • calluses and corns.

In cosmetology, salicylic acid is known as an anti-acne agent. It copes with the root causes of acne - excess sebum production, clogging of pores with keratinized epithelial cells. The complex action of the alcohol composition allows it to be used to eliminate acne vulgaris, open comedones, red and even white pimples (closed comedones).

How to use salicylic acid for acne on different skin types

Before you learn how to use an alcohol solution, you need to remember an important rule: after applying recipes with acid, use a cream with SPF 15+, even if it is winter or cloudy weather outside. Cosmetologists warn that ignoring this recommendation is fraught with pigmentation and premature aging of the skin.

According to SCCNFP, the use of acidic products, provided daily protection of the dermis with SPF 15+ creams, prevents adverse reactions even when exposed to bright sun. Therefore, the common statement that acids are a care product for autumn and winter is yet another myth. They can be used all year round.


Salicylic alcohol is ideal for oily skin as it deeply cleanses pores, removes excess sebaceous secretions and prevents the development of acne. The product will not greatly dehydrate the dermis, and the risk of irritation and redness after use is minimal.

Cosmetologists recommend acid treatment for girls and men with oily skin who are faced with the problem of open and closed comedones and purulent acne. Salicylic acid will not help with severe forms of acne, when deep cystic acne occurs.

For oily skin, you can safely take a 2% alcohol solution. To keep your face in good condition, acid peels are done 2 times a week. This will help deal with blackheads and white pimples. They should be included in routine care, because this is the only way to get healthy and glowing skin without a greasy shine.

To dry out individual inflamed elements, chatterers with acid are suitable. They are applied with a cotton swab to the pimple 2 times a day, used until signs of inflammation are eliminated, but not longer than 14 days (if the composition contains an antibiotic).


Salicylic acid shows good cosmetic results in people with combination skin type, since they also often face the problem of comedones and acne.

There are some nuances when using an alcohol solution on combination skin. Due to the different functioning of the sebaceous glands, with improper care, you can see dry areas on the cheeks, but the T-zone will not receive enough exfoliating effect.

Care begins with a 1% solution of salicylic acid; in the absence of undesirable reactions, they switch to a more concentrated version. The regimen includes peeling 1-2 times a week on the entire face, spot application of talkers in the presence of rashes twice a day.


Dermatologists and cosmetologists warn girls and guys with dry skin against using acidic skincare products on their own. Due to their deep penetration, there is a chance of getting dehydrated dermis, on which wrinkles will appear prematurely. BHA acids are prescribed only during salon procedures under the supervision of a specialist.

The only option for using salicylic acid against acne with dry skin is to apply it directly to the inflammation (2% solution). Even those with dry skin may occasionally experience acne; salicylic acid will help dry and smooth them out quickly. The solution is applied to acne 2 times a day for 5-7 days.

It is not recommended to use the product for longer on dry skin without an in-person consultation with a dermatologist or cosmetologist.

Acne and causes

There are several myths about acne.

Myth 1. It is impossible to get rid of acne. This is not worth putting up with. A large number of methods, including salicylic acid, help get rid of acne forever. To treat mild forms, local drugs are used - salicylic acid, not to mention simple agents such as sulfur.

Myth 2. Acne is a youth disease. The reality is that significant changes occur closer to 25, 40 or 50 years of age. Some women experience breakouts during menopause. Changes appear for a number of other reasons - stress, lack of sleep, sudden changes in lifestyle, air pollution, poor-quality cosmetics.

Myth 3. Operative cosmetics can disguise defects. It is not excluded, but it is important that cosmetics are based on water, without fatty components. This is necessary to prevent additional blockage of the pores.

Myth 4: Cortisone cream helps treat acne. This product will help improve the appearance of your face. But those who use it frequently face the problem of thinning skin and destruction of blood vessels.

Myth 5. Food affects the appearance of acne. Chocolate, nuts, cola, caffeine, pizza provoke acne, but there is always an exception. If rashes occur after eating fatty, sweet, or spicy foods, then such foods should be excluded from the diet. The most favorite foods for acne are those containing iodine - shellfish, seaweed, spinach, shrimp. Iodine, when accumulated in the body, causes rashes, which has been established by medical research.

How to effectively use salicylic acid for blackheads (open comedones)

Salicylic alcohol removes all dirt from the pores, prevents the re-accumulation of sebaceous secretions, and with regular use, the hated comedones on the nose become invisible.

Step-by-step instructions for using salicylic acid for blackheads:

  1. Clean your face with soap or cleansing gel.
  2. Steam the pores by bending for 5-10 minutes over a container of hot water (45-50°C), a decoction of chamomile and thyme.
  3. Moisten a cotton pad with 2% salicylic acid and wipe the skin with contaminated pores. Make sure that the product does not run down your face.
  4. Walk for 20 minutes without applying any additional products to the skin.
  5. Wash with cool water, pat your face with a paper towel, wait until it dries completely, use a moisturizer (non-comedogenic!).

The procedure should be carried out every other day. After lightening the bulk of the blackheads, it will be enough to cleanse twice a week to consolidate the result. The duration of use of salicylic alcohol is not regulated; if it is well tolerated, it can be included in routine care.

Warnings for use

With careful use and targeted treatment of problem areas, negative reactions to acid usually do not occur. Very rarely, and more often on sensitive or excessively dry skin, allergic reactions may develop, a temporary feeling of heat, skin irritation, pain in the area of ​​application, and a rash may appear.

If such phenomena develop, you should stop using the medication or switch to using a product with a lower percentage of Acidum salicylicum.

During pregnancy, any drug containing salicylate acid is prohibited for use, since the substance quickly penetrates the skin and can harm the unborn baby.

Do not use products with salicylate:

  • with individual intolerance to the components;
  • with renal failure;
  • if the patient is under 12 years of age;
  • for severe dry skin.

Salicylate acid increases the permeability of the skin, which increases the absorption of external medications. The solution promotes the development of side effects of sulfonylurea derivatives, methotrexate, and hypoglycemic agents. Zinc oxide and resorcinol are considered incompatible with salicylate acid.

Will it help with closed comedones?

The key procedure in the fight against white pimples is exfoliation of dead epidermal cells. Salicylic acid copes well with this task, provided it is used regularly.

Like other BHA acids, it penetrates deep into the skin and removes keratinized particles of the epithelium. With long-term use, the pores are cleaned and the number of closed comedones is reduced.

Important: eliminating white pimples is a long process that requires comprehensive care. In addition to acid, you should use soap or washing gel with acids (for example, CHRISTINA Fresh AHA Cleansing Gel), as well as a light moisturizer that does not clog pores (to prevent dry skin). In difficult situations, pharmaceutical drugs (such as Skinoren) are added.

Methods of treating post-acne in a cosmetology clinic

To get rid of the problem, our clinic uses different methods and their combination.

Chemical peeling

It is carried out with fruit, azelaic and salicylic acids. The action of peeling is aimed at reducing hyperkeratosis (excessive growth of the stratum corneum of the skin). The higher the acid concentration in the peeling solution, the more noticeable and sensitive the exfoliation will be.

As a result of the procedure, the boundaries between healthy skin and scars are smoothed, and the process of restoration (regeneration) of the tissues at the bottom of the atrophic scar is activated.


mesotherapy procedure is the subcutaneous administration of compositions of several medicinal substances or single drugs. The components are phospholipids, magnesium and silicon salts, polylactic acid, which improve the quality of the skin and activate regeneration and repair processes.

Also used: enzymes, vitamins, antibiotics, antioxidants, biorevitalizers, corticosteroids, immunomodulators and other biologically active substances.


Plasmolifting is the introduction of platelet plasma obtained from the patient’s own blood into the deep layers of the dermis. The complex treatment method helps to effectively deal with scars caused by acne.

First, the doctor carries out controlled damage to the upper and middle layers of the skin, using laser or chemical peeling and grinding. This accelerates the synthesis of new skin cells. In this way, scar tissue is replaced with healthy tissue.

The second stage is plasma lifting itself, which activates regeneration and accelerates skin restoration.

Laser therapy

A highly effective method of getting rid of post-acne, the manifestations of which cannot be eliminated by other means. In the clinic, treatment is carried out with 2 types of laser: Picosure (fractional non-ablative effect) and carbon dioxide Eraser-C RF (laser ablative resurfacing).

The most widespread is laser resurfacing using a CO2 laser. With this therapy, sufficient (from 50% to 80%) clinical improvement in the scar area is recorded after just one procedure. Efficiency increases due to the activation of collagen synthesis. When radiation is absorbed by the skin, they heat up, after loss of fluid, the cells are destroyed, tissue coagulation occurs, the destruction of old elastin and protein is gradually replaced by new structural elements. The duration of the procedure is determined by the type of laser and the amount of intervention required. It can range from 15 to 90 minutes.

Efficiency: BEFORE and AFTER photos

First example (1 photo - before use, 2 photos - after 3 days, 3 photos - after a week of using salicylic acid, 4 photos - after 2 weeks):

Second example:

Third example (the first 2 photos were taken during an exacerbation of acne, the third - after 5 days of active use):



I recommend it if you have problem skin. I take it, moisten the cotton wool and rub it over the places on the skin where there are pockets of inflammation. Salicylic acid costs a penny, it helps many people, there are much fewer pimples.


I have had acne since I was 14 years old. Self-esteem was at zero. I tried many products, both clay and ointments. One good friend suggested salicylic acid (a recipe with it). I applied the solution every morning and evening. At first it stung and the skin peeled off. Then I realized that I should only apply it to acne, and not all over my face. Then the side effects went away! After a month I conquered the problem. Maybe my method will help someone.


My boyfriend, he is 30 years old, has a porous face, there are acne on his face, but not very much, and he has terrible acne on his back. In daylight they seem so huge. I advised him to use salicylic ointment. It helped a lot on my back, but on my face (he has oily skin) it took a long time to go away, then there were spots that disappeared after 2 weeks. The pores have become much smaller. True, he was not willing to use it, but then he appreciated the results.


I read a recipe for acne on the Internet: salicylic acid (I took 1% 40 ml), 2 tablets of chloramphenicol. Mix everything and apply to the skin where the pimples are. I'll try it, I hope it helps.


I agree with the previous speaker. I have been using this solution for five days following a recipe on the internet. I don't recognize my face! Pimples dry out and gradually disappear. The blackheads have also decreased, the complexion has become even, and the pores are less noticeable compared to what they were. I just cleanse my entire face with lotion and then apply moisturizer. I'm happy with the result and recommend it to anyone who has encountered the same problem.


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Contraindications and possible harm

Salicylic acid solution is a potent composition that is not suitable for everyone. Dermatologists warn that the use of salicylic acid for acne is contraindicated in the following cases:

  • the presence of open wounds;
  • allergic rashes on the face;
  • the first 3 days after mechanical cleaning and other traumatic procedures by a cosmetologist;
  • hypersensitivity to the drug;
  • period of pregnancy and lactation.

Salicylic acid acts quite aggressively, penetrates deeply into the dermis and can cause harm if used incorrectly. With home remedies based on it, it is easy to “overdo it” and get a burn instead of the promised “soft” peeling.

Signs that acid recipes are starting to harm your skin:

  • constant feeling of dryness and tightness;
  • persistent redness;
  • the appearance of spider veins and age spots.

Similar symptoms occur more often in people with sensitive and dry skin.

Reasons for the popularity of the technique45

The main advantage of salicylic peeling is its versatility. It can be performed on the face and different parts of the body. The procedure is easy to perform and has full control by the cosmetologist. The positive aspects that become noticeable after salicylic peeling include the following:

  • activation of regeneration processes;
  • normalization of sebum secretion;
  • improvement of skin structure and color;
  • eliminating the initial signs of aging;
  • cleansing pores;
  • reducing the risk of acne, comedones, etc.

However, before performing the procedure, you must consult with a cosmetologist and dermatologist who will assess the condition of the skin and help you choose the right care.

What are the ready-made facial products based on salicylic acid?

Cosmetic companies actively use salicylic acid in their products.

The most famous drugs:

  1. The Ordinary Salicylic Acid 2% . Facial serum designed for chemical peeling. Has antiseptic, anti-inflammatory and antioxidant effects. Price: about 600 rubles for 30 ml.
  2. Skin Perfecting 2% BHA Liquid Exfoliant, Paula's Choice . “Bestseller” among American-made acid peels. Solves the problems of enlarged pores, inflammation and redness, open comedones. Cost: on average, 1450 rubles per 30 ml.
  3. CosRx BHA Blackhead Power Liquid . Concentrated (4%) product. With regular use, it makes blackheads on the nose disappear without a trace. To avoid causing burns, you must strictly follow the instructions for use. Price: approximately 2100 rubles per 100 ml.

Remove blackheads, tighten pores

Among all the problems associated with the skin, enlarged pores become relevant. This is due to the difficulty of solving the problem. Basically, enlarged pores form on or near the nose, appearing as blackheads or whiteheads. In appearance, these are small holes in the skin, which spoils the appearance.

Such defects are formed due to greasy blockage of the porous surface. Each pore is the opening of a duct of the sebaceous glands, through which sebum reaches the surface, thus protecting the skin. When passing through the ducts, sebum is mixed with dead cells inside the pore and with large volumes of output, clogging occurs, and this in turn expands the pores. When a blockage occurs, the sebaceous gland continues to work and swells more, which entails an enlargement of the pore. The combination of chemical and mechanical action eliminates the problem of enlarged pores.

Your pores will become noticeably smaller if:

  • After taking a shower, scrub the skin for 10-15 seconds, where the pores are enlarged. Then rinse everything off with water.
  • After a shower, pat your face dry with a towel and apply a little 2% salicylic acid. Do the procedure daily for a couple of weeks.
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