Hands, brush, roller or currents: the most effective types of self-massage of the face

There are a large number of massage techniques, but they are all based on mechanical and reflex effects on tissue - rhythmic movements. They cause irritations that are transmitted through nerve endings to the brain, reflexively causing beneficial changes in the skin, muscles, subcutaneous tissue, circulatory and lymphatic systems.

“Self-massage is a very useful practice, provided that you do it, taking into account the anatomical structure of the face, massage lines, lifting points,” says Olga Andriyanova, cosmetologist, dermatologist, deputy chief physician for the outpatient department at the SM-Cosmetology clinic " — By performing self-massage according to these rules, you will stimulate blood circulation and the ligaments of the face. This ensures lymphatic drainage - elimination of puffiness, which can prevent the formation of jowls, i.e. sagging skin in the mouth and chin area, sagging cheeks, formation of folds. In order to perform self-massage correctly, you need to consult a cosmetologist. The specialist will tell you what massage lines are, show you where the lifting points are, teach you how to massage correctly, and select a set of exercises. You can perform self-massage every day for 15 minutes. Professional massage is recommended to be carried out in courses, for example, 10 procedures over 2-3 weeks. However, you need to understand that even a procedure performed by a professional will not cancel age-related changes that have already occurred (just like home massage). The benefit of a professional massage is that the skin color improves, the face becomes rested and fresh, and puffiness is relieved.”

Goals of cosmetic facial massage

The goal is to slow down the aging process and eliminate cosmetic defects. In addition, cosmetic massage has a positive effect on the condition of all organs and systems. This is due to the fact that there are points on the face, each of which is responsible for the activity of a particular organ or system. For this reason, influencing them, in particular, normalizes a person’s psycho-emotional state, improves the functioning of the sebaceous glands, and improves the condition of blood vessels. However, the main goal is to improve the external and internal condition.

Lymphatic drainage self-massage of the face

You can also do lymphatic drainage massage yourself. It is carried out along the lymph flow lines and disperses the lymph, due to which excess fluid is removed from the intercellular space and thereby eliminates swelling.

Do you have a good idea of ​​how much lymph stagnation and difficulty in its outflow affect your appearance? Soft tissues become loose and heavy, the proportions of the face change, and it swells.

For example, due to fluid stagnation in the periorbital area, swelling and bags under the eyes and drooping eyelids appear.

And swelling of the lower jaw is associated with stagnation and slower outflow through the lymphatic vessel passing along its contour. Because of this, the lower part of the face becomes larger and the clear oval disappears.

Lymphatic drainage self-massage of the face gives an immediate effect: morning swelling disappears. And with regular use (2-3 times a week or every day), it can:

make the skin even and smooth,

  • reduce nasolabial folds,
  • make the oval of the face clear,
  • reduce jowls,
  • make the double chin less pronounced,
  • smooth out wrinkles on the forehead.
  • To drive fluid from the face through the lymphatic channels and nodes, it is necessary to work on the armpits, depressions above the collarbones, points under the jaw and near the ears. We work on all these areas in MelAnnett’s “Basic Marathon,” but first you can try simple lymphatic drainage exercises for beginners.

    It consists of working with the supraclavicular and subclavian lymph nodes (we pump the water in the face and body) and working with the fingers-hooks of the neck from the jaw to the collarbones (we drain the water).

    Benefits of cosmetic facial massage

    Both cosmetic massage performed in the salon and the procedure at home bring benefits. The main thing is to regularly perform the appropriate manipulations. Only under this condition will massage give the following results:

    • metabolic processes occurring in cells are normalized;
    • blood microcirculation improves;
    • facial muscles are toned;
    • the epidermis is saturated with oxygen;
    • the elasticity of the skin increases;
    • facial contours are aligned;
    • wrinkles disappear;
    • age-related changes slow down;
    • dead epidermal cells are removed;
    • the so-called double chin is eliminated;
    • swelling of soft tissues disappears;
    • subcutaneous fat decreases.

    How quickly will the effect appear and what kind?

    Depending on the type of massage and technique, you can see basic results such as reduced swelling and lifting. These effects are usually noticeable after the first procedure. With regular massage or completing a course, muscle tone and microcirculation improve, the oval of the face is corrected, the severity of facial wrinkles is reduced, and general tissue rejuvenation occurs. Don’t forget about the neurosedative effect of massage, which helps reduce stress and relax.

    Harm of cosmetic facial massage

    Despite all the benefits, in some cases a cosmetic procedure can cause harm:

    • if the manipulation is constantly carried out at a young age, then the facial skin will lose its ability to naturally regenerate, which will lead to premature aging;
    • if you use a large amount of cosmetics for manipulation, this will provoke the occurrence of acne and other rashes on the skin;
    • too frequent exposure to the fading epidermis will lead to its stretching;
    • intense exposure to a thin face leads to stretching and bruising.

    To avoid unpleasant consequences, it is recommended to conduct sessions with a specialist after consultation with a doctor.

    Self-facial massage: how it works

    Self-massage restores physiological processes, the disruption of which led to aging. To begin with, we suggest you understand what these processes are.

    It all started when blood circulation worsened. Because of this, the cells stopped receiving enough nutrients, and local metabolism in the tissues slowed down. What did this lead to?

    The skin has decreased the content of substances responsible for its elasticity, strength, turgor (tension), smoothness - in general, for all the signs of youth. These are collagen, elastin, some fats, water.

    Let's go a little deeper. Collagen and elastin are protein fibers and form the basis of the epidermis. In young skin, they are constantly renewed, and then become damaged or ruptured and accumulate in the skin, causing lines to appear. As for water saturation, it also decreases, since with age the ability of molecules to retain moisture decreases.

    But it's not just the skin that changes. A deeper reason for the appearance of age-related changes on the face is spasms (hypertonicity) of the muscles of the face, head, and neck, resulting from overexertion and problems with posture. What is a spasmodic muscle? This is a muscle that has become shorter.

    The stretched dermis and shortened muscles together led to the fact that the skin began to gather in folds (wrinkles) and sag (ptosis of the upper eyelids, jowls, unclear contour, “bulldog cheeks”).

    And don't forget about lymph. Over the years, its circulation becomes more difficult, which means the removal of toxins and waste products from the body worsens. All this leads to swelling, wrinkles, sagging skin, and bags under the eyes.

    How self-massage fights aging:

    • improves blood microcirculation (and with it the supply of nutrients to the skin) and local metabolism,
    • increases skin elasticity and turgor,
    • strengthens atrophied muscles and relaxes spasmed muscles, restoring their natural length,
    • eliminates obstacles to normal lymph flow, removes excess fluid from tissues, and removes swelling.


    The massage technique has the following contraindications:

    • acne with a purulent center, accompanied by inflammation;
    • skin pathologies in the acute stage;
    • herpes virus;
    • pathologies caused by a fungus;
    • the presence of unhealed lesions on the skin;
    • the vessels are too close;
    • poor blood clotting;
    • oncological pathologies of a malignant nature;
    • increased blood pressure;
    • heart pathologies.

    Self-massage of the face after 50

    After 45-50 years, age-related changes are aggravated by hormonal fluctuations due to menopause. The dermis is already rapidly fading, the oval of the face is becoming blurry.

    To all the age-related changes already described - wrinkles, hyperpigmentation, swelling, dryness, sagging and sagging skin - are added itching, discomfort, and often long-forgotten acne.

    We do self-massage, paying special attention to the cheeks and chin. We do not touch areas with acne, rashes, or dilated capillaries.

    Types of cosmetic facial massage

    Experts distinguish 3 main types of cosmetic facial massage.

    Classic look

    To perform this manipulation, a cream or special oil is required. The procedure is indicated at any age, regardless of skin type. Classic facial massage tones, normalizes water balance and improves the condition of the skin. During the procedure, strokes and pats are performed. After the manipulation, the skin becomes fresh and tightened.

    Plastic look

    No cream or special oil is used for manipulation. During the procedure, significant pressure is applied. Plastic facial massage is recommended after 35 years for all skin types, but is especially useful for oily skin. Manipulation allows you to get rid of swelling of soft tissues, pigmentation and wrinkles, including deep ones. After plastic massage, the activity of the sebaceous glands is normalized, blood microcirculation and the tone of the epidermis are improved, and the facial muscles are toned. The skin becomes tightened and the contour acquires a clear outline.

    Pinch view

    Talc is used for manipulation. During the procedure, pressing, patting and pinching are performed. Pinch massage is indicated for use in the presence of pronounced cosmetic defects - scars, pimples and other rashes. Thanks to the procedure, the epidermis is freed from toxins, acquires elasticity and age-related changes slow down.

    Technique “36 movements”

    “36” movements are part of the Chinese Guasha massage. To perform the manipulation, special tools made from natural materials are used. Most often, craftsmen use scrapers made of jade and buffalo horn.

    The manipulation is carried out in five massage stages:

    • Cleansing. A gel is applied, with which the skin gets rid of impurities and dead cells. This technique also helps saturate the skin with oxygen, thereby improving the complexion.
    • Lymphatic drainage. To carry out this manipulation, the master uses a fish-shaped scraper with a long tail. With this tool, the specialist acts on biologically active points. Thanks to this, the skin becomes elastic and taut, the psycho-emotional state is normalized, and the condition of all system organs improves.
    • Regulation of tissue nutrition. No equipment is required to carry out this stage. The master performs 36 movements with his hands, after which the name appeared. The technique consists of stroking, rubbing, pressing, kneading. After special 36 movements, the epidermis acquires firmness and elasticity, blood microcirculation improves, which has a positive effect on the skin tone, and the biological points of the face are activated.
    • Direct nutrition of soft tissues. The essence is the use of nourishing masks. Thanks to this, the soft tissues of the face and the skin receive the necessary nutrients, which has a positive effect on the appearance.
    • Hydration. The essence is treatment with a moisturizer. This is the final stage of manipulation. Thanks to this, the epidermis receives a sufficient amount of moisture, which slows down the aging process.

    Only a master can work with this technique. If you entrust the “36 movements” to a non-professional, this can have undesirable consequences not only for the skin, but also for the entire body.

    Self-facial massage: what is it?

    Let's figure it out. What is the most effective way of facial rejuvenation that you know? Are there any other options besides self-massage? Yes, yes, think about it right now and name it, we’ll wait.

    Well, what happened? Surgical facelift (rhytidectomy, i.e. removal of excess skin and tightening of the remaining skin, and other plastic surgeries), threads, Botox and filler injections - has any of this crossed your mind? If yes, then, probably, you are not yet very familiar with the problems that have fascinated us for a long time and seriously and made us professionals in our field. Rejuvenation.

    We studied all the physiological aspects, tested the most effective methods on ourselves and helped HUNDREDS OF THOUSANDS of women transform themselves and lose a dozen years. We are inundated with positive reviews and they keep coming in because the popularity of our techniques is growing every day. MelAnnett already has 4.5 million followers on Instagram. And here's what we know for sure.

    No invasive procedures will bring back youth. We are categorically against all these methods of “punitive cosmetology”: face lifting and smoothing out wrinkles associated with penetration through the skin. No scalpels or poisonous injections! It is dangerous, fraught with many ugly complications, and, most importantly, all this simply creates a temporary cosmetic effect and does not solve the problems of skin aging.

    What about self-massage? He decides. That's the beauty of it. Self-massage eliminates the causes of age-related changes and, when used regularly, gives an amazing effect, even in a short time. In our marathons, wrinkles disappear in 2-3 weeks; the upper eyelids, the corners of the lips and the “pecking” tip of the nose rise; The oval, cheeks, neck are tightened, jowls disappear.

    Is facial massage difficult? No. We have already done everything that needed to be studied and practiced a long time ago and created a unique method of self-massage of the face - simple and effective, which any beginner can easily master. And don't be afraid! This is not face-building, which is based on pumping muscles and increasing their hypertonicity, that is, on worsening aging. Our techniques relax facial muscles and restore skin nutrition through the blood.

    Is facial massage expensive? From cosmetologists - yes, but you do the self-massage yourself, and it is free (or requires a small expense to purchase a marathon).

    Performing a cosmetic facial massage in a salon

    When carrying out a cosmetic procedure, the specialist performs movements strictly along massage lines. In this case, the area around the eyes is not involved. The master should not stretch or compress the epidermis too much, gather the skin into folds, or cause pain. If the specialist does not adhere to these rules, then it is recommended to interrupt and go to another salon.

    Here are the permissible movements of a massage therapist:

    • smoothing the epidermis;
    • tapping;
    • kneading the skin with fingertips;
    • vibrating movements;
    • stroking.

    Each movement is repeated five times. To see positive dynamics, you need to perform 10 sessions in a row. After this, take a break and repeat the manipulations.

    Massage of the cervicothoracic area

    It is noteworthy that when massaging the neck, especially independently or unprofessionally, massage in the sternum area is usually neglected. And most of the causes of pain in the cervical area originate in the chest.

    In addition, after this procedure:

    • the work of the heart muscle improves;
    • the delivery of nutrients to tissues is activated;
    • the back muscles relax;
    • capillaries open and oxygen-containing cells work at full capacity;
    • blood pressure equalizes;
    • and, in most cases, the neck pain stops.

      Massage helps relieve back and neck pain

    Important! The basic principle of back massage is to perform sequential movements, performing certain techniques, moving along the venous blood flow, and not against it, and bypassing the lymph nodes. Simple, isn't it?

    Stages of back massage

    The massage techniques are the same as when performing a massage of the neck and collar area. Patting the muscles with palms curved like a “bucket” may be added. There is no need to pat shoulders or bones.

    1. Always start with light superficial stroking. You need to stroke absolutely the entire back with both hands, starting from the lower back, moving up to the shoulders, then going back down. In the shoulder area, movements can be intensified, while maintaining softness.
    2. Then the pressure increases significantly, and the ribs of the palms are used to stroke the area on both sides of the spine. The shoulders are rubbed with a full open palm.
    3. After this, the hands move to the sides and skin-grabbing movements are carried out, going from top to bottom.
    4. The shoulders are stretched in a circular motion.
    5. The intensive middle part of the session involves moving upward from the lower back, grasping the skin with the pads of all fingers except the thumbs. Using both hands, massage first one side, then the other. The spine is not affected.
    6. The pressure intensifies in the shoulder area. They can be massaged longer than the rest of the back area, since it is the shoulder girdle that receives the maximum load and tension during sedentary static work.
    7. Point vibration is carried out along the entire back, especially along the shoulders.
    8. The massage movements are intensified again, you can work the upper back with your fists, maintaining some distance from the spine.
    9. The session ends with patting and stroking the entire back from bottom to top and a sensory soothing passage with the fingertips.

    Video - How to properly massage the cervical-collar area

    If you want to learn in more detail how to massage using an electric massager for the neck and back, you can read an article about it on our portal.

    Cosmetic facial massage at home

    Cosmetic facial massage can be performed at home. To do this, it is recommended to carefully study the massage technique of performing the manipulation so that the procedure brings benefits and does not cause harm. When performing a cosmetic facial massage at home, it is recommended to adhere to the following rules:

    • wash with cool water and detergent to remove makeup and dirt;
    • the epidermis is wiped with tonic for final cleansing;
    • apply a rich cream suitable for the skin type;
    • hands are washed and wiped dry;
    • knead the skin with fingertips, moving from the bridge of the nose to the frontal area and temples;
    • knead the area of ​​the epidermis from the bridge of the nose to the temples, as well as the upper and lower eyelids;
    • massage the area from the middle of the chin to the cheekbones;
    • perform stroking of the nose from the bridge of the nose to the wings;
    • knead the cheeks from the jawline to the temporal region;
    • massage the area above the lip.

    The cosmetic procedure is performed within 10 minutes. It is not recommended to increase the exposure time to avoid unpleasant consequences. Do not press your fingers too hard on the epidermis to avoid hematomas. It is recommended to perform 10 sessions, then take a break of several months and repeat the procedure.

    You need to massage your facial skin along the lines of lymph movement:

    • from the point between the eyebrows up to the hairline;
    • from the same point to the temples along the brow ridges;
    • also from this point along the back of the nose to the tip and down the wings;
    • from the inner corner of the eye to the outer, then from the outer to the inner;
    • from the sinuses to the temples;
    • from a point above the upper lip to the middle of each ear;
    • from the point under the lower lip to the earlobes;
    • from the earlobes down the neck to the collarbones;
    • in front from the collarbones along the larynx up to the chin.

    It is necessary to make movements in these directions to tighten the skin and prevent the formation of wrinkles.

    Unpleasant consequences of cosmetic facial massage

    If the massage is performed incorrectly, it can lead to the following consequences:

    • formation of hematomas on the epidermis;
    • redness of the skin;
    • uncomfortable sensations.

    Such problems with cosmetology can appear if you press too hard on the skin, move against the massage lines and perform the movements incorrectly. To prevent this from happening, you should entrust a cosmetic massage to a professional, and if the manipulation is performed at home, then adhere to the rules of the procedure.

    In addition, allergic reactions to the special oil may occur, which manifest themselves in the form of rashes on the epidermis, itching and burning. You can avoid unpleasant consequences if you use only proven and high-quality cosmetics for the procedure.

    Cosmetic facial massage is a procedure that helps improve your appearance and get rid of some defects. The main thing is to perform cosmetic manipulation correctly and regularly. Author of the article:

    Practicing: 27 years, Teaching: 20 years

    Self-massage of the face after 40

    After 40 years, self-massage is necessary for all women. According to medicine, from this moment involution, the reverse development of organs, begins.

    On the face, sagging skin is already inevitable - thinned and deficient in building proteins. The corners of the eyes and mouth go down first. The skin continues to “float” down, forming jowls and a double chin.

    The processes could have begun earlier, but after 40 years, ptosis ( ptosis) already affects half of the facial tissues and more.

    Another characteristic of mature skin is dryness. It appears due to a decrease in glycosaminoproteoglycans, which are part of the intercellular substance of the connective tissue of the integument. And dry skin is also sensitive skin. She reacts especially sharply to the sun, frost, and chemical cosmetics.

    Lymphatic flow is obstructed, and this is swelling. In 35% of women after 40 years, swelling of the eyelids becomes a feature of appearance, and not just a periodic, morning phenomenon.

    The muscle fibers also become thinner and even spasm.

    Wrinkles are added to the sagging facial features, brown spots and rosacea appear, the skin becomes loose.

    Self-massage should become a daily ritual. If you choose the primary tasks, then this is the study of the lower parts of the face: the corners of the mouth, nasolabial folds, chin and lower jaw, and the wings of the nose.

    In what cases can the procedure cause harm?

    Harm from massage is possible in the following cases:

    • — performing massage if there are contraindications;
    • — exceeding the recommended duration of the procedure (more than 1 hour);
    • — visiting a massage room during exacerbation of chronic diseases;
    • — performing a massage in the presence of fever (flu, ARVI);
    • - contacting specialists while intoxicated.

    Be attentive to your feelings - if slight fatigue occurs after a massage, then visit a specialist no more than every other day so that the body recovers. Before a massage session, it is also recommended to measure blood pressure for those who suffer from hypotension or hypertension, so that the massage therapist can select a tonic or relaxing technique.

    Allergy sufferers need to be careful

    Domestic scientists N. S. Zvonitsky and D. E. Alpern proved an increase in histamine in the blood after a massage session. Individuals with severe allergies may feel harm because the condition is treated with antihistamines.

    And finally, statements from great people about massage

    The effect of massage is the natural restorative power of the body, the power of life Hippocrates

    Massage is truly beneficial and prevents organ diseases Avicenna

    When there are many diseases, there is only one reason - the spine of Hippocrates

    A massage can replace any medicine in the world, but all the medicines together will not replace the effects of a Tissot massage

    Massage has always played a huge role in healing, and people should have long ago erected a monument to the hands of the massage therapist I.M. Sarnizov-Serazini

    The purpose of the massage is to destroy painful substances found in the muscles that have not been removed from the body by physical exercise Avicenna

    The world needs massage because Osho's love has disappeared from the world

    Our body talks to us all the time, if only we took the time to listen to Louise Hay

    A sick and unhappy person needs a massage, but a healthy and happy person needs a massage. Eastern proverb

    Besides massage, the way to stay healthy is to eat what you don't want, drink what you don't like, and do what you don't like. Mark Twain

    Benefits for the body, individual organs and systems

    Doctors divide the benefits of massage according to areas of influence - into individual areas of the body, systems and organs. The beneficial effects are largely due to the activation of the lymphatic system, due to which the cells are cleansed of harmful substances. Kneading the body tissues helps increase the outflow of lymph, while most patients experience unwanted stagnation.


    • — spasm relief;
    • — improvement of microcirculation;
    • - decrease in lactic acid concentration;
    • — strengthening the muscle corset;
    • - increased outflow of lymphatic fluid;
    • - prevention of atrophy;
    • - elimination of seizures;
    • - increase in physical strength.


    • — improvement of blood supply;
    • — improvement of joint mobility;
    • - reduction of fatigue in the joint area.


    • — cleansing the skin of old epidermis;
    • - removal of secretions from the sweat and sebaceous glands;
    • — increasing the smoothness and elasticity of the skin;
    • — improvement of metabolic processes;
    • - reducing the amount of fat in subcutaneous fat.


    • - improved blood circulation;
    • — elimination of lymph stagnation;
    • - facilitating the functioning of internal organs and the heart;
    • — elimination of congestion in the veins;
    • - improvement of gas exchange in tissues.


    • — correct and rapid muscle development;
    • - enhanced sensory perception;
    • - improved coordination of movements;
    • — prevention of curvature of posture;
    • — reducing the tension that arises during the educational process.

    The benefits of massage depend on the exposure time

    For a positive effect, it is important to complete the full course. In most cases, patients need from 7 to 10 sessions. The session time is determined by the doctor - ranging from 15 minutes to 1 hour. The effect of massage is observed after several procedures

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