Sour cream for the face: benefits and harm, recipes for masks for dry and oily skin

Perhaps every girl dreams of perfect facial skin. Clean, smooth, radiant with health. And often it seems to us that achieving this is unrealistic. But, fortunately, this is not the case! Ideal skin requires effort: changing your diet, lifestyle, using the right cosmetics for care and many other conditions. However, the result is worth the time and effort! We have put together a few simple rules for facial care that will help you get noticeably closer to the skin of your dreams:

Use scrubs with caution.

Scrubs are a well-known tool for perfect skin. However, a scrub with large particles of irregular, pointed shape can significantly damage delicate skin. You should be especially careful when choosing a scrub not only for sensitive, but also for problematic facial skin, which also needs gentle cleansing. Give preference to delicate scrubs and peels, such as the 5-in-1 Perfect Skin Product. Small scrubbing particles, charcoal in its composition and the versatility of this product make it simply an indispensable assistant!

How can sour cream harm you?

Note that everything applies only to fresh dairy products. When storage times and conditions are violated, many beneficial substances are destroyed, and the decomposition components harm the skin. Therefore, you should look at the lid of the box for the manufacturing date and shelf life when you buy it in a store.

So the benefits and harms of sour cream for the face depend on how correctly you use it and what components you use. There is also no need to use the recipes given here too often. Once or twice a week is enough. Any mask is not a daily remedy. Oversaturation of the skin with fatty acids will only worsen the pH balance.

Use creams with spf protection.

We need sun protection creams not only in the summer, but also at any other time of the year when going outside. Ultraviolet rays have an adverse effect on the skin, causing the appearance of premature wrinkles and age spots. Creams with a light thickening effect, such as BB-cream Ideal Skin with 10 spf protection, will help protect your skin from troubles.

The main thing to remember:

Ideal skin is, first of all, your good mood and properly selected facial care products. Clean Line has developed lines of cosmetics with natural ingredients that meet the individual needs of different skin types.

Beneficial features

This is an easily digestible product. When milk protein sours, it turns into a form that is broken down by enzymes. Pharmacists used dairy products as an ingredient in ointments, and dermatologists used them as medicine to cure skin diseases. A face mask made from sour cream is currently widely used in cosmetology as a tonic and rejuvenating component for care.

It is noticed that this product gives a healthy appearance to the skin and makes it velvety. This is a traditional remedy in folk cosmetics: a remedy for smoothing wrinkles, narrowing pores, and improving skin color.

In Soviet times, there were medicinal recipes - ointments based on sour cream. They were prepared in pharmacies. True, they had to be used within one or two days, no more, since this is a perishable product.

This is interesting

Sour cream is universal because it can be applied to a cleansed and warmed face in any season or time of day, unlike products containing a large percentage of water. However, masks give the best effect in the evening, before bedtime.

In this case, the skin must be specially prepared before applying the composition. When the dermis is dry, after cleaning the face with a scrub, it is necessary to warm it with a hot cloth so that the oily component is well absorbed into the pores. And the applied mass must be warm. If the skin is oily, then heating is not required.

Sour cream face mask for acne

Especially in youth, during the period of formation of the body, acne plagues many. This causes complexes; teenagers do not want to “go out into the world” and are embarrassed. Although it is quite possible to get rid of unpleasant red inflamed spots.

Every first aid kit has aspirin. One tablet of this popular product (not the effervescent one) is crushed, 15 drops of water are added with a pipette, mixed with the powder in a spoon and poured into a bowl with a prepared tablespoon of low-fat sour cream. The contents are turned into a homogeneous mass (stir or whisk) and left for 5-7 minutes. Then apply a thin layer to a cleansed and steamed face and leave for 10-15 minutes. After the procedure, the composition is washed off with a damp cloth, then rinsed with water.

Aspirin can be replaced with turmeric powder. The only drawback is that the plant stains the skin orange, taking this into account, you need to prepare very carefully: stock up on wet wipes that will remove the “paint” from the face, apply only in the evening on a day off, when there are no important events.

Sometimes starch is added to sour cream. Its grains swell, and when massaged, the pores are cleansed. Inflamed skin reacts to it, not like a scrub - there is no such aggressive action - but at the same time the pores are cleansed, nourishing and anti-inflammatory substances begin to penetrate into the tissues. There will be no irritation unless you have allergies.

An excellent remedy for acne in combination with sour cream is pumpkin juice or gruel.

Prepare a mask in a 1:1 ratio (pumpkin + sour cream). Keep it on your face for up to 20 minutes, then remove it, like other “sour cream” products, with wet wipes, wipe the skin with tonic (preferably without alcohol). The question is often asked how long to keep sour cream on your face. It's very individual. Nourishing and anti-inflammatory masks sometimes last up to 20 minutes, whitening masks - 10-15, and a scrub cleanses the skin for 3 (maximum 5) minutes.

It is important

It is necessary to warn that when using dairy products for cosmetics, there is no need to prepare them for future use. They can deteriorate and lose their healing effect or even cause harm to the body. All recipes are prepared immediately before use.

Choosing the right base for the mask

The creamy composition, depending on what goals are being pursued, is prepared from sour cream of different fat contents. For dry skin types, take the oiliest varieties. For oily people – with the lowest percentage of fatty substances.

According to the quality rating, the varieties of sour cream sold in Russia are distributed approximately as follows (top 10):

  1. President.
  2. Velikolenskaya.
  3. Kezovskaya.
  4. Kudymkarskaya.
  5. Avida.
  6. Brest-Litovsk.
  7. Zalessk farmer.
  8. House in the village.
  9. Yuryevskaya Burenka.
  10. Quilly-millie.

For hair

Sour cream masks are useful not only for the face and body. They remarkably restore hair damaged by inept or dishonest coloring, frequent use of an overly hot hair dryer, or prolonged exposure to bright sun without a hat. After sour cream-based restorative masks, hair becomes smooth and silky, looks healthy and well-groomed, and shines beautifully.

Attention! Do not use sour cream masks on colored hair: the dye will discolor.

Mask with sour cream for dry hair

To pamper your hair with a nourishing mask, take 100 grams of sour cream, add one or two egg yolks warmed to room temperature. Mix them with a whisk until smooth. Apply to the roots of the hair and distribute throughout the entire head with soft circular movements. Wrap the scalp in cling film, tie a cotton scarf on top and insulate it with a woolen cap. Keep this mask for half an hour. To make the effect of the mask even greater, take a hot bath with herbal infusion and drink two or three cups of hot tea.

To break down the fats contained in sour cream and prevent the yolk from curdling, the mask is first washed off with water at room temperature and without detergent, and only then with warm water and shampoo.

The proportions are indicated for hair up to 20 cm long. For longer hair, the amount of ingredients must be doubled.

Sour cream and kefir mask

Thin, weakened hair needs especially careful care. Their owners are familiar with the word “alopecia” firsthand. To strengthen such hair, give it strength and volume, nourishing masks based on sour cream are needed.

One of these miracle masks is sour cream and kefir. The recipe for its preparation is very simple: 100 grams of sour cream are mixed with 100 grams of kefir and shaken. Rub into the scalp, distribute evenly throughout the hair, not forgetting about split ends, wrap in film and insulate. After half an hour, rinse everything thoroughly and dry the hair naturally, without a hair dryer, away from sunlight. By carrying out this procedure weekly, you will strengthen weakened hair, restore its health and natural shine.

Composition and features of the component

The egg contains no more than 30% liquid; the rest is cholesterol, carbohydrates and fats.

Chicken egg has a unique balanced composition, which makes the product indispensable in cosmetology.

The unique composition of egg yolk:

  • Fatty acids - and a whole set necessary for skin health and maintaining it in excellent condition. In this regard, the product has no analogues, especially at this price. Polyunsaturated fatty acids trigger active cellular regeneration processes, maintain normal structure and tone. The body itself does not produce linolenic and linoleic acid, which is why it is so important to get them from the outside. Other acidic components are oleic, stearic, myristic, palmitic.

Fatty acids and their content in eggs.

  • Biotin - the presence of a wide range of fatty acids in the composition would not make such sense if not for biotin. This component starts metabolism and improves the absorption of microelements by cells and skin tissues. Due to this, masks with egg give immediate, pronounced results.
  • Choline is an element necessary for normal functioning of the central nervous system and improves memory. In cosmetology, it plays the role of a structural substance of phospholipids - membrane-forming components. Choline is responsible for the formation of new cells and stimulates regeneration processes.
  • Niacin is a B vitamin that is involved in oxidative and reduction reactions occurring in the body. Lipid metabolic processes at the cellular level and skin regeneration depend on the activity of niacin.

Eggs also contain vitamin E in a highly absorbable soluble form. It acts as an active agent that stops external oxidative reactions and protects the skin from free radicals.

For whitening

Like any fermented milk product, sour cream itself whitens the skin, but if you add some ingredients to it, the effectiveness increases.

Take fatty varieties of the product (35-30 g), a couple of strawberries and half a tsp. flour (oatmeal or rice). This recipe is suitable for women with any skin.

Strawberries can be replaced with twenty grams of juice squeezed from lemon. Then the freckles will disappear. To reduce them, instead of lemon, use the same volume of gruel from parsley leaves. You can add the same amount of cucumber juice to the parsley (1/2 tbsp.) (fresh cucumber only). The dermis will be “nourished”, whitened, and wrinkles will be smoothed out.

Sour cream whitens the face on its own. But a very good remedy is cottage cheese and sour cream cake with parsley and cucumber juice.

To do this, take a tablespoon of fresh cottage cheese. Wipe through a strainer. Add a few grains of salt, parsley juice (1 teaspoon), cucumber juice (1 teaspoon), 1 tablespoon of thick country sour cream. Mix everything very thoroughly. You should get a soft, plastic cake.

If suddenly the mixture is runny, add more grated cottage cheese. Lie down on the sofa and spread the flatbread in an even layer. And quietly watch TV for 25 minutes. Then the mask comes off on its own. The face should be wiped first with a damp cloth to remove excess, and then with a toner to moisturize the pores.

Depending on what effect you want to get, you can change the ingredients. Instead of cucumber juice, add sea buckthorn oil, grated apple or chamomile infusion.

There is no need to act on the principle “the more ingredients, the better.” It is not recommended to use more than three or four components. Get a consultation with a cosmetologist in advance. He will examine, determine the characteristics of the tissues, and, based on this, give advice.

Sour cream for dry skin whitening is a unique product. To ensure a lasting effect, such masks begin to be applied to the skin from mid-January, then freckles do not appear by spring. If you don’t have freckles, but you’ve overexposed yourself to tanning in the solarium or on the beach, these masks will also help remove excess tone.

There is another composition, but it cannot be used by those who have superficial blood vessels. Recipe: add crushed bodyaga on the tip of a knife to fresh cucumber juice (1 tbsp) and sour cream in the same volume. Keep the composition on the skin for 5-7 minutes, then rinse with plenty of water.

Apple cider vinegar also has a whitening effect. The base of the mask is prepared from liquid honey and sour cream (1:1), its volume is 1 dessert spoon.

If the mixture is too thin, rice flour or starch can be used as a thickener. But don't overdo it. When the mask turns out to be dense, it does not stretch well over the face. Add no more than 7 drops of apple cider vinegar to the resulting mass while stirring. When you get a homogeneous white ointment, leave it for 10-12 minutes. Then remove with a damp cloth and wipe with a swab or cotton pad soaked in tonic. Sour cream and lemon for the face, as well as apple cider vinegar, give a wonderful glowing effect.


Despite the naturalness and hypoallergenic nature of the yolk, there are also contraindications for its use. Among them:

  • capillary mesh;
  • rosacea, dilated blood vessels;
  • fresh wounds, inflammation on the face;
  • scars;
  • tumors.
  • skin diseases in the acute stage.

Pre-test for individual tolerance, after the first procedures, monitor the skin reaction - if it is negative, the product is not suitable for you.

The yolk does not cause an allergy, but other components of the mask may contribute to its appearance.

Cheap recipes are quite effective, especially if used regularly. If the combination of yolk with honey or lemon juice does not suit you, try more neutral options - for example, cream or banana.

Indications for use

Homemade face masks with eggs will be useful for everyone and have virtually no contraindications. Indications for their use are the following conditions:

  • dehydrated dry skin;
  • pronounced withering processes;
  • age-related changes (even wrinkles of medium depth go away);
  • sagging, loss of elasticity;
  • age-related changes in facial oval;
  • dull color, uneven relief;
  • tired appearance;
  • peeling.

Results from using a face mask with yolk.
Also, masks with yolk are an effective means for preventing these conditions. Don’t wait for negative changes to appear – start fighting them today.

The brighter the color of the yolk, the higher its nutrient content.

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