Natural face masks. Melon face mask: recipes for flaky and dry skin, for softening, toning and freshness

Almost all vegetables and fruits can and should be used for home cosmetics. The basis of their action is a variety of fruit acids, which have a stimulating and delicate exfoliating effect on the skin. A gooseberry mask is described here. Here you can find blackcurrant masks. You may also be interested in a banana face mask for wrinkles.

A melon face mask is one of the best remedies for restoring skin elasticity and a healthy, radiant complexion. Moreover, the beneficial effects of the wonderful fruit are not limited to this.

Benefits of melon for facial skin

When preparing homemade melon masks, you can easily do without a beauty salon. This sunny fruit contains a wealth of vitamins and minerals that are necessary for freshness, youth and health of the face.

  • Vitamin A acts as an anti-inflammatory agent, it is especially useful for inflammation and irritation of sensitive skin. Vitamin A slows down the process of cell aging and counteracts the signs of aging.
  • Vitamin C is a valuable element for any skin type. With its participation, the epidermis replenishes the reserves of elastin and collagen, which are simply irreplaceable for maintaining the elasticity and youth of the skin. Masks with melon pulp allow you to better outline the oval of the face, improve skin tone, and tighten it.
  • Vitamin B5 eliminates unevenness of the epidermis, makes the skin even and smooth.
  • Vitamin PP returns the face to its natural radiance and color. It also provides excellent protection against ultraviolet rays.
  • Carotene makes melon excellent for retaining moisture in the skin. It copes even with very severe dryness and flaking.
  • Potassium regulates moisture retention in epidermal cells.
  • Cobalt is beneficial for inflamed and irritated skin. It regulates sebum production, dries out rashes, and fights pathogenic bacteria.

IMPORTANT: The course of masks must last at least 3 weeks. It is optimal to conduct sessions for about a month, 3 procedures per week with an equal interval between them.

IMPORTANT: Check your skin for sensitivity to the ingredients of fruit masks. To do this, apply each mixture for 10-15 minutes on the bend of your elbow or wrist. If no reaction occurs, then this composition is suitable for you. If you notice redness, irritation, or itching, it means you are allergic to one of the components.

In addition to masks, you can wipe with melon juice at night or in the morning. Such procedures will be useful for acne and susceptibility to it, as well as for other problems, including excessive dryness. Squeeze the juice from the pulp into a bowl, heat it slightly over steam, dip a cotton pad in the liquid and rub it over the skin.


The melon belongs to the pumpkin family and is extremely closely related to the cucumber.
In medicine, it is used in the treatment of kidney stones and heart failure. In cosmetology it is known for its amazing healing qualities. In the East, melon has long been used to treat burns, cuts and bruises. A unique vitamin complex has turned the fruit into a favorite cosmetic product of oriental beauties. What's the use of it?

  • Melon is a favorite among melons in terms of vitamin C and B9 content, and both of these compounds are among the most active antioxidants. Few things are as beneficial for the skin as fruits high in vitamin C.
  • The second “standout” ingredient is the high amount of potassium. Thanks to the microelement, melon masks restore water balance unusually quickly. For dry skin, chapping, sunburn and even heat, the pulp of the fruit is the first remedy. This same quality explains the calming effect of melon. Melon juice is used in the treatment of rashes, dermatoses, allergies and even psoriasis.
  • A variety of fruit acids help remove dead skin cells and promote rapid renewal of the skin. Moreover, the effect is so mild that the fruit can be used for all skin types.
  • Carotene coloring pigment, gives the skin a light peach tint, so the face simply glows with freshness after a melon mask.
  • In addition, the juice and pulp contain vitamin A and B6, microelements such as iron and calcium. This entire complex stimulates cellular metabolic processes, which provides an excellent rejuvenating effect.

Melon masks are used at any age, but for different purposes. Young girls are interested in the ability of a melon mask to remove irritation, inflammation and pimples; more mature ladies will like the noticeable reduction of wrinkles.

The video shows a homemade melon face mask:

Melon mask recipe for normal skin

RECIPE : Ingredients:

  • melon pulp - 1 tbsp;
  • plum pulp - 1 tbsp;
  • vegetable oil - 1 tsp.

Mix all ingredients well in a container. Carefully place the fatty fruit mass on the skin in a fairly dense layer. Rest for fifteen minutes, then remove the mixture and rinse your face with refreshing cool water.

This mask will make your skin velvety and smooth. The nutrition that the face will receive will also be invaluable, because plant components will saturate the epidermis with vitamins and minerals.

IMPORTANT: A melon mask for normal skin is good in the summer, when it is necessary to protect the face from both ultraviolet radiation and the negative rays of the sun.

If you don’t have plums and oil nearby, you can make a classic melon mask that will suit not only normal, but also any other skin type.

RECIPE : To do this, simply peel the melon pulp, mash it with a fork or beat it in a blender. Spread the resulting paste on your face and leave for fifteen minutes. It is recommended to remove the mass by softening it with lemon or boiling cool water.

What effect can you get?

Melon pulp consists mainly of water, but it contains a sufficient amount of valuable micro and macroelements that have a beneficial effect on the skin. It’s not for nothing that Egyptian queens used pumpkin culture to preserve the beauty of their faces and bodies. The juice or pulp of the product was mixed with olive oil. This recipe is used to this day for intensive hydration and regulation of lipid metabolism. Course use of masks guarantees a versatile effect.

CleansingMelon pulp perfectly cleanses the skin and removes toxins. One treatment is sufficient to remove impurities and oily plugs from the pores. After the procedure, the face becomes soft and silky.
Nutrition and protectionTissues and cells are enriched with valuable substances, which are contained in sufficient quantities in melon. Intensive nutrition helps slow down the aging process. The mask mixture creates a thin film on the surface of the skin that protects against the adverse effects of ultraviolet radiation, wind and other atmospheric factors. Protection also applies to dermatological diseases.
Smoothing out wrinklesCell renewal is promoted by ascorbic acid and vitamin B5. After a course of use, small wrinkles disappear, the oval of the face is tightened, and swelling is eliminated.
HydrationActive compounds stimulate biochemical processes (local immunity, metabolism). Water balance is regulated, which is achieved thanks to the properties of pantothenic acid and other vitamins.
Anti-inflammatory effectRetinol, contained in melon pulp, eliminates acne, relieves inflammation, and dries out the dermis. In combination with other substances, vitamin A activates subcutaneous processes, evens out color, and improves skin structure.

Recipe for a natural mask for irritated and very sensitive skin

RECIPE : Ingredients:

  • melon pulp - 2 tbsp;
  • crushed processed cheese - 1 tsp;
  • natural honey - 1 tsp;
  • lemon juice.

Remove the seeds from the pulp and mash it into a paste; you can use a blender. The cheese must be ground very well until it becomes a uniform mass. The smallest grater is best suited for this purpose.

IMPORTANT: Candied honey is not suitable for this product. Take a fresh viscous product or heat it in a container over a pan of boiling water.

Prepare a solution of freshly squeezed lemon juice with water in a 1:1 ratio. You will need enough solution to dilute the thick mass of other ingredients so that the composition can be conveniently applied to the skin.

After combining the ingredients, dilute them with a solution of lemon juice. Leave the mixture on your face for a quarter of an hour and remove it by rinsing your skin with cool water.

Possible contraindications

It is not recommended to use this cosmetic product in the following cases:

  • rash or allergies;
  • acute skin disease;
  • any damage to the skin on the face.

The melon pulp from which the mask is made is gentle on the face because it does not contain aggressive acids or essential oils. For this reason, there are practically no contraindications. The only limitation is individual intolerance to melon. In this case, after applying the product, red spots and itching appear on the skin. To check your skin's compatibility with this product, apply the prepared mixture to the inside of your wrist for 20 minutes. If these symptoms are not observed, the product can be used.

Natural mask to soften dry skin from melon with sour cream

RECIPE : Ingredients:

  • melon pulp - 2 tbsp;
  • fat sour cream - 2 tbsp;
  • vegetable oil - 2 tbsp;
  • egg yolk - 1 pc.;
  • barley flour - a few pinches.

Take melon puree, crushed to a state, or the same amount of freshly squeezed melon juice. Choose sour cream with medium or high fat content; such a product will be healthier for a dry face.

IMPORTANT: Any vegetable oil is good for the skin. But for skin prone to dryness, olive, coconut, almond, rose, sandalwood, rosehip, and mango oils will be especially valuable.

Combine all ingredients in a bowl and grind until smooth. If you took melon juice, the composition may turn out liquid. Add a little oatmeal to adjust the thickness of the mask.

Distribute the mixture over your face, rest with it for about fifteen minutes and rinse with water.

Nourishing natural mask of melon and cucumber

RECIPE : Ingredients:

  • melon slice;
  • cucumber - 1 pc.;
  • egg white - 1 pc.

Peel the melon wedge and remove seeds; puree the pulp using a fork or blender. There is no need to remove the skin from the cucumber; chop it along with it using a medium-sized grater. To prepare the protein, you will need a mixer to foam it well.

Mix all ingredients and apply to skin. After ten minutes, rinse your face with boiled water cooled to room temperature.

IMPORTANT: Cucumber mask with melon nourishes and refreshes the skin. Penetrating into the deeper layers, the fruit and vegetable composition pushes dirt and fat out of the pores, thereby making the mask also a cleanser, suitable just for the summer period.

How to apply correctly

You can get the maximum benefit from a melon-based mask by following the rules of the cosmetic procedure.

  1. For the mask, you need to choose a ripe, but not overripe melon with no signs of rotting.
  2. The period of use of the product must coincide with the active phase of fruit ripening. Melons purchased earlier or later than this period contain few useful substances. To stimulate melon growth, chemicals are used that can cause allergies. Therefore, during the off-season, you should not make masks based on a fragrant product.
  3. The melon should be thoroughly washed before cutting. Remove the pulp with a spoon. To turn it into puree, just use a fork. You should not use a blender for this purpose, otherwise you will end up with juice rather than puree.
  4. The mask is applied only after cleansing the facial skin. In order for the beneficial substances to better penetrate the skin, it is recommended to apply a hot compress to the face before the procedure. Steaming helps open the pores, which makes cleaning better.
  5. You need to keep the mask mixture for about 15-20 minutes. Residues of the product are better washed off with warm water. After washing, you can wipe your face with ice cubes. At the end of the procedure, a nourishing or moisturizing cream is applied to the skin.
  6. The regularity of masks depends on the problems being solved. For example, the express method is performed once. This is a way to quickly tidy up your face. The effect is immediate, but the result does not last long. Course masks are considered more useful, which should be done 1-2 times a week for 3-4 weeks.
  7. Melon culture goes well with the following ingredients: cottage cheese, yogurt, egg white and yolk, liquid honey, sour cream, cream, and various fruits.

You need to prepare the mixture for the mask each time before the procedure. When stored for a long time, the product loses its healing properties.

Taking into account the ripening period of the melon, it will be possible to complete one course of masks per calendar year. You shouldn't deny yourself such pleasure. The result will definitely please you.

Melon mask for very dry, flaky skin

RECIPE : Ingredients:

  • melon pulp - 3 tbsp;
  • heavy cream - 200 ml.

Grind the melon using a grater, blender, or mash it manually with a fork. Combine both components, mix them thoroughly and spread in a thick layer over cleansed face. Relax in the bath or bed for fifteen minutes and remove the product with cool water.

IMPORTANT: To enhance the effect, it is recommended to cover the mass with a clean soft cloth and tap it with your fingertips, gluing the material to your face.

Recipe for a toning, refreshing melon mask

Of the ingredients for this simple and affordable remedy, you only need a slice of melon.

RECIPE : Cut it into thin slices. The number of slices should be enough to cover your entire face, and ideally your neck. After all, the skin of the neck and décolleté needs the same regular care.

Before applying the mask, keep the fruit slices in the refrigerator for half an hour. This will make your home remedy truly refreshing and tonic. When the slices are well frozen, spread them over the skin so that they overlap each other and there are no gaps between them. Rest in bed or a cool bath for a quarter of an hour and remove the melon. Rubbing with a piece of ice after the procedure will help cool and tone the skin even better.

IMPORTANT: Rubbing with herbal ice will be effective. To do this, first prepare an infusion of a tablespoon of herbal mixture poured with a glass of boiling water. Freeze the infusion in an ice container and rub pieces on the skin to tone.

Melon face mask: reviews and tips

Melon masks are useful primarily for excessive dryness, flaking, as well as various problems such as rashes, irritation, and inflammation. However, according to reviews, melon products will help solve a number of other issues related to the skin of the face. This:

  • the first signs of cell withering;
  • mimic and shallow wrinkles;
  • excessive skin pigmentation, freckles;
  • loss of natural complexion;
  • acne.

IMPORTANT: Give your skin a gift in the form of fruit treatments only during the season when the melon ripens on its own, without chemical additives. This is the only way it can become beneficial for the beauty and health of your face.

Despite the effectiveness of masks for dry skin, products based on melon pulp are suitable for any skin type. You will see the effect of the procedure instantly, immediately after removing the melon mixture from your face.

In addition, if you do not have time to prepare a mask, you can buy it. You can view and buy the COLLAMASK rejuvenating cream mask here.

A little more about this healing, fragrant beauty

This vegetable (melon belongs to both the false berry and vegetable family) has high nutritional value and low calorie content. Melon pulp contains a full range of vitamins and minerals, folic acid, superoxide dismutase (an antioxidant enzyme) and many other benefits. In addition, melon is a complete food.

The substances contained in melon, when consumed, improve the condition of the skin and hair, replenish the body's need for vitamins and strengthen the immune system.

Melon is useful for people with cardiovascular problems, diseases of the nervous system and blood. This melon culture normalizes the functioning of the hormonal system of the female body and helps cope with female diseases. Melon is useful for pregnant women and those experiencing menopause. The sweet, aromatic fruit lifts your spirits, fights depression and gives you strength.

Melon beauty is healthy and tasty. We should also arm ourselves with recipes from Eastern beauties for health and beauty. Melon guarantees you radiant beauty and healing of the whole body if you eat it regularly and use the masks, compresses and lotions for your facial skin that we wrote about above.

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