Canthopexy and canthoplasty: indications and contraindications for surgery

Human age negatively affects the structure of the periorbital muscles and ligaments. As a result, people after 30 years of age develop wrinkles at the outer corners of the eyes, which are popularly called “crow’s feet.” The face takes on a mournful appearance, which causes negative emotions, especially in women. Disturbances in the area of ​​the eye corners can also be a manifestation of various diseases. When performing plastic surgery, negative changes and aesthetic defects of the face are partially eliminated.

What are canthopexy and canthoplasty operations?

Canthopexy involves lifting the outer part of the canthal ligament to a higher position. This provides additional support for the tissues of the lower eyelid. The operation is usually included as part of a complex surgical procedure - blepharoplasty. When performed, the operation can eliminate asymmetrical facial characteristics and allow you to forget about a dull expression. If it is necessary to correct the shape of the eyes, then patients are prescribed canthoplasty, i.e. complete intersection of the canthal tendon, moving and fixing it in a new position. Canthoplasty is also performed after injuries when the canthal ligament is destroyed due to external influences. This is the fundamental difference between these two operations.

How is the recovery period going?

Immediately after surgery, the skin in this area swells, hematomas may appear, and blood vessels become more visible. Irritation of the mucous membrane of the eye is possible. After 7-10 days, all unpleasant symptoms completely disappear. During the same period, a gradual leveling of the lower eyelid occurs, causing the canthus to rise.

Postoperative complications cannot be excluded - inflammatory processes at the site of tissue damage, infections, rough visible scars, etc. As a rule, in this case we are talking about the low professionalism of the surgeon performing the lift. To avoid such consequences, it is necessary to carefully select a medical institution and specialist. The desire to save money on surgery can lead to a number of negative effects.

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Features of the intervention of a plastic surgeon

Canthopexy involves the use of local or conduction anesthesia. If necessary, general anesthesia is prescribed. The surgeon makes an incision: on the lower part of the eyelid below the eyelash line, and the length of this incision is only 1-1.5 cm. If the operation is carried out simultaneously with blepharoplasty, then the doctor additionally peels off the skin on the lower eyelid, distributes or, if necessary, removes hernial formations. Fixation of the canthal ligament is carried out to the periosteum of the superior orbital edge. For this, a special non-absorbable thread is used. With its help, a U-shaped suture is applied, holding the eyelid in the desired position. Excess skin is excised.

Canthoplasty differs from the previous operation in that the patient undergoes transection of the lateral lateral tendon. The end of the tendon, simultaneously with the area of ​​the orbicularis muscle, is fixed in the area of ​​the periosteum of the superior orbital edge. The duration of the operation is less than one hour. After surgery, the patient is not recommended to stay in highly lit places for a long time, read or watch TV, work with computer equipment, or visit saunas or steam baths. People who wear contact lenses should stop using such optical accessories for a while. The rehabilitation period after surgery is about 10-14 days.

How is the operation performed?

Canthopexy involves minimal intervention in the body. However, the technique of performing a lift is very complex and requires precise and correct actions from the surgeon. Hospitalization of the patient is not required; it is enough to undergo a full examination immediately before the procedure and come to the medical facility 2-3 hours before the operation.

If local anesthesia is used, it is supplemented with sedatives to reduce the patient’s psychological discomfort immediately at the time of surgery. General anesthesia is not excluded.

The surgeon makes a tissue incision in the fold above the upper eyelid and through it he lifts the corners of the eyes. Canthopexy is often combined with blepharoplasty - the procedures complement each other and make the result more noticeable and of higher quality.

In this case, the canthus tendons are attached to the periosteum of the orbit using special surgical sutures. The threads are made of hypoallergenic material and dissolve on their own over time.

At the end of the operation, the horizontal incision of the upper eyelid is sutured with a cosmetic suture. As a result, the postoperative mark is almost invisible, since it is hidden in a natural fold. The result of the intervention can be seen already 5-7 days after the procedure.

It is important to understand that lifting the corners of the eyes does not solve problems such as expression lines or so-called “crow’s feet”.

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Main indications for canthopexy and canthoplasty

Canthopexy is recommended in the following situations:

  • the patient’s desire to correct the shape of the lower eyelid;
  • formation of fatty deposits or hernias;
  • age-related changes on the skin of the face;
  • post-traumatic cases that have led to weakening of ptosis or canthus of the lower eyelids;
  • bulging eyes caused by myopia or thyrotoxicosis.

The operation helps to get rid of a narrowed eye opening, partial reduction of the eyelids or a shortened palpebral fissure. The manipulations of cosmetologists allow you to forget about trachomatous entropion of the eyelid, which arose as a result of infectious conjunctivitis. A trip to a medical facility is inevitable in case of unsuccessful plastic surgeries related to eye correction. Patients who have suffered chronic inflammation, burns or injuries will need medical care.

What is contopexy

Every woman wants her eyes to be alluring and captivate any man. In youth, it’s easy to maintain the beauty of your eyes: properly moisturize this delicate area, which is prone to the earliest appearance of signs of aging. But the skin around the eyes itself is thin and contains a small amount of collagen. Tonic, cream, mask - with the help of this complex the area around the eyes will be in normal balance until a certain point. With age, irreversible changes occur in the skin and soft tissues of the upper and lower eyelids, as a result of which blepharoplasty surgery becomes the only radical way to rejuvenate the area around the eyes. Today, there are many types of eyelid surgery, and now we will focus on one of them. We will talk about canthopexy.

Features of preparation for plastic surgery

Any surgical intervention should begin with a thorough examination of the patient. In addition to an ophthalmologist and a plastic surgeon, you should consult a therapist who can determine the presence of contraindications to the operation by assessing the person’s general health. Before visiting the clinic, you must take a biochemical blood test, undergo fluorography and have a cardiogram. Surgeons at the Beauty Doctor clinic advise: to avoid long-term recovery of the body’s health after surgery, you need to stop taking alcohol and nicotine products, as well as medications that contain aspirin or other blood thinners. The healing process depends on the characteristics of the human body, but lasts no more than a month. The surgical effect lasts for 10 years.

You can learn more about the operation that allows you to correct the shape of your eyes in the “Blepharoplasty” section.

More about the procedure

The canthuses are the outer corners of the eyes. There are very thin and long tendons that stretch and sag over time. In addition, there are congenital pathologies in which the canthus tendons are disproportionately long or weak from birth. In this case, drooping of the corners of the eyes is observed already in childhood.


  • More about the procedure
  • Preparing for surgery
  • Indications and contraindications
  • How is the operation performed?
  • How is the recovery period going?

Plastic surgery that involves lifting and tightening the outer corners of the eyes is called canthopexy. In this case, the canthus itself remains unaffected - its tissues are not truncated. If it is necessary to remove part of the canthus, then we are talking about a more complex plastic surgery.

Is it possible to avoid drooping corners of the eyes? In this case, ordinary cosmetics can only delay this phenomenon, but not resist it. Therefore, more and more often men and women turn to plastic surgeons who want to restore real youth to their facial expressions. The procedure itself is not that complicated, and its effect lasts for a long time – on average, 5-10 years.

How much will eye shape correction cost?

Our clinic offers reasonable prices for canthoplasty. All over the world, this operation is considered one of the most affordable, since it is quick and does not require complex steps - in fact, changing the shape of the eyes is as simple and easy as changing their color using contact lenses.

Canthoplasty: prices at the El.En clinic:

  • Category 1 – from 30 thousand rubles.
  • Category 2 – from 45 thousand rubles.
  • Category 3 – from 50 thousand rubles.

Effect of canthoplasty: before and after surgery

You will be able to evaluate the results of the correction in just a couple of weeks: a clear, fresh and open look, a tightened corner of the eyes, increased skin elasticity. You will get the desired eye shape, and this effect will last up to 10 years, after which the correction can be repeated.

Possible complications

The following complications are possible after canthoplasty:

  • seal in the seam area;
  • swelling and hematomas;
  • dry eyes, irritation, discomfort.

Serious complications are:

  • non-closure of the eyelids - too much skin excision;
  • eversion of the eyelid - too much tension in the tendons or muscles;
  • suppuration of sutures;
  • bleeding - the stitches are not placed tightly enough;
  • significant dryness of the eye - damage or blockage of the tear duct.

Contraindications to canthoplasty

Like any other type of surgery, canthoplasty has some limitations. Thus, the operation is not performed if the patient has one or more of the following factors:

  • blood diseases;
  • diabetes;
  • severe diseases of the heart, kidneys and blood vessels;
  • ophthalmological diseases (myopia, dry eye syndrome, increased intraocular pressure, conjunctivitis, glaucoma, cataracts);
  • inflammatory processes;
  • tumor neoplasms, including retinoblastoma.


Depending on the problem facing the surgeon, he chooses one of two canthoplasty techniques - medial or lateral. If necessary, they can be combined.

The medial technique involves manipulation of the inner corner of the eye, where the tendons are located. When they are tightened, the shape of the eye changes slightly. This method is mainly used during aesthetic surgery.

The lateral technique is used during manipulations at the outer corners of the eye. When they drop, the eye looks tired and the face itself is dissatisfied. Such changes can be noticed after 30–35 years. This operation also allows you to remove wrinkles, crow's feet, and correct skin folds.

The advantage of these techniques is that tendon tightening is carried out without significant damage to the skin, which greatly reduces the recovery period. But if you need to remove significant sagging skin, as well as remove fatty hernias under the eyes, these methods will not work. They must be combined with other types of blepharoplasty.

Rehabilitation after

Immediately after the anesthesia wears off, the patient can open his eyes, however, vision may be blurred at first.

The most important from the point of view of the development of possible complications are the first 3 days after surgery, so during these days you need to especially carefully monitor the condition of the operated area so as not to miss the onset of the development of pathological processes.

Swelling and soreness of the eyelids persists for about a week, during which time the doctor prescribes painkillers and eye drops.

After the operation, the eyes need a gentle regime for several weeks - you cannot read, work at the computer, visit swimming pools and solariums, use contact lenses and cosmetics, you must avoid sunlight and increased physical activity. It is recommended to sleep on a high pillow and only on your back.

After 10 days, to speed up the healing process, you can begin physical therapy - ultrasound or darsonval.

The recovery period takes 2 months.


I have always taken great care of myself, but whatever one may say, age is taking its toll, and my eyes began to look tired and sad. The reflection in the mirror was not at all pleasing, and I decided to have canthoplasty. This is a low-traumatic operation that allowed me to look young and beautiful again. The operation lasts only an hour, is performed under local anesthesia, and the rehabilitation period is short. I'm very pleased with the result



After 30 years, the outer corners of the eyes began to droop and the face began to look tired and dissatisfied. No creams or masks helped, and there was only one way out - surgery. Having learned about canthoplasty, I decided to opt for it - a simple and low-traumatic operation. The effect after it is amazing


Saint Petersburg

I advise everyone who is planning canthoplasty to be very careful when choosing a clinic and a doctor. My operation was unsuccessful - my eyelid muscles were too tight, and now my eyelids do not close tightly. I'm waiting for when it will be possible to do a second intervention.



Canthoplasty is a very effective operation. In my case, she allowed me to change the shape of my eyelids, making my eyes more beautiful, almond-shaped. There were no complications, rehabilitation was easy, I recommend it to anyone who wants to change the shape of their eyes - quickly, uncomplicated and with good results



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