Wrinkles near the lips: causes and methods of correcting wrinkles near the mouth

Wrinkles around the mouth not only visually age the face, but also, in addition, give it a sad, tired and gloomy expression.

The naturally thin and vulnerable skin around the mouth is prone to the early appearance of wrinkles. This area of ​​the face contains a minimal amount of subcutaneous fat, the task of which is to prevent the loss of skin elasticity and protect it from external influences. An insufficient amount of it cannot provide the necessary skin barrier, which provokes early aging.

Due to age, the production of collagen and elastin, which are responsible for the elasticity and youth of the skin, also decreases, so after 40 years, nasolabial folds and more pronounced wrinkles above the lip, called purse-string wrinkles, form in place of the facial folds.

Reasons for appearance

In addition to the natural aging process of the skin, the appearance of wrinkles around the lips is explained by the anatomical features of the structure of the muscles of the mouth. This part of the face is constantly in motion: eating, speaking, smiling are constantly accompanied by muscle contractions that either stretch or contract the skin. With age, wrinkles form at the site of the creases.

In addition, wrinkles above the upper lip occur for the following reasons:

  • Smoking and bad habits;
  • Prolonged exposure to wind and cold, excess ultraviolet radiation;
  • Loss of teeth and various deformations of the dentofacial joint;
  • Improper skin care and incorrectly selected skin products;
  • Genetic predisposition;
  • Poor diet and consumption of large amounts of sugar (foods high in sugar contribute to the formation of adhesions in collagen fibers, as a result of which they no longer retain the moisture necessary for elasticity and smoothness of the skin. Atrophy of collagen fibers over time leads to wrinkles in the corners of the mouth and premature aging of the skin );
  • Fast weight loss.

Causes of wrinkles around the mouth

  • Smoking – it’s not for nothing that one type of such wrinkles is called smoker’s wrinkles.
  • Age-related causes that are aggravated by improper skin care.
  • Excessive exposure to the sun, which has an extremely negative effect on this area.
  • The habit of retracting and pursing the lips.

There are three different types of lines around the mouth that form as we age:

  • Smile lines running from the lower corners of the nose to the corners of the mouth. They are caused by weakening of the ligaments, causing the skin to sag.
  • Marionette lines are wrinkles at the corners of the mouth that make the face “unhappy.” Appear due to the breakdown of collagen protein.
  • Vertical lines of the lips are “smoker’s lines.” Caused by constant lip movements, including those associated with smoking.

Only one type of wrinkle may appear, or all of them may appear at once. It depends on the skin type, triggering factors and the thoroughness of facial care.

Recommendations from cosmetologists and prevention

Prevention of aging and properly selected professional and home skin care can slow down the aging process of the skin and avoid the early appearance of deep wrinkles.

Care for the skin around the mouth must be individualized and take into account exactly your skin needs. Home care is based on the principle of “cleansing - toning - active care”, and includes cleansers, creams (thicker textures in winter, lighter textures in summer), active serums.

Another effective remedy against skin aging is professional care and microcurrent therapy from Biologique Recherche. The concept of facial care from the French brand Biologique Recherche includes more than 90 active products and concentrates to solve any skin problem.

The application of each product and other products - masks, serums, fluids and creams - is accompanied by specially developed massage techniques and microcurrent therapy, which help the products penetrate deeper into the skin, and therefore achieve more expressive results.

What other reasons are there for the appearance of marionette wrinkles?

  • age , when after 30 metabolism in cells begins to slow down, the skin loses its elasticity;
  • sagging soft tissues;
  • unhealthy lifestyle , prone to abuse of junk food, alcohol, smoking;
  • hormonal changes (menopause);
  • fast weight loss;
  • ultraviolet radiation , causing the skin to become dry and dehydrated;
  • malocclusion or missing chewing teeth;
  • consequences of playing wind instruments.

How to remove wrinkles around lips

Contour plastic surgery is used to eliminate nasolabial folds and correct wrinkles above the lips. The essence of the procedure is the introduction of dense fillers based on hyaluronic acid, which fill wrinkles, evening them out.

With the help of fillers, you can get rid of wrinkles above the lips, correct lip asymmetry and, if desired, add volume to them. Wrinkle correction with fillers is relevant not only for women. For men, we use special fillers with a lower density, which do not provide noticeable volume, but solve aesthetic problems and fight aging.

Contour plastic surgery is today the safest and most effective way to eliminate wrinkles and correct age-related changes. The result of the correction for a period of 6 to 12 months.

At EMC we use European drugs that have proven themselves in aesthetic medicine: Teosyal, Juvederm, Ellanse, Restylane. The doctor selects the drug individually, depending on the type of correction and the patient’s indications.

Hardware elimination techniques

Modern women and men can undergo a whole range of procedures aimed at eliminating wrinkles around the mouth.

Contour plastic

Modified hyaluronic acid is injected into problem areas, filling the folds, as a result of which they are smoothed out. In addition to the aesthetic effect, the procedure also provides a practical one - hyaluronic acid attracts water molecules, intensively moisturizing the skin. The effect of the procedure lasts approximately 9 months.


The technique consists of injecting a cocktail based on hyaluronic acid with the addition of vitamins, amino acids, and beneficial microelements under the client’s skin.

Botox injections

Botulinum toxin is injected into the problem area, which relaxes some of the facial muscles, eliminates existing wrinkles and prevents the appearance of new ones. Like contouring, it needs correction every 8-9 months.

Laser techniques

There are different ways to apply laser to the skin, but their operating principle is similar. The laser beam damages the skin, as a result of which its regeneration processes are launched. The dermis is restored, rejuvenated, acquires freshness, elasticity, and becomes toned.


Wrinkles are filled with the client’s own fat, as a result of which they are smoothed out and completely disappear.

Medium chemical peel

The cosmetologist acts on the deep layers of the skin using a special aggressive composition. The procedure is carried out strictly under the supervision of a specialist. The manipulation significantly reduces the number of wrinkles, but after it the skin becomes photosensitive - it is important to use creams with a high SPF level for protection.

The selection of methods is carried out individually in each case. Only an experienced, qualified cosmetologist can do this correctly. Trust a specialist, listen to his advice - the condition of your skin directly depends on this.

Advantages of the EMC Clinic

To remove wrinkles around the mouth, it is very important to find a good specialist with certification and practice in contouring, understanding of the peculiarities of working with this area and higher medical education. Be careful, all injection techniques can only be performed by a doctor, only he knows to what depth it is necessary (and safe) to inject the drug.

EMC specialists, in addition to good skills in injection contouring, always take into account the individual anatomical features of the patient’s facial structure and recommend the type of correction that will give the patient the best result.

During a personal consultation, the doctor will create a skin care program and help you understand the specifics of various methods of rejuvenation and appearance correction.

How to prevent wrinkles

Diamed cosmetologists are confident that regular application of sunscreen and daily use of anti-wrinkle cream containing collagen is one of the best ways to maintain youthful lip lines. Preventative Botox injections, combined with a healthy lifestyle without cigarettes and stress, slow down the formation of lines around the mouth and keep the skin youthful for many years.

We have a few more tips for you to prevent the appearance of wrinkles around the mouth:

  • eat more salmon, it is an excellent source of protein, contains many healthy Omega-3 fatty acids
  • do peeling with AHA acids, they not only remove dead cells from the surface of the skin, but also shrink pores and reduce fine wrinkles
  • wash your face with moisturizers, not water
  • use vitamin C cream, eat ascorbic acid
  • Swap coffee for cocoa, it reduces blood flow and retains moisture.

Causes of expression lines and purse-string wrinkles on the face

The main reason for the appearance of wrinkles on the face is active facial expressions and the manifestation of human emotions.
First, facial wrinkles appear, which develop into permanent ones and are striking even without expression of emotions. A slowdown in skin renewal processes, dehydration, hormonal changes, and the harmful effects of ultraviolet radiation (sunlight) are all the main reasons for the appearance of purse-string wrinkles.

Methods to combat purse-string wrinkles

There are 5 main methods of combating purse-string wrinkles around the mouth:

  • Botulinum therapyA procedure that is used to combat favorite wrinkles and reduce the risk of their appearance. An easy lunch break procedure, which is carried out by administering small doses of the drug and allows you to get rid of expression lines and purse-string wrinkles, while maintaining a “live” facial expression.
  • Blanching The procedure itself involves the introduction of a drug containing hyaluronic acid into the skin to combat purse-string and expression wrinkles, as well as smooth the skin. Blanching can effectively fight the signs of aging, resulting in smoother skin and less wrinkles.
  • BiorevitalizationThe procedure is used to accelerate internal metabolic and regeneration processes in the body, tighten and moisturize the skin at different levels and combat expression and purse-string wrinkles.
  • Laser techniques Modern laser techniques make it possible to carry out cosmetic procedures without rehabilitation and visible damage to the skin. They are aimed at combating signs of aging on the face, improving skin quality and combating wrinkles, including purse strings. In addition to laser techniques, you can visit the M22 Harmony XL phototherapy procedures. Such procedures perfectly even out the tone and renew the skin from the inside.
  • Laser resurfacing and peeling. The procedures are carried out to get rid of wrinkles and external skin imperfections. They effectively allow you to get rid of acne, post-acne and blackheads! These techniques also renew skin cells and are recommended for periodic use.

Experts at the Epimed clinic assure that eliminating purse-string and expression wrinkles with the help of cosmetics and care products is almost impossible. They only help prevent these diseases. However, high-quality care for healthy skin can delay the appearance of purse-string wrinkles for a long time.

The procedures for combating purse-string wrinkles are qualitatively different from each other, and our excellent cosmetologists will help you choose the right one during a consultation at the Epimed clinic.
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Why is it better to have the lip corner rejuvenation procedure done at Seline?

Botulinum therapy and contouring have long been used to eliminate wrinkles in the corners of the lips. Such services are provided by almost any aesthetic medicine clinic. However, not only the result is important to us, but also the way to achieve it. Our specialists strictly follow the procedure protocols. It is especially important that they do not try to do anything faster; they strictly calculate the required amount of botulinum toxin or hyaluronic filler. And Seline doctors never neglect the rules of asepsis and antisepsis, so infection of tissues during the procedure is simply impossible. We value not only your beauty, but also your health.

Author of the article:Deusheva (Nesterenko) Oksana Leonidovna
Speciality:Cosmetologist, dermatovenerologist
Experience:8 years

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Which lips are the most attractive?

Lip augmentation using hyaluronic acid injections is a mega popular procedure among girls from 16 to 60.

The goal is not rejuvenation or the fight against wrinkles, let's be honest - it is the desire to make the lips seductive and sexually attractive.

But more often than not, girls get carried away and instead of the desired result they get vulgar lips with signs of obvious correction. Do men really like it?


This question was asked by aesthetician doctor from London Tijin Esho and his colleagues.

A large-scale multi-year study was conducted among men, consisting of 3 stages:

  1. Showing photos of girls and their lips
  2. Survey and explanation of men why certain lips seem most attractive to them, and which ones seem “too much”
  3. Drawing up a diagram of the ideal lip shape according to men


The result may surprise you; based on it, a simple diagram of “ideal lips” was drawn up.

  • The upper and lower lips should be equal in fullness
  • The corners of the lips should be ½ the fullness of the widest part of the lips
  • But the arch of Cupid should not be pronounced

Agree, this is at odds with the canons that most specialists involved in lip augmentation previously adhered to.

Relaxation of lips “Snorting”

  • The technique relaxes the orbicularis oris muscle, effectively eliminating tension and spasm.
  • Restores the natural fullness and shape of the lips, making their contour more expressive and clearly defined.
  • Improves blood flow and revitalizes tissues, adding brightness to lips.
  • Reduces purse-string wrinkles and nasolabial folds.
  • Eliminates the habit of pursing your lips and works with the pattern of a dissatisfied, gloomy face.
  • Creates a light, youthful & relaxed expression.

How to do it:

  • Place your fingers directly on the sides of your mouth. This is an absolutely easy fixation, we don’t pull or press anything. The lips are closed and relaxed.
  • Inhale, then exhale long and evenly through closed, relaxed lips. The air passes through the lips so that they vibrate. Inhale again and exhale through closed lips. Do this 3-5 times.
  • This is an easy, everyday way to improve blood flow. It eliminates the habit of pursing your lips and works with the pattern of a dissatisfied, gloomy face.

ATTENTION! When performing the procedure, you may feel an unpleasant swelling or tingling of the skin, this is normal - the capillary bed is activated, this can cause a local irritating effect. Perform: 3−5 times, 5 approaches per day.

What do Seline cosmetologists offer?

The most effective methods for correcting such an aesthetic defect as wrinkles in the corners of the lips are botulinum therapy and contouring. Both procedures are injectable. They are also commonly called beauty injections.

Botulinum therapy involves the subcutaneous or intramuscular injection of microscopic doses of a purified toxin produced by Clostridium botulinum. Preparations based on it are usually called Botox. However, botulinum toxins are produced by various companies and sold under different trade names, for example, Dysport, Xeomin, Relatox, etc. Botulinum toxin has been used in medicine and cosmetology for quite a long time. Reactions to it are well studied and predictable. Botox and its analogues do not make it possible to transmit nerve impulses to the muscle. She remains motionless. And the skin that is connected to it does not stretch. This allows you to smooth out existing wrinkles and prevent the appearance of new ones.

When performing contour plastic surgery, hyaluronic acid preparations are used. This is a completely biocompatible substance. Normally, it is produced by the body, providing the skin with moisture, participating in biochemical processes, the task of which is to give the dermis firmness and elasticity. Hyaluronates fill the voids in the problem area, modeling it. Wrinkles in the corners of the lips disappear within 10-12 months.

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