Skin care after 25 years. Observing skin changes in first person

The main weapon of any woman is her beauty, which is why, from childhood, girls learn special secrets of self-care from their mothers. But what exactly fully reflects a woman’s health status and how much she takes care of herself? That’s right, such an indicator is the skin.

Facial skin is particularly delicate and demanding in care. In addition, the face is the first thing that interlocutors and random people you meet pay attention to. Women who began to take care of the beauty of their skin at a young age, after thirty, say thank you to themselves, because health and beauty should be protected from a young age, preventative measures should be taken and skin youthful.

Skin is the body’s natural protective shell, but in order to fully protect us and our beauty, the skin itself needs protection. It is quite simple to protect your face from premature aging, age spots and other unpleasant phenomena; it is only important to approach this issue seriously.

The program for preserving youthful facial skin consists of ten main points that tell you how to preserve youthful facial skin and do prevention.

Bad habits and beauty

Smoking and frequent drinking of alcoholic beverages leads to many problems with the skin of the face. Tobacco smoke begins to destroy the skin even before it enters the body. Acrid smoke comes into contact with the skin of the face, which causes dryness and, accordingly, the appearance of early wrinkles. In addition, smoking destroys collagen, which is responsible for skin elasticity.

Alcohol causes no less harm to the entire body and facial skin, excessive consumption of which also leads to dehydration and poor circulation. Taken together, bad habits cause irreparable damage to the youth and beauty of facial skin, causing premature aging, which will subsequently be very difficult to combat even if you give up smoking and alcohol.

Emulsifiers, viscosity regulators, surfactants

Emulsifiers and viscosity regulators are classified as auxiliary substances - they are needed so that the product has the necessary consistency, does not spread or, conversely, is not too thick. Surfactants (surfactants) are most often used in cleansers - they are responsible for ensuring that the foam or gel effectively removes excess oil and impurities from the surface of the skin.


  • without surfactants it would be impossible to cleanse the skin, because water does not bind to fat particles;
  • Many viscosity regulators enhance the moisturizing properties of the product, such as fatty alcohols.


  • regulators based on regular denatured alcohol can cause drying of the epidermis;
  • aggressive surfactants degrease the skin too much, which leads to the destruction of its immunity.

Nutrition and exercise for youthful skin

The health of the entire body is largely based on proper nutrition. The skin of the face is a kind of indicator of the correct functioning of the gastrointestinal tract. Thus, frequent consumption of fatty and sweet foods leads to acne on the skin of the face. In order to avoid skin problems, it is important to build a balanced diet that will become not just a diet, but a way of life.

Every day the body must receive a sufficient amount of proteins, carbohydrates and fats. For the sake of youth and healthy skin, you will have to give up excessive consumption of too fatty and spicy foods. It is important to remember the rule for prevention: there are no forbidden foods, but there are foods that must be dosed correctly. You should also avoid overeating and late meals.

A sedentary lifestyle also affects the condition of the skin. The skin becomes dull, losing its elasticity and freshness. To maintain the whole body and skin in tone, you need to exercise regularly. You can choose the type of activity as you wish. This could be jogging, cycling, yoga, swimming, going to the gym and much more. It is important to remember that proper nutrition and exercise will have a positive effect on the entire body.

The role of proper nutrition in skin care

Proper nutrition is the basis for the healthy functioning of organs, systems and tissues. After all, through the intestines, the blood is enriched with vitamins and minerals, useful elements.

At the age of 25, it is necessary to eat healthy food; it would not be a bad idea to enrich your diet with the following products:

  1. Flaxseed, hemp, olive oil - they are rich in vitamins.
  2. Salmon, salmon. Enriches the body with vitamin D and group B, Omega-3 fatty acids and selenium.
  3. Flax seeds or flax oil, beans, tomatoes.
  4. Fruits and vegetables.
  5. Greens, parsley.
  6. Soy.
  7. Seafood.
  8. Fermented milk products, natural yogurt.

Coffee is possible, but not in large quantities, the same goes for strong tea. But alcohol and fast food are harmful at any age; their consumption should be sharply limited.

Diets should be combined with fitness and walking. It is right to quit smoking.

Facial cleansing

Most women use cosmetics every day, but not everyone knows how to properly remove makeup without harming their facial skin.

First, you need to make sure that the cosmetics that are in your cosmetic bag and worn on your face day after day are of good quality and do not harm your facial skin. The modern market is replete with many products from different manufacturers, so before purchasing a product, you should familiarize yourself with the composition or seek help from a consultant.

To remove makeup, you should never use regular soap, shower gel, shampoos, etc. Also, do not try to remove makeup with plain water.

Removing makeup has long ceased to be a problem. Today, in any cosmetics store you can purchase a special product for safely removing makeup from the face. You need to use this product with light movements, trying not to rub the skin. Thanks to special minerals, the skin is easily and quickly cleansed of cosmetics. Scrubs and masks will provide deeper cleansing of the skin.

Children's skin (from 0 to 10-12 years):

Thin and vulnerable, it does not protect as well as adult skin from germs and toxins.


Timely cleansing and protection from adverse factors. Children's cosmetics should include natural plant extracts (chamomile, calendula, string, aloe) and oils (almond, jojoba), panthenol, zinc oxide. Thanks to these components, baby care cosmetics protect the child from an aggressive microbial environment, moisturize and soothe.

4. Moisturizing facial skin - effective prevention of aging

Beautiful skin needs hydration both outside and inside. So, you need to make sure that you get enough water into your body. On average, a person should consume about 30 ml of pure water daily for every kilogram of their weight. It is advisable to avoid frequent consumption of coffee and black tea.

Moisturizing creams from trusted manufacturers are perfect for external moisturizing of facial skin. In addition, various masks have a positive effect on the skin, both those that can be purchased in the store and those that you can prepare yourself. There are a huge number of recipes for masks with various ingredients. On the Internet you can choose several options and subsequently alternate the ones you like, nourishing and moisturizing your facial skin.


Many substances belong to this class of compounds. Most often you can find names on the packaging such as cyclopentasiloxane, cyclomethicone, dimethicone. All these are silicones of different compositions, which often serve as a base for the production of moisturizing creams. Silicone-based products apply better than oil-based products, do not leave a greasy sheen and perfectly moisturize. In addition, they have a lifting effect: after them the skin looks smoother and more elastic.


  • silicones are hypoallergenic and can be used on sensitive and irritation-prone skin;
  • create a protective layer that protects the face from exposure to cold, wind and ultraviolet rays;
  • relieve peeling, accelerate wound healing, recommended for use for various dermatitis.


  • cannot be used by people prone to asthma;
  • with prolonged use, silicones disrupt the natural protective functions of the skin.

Stress - impact on youthful skin

Stress is the heavy artillery in the fight against human immunity. When under stress, the immune system weakens, which also affects the skin of the face. Rash, acne, unhealthy complexion are just some of the symptoms characteristic of the face of a person who is preoccupied with something.

To avoid such changes on the face, first of all, you need to try to avoid stressful situations. If this happens, it is important to learn not to take everything to heart and quickly switch from problems to what calms you down. As a preventive measure, it is worth devoting more time to your favorite hobbies, sports, meetings with friends, massage and other joys of life, which will help maintain youthful facial skin.

Why is regular skin care important?

Any specialist will confirm that even before the age of 25 it is necessary to use high-quality products and select what suits your skin type. However, if a girl decides to start care at this age, she needs to choose good cosmetics. After 25 years, the dermis becomes susceptible to negative environmental influences, as natural regeneration processes begin to slow down. There is not enough moisture now, and the sun and frost dry the skin even more actively. It is important to choose high-quality creams and masks that normalize moisture levels and nourish with beneficial elements.

If you don’t start taking care of yourself at the age of 25, there will certainly be problems in the future, and at 30, the lack of care will affect your appearance. If you start using cosmetics in a timely manner and monitor the condition of your skin, you will be able to remain beautiful and young for a very, very long time.

Often the processes of withering begin already at the age of 25. This does not mean that the skin will instantly lose its freshness and become wrinkled. Aging is a multi-year process and depends on the individual characteristics of a woman. However, it is easier to delay the fading process than to fight deep folds on the face.

Gymnastics for the face

Physical exercise helps keep the whole body in good shape, but in maintaining youthful facial skin there is another serious assistant - gymnastics for the facial muscles.

This type of gymnastics includes a set of simple exercises aimed at maintaining a clear facial contour and skin elasticity. Regularly performing such exercises in combination with other methods will allow you to postpone the aging of your facial skin for a long time and maintain youth.

Brief characteristics of different types

In order to understand and clearly understand what we are talking about as accurately as possible, it makes sense to identify the main “symptoms” of aging in various cases. Not all options for anti-aging procedures are universal and suitable for everyone without exception, so you should consider the issue carefully, without haste. Sometimes rash actions lead to serious consequences, which are not so easy to get rid of.

Morphotype name Signs
Muscular The clarity of the oval.

Lack of lipid tissue.

"Crow's feet."

Active nasolabial.


Drooping eyelid.

Tired Purse string creases.

Drooping corners of the mouth.


Dull or grayish skin tone.

finely wrinkled Lack of fatty tissue.

The clarity of the oval.

A large number of small wrinkles on the face and neck.


Deformation Molars.

Large nasolabial folds.

Double chin.

Excessive amount of lipid layer.

No small folds.

"Floating" oval.


Summer, sea, and sun undoubtedly make you happier, but excessive sunbathing can negatively affect the appearance of your facial skin. Prolonged exposure of the skin to sunlight causes premature aging, which is called photoaging of the skin.

This phenomenon is due to the fact that ultraviolet radiation in excess amounts has a negative effect on the renewal of skin cells, which, in turn, causes increased dryness of the skin, the appearance of age spots, fine wrinkles and creates the effect of sagging skin.

However, this does not mean that you need to give up the sun. It is important to remember that it is better to be in the sun before noon and after 15:00, when the strength of the mercilessly scorching sun weakens. At any time under the sun, the skin should be protected with special cosmetics.

Age 45-55 years:

The changes characteristic of the previous period are increasing and aggravating. In addition, many women experience problems related to hormonal status, for example, hair growth on the upper lip. Microcirculatory disorders lead to vascular manifestations - rosacea, spider veins, telangiectasias.

During this period, in addition to regular professional and home care, a consultation with a gynecologist-endocrinologist is required to determine the hormonal status and the possibility of its correction. Anti-aging drip infusions are also relevant, with the correction of microcirculatory disorders, restoration of liver function, and antioxidant effects.

Ecology - causes of skin aging

Modern lifestyle, unfortunately, is not always accompanied by good environmental conditions. Exhaust gases, industrial processing products, chemical sprays, etc. have a negative effect on the skin.

You don't have to move to the countryside to help your skin breathe. It is important to take care of prevention, constant moisturizing and cleansing of the skin. For this purpose, special refreshing wipes are suitable that you can carry with you. In addition, a large amount of clean water will help avoid skin intoxication with harmful substances that await residents of large cities at every turn.

Dyes, preservatives, fragrances

Don't listen to manufacturers when they say their cosmetics do not contain preservatives. Without them, the products deteriorate within a few days. And if you use the cream for at least a month, then it probably contains preservatives. In most cases, it does not matter at all whether they are natural or artificial substances. Their quantity in cosmetics is so small (less than 0.5%) that they do not have a noticeable effect on the skin.

Fans of natural organic cosmetics will never buy a cream or lotion that contains parabens, disodium ethylenediaminetetraacetic acid (EDTA) or phenoxyethanol. However, there is no real reason to be afraid of these substances. This is more of a fashion statement than a vital necessity.

Dyes and fragrances are needed to make a cosmetic product look and smell attractive. And here everything is decided by individual sensitivity to the components. Some of them can cause allergic reactions, so any cosmetics should be tested before use.

Every woman, regardless of financial status and professional knowledge, can become an excellent cosmetologist for herself. It’s enough just to choose the right set of procedures and effective cosmetics for each time of year. And, of course, use them regularly!

Sleep for youthful skin is the best prevention of aging

Sound sleep is one of the best medicines for facial skin. It is in sleep that the body renews itself, restoring itself and gaining strength for a new day. The face of a person deprived of sound and full sleep is distinguished by pallor and expressive bags under the eyes.

For normal functioning, a person needs to sleep from 7 to 9 hours. Promote ventilation of the room, physical activity during the day and a comfortable bed will contribute to sound sleep. In order for your face to look fresh in the morning, you should try not to sleep face down, as this causes swelling and leaves pillow marks on your face.

How to find out if you belong to this morphotype

Even at a fairly young age, you can find out that you have exactly this type of dermis in order to provide it with proper care in time and prevent premature aging. It is worth analyzing your physique and condition, identifying signs that may indicate such affiliation:

  • Regular occurrence of dark circles and even bruises under the eyes.
  • Excessive thinness and vulnerability of the skin, its constant dryness. Vessels and capillaries are visible through it.
  • Slim build. Even with an enhanced diet, gaining kilograms is difficult.
  • Early development of creases in the nasolabial triangle, especially in smokers.

Examination in the clinic

Some facial skin problems become chronic and cannot be treated with nutritional correction or creams. The skin of the face directly reflects the state of health of the entire body. Thus, certain problems can signal serious disruptions in the functioning of internal organs and premature aging. In this case, you need to consult a doctor who will help solve the problem from the inside, thereby affecting the condition of your facial skin.

Facial skin not only reflects the internal workings of the body, but also shows how much the owner of the face values ​​himself and takes care of himself. It is important that facial skin care measures do not turn into a hated routine, but always bring pleasure and help you relax. Then not only your face, your whole body will be healthy, but your facial skin will also remain youthful.

Special Action Ingredients

These include components that perform basic moisturizing, brightening and other functions. These are glycerin, propylene glycol, urea, ceramides, various vitamins and other substances. Each of them has its own effect, and most often their effectiveness can be assessed only after using the product.

Depending on the amount, they can cause an individual reaction in the body, so any skincare product requires a preliminary dermatological test. For example, apply a small amount of cream to the inside of your elbow and wait a few minutes. If irritation or a burning sensation occurs, then this remedy is not suitable for you.

A common disadvantage of “special purpose” cosmetics is that they contain very few active substances. Even if the label says that this is an intense moisturizing cream, most likely it contains no more than 10-15% of the moisturizing ingredients themselves. This does not apply to professional cosmetics, which have a stronger effect (but also require great care in use).

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