Using oil to treat rosacea on the face

What kind of disease is this

Cuperosis is a violation of blood flow in the epidermis. Regression of blood in small vessels is manifested by redness and the appearance of spider veins. The walls of the capillaries in the epidermis become thin and brittle as a result of constant pressure. Women with light and hypersensitive skin most often suffer from rosacea.

The first thing to do is to improve the condition of the walls of blood vessels, and some essential oils can help, as they contain fatty acids that restore the elasticity of the walls of blood vessels.

What are the contraindications?

Despite the beneficial properties of many vegetable oils, not all of them should be trusted. Some mixtures will not improve the condition, but will only worsen damaged blood vessels.

Plants that have this effect include:

  • dill;
  • mint;
  • eucalyptus;
  • cloves

Also, do not forget about the general rules of hygiene and diligently monitor the condition of the skin on your face. It is recommended to limit visits to baths and saunas, avoid direct sunlight or use solarium services, and use various cosmetic masks and cosmetic procedures with caution.


What you need to do to restore your health:

  1. No cosmetic product will help if the problem of the disease lies in the body, so you need to treat the internal organs.
  2. A healthy diet is a must. It is necessary to exclude all unhealthy foods, spicy, sweet, fatty foods, junk food, alcohol, smoking.
  3. Hypertension is another cause of croup. Avoid stressful situations and get good sleep. If your blood pressure constantly rises, you should consult a doctor who will prescribe appropriate medications.
  4. You should consume more foods containing silicon, which helps to quickly strengthen blood vessels. Oatmeal, peas, and buckwheat are also suitable.
  5. Vitamins are indispensable helpers in the fight against diseases. Particular attention should be paid to vitamin C, which will help get rid of varicose veins and hypertension.

In combination with these activities, you should start using light oils, which should only be purchased in pharmacies.

ALPIKA comes to the rescue

We have already written about what ALPIKA products will help cope with rosacea here. Today we will tell you about our new professional line ROSACEA. The ROSACEA series is a comprehensive approach to solving the problem associated with rosacea.

The series includes:

  • Gel-complex ROSACEA - provides intensive therapy. It prevents capillary fragility, increases the permeability of vascular walls, stimulates tissue respiration, stabilizes the synthesis of collagen in connective tissues and increases the elasticity of capillaries, and provides highly effective antioxidant protection. It also blocks inflammatory stress and increases the level of immune resistance of the skin.
  • MezoActive ROSACEA is a highly effective concentrate of a professional tissue regeneration system. It is used at the stage of active therapy as the main depot of liposomal active components. The product blocks inflammation, stimulating vascular tone, and as a result of oxidative stress, prevents deformation of collagen
  • fibers, increases the elasticity of connective tissues, promotes vasoconstriction and stimulates the synthesis of procollagen fibers.
  • Maska-complex ROSACEA - the mask is especially effective in a combination of manual and hardware techniques as a result of encapsulation of bioactive components. It blocks UV-induced lipid peroxidation, stimulates the synthesis of collagen and hyaluronic acid in connective tissues, increases the resistance of the stratum corneum to UV rays, strengthening the protective barrier, and improves oxygen consumption by cells.
  • Cream-complex ROSACEA is a finishing cream with a comprehensive system of tissue regeneration and antioxidant protection. Contains active components that stabilize the result of the procedure and provide a pronounced prolonged effect.

These products are available for purchase only by registered users - professional cosmetologists. To gain access follow the link

Publication date: October 13, 2020

Basic and essential oils from couperose stars

A good effect can be obtained by treating with light couperose compounds that can restore the walls of blood vessels, making them flexible. This reduces facial redness.

Solutions of base oils enhance the effect of esters and have the ability to strengthen the walls of the venous system.

Base oils


It helps clear the skin and reduce redness. It is recommended to do a daily massage with this basic remedy.

Grape seed oil

Vitamin P, which is found in large quantities in the oil, helps strengthen capillaries, preventing their fragility. It can be used alone or as an addition to any day cream.

  • grape seed oil - 1 tablespoon;
  • avocado oil - 1 tablespoon;
  • wheat germ composition - 1 tbsp.
  • lean oil infusion of calendula and St. John's wort - 1 tbsp.

The oil mixture should be rubbed into the epidermis of rosacea, tapping gently.

  • grape seed oil - 1 tablespoon;
  • Oily solution of riboflavin E and A - 3 drops each;
  • Cosmetic cypress oil - 3 drops.

Apply the mixture to your face before going to bed, do not wash it off. It can also be added to your regular day cream.

Skin affected by rosacea should be protected from winter frosts; for this, a solution of grape seed oil and olive oil should be mixed in equal proportions and applied to the skin before going outside.

Tamanu oil

An excellent remedy that not only restores capillary walls, but also improves blood circulation. In addition, it protects the skin from cold, wind and sun.

This oil has a soothing effect on the skin and is suitable even for sensitive and irritated skin. Does not require dilution and is absorbed into the skin without leaving any traces.

Cypress oil

Tones the capillaries and epidermis, and after prolonged use completely relaxes them.

Walnut oil

It should only be used on areas of skin with rosacea.

Milk thistle oil

Helps with problem skin with symptoms of rosacea. Restores cells, reduces inflammatory processes. Protects from negative environmental influences. At the same time, the face is rejuvenated and the complexion becomes even.

In addition to these basic oils, rosacea on the face can help:

  • Peach oil;
  • jojoba;
  • olive oil;
  • apricot;
  • sea ​​​​buckthorn;
  • black cumin oil;
  • rosehip oil;
  • rose maskette oil.



Rosemary oil strengthens the skin, tones it, gives elasticity, stimulates blood vessels, which has a positive effect on blood flow. It is not recommended to use it in its pure form.

It is usually mixed with grape seed and sea buckthorn oil, with the last two ingredients taken in a teaspoon each, and rosemary in 2 drops. This mixture is applied to areas of the skin affected by rosacea.

Geranium essential oil

It has a soothing and soothing effect on sensitive and damaged skin with signs of irritation. Thanks to its whitening effect, it eliminates visible signs of disease.

Use only on damaged areas of the epidermis, rubbing one drop with patting movements. Leave on the skin for 30 minutes, then wipe with a cotton pad.

Geranium oil soothes irritated and red skin. During use, skin tone evens out.

Neroli oil

It copes well with redness and rosacea on the face, as it has the ability to quickly renew cells.

  • neroli - 5 drops;
  • rosemary - 2 drops;
  • juniper - 5 drops;
  • yogurt - 50 ml.

Use once every 7 days, apply to face for 15 minutes, rinse with cold water.

Cherry oil

It can only be used in olive oil, the first ingredient should be taken 2 drops, the second - 1 teaspoon.

Use for two months with a rosacea mesh applied once a week.

Blue chamomile oil

Relieves irritation, inflammation and has a calming effect. If you add a few drops to any cream, your facial skin will be moisturized. There will be much less redness, and cell regeneration will occur much faster.

Rose oil

It has anti-inflammatory properties, improves complexion, narrows and changes the color of capillaries on the face.

When using this composition, the skin becomes much younger and facial wrinkles are reduced.

Other light oils also have anti-carcinogenic properties, for example:

  • Lemon oil;
  • sandalwood;
  • rosewood;
  • Ylang-Ylang;
  • wormwood;
  • lavender
  • parsley oil;

What to wash your face with rosacea. How to wash your face if you have rosacea on your face

Daily washing is one of the most important steps in caring for skin with rosacea. To stop the development of this unpleasant phenomenon, you need to know certain rules that will help reduce visible blood vessels on the skin. Or not to provoke their increase.

Water for washing the skin with rosacea should be at comfortable room temperature. Since tap water dries rosacea skin, the chlorine content can lead to irritation; spring or mineral water is best suited for these purposes. Experts recommend washing your face with micellar or rose water, or using delicate cleansers.

  • It is necessary to exclude any soap, even tar, which has many fans. Almost every soap contains substances that dry out the epidermis, which negatively affects skin with rosacea;
  • Washing with infusions of herbs: yarrow, horse chestnut, horsetail has a beneficial effect on skin with dilated blood vessels;

It is desirable that a line of cleansers for rosacea-prone skin contain a set of active ingredients that can prevent the weakening of the capillary network and the appearance of new blood vessels on the surface of the skin, soothe and have an anti-rosacea effect. Some of these active components are:

  • plant extracts of butcher's broom, horse chestnut, yarrow, blueberry, arnica extract, St. John's wort extract;
  • bisabolol, panthenol, allantoin;

When washing, skin with signs of rosacea should not be actively rubbed or stretched; mittens, sponges, brushes and other means of active mechanical action should not be used.

Washing with oatmeal has a beneficial effect on skin with rosacea: Pour two tablespoons of oatmeal with a glass of water, put on fire, and bring to a boil. Then let it cool, strain, and wash your face with the resulting product using light massage movements. If the skin needs additional cleansing, there is no need to strain the oatmeal. After completing the procedure, wash thoroughly with warm water.

The following remedy is also used to wash couperose skin: in the evening, pour milk over a small piece of rye bread and place it in a warm, dark place. In the morning, add a slice of grated apple and some oatmeal to the fermented milk and bread, mix, apply the mixture to your face with massage movements, let it dry a little. Rinse off with warm water.

For rosacea, contrasting washes with warm and slightly cool water are recommended. Alternating cool and warm applications strengthens blood vessels, activates metabolic processes, and normalizes complexion. In this case, sharp contrasts (cold - hot water) should be avoided.

In the initial stages of rosacea, contrasting application of napkins improves the condition of the skin: Pour warm and cool water into two containers. Wet two gauze pads alternately in warm and cool water and apply to the skin of the face. During one procedure, do at least six contrast applications.

An alternative method of contrast washing for skin with rosacea:

  • Prepare two small terry towels, two water containers and ice cubes. You can freeze plain water or infusions, for the preparation of which herbs recommended for rosacea are used;
  • Pour water into one container, hot enough so that the skin does not burn when it comes into contact with it. Pour cool water into another container, add ice cubes and, if desired, add oil. Place a towel in each container;
  • Take a towel from a cup of hot water and apply it to your face. Do not rub, do not press, be extremely careful. Water should saturate the skin and not be rubbed into it;
  • When the fabric begins to cool - after 30-40 seconds - replace the hot towel with a cold one - from a container with cold water and ice cubes. Make 3-4 contrasting applications, finish the procedure with a cold application. Then blot the skin with a dry soft cloth. You can read more about this method in the article: How to improve your complexion;

After the procedure is completed, the face is not wiped, but blotted with a towel.

If rosacea is caused by frostbite of the skin, this method of contrast washing will help solve the problem: grind a tablespoon of horse chestnut bark in a mortar, add 500 ml of water to it and cook over low heat for 20 minutes. Then add a tablespoon of sage, keep on fire for another five minutes, remove from heat, cool and strain. This decoction will be used as a cold lotion.

Then mix two equal parts of nettle and rosemary, pour one tablespoon of the mixture into 500 ml of boiling water, simmer for several minutes over low heat, strain. Let cool to a warm temperature (the broth should not burn the skin when touched).

The procedures should be carried out in the following order: keep it hot for three minutes, then apply cold for five minutes. Repeat the alternation five to six times, the final one should be a cold lotion, and hold it not for 5, but for 10 minutes.

Recipes for oils against rosacea, preparation at home

  • Linen and almonds should be mixed in equal proportions. Then moisten gauze with this mixture and apply to areas of skin with rosacea for 20 minutes. It is worth noting that almond oil cannot be used in its pure form, otherwise you may get the opposite effect than intended.
  • Take 30 ml of jojoba essential oil, 15 ml of rosehip oil, 10 drops of cucumber, 4 drops of cypress, 3 drops of lemon and 2 drops of palmarosa. All ingredients are mixed in a glass container and placed on a couperose net twice a day.

Light oils of rosemary, thyme, lemon balm, sage, marjoram, oregano are used against rosacea, but they must be mixed with base compositions, for example, grape seeds, olives, avocado, macadamia. Castor oil is also used.

But these measures should only be applied after consultation with an experienced specialist.

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