Greenwood Losterin ointment - reviews

About the drug

The drug Losterin effectively eliminates the symptoms of skin diseases, including chronic types of dermatological pathologies. The drug helps alleviate the patient's condition during exacerbation and prolongs remission.

The composition of Losterin is a complex of substances with antimicrobial and anti-inflammatory properties:

  • depanthenol;
  • urea;
  • Japanese sofa;
  • naphthalan (natural);
  • salicylic acid;
  • almond oil.

The peculiarity of Losterin is a line of medicines intended for daily care of the affected skin:

  • cream (the main form of the drug);
  • moisturizing and antimicrobial cream - soap;
  • regenerating and moisturizing shower gel;
  • moisturizing, anti-inflammatory and antiseptic shampoo.

Losterin cream is prescribed for skin diseases:

  • eczema;
  • lichen planus (red);
  • psoriasis;
  • xerosis or ichthyosis.

A positive result is observed when using Losterin cream if atopic dermatitis, neurodermatitis, seborrhea or contact dermatitis progresses.

Note! Dermatologists recommend applying cream after washing with products from the Losterin line.

Losterin ointment, shampoos, shower gels and soaps are used as an anti-inflammatory, regenerating, anti-zone, antiseptic and exfoliating agent.

For scalp prone to dermatological diseases and irritated, it is recommended to regularly use Losterine shampoo. For daily body care, use Losterin shower gel; to eliminate irritation, itching and dryness of the dermis on the hands, cream soap is used.

A contraindication for the use of the drug Losterin is an exclusively allergic reaction to one or more substances from the composition. The drug can be used to treat adults and children.

The side effect occurs extremely rarely and is manifested by a slight burning sensation in the areas of application.

The cost of any drug Losterin produced in Russia exceeds 300 rubles. The average price for a tube of cream is 450 rubles.

Which analogue should I replace it with?

There are positive reviews about the products of the Losterin line, however, price or the presence of contraindications are a common reason for searching for a similar drug.

Skin diseases require a special approach to the choice of medication, since most medications cause an adverse reaction in the form of skin allergies, which will aggravate the patient’s condition. To avoid complications, replacing Losterin analogues should be prescribed by a dermatologist.

Important! You should know that when using drugs for the treatment of dermatological pathologies, their effect appears no earlier than after 5–7 days. Due to the lack of changes on the first day, there is no need to stop treatment.

Greenwood Losterin ointment - reviews


My family and I will go on vacation to the sea to treat my psoriasis. And of course we’ll take losterine with us. The doctor said to definitely do it. To have prevention. The cream is wonderful, it heals the skin very gently and without side effects.

Zhanna b3ae38b68cf480163aeca6afa04ab3%2FT%2fp7LoulKdSX%2f03R9Rcing%3d %3d&fa821dba_ipp_uid=1542436089221%2flDP4FtDBFiPCIHV8%2fQMTaIBLx1ZF10fMJO1JfpQ%3d%3d&fa821dba_ipp_uid2=lDP4FtDBFiPCIHV8%2fQMTaIBLx1ZF10fMJO1JfpQ%3d %3d&fa821dba_ipp_uid1=1542436089221

Losterin cream is the only drug of non-hormonal origin that has practically cured seborrheic dermatitis on my face, and I have tried many different ones over the course of 1.5 years; the itching and dryness went away, the spots became almost invisible


Losterin helps very well, for half a year there have been no exacerbations at all. We have also eliminated all allergens from our food, and for this we need to get tested.



really effective, good consistency, clear composition, relatively inexpensive


small size, hard to find

I recommend Losterin shampoo to everyone who has dandruff... Once, instead of the next Lybriderm with Tar, which my husband always uses for dandruff, we took Losterin from the pharmacy. We saw the result on the third day of use, the dandruff was much less. After another three days, it just went away, all of it. Now a month has passed and there is no dandruff. For prevention, she uses shampoo once a week. Comparing with its predecessors from Libriderm, I think that Losterin is better: those shampoos gave a slower effect.



there is an effect, non-hormonal, quick result


smells weird, a bit runny

I apply losterine to my daughter’s knees. Dermatitis began from citrus fruits, the child could not sleep peacefully at night - he was crying and itching. I’ve been using it for a week, we’ve stopped itching, and the rashes are going away gradually. Well, we won’t have an orange at home yet, and we’ll celebrate the New Year without tangerines, just in case. Tell me, is there any point in washing a child with Losterin shower gel? Or is cream enough?

Malina Lucky

I bought Losterin cream as prescribed by a dermatologist. Six months ago, an allergic rash appeared on my fingers; my fingers itched terribly and drove me crazy. The doctor suggested that it was an allergy to household chemicals, said to exclude contact with household chemicals and prescribed the following treatment:

ezlor - 1 tablet 1 dose losterine applied in the morning beloderm in the evening and so on for 5 days

The main active ingredients of Losterin:

  • Naftalan deresined (3%)
  • Urea (10%)
  • Salicylic acid (0.1%)
  • D-panthenol (1.5%)
  • Almond oil (9%)
  • Sophora japonica extract (1%)

During the treatment, I realized for myself that Losterin is still not the main, but an auxiliary agent, it moisturizes the skin well, really perfectly, relieves itching, but the therapeutic effect was more from


Losterin has a good natural composition, including almond oil, which moisturizes well, panthenol, which has a regenerating function, salicylic acid - a known antiseptic, etc.

But if you use only it, then it doesn’t help much with my problem. Only in the complex. In principle, the manufacturer himself states that this cream is good in combination or for prevention and daily skin care. But losterine has one big advantage: it is not hormonal, so if it suits you, then you are in luck.

The manufacturer recommends using Losterin:

  • In complex care for various forms of dermatitis/dermatoses with severe dry skin: Psoriasis
  • Eczema
  • Neurodermatitis
  • Atopic dermatitis
  • Seborrheic dermatitis
  • Contact dermatitis
  • Lichen planus
  • Ichthyosis
  • Xerosis
    • Xerosis
  • To prevent exacerbations of chronic dermatoses, prolong remission
  • In case of disruption of the skin barrier, dryness and irritation of the skin.
  • Losterin has a light creamy consistency, is absorbed well and quite quickly, if there are severely inflamed areas of the skin, then immediately after application it stings strongly, then goes away. And again, I really like how it moisturizes. I have already used almost the entire tube, I just smeared my hands every day, since my skin is prone to dryness, and Losterin moisturizes it well. I also want to note that while I was using losterine, I didn’t have any relapses of allergies on my hands, then I stopped and after some time I had an allergy again, whether it’s a coincidence or not, I don’t know….

    We talked about the pros, now about the cons:

    1.I don’t like the smell, it smells like petroleum products.

    2. the price is over 500 rubles, in my opinion very expensive for a cream that works in combination.

    If it cost about 300, then perhaps it would stay with me for a long time, but for 500+... I don’t know if I’ll buy it again..

    I certainly recommend Losterin cream, it is a product that works well in combination.

    I used Losterin in combination with


    La-cree. Another good non-hormonal cream that helped me with allergies to jewelry.

    Svetlanka pharmacist

    I definitely recommend this product. It saved me from psoriasis. I have been suffering from this disease since I was 20, that is, for 14 years already! Everything has not been tried (folk methods, hormones, kartalin, skin cap, etc., etc., etc.). While tidying up the shelves I came across “Losterin”, I think it wasn’t there, I’ll try it. In addition, my skin moisturizing cream was running out. I smeared it on my elbows, knees and head, places that simply did not respond to any therapy; even the solarium has stopped helping lately. Its consistency is very pleasant, absorbs quickly and does not have that wild smell of petroleum products, like Kartalin, although naftalan oil is present, the smell is not so strong. Suitable for me, even for the scalp. And lo and behold, after a week of use, the inflammatory process subsided, the scales disappeared and the skin turned pale. Now I’m finishing the second package, just to be safe. I’ll try to adjust my diet and I hope my illness won’t bother me for a long time. I don’t hold out hope that the disease will go away; psoriasis is incurable, but stable remission can be achieved. And with “Losterin” I did it. SUDDENLY ! Finally, I will go to the hairdresser and will not catch a single “squinty” glance, because many people do not understand that this is what they are afraid of. Hooray ! I really hope that this tool will help someone else, good luck!!!! And another piece of advice, people, don’t neglect fish oil, take it, your skin will thank you for it......


    Celederm is a cheap analogue of Losterin cream used to treat complications in the development of dermatoses. The combined remedy copes with the symptoms of diseases and accelerates the process of tissue repair. A cheap substitute belongs to the group of corticosteroids with antimicrobial properties. The action of Celederm is based on the medicinal composition (Gentamicin, Betamethasone).

    The analogue is several times cheaper than the original product, but it is only available in the form of a cream.

    Indications are pathologies of the skin of an autoimmune and inflammatory nature:

    • secondary type dermatoses;
    • eczema (any form), neurodermatitis;
    • contact, exfoliative, seborrheic dermatitis;

    A cheap analogue is used in the treatment of atopic psoriasis, as well as other forms of dermatological disorders (for example, anogenital and senile itching, consequences of an allergic reaction, etc.)

    Contraindications to the analogue of Losterin:

    • lupus;
    • vaccination;
    • skin symptoms of syphilis;
    • intolerance to any component;
    • plaque form of psoriasis;
    • perioral dermatitis;
    • varicose veins;
    • herpes, rosacea, chicken pox;
    • fungal or bacterial infection of the dermis.

    The use of a cheap substitute is not advisable during pregnancy, breastfeeding and in childhood (up to 2 years).

    Side effect of cheap cream:

    • arterial hypertension;
    • itching, severe dryness and irritation on the upper layers of the dermis;
    • pigmentation, rash, hypertrichosis or folliculitis.

    The use of a cream similar to cellulose dressings is not recommended as the risk of tissue atrophy increases.

    The cost of the Celederm analogue is from 50 rubles.

    [t_price foo=”Celederm”]

    Radevit® ointment was applied to the affected skin of 50 patients with various skin diseases (psoriasis, allergic dermatoses, keratoderma, Darier's disease, etc.). Favorable results were obtained in 39 patients. The ointment has anti-inflammatory, softening, reparative, moisturizing and antipruritic effects, normalizes keratinization processes, restores skin elasticity and turgor. Lack of effect or exacerbation of the skin process was detected in 11 patients, mainly with allergic dermatoses. It is not recommended to use Radevit® in acute inflammatory processes.

    We observed 50 patients aged from 3 to 86 years, of which: 18 women and 32 men. Among the patients there were 16 children. Patients were distributed according to nosological forms of diseases as follows:

    • psoriasis - 13;
    • atopic dermatitis - 15;
    • Darier's disease - 1;
    • neurodermatitis - 2;
    • keratoderma - 4;
    • eczema - 13;
    • lichen sclerosus - 1;
    • deep vasculitis - 1.

    12 people had concomitant diseases. In 5 cases there was symptomatic hypertension, 2 cases each - streptoderma, atherosclerosis and chronic bronchitis without exacerbation, 1 case each - osteochondrosis, gastritis, fibroids, neurocirculatory dystonia of the hypertensive type, hypogonadism, compensated diabetes mellitus and alopecia areata. From birth, 17 people suffered from the observed dermatoses. In the remaining patients, the duration of the disease was from 1 to 3 months. - for 4 people, from 3 months. up to 3 years - in 7, from 3 years and more - in 22.

    Ointment Radevit

    ®, containing retinol palmitate, ergocalciferol and tocopherol acetate, was applied in a thin layer to the skin of the affected areas twice a day. Cracks and other skin defects were treated with antiseptics before applying the ointment.

    The control group included 20 patients, of which 9 people suffered from allergic dermatoses, 8 from psoriasis, and 3 from keratoderma. They were treated externally with Unna cream, which was applied to the affected areas twice a day.

    The general treatment of patients in both groups consisted of the use of desensitizing, antihistamines, sedatives, and B vitamins.

    The group of psoriasis patients consisted of 9 adults and 4 children with disease duration from 1 month to 18 years. In 12 patients, papular and plaque rashes were distributed on the trunk, scalp, and limbs (in one of them the rashes were exudative in nature). In 1 patient, rashes were observed only on the palms and soles. Previous treatment: desensitizing, antihistamines, sedatives; externally - symptomatic ointments. Simultaneous treatment: desensitizing and antihistamines, vitamin therapy, physiotherapeutic procedures.

    As a result of treatment using Radevit® ointment, complete clinical recovery was observed in 9 cases. At the sites of the plaques, only secondary hypopigmented spots remained. A decrease in peeling and itching was noted already on days 3–4, erythema and infiltration partially resolved by the end of 2–3 weeks and completely by the end of 1 month of treatment. The best effect was achieved in cases of newly diagnosed psoriasis that had existed for less than 2 years.

    In 2 cases, including a case of psoriasis of the palms and soles, significant improvement was noted - light infiltration remained in place of the plaques.

    In 2 children with widespread psoriasis, an exacerbation of the process was observed on days 3 and 5 of treatment. These children developed new papular elements, hyperemia and infiltration of plaques increased, and silvery-white scales reappeared on the surface of plaques. After stopping the drug, the process began to slowly resolve.

    The group of patients with allergic dermatoses (atopic dermatitis, eczema, neurodermatitis) consisted of 30 people: 17 adults and 13 children.

    In all patients with atopic dermatitis, the rashes were widespread, existed from early childhood, periodically worsened and were characterized by infiltration, lichenification, dry skin, erythema, the presence of numerous small-papular elements, and scales. The rashes were localized mainly on the face, neck, elbows and knees, and sometimes on the torso. The patients were bothered by severe itching. Previously, treatment was carried out with antihistamines, sedatives, retinol palmitate, externally with Unna cream, and symptomatic ointments. B vitamins and antihistamines were prescribed simultaneously with Radevit® ointment.

    In this group of patients, complete clinical recovery was noted in 7 cases. Dry skin and infiltration decreased by the end of 1 week of using the ointment, the process was completely resolved by the end of 2 weeks.

    In 2 children, after using Radevit® ointment, clinical improvement was observed: only foci of light infiltration of a pale pink color remained in the elbow bends and popliteal fossae.

    In 5 children (age from 4 to 15 years) and one adult, an exacerbation of the process was observed: itching, infiltration and hyperemia of the skin intensified, new small papules and scales appeared. After stopping the drug, the process slowly resolved.

    In the group of patients with eczema, the process was mainly localized on the hands, feet and legs symmetrically. The skin in the affected areas was hyperemic and infiltrated; there were erosions in the stage of epithelization, scales and crusts. Radevit® ointment was used only after the acute process subsided. General therapy consisted of the use of desensitizing, antihistamines, sedatives, and vitamin therapy.

    As a result of the treatment, clinical recovery was observed in 9 patients. On the 4th day of treatment, the itching decreased, and by the 14th day, hyperemia and partial infiltration disappeared. The process was completely resolved by the 30th day of using the ointment. An improvement in the clinical picture was observed in 2 patients; infiltration persisted for a long time.

    An exacerbation of the process was identified in a 63-year-old patient, in whom microvesicles and microerosions with the release of serous fluid appeared on his hands. The drug was discontinued and, after the process subsided, it was prescribed again, which caused a re-exacerbation. In addition, a 6-year-old girl with eczema of the hands experienced an exacerbation on the 6th day of using the ointment.

    In 2 patients, Radevit® ointment was used for neurodermatitis: in the first case, the lesions were located on the neck, face, and wrist joints; in the second - on the feet. The lesions were erythema, the skin was infiltrated and lichenified. There were small scales on the surface. The ointment was used for 20 days, after treatment the patients were discharged with clinical recovery.

    The clinical picture in patients with keratoderma of the palms and soles was characterized by hyperkeratosis, skin infiltration, and the presence of superficial cracks. Subjectively, itching was noted. By the end of 4 weeks of treatment using Radevit® ointment, the process resolved completely in all patients.

    In a 66-year-old patient with lichen sclerosus, the rash was located on the glans penis; dryness, atrophy, and folding of the skin were observed. After the start of treatment, on the 9th day, hyperemia, edema, and new erosive elements appeared. The patient noted severe itching. The drug was discontinued.

    A 64-year-old patient diagnosed with Darier's disease upon admission to the clinic had pigmented papules the size of millet grains located at the mouth of the hair follicles. As a result of treatment with Radevit® ointment for 20 days, the process resolved, the skin became soft and elastic.

    The patient, 68 years old, fell ill with deep vasculitis for the first time. The clinical picture was characterized by the presence of dense hyperpigmented nodes, the size of a pea, along the vessels of the lower extremities. After complex treatment with the use of ointment, the process was completely resolved on the 12th day.


    Favorable results of treatment with Radevit® ointment as part of complex therapy were obtained in 33 out of 50 observed patients, of which: 9 patients with psoriasis, 18 with allergic dermatoses, 4 with keratoderma, 1 with Darier’s disease and 1 with deep vasculitis. An improvement in the clinical picture was noted in 6 patients, of which: 2 with psoriasis and 4 with allergic dermatoses.

    An exacerbation of the process was detected in 11 patients, of which: 2 patients with psoriasis, 8 with allergic dermatoses and 1 with lichen sclerosus.

    In case of exacerbation of allergic dermatoses and psoriasis, Radevit® ointment should not be used, since in such cases it causes an increase in inflammatory phenomena in most patients. It is recommended to prescribe the ointment after acute manifestations of dermatoses have subsided. For keratoderma and ichthyosiform processes, Radevit® ointment is more effective and can be used at any stage of the disease.

    Ointment Radevit

    ® has anti-inflammatory, softening, reparative, moisturizing and antipruritic effects;
    normalizes keratinization processes; restores skin elasticity and turgor. Compared to Unna cream, the drug has more pronounced anti-inflammatory properties and does not leave stains on bed linen and clothes. Seal


    The drug Advantan is not a cheap substitute for Losterin; its cost is slightly higher - from 500 rubles.

    An analog containing methylprednisolone auceponate is used to treat skin diseases with severe symptoms. The drug is active against dermatological inflammation and itching.

    Advantan is produced in the form of external medicinal cream, emulsion and ointment. An analogue of Losterin is recommended if the patient’s body is sensitive to topical drugs of the glucocorticosteroid group.

    Indications for use of the drug in the form of cream/ointment:

    • dermatitis of various types;
    • eczema (occupational, microbial, true, dyshidrotic);

    Indications for use of the drug in emulsion form , including indications for the cream:

    • childhood eczema;
    • neurodermatitis;
    • seborrhea;
    • ultraviolet burn.

    Positive results were observed in patients with seborrheic lichen and psoriasis.

    Medicines for the treatment of dermatological pathologies are not prescribed:

    • for skin tuberculosis;
    • for dermatological viruses and infections;
    • with signs of syphilis on epithelial tissues;
    • in case of reaction to vaccination;
    • with perioral type dermatitis;
    • in case of hypersensitivity to components of the medicinal composition.

    The analogue is not prescribed to patients under four months of age.

    Side effect that occurs in rare cases:

    • erythema;
    • itching and mild burning;
    • vesicular rash.

    With prolonged use, atrophy of the epithelium is possible.

    The price for Losterin’s analogue, Advantan, is from 540 rubles.

    [t_price foo=”Advantan”]

    Treatment of psoriasis

    Since there are many types of psoriasis, as well as the reasons for its development, in most cases only a doctor should determine how to treat psoriasis. The main therapy is treatment with topical drugs. These means include:

    • hormonal ointments containing glucocorticosteroids that affect autoimmune processes;
    • medicinal creams and ointments based on tar, naphthalan, grease, zinc, vitamins and other components that moisturize, soften the skin, reduce itching, inflammation, and accelerate regenerative processes in the skin.

    Photo 1. Before therapy

    Photo 2. After therapy (in combination with Losterin cream)

    Positive dynamics in the form of a decrease in hyperemia and itching in psoriasis were noted already on the 9th day of using Losterin cream. The patient continued treatment of psoriasis with cream.

    Hormonal drugs prescribed for the treatment of psoriasis have a strong effect and are recommended for use only during periods of exacerbation. These include ointments with the addition of the hormones mometasone, betamethasone, clobetasol, methylprednisolone , etc. Used in the acute period, ointments have antipruritic, vasoconstrictor, decongestant, desensitizing, analgesic and anti-inflammatory effects. The positive effect occurs within 10-30 minutes after application. However, despite the powerful therapeutic effect, using glucocorticosteroid ointments for longer than 2 weeks is usually not recommended. Improper use is fraught with negative consequences, including skin atrophy, development of eczema, adrenal insufficiency, depression, psychosis, pancreatitis and other diseases of the endocrine, reproductive, musculoskeletal, digestive, nervous and cardiovascular systems.

    In the acute period, it is useful to use an ointment, cream or lotion with natural vitamin D3 or its analogue. Treatment of psoriasis with these drugs is combined with glucocorticosteroid ointments, but also have a limited time of use. Their main effect is to reduce the rate of cell division.

    Hormonal ointments and preparations with vitamin D3 should be prescribed by a doctor.

    During stationary and regressing periods, psoriasis is preferably treated using drugs based on naftalan oil, urea and salicylic acid, which have anti-inflammatory, antipruritic, exfoliating and moisturizing effects, prolong remission, and help cleanse and restore the skin. These include “Losterin” , which includes deresined naphthalan, urea, salicylic acid, Japanese Sophora extract, almond oil and D-panthenol.

    Salicylic acid and urea are necessary for keratolytic therapy - removal of crusts. D-panthenol and almond oil nourish the skin and help restore it. Sophora extract and naftalan perform one of the most important points of skin restoration - they normalize metabolism in the dermis, restore thermoregulation, and disinfect the skin surface.

    IMPORTANT: Losterin cream for psoriasis can and should be used only after the acute period of the disease has passed!

    Additionally, vitamins (A, E, D, B vitamins) can be used, which correct metabolism and affect the nutrition and regeneration of the skin, and antihistamines that reduce itching and inflammation. A diet that normalizes metabolism may also be prescribed It is recommended to introduce fermented milk products, fresh vegetables and sea fish into the diet. In addition to correcting metabolism, this food has a positive effect on the immune system.

    Psoriasis is a disease that can greatly undermine the psychological state of the patient. In some cases, psychotherapy . Calmness and positive emotions are an important factor in the treatment of psoriasis.

    Physiotherapeutic methods can also be prescribed to help restore immunity, normalize metabolism and reduce rashes and swelling. Among these methods:

    • cryotherapy – exposure of the skin to cold air (-130 °C), which helps relieve inflammation;
    • ichthyotherapy is a type of treatment in which the affected area of ​​skin is immersed in a pond with fish that eat dead skin particles;
    • hirudotherapy , or plasmapheresis , - treatment with leeches; used to improve blood circulation and normalize immune reactions;
    • PUVA therapy is phototherapy combined with drug treatment, which involves exposing the skin to ultraviolet radiation along with herbal medicinal substances. The procedure is characterized by a high level of effectiveness: patients note the rapid onset of long-term remission and cleansing of the skin.

    Naftalan ointment

    To treat skin diseases, you can use a cheaper analogue of Losterin, produced in the form of a cream - Naftalan ointment. The main properties of the drug are regenerating, antiseptic and anti-inflammatory.

    An analogue containing the active component - naphthalan oil, is indicated for the development

    • neurodermatitis;
    • psoriasis;
    • ichthyosis;
    • eczema;
    • seborrhea;
    • dermatitis;
    • aseptic burns, postoperative wounds.

    The substitute can be used for various forms of skin diseases, but consultation with a dermatologist is first required.

    In addition to the listed skin pathologies, the analogue is used to treat diseases of the spine and joints, as well as for neurological abnormalities and problems with peripheral blood vessels.


    • heart failure (chronic);
    • oncological tumors;
    • acute phase of inflammatory diseases;
    • blood pathologies;
    • lupus erythematosus;
    • intolerance to constituent substances.

    Side effects on the analogue manifest themselves in the form of an allergic reaction.

    The price of Naftalan ointment is 270 rubles.

    [t_price foo=”naphthalan ointment”]


    The drug Ketotifen belongs to antiallergic drugs, the action of which is aimed at stabilizing the membrane membrane of mast cells.

    Ketotifen is produced in the form of syrup and tablets. As a cheap analogue of Losterin, a drug containing ketotifen fumarate is used for the development of atopic dermatitis or urticaria.

    Taking a cheap analogue is recommended:

    • for allergic rhinitis;
    • with bronchial asthma of atopic type;
    • with seasonal hay fever (allergic);
    • with conjunctivitis (due to allergies);
    • with urticaria.

    The syrup is also used to prevent other forms of allergic reactions.

    Contraindications to the analogue:

    • lactation;
    • intolerance of the body to the components.

    Cheap tablets are contraindicated during pregnancy and children under three years of age, syrup - for infants in the first six months of life.

    Adverse reaction to Ketotifen:

    • dizziness;
    • inhibition of mental reactions;
    • drowsiness;
    • dysuria;
    • cystitis;
    • thrombocytopenia.

    The cost of cheap Ketotifen tablets/syrup is from 50 rubles.

    [t_price foo=”Ketotifen”]


    In case of contraindications, Losterin can be replaced with an effective external remedy - Naftaderm. An analogue is produced in the form of liniment with the active substance - naftalan oil (refined). The medicinal balm eliminates skin itching, accelerates the process of tissue repair, disinfects and relieves inflammation.


    • wounds, skin ulcers, bedsores, boils;
    • eczema, sycosis, seborrhea;
    • pyoderma, prurigo, neurodermatitis;
    • erysipelas, psoriasis;
    • chronic lichen limited;
    • pityriasis rosea.

    Contraindications for use:

    • hemorrhagic syndrome;
    • severe anemia;
    • renal failure;
    • intolerance to any substance from the composition.

    A side reaction causes folliculitis or excessive dryness of the skin.

    The cost of the Naftaderm substitute is from 470 rubles.

    [t_price foo=”Naftaderm”]

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