Facial rejuvenation: the most effective procedures - TOP best

The most common reason for visiting a cosmetologist is facial rejuvenation

How do I know what procedures I need for facial rejuvenation?

Soft anti-wrinkle filler
This question is often asked by patients even before visiting a doctor, because they want to at least get an idea of ​​what to expect and what the cost of rejuvenation will be. It’s worth saying right away that it’s possible to determine for sure only during an examination, but in general we can guess what procedures will be required.

If you are bothered by wrinkles on your skin in the form of facial wrinkles, then Botox can help you deal with them. Particularly deep creases are filled with a soft filler based on hyaluronic acid.

If you don’t like the tired look of your face, then it is very likely that a specialist will suggest volumetric correction with filler to restore sunken areas and return the points of light reflection characteristic of a young face.

If you are concerned about the quality of your skin, then a whole range of procedures is possible here, from active treatments and peelings to stimulating procedures - laser rejuvenation, fractional radio wave lifting, biorevitalization, peptide mesotherapy.

IPL treatment with intense broadband light (photorejuvenation)

If you are unhappy with your skin color, then the following options are possible. For a red, vascular face - anti-rosacea treatments, IPL treatment with intense broadband light (photorejuvenation), biorevitalization. If dissatisfaction is associated with age spots, then home-brightening and protective care is prescribed, peelings, injections of meso-preparations with antioxidants, and hardware photorejuvenation using special parameters are carried out in the office.

Tissue tightening - SMAS lifting

The sagging oval of the face often requires a set of procedures, the first ones are aimed at tightening the tissues - SMAS-lifting, micro-needle RF (Fractora), reinforcement with polylactic threads. The second way to return them to their place is thread lifting.

Does your neck show your age? Be prepared for collagen-stimulating procedures - injections of polylactic acid, Radiesse, soft fillers in rings, laser rejuvenation and micro-needling RF.

If you want to stay youthful without injections, then get ready for more and more frequent procedures. In the case of professional treatments and peelings, the main thing is regularity. It is better to start “aging naturally” with a cosmetologist at the age of 25, while there are no obvious problems.

Facial rejuvenation by a cosmetologist

It happens that all problems are somehow present on the face, especially for women after 40-45 years. What to do then? In this case, during the examination, the doctor determines the most critical areas, work with which will definitely improve the appearance. And when prescribing a set of procedures, he often starts with them. The work scheme can be planned for at least 3 months, at least for a year. We always give recommendations on how to do it perfectly, while focusing on the wishes of the patient.

The most important thing is to understand that there is no one universal procedure that will simultaneously solve all problems on the face. However, in modern cosmetology there are many procedures that, when applied and combined correctly, give amazing results.

Facial rejuvenation - Whatever one may say, one of the most common reasons for visiting a cosmetologist. To look fresher, get rid of bags and bruises under the eyes, tighten up sagging cheeks, smooth out wrinkles, improve skin tone, make the face less sad and tired - these are all requests from patients that a competent cosmetologist can turn into reality. Fortunately, the range of techniques is now wide and safety procedures are not inferior to the most modern medical technologies. And at the same time, a pronounced effect of facial rejuvenation can be obtained without surgery.

Cosmeceuticals (home and professional care)

A modern cosmetologist thinks broadly, refers to colleagues (gynecologist-endocrinologist, nutritionist), because he understands that health and beautiful skin are unlikely without working on rejuvenation of the whole body. The big advantage of modern techniques is that the doctor not only fills wrinkles, but has the opportunity to work on all fronts.

Genetic tests reveal a predisposition to certain processes in the body, this also applies to the skin, so preventive treatment programs can be drawn up.

Preparations, cosmeceuticals (home and professional care) contain substances whose activity has been proven in terms of cellular rejuvenation. This allows you not only to improve the quality of the skin externally, but also to launch restoration processes in cells, stimulate the formation of collagen fibers necessary for the skin, for example, reduce the risk of the appearance of age spots and spider veins.

Some of the most popular procedures are injection and hardware techniques.

  • Injections can reduce skin sagging, improve its color and tone - these are mesotherapy techniques.
  • Botulinum toxin relaxes the muscles that give negative facial expressions and form wrinkles - between the eyebrows, on the forehead, wrinkles of grief from the corners of the lips, cords on the neck.
  • Fillers replenish lost volume in the cheek-zygomatic, temporal, and chin areas, restore the contour and shape of the lips, and fill deep folds.
  • Thread lifting returns sagging tissues to their place - cheeks, eyebrows, “double” chin.

The magic of these techniques is that the procedure takes very little time, and the effect is visible immediately or increases over the course of a week. When you need to get your face in order quickly, beauty injections are the ideal choice.

Injection facelift methods

With the help of injections you can get rid of even deep wrinkles. The most popular procedures: mesotherapy, biorevitalization, plasma lifting, Botox injections.

Skin aging occurs due to the fact that collagen and hyaluronic acid are produced in smaller quantities. This problem comes with age. On the face it manifests itself as follows: changes in skin color, loss of elasticity, plasticity and the appearance of wrinkles. These troubles can be overcome with injections.

They successfully cope with such aesthetic skin defects as:

  • the appearance of facial wrinkles;
  • change in facial contour due to loss of elasticity;
  • color change;
  • dryness and flaking;
  • excess fat, which causes acne, blackheads, etc.

Injections to improve skin condition are not cheap. The high price of a non-surgical facelift with injections is associated with the quality of the drugs, their cost, as well as the professionalism of the cosmetologist who carries out such procedures.

Minimum prices:

  • mesotherapy – from 3,000 rubles;
  • biorevitalization – from 6,000 rubles;
  • fillers – from 9,000 rubles;
  • Botox – from 500 rubles per unit.

Contraindications to injections:

  • chronic diseases in the acute stage;
  • acute respiratory infections, ARVI;
  • exacerbation of herpes;
  • the presence of keloid scars;
  • feverish condition;
  • oncology;
  • poor blood clotting;
  • insulin-dependent diabetes mellitus;
  • individual sensitivity to the components of the drug.

Such procedures are not recommended during pregnancy and lactation.

Techniques that involve injections are carried out through a puncture of the skin with the introduction of the drug into the tissue. Therefore, it is necessary to ensure proper preparation for them.

You need to follow the recommendations:

  • stop drinking alcohol and smoking 2-3 days before the procedure;
  • Do not take aspirin, ibuprofen or other medications that cause dilation of blood vessels.

Actions of the cosmetologist before the procedure:

  1. Cleansing the skin of makeup.
  2. Treating the face with an antiseptic solution.
  3. Anesthetize the desired areas by applying a lidocaine-based gel.

For the best results, there are exact instructions on what to do after the procedure. Cosmetologists can give different recommendations, depending on the drug. But there are also general rules.

Within 2 weeks after injections it is prohibited:

  • apply decorative cosmetics, as well as masks and creams that have not been approved by a specialist;
  • steam in a sauna or steam bath;
  • go to the solarium and sunbathe in the sun;
  • drink alcohol.

There may be bruises, lumps, pain when touched and pressed, and slight swelling at the puncture site for 1–3 days.

There are cases where women experienced headaches during the procedure. Any symptoms should be reported to a cosmetologist.

  • Fillers

Thanks to fillers, you can perform a non-surgical tightening of the facial skin, correct its oval, get rid of deep wrinkles and creases, and add volume to the cheekbones and nose.

The preparations have a gel texture. The effect is comparable to plastic surgery. The most important advantage is that they do not affect facial expressions.

Main components of fillers:

  • purified silicone (harmful with a large number of side effects, prohibited in Europe and the USA);
  • collagen of animal origin or purified human;
  • hyaluronic acid.

Recently, technology has emerged for injecting the patient’s own fat as a filler, but it is very complex. Fat is removed in sufficient quantities during liposuction. Then the material is processed in several stages and distributed under the skin of the face. It's expensive, but worth it. This drug does not cause side effects, and the results last for six months or longer.

All fillers have a different consistency. The most highly qualified professionals work with dense textures. It is difficult to distribute them evenly under the skin so as not to form lumps and bumps. But the result can be seen immediately, and it lasts much longer.

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Laser hair removal of the abdomen: contraindications, features of the procedure and care
More liquid filler consistencies are distributed easily and lie evenly. The result is noticeable almost instantly.

The effect of fillers lasts 6–12 months. Recommended for use by women aged 35–50 years.

  • Botulinum toxin

Preparations with this component do an excellent job of treating wrinkles. They affect the nerve endings of the muscles, block them, and the tissues relax. As a result, the facial skin is smoothed. The results from this procedure last 6–12 months. Then you need to repeat the session.

The effect will be visible over time, within 2 weeks after botulinum toxin injection.

During the procedure it is prohibited:

  • bend over for several hours after the injection;
  • touch puncture sites on the skin;
  • take antibiotics and drink alcohol for 2 weeks.

The first day you need to observe the activity of facial expressions.

The main drugs with botulinum toxin:

  • "Botox" (USA);
  • "Xeomin" (Germany);
  • "Dysport" (France).

They differ in different concentrations of the main substance and the presence or absence of additional protein complexes. Such injections are recommended for women over 30 years of age.

  • Biorevitalization

This is the introduction of hyaluronic acid-based preparations into the deep layers of the skin. Additionally, peptides, plant extracts, etc. can be added to the injection (at the discretion of the specialist).

Biorevitalization helps restore skin, replenish vitamin reserves, deeply moisturize and stimulate the production of collagen and elastin by body tissues.

This procedure consists of a course of injections. It includes 3 procedures, with a break between them of 2–3 weeks.

The effect depends on the age and individual characteristics of the body. For some, one session is enough, while for others it takes some time for the cells to wake up and continue to function.

The more age-related changes a woman has, the more pronounced the result will be. A few days after the procedure, the cells will begin to produce collagen, and wrinkles will begin to smooth out. After a few weeks, the skin defects will completely disappear.

It won't happen that you wake up the next day and the wrinkles will disappear. This process requires at least a week. However, after the first session you will see a refreshed and more youthful face.

Biorevitalization promotes:

  • getting rid of puffiness;
  • reduction of dark circles under the eyes;
  • smoothing out wrinkles;
  • lightening pigmentation;
  • return of a healthy complexion;
  • skin smoothing.

The injections act gradually over 3-4 weeks, the effect lasts up to 6 months.

Then it is enough to carry out the procedure once every 2-3 months. You need to monitor the frequency of repetitions not only by the period of time, but also by the condition of the skin. Biorevitalization is prescribed by a specialist to girls over 25 years old.

  • Mesotherapy

This is another type of injectable skin care. It happens as follows: meso-cocktails consisting of a set of vitamins are injected into the deep layers of the skin with a syringe with a thin needle. They nourish, moisturize and tone the skin, help get rid of signs of fatigue, restore elasticity and normal sebum production. The procedure will be especially useful after summer. On hot days, the face is actively exposed to ultraviolet radiation for several months.

A mesotherapy session can be performed at home. For the procedure you will need a mesoscooter, an antiseptic, an anesthetic gel and a mesococktail. This can be bought at a pharmacy.

This procedure takes 4–6 sessions with breaks of 2–3 weeks. Can be done from a young age, from 20 years.

  • Plasmolifting

During this procedure, platelet-rich plasma is injected. The active substance is taken from the patient’s own blood. Therefore, it is native to the body, and there is almost no risk of rejection. There are almost never any side effects.

During plasma lifting, shallow (up to 3 mm) punctures are made in certain areas of the face, through which the resulting drug is injected under the skin. Thanks to this, skin elasticity noticeably increases, fine wrinkles are smoothed out, and complexion is restored.

This procedure takes place in several stages:

  • The patient prepares himself at home.
  • Blood is collected and then prepared in a special centrifuge (at this point plasma is released, which is then enriched with platelet mass).
  • The resulting substance is injected into the areas of the skin where the problem is detected.

The most important stage of plasma lifting is the preparatory stage, it should not be missed. The final result depends on how good the preparation is.

A few days before the procedure, you need to adjust your diet. Avoid fatty, fried, salty and spicy foods. Do not drink alcohol. Substances that are part of alcohol negatively affect the quality of blood, changing its composition.

You need to drink the required amount of fluid, consume at least 2 liters per day. It is important that it is clean drinking water.

Facial skin care remains unchanged. But it is better not to do aggressive cleansing, masks, or deep peeling a few days before plasma lifting.

This method of rejuvenation is carried out only in the clinic. Since a competently performed procedure requires special equipment and qualified specialists.

First, the patient's venous blood is taken (this is similar to a regular blood test from a vein). After it is placed in a centrifuge, plasma is released in it.

The facial skin is then treated with an antiseptic to prevent the risk of infection. This technique is minimally invasive, but the skin and soft tissue are still slightly damaged. However, this is enough for bacteria to enter the body.

Then comes the injection stage. The number and location of injections may vary. The procedure is painful and lasts about half an hour. At the end, the patient needs to rest a little, then he can go home.

For the greatest effectiveness of plasma lifting, you must follow the following recommendations:

  • Blood sampling should be done on an empty stomach.
  • You should not overeat on the eve of the procedure. It’s better to have dinner with foods that are easy to digest, or you can eat nothing at all.
  • After the procedure, the patient needs several days to recover (usually 3–5 days). At this time, you should protect your skin as much as possible from exposure to UV radiation, as well as extreme temperatures.
  • Do not use decorative cosmetics for several days during rehabilitation.
  • Repeat sessions every 2 weeks (a total of 5-6 procedures will be needed).

If you decide to undergo such a procedure, you need to find a salon or clinic that uses only certified original drugs. The personnel should consist only of qualified specialists who can help with choosing the appropriate procedure and select the composition and volume of the drug. Cosmetologists should be focused on obtaining the result you need, avoid negative consequences and emphasize your individual facial features using injection rejuvenation methods.

Hardware rejuvenation methods

Hardware rejuvenation methods work more thoroughly. They do not give a very quick effect, but they can significantly improve the density and elasticity of the skin and tissues of the face and neck in general.

  • Laser rejuvenation
  • Fractional rejuvenation
  • Ultrasound techniques for facial and body rejuvenation

- these are the main trends in facial skin rejuvenation for several years now.

The machines are becoming more and more advanced, they allow you to work not only on all layers of the skin, but also at the level of the ligamentous apparatus of the face. Patients receive lifting, smoothing of skin texture, and smoothing of wrinkles.

The result of hardware rejuvenation procedures is slowly increasing, usually the maximum is manifested after 3-6 months.

Benefits of a non-surgical facelift

Everyone knows that facial plastic surgery is an intervention in its tissues through surgery. This method is aimed at correcting defects not with conventional injections, but with the use of a scalpel. Not every woman is ready to do this. After all, wounds can take a long time and painfully to heal after surgery, and the result is not always impressive.

The main advantage of a non-surgical facelift, reviews of which are mostly positive, lies in the very principle of the method. This procedure represents therapeutic trauma to the inner and outer layers of the skin. But, unlike surgical intervention, after this method, the fibers of the main connective tissue (collagen, elastin and molecular chains of hyaluronic acid) are regenerated and continue to perform their functions. Similar methods also include: creams, masks, gels, massagers. These methods of non-surgical facial skin tightening are not at all dangerous.

Recommended articles on the topic:

  • Mesothreads for face lift: pros and cons of the procedure
  • Beauty injections: types of drugs, reviews
  • Placental therapy is the secret of eternal youth


  1. Availability. Most people can afford a face lift, with the exception of those for whom it is contraindicated (pregnant, breastfeeding, cancer patients, patients with bleeding disorders and those with untreated infectious diseases).
  2. Safety. Minimal likelihood of side effects compared to plastic surgery. The only concern after the procedure may be swelling of the area where the manipulation was performed and peeling of the skin during the healing period.
  3. No visible or invisible consequences on the face. There are no scars left on the body after complete healing. In addition to the fact that lifting does not leave any traces behind, it has a beneficial effect on the speed of blood flow and vascular health. Small toxins are actively removed from the body.
  4. Fast action. Surgery requires a long recovery period. Lifting provides quick results.
  5. Youth for many years. High-quality products have a long-lasting effect that will last for many years.

Effective rejuvenation at home

Options for home rejuvenation against the backdrop of all modern methods are not only inferior, but generally humbly receding into the distant past. Not a single mask or beauty gadget can work a miracle, the maximum is adequate cleansing and moisturizing. The most offensive thing in this case is the lost time. Removing formed creases and making sagging skin denser is three times more difficult. There is no need to talk about the financial component and time costs.

Effective rejuvenation at home is more of a fantasy. However, we should not forget that, for example, adequate physical activity, a balanced diet, self-massage, working with posture - these are things that are available to absolutely everyone at home, and will definitely have an extremely positive effect on one’s appearance and, in particular, the face.

Why are non-surgical anti-aging procedures popular?

For quite a long period, exclusively facial plastic surgery was used to solve cosmetic problems. During surgery, the surgeon removes excess subcutaneous fat and skin, slightly tightening the oval. Plastic surgery allows you to form clear facial contours, remove wrinkles, folds and skin sagging.

Surgical lifting shows good results in patients aged 40+. However, surgery is not justified in patients 25+, who usually want to get rid of the signs of photoaging (caused by sun exposure). Under the influence of sunlight, hyaluronic acid in the cells of the epidermis breaks down - the skin loses its former elasticity. In this case, plastic surgery is not a help: it only redistributes and slightly tightens the skin without affecting the root cause of the problem.

Modern technologies used in the cosmetology clinic guarantee a comprehensive result. They combine hardware, injection, laser, and aesthetic procedures that solve the problem from the inside - not just “mask,” but remove signs of photoaging and prevent their reappearance.

It is not for nothing that ISAPS statistics confirm the increasing popularity of non-surgical techniques - over the past ten years, the number of cosmetic procedures performed has increased by 200%.

Facial rejuvenation after 50 years

The approach to facial rejuvenation after 50 years and, for example, after 30, of course, is different. In the first case, complex effects cannot be avoided, because often the quality of the skin leaves much to be desired (sagging, wrinkles, spots), and the volumetric component is lost. Moreover, during orgasm, processes take place, including those of a hormonal nature, which do not help the work of a cosmetologist in any way, but rather the opposite. But in the case when patients come on time, about 30 years old, when all resources are still preserved, age-related changes on the face have just appeared, then the cosmetologist has the opportunity to give results quickly, with minimal costs, and most importantly, focus on the prevention of aging.

Features of aging facial skin

None of us can escape aging. Although this is a natural process, awareness of this fact does not make it pleasant. It seems like just recently we admired our bright blush and delicate, soft, elastic skin in front of the mirror. And now she is dull, pale and covered with wrinkles.

Girls begin to notice age-related changes from the age of 25 (if heredity is not very good, then earlier). Why is this happening?

  1. Cells renew themselves more slowly, so the stratum corneum of the skin becomes thicker.
  2. The collagen and elastin fibers that support the framework of our skin change. They become thin, rough, stretch, and perform their function much worse than before.
  3. Gaps form in the protective hydrolipidic layer. Because of this, natural moisture in the skin is retained worse.
  4. Substances (collagen, hyaluronic acid, lipids), which are extremely necessary for the skin, are produced more slowly, but are quickly consumed.
  5. The protective functions of the skin become weaker. In this regard, it is more difficult for her to deal with the aggressive influence of the external environment.

Internal violations accumulate, over time they come out and become obvious. They are expressed by the following characteristics:

  • dullness of the skin;
  • loss of smoothness and elasticity;
  • the appearance of the first wrinkles (day by day there are more of them, they become deeper);
  • formation of dark circles and bags under the eyes;
  • changing the oval of the face;
  • the appearance of a double chin.

Facial rejuvenation procedures

The very first thing you need to do when the thought strikes you that it’s time to do procedures is to make an appointment with a cosmetologist. There is no point in looking for a universal procedure, sifting through reviews on various Internet resources, comparing the power of devices and the density of fillers.

All this knowledge is undoubtedly useful for the general development and understanding of the topic, but it will not allow you to choose your own procedures, because facial assessment skills and all practical nuances are available only to a professional.

General indications for anti-aging procedures

Many people believe that they should switch to anti-aging care when the skin condition begins to bother the patient. This is a big mistake. Non-surgical procedures for facial rejuvenation “work” only for subtle cosmetic defects and act as a reliable means of preventing problems with facial skin. A good cosmetologist will advise you not to wait until deep wrinkles and folds appear on the face - clear signs of skin aging. In addition to these indications for anti-aging care, it is worth noting:

  • the first smallest wrinkles;
  • facial activity - the appearance of small skin creases, predisposition to defects;
  • pale skin color;
  • uneven complexion;
  • feeling of dryness, tightness of the skin;
  • “bags”, swelling, bruises under the eyes.

Signs of aging accumulate gradually. Procedures in a beauty salon can guarantee quick results. At the same time, you do not have to endure pain or recover for a long time after facial rejuvenation sessions. However, these are not all the advantages of the non-surgical technique.

Hyaluronic acid injections

During the procedure, gels containing hyaluronic acid are injected under the skin, which perform a dual function:

  • fill cells with moisture, restore skin, have a rejuvenating effect;
  • similar to fillers, they fill voids, smoothing out wrinkles.

Hyaluronic acid is produced in the human body. It moisturizes the skin, makes it firm and elastic. But with age, the process of acid synthesis slows down. Injections will help fill the deficiency of an important substance. When creating drugs for injection, biocompatible components are used. Therefore, the procedure does not provoke side effects and has almost no contraindications.

Permanent threads

Polypropylene threads are inserted into the subcutaneous fat to create a frame that supports the skin and muscles of the face. This frame does not affect the functioning of blood vessels and the nervous system. There are cones and notches on the surface. They are needed to fix the threads under the skin. Over time, the cones dissolve, and the frame is fixed in the skin.

The appropriate age for installing polypropylene threads is different for each person - it depends on individual aging processes. Threads will not help if the skin is already very sagging. In this case, surgery will have to be performed.

Botox injections

These injections smooth out the facial muscles, making the face look younger and fresher. Botox is great at fighting expression lines.

The drug is based on botulinum toxin and blocks nerve impulses going to the facial muscles. The injections will not interfere with facial expressions or distort them.

No anesthesia is required - the needle is so thin that it does not cause discomfort.

Avoid alcohol before your session. Doctors believe that due to drinking alcohol, swelling and bruising may occur after Botox injection. If you have been prescribed antibiotics or blood thinners, do not visit a cosmetologist and wait until the end of the course of treatment.

Botox injections are not suitable for everyone.


  • high sensitivity to botulinum toxin;
  • pregnancy and breastfeeding;
  • high degree of myopia;
  • taking strong medications;
  • myasthenia gravis;
  • infections.

Do not touch the injection sites. For quick recovery, avoid physical activity for 2-3 days. In the first days, it is not advisable to even bend over. Get all recommendations from a cosmetologist.

Absorbable threads

These threads are made from polylactic acid. They perform rejuvenation and gradually dissolve. They are also called nanothreads, bionithreads, mesothreads. Visually they resemble a fishing line with notches. Irregularities are needed to secure the frame.

The introduction of threads stimulates the formation of natural collagen, which makes the skin more elastic. The skin rejuvenation effect of degradable threads lasts up to 2 years.

For mild age-related changes, absorbable threads are well suited. They are ideal for thin skin and small fat layers. With the help of such threads you can correct expression lines and deeper folds. A side effect of installing degradable threads is a slight tingling sensation on the skin. This is normal and signals collagen production. Tingling begins approximately 2 months after the procedure and goes away on its own later.

Lifting with absorbable and permanent threads

Today, a lift without surgery is done using threads. Some threads dissolve on their own over time, while others remain under the skin forever.


  • Pregnancy and lactation period.
  • Period of menstruation.
  • Poor blood clotting.
  • New growths on the skin.
  • Diabetes.
  • Skin diseases.
  • Allergic reactions to thread material and anesthesia.

When interviewing a specialist, do not hide the presence of contraindications. If they are, then you can always use other tightening techniques.

Plasma therapy

The cosmetologist injects plasma preparations into the problem area, for the production of which he uses the patient’s blood containing collagen and elastin as additional active substances. After penetration into the body, the drug is quickly absorbed, filling the dermis with moisturizing substances and increasing its elasticity. Plasma therapy has proven its effectiveness in combating the main manifestations of aging. It helps eliminate dryness and sagging skin, get rid of wrinkles, hyperpigmentation, post-acne and other defects.

Plasma preparations are biologically compatible with the patient’s tissues, due to which they do not provoke side effects and provide excellent results.

How to rejuvenate your face at 40?

If by this time you have been friends with the cosmetologist for a long time and follow his advice, then you continue to come periodically and systematically work on maintaining your appearance.

But suddenly you realize that your face could look better. Dry, dull skin with wrinkles and “bruises” near the eyes, erupted nasolabial folds, an emerging double chin and an uneven oval of the face do not add optimism. It becomes difficult to build a professional career if the work involves close communication with people.

Don't worry. This is the most favorable time for a decisive attack on age. And one of the methods that will quickly help is classic thread lifting (it can also be called a lift of the lower third of the face). It will return the clarity of lines to contours, add radiance and elasticity to the skin - the main signs of youth. A cosmetologist can also recommend peelings, mesotherapy, and the use of hardware cosmetology. In some cases, doctors and patients decide to take such a step as partial facial plastic surgery.

Laser lifting

The laser beam of light stimulates the production of elastin in the skin, restoring elasticity to the tissues. Rejuvenation in a natural way with excellent cosmetic effect.

There are two types of laser tightening:

  • fractional - part of the upper layer of skin is removed for deeper penetration of the beam. Used after 40 years.
  • non-ablative – occurs without damaging the skin. An effective technique that does not require incisions, is offered in beauty centers.


  • epilepsy, bronchial asthma;
  • exacerbation of chronic diseases;
  • pregnancy, breastfeeding;
  • neoplasms in the body;
  • increased fundus pressure;
  • dry eye syndrome.

Laser lifting is contraindicated when taking certain medications. For drug therapy, consultation with a doctor is required.

Redness after laser exposure is a normal reaction for patients with thin skin. Crusts may form on the face, but this is not a sign of illness. Carriers of the herpes virus with weak immunity may experience an exacerbation of this disease after a laser lifting session. This happens extremely rarely. Patients with oily skin sometimes develop blackheads with white heads.

After the session, apply a high SPF cream or panthenol to the treated areas. You should not sunbathe in a solarium or in the active sun - this can cause burns.

2 weeks after the procedure, start using creams with hyaluronic acid. The doctor may give additional recommendations, be sure to listen to them.

Rules for preparing for anti-aging procedures

All procedures for facial rejuvenation are carried out with preliminary preparation - the skin should be protected from stress and moisturized abundantly. Here are some tips from cosmetologists that should not be neglected:

  • make sure that at least two weeks (preferably four) have passed since active sun exposure;
  • exclude a combination of sessions with similar operating principles;
  • a few days before the procedure, refrain from any type of smoking and drinking alcoholic beverages;
  • If possible, exclude very salty, spicy foods from your diet: they load blood vessels and stimulate swelling;
  • do not forget to take a course of active skin moisturizing - use serums and masks;
  • Some procedures require several days of recovery - plan your time.

Ozone therapy

When carrying out ozone therapy, injections of an ozone-oxygen mixture are made. Due to increased oxidative activity, the drug has immunomodulatory, antibacterial and anti-inflammatory properties, neutralizes free radicals, and improves local blood and lymph circulation.

In addition to the rejuvenating effect, the procedure also has a healing effect on the skin. It restores metabolism and improves the structure of the skin. In addition to cosmetology, ozone therapy is also used in neurology to treat systemic diseases, in cardiac surgery and other areas of medicine.


A rejuvenating procedure during which meso-cocktails are injected into the problem area. The cosmetologist individually selects the composition of the preparations for each patient, which may include hyaluronic acid, elastin, collagen, vitamins, minerals and other components. Mesotherapy cocktails saturate the skin cells with nutrients, normalize water balance, give the skin elasticity, and improve complexion. In addition, the procedure has a therapeutic effect, eliminates age spots, acne, and post-acne.

In some cases, mesococktail injections can cause allergies. Mesotherapy is contraindicated for blood diseases, diabetes, and pregnancy.

Photos before and after

Reinforcement of the face with gold threads

Injection tightening with a collagen-containing preparation

Thread lifting

RF lifting

Impact on wrinkles with radio waves. The collagen fibers in the skin become more elastic, causing the skin to tighten. For facial skin lifting, bi- and tripolar devices are used. They show high and proven effectiveness.

There is no need to prepare for RF lifting. You can come for a session at any time of the year, even in summer it can be highly effective. The cleanliness of the face greatly influences the result of lifting. First, the cosmetologist performs peeling, and then applies a conductive agent. Next, work begins on skin imperfections using a manipulator.

Due to the action of the radio beam, the blood vessels dilate, so side effects include redness of the treated areas and increased temperature on the face. In the evening on the day of the session, your face may swell slightly. For most patients, these symptoms resolve on their own in about 2-3 days.

Do not overuse lifting, keep pauses between sessions and carry out skincare procedures as recommended by a cosmetologist. Neglecting the recommendations can lead to skin fibrosis.

RF lifting has contraindications:

  • acute period of infections;
  • pregnancy and lactation;
  • diabetes;
  • skin diseases, wounds;
  • prostheses, implants in the body;
  • high blood pressure;
  • menstruation.

Lifting with radio waves is prohibited for people under 25 years of age. The procedures cannot be combined with Botox injections.

1-2 courses per year of 4 procedures are enough for the effect to last for a long time. During menopause, the number of sessions increases to 6-8.

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