Black clay face mask. What are its properties and reviews of use?

If acne periodically occurs on the face, cosmetologists recommend using cleansing cosmetics. With increased fat content, products for oily dermis are needed. If the skin is combined, then you need to purchase several types of cosmetics at once. And if the first wrinkles or crow's feet appear, anti-aging products will help. An alternative to this cosmetic “Bermuda Triangle” will be one and only black clay. When used skillfully, it will make any skin perfect.

Beneficial features

Black clay is a universal remedy that saves from various skin problems: pimples or acne, wrinkles, laxity of the epidermis, chapping of the face, etc. The benefits of clay for the face are due to the valuable mineral composition, which contains a lot of microelements that have a stimulating effect on metabolic processes. processes that occur inside cells.

Due to the interaction of mineral powder with skin cells, enhanced exfoliation of keratinized particles of the epidermis begins, deep cleansing of pores from accumulated waste and toxins, skin nourishment, as well as its general rejuvenation. Clay is also capable of debugging the processes of sebum secretion, as a result of which oily shine disappears and pores narrow. With regular use, you can get rid of acne and inflammation .

Cosmetologists often recommend using black powder in the form of masks and peeling for oily skin with acne. However, in addition to masks, the cosmetic product can be used for a cleansing massage.

Let's go through the colors and properties of each type


Black clay is a high-quality detox product for the skin. It quickly absorbs all dirt, fat and toxins. This is an ideal component for caring for oily and problematic skin. It contains a lot of iron, as well as magnesium, calcium, strontium, nitrogen, phosphate, quartz and selenium, so this clay nourishes the skin well, saturating it with microelements, and activates metabolism. Black clay is used to care not only for the face, but also for the body (in figure correction procedures), as well as for the scalp (cleanses excess sebum, normalizes microflora and prevents dandruff).


White clay, also known as kaolin, contains a number of important trace elements: zinc, sodium, copper, calcium, potassium, magnesium. It is very soft, delicately envelops the skin and removes all excess - dirt, fat - from its pores. White clay is considered a high-grade component, has whitening properties, has an antiseptic effect and helps normalize sebum production.


Blue clay, in addition to its ability to cleanse and regulate the intensity of sebum secretion, has light smoothing and whitening properties. It contains a lot of zinc and silicon, which allows it to be used as an anti-acne product. Can be used for combination and sensitive skin. Also indicated for body treatments - wraps to increase skin elasticity and eliminate cellulite.


Pink clay is universal. It cleanses the skin, tightens pores, has a slight lifting effect, and improves complexion. After its use, the tone and relief of the skin are evened out, its tone increases, and regenerative processes are stimulated. This type of clay is suitable not only for oily skin, but also for aging and sensitive skin.


Green clay is indicated for any type, but is especially suitable for combination and problematic acne-prone skin. It has an antibacterial effect, tightens pores, cleanses, saturates the skin with minerals and mattifies. Phosphorus, zinc, copper, and aluminum predominate in its composition.

In the photo (center): cleansing cream and mattifying serum for problem skin based on clay,
Elemis (Top, clockwise.) Nativ 3 detox clay for hair, System Professional ; cleansing mask with white and green clay, [comfort zone] ; cleansing detox mask Rice, Thann ; warming clay mask, Sammy Beauty

Indications and contraindications

The effect of using a cosmetic product will be noticeable immediately, so there is no need to be afraid to try something new. It is recommended to use black mineral powder for:

  • inflammation and microcracks in the epidermis;
  • presence of oily, combination and dry skin;
  • comedones, blackheads and pimples;
  • disruption of cellular metabolism and malfunction of the sebaceous glands;
  • wrinkles, crow's feet.

But there are also limitations to its use . You should not use clay if you have an individual intolerance to the components of the mask, open skin lesions, rosacea, pregnancy or breastfeeding.


Leading manufacturers of medical and professional cosmetics introduce black clay into their products. Below are the most popular ready-made masks on the Russian market.


The Russian manufacturer of medical cosmetics MedikoMed did not elaborate much and offers black clay without additives. The cosmetologist herself dilutes the powder with the mixtures she needs and receives one mask or another. As they say, “cheap and cheerful!”

From PhytoCosmetic

Another supplier of black clay to our market. The package contains two sachets of 50 g. This amount is enough for home treatments.


Riga cosmetics manufacturer. Also offers 130 gr. dry mixture of black clay.

Palmarosa Spivak

The renowned manufacturer of all types of cosmetics, Spivak, took the exact opposite route. The finished mask contains not only purified black clay, but several other useful ingredients. This is, first of all, palmarosa - a type of herbaceous plant that grows in India and on the coast of Asia.

The next most important additives are:

  • Essential oils of patchouli and pine trees . They have a life-giving effect on blood flow and skin cell regeneration.
  • Ylang ylang oil . Powerful antioxidant and stabilizer. Used in professional cosmetics to consolidate the result.
  • Carnation . Gives the skin strength and fragrance.

You may also be interested in learning about a whitening lemon face mask.

It’s also worth reading about kefir face mask at home.

It will be interesting to know about a face mask made from soda for acne.

But from this article you can learn about a face mask with tea tree oil.

How to properly make a face mask from yolk and honey is described in detail here in this article.

Manufacturers do not hide the fact that they did not come up with this mask recipe. The mixture with palmarosa and other ingredients was used back in Ancient Egypt.

Therefore, the Spivak mask is a touch of ancient traditions and the experience of many generations of cosmetologists.

Rules for preparation and application

Since this cosmetic product is made in powder form, it must be diluted in cold water to a uniform thick consistency. It is necessary to mix black clay mask compositions only in a ceramic or glass container, stirring them with a wooden spatula. When combining the product with other ingredients, an allergy test must be performed.

The compositions are prepared immediately before application and applied to a cleansed and steamed face, avoiding the areas around the eyes.

Keep the mask on for no more than 15 minutes.
Therefore, you should not allow the epidermis to become completely tight. Since this type of clay is more difficult to wash off than others, you need to use warm water for this. After this, you need to apply cream to your face. A full course of masks ranges from 10 to 12 procedures. They need to be performed 1-2 times a week, depending on the type of epidermis, but no more, otherwise you can dry out the skin. Upon completion of the course, you must take a break of 2 weeks.

Black clay face mask. What are its properties and reviews of use?

Black clay for the face is a very useful and necessary cosmetic product for every woman. As a rule, girls from Ancient Egypt from Ancient Rome were the first of their kind to start making a black clay mask on their face. Today, a black clay face mask has become the best skin care product. Why is black clay so useful? What are its healing properties? Why can't so many women do without it?

The fact is that today black clay has become one of the most popular means in the field of cosmetology, which is even used by medicine. Therefore, it’s no secret that black clay for the face has impressive positive reviews. What should be said is that the composition of black clay is very useful for microelements of the skin, since it contains iron, strontium, magnesium, potassium, nitrogen, phosphate, radium and quartz - all this is necessary for every facial skin, like air.

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What properties does black clay have for the face?

• clay is able to kill all microbes and polish the skin of the face; • clay promotes the renewal of all important cells that should be present on a woman’s face; • if there are irritations on the face, then clay fights it, removes redness and gives the skin a well-groomed appearance; • if there are cracks, scars, scratches and even bruises on the face, then clay can heal this; • clay acts on the skin like a real scrub: moisturizes and tones, opens pores, allows them to breathe, removes toxins; • the more often a woman makes a clay mask on her face, the younger she will look, since clay gives the skin elasticity and firmness; • few people know that clay can strengthen not only health immunity, but also skin immunity.

What are the indications for use?

To move on to using black clay for the face, first let’s talk about the indications. Since black clay is a very effective cosmetic product and its indications are quite acceptable, it can be used on both normal skin and oily and dry skin. But if for oily skin you only need water, which you can use to dilute the clay and apply a mask to your face, then for dry skin you will need a little moisturizing. So, honey or an egg will be an excellent way to dilute the clay into a paste and apply the resulting mixture to your face for a few minutes.

How to apply a face mask made of black clay so that the procedure is done correctly?

• The first thing you need to know is that under no circumstances should you dilute black clay slurry in a metal container. It is very important! It will be good if you have either wooden or glass utensils on hand. It is recommended to stir the consistency with a wooden spoon, fork or broom.

• The second thing to consider is that the water added should be at room temperature. Cold or hot water will not work, otherwise the mask will lose all its healing properties. • Third, one of the main problems of girls who do not put a mask on their face correctly is that they do not put a napkin or gauze on top of the clay they put on their face. As a result, the skin begins to tighten and the face begins to pull. The clay does not show the positive effects on the face that were described in reviews on websites. • The fourth thing is that if you have a very dense face, then one layer of clay will not be enough. Therefore, a few minutes after you have sat with the first layer, you need to apply the second, but you should keep it for no more than three minutes. • The last thing you need to know is the frequency of masks. In other words, the most ideal dose to do is two to three times a week. And the most ideal and optimal time for a black clay mask on the face is the evening or half an hour before bedtime.

Let's not miss the details!

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The only place where you should not apply a black clay mask is on your eyes or the area around them. In general, there are no contraindications for using black clay on the face, unless, of course, you are allergic to this product.

In addition to the healing properties, there are also indications for those girls who simply need a black clay mask! For example, if the skin shows cracks, severe scratches, premature wrinkles, a lot of blackheads, severe acne, improper functioning of the sebaceous glands, oily skin, dry skin. Of course, clay will help combat all these indications. The main thing is to use it correctly, and also use the recipes given below.

Coffee and black clay mask.

You will need: 2 tablespoons of black clay powder, ordinary mineral water, coffee grounds or ground coffee about 1 teaspoon, essential oil (for every taste) about 2-3 drops. You will need to mix the coffee and clay and add essential oil to them. Dilute the resulting paste with mineral water, mix everything well and apply the mixture to the area that needs to be treated. Massage for 12-17 minutes with your fingertips and then let the mask absorb. After a few minutes, you can wash everything off, but only with warm water. Such a wonderful mask with the help of mineral water and coffee not only cleanses the skin, but also scrubs it and circulates blood in the skin layer of the face. This mask is suitable for those who have very oily skin, and all the functions of the sebaceous glands are impaired. If your face is covered with pimples and you can’t get rid of them, then black clay and coffee will certainly help.

Chamomile and black clay mask

You will need: 2 tablespoons of black clay, boiling water, 2 tablespoons of chamomile (preferably dry). First, you need to pour boiling water over the dry chamomile and cover it with a lid, so it should swell and infuse. Then, you need to strain the resulting mixture and only then pour black clay into the swollen chamomile. The product should be applied to the skin for about 15 minutes, after which it is necessary to wash with warm water. Then wipe your face with either toner or cream to moisturize the skin. The healing properties of chamomile combined with black clay act on the skin in a soothing way and also scrub and clean out all the dead cells. This method is suitable for girls who have very dry skin; wrinkles, redness and all sorts of irritation are visible at an early age.

Rosemary and black clay mask

You will need: 2 tablespoons of black clay, 3 tablespoons of plain water (from under the filter), 6 drops of rosemary oil (essential). The ingredients must be mixed and the resulting consistency applied to the face area in those areas that bother you. You need to keep the mask on for about 25-30 minutes, after which you need to wash with warm water; under no circumstances use hot water, otherwise the effect will not be the same. After applying the mask, be sure to moisturize the skin with cream or cleansing toner. If you are allergic to rosemary, then this mask should not be made. Rosemary in combination with black clay helps reduce age spots on the skin, evens out its structure, and also acts on the surface of the skin as an antibacterial agent.

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Interesting facts about black clay

  • Clay was used as food during the famine of the 20s of the 20th century. The clay contained all the most beneficial properties and substances that had a positive effect on the body of any person. In some Eastern countries they still eat it
  • Few people know that the life of some organisms appeared precisely from clay. Small microorganisms appeared in it. This is because clay is capable of retaining the sun’s rays and conducting heat.
  • Clay is an excellent substance that helps perfumers create their wonderful scents. Few people know that it was with the help of clay that a real perfumer distinguished perfumes. Nowadays, the aroma of coffee overpowers odors, but previously it was clay that was endowed with this property

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Black clay is an excellent remedy that relieves inflammation. Doctors prescribe it when the face is full of pimples, blackheads and adverse skin processes. Black clay is able to combat increased oiliness of the skin. It not only cleanses it, but also tones it and gives the skin a beautiful, well-groomed appearance. Nowadays, basically all the problems of young people consist of problematic facial skin. And not all drugs that are sold in pharmacies, even if they are very expensive and, according to reviews, effective, are suitable for people. That is why black clay is one of the most healing preparations that will definitely suit your skin type and your face.

Homemade mask recipes

For combination epidermis, the following mask is suitable, it has an anti-inflammatory and tightening effect, as well as mattifying, cleansing and tightening pores. To prepare it, prepare:

  • 2 tbsp. l. chamomile flowers;
  • 1 glass of hot water;
  • 1 tbsp. l. black clay powder.

First, prepare a chamomile infusion by pouring hot water over the flowers and leave under a lid and a towel until it cools. Then take the clay and dilute it with infusion to get a thick consistency. Distribute the resulting product onto a clean face, after 15 minutes, rinse with warm water and apply a moisturizer. For oily epidermis, replace chamomile with a string.

For dry and normal skin

Combine one large spoon of black clay powder with 2 tsp. sour cream, if the mass is very thick, add milk. Spread the prepared homogeneous composition onto your face and leave for 15 minutes. Rinse off the product with water at room temperature. Finally, apply moisturizer to your face.


  • Olga, 32 years old: “Hello, my experience of using black clay brought only positive sensations. I take a 100 gram glass, fill it halfway with powdered clay and fill it with boiled water. I drop a little lemon, add cream and it's done. Black clay is inexpensive, so I don't skimp on the mixture. I don’t rub it into my skin, I just leave the mask on for a few minutes until I feel it dry. Then I wash it off and moisturize the skin with tonic. I repeat the procedure every three days. Acne is gone, the blackheads have disappeared, the skin breathes and smells! I recommend black clay to anyone who has oily to medium skin with pimple and acne problems.”
  • Valentina, 44 years old: “I didn’t make the mask myself, but trusted the cosmetics manufacturer Spivak. In five weeks, a mask with palmarosa removed all the wrinkles around the mouth and smoothed the skin on the forehead. It not only saturates the face with energy, but also has a lifting effect. I will continue to use it, especially since the ready-made mask costs mere pennies.”
  • Christina, 35 years old: “I met black clay thanks to a friend. She has been proud of her youthful face for several years now. I thought she was spending crazy money on him, but it turned out she wasn’t. Black clay is her main secret of youth and beauty. I tried it six months ago and noticed the following positive changes: the skin tightened, became elastic and vibrant. Wrinkles smoothed out, a feeling of smoothness appeared when you ran your hand over your face. After using the black clay mask, I never thought about pimples. In general, an excellent product, no worse than expensive beauty salons and ointments from “brands.”

Masks at home


A classic black clay mask is prepared from the powder itself and clean water, allowing you to obtain a creamy paste.
You can immediately apply it to your face with your fingers or a special makeup brush, and after 20-30 minutes, wash it off with cool (for oily or aging skin) or warm (for dry skin) water.

The healing properties of white clay were discovered several thousand years ago. They have been successfully used for general strengthening of the body, as well as to preserve the beauty of curls and youthful skin. Read about the uses and benefits of white clay for hair.

Look at reviews of mint oil for hair and a video on how to make mint oil with your own hands

The composition of L'Oreal facial oil can be found in this article.

For dry skin

For dry skin, a more advanced recipe is suitable, including an additional spoon of rich sour cream, which is added to the paste of water and clay. This mixture perfectly moisturizes and nourishes the skin, adding elasticity and improving the overall appearance of the face.


An even more complex version of the mask has not only moisturizing, but also excellent whitening properties.
So, a clay slurry is prepared in milk, fatty sour cream is added to it, and a tablespoon of lemon juice is squeezed into the resulting mixture, if the skin is quite oily, or a tablespoon of chopped parsley is poured in, if the skin is not exposed to lemon juice. too dry. The problem of unwanted facial hair can be a real tragedy for the fair sex. Learn more about the best facial depilation creams.

From blackheads

Another mask based on lemon juice is effectively used for blackheads.
Separately, mix a tablespoon of this very fresh juice and a tablespoon of the famous and very popular calendula tincture, after which the clay powder is diluted with the resulting liquid to a paste. True, it is not recommended to keep such a mask on your face for more than 15 minutes, but if you believe the reviews of it, it also helps greatly against acne.

Watch the video recipe for an anti-acne clay mask

For acne

A mixture of pure clay with apple cider vinegar (a tablespoon) and a few drops of the popular tea tree oil can also help prevent acne. The resulting mixture is diluted with clean water to the desired consistency and remains on the face for the same 15 minutes. Just a few drops of this ether will provide beautiful and strong hair without dandruff. How to use orange oil for hair, recipes.


A very serious “hot” mixture of clay, mustard and liquid honey, mixed in approximately equal volumes and diluted, again, with clean water, helps mattify the skin. It also should not be kept on the face for longer than 10-15 minutes, and after rinsing it is necessary to treat the skin with a high-quality nourishing or at least moisturizing cream. Aloe is a popular component in home cosmetology. Get recipes for masks with aloe for hair loss and baldness.

For wrinkles

According to reviews, a mixture of clay and dry crushed chamomile flowers, which turn into a single paste with the help of water, is especially helpful against wrinkles; you can safely keep such a mask on your face for half an hour, and then rinse it off with cool water.
To consolidate the effect, it is recommended that after using the mask, after 5 or 10 minutes, wipe your face with an ice cube and lubricate with your usual moisturizer. Bread is a natural remedy for improving hair condition, and rye bread is the healthiest. We invite you to read the article about hair masks made from rye bread.

Watch the video: clay mask for problem skin

General tips and tricks

In order for such masks to be effective, they must be properly prepared, used and kept on the surface of the skin. Please read carefully and strictly adhere to the following recommendations.

  • apply masks only to cleansed skin along massage lines, excluding the areas around the eyes and lips;
  • always prepare the formulations immediately before use and only as much as is necessary for one application;
  • for ease of applying masks, use cotton pads or synthetic brushes, which must be thoroughly washed and dried each time after use;
  • The duration of the masks is 20 minutes, during which it is prohibited to talk and laugh to avoid the formation of wrinkles;
  • Before using each new composition for the first time, be sure to test your skin for an allergic reaction;
  • wash off the masks with warm soft water (boiled or filtered);
  • It is best to use disposable paper towels to wipe your face;
  • After the mask, it is recommended to apply a cream suitable for your skin type;
  • It is necessary to apply masks in courses, including 10-12 procedures, performed 2 times within a week after deep cleansing of the skin (steaming or peeling).

Recipes for clay face masks for acne

There are a lot of useful, effective folk recipes for face masks that help reduce the number of acne and remove blackheads. As a rule, all ingredients are available. Despite the fact that masks are made from simple ingredients, they are no less effective than expensive salon treatments.

Made from cream and egg whites

To prepare the mask, you need to take cosmetic clay, fresh cream and egg white. The ingredients are thoroughly mixed and the mixture is distributed onto the face with gentle massage movements. Leave for no more than half an hour, rinse with tonic, apply nourishing cream.

From yolk and sunflower oil

You need to take 3 tbsp. l. clay, 3 tbsp. l. heated water, 3 tbsp. l. sunflower oil and 1 yolk. The clay is mixed with water, after which you can add the yolk and butter. Mix the mixture thoroughly. Keep the mask on for half an hour. Rinse off with plain water or cosmetic toner.

From butter

50 g of fresh butter must be heated using an herbal water bath. Add a large spoonful of clay to the heated oil and stir the mixture. Wait until the mask cools down, spread onto the skin, and keep for 20 minutes. The mixture is washed off with plain water or tonic. Rub in moisturizer.

From kefir and honey

Perfectly nourishes and saturates the skin with all the necessary elements. You need 3 tbsp. l. mix with kefir and a spoon of honey. Keep the mixture overnight, rinse off in the morning, and moisturize the skin.

From chamomile

Recommended for girls with oily dermis. The clay is diluted with a glass of chamomile infusion. You can add a few drops of lemon juice; the citrus will not only help remove acne, but also remove blackheads and lighten post-acne marks. The mixture is distributed on the skin. Leave for half an hour. Rinse with tonic.

From salicylic acid

The active substance cleanses the skin ducts, eliminates impurities, kills pathogenic microorganisms, and helps fight acne. Disinfects the skin. First you need to add water to the clay and a large spoon of two percent salicylic acid. Should not be used by people with sensitive epidermis.

From apple cider vinegar

This mixture is great for people with oily skin; it removes acne, blackheads, and prevents the appearance of new inflammations on the face.

To prepare the mask, you need to mix 2 tbsp. l. apple cider vinegar with the same amount of clay, add a spoonful of water and 2 drops of tea tree oil.

Attention! People with ear skin should not apply masks that contain vinegar or salicylic acid. It is better to give preference to masks made from honey, cream, and chicken eggs. People with sensitive epidermis can use a mask made from herbal infusion.

Does clay help with acne?

Anti-acne masks made from clay and natural ingredients have a lot of useful properties and are suitable for almost any type of dermis. The composition contains many minerals, due to which cellular metabolism is accelerated, the epidermis is saturated with all necessary substances. Saturation with minerals and activation of metabolism launches the process of rejuvenation of the epidermis, reduces the production of skin secretions, and helps fight acne and blackheads. If you prepare masks with moisturizing ingredients, clay can be used for skin prone to dryness - it perfectly nourishes it.

Composition and properties of black clay

Black clay is a product that contains the following microelements: iron, calcium, magnesium, quartz, potassium, radium, phosphate, nitrogen, strontium, silica.

Black clay: positive properties

• anti-inflammatory effect; • promotes cell renewal; • cleanses the skin; • strengthens connective tissue - the basis of blood vessels and epidermis; • synthesizes collagen in cells; • affects the rapid healing of cracks, scratches and wounds; • kills germs; • promotes cell renewal of the body; • strengthens skin immunity; • tones the skin; • reduces pores on the skin; • soothes irritation; • removes decay products and toxins; • preserves skin turgor (elasticity and youth); • rejuvenates the skin; • refreshes the complexion, removes age spots.

Precautionary measures

Clay masks are a great salvation for people who are bothered by acne and blackheads. Girls with oily skin can make mixtures without adding additional ingredients; women with dry epidermis need to include moisturizing components. Ladies who suffer from skin diseases or simply have sensitive epidermis need to conduct a test before starting a course of procedures. You need to apply a little clay to the bend of your elbow, leave it for half an hour and rinse off. This area of ​​skin should be monitored throughout the day. If during this time no itching, redness or pimples appear, then you can safely use masks.

Attention! Do not apply a clay mask to the skin near the eyes (the epidermis in this part of the face is quite thin, this can cause premature aging).

How can you treat acne* using Clindovit® gel?

If you are interested in how to quickly cure a pimple*, then we have to disappoint you, since the first results from anti-acne therapy, as a rule, become noticeable only after a few weeks. Acne is a chronic disease that cannot be completely cured, but it can be brought under control18. To do this, you need to contact a dermatologist.

For mild to moderate acne, the doctor may prescribe topical antibiotics, for example, Clindovit® gel6,18. The main active ingredient in the drug is clindamycin phosphate6. Upon contact with the skin, it hydrolyzes to form clindamycin6. Klindovit® gel has antibacterial activity against propionibacteria. It reduces the level of free fatty acids in the skin6.

Clindovit® gel is recommended to be used in combination with azelaic acid (for example, Azelik® gel) or benzoyl peroxide in order to reduce the risk of developing antibiotic resistance28.



You cannot use black clay if you are allergic or highly sensitive to this component, otherwise the product will cause an allergy and your face may turn red. Homemade masks should not be applied in case of severe severe inflammation, rosacea or purulent formations. It is prohibited to carry out such procedures in case of mechanical damage, injuries, cuts and abrasions. You can find out about the most effective masks for rosacea at home here.

The main contraindication is that you should not use homemade or purchased formulations for chronic dermatological diseases during the period of relapse. When working with problem skin, it is advisable to first consult with a dermatologist or cosmetologist.

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