Non-hormonal ointments for psoriasis - a list of the best drugs

Psoriasis: description, treatment with ointments

Psoriasis is one of the pathologies whose origin is not fully understood today. The main symptom of the disease is a monomorphic rash on the face and body, which gradually combines into flat plaques. Doctors believe that the impetus for the occurrence of pathology is two different factors: hereditary predisposition and deviations in the functioning of the central and peripheral nervous systems.

More often, relapse of psoriasis develops as a result of severe stressful situations, as well as infection of emerging wounds with streptococci.

In severe cases of pathology, drug treatment is required, including injections and taking tablets. In addition, patients are prescribed treatment with ointments. They alleviate the patient’s condition during the acute course of the pathology, and are also considered a prophylactic against exacerbations.

Preparations in the form of ointments have many undeniable advantages. They have a targeted effect on areas of inflammation, eliminating burning and other unpleasant sensations. The therapeutic effect of local treatment is achieved quickly, the main symptoms of psoriasis disappear in a short period of time. At the same time, external agents are considered relatively safe, since they penetrate into the bloodstream in small quantities.

Some local drugs for the treatment of psoriasis, produced domestically and abroad, are available in two dosage forms: ointment and cream. Ointments are prescribed mainly for acute cases. The active ingredients quickly penetrate into the deep layers of the skin and stop further cell destruction. The components of the cream are released much more slowly, but have a prolonged effect. Therefore, external agents in the form of creams are prescribed as maintenance therapy in the intervals between relapses.

Which funds are not included in the rating and why?

But there are drugs that are not included in this review for reasons of principle. The first group is hormones. Hormonal drugs are indeed indicated for psoriasis. They reduce redness, reduce the intensity of skin cell division, and reduce the number of plaques. But the whole point is that the use of hormones is a kind of heavy artillery, and it should be in the hands of an experienced doctor. The use of hormones can cause resistance to all other types of therapy. Hormonal medications can only be used in very short courses, and in cases where nothing else helps. Under no circumstances should you begin unauthorized treatment of psoriasis with the most powerful and modern hormonal agents.

When starting treatment of psoriasis with strong hormones, the patient deliberately closes all avenues to other treatment options. At first he is very happy with the effect, after a while he notices that he needs more and more hormonal medication, and he needs to apply it more and more often, and then the progress stops. But after strong hormones, nothing helps. The phenomenon of “addition” to hormones is well known to experienced psoriatics.

The second group of drugs that will not be discussed here are numerous homeopathic remedies. As you know, homeopathy is recognized by the international medical community as a treatment method that has no proven effectiveness, and the effect that homeopathy has is the result of well-arranged self-hypnosis. This does not mean that homeopathic remedies should not be taken by the patient. The fact is that psoriasis is a disease that can be caused by chronic neurosis and depression. Belief in the healing of homeopathy does its job, and this is where homeopathy is a type of placebo-validated psychotherapy.

Finally, the rating did not include those drugs that require ultraviolet irradiation or puva therapy. These treatments are used in specialized treatment facilities and medications must be used in conjunction with light therapy sessions. This is also the task of a dermatologist. Therefore, the registry includes some effective drugs for local treatment, both symptomatic and systemic. Prices for drugs are averaged, valid at the end of 2022.

List of the most effective ointments for psoriasis

Patients suffering from psoriasis often find it difficult to choose the right remedy. In some cases, you have to try 5, 10 or more drugs until you find the most effective one. When choosing an ointment, you need to consider several important factors:

  • a type of psoriasis;
  • stage of its course;
  • severity of symptoms;
  • patient's age;
  • the presence of certain diseases of other organs.

Two types of local agents are used to treat psoriasis: hormonal and non-hormonal. The former include glucocorticosteroids - hormones similar to those synthesized by the adrenal glands. Non-hormonal drugs are usually multi-component. They have a disinfecting, exfoliating and restorative effect.

Non-hormonal drugs are considered the safest.

However, when using them, the therapeutic effect does not occur immediately. Hormonal ointments improve the condition of the skin after the first use, but long-term use is not allowed in order to avoid the development of side effects and addiction.

Before using any psoriasis remedy, you should do a trial test. To do this, apply a small amount of ointment to the bend of the elbow or wrist and wait about an hour. If redness or irritation does not appear on the skin, then the drug can be used without fear.

Hormonal drugs

In response to any negative impact on the body, the adrenal glands synthesize special hormones. After these substances enter the blood, inflammatory processes decrease, swelling disappears, and the severity of pain decreases. This is exactly how hormonal ointments work, which contain synthetic analogues of these hormones. Such drugs help to alleviate the condition of a patient with psoriasis in a short time.

Products containing prednisolone

For psoriasis, patients are often prescribed medications whose active ingredient is prednisolone. The drug requires a course of treatment. The ointment is applied 1-3 times a day in a thin layer to areas with plaques. To enhance the therapeutic effect, the medication is sometimes used in the form of occlusive dressings.

During treatment with this drug, regular monitoring of the state of the cardiovascular system is necessary. Pressure monitoring is required. If ulcerative lesions of the gastrointestinal tract appear, treatment with the drug is stopped.

Hydrocortisone ointment

This medicine is available in the form of a 1% ointment, packaged in 10 gram tubes. When applied to the skin, the therapeutic effect of hydrocortisone manifests itself as an anti-exudative and anti-allergic effect. It should be noted that this drug has several times more powerful effects than prednisolone.

The medicine is applied in a thin layer to the affected area twice or thrice a day. Depending on the form of the disease and its severity, the course of treatment is 1-2 weeks. If effectiveness is insufficient, therapy is extended to 3 weeks.

Polish ointment Flucinar

The product is available in two dosage forms: a thick ointment and a light gel. The drug has an antipruritic, antiallergic effect. In addition, Flucinar reduces the severity of the inflammatory process.

Prescribed to patients with any type of disease. With the development of psoriasis on the scalp, treatment with Flucinar ointment leads to rapid improvement. The drug is applied to previously cleansed skin several times a day. The average course of therapy is 10 days. For weakened patients, the use of the gel is recommended.

Belosalik ointment

This is a multicomponent drug, the active substances of which are salicylic acid and betamethasone. Thanks to its complex action, the ointment cleanses the affected areas of scales that have appeared, relieves itching and inflammation. The medicine must be used in the morning and evening hours.

For uncomplicated psoriasis, a one-time application of Belosalik is sufficient. For more severe pathology, the treatment course is about a month. If use is required for 6-8 weeks, then the ointment is used every other day.

Akriderm ointment

An effective drug for the treatment of psoriasis, the active component of which is betamethasone dipropionate. Has antiallergic, exudative, antipruritic effects. Helps with swelling of papules, accelerates skin regeneration.

Akriderm is applied twice a day. The duration of the course of treatment should not exceed 7-10 days. If longer therapy is necessary, consultation with your doctor is required.

Sinaflan for psoriasis

To treat the manifestations of psoriasis, ointment, gel, cream, as well as Sinaflan liniment are used. All of the above remedies effectively relieve itching, inhibit the progression of inflammatory processes and allergic reactions. The drug quickly copes with eczema formed due to pathology.

Since the drug penetrates the bloodstream, the use of Sinaflan is not allowed for pregnant women or nursing mothers. Children's age is also a contraindication. The duration of the course of treatment depends on the severity of the disease.

Momat ointment

The basis of the drug is mometasone. Prescribed to eliminate inflammation, itching and burning. Helps remove exudate from damaged surfaces and promotes skin restoration. Pharmacy chains offer two forms of the drug: ointment and cream.

One of the advantages of the described drug is its once-daily application. The duration of the course of treatment in each specific case varies depending on the individual characteristics of the patient and the severity of the disease.

Mesoderm ointment

This is a powerful anti-inflammatory, antipruritic hormonal agent. The drug is used both for mild dermatoses and for severe forms of psoriasis. After application, it is practically not absorbed into the circulatory system, but has a local effect directly on the sites of inflammation. When applied to large areas of the skin, metabolites of the active component are registered in the blood plasma.

Mesoderm helps narrow blood vessels and reduces the permeability of the walls. Helps reduce the synthesis of inflammatory mediators, histamine. Quickly relieves burning sensations, itching, and pain.

Non-hormonal ointments

Such drugs are considered safer than hormonal drugs. When treated with such ointments, negative reactions rarely occur. Non-hormonal ointments are prescribed for the treatment of mild to moderate chronic psoriasis. The main disadvantage of the described drugs is the slow therapeutic effect.

The list of non-hormonal ointments for psoriasis on the skin in adults is quite wide. Below are cheap and expensive products:

Product nameActive ingredientManufacturerHow much does it cost in rubles
1Salicylic ointmentSalicylic acidTVERSKAYA PHARMACEUTICAL FACTORY (Russia)20-30
2Balsamic liniment according to VishnevskyTar, xeroform, castor oilTula FF, Russia40-50
3NaftadermNaftalan oilRetinoids (Russia)400-450
4DaivonexCalcipotriolLeo Laboratories Ltd (Denmark)1000-1200
5KartalinSolid oil, bee honey, lysozyme, salicylic acidLLC "ASTROPHARMA-T"1000-1200

In addition to synthetic non-hormonal ointments, herbal preparations are also used to treat psoriasis. The most effective of them are recognized:

  1. Monastic ointment
    . The active ingredients of the medicine are Caucasian honey and natural beeswax. The composition also includes birch tar, sea buckthorn and string oils. The ointment quickly copes with the symptoms of psoriasis and helps restore the skin.

  2. Fufan
    . This Chinese-made ointment has a powerful anti-inflammatory effect and helps protect papules from infection. The drug contains fluoric acid, ethanol, camphor and extracts from medicinal plants. The course of treatment is no more than 10 days. With prolonged use, negative side effects may occur.

  3. King of leather
    . This is a Thai ointment, the active ingredient of which is a collection of medicinal herbs. The product not only relieves the symptoms of psoriasis, but also treats nail fungus.

  4. PsoriControl
    . This is a therapeutic complex developed for the treatment of psoriasis. The composition of the product is exclusively natural. It contains beaver fat, goji berries and pumpkin seed oil. In one box, the manufacturer places drops for oral administration, as well as ointment for external use. The drug effectively relieves inflammation, reduces the severity of pain, and restores the pH of the skin.

  5. Nano-gel
    . Light sedative. Improves blood circulation in areas of tissue damage, nourishes the epidermis, reduces inflammation and swelling. The drug is applied only to previously cleansed skin. The procedure is carried out three times a day until the skin returns to normal.

Which of the described means is the most effective can only be determined by trial and error. There are many types of psoriasis and therefore it is difficult to determine which drug is the best. It is advisable to combine any local remedies with medications for oral administration: drops or tablets. Patients suffering from this disease need to remember that early treatment is the key to a speedy recovery. The use of ointments as prophylaxis helps delay the occurrence of relapse.

Top 5. Advantan ointment 0.1% 15 g

Rating (2021): 4.59

348 reviews from resources were taken into account: Yandex.Market, Otzovik, OZON, IRecommend

Approved for use in infants This is the only drug in the selection that can be used in the youngest patients - from 4 months.

  • Characteristics

    Country: Italy

  • Average price: 719 rub.
  • Type: glucocorticosteroid drug
  • Active ingredients: methylprednisolone aceponate
  • Age restrictions: from 4 months.

A product that perfectly moisturizes the skin of the body. Although the fatty ointment is absorbed more slowly than a cream with the same name, it does not cause dryness and copes better with flaking. In the treatment of psoriasis, the product is considered quite effective: already from the first application, the unpleasant itching goes away and the redness goes away. The ointment is applied once a day, the course lasts up to 12 weeks in adults and up to 1 month in children. Advantan has anti-allergic and anti-inflammatory effects, and also enhances tissue regeneration: wounds heal faster and plaques disappear. But, despite the low age threshold for use and quick action, the product still has a number of disadvantages. Frequent use of the ointment reduces its effectiveness; in addition, the high price with a fairly low volume also does not add to the attractiveness of the product.

Advantages and disadvantages

  • Softens body skin
  • Delicate texture with high absorption rate
  • Heals scratches and microdamages
  • Stops itching
  • Prevents and eliminates allergic reactions
  • Treatment wears off with very frequent use
  • Small tube: may not be enough for the course

Homemade ointments

You can make a cure for psoriasis yourself at home, but ointments prepared according to folk recipes are not as effective as pharmaceutical preparations. They are recommended to be used only during remission.

It is best to carry out home therapy when the main treatment is completed and the result is consolidated.

To prepare homemade ointments, lanolin, honey, aloe juice are used, and the base is baby cream.

Therefore, the funds are inexpensive. Natural ingredients help soften the skin and reduce residual itching. Use herbal medicines up to 4 times a day.


What are the symptoms of psoriasis?

Psoriasis is manifested by the appearance of gray spots that rise above the surface of the skin, which merge with each other over time - psoriatic plaques. They are often observed on the extensor surfaces (as opposed to eczema, which more often occurs on the flexor surfaces) of the elbows, knees, as well as on the buttocks, in natural folds of the skin that are constantly subject to friction.

However, these plaques can be located on any part of the body (on the back, palms, nails, etc.), including the scalp and genitals. They are accompanied by itching, dryness, peeling, and bleeding from cracks. The disease occurs in 3 stages:

  • Progressive. Stage of pronounced clinical symptoms.
  • Stationary. The process of the appearance of new papules and the development of old ones stops.
  • Regressive. All symptoms gradually disappear.

It is also possible to develop psoriatic arthritis, an inflammation of the joints that is accompanied by the appearance of psoriatic plaques before or after the onset of arthritis.

How is psoriasis treated?

The following groups of drugs are used in treatment:

  • 1. Hormonal agents - have a strong anti-inflammatory effect.
  • 2. Immunosuppressants - aimed at reducing the body's immune response.
  • 3. Drying drugs.
  • 4. Cosmetics for skin care during remission.

Both local forms of drugs (ointments, balms) and systemic forms (tablets, injections) are used. Local forms are safer - they are practically not absorbed into the bloodstream and cause much fewer side effects.

Ask your question

You can fight

It is impossible to completely get rid of psoriasis. This is very disappointing for anyone who has experienced this disease. However, at any stage of the manifestation of pathology, it can be fought, and quite successfully. To get rid of psoriasis, you need various medications, shampoos, creams, and rinses. At the initial stage, therapy with local agents is most effective. If you follow all the recommendations and rules for caring for your hair, you can cope with the disease in a short time.

Treatment takes weeks. In the initial stages, the disease may go away within a month, and in some cases, it lasts longer.

( 2 ratings, average 4 out of 5 )
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