List of inexpensive but effective drugs for the treatment of foot fungus

Remedies for foot fungus for external use

Mycosis of the foot is a heterogeneous group of infectious diseases, the causative agents of which are opportunistic or pathogenic fungi. If they affect only the upper layers of the skin, local therapy is prescribed. It involves treating lesions with fungicidal ointments, sprays, gels, and solutions.

Drugs for the treatment of foot fungus are selected taking into account the sensitivity of the pathogen to antimycotics. To destroy the infection, agents based on naftifine, isoconazole, miconazole, amorolfine, etc. are used.


The antifungal cream contains an imidazole derivative, miconazole. It prevents the production of substances from which fungal membranes are formed. This leads to their death and cure of mycosis.

Miconazole is active against:

  • yeast – Candida albicans;
  • dermatophytes – Trichophyton, Epidermophyton, Microsporum;
  • other pathogenic fungi - Aspergillus, Penicillium, Malassezia.

A good remedy for fungus quickly eliminates peeling, itching and redness on the foot. Apply to clean skin no more than 2 times a day for 1 to 6 weeks.

Miconazole is used in the complex treatment of mycotic diseases of the feet and nails. Using the cream too often causes contact dermatitis or urticaria.

Lamisil uno

A film-forming solution with terbinafine helps to quickly cure fungus on the sole, in the interdigital area. A drug from the allylamine group has a fungicidal effect on fungi of the following genus:

  • Candida;
  • Trichophyton;
  • Epidermophyton;
  • Aspergillus;
  • Microsporum.

Lamisil uno destroys foot fungus in one application. After its application, a film is formed that prevents secondary infections. Even if there are no signs of disease on one of the limbs, it is recommended to treat both feet with the product at once.


An effective remedy for fungus has a complex effect:

  • inhibits the proliferation of mycosis pathogens;
  • removes unpleasant odor;
  • relieves burning and pain;
  • increases local immunity;
  • heals wounds on the feet.

The drug based on natural ingredients is used in courses of 2-4 weeks. The cream is applied only to dry, clean skin before bedtime.


The drug from the allylamine group is active against dermatophytes, yeast, dimorphic and mold fungi. It additionally has an antibacterial effect. The medicine is used to treat mycoses complicated by secondary infections.

Indications for Naftifin's use:

  • athlete's foot;
  • interdigital mycosis;
  • inflammatory dermatomycosis;
  • onychomycosis.

The cream is applied to the feet once a day. To avoid the spread of infection, grab 1-1.5 cm of healthy skin around the lesions.


If the fungus cannot be cured by other means, use amphotericin ointment. It kills most pathogenic fungi that cause:

  • mold mycosis;
  • chromomycosis;
  • candidiasis;
  • sporotrichosis.

The product is applied only to dry skin no more than 4 times a day. The course of therapy is 10 days.

Amphotericin is prescribed to pregnant women only by the attending physician. When treating mycosis of the feet during lactation, breastfeeding should be stopped for a while.


Diflucortolone is a second-line drug that is used as an adjunct to antifungal therapy. The antifungal agent does not have a direct fungicidal effect. It contains corticosteroids that relieve inflammation and swelling. Prescribed when feet are infected with aggressive mold fungi. Apply a thin layer to the skin and nail plates up to 3 times a day.

Clotrimazole ointment

The inexpensive medicine destroys more than 85% of the possible pathogens of tinea pedis. It is effective against fungus and bacteria, so it is used to treat combined infections. Clotrimazole is prescribed for:

  • pityriasis versicolor;
  • athlete's foot;
  • mold mycoses;
  • erythrasma.

Adults apply ointment to their feet up to 3 times a day. To prevent the fungus from reproducing, treatment is continued for another 14 days after the signs of the disease disappear.


The combined agent has antifungal, antiallergic and anti-inflammatory properties. The active ingredients of the cream eliminate most manifestations of the fungus:

  • floury peeling;
  • swelling;
  • itching;
  • erosion;
  • whitish coating;
  • cracks on the feet;
  • painful sensations.

Mycozolon destroys parasites and representatives of gram-positive flora - streptococci, staphylococci. Treats mycosis of the feet, onychomycosis and superinfections. Apply to problem areas under an occlusive dressing twice a day.

Stop asset

Treatment of fungus with Stop-Active is aimed at eliminating the infection and healing damage to the feet. Topical cream contains only natural ingredients, which:

  • accelerate skin regeneration;
  • soften heels;
  • reduce peeling;
  • increase local immunity.

Stop-active is an antifungal agent that is used to treat the affected areas of the feet up to 3 times a day. The course of treatment is from 2 to 4 weeks.

Effective and inexpensive preparations for topical use

Products for external use eliminate pathology as quickly as possible at the initial stage of its development. Treatment should begin immediately after the first unpleasant signs appear: peeling, itching, excessive dryness. Among the inexpensive but proven drugs are the following.


Inexpensive but effective drug with a wide spectrum of action. The active ingredient is clotrimazole. It inhibits the growth of microorganisms and prevents their reproduction.

The result of use will be noticeable after 3-4 weeks of daily use.

The drug is applied to the skin twice a day in a thin layer and thoroughly rubbed into damaged areas of the skin. Side effects when used externally are rare. Clotrimazole is not recommended during pregnancy.


This product is inexpensive, but works relatively quickly. Unpleasant symptoms such as burning and burning disappear after just a few uses. In addition, the drug reduces the severity of the inflammatory process, restores damaged cells, and eliminates redness. The active ingredient of the ointment is terbinafine. It acts directly on the cell membranes of the fungus.

The ointment is applied in a thick layer to the damaged areas in the morning and evening hours. To obtain a greater effect, use an occlusive dressing. The average course of treatment for skin fungus is 2-4 weeks. If the nail plate is damaged, the therapeutic course is extended for 4-6 months until the nail has completely fused. Contraindications for use are pathologies of the renal system, excessive sensitivity to the components of the drug, lactose intolerance.

Salicylic ointment

The drug is used in complex therapy of fungal infections. The main component does not affect the causative agent of the disease, but helps eliminate developing symptoms. With regular use, the ointment removes the stratum corneum from the skin and improves the growth of affected nails.

It is recommended to apply the drug 2-3 times a day. The product is considered safe and is used in the treatment of children, pregnant and lactating women.


This medicine for external use is effective for mycoses of the feet. The active component penetrates into the deep layers of the epidermis and eliminates the pathogen at the cellular level.

The drug is applied in a thick layer to the affected areas and fixed with a bandage. After 6-8 hours, the keratinized areas are thoroughly washed with warm soapy water and cleaned with pumice.

The average course of treatment is at least 10-14 days

The drug should be used with caution in children under one year of age and pregnant women. Do not use the antifungal agent while breastfeeding or in case of hypersensitivity to the components of Bifosin.


The active ingredient in this case is ketoconazole. It has mycostatic and fungicidal effects. The drug is effective in the treatment of fungi of the genus dermatophytes, candida, and microsporia. The directed effect of the drug against streptococci and staphylococci was also noted.

Use the medicine twice a day until complete recovery. An improvement in the condition is observed after the first applications. With long-term use according to the instructions, the main component does not penetrate the systemic bloodstream. Do not use Mycozoral in case of violations of the integrity of the skin, as well as in case of excessive sensitivity to the active substance.


The drug effectively fights fungal diseases of any etiology, activates metabolic processes in the body, and negatively affects pathogenic bacteria. The drug was active against pathogens of lichen versicolor and dermatomycosis. The drug can accumulate in the lipophilic stratum corneum, nails and hair follicles.

Apply the ointment externally according to indications 1-2 times a day. The average course of therapy is 2-4 weeks, depending on the severity and extent of the disease. The greatest effectiveness is achieved when the entire foot is treated, as well as the area around the toes. The drug must be fixed on the nail plates using adhesive tape.


Contains ketoconazole in high concentration. It has a fungistatic and fungicidal effect. The principle of action of the drug is to change the lipid composition of the pathogen cell membrane, as well as to inhibit the synthesis of ergosterol. As a result, the drug is active against most types of fungi, as well as pathogens of systemic mycoses.

The drug can be used to treat fungus of the face, scalp and groin.

Sebozol is used for the treatment and prevention of fungal infections in the scalp, as well as dermatomycosis of smooth skin. In patients with hypersensitivity, local allergic reactions may occur in the form of rash, irritation, and redness. If such side effects occur, the drug must be replaced with another one.


The drug Exoderil has several forms of release, but most often patients are prescribed the cream. It effectively fights various types of fungi, eliminates their mycelium, has a powerful anti-inflammatory effect, and activates tissue regeneration processes.

Apply the product to a previously well washed and dried area of ​​skin. It is necessary to treat not only the damaged areas, but also the healthy skin around the wound. The average course of therapy is 2-4 weeks. After eliminating the pathology, treatment must be continued for a week to avoid relapse.


This is an inexpensive but quite effective remedy that helps cope with fungal skin infections caused by various pathogens. The drug quickly eliminates inflammatory processes in tissues, softens damaged areas, and promotes the rejection of dead tissue. The drug also accelerates the healing of the skin, has a deodorizing effect, and strengthens the body's defenses.

Fundizol only works topically. The active components of the drug are not registered in the systemic circulation even after long-term treatment. Apply the cream in a thick layer to the affected areas in the morning and evening. The course of therapy is long and can reach 1-2 months.


The drug contains a special undecylenic acid, which has an antiseptic effect, heals the skin, and prevents the development of mycoses. It is most convenient to use this remedy to treat nail fungus. The drug penetrates deeply into the nail plate and acts directly on the pathogen.

Damaged areas should be treated at least 2-3 times a day. The course of treatment can be up to 6 months. It is not allowed to use the drug in children under 2 years of age.


The active component of this drug is terbinafine hydrochloride. The drug has a wide spectrum of action against most types of fungi. One of the advantages of the medicine is the ease of its application. Can be used as a prophylactic.

Lamitel is sprayed onto the affected areas of the feet, hands, and groin area 2-3 times a day until well hydrated. The course of treatment, depending on the type of pathology, can be 1-2 weeks. If necessary, after a short break, treatment can be repeated.

Ointments with a disinfecting effect

The main treatment for fungal diseases is carried out with fungicidal agents. But in order to prevent the addition of infections, ointments with antiseptic and disinfecting effects are additionally used. They are applied to the skin and nail plates 2-3 times a day.

The most effective disinfecting ointments include:

  • Inflarax;
  • Salicylic ointment;
  • Miramistin;
  • Boric ointment;
  • Betadine;
  • Sulfuric ointment;
  • Zinc ointment.

Miramistin and Inflarax are prescribed for dermatomycosis complicated by pyoderma and abscesses. These ointments kill bacteria that cause pustular rashes.

Treatment of mycoses of the feet

About the article



Regular issues of "RMZh" No. 12 dated June 22, 2004 p. 693

Category: Dermatology

Author: Takha T.V. 1 1 GC “Mother and Child”, Perinatal Medical Center, Moscow

For quotation:

Takha T.V. Treatment of mycoses of the feet. RMJ. 2004;12:693.

Summer is the time for the real triumph of open shoes. However, with the onset of the season of wearing sandals, flip-flops, etc., many people have a question: “How can I walk in open shoes with such feet (nails)?”, let us remind you, that the prevalence of fungal diseases of the feet in Russia reaches 20 percent. In nature, there are about 500 species of fungi that pose a potential danger to human health, since they can parasitize in the human body, causing local and even systemic fungal diseases. The most common mycoses of the feet, which belong to the group of dermatophytoses . In case of nail damage, the specific term “onychomycosis” is used. Dermatophytes are called mold fungi - ascomycetes of the family Arthodermataceae (order Onygenales), belonging to three genera - Epidermophyton, Microsporum and Trichophyton. In total, 43 species of dermatophytes are known, of which 30 are causative agents of dermatophytosis. Trichophyton rubrum (T. rubrum) is the most common causative agent of mycosis of the feet, called rubrophytosis, rubromycosis. Less commonly, Trichophyton mentagrophytes var can cause dermatophytosis. interdigitale (T. interdigitale) and some other species of mushrooms. The most common route of infection is household contact: through shoes, clothes, manicure tools, bath accessories (rugs, washcloths, etc.). Infection can occur at home (if there is a patient or a carrier), as well as in public places (gym and/or gyms, swimming pool, bathhouse, sauna). Contact with the pathogen on the skin does not always immediately lead to the development of the disease. In the absence of damage to the skin, for a sufficiently long time there can only be a carriage of a fungal infection. Sweating or dry skin, insufficient drying of the skin of the feet after water procedures, narrow interdigital folds, abrasions, flat feet, circulatory disorders in vascular diseases of the extremities contribute to the appearance of abrasions, cracks, and maceration of the skin. It is through them that the pathogen enters the skin, causing the manifestation of the disease. The development of mycosis of the feet is facilitated by the presence of concomitant pathology in the patient (diabetes mellitus, hematological and autoimmune diseases), as well as long-term use of drugs that have an immunosuppressive effect (cytostatics, corticosteroids, antibacterial drugs). The clinical manifestations of mycosis of the feet are determined by the pathogen. T. rubrum affects the skin and nails of the feet, hands, and any other area of ​​the skin, including vellus and long hair. T. interdigitale causes exclusively damage to the skin and nails of the feet. Rubromycosis usually appears in the interdigital folds with subsequent migration to the skin of the soles, lateral and dorsal surfaces of the feet (palms), and nail plates. Characteristic features of this particular type are the multiplicity of lesions of the nail plates of the feet and hands, specific skin changes (thickening, dryness, ring-shaped or lamellar peeling). White spots and stripes (leukonychia) may appear on the nails. Rubromycosis is divided into several forms: – squamous (flaking predominates on the skin of the interdigital folds, soles, palms); – intertriginous (maceration, the presence of erosions, superficial or deep cracks in all interdigital folds with slight redness and peeling of the lateral contacting surfaces of the fingers); – dyshidrotic (in the area of the arches, along the outer and inner edges of the feet and in the interdigital folds, bubbles appear, which, when opened, form erosions that merge into foci with clear boundaries). When a bacterial infection is attached, pustules, lymphadenitis and lymphangitis appear, and secondary allergic rashes may develop on the lateral and palmar surfaces of the fingers , palms, forearms, shins (less often on other areas). The chronic course of rubromycosis is characterized by periodic exacerbations in spring and summer.T. interdigitale causes damage to the 3rd and 4th interdigital folds, the upper third of the sole, the lateral surfaces of the foot and toes, and the arch of the foot. The clinical forms do not differ from those of rubromycosis, however, the signs of dermatitis, including allergic, are more pronounced and more common. Damage to the nail plates (onychomycosis) occurs both with infection with T. rubrum and T. interdigitale, but in the second case they are exclusively affected I and V toenails and changes in them are more superficial. Depending on the localization of pathological changes in the nail plates, onychomycosis is divided into distal (free edge of the nail), distal-lateral and proximal. According to the nature of the changes in the nail plates, onychomycosis is: – hypertrophic (nail on the entire thickened throughout (subungual hyperkeratosis), dirty gray in color, dull, its free edge is loosened); – ​​normotrophic (the shape of the nail is preserved, but it is also dull, yellow at the free edge with areas of thickening in the area of ​​​​the corners of the nail plate - accumulation of horny masses); – atrophic (the nail plate is “eaten away” from the distal edge, the nail bed is partially exposed and covered with dry, loose crumbling masses; when the nail plate is separated (onycholysis), it becomes gray in the distal and central parts, while maintaining color at the base). One patient may have several types of nail lesions at once. Diagnosis is based on a visual examination of the skin and nail plates of the feet, hands, as well as microscopy of skin scales , cut damaged hair or parts of altered nail plates. Clinical signs of fungal infection are of great importance in the diagnosis of dermatophytosis. However, a mandatory stage of the diagnostic process is laboratory tests, which at the present stage consist of two components - microscopy and cultural testing. Microscopy makes it possible to detect threads of dermatophytic mycelium or spores of pathogenic fungi, which confirms the diagnosis. Cultural research consists of inoculating pathogenic material on a nutrient medium and isolating a culture of the causative agent of mycosis to determine therapeutic tactics by determining sensitivity to antimycotics. In most medical institutions in Russia, direct microscopy is the only means of laboratory diagnosis of mycoses. The material for this study is scales from lesions, hair, pieces of the nail plate or scrapings from under it, as well as from the skin near the nail folds. To clarify keratinized structures, simple or compound solutions of caustic alkali (KOH test) are used. Microscopic examination reveals an accumulation of threads of septate mycelium, on the sides of which there are oval or pear-shaped microconidia. Their number is very variable: from a few to numerous. Macroconidia are rare. They are narrow and long branches with thin walls and the presence of 2–8 chambers. In old cultures it is possible to find arthro- and chlamydiospores. Treatment of foot mycoses and especially onychomycosis is a rather complex problem. There are four main groups of antifungal drugs: polyenes (nystatin, amphotericin B); azoles (itraconazole, ketoconazole, bifonazole, clotrimazole, miconazole, isoconazole); allylamines (terbinafine, naftifine); morpholines (amorolfine). In addition, other drugs are used that differ in chemical structure (griseofulvin, ciclopirox, chlornitrophenol, undecylenic acid). In the treatment of severe forms of mycosis of the feet with damage to several areas of different limbs, preference is given to systemic drugs - azole derivatives (itraconazole, fluconazole) and allylamine (terbinafine). In our opinion, drugs from the allylamine group are promising in the treatment of mycoses. The most famous representative of this class of antifungals is terbinafine (Terbinox) - 250 mg tablets. Terbinafine, the active substance of Terbinox, is an allylamine and has a wide spectrum of antifungal action. Active against dermatophytes such as Trichophyton (T. rubrum, T. mentagrophytes, T. tonsurans, T. verrucosum, T. violaceum), Microsporum canis, Epidermophyton floccosum. In low concentrations it has a fungicidal effect against dermatophytes, molds (Aspergillus, Cladosporium , Scopulariopsis brevicaulis, etc.) and some dimorphic fungi. The effect on yeast fungi of the genus Candida and its mycelial forms can be fungicidal or fungistatic, depending on the type of fungus. Terbinafine is also active against Pityrosporum - the causative agent of pityriasis versicolor, caused by Pityrosporum ovale. Terbinafine meets all the requirements for antifungal drugs: it is keratinotropic, provides a high cure rate with good tolerability and a minimum number of adverse reactions and complications. Terbinafine (Terbinox) has a number of advantages over other antifungal drugs due to its mechanism of action. The antimycotic effect of the main drugs is based on the effect on the cytoplasmic membranes of fungal cells by blocking the synthesis of their main component, ergosterol. Terbinafine (Terbinox) affects the early stage of ergosterol synthesis, inhibiting squalene epoxidase of the fungal cell membrane. This ensures a dual effect on fungal cells - fungistatic and fungicidal. The fungistatic effect is associated with the suppression of ergosterol synthesis, which is why the structure of the cytoplasmic membrane of the fungal cell is disrupted, and the cell itself loses the ability to grow and develop. The fungicidal effect of the drug is due to the accumulation of squalenes in the cell, which, like a kind of lipid sponge, extract lipid components from the cell membrane, thereby worsening its properties. Lipid granules accumulating inside the cell, gradually increasing in volume, eventually rupture the cytoplasmic membranes, leading to the death of the fungal cell. Terbinafine (Terbinox) is well adsorbed from the gastrointestinal tract, mainly binding to proteins (80%) and blood cells (8%). The drug reaches the stratum corneum of the skin mainly through excretion by the sebaceous glands, and to a lesser extent by passive diffusion. Terbinafine (Terbinox) accumulates most in adipose tissue, dermis, hair follicles, stratum corneum, nails and hair. The therapeutic concentration of the drug (1 mcg/ml) remains in the tissues even 44–55 days after cessation of treatment. No negative effects of terbinafine on the endocrine organs and liver were observed even with its long-term use, since the drug binds poorly to the cytochrome P450 system, as a result of which there is practically no affects the metabolism of medications. Terbinafine (Terbinox) is prescribed 250 mg once a day. The duration of treatment for most patients is 6–12 weeks. Some patients who have a reduced rate of nail growth may require longer treatment. The optimal clinical effect is observed several months after mycological cure and cessation of therapy. This is determined by the period of time required for a healthy nail to grow. For children, the drug is prescribed from the age of two. The dose of Terbinox depends on the child’s body weight and is: for children weighing up to 20 kg – 62.5 mg/day (1/4 tablet); from 20 kg to 40 kg – 125 mg/day (1/2 tablet); more than 40 kg – 250 mg/day (1 tablet). There are no data on the use of the drug in children under two years of age (with a body weight of less than 12 kg). Systemic antimycotics are not indicated for pregnant women and women during lactation, as well as for patients with severe renal and liver dysfunction. Therefore, before making a decision on prescribing these drugs the condition of these organs should be studied: biochemical blood tests (creatinine, urea, transaminases, alkaline phosphatase, albumin), ultrasound examination for squamous, intertriginous forms of rubromycosis. Along with drug therapy, an important component of the treatment of dermatophytosis is disinfection of the internal surfaces of shoes (gloves) with a 1% solution chlorhexidine bigluconate or 25% formaldehyde solution, followed by their exposure in a plastic bag for 2 hours (days), respectively. Subsequently, the shoes (gloves) are dried and ventilated for several days. Prevention of mycoses of foot fungus consists of individual and public events, as well as widespread educational work. In order to protect yourself from infection with dermatophytes and other pathogens, you should follow simple rules of personal hygiene: • avoid microtraumas, promptly eliminate excessive sweating, diaper rash (special powders containing talc and boric acid, creams and solutions containing formaldehyde); • prevention of dry skin, calluses ( ointments, creams);• use closed rubber slippers when visiting a bathhouse, sauna, shower, swimming pool; wipe your feet dry after washing, especially the folds; • change socks (stockings) daily; • walk along the beach in slippers.

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Tablets and capsules

Antifungal tablets are systemic drugs that destroy fungus throughout the body. Their components penetrate into the general bloodstream, so they create a drug load on the liver and kidneys. To avoid negative consequences, you should consult a specialist before using antifungal capsules and tablets.


The antibacterial drug has fungistatic properties. Griseofulvin inhibits the proliferation of epidermophyton, trichophyton and microsporum. Its components accumulate in nails and skin cells, which provides the body with resistance to mycotic infections.

Taking the tablet form of the drug is effective for onychomycosis, dermatomycosis of the feet and skin folds. The daily dose of Griseofulvin is 1 g. It is divided into 2 doses per day. It is not recommended to combine antimycotic therapy with cephalosporins.

Griseofulvin reduces the therapeutic activity of hormonal contraceptives.


In low concentrations, Terbinafine inhibits the proliferation of the fungus, and in high concentrations it destroys the infection. Like other inexpensive and effective antimycotics, the medicine eliminates most pathogens of onychomycosis and dermatomycosis of the feet.

Features of taking Terbinafine:

  • daily dose – 250 mg (1 tablet);
  • course of treatment for skin candidiasis – 4 weeks;
  • The course of treatment for dermatophytosis of the feet is 2-6 weeks.

If the fungus affects not only the skin, but also the nails, treatment is extended for 4-10 weeks. An overdose leads to dizziness, stomach pain, and vomiting.


A powerful antimycotic that destroys up to 75% of the causative agents of fungal infections on the feet, nails, and in the interdigital area. The tablets are used in pediatrics for the treatment of mycosis in children over 5 years of age. The medicine can be used to prevent fungus during antibacterial therapy.

Broad-spectrum antifungal capsules are prescribed for:

  • candida skin infection;
  • dermatophytic onychomycosis;
  • mycosis of smooth skin and feet;
  • inguinal athlete's foot.

Tablets for foot fungus are taken once a week, 1 pc. The course of therapy is 4-6 weeks. For symptoms of onychomycosis, treatment is extended to 3-12 months.


The synthetic antimycotic is produced in the form of capsules. It inhibits the synthesis of substances that make up the fungal shell. Effectively fights mycotic infections on the legs, smooth skin, and nails.

Itraconazole is a broad-spectrum medicine that is used in the treatment of local and generalized forms of fungus. Sensitive to it:

  • Trichophyton;
  • Candida;
  • Cryptococcus;
  • Cladosporium;
  • Microsporum;
  • Paracoccidioides;
  • Aspergillus.

The principle of action of the tablets is the same as that of other drugs from the azole group. They interfere with the synthesis of enzymes from which the membrane membranes of fungi are formed.

Indications for the use of Itraconazole:

  • systemic aspergillosis;
  • mycosis of internal organs;
  • sporotrichosis;
  • cutaneous candidiasis;
  • onychomycosis.

If the feet are affected, take 0.1 g of the drug once a day for at least 2 weeks. The capsules are swallowed whole immediately after meals.


An antifungal drug based on naftifine is used to treat candidiasis. In low concentrations, the tablets inhibit the growth of the fungus, and in high concentrations they destroy its shell. To destroy a mycotic infection, take 1 tablet up to 4 times a day. The duration of therapy is 7 days.

An overdose of Pimafucin leads to diarrhea and skin rashes. The tablets should not be taken if you are hypersensitive to naftifine.

Effective tablets for nail fungus

The pharmacological market offers a wide range of antifungal medications in the form of tablets, differing in the main active ingredient, manufacturer and cost.

MedicineActive substanceManufacturerPrice
TerbinafineTerbinafine hydrochlorideRatiopharm International GmbH/JSC Gedeon Richter/Merkle GmbH, Germany180-250 rub.
FluconazoleFluconazoleVERTEX JSC, Russia40-60 rub.
LamisilTerbinafineNOVARTIS PHARMA AG, Switzerland1920-2000 r.
KetoconazoleKetoconazoleZiO-Zdorovye CJSC, Podolsk, Russia85-90 rub.
ItraconazoleItraconazoleCJSC "Biocom", Stavropol, Russia280-340 rub.
GriseofulvinGriseofulvinJSC "Biosintez", Penza, Russia 178-242 rub.
OrungalItraconazoleCJSC "MFPDK "BIOTEC", Moscow, Russia.2580-2850 rub.
FungavisKetoconazoleZiO-Zdorovye CJSC, Podolsk, Russia120 rub.
ExifinTerbinafineDr. Reddis Laboratories Ltd. Hyderabad, Andhra Pradesh, India. 695-830 rub.
PimafucinNatamycinASTELLAS PHARMA EUROPE BV, Netherlands510-580 rub.

When choosing a drug, you must take into account the type of fungal infection and the severity of the disease. Before starting therapy, it is necessary to correctly establish the nature of onychomycosis, since many medications affect only a certain group of pathogens.


Terbinafine is a tableted antifungal drug that has a pathogenic effect on pathogenic microorganisms that cause onychomycosis. Contains the active substance of the same name. The product helps to destroy the outer membrane of fungal pathogens, which leads to its death.

Inexpensive Terbinafine tablets are used to treat onychomycosis, dermophytosis, and ringworm. Main contraindications:

  • renal failure;
  • children under 3 years old;
  • period of pregnancy and breastfeeding;
  • hypersensitivity to terbinafine.

Terbinafine may cause side effects - headaches, nausea, loss of appetite, upset stool, painful abdominal cramps.

With long-term use of Terbinafine, you need to systematically monitor liver function and stop drinking alcoholic beverages.

The recommended dosage is 1 tablet per day. The duration of treatment is determined individually. At an advanced stage of onychomycosis, use is allowed for 8-12 weeks.


Fluconazole is an inexpensive and effective medication with an antifungal effect, available in various pharmacological forms. The drug is used to get rid of fungal infections, as well as for prevention purposes. Fluconazole is allowed to be used for liver diseases, but under the supervision of a physician.

Main contraindications for use:

  • kidney diseases;
  • period of exacerbation of psoriasis and other dermatological diseases of an inflammatory nature;
  • pregnancy;
  • individual intolerance to the active components in Fluconazole.

To treat nail fungus, the drug is taken once a day for 4 weeks. After this, the dosage is reduced to 1 tablet every 7 days. The product has a cumulative effect - after 4-5 days of use, a high concentration of fluconazole accumulates in the stratum corneum of the nail plate.

To prevent remission, Fluconazole must be taken until the healthy nail plate grows completely.

In rare cases, Fluconazole causes side effects such as nausea, stomach pain, itching and burning in areas affected by the fungus, and various allergic reactions.


Lamisil is an antimycotic drug that is highly effective against many types of fungal microorganisms. The active substance terbinafine inhibits the biosynthesis of sterols in fungal cells, which leads to the rapid death of infectious agents.

Lamisil is well tolerated by the body and has a minimal number of contraindications for use - severe forms of kidney disease, increased sensitivity to the active components included in its composition. Approved for use in liver diseases.

Lamisil tablets are not used to treat children under 2 years of age.

For adults, it is recommended to take 1 tablet per day for 3-6 weeks. To cure advanced stages of toenail fungus, the duration of the therapeutic course is increased to 10-12 weeks.

In extremely rare cases, Lamisil causes headaches, nausea, a feeling of fullness in the stomach, allergic reactions, and skin rashes.


Ketoconazole is one of the most powerful antimycotic drugs. Such effective antifungal agents for toenails are used for systemic fungal infections in severe, advanced stages.

The use of Ketoconazole is recommended for total damage to the nail plates, which also affects nearby soft tissues. Also, the medication is prescribed if antimycotic drugs for topical use have not brought positive results.

Approved for use for liver diseases, but best under the supervision of a doctor and regular liver tests.

The drug cannot be used to treat nail fungus in children under 12 years of age, pregnant and lactating women, as well as individual intolerance.

Side effects of Ketoconazole: attacks of nausea and vomiting, flatulence and abdominal pain, conjunctivitis, allergic skin rashes, apathy, nervousness, in men - temporary deterioration of libido.

The recommended dosage for onychomycosis is 1-2 tablets per day, depending on the severity of the fungal infection. The duration of therapy is 4-5 weeks.


Itraconazal is an inexpensive medicine for toenail fungus that inhibits ergosterol in the cell membranes of pathogenic microorganisms and has a detrimental effect on almost all known pathogens of toenail fungus. Itraconazole tablets are used to treat fungal infections, regardless of the location and extent of the lesions.

The drug should not be used in case of exacerbation of kidney diseases, as well as hypersensitivity to the active components included in its composition. For liver diseases, it is used during the period of remission.

A cheap and effective medication can cause negative reactions - the development of dysbiosis, bloating, pain in the stomach, headaches and dizziness. In rare cases, Itraconazole may cause swelling of the soft tissues.

To treat onychomycosis of nails, it is recommended to take 1 tablet in the morning and evening for 10-12 weeks. After this, the drug is taken in weekly courses with a break of 2-3 weeks.


The antimycotic effect of the drug Irunin is provided by the active substance itraconazole. For fungal infections of the fingernails and toenails, the medication is taken 2 tablets per day once, or by dividing the dosage into two doses. The duration of treatment is from 8 to 12 weeks.

Irunin at home can also be used for weekly therapy. After taking the tablets for 7 days, take a break for 3 weeks, after which treatment is continued. For fungal infections of the nail plates, at least 3 courses of Irunin are required. Tablets are taken 2 pieces, morning and evening.

Contraindications for use:

  • renal dysfunction;

  • heart disease;
  • obstructive form of bronchitis;
  • allergic intolerance to itraconazole;
  • period of pregnancy and breastfeeding.

Irunin is well tolerated by the body. In rare cases, side effects may develop - nausea, constipation, allergic skin rashes, headaches, loss of appetite, nervousness, feeling tired, loss of strength. In case of exacerbation of liver diseases, use with caution.


The antimycotic drug Orungal contains the active substance itraconazole, which has a destructive effect on fungal membranes and leads to the death of pathogenic microorganisms. Orungal is a broad-spectrum medicine, which is why it is prescribed for advanced stages of onychomycosis.

Orungal should not be taken in case of heart failure or low levels of sucrose in the blood. The medicine should be taken with extreme caution if you have fructose intolerance.

Orungal cannot be combined with the simultaneous use of Midazolam, Mizolastine, Terfenadine, Levomethadone, Lovastatin, Simvastatin.

For fungal nail infections, it is recommended to take 1 tablet in the morning and evening, 20-30 minutes after meals. The average course of treatment is 2-3 weeks. Orungal should be stopped only after healthy nail plates have grown back.

Taking the medicine may be accompanied by side effects - nausea, vomiting, stool upset, loss of appetite, headaches, dizziness, peripheral neuropathy, skin rash. In some cases, women may experience menstrual irregularities. In case of exacerbation of liver diseases, use with caution.


Fungavis is a broad-spectrum drug with antimycotic and antibacterial effects. The main active component in the product is ketoconazole, which is highly effective against dermatophytes, eumycetes, dimorphic and yeast fungal pathogens.

To treat fungal nail diseases, it is recommended to take 1-2 tablets throughout the day. The exact dosage of the medication is determined by the doctor depending on the severity of the disease. The average duration of the therapeutic course is 12-15 weeks.

Fungavis should not be taken during pregnancy, breastfeeding, or for the treatment of children under 3 years of age.

In case of exacerbation of liver diseases, use with caution. Fungavis tablets can cause negative reactions from internal organs - upset stool, nausea, vomiting, skin rashes, drowsiness, loss of strength.

The use of the drug in men in some cases is accompanied by a decrease in sexual activity and deterioration of erectile function, which negatively affects intimate life.

How to improve the effectiveness of treatment

To increase the effectiveness of therapy, it is necessary to eliminate the causes of the fungus. Dermatologists identify a number of factors that provoke mycotic lesions of the feet:

  • hypovitaminosis;
  • poor nutrition;
  • lack of personal hygiene;
  • diabetes;
  • hyperhidrosis;
  • venous insufficiency;
  • abuse of hormonal contraceptives.

When treating dermatomycosis, you must follow the rules for using external medications:

  • Before treatment, feet are washed with laundry or tar soap;
  • The skin in the interdigital area is thoroughly dried with a towel;
  • ointments and creams are applied to the lesions and 2 cm of healthy skin around them;
  • the course of treatment is not interrupted even if there is a visible improvement in the condition of the feet.

In half of the cases, the fungus occurs against the background of other diseases. To speed up recovery and avoid relapses of mycosis, you need to follow hygiene rules and treat chronic diseases in a timely manner. Mycologists recommend treating closed shoes with aerosol antiseptics at least once a week.

Foot fungus is an infectious disease that is most often caused by opportunistic microorganisms. Ignoring the problem leads to onychomycosis, which is difficult to treat. At the first symptoms of a fungal infection, consult a dermatologist. Timely treatment of feet with ointments and taking pills prevent complications - pyoderma, onycholysis, generalized mycosis.

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