Chamomile oil: properties and uses for facial beauty, effective recipes

One of the most popular plants used for beauty and health is chamomile. For many centuries, it has been given a significant place in eliminating problems from mild skin irritations to inflammatory internal processes.

Chamomile oil is valued no less than the plant itself. There are different types of ether depending on the type of flower: English, Moroccan, pharmaceutical, German (blue). All types have important healing properties, but differ in the concentration of a particular substance in the composition. The difference also lies in the region of growth.

In Russia and Europe, German chamomile oil remains the most popular. It can be found most often on the shelves of natural goods stores. The use of such a product is possible in any area of ​​life: cosmetology, trichology, therapy, everyday life.

Characteristics and useful properties

Color, viscosity, aroma

Chamomile essential oil has a dense, thick consistency. The liquid has a brown, greenish or blue tint. The color depends on the duration of storage and the quality of the primary raw material (assembly time, stage of development at the time of picking the flower, its condition). The aroma is sweet and spicy, with notes of hay, fruit, tobacco, and tart grass.

Composition, main components

Oil from this flower of any variety has chamazulene and bisabolol as the main active ingredients. They are responsible for the main beneficial properties. In addition to them, the composition contains high concentrations of the following elements:

  • flavonoids,
  • glycosides,
  • bitterness,
  • blue oil (up to 1%),
  • fatty and organic acids,
  • phytosterol,
  • triterpene alcohols,
  • coumarins,
  • vitamins B (1, 4, 2), C, D.

Extraction method
The oil is produced by distilling fresh flowers. Steam treatment allows you to preserve the beneficial properties to the maximum. For 1 liter of the final product it takes about 2 quintals of raw materials.

Beneficial features

Chamomile oil has complex applications due to its abilities. The properties of the composition allow the product to play different roles:

  1. antiseptic, antibiotic, bactericidal and disinfectant;
  2. diaphoretic drug that reduces fever;
  3. antidepressant, gentle stimulant of brain activity;
  4. tonic of general and choleretic action;
  5. tissue regenerator;
  6. carminative, antispasmodic;
  7. relaxant, sedative;
  8. antirheumatic, anti-inflammatory agent.

Aromatherapy properties

Chamomile essential oil has a beneficial effect on the human brain. Inhaling its vapors helps normalize the emotional background and has a beneficial effect on well-being. An aromatherapy session with chamomile works in the following areas:

  • relieves tension, anxiety, restlessness;
  • weakens attacks of anger, fear, relieves stress reactions;
  • eliminates neuroticism and depression at a deep level;
  • activates long memory;
  • relieves attacks of acute headaches;
  • promotes fast, sound sleep.

There are several ways to conduct an aroma session:

  1. Aroma lamp or aroma burner - oil is poured into a container with warm water (5 drops for every 15 sq.m. of room area). A burning candle is placed under the vessel for a quarter of an hour or until the water evaporates. Suitable for a measured rest in the room or a break at a stationary workplace.
  2. Aroma pendant is a long-lasting method of maintaining mental calm in any conditions of stay. 3 drops of the product are enough for the scent to be emitted for a long time, quietly maintaining harmony within the wearer.
  3. Aroma bath - add 3-5 drops of ether mixed with a tablespoon of sea salt or milk to the entire volume of the bath with water at 37-39C. Duration – 15 minutes.

Features of purchase and storage

On the shelves you will find different versions of chamomile-based products, sold with the name of the plant’s essential oil. Manufacturers use different types and chemotypes of the beneficial flower; instead of distillation, they make extracts or infusions.

The packaging of a quality product usually indicates Oil (oleum or essence) Matricaria or Chamomilla recutita. The price of the substance cannot be less than 200 rubles.

If the container is kept sealed, the beneficial properties of the product are present for more than 5 years. Opened packaging stored at room temperature is best used within 6–12 months. During storage, the color, smell, and viscosity of the product may change.


Chamomile essential oil has no categorical antagonists in terms of compatibility. Maximum complimentary corresponds with:

  • bergamot,
  • geranium,
  • rose and rose tree,
  • lavender,
  • bitter orange,
  • petitgrain,
  • sage,
  • ylang-ylang,
  • neroli,
  • patchouli,
  • marjoram,
  • incense,
  • cypress.

Indications for use

Chamomile oil is incredibly beneficial for facial skin. The substance will have an anti-inflammatory, calming, and restorative effect. The product is suitable for any skin type.

Attention! The substance can be used if you are prone to allergies, atopic manifestations, acne, rosacea.

The ether can be used to treat warts, acne, pustules, acne spots, herpes, various types of dermatitis, and burns. The procedures will have an antifungal effect and reduce pain. The oil will help in the fight against age-related skin changes.

Chamomile ether is widely used for:

  • relief of inflammation from burns, insect bites, irritations, rashes on the integument;
  • accelerating the healing of wounds, ulcers, abscesses, infected tissue damage (including slowly healing ones);
  • eliminating dryness, flaking, itching;
  • improving the qualitative characteristics of the epidermis (elasticity, density, color, softness).

Essential oil of blue or German chamomile is considered the most gentle on fabric. The option is suitable for caring for vulnerable children's skin, the most delicate areas on the face. The beneficial effect of the medicinal plant flower concentrate is as close as possible to the similar properties of lavender ether.

Procedures using chamomile oil can be carried out continuously. Cosmetologists advise limiting yourself to 2-3 treatments per week. It is recommended to alternate intensive courses of 2–6 weeks with breaks of a similar duration.

How to cook it yourself

You can prepare low concentration oil from the flower at home. To do this, you will need to take 2 parts extra virgin olive oil and 1 part dried chamomile.

Hot method. The inflorescences must be filled with oil and kept in a steam bath in a glass container with a closed lid. Cool the jar and put it in a dark place for 14 days. Strain the infused oil into a clean container.

Cold way. Pour warm oil over the flowers. Wrap it up and put it in a dark place for 2 weeks. Strain into a clean container.

Terms of use

Chamomile oil can only be used in its pure form for spot use. The substance is applied to active inflammation. In all other cases, it is recommended to dilute the concentrate.

To do this, the distillate is dripped into finished cosmetics, basic herbal bases, or added to a specific mixture of components.

Chamomile oil goes well with other skin care products. The most “strong” compositions are obtained by mixing esters of rose, citrus fruits (lemon, bergamot, orange), incense, tea tree, geranium, ylang-ylang, rosemary, sage, patchouli, cypress. It is recommended to select combinations individually.

Important! The substance has a pronounced sedative effect. Procedures using the product are recommended to be carried out in the evening.

How to choose

  • Blue chamomile oil is suitable for cosmetic and medicinal purposes. For aromatherapy, you can use a cheaper variety - Roman.
  • It is better to purchase the product in specialized places. Pharmacies often sell cheap synthetic versions of essential oils. It is important to pay attention to a trusted manufacturer and study reviews of brands.
  • The packaging must contain the words “100%” and “natural”.
  • At home, you can conduct a quality test to determine whether the oil is diluted. A few drops of ether are dripped onto the paper and left until it evaporates completely. The natural product has medium volatility and dries in 3-6 hours without a greasy stain.

general description

Essential oil of chamomile, Roman or blue chamomile is produced by steam distillation from the dried inflorescences of the plant. The resulting substance has a dark blue color. During storage, the color risks gradually changing to green, and later to brown.

The smell of the product is deep herbal. The aroma has bright balsamic, sweet-spicy, fruity notes. The smell is persistent, but not intrusive. Many people compare the aroma to rotten hay, dried berries or plucked tobacco leaves.

The consistency of the product depends on the type of flower and the quality of the raw materials used.

Chamomile oil is often found in finished cosmetics. The substance has strong anti-inflammatory and wound-healing effects.

Note! In home care, they use macerate (an infusion of flowers on a vegetable fatty base), which you can prepare yourself or ether, but it is better to buy it ready-made.


Chamomile oil has virtually no negative reviews. Negative reactions occur from flower allergy sufferers and those who are not fans of such esters. The main part consists of responses with a positive description of the experience of use. Many confirm the high regenerative abilities of the skin, improving texture, and relieving irritation. Hair oil is more often used by blondes, who are satisfied with the beautiful lightening and moisturization of their curls.

Beneficial properties and uses of chamomile ether:

A little history

Medicinal chamomile is a plant often used in home medicine and cosmetology. There are many types of flowers that differ in their healing properties. The most valuable are German or blue and Roman daisies.

In Russia, the flower is found everywhere and has been actively used for medicinal purposes since ancient times. In its natural environment, the plant is also found in European countries. The grass is cultivated in Hungary, Yugoslavia, Czechoslovakia, Belgium, and Spain.

The ancient Sumerians, Egyptians and Greeks prepared various potions from chamomile. Hippocrates began to use the plant to treat skin ailments.

Tibetan monks took beneficial flowers to prepare rejuvenating mixtures. Nowadays, chamomile is often used in cocktails for medical and cosmetic purposes.

Cosmetics with Chamomile


Nourishing day cream with 24-karat gold “Khadi Organic”, 50 ml.- Indian Khadi Saturates the deep layers of the epithelium, compacting the structure and intercellular space in the epidermis. Makes the skin firmer, tighter and more elastic, restores the hydrolipid mantle on its surface.

  • Sandalwood oil tones the epithelium, tightens pores and accelerates blood flow.
  • Aloe vera and chamomile extracts relieve redness and heal the skin.
  • Liquorice and green apple have an anti-inflammatory, smoothing and antiseptic effect.
  • And goat milk and pure gold powder rejuvenate the skin, making it fresh and velvety, healthy and radiant.

Moisturizing and soothing cream for skin prone to irritation Olivelia, 100 ml. — Macrovita Greece The cream significantly improves the appearance.

Chamomile Hydrolate – Adarisa, KuwaitChamomile hydrosol, like chamomile itself, has a cool, fresh, moist aroma. It contains many healing, biologically active substances.

Application options

Chamomile oil is ideal for caring for different types of skin and hair. The product will have a cosmetic and therapeutic effect. The substance can be taken orally in diluted form.

The method of use and combinations of ingredients are chosen taking into account individual characteristics.

Facial skin care

Chamomile oil will be useful for acne, post-acne, tendency to irritation, and age-related tissue weakness.

The order of influence is selected individually. The following recipes are popular for preparing homemade cosmetics:

  1. Universal toning lotion. Fresh cucumber is chopped on a fine grater. The resulting pulp is squeezed out. Add 3 drops of chamomile concentrate to cucumber juice. Moisten a cotton swab with the thoroughly mixed liquid and wipe the skin. The composition is left to act for 15–20 minutes. After time, wash off the face with water. It is recommended to use a suitable cream.
  2. Soft scrub. Finely ground oatmeal is diluted with water until a mass with the consistency of thick sour cream is obtained. To care for oily skin, it is allowed to replace the liquid with lemon juice, for dry, age-related skin - milk. Add 3-4 drops of chamomile ether to the mixture. The homogeneous mixture is applied with light massaging movements. After 5 minutes of active actions, the mass is left as a mask for 10–15 minutes. After the period, the face is rinsed with cool water and lubricated with cream.
  3. Oil mask for the prevention of wrinkles. The mixture can be prepared for future use. To 100 ml of a suitable base oil add 4 drops of neroli and fennel esters, 2 drops of geranium, lavender and chamomile, 1 drop of carrot. Mix everything thoroughly. A couple of teaspoons of the composition is enough for a single procedure. The mass is applied to the face. The procedure can be supplemented with a massage. After 15–20 minutes of exposure, remove excess with a napkin. Those with oily skin are allowed to wash their face. Ladies with dry, aging skin can wait until morning.
  4. The oil mixture will help with acne. To the hazelnut squeeze (15 ml) add 3 drops of chamomile and mint, 5 drops of ylang-ylang, 2 drops of thyme. Wipe the skin with the mixture, paying special attention to problem areas with rashes. After the procedure, wash your face.
  5. A mask with oils and lemon juice is effective against acne. To 1 tsp. Squeeze almonds and add the same amount of sour cream and lemon juice. Add 2 drops of chamomile ether and 1 drop of geranium to the mixture. The mask is applied for 20 minutes. After washing, moisturizer is distributed over the skin.

Cosmetic ice is used for daily skin toning. To prepare, add 3 drops of chamomile ether to a glass of water. The liquid is poured into containers for freezing and sent to the refrigerator. Chamomile oil is also allowed to be added to finished cosmetics.

To enrich the compositions, 1–2 drops per single portion of the product is enough.

Care for eyelashes, eyebrows, lips

Chamomile oil strengthens hair and stimulates growth. These properties are useful not only for the hair on the head, but also for the eyebrows and eyelashes. Ether is added to any base fatty base of plant origin. Apply the resulting mixture to your hair overnight.

Chamomile concentrate has a brightening property, which can cause dullness for eyebrows and eyelashes.

When caring for lips, chamomile oil is added to any balm, scrub or mask. The use of honey, oatmeal, sour cream, and olive oil is popular. Exposure to the skin using ether will help eliminate dryness, flaking, cracks, and strengthen tissue.

Note! The option has a slight whitening effect, which may affect the brightness of the lip color.


Chamomile oil is allowed to be consumed internally. 1 drop is taken before meals with honey or jam, washed down with water or other liquid. It is permissible to repeat the dose up to 2 times a day.

Internal use will help with pathologies of the gastrointestinal tract, genitourinary, reproductive, and nervous systems. It is recommended to discuss such effects with your doctor.

For hair

Natural shampoo for oily hair No. 13, 250 ml. — Zeitoun, Jordan

The benefits of chamomile oil for hair can be assessed by the criteria for the impact of the following components on hair:

  • Vitamins help heal severely damaged strands, moisturize and protect them from split ends;
  • Hydrocarbons help stop hair loss, significantly strengthen follicles and initiate growth;
  • Carotene makes strands thick and manageable, adds volume and elasticity;
  • Chamazulene eliminates inflammation, treats itching and dandruff.

Chamomile oil is recommended to be used in the following cases:

  • Dry, damaged curls;
  • Split ends;
  • Not growing fast enough;
  • Loss at any stage;
  • Lighten up a little if desired;
  • Dandruff, itching and seborrhea.

How to use at home:

Like any ether, it can be added to masks in an amount of no more than 10 drops;

Always wear a thick cellophane hat over your treated hair, and cover yourself with a warm scarf;

Having chosen the desired recipe, you should not use it too often: in most cases, three procedures per week are enough to achieve the desired result;

During rinsing, it is necessary to apply shampoo, otherwise the composition will remain on the curls.

Aromatherapy hair combing

To strengthen roots, eliminate dandruff and moisturize:

Apply a few drops of ether to a comb made of natural material, start combing from the roots and continue for 10 minutes;

Only the pleasant aroma of the oil remains on the curls; no rinsing is required.

Hair growth mask

This product helps stimulate hair growth and get rid of dandruff:

Heat 2 large spoons of castor oil until warm, add 0.5 tsp to it. pepper tincture and chamomile ether;

Interesting Facts

People say: “In those places where chamomile grows, you can hear it whispering about something.” And indeed it is! When the wind blows, flower petals begin to rustle, making certain sounds that resemble an indistinct quiet whisper.

The Egyptians dedicated a beautiful daisy to the sun god Ra and considered him a powerful symbol. There is one interesting place on the Crimean peninsula - the Temple of the Sun. Seven elevated boulders, creating an almost even circle, and an altar in the middle somewhat resemble a palm with seven fingers. This is an image of a beautiful flower - a daisy. It is with her and the god Ra that the name of the sanctuary is associated.

Tibetan monks received an unusual infusion of chamomile for rejuvenation. In order for it to work, you had to drink the drink before going to bed. The next morning the procedure was repeated, slightly changing the composition of the infusion. The monks made a “potion” for a certain number of doses, and the course of treatment was repeated after 5 years.

Once upon a time, many species of this plant sprouted in Central Africa (there are about 350 of them). But the superstitions of the tribes simply destroyed some of them. The peoples who lived at that time believed that chamomile attracted evil spirits, and this is what prompted them to completely burn the flowers.

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