Argan oil for the face: properties, application, benefits for the skin

The invaluable benefits of vegetable oils, along with absolute naturalness, are widely used by modern women in facial care. Argan oil for the face is considered the standard, the “gold standard” for naturalness and benefits, a source of valuable minerals, vitamins, polyunsaturated acids that can preserve the natural beauty, tenderness and youth of the skin.

Masks and various cosmetic compositions based on the extract moisturize, rejuvenate, tighten and improve the quality of the skin, the effect is noticeable after the first application. What is the secret of argan oil, the best beauty recipes, how to distinguish a fake from a quality product and many other secrets of use can be found in our article.

general description

Argan oil is very often used in the production of cosmetics for the face, body, hair, and nails. This is an exclusively Moroccan product, because the Argan tree, from which the most valuable extract is obtained, does not grow elsewhere in the world, and it is strictly prohibited to export it from the country in an unprocessed form.

A valuable extract is obtained from the kernels of the Argan tree. Residents of Morocco harvest the tree twice a year. To obtain 1 kg of oily liquid, on average it is necessary to process fruits from 6 trees. That's why you shouldn't rely on the low cost of a cosmetic product.

Externally, the plant extract is amber-brown in color and has a pleasant nutty smell. There are edible and cosmetic Argan oils. The food has a reddish tint, and the almond aroma is strongly felt. The cosmetic oil has a slight nutty smell in the first seconds after opening the bottle, then the aroma quickly dissipates.

Attention! To preserve the beneficial properties of the cosmetic product as much as possible, it is packaged in glass packaging. This is another criterion by which you can distinguish an original from a fake.

What you should pay attention to when purchasing the product:

  1. The price will not be small.
  2. Country of origin: Morocco.
  3. Color - rich, brown.
  4. The aroma is light nutty and can be felt for literally 2-3 seconds.
  5. Packaging: dark glass only.
  6. The shelf life of the extract does not exceed 2 years.

Argan oil is also called “Moroccan gold”, “oil of life”, “liquid gold”. It is used for cosmetic purposes in the form of masks, compresses for the skin of the face and body, and added to creams and other cosmetic products to enrich them with nutritional components. The use of the product during massage is very effective. The extract has a high moisturizing and strengthening effect, so it is often used for nails and hair.

Caring for different skin types

Much has already been said about the benefits of the elixir for dry sensitive skin. But it is also suitable for oily types. Why?

  • Relieves acne;
  • Calms;
  • Eliminates shine and gives a matte finish.

The main thing is to know how to use the product for oily skin. It is applied infrequently, mainly after superficial peeling or scrub application. At this moment, even oily skin needs hydration and protection.

By the way, on our website there is a useful article from which you can learn everything about facial peeling.

Composition and benefits for the face

Argan oil is one of the rarest and richest in nutritional components. It is valued by cosmetologists, developers of cosmetic products and lovers of home facial treatments.

Moroccan extract consists of 80% fatty acids, in particular, it contains a large amount of Omega-6, linoleic and oligo-linoleic acid. Such a high percentage determines the moisturizing properties of the product.

Argan oil is not recommended for those with oily skin types. But for those who suffer from dryness and tightness of the skin, the extract will be a real “lifesaver”, guaranteeing high and immediate results.

The Moroccan product is known for its antioxidant effects. Tocopherols (vitamin E), polyphenols actively act on free radicals and slow down the aging process and withering of the skin.

The main components of the product also include vitamins A, F, D, C, steroid alcohol or phytosterol.

Proper use of oil extract ensures effective improvement of skin quality indicators:

  • has an anti-inflammatory effect;
  • Regular use helps lighten age spots and even out complexion;
  • acts as an excellent antioxidant that prevents rapid cell withering;
  • intensively moisturizes and softens the skin;
  • nourishes and restores weakened tissues, improves the regenerative function of epidermal cells;
  • accelerates the process of tissue regeneration and wound healing;
  • perfectly protects against the harmful effects of solar ultraviolet radiation.

Note! The extract does not cause an allergic reaction, so it is often used to protect and moisturize baby's skin.

Mechanism of action on the skin

Argan oil has the following effects on the skin:

  • Enriches tissues with oxygen, accelerates the removal of free radicals and toxins;
  • Protects tissues from mechanical damage due to the formation of a porous oil layer on the surface of the skin;
  • Saturates the epidermis with moisturizing components and nutrients;
  • Increases skin tone by saturating tissues with fatty acids;
  • Controls sebum production;
  • Dissolves comedones and sebaceous plugs;
  • Relieves irritation.

Indications for use

You can use argan product to prevent aging, skin aging and visible disorders. Indications for use of a cosmetic product are:

  • rapid growth of new wrinkles and deepening of existing ones;
  • rapid rates of aging and withering of integuments;
  • increased skin dryness, feeling of tightness;
  • the presence of acne, various types of wounds, microtraumas on the face;
  • inflamed skin;
  • lack of vitamins;
  • skin hyperpigmentation;
  • unhealthy shade of the epidermis;
  • hyperkeratosis;
  • the need for enhanced protection from sunlight.

Natural oil extract recommended for dry, aging skin. It effectively copes with the assigned tasks, enhances tissue regeneration, provides intense hydration and nutrition to weakened cells, and promotes the elimination of toxins. Miracle oil guarantees a pronounced anti-aging effect without parabens, preservatives and other synthetic additives.

Argan oil is a source of important vitamins and fatty acids not only for skin cells. With its help you can improve the quality of your hair, get rid of dandruff and many dermatological problems.

Edible argan oil is added to prepared dishes, thereby increasing its nutritional and vitamin value.

Where can I buy

You should buy organic argan oil from trusted suppliers, because counterfeits of the drug are very common. A wide range of products are offered by pharmacies, online stores, and cosmetic stores. Experts recommend avoiding purchasing the product in the supermarket.

The following representatives of natural extract in Russia have proven themselves well in the modern market: Divoil, MeiTan (Meitan).

The original product does not require special storage requirements; it perfectly retains its original nutritional properties in dark glass packaging. The shelf life of the oil is 2 years.

Attention! High-quality argan extract is not characterized by stickiness, stickiness, pungent odor or lack thereof. The presence of such factors should alert you. The oil has a delicate, uniform texture and a subtle and unobtrusive nutty aroma.

It is not recommended to use a product that has expired.

Tips and tricks for use

Correct use of any vegetable oil for the face is the key to quick and pronounced results. To ensure that the product from Morocco is effective, follow these simple but important tips:

  • Apply nutritional component or cosmetics with argan extract only to cleansed skin;
  • argan product has a high moisturizing effect, is rich in fatty acids and is not applicable to oily skin types;
  • do not use a large amount of the product, a few drops are enough;
  • prepared face masks are kept for no more than 30 minutes, this time is enough, the extract quickly penetrates deep into the integument;
  • to remove a homemade mask with a plant extract, it is recommended to use preheated milk or kefir;
  • Argan oil is used in courses. For example, a cream with the addition of a valuable component should be applied twice a day for 7-10 days, then take a break;
  • many, wanting to increase the effectiveness and nutritional properties of a face care cream, add argan oil to a tube of cream. This is incorrect; the prepared composition cannot be stored for a long time. Beauty experts recommend mixing the extract before applying the cream to your palms or in small portions in a separate package;
  • the extract can be safely applied to the skin of the eyelids in its pure form; a light massage will help increase the effectiveness of the product;
  • the extract goes well with other vegetable and essential oils. This makes it possible to experiment with the compositions of homemade masks.

Argan compositions can be used at any time of the year. In addition, this valuable component increases the protective properties of the integument and will prove to be an excellent remedy against ultraviolet exposure to sunlight in the hot summer.

Features of using the product

If you have very dry skin, you can combine it with a night cream or use it instead. But before applying, you need to cleanse the skin with special cosmetics. After this, apply the cream in a dotted manner. Then, with a cotton swab, take the required amount of the composition to thoroughly rub it into the skin of the face.

Never add argan to a jar of cream. This leads to the fact that the service life of cosmetics is significantly reduced. To get maximum effect, mix argan with herbal or essential preparations.

Those with problem skin can use argan in combination with black cumin. The finished mixture should be rubbed into problem areas in a targeted manner. As a result, pimples and blackheads will disappear without affecting your appearance.

Using a natural product, you can quickly heal abrasions and wounds. To do this, it must be rubbed into the damaged areas daily. As a result, you can do without expensive creams and dubious drugs.

Anti-aging applications are also often made based on this ingredient. Simply soak the gauze in the hot product and apply it to the problem area of ​​the skin. Wrinkles and other damage will disappear after just a few sessions.

Such procedures are more effective if done before bedtime. Apply compresses to the entire surface of the face, covering it with a terry towel. The active components of the product will be absorbed much faster, positively affecting the condition of your skin.

The product is effective as a facial massage. To use it for this purpose, heat the ingredient. Rub it into the skin with smooth movements. This option is also used to prepare creams that nourish the skin with beneficial components.

These are the main features of using argan. You will be able to cope with the problems that have bothered you for many years. The main thing is that you use it regularly. Only in this case will it give the expected results.

Popular uses

The range of use of “Moroccan gold” in home cosmetology is very extensive. It is used in its pure form and as a nutritional additive to finished cosmetic products (masks, creams, etc.).

Before applying the nourishing extract, it is important to properly prepare the skin: wash off particles of dust, sweat and fat accumulated on the surface of the skin, dry the skin with a towel. Only then apply argan oil.

If you decide to combine a plant extract with a ready-made face cream, follow these instructions:

  1. Apply cream to previously cleansed skin.
  2. Directly distribute drops of oil over the skin.
  3. Perform light massage movements along the massage lines.
  4. For greater effectiveness, perform this procedure before bedtime.

It is allowed to mix the finished cream and a small amount of argan oil in advance. But keep in mind that such compositions cannot be stored for a long time, so make the portions minimal, for several doses.

Homemade masks are the most common and favorite way to use argan oil. The compositions are usually simple, prepared from available homemade ingredients, without chemical additives. We suggest considering several proven beauty recipes for different skin types:

  • A mask for sensitive skin will improve the condition of the skin, even out and refresh the complexion, and cleanse the pores. For cooking use 1 tbsp. l. fresh yogurt without additives or sour cream, egg yolk, 1 tbsp. l. oatmeal and 1 tsp. argan extract. Mix all ingredients and apply on face for half an hour. After a while, rinse off the remaining mixture with water and secure the procedure with a moisturizer.
  • A mask for dry skin guarantees intense hydration. To prepare you will need oatmeal (1 tbsp), 15 g of natural honey, 1 egg white and ½ tsp. argan oils. Mix the components of the mask until smooth, distribute the mixture onto the skin. After 20 minutes, wash with cool water and use face cream.
  • A mask for problem skin helps reduce inflammatory elements, refreshes the face, and increases the protective properties of epidermal cells. To prepare the mask you will need argan oil (1 tbsp) and 4 drops of tea tree oil. Both components are known for their anti-inflammatory and antiseptic effects. The oil mixture is distributed onto problem areas for 40 minutes. It is recommended to perform the mask every day until the problem is resolved.
  • A mask for aging and aging skin is aimed at lifting tissues, increasing their elasticity and firmness. Users claim that frequent implementation of the procedure (up to 3 times a week) guarantees smoothing of facial wrinkles, increased tone and turgor of the face. To prepare the anti-aging composition you need half a banana, 1 tsp. argan oil, 1 tsp. liquid honey and 5 drops of rose oil. Puree the banana pulp, add the remaining ingredients and mix thoroughly. Apply the mixture to cleansed skin for 20 minutes. After the specified time has passed, remove any remaining product with cool water and apply cream.
  • A mask for the area around the eyes will take care of sensitive skin and help smooth out crow's feet. To prepare the mixture you will need 3 drops each of olive, almond and argan oil. Apply the oil composition with light, point-to-point movements onto the sensitive area, as if pressing in with your fingertips. No need to rinse off.
  • An express mask with a brightening and toning effect is suitable for oily skin. To 1 tbsp. l. lemon juice, add 3-4 drops of argan remedy, 1 tbsp. l. liquid natural honey and 3 tsp. low-fat yogurt. Apply a homogeneous mass to your face, rinse off after 10–15 minutes with water.

Attention! Ingredients such as honey, citrus oils or pomace can cause an allergic reaction. Before using the mask for the first time, be sure to conduct a sensitivity test.

Useful cosmetic properties

Cosmetics must be chosen not only based on their properties, but also taking into account your age group.

Argan oil has unique anti-aging properties, which make it the main component of many cosmetic products aimed at maintaining youthful skin.

In its natural form, the oil can be used to maintain water balance and as protection against dry skin.

Beneficial properties for the skin

Cosmetologists believe that argan oil is a universal remedy that can be used for any skin type.

The main useful properties include:

  • restoration of the natural protection of the upper layer of the epidermis;
  • deep nutrition of cells at the dermis level;
  • visual reduction of facial wrinkles;
  • restoration of skin elasticity;
  • smoothing out deep wrinkles;
  • normalization of lipid metabolism;
  • normalization of water metabolism;
  • reduction of pigmentation;
  • even out skin color;
  • stabilization of vitamins A and C.

Cosmetologists believe that argan oil is a universal remedy that can be used for any skin type

Advice! During winter, you can use argan oil to prevent frost damage to your skin. To do this, just before going outside, apply a thin layer of oil to your face and hands.

Useful properties for hair

The beauty of a Russian woman is in her luxurious braid!

Argan oil is an indispensable assistant in restoring hair structure. In cosmetology, it is used as the main component in medicinal shampoos and masks.

If your hair is brittle and dull, using products containing argan oil will help restore its natural strength, reduce breakage and add shine.

For oily hair, the use of oil eliminates shine and normalizes the functioning of the sebaceous glands, which leads to the restoration of the structure of the hair follicles.

In cases where the hair has been damaged by poor-quality dye or drug treatment, argan oil will help restore its structure and restore a healthy glow.

If your hair is brittle and dull, using products containing argan oil will help restore its natural strength, reduce breakage and add shine.

To treat dry hair, you can use a very simple nourishing mask:

  • Heat 50 ml of cold-pressed argan oil in a water bath, add 50 ml of mineral water, mix thoroughly and remove from the bath.
  • Let the mixture cool slightly. Apply an even layer to hair and scalp.
  • Then wrap your head in film. Keep for 20 minutes, then rinse with warm running water.

Advice! After applying the mask, it is not recommended to use cosmetic shampoos for 3 hours, as they will wash away the beneficial substances obtained during the procedure.

To achieve lasting results, you need to make a mask 2 times a week for 1–1.5 months.

Beauty recipes for lips and eyelashes

Argan oil can be used to moisturize and nourish lips. Apply the valuable extract to the surface of your lips 1-2 times a day. This is especially true in windy weather, on frosty or hot days.

Eyelashes and eyebrows also need to be nourished with minerals and vitamins. Take care of their care too. Apply a little argan extract to the ends of your eyelashes and eyebrows, comb them with a clean brush from an old brush.

Do not overdo the dosage of the miracle extract so that the oil does not get into your eyes. It is recommended to perform the procedure 20–30 minutes before applying makeup or before going to bed.

Restrictions and contraindications

Almost everyone can use argan oil, but there are a few caveats:

  1. Make sure there is no allergy (drop on the inside of your wrist or elbow, wait 30 minutes).
  2. Avoid getting into an open wound; treat only the area around it.
  3. Use no more than once every 10 days if you have oily skin.
  4. Try to purchase a quality product. Look at the country of manufacture and price.

The product cannot be cheap, given the costs of its production and transportation.

Oral use

Edible argan oil is recommended to be used as a nutritional additive to dishes. Natural oil helps improve digestion, normalizes the functioning of the liver and reproductive organs, reduces cholesterol and helps eliminate waste and toxins from the body. The product also stimulates the strengthening of the immune system and stabilizes blood pressure.

Indications for argan oil therapy may include lower back pain, general malaise, impaired metabolism, etc. It is recommended to use the product for medicinal purposes in courses of ½ tsp. on an empty stomach every morning. In the future, the dosage is gradually increased, but not more than 2 tsp. in one go.

Important point! Therapy with a Moroccan remedy cannot replace medications prescribed by a doctor; it only helps solve a health problem.

It is prohibited to use products of questionable quality, with damaged packaging or expired expiration dates. So, there is a high probability of harming your health.

Application in cooking and other fields

The most valuable “Moroccan treasure” is often used for frying vegetables and meat, dressing salads and other dishes. It can be mixed with a small amount of mustard to create a spicy and aromatic seasoning for meat and vegetable treats. When making a delicious and healthy tomato salad dressing, you can mix argan oil with basil and a pinch of salt. And for fruit slices, a mixture of Moroccan oil and lemon juice is perfect.

Africans themselves use this product to prepare a delicious paste for sandwiches: for this, argan oil is mixed with honey and roasted almonds. The dish turns out not only incredibly tasty, but also healthy. It is often served for breakfast - as an addition to pancakes, pancakes or regular bread. In addition, argan oil can be mixed with yogurt to create a tasty and filling snack that is suitable even for children.

With the hero of our material today, you can prepare an original appetizer: take chickpeas, a couple of teaspoons of lemon juice, a pinch of salt and pepper, garlic and some herbs. Mix all ingredients in a blender, then add 2 teaspoons to the mixture. spoons of argan oil and mix again. The resulting paste can be served with pita bread and raw vegetables, with fried meat or boiled spaghetti.

TOP 5 best facial products with argan oil

Moroccan oil, as a valuable component, is used by many cosmetic companies in the preparation of creams, masks, and restorative facial serums. The natural ingredient significantly increases the effectiveness of the drug. For example, let's look at 5 popular facial products that users are crazy about:

  • Acure Organics facial cream for sensitive skin with argan oil and probiotics acts simultaneously in several directions: nourishes, moisturizes, relieves inflammation, improves complexion and protects the epidermis from harmful environmental influences. Does not cause an allergic reaction, does not weigh down the skin. The cost of the cream is about 1500 rubles.

  • Avon “Desert Treasures” face mask with Moroccan clay and argan oil - a pleasant aroma, intense hydration and gentle cleansing, softness of the skin after use and an affordable price captivate modern beauties. The cost of the product is about 200 rubles per 75 ml.

  • Ryor revitalizing serum with hyaluronic acid and argan oil - designed for aged, aging skin 40+. The product does not spread, is easy to apply, is instantly absorbed, leaving only pleasant impressions, soft and moisturized skin, and an even complexion. The combination of hyaluronic acid and valuable extract guarantees a rejuvenating, restorative effect, prevents skin aging, and smoothes out fine wrinkles. The cost of the product from the Czech Republic is up to 1,500 rubles.

  • Ryor face cream with hyaluronic acid and argan oil is recognized as a bestseller on many online platforms. The product is ideal for mature skin, nourishes, moisturizes it, and provides a lifting effect. It is recommended to use in combination with a regenerating serum from the same series. Purchasing the cream will cost approximately 1,400 rubles.

  • Yoko Argan Oil Eye Cream with peptides and argan oil is an amazing product for rejuvenating and nourishing the sensitive area. Thanks to its rich composition, the cream smooths out wrinkles, solves the problem of blue eyes and bags under the eyes, intensively nourishes and moisturizes the skin. Users are also pleased with the affordable price of the cream - about 315 rubles.

There are many products containing argan oil. When choosing a product, be sure to take into account the structure, type and characteristics of the integument, age category and problems that need to be solved.

Name, labeling of natural product, importing countries

When purchasing an oil product, you should pay attention to the labeling. The raw material is known as argan oil or argan oil, its analogue is ironwood.

Foreign markings:

  • in English – argan oil;
  • in French - lhuile d'argan;
  • in Latin - Argan oi spinosa.

The main importing countries are:

  • Russia;
  • Croatia;
  • Poland;
  • Lebanon;
  • Iran;
  • France;
  • Morocco;
  • Bulgaria;
  • Finland;
  • Kingdom of Great Britain;
  • Türkiye;
  • Greece;
  • Korea;
  • USA;
  • China;
  • Islam;
  • Brazil;
  • South Korea;
  • Slovenia;
  • Italy.

The only country of origin is Morocco. If another country is indicated, this indicates a counterfeit product.

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Precautionary measures

There are no special contraindications to the use of the plant extract. The exception is for customers who are allergic to the ingredient presented. Those with oily skin types should be wary of oil therapy.

Do not apply oil directly to the wound; it is enough to treat the skin around it.

The main precaution is to use only high-quality products. Before first use, perform a quick allergy test: apply a small amount of the composition to the inner bend of your elbow or behind your ear. Redness, burning or irritation of the skin after some time is not allowed and this product should not be used.

Advantages and disadvantages

It is difficult to note the disadvantages of argan oil; the extract is so unique and valuable for the skin and the body as a whole. The only caveat is the high price.

Now let's talk about why you should purchase and use the product:

  • the composition is absolutely natural, has many nutritional components;
  • has a multifaceted effect: nourishes, moisturizes, protects, strengthens epidermal cells, relieves inflammation;
  • practically free of contraindications;
  • provides a lasting and pronounced effect with regular use;
  • is not difficult to use;
  • overdose is impossible;
  • Suitable for all skin types and ages, even for babies.

Reviews from cosmetologists

Cosmetologists welcome the presence of natural oils, including argan, in facial cosmetics and skin care. Plant extract is an indispensable assistant for dry and problematic skin types.

According to the testing results, argan oil is a substance that does not clog pores and does not cause comedogenicity to the skin. The extract is suitable for everyone, regardless of skin type.

The specialist in the following review recommends adding argan oil to dry skin care or using ready-made products with the named component.

Another specialist suggests argan oil as one of the treatment options for dry skin.

How to store cosmetics and pure oil products?

To ensure that the oil retains its properties for as long as possible, it should be stored in a dark bottle. At the same time, the neck in it should not be wide or very open. If products are sold in different packaging, then there is a risk of purchasing a counterfeit.

Raw materials are afraid of direct sunlight, so they should be stored in a dark and cool place, for example, in the refrigerator door. This way you can check the naturalness of the product. While in the refrigerator, real butter will not change its liquid consistency. If it contains additives that thicken due to cold, then the raw material will thicken.

The oil product can be stored for no more than 2 years. If a longer period is indicated on the packaging, this indicates that chemical additives have been added that reduce the beneficial properties of the raw material. After the specified time, the smell does not change, and many people mistakenly believe that they can continue to use the oil.

However, continued use may cause side effects:

  • skin irritation;
  • itching;

  • redness.

If the storage conditions are observed, the oil will last a long time and be useful. Argan oil is produced only in the country of North Africa. Due to the presence of vitamins and beneficial elements, its properties have found application in the field of cosmetics and cooking.

The raw materials are suitable for caring for the skin of the face and body, brittle, split ends and eyelashes. The oil is quite expensive, so you should pay attention to how it is stored correctly.

Article design: Oleg Lozinsky

User reviews about the effectiveness of the product

Regular use of the natural extract delights ordinary users. Some note incredible lightness and softness after the first use, while for others noticeable changes are visible after a course of procedures. In any case, the effectiveness of argan oil is beyond doubt.

Argan oil is used by representatives of various skin types. Proper use of the extract will reduce the oiliness of the skin and improve complexion.

Argan oil is also effective for combination, problem skin. The following user shares his impressions of the extract brought from Tunisia.

The following user claims that the oil can solve the problem of wrinkles and sagging skin.

It is difficult to find negative reviews about argan oil on the Internet. Proper use and high quality of the product are the key to success and pleasure from the procedure for you and your skin.

Reviews about the effects of argan

I really love taking care of my skin using different oils. I recently tried argan oil and was pleasantly surprised. I applied it directly to the skin. Not only is it more tender than olive oil, but inflammation on the face began to go away. The skin became silky and the color improved. And after a while, I noticed that acne scars began to disappear. The effect is on the face, and it really is!

Yulia Kakorova, 24 years old.

A friend brought a bottle of argan oil as a gift and said that it was an invaluable product. I only had time to try it in winter, when my face began to peel off from the frost. The result is hydrated skin and a tightened contour. I even applied the product to the area around my eyes. By the way, I already said goodbye to the crow's feet!

Maria Novoselova, 34 years old.

The applicability of such beneficial argan oil is impressive. Any woman can solve existing problems on her face. The cost of the product pays for its indispensability in the fight against rashes, dryness and withering of the skin. The main thing is to choose the right argan oil in order to experience a pleasant result.

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