7 reasons for papillomas in the genital area - how and with what help to get rid of them?

Papilloma is a formation that can appear on the skin or mucous membranes of a person and, without appropriate intervention, lead to serious consequences, including the development of cancer. Papillomas on the human body signal the presence of HPV (human papillomavirus) in the body. At the moment, a fairly large number of varieties of this virus have been identified. It has also been proven that about 70% of the sexually active population are its carriers.

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What causes papillomas in intimate places?

Papillomas on the genitals are exclusively of viral origin and are associated with human infection with the “papilloma virus”. Absolutely anyone can become a carrier of this viral agent, even if they carefully monitor their own hygiene. The fact is that infection occurs through direct contact, by simply touching the skin of a virus carrier, as well as through the use of common household items.

The sexual mechanism of transmission of the virus is the most active and ensures 100% infection through unprotected sexual contact. Given that on average about 85% of the world's population suffers from the papilloma virus, infection becomes almost inevitable.

Despite this, not all carriers face the problem of developing tumors. The virus can remain latent for a long time without manifesting itself. At the same time, its active reproduction occurs in the basal layer of the epidermis, which ultimately causes hyperplasia. For the development of skin manifestations of genital papillomas, the creation of certain conditions is required:

  1. Weakening of the immune system;
  2. Injuries and damage to the mucous membrane of the genital organs;
  3. Hormonal imbalance or chronic diseases associated with endocrine disorders;
  4. Having bad habits;
  5. Stress, overwork, nervous-emotional tension;
  6. Severe infectious or inflammatory process.

Ways to remove warts in the groin:

  1. Laser removal is the most popular and highly effective method, which has virtually no contraindications or complications. The wart is evaporated layer by layer with a laser beam. After the session, a barely noticeable mark remains at the site of removal of the skin formation.
  2. Medical removal. It involves the use of cauterizing liquids. It is better to carry out the procedure of cauterization of warts under the supervision of a doctor. If used independently, they can cause a chemical burn to the skin in the groin area.
  3. Cryodestruction. Freezing a wart with liquid nitrogen. After treatment, the wart turns into a blister filled with bloody fluid. Healing occurs as with a normal thermal burn. The method has a number of complications, such as burns of surrounding tissues followed by inflammation. The effectiveness of this method is very low.
  4. Electrotherapy. Removal of warts using high-frequency electric current. There is a risk of burns to surrounding healthy tissues; the effectiveness is low.
  5. Radio wave operation. The wart is cut off in layers using a radio wave knife. It is not always possible to remove the “roots” of the wart deeply enough, so the risk of recurrence is very high.
  6. Surgery. Classic removal with a scalpel. Use as a last resort. After the operation, a recovery period is required; a scar is possible at the incision site.

Rice. 6. Condilin is suitable for removing warts in the groin

It should be borne in mind that removing a wart in a man’s groin solves only a cosmetic problem and cannot get rid of the virus. Therefore, whatever method is chosen, it is simultaneously necessary to strengthen the immune system and fight the virus.

With constant monitoring and following recommendations, relapses of the disease can be avoided.

Types and danger of papillomas on the genitals

Most papillomas in the intimate area have the appearance of pointed papillae, which can merge to form lobular structures resembling cauliflower. Moreover, the color of such neoplasms ranges from light pink to bright red. In medicine, such epithelial growths are also called genital warts. The localization of condylomas in representatives of different sexes is somewhat different.

Papillomas in intimate places in men:

  • Papillomas on the head of the penis;
  • Papillomas on the penis (directly on the body of the organ);
  • Papillomas on the surface of the scrotum;
  • Papillomas in the anal area.

Papillomas in intimate places in women:

  • Papillomas on the labia;
  • Papillomas in the vagina;
  • Cervical papillomas;
  • Papillomas in the uterus;
  • Papillomas in the anal area.

The formation of genital warts in the intimate area carries several dangers, the main one of which is malignant degeneration. The fact is that some types of virus are oncogenic, integrating into the genome of the carrier. Such a process can lead to a precancerous condition or progressive oncology. This is especially true for cervical papillomas, which cause cancer in 50% of cases.

Many countries have introduced a vaccination system for the fair sex, which helps to significantly reduce risks, but preventing this phenomenon is made difficult by the fact that symptoms of papilloma in women on the internal genital organs may not appear for a long time. As a result, a neoplasm is usually discovered during a gynecological examination.

Vaginal papillomas make themselves felt by insignificant bleeding and discomfort during sexual intercourse, which reduces the quality of the patient’s sexual life. In addition, this phenomenon may be characterized by a burning sensation and pain during urination, as well as heavy vaginal discharge.

Papilloma on the labia often gives rise to complexes and self-doubt, which is associated with the aesthetic component of the genitals. It should also be understood that even benign neoplasms in intimate places can be injured during sexual contact, urination or active movement. The danger of mechanical damage to genital papillomas lies in the likelihood of severe bleeding and infection. In addition, a humid environment creates conditions that prevent the rapid healing of the wound surface.

Symptoms of papilloma virus in men

Skin growths can take different forms:

  • Thread-like papillomas on a thin stalk appear in the axillary region and groin, on the face and neck - they grow up to 5 mm in length and are often injured;
  • flat neoplasms appear on the hands and forearms, face and legs, representing a collection of nodules with a shiny top;
  • in the genital area (on the penis, often on the head of the penis), pedunculated growths with a sharp end are formed - condylomas, these neoplasms provoke itching and burning in the anus, discharge with an unpleasant odor and bleeding from the anus;
  • on the palms and feet there are round formations (spikes), they cause itching and discomfort when walking, after a certain time the surface peels off, a black dot appears in the middle;
  • On the back of the hand, fingers and knees, the human papillomavirus in men manifests itself as simple warts growing up to 10 mm in diameter.

If papillomas occur on the pubic part and in other places, you should consult a dermatologist. If you are in doubt whether you have papilloma or not, look at the photos of these formations. But in any case, do not hesitate to visit a doctor!

Tests for diagnosing papillomavirus

The very fact of detection of papillomas may be sufficient grounds for their removal.

It doesn't matter how dangerous they are.

The main thing is that these formations look ugly and can interfere with the quality of sexual life.

But still, a person who comes in with pubic papillomas is usually examined.

First of all, in order to find out what type of HPV affected his skin.

It can be low-, medium-, or highly oncogenic.

If oncogenic types are detected, the patient is monitored dynamically.

Because the risk of cancer remains even after papillomas are removed.

PCR is used to determine the type.

A scraping of the pubic skin is taken.

It is then examined to identify a fragment of the virus's DNA.

Women are also recommended to undergo smears for oncocytology.

Sometimes your doctor will order testing for other STDs.

Because in the presence of papillomavirus, they are detected quite often - in approximately 50% of patients.

The person himself is often unaware of them.

Because sexually transmitted infections may not be accompanied by symptoms.

Alternative methods for removing papillomas

If a growth appears in the intimate area, you should consult a doctor. After the examination, the specialist will determine the further treatment plan and choose the most suitable method of removing the growth. To find out the price of laser papillomas removal, contact Delta Clinic. Our specialists are attentive to patients and have extensive experience. Our clinic is equipped with high-precision modern equipment.

The indication for tumor removal is the growth of papilloma, its frequent injury, unaesthetic appearance, etc. The removal procedure takes very little time. The main ways to eliminate growths:

· Laser removal. During the procedure, the patient does not feel pain, the manipulation does not lead to scars. The likelihood of relapse is minimal.

· Radiosurgery. Education is affected by radio waves. The procedure is quick and does not require tissue restoration.

· A liquid nitrogen. No pre-anesthesia is required. After exposure, the formation dries out and disappears.

In addition, coagulation using high temperature or exposure to the growth with electric current is possible. The latter method is relevant if further examination of the tissue is required. If the operation is performed correctly, the risk of complications is reduced to zero.

Incubation period of papillomas

The incubation period of human papillomavirus infection can be long and lasts several months.

The infectious process develops in two stages.

The initial stage is after the virus enters the body.

It is characterized by the persistence of HPV in episomal form.

During this period, the infected cell can produce viral particles.

Therefore, this stage is called reproductive.

During this process, the virus accumulates in the body.

Next comes the integrative stage.

The DNA of the virus is inserted into the genome of infected cells.

At the initial stage, the pathology is reversible.

Many go into remission.

Papillomas do not appear on the pubis, and malignant tumors do not develop.

If the disease enters the integrative stage, various skin formations begin to appear.


If papillomas appear on the head of a man’s penis, then curing them will not be easy, and the removal procedure will be painful.

First of all, doctors recommend that a man avoid promiscuous sex and use barrier contraception.

With early prevention and a negative test for the virus, a healthy man is offered vaccination against HPV. If the virus is detected, but papillomas have not yet had time to manifest themselves, it is advised to strengthen the immune system in order to avoid their growth.

There are several ways to strengthen your immune system:

  1. Improve your diet, add a vitamin-mineral complex or foods enriched with beneficial microelements and substances.
  2. Exercise.

In winter and in the off-season, immunologists advise strengthening the immune system with vitamin complexes and antiviral drugs.

Side effects of immunomodulators for papillomas

Flu-like conditions often develop when interferons are used.

Body temperature rises, signs of inflammation of the upper respiratory tract appear.

There is a headache.

The higher the dose, the greater the risk of side effects.

They can be relieved by using non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs.

When using cytokine inducers, local reactions may occur.

This is redness, swelling, and the formation of erosions on the skin.

Traditional methods

There are many folk recipes that allow you to get rid of papillomatous formations at home (which in no case should be torn off). For removal use: celandine, garlic, lemon juice, hydrogen peroxide. All of these products are dangerous for use in the intimate area. You should also remember that you cannot cure an infection simply by getting rid of visible growths. To combat the virus, systemic therapy is necessary, so it is better not to self-medicate, but to contact specialists immediately.

Use of medications

There is currently no specific therapy for HPV. However, it is possible to eliminate warts in the genital area and other parts of the body. In addition, it is possible to get vaccinated against the most common types of the virus. Most HPV carriers do not require therapy, however, it is advisable to remove warts if they become injured or change their appearance.

One of the drugs that can be used for HPV is Podofilox. This gel is applied to the growth and helps eliminate it. However, there is a risk of the growth occurring again after some time. Another drug is Imiquimod. After treatment, re-formation of the growth is possible.

Your doctor may recommend alternative treatments. One of them is freezing the growth with liquid nitrogen. Laser radiation can also be used to remove warts. When performed correctly in a clinical setting, manipulation does not lead to adverse reactions or scars.

Since HPV is a virus, the likelihood of relapse depends on immunity. To reduce the risk of papillomas after treatment, it is recommended to switch to a healthy diet, periodically exercise and stop smoking and drinking alcohol.

To reduce the likelihood of illness, it is important to use condoms when having sex with new partners. The best way to protect against HPV is vaccination, preferably before puberty.

Control tests after treatment of papillomas

After treatment of pubic papillomas, laboratory monitoring is needed.

It is required for:

  • viral load estimates
  • prevention of recurrence of papillomas (by timely administration of a course of antiviral therapy)
  • determining the likelihood of malignant oncological diseases

Control involves performing quantitative studies for human papillomavirus infection.

If it decreases, the virus is likely to be eliminated soon.

In the future, papillomas will not appear.

An increase in the number of papillomavirus DNA copies indicates the need for further antiviral therapy.

Recurrence of skin formations is possible.

In this case, they will have to be deleted again.

In addition, women regularly undergo smears for oncocytology.

This is required if oncogenic HPV types are detected during PCR.

Methods of infection with papillomas

If a papilloma appears on the pubis, most likely the infection occurred through sexual contact.

Human papillomavirus infection is a disease with a predominantly sexual transmission method.

Although it can also infect humans through close household contact.

But it is obvious that in everyday life people do not touch each other’s pubis or genitals.

Therefore, taking into account localization, if you find papillomas in yourself, this is a “gift” from your sexual partner.

Moreover, the infection could have occurred quite a long time ago.

It is likely that it took place several months ago.

For this reason, it is often not possible to determine the source of infection.

Preparing for treatment

Before starting treatment for papilloma, the doctor conducts a thorough examination of the man’s groin under magnification, makes a diagnosis, and studies tests.

The effectiveness of treatment depends on the correct diagnosis:

  1. Oral interview with a venereologist, taking an anamnesis.
  2. If the head of the penis, urethra or urethra is affected, consultation with a urologist is indicated.
  3. You need to be tested for HPV using the PCR method (scraping from the genitals), for AIDS, HIV and syphilis.
  4. Examination of the anus by a proctologist.
  5. Getting tested for STDs.

After all the tests are ready, the doctor will select the appropriate method for treating and removing papillomas for the man. Tumors can be removed only if the man does not have infectious or viral diseases in the acute stage.

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