breast lipoma
Breast tumor - symptoms and treatment
Breast lipoma is a fatty formation, which is why it is often called a wen. This is a benign tumor
Pressotherapy for weight loss
Pressotherapy - what is it and when is it used?
The choice of settings depends on the patient’s goals and the characteristics of the body: For women leading a passive lifestyle,
Provocateurs of acne and wrinkles. 8 Products Your Dermatologist Doesn't Recommend
Even the most useful product, consumed in large quantities, becomes poisonous. In the case of skin
Give your skin a healthy and blooming look: TOP 6 best Vichy face creams
Vichy is a brand of pharmaceutical cosmetics, the history of which began in 1931 in a French town
Principles of disease therapy
Urticaria: symptoms, causes, types, treatment and complications - consultation with experienced dermatologists and allergists at the MEDSI clinic
Diagnosis Twenty years ago, doctors diagnosed “idiopathic urticaria” in 90% of their patients with
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List of the best ointments for bags under the eyes. Are hemorrhoid medications suitable for treating the symptom?
Regardless of the reasons why bags appear under the eyes, with this disorder you can
Beauty points on the face: where to click to look 10 years younger
Modern women are lucky - advanced achievements are available to them to preserve and restore their own beauty
Symptoms of drug allergies
Drug allergies - symptoms and treatment
Red spots on the body - causes. 09/03/2021 Many people consider the appearance of red spots
Medical sulfur
What are the benefits of sulfur, properties and effects on the body, reviews
Sulfur is one of the most important microelements for humans, responsible for good appearance.
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Therapeutic cream Zorka with floralizin - use for people
Cream Zorka from the manufacturer Horse Force (Horse Force) is originally a veterinary product intended for
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