Pressotherapy - what is it and when is it used?

The choice of settings depends on the patient’s goals and body characteristics:

  • For women leading a passive lifestyle, a leg program is suitable, which disperses blood and stagnant lymph in the lower extremities;
  • To remove cellulite, you should act directly on the problem area: buttocks, abdomen or thighs;
  • To improve the health of the whole body, complex therapy is recommended.

There should be no pain during the procedure. If this happens, it means that either the program has been selected incorrectly or the air dosage is excessive. In any case, if you experience the slightest discomfort, inform your specialist.

Main stage

During the session, the patient simply lies on the couch and enjoys a gentle but effective hardware massage.

The type of procedure and its duration are determined by a specialist; depending on the results of treatment, the course can be shortened or increased at the discretion of the doctor. Usually the problem disappears in 10-20 sessions, the interval between visits is 2-3 days.

The standard procedure takes 45 minutes, the first procedure takes no more than 35 minutes. The break between courses is at least 7 months.


When compared with other weight loss methods, the following advantages can be identified:

  1. The procedure is painless.
  2. It does not cause harm to health, provided contraindications are observed.
  3. You don't need to change your usual lifestyle to achieve a cosmetic effect. But if you wish, you can combine this method of losing weight with proper nutrition and exercise - this will help increase the effectiveness of the procedure and maintain the results.
  4. You can act on the whole body or on a specific area.
  5. Affordable price.
  6. No specific preparation required.

What effect can you expect

After a course of pressotherapy designed for 15 sessions, a general improvement in the body’s condition is observed. Along with the accelerated flow of lymph, stagnant fluid filled with toxins comes out of the space between the cells.

As a result:

  • The skin acquires previously lost firmness and elasticity;
  • The normalized water balance restores metabolism and blood circulation;
  • Inflammatory processes fade;
  • Immunity strengthens.

Pressotherapy does not eliminate fat; weight loss occurs due to the removal of excess fluid from the body.

People often ask how compressed air massage gets rid of cellulite. It is necessary to understand that the “orange peel” is not a fat deposit, but a consequence of impaired blood flow, which, in turn, occurs due to edema.

The effectiveness of pressotherapy for the body is much higher than classical massage: the desired result can be achieved several times faster with modern equipment. For comparison, 1 session of hardware compressed air massage is equal to 20 visits to a regular massage therapist.

But sometimes, due to health reasons, the patient is only recommended for manual manipulation.

Is pressotherapy safe?

Pressotherapy is a fairly safe technique and is suitable for most people over 18 years of age. However, attention should be paid to the presence of severe symptoms of cardiac pathology and some other clinical situations in patients. It is logical that pressotherapy should not be performed on patients with fractures, dislocations and ligament ruptures, as well as wounds and other skin lesions in the area of ​​impact. Also, people with osteoporosis and deep vein thrombosis should not undergo this treatment. If you have been taking fever medication or anticoagulants, you should consult your doctor before undergoing pressure therapy.

Pressotherapy is absolutely safe!

The pressotherapy method plays a special role in the treatment of patients with impaired venous circulation in the lower extremities. No other technology is capable of removing excess fluid in the lower extremities and other body segments in such a short period of time as pressotherapy. A good effect can be noted by both patients with functional venous insufficiency and patients with more serious damage to the venous system (varicose veins, post-thrombotic disease).

However, the pressotherapy technique is conservative, therefore, its effects are temporary. Therefore, it is necessary to be aware of who should recommend this method.

Contraindications and adverse reactions

Now let's look at a number of reasons why the use of pressotherapy is prohibited.

Contraindications to pressotherapy are:

  • The presence of inflammatory processes in the body;
  • Aggravated chronic pathology;
  • A number of heart diseases;
  • Problems with the endocrine system;
  • Kidney function is impaired;
  • Oncology;
  • Intervertebral hernia;
  • Infectious skin diseases;
  • Obstruction in blood vessels;
  • Pregnancy and breastfeeding;
  • Menses;
  • Tuberculosis;
  • Thrombophlebitis.

To prevent unwanted consequences and side effects of pressotherapy, be sure to visit a physiotherapist before starting treatment, who will study the individual characteristics of your body and determine the optimal conditions for hardware massage.


The use of various cosmetic and medicinal products will help to enhance the effect of pressotherapy. Their choice depends on the patient’s diagnosis and the purpose of the massage:

  • Anti-cellulite creams and gels penetrate into the deep layers of the skin and activate processes that help reduce the number of fat capsules: they accelerate metabolism, blood circulation and lymph flow. They contain extracts of wild ivy, horse chestnut, horsetail, and seaweed concentrates that stimulate lymphatic drainage.
  • Fat burning products accelerate local blood flow, activate sweating, and neutralize poisons and toxins accumulated in tissues. Most often, these creams contain warming red pepper extract or cooling menthol. The active component of many lipolytics is aminophylline, a synthetic alkaloid that affects muscle fibers, relaxing them and relieving fatigue.

  • Basic massage products with the addition of essential oils of laurel, ginger, rosemary not only care for the skin, but also have a healing, lymphatic drainage effect.
  • The use of healing creams and ointments such as “Capillar”, “Detox”, “Sofya” (with leech extract), which have a beneficial effect on blood vessels, will help with problems with veins and prevent the development of varicose veins.
  • Troxevasin ointment eliminates lymphovenous insufficiency, relieves pain and cramps, reduces swelling, and reduces vascular fragility.
  • For medical reasons, heparin ointment is used, which resolves blood clots, relieves inflammation, and is a powerful anesthetic.

These and other products are applied to the problem area before the session. The body is wrapped in plastic film, and a disposable waterproof overall made of hypoallergenic, pleasant-to-touch, non-woven material is put on top, excluding direct contact of the body with the main suit.

Compatible with other procedures

The effect can be enhanced using additional procedures:

  1. Cavitation is an ideal addition to pressotherapy. This is an ultrasonic effect at a frequency of 30-40 kHz. Oscillatory movements that promote the formation of bubbles displace fat cells from the tissues, which stimulates weight loss. The lymphatic system is responsible for removing waste products from the body. The two procedures are carried out both in combination and alternately;
  2. Myostimulation (gymnastics for the lazy) is a restorative treatment based on electrical stimulation of muscles and nerve endings. Good effect when combined with pressotherapy, cavitation;
  3. Infrared pressotherapy is an effective method of body shaping through infrared exposure to problem areas. As a result, fat deposits are destroyed, the functioning of the lymphatic and circulatory systems returns to normal;
  4. Wrap. The procedure is recommended when working with cellulite, as it helps to increase the muscle tone of the skin and its elasticity;
  5. LPG massage is a mechanical treatment of problem areas of the body using special attachments. The methods work well together. But there are contraindications to pressotherapy used in conjunction with LPG massage.

Vacuum pressotherapy is a combination of a conventional procedure and vacuum massage. An integrated approach will quickly get rid of unwanted pounds.


Many people are wondering if there is a device for pressotherapy at home. They, that is, only the effect will be much weaker. We are talking about cheaper analogues that have less impact on the body. The devices that are used in clinics and special institutions are not in the same price category for installing a similar one in your bedroom.

The pressotherapy process can be selective or complex. In the first case, the impact will occur on a certain area of ​​the body - arm, leg, neck, etc. There are different types of pressotherapy pants just for this case.

In the second case, the procedure is carried out with the entire body, which ends up in different cuffs.

Next, specialists prepare the procedure. Initially, you will be warned not to eat food several hours before the procedure. It will be best if both the stomach and bladder are empty.

Next comes the procedure itself. This takes a different amount of time, but between sessions there will be about three days.

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Reviews from doctors and patients

Almost all patients are satisfied with the treatment. Reviews of pressotherapy mainly talk about positive results: legs are rested, the skin has become tightened and more elastic, extra pounds are gone. Some admit that at the first session, out of habit, there was a slight discomfort, but then the sensations are extremely positive, and the result is completely satisfying.

Before signing up for the procedure, you must visit a consultation with your doctor and make sure there are no contraindications.

Press massage price

The cost of 1 pressotherapy procedure ranges from 1 to 3,000 rubles. The exact price of a session depends on the location of the session, the level of the clinic, the quality and novelty of the suit/device, the qualifications of the doctor and the city (in Moscow the cost of therapy is correspondingly more expensive).

Remember that if a salon’s advertisement promises you ultra-low prices for pressotherapy courses, this may turn out to be a low-quality service.

Try to choose trusted clinics and experienced professionals, based on reviews from doctors and other patients!

Pressotherapy is beneficial for both women and men

  • The lowest cost of 1 procedure (time 15 minutes) should be at least 300 rubles.
  • The average price of pressotherapy for one treatment area in most salons is about 1000 rubles.
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