Facial treatments: the most popular and effective

From this article you will learn:

  • Benefits of systemic facial care
  • Facial skin care depending on skin type
  • Age labels for cosmetics
  • 6 stages of systemic facial skin care
  • The importance of using cosmetics from the same company

The face is a woman’s calling card. Everyone strives for perfect skin. Even, smooth, beautiful and well-groomed - this is the dream of many. You can make your dream come true if you know the secrets of proper care.

A balanced diet, adequate sleep and, of course, systemic cosmetic care are the best options for the face to achieve perfect skin. Only complex procedures will achieve the expected effect. Read on for the secrets of perfect skin.

General indications for anti-aging procedures

Many people believe that they should switch to anti-aging care when the skin condition begins to bother the patient. This is a big mistake. Non-surgical procedures for facial rejuvenation “work” only for subtle cosmetic defects and act as a reliable means of preventing problems with facial skin. A good cosmetologist will advise you not to wait until deep wrinkles and folds appear on the face - clear signs of skin aging. In addition to these indications for anti-aging care, it is worth noting:

  • the first smallest wrinkles;
  • facial activity - the appearance of small skin creases, predisposition to defects;
  • pale skin color;
  • uneven complexion;
  • feeling of dryness, tightness of the skin;
  • “bags”, swelling, bruises under the eyes.

Signs of aging accumulate gradually. Procedures in a beauty salon can guarantee quick results. At the same time, you do not have to endure pain or recover for a long time after facial rejuvenation sessions. However, these are not all the advantages of the non-surgical technique.

Why are non-surgical anti-aging procedures popular?

For quite a long period, exclusively facial plastic surgery was used to solve cosmetic problems. During surgery, the surgeon removes excess subcutaneous fat and skin, slightly tightening the oval. Plastic surgery allows you to form clear facial contours, remove wrinkles, folds and skin sagging.

Surgical lifting shows good results in patients aged 40+. However, surgery is not justified in patients 25+, who usually want to get rid of the signs of photoaging (caused by sun exposure). Under the influence of sunlight, hyaluronic acid in the cells of the epidermis breaks down - the skin loses its former elasticity. In this case, plastic surgery is not a help: it only redistributes and slightly tightens the skin without affecting the root cause of the problem.

Modern technologies used in the cosmetology clinic guarantee a comprehensive result. They combine hardware, injection, laser, and aesthetic procedures that solve the problem from the inside - not just “mask,” but remove signs of photoaging and prevent their reappearance.

It is not for nothing that ISAPS statistics confirm the increasing popularity of non-surgical techniques - over the past ten years, the number of cosmetic procedures performed has increased by 200%.

Face massage

Cosmetic facial massage is indicated for any skin type and at any age. It stimulates blood circulation and lymphatic drainage, relaxes muscles, and improves skin elasticity. Divided into types:

  • hygienic;
  • prophylactic;
  • medicinal;
  • plastic.

Hygienic massage maintains overall muscle tone. Preventive, or cryomassage, is carried out with ice and snow. It is used for oily skin with clogged pores. Therapeutic and plastic massage are used according to indications for aging skin and other problems.

Massage techniques

Beauty salons offer various techniques for cosmetic facial massage. For example, there is a chiroplastic or lifting massage, during which the cosmetologist irritates the skin receptors of the skin, or a Jacquet massage using pinches that normalize the functioning of the sebaceous glands. There is a myofascial method, the peculiarity of which is the inclusion of deep breathing techniques in the process, as well as acupressure, sculptural massages and many other proprietary developments.

Rules for preparing for anti-aging procedures

All procedures for facial rejuvenation are carried out with preliminary preparation - the skin should be protected from stress and moisturized abundantly. Here are some tips from cosmetologists that should not be neglected:

  • make sure that at least two weeks (preferably four) have passed since active sun exposure;
  • exclude a combination of sessions with similar operating principles;
  • a few days before the procedure, refrain from any type of smoking and drinking alcoholic beverages;
  • If possible, exclude very salty, spicy foods from your diet: they load blood vessels and stimulate swelling;
  • do not forget to take a course of active skin moisturizing - use serums and masks;
  • Some procedures require several days of recovery - plan your time.

Salon treatments at home

You can use salon products at home, but not always. The easiest way to get high-level care at home is to purchase a ready-made mask from the professional series. Here it is only important to choose a product depending on the condition of your skin and follow the instructions. But with peeling, cleansing and home rejuvenation, the situation is not so harmless.

You can clean it at home, but you shouldn’t be overzealous. A cosmetologist removes blockages and pimples professionally. You cannot carry out this procedure yourself; traces of your manipulations may remain. The maximum that is allowed in this case at home is to steam the skin in a water bath, use a scrub and make a cleansing mask.

If you decide to exfoliate at home, choose only mild, superficial peeling products and do a preliminary test on an inconspicuous area of ​​skin.

Injection procedures for facial rejuvenation

We are talking about injections of drugs whose active components reach the deep layer of the skin. Injections promote cellular rejuvenation and stimulate the processes of natural renewal of skin cells. The following techniques are used in modern injection cosmetology:

  • botulinum toxin injections – allow you to get rid of facial wrinkles and prevent their appearance;
  • biorevitalization (hyaluronic acid injections) – actively moisturizes the skin, smoothes out fine wrinkles, demonstrates a slight lifting effect and protects the face from external negative factors;
  • blanching (filling small wrinkles with Beloterosoft) – smoothes the skin texture, improves complexion;
  • mesotherapy (beauty injections, meso-cocktail injections) – heals the skin, promotes its timely natural renewal;
  • ozone therapy (ozone injections) – saturates skin cells with oxygen, accelerates tissue metabolism, relieves local inflammation;
  • plasma therapy (injections of the patient’s own plasma) – improves the quality of the skin, activates cellular renewal processes, strengthens local immunity;
  • PRP therapy (injections of blood plasma with a high platelet content) - eliminates small and medium wrinkles, evens out skin texture, improves complexion, and rejuvenates the skin by 5-10 years.

The effect of injections depends not only on the quality of the drug used and the skill of the cosmetologist, but also on home facial care after the procedure. For the first few days, experts advise not to rub your face or use decorative cosmetics. Cosmetics containing alcohol and acids are strictly prohibited. Blood thinning medications should also not be taken during the recovery period.

Regardless of the type of injection rejuvenation procedure performed, in the first time after the session, the cosmetologist sets restrictions on visiting baths, saunas, swimming pools and solariums, as well as drinking alcohol and smoking.

Immediately after the injections, small lumps and bruises may appear on the face. They will go away on their own in a few days. Typically the rehabilitation period lasts a week. The recommended frequency of injection procedures is several times a year.

Face masks

A mask is the process of applying a cosmetic mixture to the skin for a certain time. Beauty salons use professional masks, which have a more complex composition than homemade ones and include more active ingredients (ceramides, liposomal microemulsions, hyaluronic acid, alpha hydroxy acids). Masks are available for oily, normal, dry, combination, sensitive and problem skin. There are also masks for skin with rosacea, rosacea and pigmentation.

Types of masks

The shape of the mask is:

  • powdered - dry compositions that the cosmetologist dilutes with water, peroxide or active drugs;
  • pasty - with mineral fillers;
  • creamy - drying and non-drying;
  • gel-like - with aloe and essential oils;
  • collagenous - leaf-shaped;
  • plasticizing - alginate;
  • film

When hardened, the alginate mask resembles rubber.
The composition of therapeutic masks may include components such as clay, algae, paraffin, placenta, collagen, and plant extracts. According to the action of the mask, there are moisturizing, nourishing, with a lifting effect, anti-inflammatory, soothing, whitening, narrowing pores, cleansing, toning, warming, cooling, and vascular strengthening.

The best hardware procedures for facial rejuvenation

Hardware cosmetology products affect the entire structure of the skin, activating all internal processes in the cells. Procedures of this kind are absolutely painless, demonstrate noticeable and long-lasting results and have a very limited list of contraindications. Hardware rejuvenation includes the following techniques:

  • SMAS-lifting (impact of focused high-intensity ultrasound) – returns clear contours to the face, visibly tightens the skin and stimulates the production of natural collagen;
  • RF lifting (exposure to high-frequency electric current) – eliminates sagging, heterogeneity of the skin, stimulates collagen synthesis;
  • hardware carboxy therapy (subcutaneous injection of purified carbon dioxide) – stimulates blood circulation, nourishes the skin, accelerates metabolism and recovery processes;
  • microcurrents (exposure to low-frequency electric pulse energy) – promotes the production of collagen and elastin in cells, activates the process of cell regeneration;
  • myoplasty (stimulation of the facial muscles with weakly powerful current pulses) – forms a beautiful oval face and gets rid of a double chin, tightens the cheeks, removes “bags” under the eyes;
  • fractional mesotherapy (perforation of the skin with microneedles with simultaneous injection of vitamin cocktails) – nourishes the skin layers, improves blood circulation, enhances the processes of internal cell renewal;
  • hydromesotherapy (deep injection of the drug without using a needle) – has a healing effect, accelerates metabolism, promotes natural rejuvenation of the face;
  • phototherapy (the use of light pulses of different wavelengths and spectrum) - stimulates natural cell regeneration, improves the quality of facial skin.

Hardware rejuvenation is not performed on patients with individual intolerance to the effects, cancer, acute chronic diseases, or heart disease. Pregnant and lactating women should also refrain from such procedures.

Places of application of care procedures

Skin care can be carried out on any area of ​​the body where there is a problem. Most often, care is required for the skin on the face, since this is the most visible part of the body, which people often pay attention to during communication. The perception of a person by other people largely depends on the state of the face.


Facial skin care involves both the cosmetic elimination of inflammation, often observed at a young age, such as pimples, acne, post-acne, and age-related changes in the skin, which occur in older age, such as wrinkles, changes in facial contours, sagging and aging skin .

In addition to eliminating visible defects, facial treatments involve a set of procedures such as masks, massage, injections and hardware therapy to preserve and maintain facial skin in good shape for many years. These procedures are aimed at preserving the youth of the face.


Due to health problems, poor ecology, weakened immunity, eyebrows can thin out, hairs can become weak and fall out with little mechanical stress. In order to prevent this and correct the problem, there are eyebrow care procedures.

The following procedures are available for eyebrows in a clinic or beauty salon:

  • Lamination
    . Strengthening and making hair pliable by applying special active compounds to the eyebrows that improve the properties of the hairs.
  • Collagenation
    . Strengthening eyebrow hairs by applying gentle compounds containing proteins, which form the basis of connective tissue. This procedure differs from lamination in that there are no aggressive components in the applied compositions during collagenation.
  • Reconstruction
    . Keratinoplasty, which makes hair more manageable and stimulates its growth. The procedure consists of cleansing the eyebrows, applying a conductive agent that improves the penetration of vitamins and nutrients into the eyebrow hairs, applying strengthening agents and consolidating the beneficial effect with an enveloping emulsion.
  • Botox
    . Saturation of eyebrows with a composition of keratin and collagen to strengthen the hairs and give them visual attractiveness. To do this, the eyebrows are cleaned, a special composition is applied to them to reveal the scales, and then a special serum is distributed.


In beauty salons, to eliminate brittleness, dryness, improve the appearance and protect hair from environmental influences, the following procedures are carried out, which give the best effect:

  • Kerating
    . Treatment of hair with products containing keratin protein, which strengthens damaged areas and straightens them. Hair becomes more manageable and gets rid of static electricity.
  • Biolamination
    . Applying cellulose film to hair to protect against breakage, dryness and damage. Regular biolamination allows you to restore hair and make it easier to grow long.
  • Shielding
    . Internal moisturizing and nourishing of hair with special formulations containing amino acids and soy protein. Improves hair structure and solves the problem of split ends.
  • Cryomassage
    . Head massage using liquid nitrogen, which improves metabolism, activates dormant hair follicles and stimulates hair growth.
  • Pyrophoresis
    . Burning hair with fire to get rid of split ends, add volume and shine. Before pyropheresis, the hair is cleaned and a special restorative cocktail is applied to it.
  • Lamination
    . Hair treatment with a special bioactive mixture with vitamins and restorative substances. Lamination creates a shell to externally protect hair from environmental influences. The procedure improves the appearance and preserves the hair.


The appearance of hands is an important factor emphasizing the image of a person. Good condition of hands makes a woman or man more attractive. Many people judge a person's beauty by the condition of their hands.

The skin of the hands can lose its quality due to professional activities that involve the use of various products that affect the skin, unfavorable ecology, or due to age-related changes.

In our medical cosmetology clinic we carry out the following care procedures to improve the condition of the hands:

  • Cleansing
    - removing skin impurities.
  • Massage
    - massaging the hands with the hands of a specialist or massage devices in order to improve blood circulation, relax muscles, relieve nervous tension and improve skin tone.
  • Masks
    - application of special compounds to nourish, moisturize and improve the quality of the skin.
  • Peeling
    - removing dry, keratinized areas of the skin and further stimulating the skin to regenerate.
  • Wrap
    is a SPA procedure for nourishing skin that has lost its properties, having an anti-inflammatory, toning, strengthening, cleansing and rejuvenating effect.
  • Paraffin therapy
    is a method of heat treatment that uses heated paraffin, which stimulates cell renewal, improves blood circulation and lymph flow.
  • Darsonvalization
    is the effect of high-frequency pulsed currents on the skin, after which the skin is saturated with oxygen, becomes firm and elastic, and is better able to absorb nutrients.


The main problems with the skin on the body in patients are:

  • excess weight;
  • cellulite;
  • loose skin;
  • inflammatory processes.

Body care procedures can be divided into:

  1. Preparatory
    , which help improve blood flow and reduce the volume of subcutaneous fat.
  2. Lymphatic drainage
    , thanks to which excess fluid is removed.
  3. Lipolytic
    , promotes the breakdown of subcutaneous fat.
  4. Corrective
    , which improve the skin and tone the muscles.

The following procedures are used for body care in clinics:

  • massage (manual, hardware, vacuum)
    to improve blood circulation and increase muscle tone.
  • peelings (mechanical, hardware and chemical)
    to remove dead skin areas.
  • wraps (cold and hot)
    , solving many problems, such as fighting excess fat, removing toxins, eliminating sagging skin, stretch marks and others.
  • steaming
    to remove toxins, relax muscles and calm the patient.
  • electrolipolysis
    , which improves metabolic processes in the body and breaks down fatty tissue, under the influence of pulsed electric current.
  • pressotherapy
    for the purpose of destroying fat and draining lymph through wave-like pressure on tissue using a special medical suit filled with air.
  • injections (mesotherapy, biorevitalization, bioreparation, intralipotherapy)
    to nourish the skin, break down fat deposits, remove toxins and reduce swelling.
  • ozone therapy
    to increase the protective functions of the body, reduce the likelihood of free radicals, thanks to the introduction into the body of mixtures saturated with ozone.
  • myostimulation
    , which burns fat, makes muscles elastic and reduces swelling, due to the effect of low-frequency electric current on nerve endings.
  • and others.


To improve the beauty of legs, beauty salons carry out procedures aimed at:

  • Reducing fat and cellulite levels;
  • Removal of enlarged blood vessels;
  • Reducing the visibility of scars and stretch marks;
  • Relaxation of leg muscles and increase their tone.
  • Depilation.

To do this, the doctor performs such procedures as:

  • Lymphatic drainage
    is a hardware massage that stimulates the flow of lymph, reduces swelling and cellulite, removes heaviness and increases the tone of the legs.
  • Lipomassage
    is a hardware massage that improves lymphatic flow, fights cellulite and destroys fat deposits.
  • Ultrasound
    – Ultrasonic massage that improves blood circulation and fights fat deposits.
  • Mesotherapy
    - injections of special substances against cellulite.
  • Removal of spider veins
    - the introduction of special drugs with a sclerosing effect to eliminate enlarged blood vessels.
  • Laser therapy
    - removal of broken blood vessels, stretch marks and hair removal using laser.

Intimate area

To improve the skin in the intimate area, the following procedures can be used in a medical cosmetology clinic:

  • Revitalization
    is a procedure for moisturizing, replenishing volume and eliminating pigmentation.
  • Non-injection mesotherapy
    - improving skin quality through external application of nutritional cocktails and exposure to magnetic waves for deeper penetration of beneficial substances into the skin.
  • Coolscalping
    is the removal of fat in the pubic area using a hardware method due to exposure to low temperatures.

Laser treatments for facial rejuvenation

Laser technologies are based on the use of a laser device that affects the skin with a thin, narrowly directed beam of light. The principle of operation of all such procedures is the same - the laser heats and evaporates the surface layers of the skin, thereby stimulating the process of cellular restoration and renewal. Laser facial rejuvenation includes several popular procedures today:

  • carbon (deep) peeling – heals the skin, stimulates deep tissue regeneration processes;
  • laser facial resurfacing (comprehensive skin rejuvenation with fractional CO2 laser) - noticeably rejuvenates the face, tightens the contour, starts the process of natural synthesis of collagen and elastin;
  • Fractional laser rejuvenation (perforation of the skin with infrared light with a wavelength of 10.6 microns) – a pronounced effect of skin tightening, activation of the process of internal rejuvenation.

Laser rejuvenation is not performed in the presence of inflammation in the affected area, in pregnant, lactating women, patients with tumors in the local area, oncology and benign tumors. Other contraindications to the use of a laser beam include:

  • autoimmune diseases;
  • infections, viral diseases;
  • diabetes;
  • epilepsy;
  • mental disorders.

In the summer season, laser resurfacing is done only if two rules are followed:

  • the patient should not be in the sun for at least 2 weeks after the procedure;
  • Even with short exposure to the sun, the patient must use sunscreen.

The best aesthetic procedures for facial rejuvenation

Aesthetic cosmetology is based on the use of fillers, mesothreads and other special preparations that allow the restoration of lost soft tissue. Procedures of this type not only significantly correct the contours of the face, but also activate the processes of internal cell renewal. This group includes the following methods of facial rejuvenation:

  • Radiesse lifting (correction of the facial contour with a specialized preparation) – returns the face to its former youth, demonstrates a pronounced lifting effect;
  • thread face lifting (skin tightening with mesothreads) – restores skin texture, outlines facial contours;
  • 3D lifting (face modeling with special threads) – evens out facial lines, corrects differences in relief;
  • filling wrinkles with fillers (contour plastic surgery without surgery) - instantly rejuvenates the face, models the contours of the face;
  • peeling PRX-T33 (stimulating the activity of fibroblasts and synthesizing natural collagen) – smoothes and rejuvenates the face, eliminates scars, scars and creases.

Fillers, mesothreads and other professional products for rejuvenation cannot be used if the patient’s body is individually intolerant to them. Contraindications to aesthetic procedures include:

  • cancer diseases;
  • skin lesions in local areas;
  • acne in the acute stage;
  • infections and viral diseases;
  • pregnancy;
  • lactation.

Treatments in our clinic


  • Barolaser facial massage;
  • Barolaser anti-cellulite massage;
  • Manual massage.


  • Mesotherapy;
  • Biorevitalization;
  • Bioreparation;
  • Intralipotherapy;
  • Contour plastic and volumetry;
  • Correction of cosmetic problems with Botulinum toxin preparations;
  • Ozone therapy;
  • Carboxytherapy;
  • Microsclerotherapy.

Hardware care procedures:

  • Fractional photothermolysis;
  • Photorejuvenation;
  • Laser therapy;
  • Microcurrent therapy;
  • Myostimulation.


  • Chemical.


  • Thread rejuvenation.

Face cleaning



You can sign up for care treatments at our L-Med clinic by calling +7 (4872) 302-902

or through the online form on the website.

Effective rejuvenation procedures after 30–35 years

Provided you organize proper home care for your facial skin, the first signs of fading become noticeable only after 30 years. The main principles of caring for a person aged 30–35 years are regular renewal and nutrition of the skin from the inside. And, perhaps, the third important point is preventing the appearance of signs of skin aging.

After 30, the skin cannot do without deep cleansing using chemical peels. The procedures allow timely removal of the stratum corneum, renewing the epidermis. The result is that the face looks fresher, the smallest wrinkles disappear.

Mesotherapy and biorevitalization will provide deep nutrition and hydration of the skin at this age. You should visit a cosmetologist for these purposes once every six months. This will be quite enough to preserve the natural beauty of your face.

Patients with active facial expressions should take a closer look at botulinum therapy. The procedure will prevent the formation of medium and deep wrinkles by reducing the force of contraction of the facial muscles.

In rare cases, after 30 years, it is important to carry out microcurrent therapy, electroporation, blanching and filling wrinkles with fillers.

Skin moisturizing - mechanism of action

Skin is a protective shell of the human body, which, unlike all other organs and tissues, is in a humid environment on only one side. External - subject to the negative influence of the environment, which dries it out. The dermis and subcutaneous tissue receive the maximum available hydration, while the epidermis most often experiences a lack of moisturizing substances not only from the outside, but sometimes from the inside. This is why doctors constantly remind us of the importance of drinking enough water.

Effective facial rejuvenation procedures after 40 years

At the age of 40, it is easy to distinguish between a face that has received quality care for the last 10 years and a face that has not undergone cosmetic procedures. For aging skin, one-time sessions of moisturizing and nutrition are no longer enough. At the age of 40, noticeable deep wrinkles appear on the face, which require comprehensive care.

The most pronounced effect is demonstrated by hardware and injection techniques aimed at tightening the skin in tandem with contouring with fillers. After 40, there is a good reason to get used to botulinum therapy, since aging skin becomes a canvas for facial wrinkles.

Injections of vitamin compounds can intensely nourish the skin at this age. Injections are recommended to be carried out in a course of 4-6 sessions, because aging skin needs nutrients more.

As the skin ages, tissue regeneration processes slow down. They can be dispersed using hardware or injection procedures. The most effective way to rejuvenate your face at 40 is microcurrent in combination with plasma therapy. This tandem will significantly enhance the production of natural collagen and elastin, which will take care of the beauty and youth of the skin.

Procedures for facial rejuvenation after 50 years

You can rejuvenate your face without a surgical scalpel at any age – even after 50 years. The difference is only in the intensity of the impact of the means used. Patients over 50 should focus on deep skin renewal, replenishment of missing volumes and enhanced nutrition.

You can, of course, continue to do regular chemical peels, but laser peeling will give you a more noticeable, lasting result at this age. The session will renew the upper skin layer and launch a powerful cell renewal process.

After 50, patients are usually bothered by too thin lips, pronounced “bags” under the eyes, deep nasolabial folds, and a double chin. All these unpleasant signs can be neutralized by resorting to a non-surgical method - contour plastic surgery. Fillers fill wrinkles, folds on the face, and correct the oval of the face. By replenishing the volume in this way, you can significantly tighten your face.

Mesotherapy, plasma therapy, and biorevitalization will provide adequate nutrition for aging skin. Conscientious patients became familiar with these procedures even earlier. Only after the age of 50 should you undergo courses of rejuvenating procedures of 8–12 sessions and at shorter intervals.

Taking into account the above recommendations, two main conclusions can be drawn:

  1. In case of subtle signs of skin aging, beauty injections and hardware procedures are sufficient to achieve the effect of visible facial rejuvenation. They have a “delicate” effect on the skin, which helps slow down the aging process.
  2. Pronounced age-related changes in the skin require the use of laser techniques and aesthetic cosmetology procedures. These measures will allow you to get rid of even deep wrinkles and creases, and facial asymmetry. Injections and hardware procedures will help maintain the result.
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