Beauty points on the face: where to click to look 10 years younger

Modern women are lucky - to preserve and restore their own beauty, they have access to the advanced achievements of the cosmetology industry, a wide variety of procedures, techniques, means and technologies. However, ultra-modern miracle creams created using innovative formulas, smoothing masks, serums, lifting, and anti-aging procedures are not always as effective as advertising promises. Here it’s time to recall time-tested methods based on the ancient knowledge of oriental healers, such as acupressure facial massage for rejuvenation. With its help, you can improve the appearance and color of your skin, elasticity, facial contours, and even get rid of some diseases. Find out more about the technique of performing acupressure facial massage, its indications and contraindications.

The essence of the technique

The aging process is most noticeably reflected on the skin of the face, and over the years a woman is forced to look for more and more effective methods and ways to restore its elasticity and healthy tone. Acupressure is an effective remedy in the fight against aging, wrinkles, and swelling. In addition, it can improve overall health.

The point of the technique is to influence certain points according to a clear system.

There are several techniques from which you can choose the most suitable for yourself. Acupressure differs from traditional massage in that the effect is achieved not by heating and intense impact on a large surface of the skin, but by stimulating certain points without excessive use of force.

The best cosmetologist - sea salt

Olga Levonyuk, who conducts courses and seminars on facial rejuvenation, pays special attention to procedures with sea salt. This unique gift of nature will help in the fight against wrinkles, swelling, and aging of the skin.

Compress with salt

The simplest procedure that Olga suggests is a compress with salt. If you have a swollen face, then perform the following manipulation in the morning or evening:

  • Cleanse your face.
  • Dissolve salt: 3.5 tbsp. without top in 1 l. cold water.
  • Preheat to approximately 40 degrees.
  • Soak a terry towel in it.
  • Place it on your face, leaving only a hole for breathing. Leave until it cools down.
  • Soak another towel in cold water and apply it to your face. Keep it until it warms up.

Repeat five times.

Watch the video where Olga talks in detail about the procedure.


If you have small wrinkles, then a salt scrub will help remove them: 1 tbsp. l. olive oil or any other mixed with 1 tbsp. l. fine sea salt. Apply the scrub to the skin, massaging your face with your fingertips, moving from the chin to the forehead. Rinse off the salt with water.

This procedure promotes deep mineralization of the skin and its hydration. After several procedures, the skin returns to its freshness and healthy appearance.


Another useful procedure is rinsing with salted water. Morning and evening, rinse your face with this solution: dissolve 0.5 tbsp in 100 ml of hot water. l. sea ​​salt, cool. Wash your face without wiping, just pat it, the skin will absorb the solution itself. Then apply moisturizer.

The most effective way will help rejuvenate, refresh and tighten the skin. Many women notice that the color has disappeared from their face. Salt treatments will help your cheeks regain their natural glow. If the cover is too sensitive, then reduce the concentration of the solution.

Salt rejuvenates from within

To do this, 30 minutes after eating, put 3-4 grains of salt on your tongue, suck and swallow. This simple technique will improve digestion, which leads to improved health.

Indications for massage

Acupressure is suitable for any age group of women, because it has not only a rejuvenating, but also a general healing effect. Usually they resort to it when the first signs of skin aging have already begun to appear: fine wrinkles, weakened muscle tone, inelastic epidermis, swelling, bags under the eyes, poor complexion.

Attention! Regardless of age, you should adhere to the technique of performing the procedure, study contraindications, and to achieve the best effect, maintain regularity.


The meaning of influencing biological points comes down to stimulating impulses sent to the nerve centers of the brain. The response signal activates the production of missing proteins and enzymes, collagen fibers. Activating the points of youth on the face can refresh the skin color, shine the eyes and tighten problem areas, improving the overall appearance, without the use of medications. And this is her huge advantage.

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Acupressure is a very popular, in-demand method that does not require much time, but at the same time has excellent results. It is based on improving blood circulation, oxygenating skin cells, increasing its elasticity, and relieving swelling. The problem for older women is that the facial muscles, of which there are more than twenty, contract and stretch, the skin loses its elasticity, and wrinkles appear. Acupressure helps solve this and other problems.

Acupressure allows you to:

  • reduce wrinkles;
  • tighten folds, aging chin, so-called jowls;
  • increase skin firmness and elasticity;
  • improve complexion, get rid of unhealthy yellowness and grayness, bags and dark circles under the eyes.

In addition, facial acupressure improves overall health:

  • immunity increases;
  • blood pressure and blood circulation are normalized;
  • respiratory processes improve;
  • headaches, migraines, chronic fatigue disappear;
  • sleep and appetite return to normal.

With the help of acupressure you can even cure a runny nose and alleviate sinusitis.

Many years of practice have long confirmed the high effectiveness of this method. A targeted effect on the skin stimulates natural blood flow, which consequently improves cellular nutrition and oxygen exchange, refreshes the complexion, and increases the elasticity and smoothness of the skin. In addition, deep cleansing of the skin occurs due to exfoliation of dying epidermal cells.

At the same time, intensive removal of carbon dioxide occurs, glycogen levels decrease - this improves tone, resistance to external factors, and neutralizes environmental influences.

Supportive therapy includes the use of various herbal infusions, essential oils, and warming agents.

Beauty in Vietnamese

The women of the small country are famous for their clear, smooth skin and youthful faces. It turns out they know the magic points. By performing a massage, they achieve not only freshness of the face, but also health and endurance of the whole body.

  1. Point in front of the ear. Massage the entire area in front of the ear from top to bottom for relaxation and calm. If you want to cheer up, then massage from bottom to top. This procedure is also useful in that it will help normalize blood pressure, improve digestion, and increase sexual energy.
  2. Above the lip. It will help remove or reduce nasolabial folds. And massage of this point normalizes the functioning of the heart, lungs, nose, liver, stomach, and lower abdomen.
  3. Between the eyebrows will reduce the depth of wrinkles. It is also responsible for the throat, cervical vertebrae, pituitary gland, maxillary sinuses, and calms the nervous system.
  4. Point 4 will help smooth out wrinkles between the eyebrows and improve sleep. She is also responsible for good vision, the functioning of the heart and nervous system.
  5. The fifth point stimulates blood circulation in the forehead skin. Responsible for the liver, eyes and spine. This is a very important point for strengthening memory.
  6. Acts as a fifth point. In addition, it relieves lumbar and headache pain. It cannot be stimulated if you have hypertension, as it increases blood pressure.
  7. Improves blood supply to the lower part of the face. Responsible for the uterus and small intestine.

Massage technique

The Shiatsu system is considered a traditional acupressure massage technique. This system was created by a Japanese doctor, who attached particular importance to acupuncture effects on energy points, including those on the face. By influencing certain areas with your fingers, you can achieve an active positive response from the whole body.

There are some rules that should be followed to achieve maximum effect:

  • Apply pressure on the desired points using your thumbs.
  • The impact is perpendicular to the skin of the face.
  • The time of single pressure on each point is from 3 to 6 seconds (except for the neck, where pressure should not last more than 4 seconds).
  • During the massage, each point is under pressure for about 7–11 minutes.

Important! The course can be 2 weeks if you massage every day, or a month if once every two days.


The skin of your face and hands should be washed and dried well. The skin can be treated with tonic, lotion or any favorite product.

Eastern massage masters recommend a composition of dry white wine with filtered water in a ratio of three to one. It’s a good idea to take a steam bath or warm compress before the procedure to warm up the skin.

The room should be ventilated, you should be comfortable, and it is better to exclude distractions during the procedure. A calm melody and scented candles will create the right atmosphere.

How to use the Japanese drug Laennec

To preserve youthful skin, the Japanese invented the drug Laennec for intravenous injection. This anti-aging drug is used to heal and rejuvenate the entire body. It has many other advantages that are difficult to list. Basically, it delays aging and maintains health during colds and other diseases, and improves immunity.

Method of treatment

Laennec is prepared from human plasma, then administered orally by drip or intramuscular injection. When lifting the face, it is administered in minimal doses to eight acupuncture points. The number of procedures depends on the individual. The rejuvenating effect can last up to 4 months.

Reviews are mostly positive, although allergies may occur in the form of redness and numbness in some areas of the skin.

Rejuvenating points on the face

Each pressure is applied for 5 to 10 seconds. When exposed, you should feel warmth, a slight tingling sensation, pain is excluded. It is carried out with the thumb and forefinger, paired points are activated simultaneously.

Points on the face for rejuvenation:

  1. The area in the center of the bridge of the nose helps smooth out vertical creases between the eyebrows and increases energy potential.
  2. Paired points at the beginning of eyebrow growth relieve eye fatigue and normalize lymphatic drainage. Activation is effective in combating puffiness and drooping eyelids.
  3. Impact on paired points at the beginning of the inner corner of the eye near the wings of the nose relieves eye strain and restores blood flow. Massage helps strengthen the thin muscles of the lower eyelid, improves skin condition, and is effective against bags and bruises under the eyes.
  4. The points at the end of the natural eyebrow growth line help tighten the corner of the outer eye and cope with crow's feet. Activation improves general condition, relieves fatigue and headaches.
  5. The points, located a centimeter to the temporal lobes from the outer corner of the eye, help improve microcirculation of the skin of the eyelids and lymph outflow. As a result of self-massage, a network of small wrinkles is smoothed out, and it is possible to lift the drooping line of the corner of the eye, which is observed with age.
  6. Paired points are located on the growth boundary line parallel to the tip of the ear. The effect allows you to tighten the oval and prevents the eyebrow line from shifting.
  7. Paired points located under the pupils in the center of the cheekbone are responsible for an even, beautiful tone. They allow you to refresh color, maintain elasticity, accelerate the synthesis of collagen and elastin.
  8. Paired points near the auditory canal of the ear, in the fossa of the junction of the upper and lower jaw. The effect helps to cope with jowls and create beautiful sculpted cheekbones.
  9. Paired points on the corners of the lower jaw allow you to create a beautiful line of the lower part of the oval, tighten the muscles, get rid of the double chin, and reduce the cheeks.
  10. A point one centimeter below the upper lip in the center of the chin stimulates metabolic processes and activates the outflow of lymph.
  11. Working on paired points at the corners of the mouth helps to lift them up and smooth out facial vertical wrinkles. The effect promotes visual rejuvenation, as if after injections of fillers.
  12. The point under the nose, above the upper lip, is in the center of the groove. The vital zone helps to recover from fainting, cope with nervous tension, and hysteria. Massage has a positive effect on general muscle relaxation and reduction of swelling.
  13. Paired points at the nostrils of the nose allow you to smooth out wrinkles in the nasolabial triangle and restore the elasticity of the area around the mouth.
  14. Paired points above the wings of the nose also eliminate nasolabial wrinkles and tighten the lower part of the oval.
  15. In the dimple of the chin on the cheekbone, blood circulation and lymph outflow are activated. Massage helps get rid of jowls, a double chin, and creates a beautiful, clear line of the lower part of the oval.

Key beauty points:

  • Helps create beautiful cheekbones and give the skin a healthy tone: place 3 fingers - ring, middle, index - diagonally from the wings of the nose to the temples, the desired point will be located under the index finger.
  • To firm up the cheeks, tighten the lower part of the oval, prevent nasolabial folds: place the index, middle and ring fingers under the upper lip, the middle one will be located in the hollow under the nose, the index and ring fingers at the beginning of the nasolabial triangle.
  • To relieve puffiness, swelling, get rid of drooping eyelids and bags under the eyes: paired points at the inner and outer corners of the eye, the starting and ending points of the eyebrow arches are activated.
  • For a beautiful, clear oval line: you need to regularly massage the point under the lower lip and in the center of the chin on the cheekbone.

Points against nasolabial folds

The muscle that lifts the upper lip is woven into the skin of the nasolabial fold with its tail. And, as you understand, there is nothing good here. Violation of its tone becomes the main reason for the formation of nasty nasolabial wrinkles, even at a fairly young age. But we know what to do: the anti-nasolabial points are located in small depressions, right next to the wings of the nose.

And here we talk about other ways, How to remove nasolabial folds?

Acupressure massages for rejuvenation

The following are the most effective and popular methods of acupressure.


The technique is performed with the index, ring, and middle fingers of both hands. Thanks to the effect, it is possible to start the processes of regeneration and rejuvenation. It has a therapeutic effect and improves overall well-being. The movements do not stretch the skin; the pressure should be quite noticeable. Duration of exposure is from 3 to 5 seconds.


  1. Use your thumbs to work the massage points between the brow arches.
  2. Smoothly descend to the paired points at the wings of the nose.
  3. Work on a point above the upper lip in the center.
  4. Return to the area under the eyes, pressing with three fingers along the cheekbone.
  5. Finally, place your index fingers in the hole in front of the earlobe, middle fingers behind the ear, apply pressure the standard number of times.


An anti-aging massage involves 3 fingers - index, thumb, middle. Thanks to regular use, it is possible to stop age-related processes, smooth out wrinkles, and restore elasticity and firmness to the skin. There are 2 methods of exposure to achieve a tonic or relaxing effect.

The stimulating method uses pulsation - short, intense pressure followed by sharp removal of the finger from the point. Activation lasts from 30 to 60 seconds. Despite the force applied, there should not be any pain.

With relaxing self-massage, there is a continuous impact on the point with a gradual increase in intensity. The technique should be repeated in 3-4 approaches, each subsequent pressure starting with a minimum level of intensity.


  1. Fix your thumbs in the temporal cavities, use your index and middle fingers to smooth from the point above the bridge of the nose upward, parallel to the eyebrow arches to the temples.
  2. The thumbs remain in the same position, with the index fingers work out the eyebrow arches, from the beginning of growth to the end, slightly lifting the skin.
  3. Continue pressing on the temporal lobes, closing your eyes, alternately activating the points near the outer and inner corners of the eye. After moving from the center to the tip of the eyebrow, work on the area of ​​the upper and lower eyelids.
  4. Using your thumbs, massage from the cheekbone to the temples.
  5. Activate the point at the base of the nose, then the paired ones located at the wings of the nose, the main point above the upper lip.
  6. Massage the temporal lobes in a circular motion, using the middle and index fingers.
  7. Work the cheek area, moving along the meridians from the cheekbone to the neck.
  8. Finally, lightly tap your face with your fingertips.
  9. Rub the skin intensively, feeling warmth and a surge of energy.


It is based on the improvement of organs, starting the process of self-rejuvenation by influencing meridians and points. Plants, seeds, stones, and heat energy are often used for this purpose. The technique is used to treat adults and children. The projection of the hands and feet corresponds to certain systems; activation helps to harmonize the flow of energy and trigger recovery. Light pressure is applied to the rejuvenation points, the duration and intensity are determined by the therapist.

Indian marmatherapy

Ayurvedic technique is based on knowledge of the main marmas - biologically active points through which vital energy circulates. It is carried out in a circular motion clockwise and counterclockwise. Exposure in a clockwise direction helps to increase energy potential and launch rejuvenation processes. Counterclockwise techniques eliminate negativity, relax muscle fibers, and smooth out wrinkles.

Features of the technology:

  1. Hand movements massage the right and left halves of the face in parallel.
  2. Starts with a small circle, gradually increasing the area being worked.
  3. A total of 5 circles for increasing, then 5 circles for narrowing, each repeated 3-4 times.
  4. The impact begins with the eyebrow arches, then the hands move to the forehead, cheekbones, nasolabial triangle, and chin.

Who guarantees the result?

The revolutionary nature of Profhilo lies in the multi-level modeling of the intercellular space of the skin, thanks to which supporting frameworks are created and skin and subcutaneous fat cells are activated.

In Italy, sales of Profhilo started at the beginning of 2015; the drug entered the international market in 2016. To date, it is represented in more than 40 countries.

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Regular massage of energy points does not always have a positive effect. There are diseases in which this threatens exacerbations of the condition and deterioration of health. Experts do not recommend acupressure in the following cases:

  • infectious diseases;
  • oncological diseases;
  • fractures;
  • cardiac, pulmonary, renal pathologies;
  • blood diseases;
  • mental disorders;
  • intestinal obstruction;
  • high temperature, exhaustion;
  • burns, skin lesions, rashes, acne;
  • pregnancy, old age.

To summarize, it must be said that acupressure facial massage is most effective when used regularly and in combination with a healthy and active lifestyle, proper nutrition, and sports. Therefore, you should use the whole range of measures in the fight against aging, and then the result will be excellent.

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