Therapeutic cream Zorka with floralizin - use for people

Zorka cream from the manufacturer Horse Force (Horse Force) is originally a veterinary product intended for use on the skin of animals.
The main area of ​​use is the healing of cracks, wounds, inflammations that occur after milking cows and goats, as well as softening the skin after insect bites. It is used for the udder of cows after milking to prevent dryness and wounds. The ointment is also suitable for people , it has a 100% safe natural composition, which does not contain fragrances or fragrances.


The hypoallergenic non-hormonal drug contains the following components:

FloralizinMain active ingredient. The complex includes enzymes, biotin, vitamins, polysaccharides, oleic and linoleic acids, antioxidants, coenzyme Q10. Floralizin softens, prevents dryness, flaking, accelerates wound healing, and creates protective barriers in the form of a thin film on the surface of the skin.
PetrolatumThe softening component creates a dense, impenetrable film on the skin, which protects it from moisture loss. Thanks to this, it prevents the appearance of wrinkles, inflammation, and creates a barrier to infection.
Purified waterServes as a base for the cream and gives the product a special satin texture.
ExcipientsNatural preservative and emulsifier.

The product also contains a set of vitamins - A, C, D, trace elements, phospholipids, amino acids, antioxidants of natural origin, and an extract from mushroom mycelium.

Cream "Zorka"

Among the many drugs used in veterinary medicine, perhaps one of the most famous is Zorka cream. Why did this medicine for animals become popular among people?

First, a little about its pharmacological properties and action. Zorka cream is available in cans (200 and 750 mg) and cans (9 and 14.5 kg). It has a weak specific odor. The consistency is similar to thick sour cream. The color of the cream is usually white, but there are also various shades up to light yellow. This drug contains Floralizin (as the main substance) and Vaseline (as an auxiliary). The active substance contains a whole complex of other biologically active substances. Among them are phospholipids, polyunsaturated fatty acids, enzymes with collagenase activity, vitamins that are extracted from natural plant materials. As a result of such a rich content, Zorka cream enhances blood microcirculation in the epidermis, as a result of which the cells receive nutrients that are so necessary for the skin to acquire smoothness and elasticity, especially since all of them are easily absorbed by the body. Thanks to its composition, the cream softens the skin, increasing its elasticity, forming a thin film on it that protects it from external irritation. The drug has an anti-inflammatory effect, and it also enhances tissue regeneration.

“Zorka” (cream) is non-toxic, does not irritate the skin of the animal’s udder and human hands, and does not contain hormones. Its manufacturer is the Russian company Farmaks. When storing the medicine, the following conditions should be observed: dry, dark room, temperature within 0°-30°C. If these conditions are met, then the medication is valid for a year. During storage, a thin oil layer may form on the drug.

When is Zorka cream used? If the skin of the teats on the animal's udder is dry, there are cracks, erosions, abrasions, or other diseases, this drug is applied both before and after milking.

How should the medicine be used? First, you need to prepare the udder by treating it with a disinfectant. Then a little cream (1-1.5 g) is applied to the nipple and lightly rubbed. After finishing milking the animal, the procedure for applying the medicine should be repeated.

There are no side effects or contraindications for this drug. When treating animals with this remedy, their milk does not change its properties: neither physico-chemical, nor organoleptic or other. Therefore, it, as well as meat, can be eaten without any restrictions.

Since Zorka cream has a wound-healing, softening, tonic, anti-inflammatory effect on the epidermis of both animals and humans, it is also used in the treatment of diseases characteristic of humans. No chemical additives are used in the production of veterinary drugs. That is why this drug has become so popular among people. Not only do many women buy Zorka face cream, some people even try to use it to treat psoriasis, erysipelas, eczema, herpes, neurodermatitis and other forms of skin diseases, as well as varicose veins, hemorrhoids, bedsores, ulcers, etc.

Pregnant women try to treat stretch marks with it. Nursing mothers use the cream for any problems with the nipples, for cracks and congestion, for mastitis and seals. For paralysis after a stroke, Zorka cream is used during a massage, as it relieves numbness and pain, and helps restore functions lost during the disease.

Floralizin contained in this medicine for animals has a beneficial effect on trophism, metabolism and biosynthesis in tissues. This is a natural, well-balanced complex necessary for living beings, which contains amino acids, antioxidants, vitamins, and other biologically active substances that are very necessary for the body. Floralizin is a natural extract from mushroom mycelium.

Thanks to the presence of floralizin in it, Zorka cream not only nourishes, moisturizes, saturates the skin with useful microelements, it can even relieve itching from an insect bite. Injuries, burns, bruises, joint diseases, long-term non-healing wounds, heel cracks and spurs, cuts - for all these problems the cream has a beneficial effect on the skin.

The effect of using this veterinary medicine on the skin of the hands, face and body is amazing. No wonder the cream received the highest awards of the State Standard of the Russian Federation - Gold and Platinum quality marks of the 21st century.>

Effect of veterinary ointment

The cream solves the following problems:

  1. Improves the condition of dry skin on the face, as well as other areas of the body. Intensely moisturizes, removes dryness, flaking, irritation, and a feeling of tightness.
  2. Heals damage - cracks in the heels, abrasions and wounds on the arms and legs, accelerates tissue regeneration, prevents suppuration and infection.
  3. It is used in the complex treatment of hemorrhoids, dry dermatitis, psoriasis, eczema, and against bedsores.
  4. Used as an anti-aging agent - it prevents aging processes, smoothes wrinkles, and protects against negative external factors. Restores elasticity.
  5. Used in complex therapy of varicose veins, accelerates the healing of burns. Also used as an anti-cellulite agent.

Suitable for sensitive, delicate, damaged and children's skin . Due to the fact that it contains only natural ingredients, it does not cause allergic reactions, irritation or rashes.

Floralizin Cream “Zorka”

Now it’s no secret that creams and shampoos for animals are produced without chemicals, since not a single animal can withstand what a person has to endure. We overpay for well-known brands, getting a meager effect - and this is at best, knowing deep down that their price is three kopecks. At the same time, no one will ask extra for products for animals that are not advertised anywhere. And the effect is usually amazing. Many have switched to horse shampoos. One of my friends tried dog shampoo as an experiment and her hair stopped falling out! (And she believed that this was an inevitable age stage!). But the milking cream “Zorka” based on “floralisin” received the most praise.

This cream was released back in 1995, and at that time it was the only competitor to the traditionally used Vaseline.

The substance “floralizin” has no analogues in Russia and abroad, is completely new, and is protected by patents and copyright certificates.

“Floralizin” is a natural, balanced natural complex of biologically active substances (produced by a natural microorganism) necessary for the body of animals, containing phospholipids, antioxidants, coenzyme Q10, amino acids, vitamins A, D3, E, biotin, etc. The main active ingredient, Floralizin, is from itself an extract from mushroom mycelium, containing enzymes with collagenase activity, coenzyme Q10, phospholipids, vitamins, minerals. "Floralizin" improves trophism, biosynthesis and metabolism in tissues, which makes the skin firm and elastic, provides its hydration, nutrition, enhances blood microcirculation and accelerates tissue regeneration.

Cream "Zorka", thanks to the "floralisin" contained in the composition, moisturizes and nourishes the skin, prevents the formation of cracks and peeling, promotes the healing of wounds and reduces irritation on the skin of the udder of cows and goats, facilitates the milking process, closes the teat canal after milking, relieves itching from insect bites. All this also works in relation to a person.

Milking cream "Zorka" was awarded the highest awards of the State Standard of Russia - the Gold and Platinum quality marks of the 21st century.

The color of the cream is white, the consistency of thick sour cream, it does not smell of anything, the taste is neutral. There are no hormones in its composition. Completely non-toxic. Designed for regular use. Keep refrigerated.

The substance "floralizin" is a natural, balanced natural complex of biologically active substances necessary for any organism - both animals and humans. The cream softens the epidermis of the skin, enhances its elasticity and firmness. Forms a thin protective film on the surface of the fabric from external irritants. The cream has an anti-inflammatory effect and enhances regenerative processes in tissues.

There is another cream with a similar composition - “Forest Power”.

Cream compositions for comparison:

Cream "Zorka": floralizin, veterinary petroleum jelly, sorbic acid, pentol, aviation kerosene. Cream “Forest Power”: floralizin, petroleum jelly, sorbic acid, pentol, fragrance.

Medicinal properties

So, creams with florazilin can be used for hands, feet, all parts of the body, even the face.

Nursing mothers, having tried Zorka on themselves, call it the best remedy for all breast problems, cracked nipples, congestion, lumps and mastitis!

Excellent for stretch marks during pregnancy.

Creams with florazilin are used for varicose veins, obliterating endarteritis, hemorrhoids, and various skin diseases (ulcers, bedsores, psoriasis, erysipelas, neurodermatitis, herpetic rashes, eczema, etc.).

The use of the cream is effective for the prevention of strokes, as well as for massage of limbs paralyzed by strokes, which relieves pain and numbness, and restores impaired functions faster.

The cream helps well with various diseases of the joints, with injuries, with long-term non-healing wounds, burns, bruises.

The version of the cream for people is “The Power of the Forest” (Series “Tais Glorious”). However, “Zorka” is easier to buy, and patients with psoriasis were cured thanks to this cream!

Cracked heels heal in 1 to 4 applications when lubricated!

Lubricating cuts heals very quickly.

Apply immediately to burns.

In winter - chapped hands and lips.

In case of fractures, lubricate for speedy tissue regeneration.

Spurs on the heels also resolve with regular lubrication of the feet with Zorka cream! For the fastest effect, lubricate your feet and put on socks at night.

Any peeling anywhere on the body goes away immediately!

Elbows become smooth the first time!

When used after depilation, inflammation does not occur at all!

Excellent for removing calluses.

If used for chickenpox, there will be no scars, dimples, or spots left!

If you are taking a course of injections, this cream will prevent the formation of seals. If they are already there, they will dissolve very quickly.

Dietary supplement with Floralizin

One cannot but be glad that a substance so effective in its medicinal properties has begun to be produced in the form of a dietary supplement. Biologically active food additives today attract the close attention of doctors and scientists due to the reality of increasing life expectancy. According to scientific data, we inherit about 700 genetic defects. Each person is accompanied by his own “set” of genetic defects, which determine the course of our diseases and guarantee us approximately 60-90 years of life. For many of us, hereditary genetic defects determine a low quality of life and shorten it. Adding missing metabolites - enzymes, vitamins and other substances - to food can change and alleviate the course of genetically determined diseases or avoid them altogether, delay aging and prolong life. The domestic biologically active substance “Floralid CT” is obtained from mushrooms. Mushrooms are the oldest representatives of life on Earth. They existed even before the division of living nature into flora and fauna. Apparently, this circumstance explains the preservation of fungi from different classes of the ability to form the same compounds as in animal tissues. Mushrooms are rich sources of minerals, provitamins A and D, B vitamins: thiamine, riboflavin, B12, folic acid, vitamin H, as well as vitamin F - essential unsaturated fatty acids, arachidonic acid - a precursor of prostaglandins E and F, prostacyclins, leukotrienes , phospholipids and ubiquinone Q10, beta-glycans and polymanns, lipolytic, protease, DNase, RNase and other enzymes, inhibitors of endogenous cholesterol formation. There is a scientific point of view that disease and old age are a loss of information between cells, caused by a gradual decrease in the number of active cell receptors, those structures that perceive the signal to begin interaction between cells. A decrease in the number of active cell receptors leads to a decrease in the volume of transmitted information. For the successful transmission of the necessary information from receptors to the cell, the mandatory participation of secondary messengers is necessary, which include phosphoinositol lipids containing arachidonic acid, etc. to initiate intracellular synthesis of proteins, peptides, hormones, enzymes, etc. The supply of metabolites in the form of phospholipids is necessary to restore the high functional activity of receptors and cell membranes. Due to this, Floralid inhibits early aging, improving the quality of life and making a long active existence possible even under unfavorable environmental conditions. According to physiologists, if you follow the program proposed below, which includes other dietary supplements, it is possible to achieve a life expectancy of up to 120 years. Having currently had 9 years of experience in the use of mushroom substances in the form of dietary supplements and creams “Tais Slavnaya” (which includes “Forest Power”) by patients with various diseases, clinical experience has been accumulated in the prevention of a number of somatic diseases and comprehensive individual health programs have been developed, prevention and rehabilitation for chronic pathologies. Metabolites of Floralid in combination with a cream of a similar composition “Tais Slavnaya” are indicated for vascular lesions, trophic ulcers, mastopathy, diabetic, vascular and joint complications. The experience of simultaneous use of other drugs - enteric sorbents, antioxidants, some dietary supplements of plant origin - allows one to successfully overcome and prevent chronic diseases. The dietary supplement "Floralid CT" (hereinafter referred to as Floralid), an oily, aqueous-alcoholic solution, in tablets and capsules, is a complex of natural, nature-balanced, biologically active substances necessary for the human body. The unique biological formula of Floralid strengthens the basic systems of human life, thereby creating conditions for recovery. Floralid allows you to expand the capabilities of official medicine, adjust the usual treatment regimens and methods, and therefore its use can be recommended in a comprehensive program for the prevention and rehabilitation of a number of chronic diseases in combination with drug treatment prescribed by a doctor.>

Instructions for use

The method of applying the cream depends on the tasks assigned to the person:

  1. For dry eczema, psoriasis, atopic dermatitis, the cream can be used in its pure form or, according to doctor’s indications, mixed with ointments or creams based on glucocorticosteroids in a 1:2 ratio. Apply a thin layer to previously cleansed and dried skin; no bandages are used. Use 2-3 times a day until the condition improves.
  2. For the care of dry, normal or oily skin, as well as children's skin - up to 2-3 times a day on the driest flaky areas of the skin. Can also be used as a protective cream in bad weather, applying to the face, hands and other exposed areas before going outside.
  3. Anti-aging care . Apply once a day at night, the cream has a lifting effect, tightens the skin, and protects against moisture loss. Can be used in combination with other anti-aging facial products.
  4. For bedsores, use daily as needed, lubricating the damaged areas to soften them and speed up healing.
  5. The cream can be used in childhood as a “diaper” product and for treating skin folds. In this case, the treatment areas need to be washed, dried, lubricated with a thin layer of cream, and wait for absorption. If necessary, apply baby powder on top.
  6. In adolescence, it is used as an antiseptic and antibacterial agent to prevent acne, pimples, and other inflammations of the skin. You can apply it to the entire surface of the face or spot on pimples after pre-cleansing the skin with tonic, lotion or soap.

You can also use veterinary cream to relieve irritation and itching after insect bites.

Reviews from people and doctors

Summarizing people's reviews of the use of a cream that contains Floralizin, we can conclude: the majority of women use the product for cosmetic procedures. It is popularly used for varicose veins and tired legs.

People and doctors note the following positive qualities of Floralizin:

  • eliminating skin fatigue, imparting matteness;
  • effectiveness in removing peeling and dryness;
  • help for legs with varicose veins, fatigue;
  • an excellent massage product that helps heal joints, muscles, colds (Basalt);
  • creams help eliminate skin aging and the appearance of wrinkles;
  • fight against mastopathy, stretch marks, cracked nipples.

Products with Floralizin are popular among athletes, many reviews indicate this. The cream is used as a massage cream to relieve muscle fatigue, fight sprains, and joint pain. Young mothers use creams to remove peeling and diaper rash in babies. Products in this direction have only positive responses.

There is a minimum number of negative reviews; if given as a percentage, then 85% are positive, 15% are negative. The latter are most often associated with defects in the smell and consistency of the product. Women are not satisfied that the cream has a specific smell, it is unpleasant to apply to the face, it is greasy and does not wash off well.

Creams with Floralizin are a modern breakthrough in the field of cosmetology; most women already know about it and use the products in practice. Products, as a rule, are not capable of causing negative reactions on the skin, as they have a natural composition. They can be used not only as care products, but also for therapeutic purposes. The cost is generally low, which makes the creams affordable. The main thing to remember is that the products should be used for dry and combination skin. Oily skin has contraindications for use.

Use during pregnancy

The cream used in veterinary medicine does not harm humans, including women during lactation and pregnancy. On the contrary, it is used during this period for the following purposes:

  • for the skin of the face and body - softening, eliminating itching, flaking, dryness, maintaining the water-lipid balance of the epidermis;
  • prevention of stretch marks on the buttocks, abdomen, chest;
  • healing and prevention of cracks in the nipples after feeding.

The Floralizin complex, which is the basis of this product, is a balanced natural set of biologically active components that have no analogues. It contains no chemicals, hormones, alcohol, fragrances, or artificial preservatives that could harm the growing fetus.

If the cream is used to heal cracks and wounds on the nipples , at least 1–1.5 hours should pass after treatment and before the next feeding for the product to be absorbed. If feeding is necessary earlier, it is recommended to remove excess cream from the breast by washing or wet wipes. But even if a small amount enters the child’s digestive tract from the skin of the breast, there are no side effects.

What is it and for what diseases is it used?

Floralizin is an active component of many veterinary ointments. The product appeared on the market relatively recently and immediately won great love among the female half. This is explained by the ideal properties of the substance, because creams and products containing Floralizin are rich in natural biologically active components that can be used by people and which give high cosmetological results.

Good to know! Many creams and ointments that contain Floralizin have been repeatedly awarded a high award - the Gold Quality Mark.

The substance complex includes the following active components:

  • biotin;
  • enzymes;
  • linoleic acid;
  • oleic acid;
  • antioxidants;
  • vitamin complex;
  • polysaccharides.

Special mention should be made about antioxidants. A big advantage is the inclusion of coenzyme Q10. This component stimulates skin microcirculation, metabolism, biosynthesis and helps make the skin elastic and smooth. Many doctors recommend using products based on Q10, for example, to restore the attractive appearance of the breasts after pregnancy or breastfeeding. Since the product has an almost 100% natural composition, like the creams in which it is used, many women have become interested in it as a cosmetic product.

Among the positive qualities are the following (almost every product containing Floralizin has them):

  • moisturizing, getting rid of flaking and dry skin;
  • activation of the protective and immune functions of the dermal cover;
  • elimination of scars and abrasions;
  • preventing pore clogging;
  • assistance in the “breathing” of the skin;
  • resumption of substance withdrawal, stimulation of blood circulation in the vessels;
  • relief of irritation, itching and effect after insect bites;
  • rejuvenation effect;
  • the skin becomes elastic and tightened.

Products containing Floralizin are used to treat:

  • psoriasis;
  • irritation;
  • itching;
  • dry skin;
  • abrasions;
  • cracks;
  • dermatitis;
  • eczema;
  • varicose veins;
  • prevention of skin aging;
  • prevention of bedsores in patients.

Conducted research and people's reviews indicate the high effectiveness of ointments and creams that contain this component.


The only contraindication to the use of this cream is individual intolerance to the components included in its composition. Such hypersensitivity is rare in humans. If, after the first application, any reaction occurs on any part of the skin - redness, itching, peeling, rash - use of the cream must be stopped.

Doctors recommend that allergy sufferers test their sensitivity to this product using a skin test. Before first use, apply a drop of cream to the inside of your wrist and wait 24 hours. If there is no reaction from the skin, the product can be used.

Veterinary cream "Zorka"

In two thousand and one, the veterinary cream “Zorka” received the highest recognition of the State Standard of Russia - Platinum and Gold quality marks.

Purpose of the product

The cream is intended for the treatment and prevention of skin diseases of the udder of cows, it helps reduce the incidence of mastitis in animals, promotes the rapid healing of cracks, abrasions, and erosions on the udder. Now experts and consumers are discussing the miraculous properties that Zorka cream has. The veterinary drug makes the udder soft and elastic. Livestock farm workers noticed this and began to try the effect of the drug on themselves. At first it was applied to the hands, noticing the beneficial effect, the most desperate began to apply it to the face. After a week of use, an amazing effect appeared - the skin became more toned, the number of fine wrinkles decreased.

Product Description

The cream is produced in Russia, has the consistency of thick sour cream, and the color ranges from milky white to light yellow. The price can also vary (depending on the region and the weight of the package) - from 55 to 90 rubles.

Application in cosmetology

Due to its properties, Zorka cream attracted interest

cosmetologists. Having carefully studied the composition and adding a perfume composition to it, they created an extremely effective and, importantly, inexpensive face cream.

Composition of the product

Cream "Zorka" for the face is a unique product. It contains extracts exclusively from natural substances; it contains no hormones or chemical compounds. This is a perfectly balanced natural complex consisting of soy and palm oils, beets and chamomile, in addition, it contains shea butter, wax and collagen hydrolysate. The complex is rich in vitamins necessary for healthy skin, microelements, and amino acids. But the main secret of the cream’s effectiveness is Floralizin. This substance is a natural extract from mushroom mycelium.

Application in cosmetology

"Zorka" - a cream with such a rich composition - is a true godsend for people with problem skin (peeling, cracks). It will soften and have an anti-inflammatory, rejuvenating and tonic effect. It effectively renews blood circulation in the deep layers of the skin, which is why it is successfully used in cosmetology.

Application in medicine

Many patients with psoriasis who have used Zorka cream note a significant improvement. In addition, the complex is effective in the presence of stretch marks after pregnancy, injuries and bruises. It is successfully used in the treatment of such a serious disease as neurodermatitis, treats eczema, and is used in the treatment of varicose veins.

Shelf life and storage conditions

To successfully use Zorka cream, you need to know the rules for storing it well. This complex composition must always be kept in a dry and dark place at a temperature of 0 to 30 degrees. If these conditions are not met, then many of the properties of the cream will be lost. If the storage conditions are met exactly, according to the instructions, then you can safely use it for a year.

Contraindications for use

It is very important that the cream has no contraindications, and its price is quite affordable.>


Similar veterinary creams that can be used in humans:


Burenka . Available in a 100 ml tube, intended for all skin types, also manufactured by Horse Power. Contains phytofloran. Designed to soften rough areas of the body, face, hands, restores smoothness, elasticity, is used in comprehensive anti-aging care, heals wounds, relieves rashes and irritation. It has a lighter consistency than Zorka cream, so it is suitable as a daytime product and under makeup.

Forest Power cream also contains floralisin, sorbic acid, petroleum jelly, and fragrance. Suitable not only for skin care, but also in the treatment of hemorrhoids, varicose veins, dermatological diseases, including allergies, in the treatment of injuries, burns, sprains, hemorrhoids. Promotes rapid healing, prevents irritation and cracks, disinfects, and creates a thin protective film on the treated area.

Zorenka is produced by NPH Pharmax , a domestic company engaged in the development of therapeutic and prophylactic animal care products. Contains floralisin, oak bark extract, viburnum, wax, glycerin, jojoba oil, lactic and salicylic acids, allantoin, tocopherol. Designed for problematic facial skin - improves the functioning of the sebaceous glands, has an anti-inflammatory effect, normalizes the water-fat balance, reduces pores, restores soft tissues, removes age spots and signs of post-acne.

Lyubava . A universal cream for the skin of the whole body and face, available in 250 ml jars and 75 ml tubes. Designed not only for daily care, but also for frostbite, chapping, pathological dry skin, for the treatment of bruises, abrasions, thermal and sunburn, cracked heels and hands, in the treatment of dermatitis, eczema.

Tenderness . Veterinary cream without chemicals and fragrances, contains, in addition to floralizin, biopolymers, D-panthenol, aloe vera, calendula extract, oils from the fruits of camelina, coconut, castor oil, vitamin E. can be used on the skin of the whole body for moisturizing, nutrition, protection from the external environment, after chapping.

Dennitsa . Animal milking cream from NPO Likom can also be used on human skin. Contains silver nanoparticles, aloe vera gel, chamomile extract, lactic acid. It has antibacterial activity, softens, suppresses inflammation, heals wounds and burns, enhances metabolism and increases local immunity.

Zlatospas . Regenerating cream with peptides for anti-aging care for aging skin. Also used in the treatment of vascular and joint diseases. Stimulates blood circulation, eliminates swelling, cramps, pain in the arms and legs, nourishes and moisturizes the skin.

Creams with a similar effect can be found in the Floresan line - here are products for cellulite, for the care of aging skin, and against chapping. Manufacturer Farmak offers animal cream My Sun - contains Omega-3 fatty acids, floralisin and plantain extract. Not only in veterinary practice, but also in dermatology, Yam Ointment is widely used - it is used for acne, herpes, acne, fungus, lichen, psoriasis.

Benefits and harms to human skin

Since the substance is used mainly for caring and medicinal products for animals, it is subject to doubts. People are trying to understand whether it is possible to use creams and ointments based on it, whether this component is harmful?

The benefits and harms of Floralizin can be seen in the table below.

The benefits and harms of Floralizin for human skin
Helps with dermatological problems (psoriasis, eczema, bedsores, ulcers, etc.)May cause an allergic skin reaction.
It has been proven that the use of creams and ointments with Floralizin helps prevent cracks, stretch marks, and sagging breasts after breastfeeding.Floralizin-based products should not be used if the skin is contaminated. This will aggravate the therapy and may lead to complications.
Ideal for relieving itching after insect bites.Apply only with a special stick or sponge. Creams and ointments based on this substance actively absorb bacteria that fall on the surface.
Helps cope with foot problems: calluses, cracks in the hide, varicose veins.
Prevents and treats mastitis, is able to have a resolving effect after injections.
Prevents irritation and dryness after depilation.
Can be used in the cold season to prevent chapping.
Has a beneficial effect on cracks, abrasions, cuts, etc. The product can remove skin problems.
Helps the skin breathe, therefore preventing clogging of pores.
Used in the treatment of joints and muscle strains.
Can be used as a massage product.
Eliminates wrinkles and helps prevent cellulite.

Creams based on Floralizin, release form and price. The table presented above clearly shows how useful the use of products with Floralizin is. They have minimal lists of contraindications. Negative manifestations can occur if the product is stored and applied incorrectly.

Pharmacies cannot offer a wide selection of products in this area. Veterinary clinics and pet stores can boast of 3 popular products based on Floralizin - Zorka, Power of the Forest, Basalt.

Cream Zorka with Floralizin

Cream for the treatment of diseases in animals, milking cows. The most popular and effective remedy among analogues. It can be used by men and women to care for the skin of their hands, face, body and legs. The active ingredients include floralisin and petroleum jelly. They help the skin become firmer, remove cosmetic defects, eliminate abrasions, cracks, and wounds. Can be used as therapy for psoriasis, dermatitis, varicose veins.

This is the only product available in various forms and variations:

  • milking cream 200 ml (average cost 76 rubles);
  • cream in tube “Zorka Lux” (91 rub.).

The “Lux” series is distinguished by a higher concentration of floralysin. It is recommended to take it with caution, as the drug has more contraindications. These include oily skin type, individual intolerance, pregnancy and lactation.

Cream Forest Power with Floralizin

Cream “Forest Power” is less popular than its analogue described above. The product contains the following components: floralizin, petroleum jelly, pentol, sorbic acid. The product helps improve skin nutrition, increase blood circulation in the skin and improve microcirculation.

Doctors talk about the effectiveness of the drug for the following pathologies:

  • phlebeurysm;
  • psoriasis;
  • haemorrhoids;
  • endarteritis;
  • dermatitis;
  • treatment of injuries, burns, sprains.

The cream is sold in the form of a tube, the cost of which is on average 150-250 rubles, in a 200 ml jar, the cost is 500 rubles.

Note! There is an opinion that the “Forest Power” cream is an improved analogue of “Zorka”, so the price is several times higher than the last resort. However, experts say that there cannot be a big difference between the products.

Cream Basalt with Floralizin

You can buy the cream at veterinary pharmacies; it is rarely found in pharmacy chains. It positions itself as an excellent medicine; it contains not only similar components to the products listed above, but also additional ones. The advantage of Basalt is the use of sea buckthorn oil and propolis in the ingredients.

Available only in cream form. The instructions for use indicate the purpose of the medication - wiping the udders of cows before and after manual milking. However, the drug Basalt is widely known to cosmetologists. They use it as an anti-aging cream and add it during cosmetic procedures.

Basalt can be used to improve microcirculation, recovery after injuries, sprains, and varicose veins. The product copes well with peeling and dry skin, eliminating allergic reactions, psoriasis, and dermatitis. Often used as a massage remedy during colds.

The average cost of the cream does not exceed 50 rubles.

What is Floralizin?


"Floralizin" is a natural, balanced natural complex of biologically active substances (produced by a natural microorganism) necessary for the animal body, containing phospholipids, antioxidants, coenzyme Q10, amino acids, vitamins A, D3, E, biotin, etc. "Floralizin" improves trophism, biosynthesis and metabolism in tissues, which makes the skin firm and elastic, ensures its hydration, nutrition, enhances blood microcirculation and accelerates tissue regeneration. Cream "Zorka", thanks to the "floralisin" contained in the composition, moisturizes and nourishes the skin, prevents the formation of cracks and peeling, promotes the healing of wounds and reduces irritation on the skin of the udder of cows and goats, facilitates the milking process, closes the teat canal after milking, relieves itching from insect bites.


“Floralizin” is a natural, balanced natural complex of biologically active substances (produced by a natural microorganism) necessary for the animal body, containing phospholipids, antioxidants, coenzyme Q10, amino acids, vitamins A, D3, E, biotin, etc.

ivan ivanov

Some women also apply it to the face, the skin becomes soft and fresh, as a type of breast lift for myositis, for burns and cracked heels, so that the cracked heels heal, and of course, it is used to lubricate the udder to facilitate the milking of cows and goats, and applied to the hands so that they are beautiful and tender

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