cold sore lips
Herpes: causes of the disease and methods of treatment
Herpes simplex virus is a widespread infection throughout the world. Many people are familiar with the unpleasant tingling sensation,
Spine on the foot - causes and treatment
A wart is a wart caused by the papilloma virus. It develops under the influence of negative factors
Reasons for the appearance of herpes on the face and other places. Symptoms, treatment
Hello dear readers of my blog! In the last article I told you about viral diseases
Photo of the initial stage of atypical psoriasis on the legs
Plaque psoriasis: description of the disease, symptoms, treatment methods
Causes The exact cause of psoriasis is unknown. Genetics plays a significant role in its development.
Zerkalin: what it contains, how it works, instructions
Zerkalin: what it contains, how it works, instructions
Zerkalin is a drug for the treatment of acne vulgaris, the composition penetrates deep into the epidermis and
Allergy to cold in children: causes and methods of protection
Causes of reaction to cold Long-term chronic diseases: sinusitis, sinusitis, caries, tonsillitis; Disruptions in the endocrine
How to treat chickenpox in children besides brilliant green: 6 most effective remedies
How chickenpox begins in children - the first signs and symptoms in the initial stage (photo)
pimples on the penis
Watery pimples and blisters on the penis and glans
Men often experience acne on the penis. Regardless of whether it is worn
Ringworm in a child
What do different types of lichen in children look like and how to treat them?
Ringworm is a common disease of infectious-allergic origin, which is most often diagnosed in children in
Remedies for scars: top 7 best
Contractubex: indications and methods of use
Composition, dosage form In the pharmaceutical industry, Contractubex is produced in the form of an ointment: a gel-like viscous substance
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