Spine on the foot - causes and treatment

A wart is a wart caused by the papilloma virus. It develops under the influence of negative factors - excessive sweating, low immune status, uncomfortable shoes, etc. It is diagnosed in adults and children. How to get rid of a spine? Pharmacy medications will help with this. They use lapis pencil, salicylic ointment, Viferon cream, Salipod patch, Superchistotel solution, Cycloferon, Vishnevsky ointment and other drugs. However, the names alone don’t say anything, so let’s take a closer look at them.

Viferon ointment

Anti-thorn remedies that include human interferon are highly effective. Viferon ointment is a specialized antiviral agent that prevents the multiplication of the virus and inhibits its activity.

The drug can be used at home. The treatment is characterized by the absence of pain, scars and cicatrices do not remain after therapy. To get rid of the growth, the ointment is used 4 times a day at regular intervals. The duration of the therapeutic course is determined individually.

Some patients note that they were able to get rid of warts that are located on the sole within a few weeks. Other people took longer - about a month.

Important: if treatment of the spine with Viferon within a month does not produce a visible result, it is necessary to reconsider the treatment regimen.

In the absence of intolerance to the active components of the drug, the product can be used during pregnancy, lactation and for young children.

Which doctor should I contact?

If you find a thorn on your leg, you need to consult a dermatologist. The doctor will recommend the best method for getting rid of the skin growth. Sometimes an additional consultation with an immunologist is required. If there are problems with immunity, the doctor will suggest ways to improve it.

You should not self-medicate. The doctor will examine the tumor under a microscope and clarify its nature. If a wart degenerates, the person requires emergency medical care and serious medications.

Author of the article:

Kaplan Alexander Sergeevich |
Orthopedist Education: diploma in General Medicine received in 2009 at the Medical Academy named after. I. M. Sechenov. In 2012, she completed postgraduate studies in the specialty “Traumatology and Orthopedics” at the City Clinical Hospital named after. Botkin at the Department of Traumatology, Orthopedics and Disaster Surgery. Our authors

Salipod patch

Salipod is a remedy for thorns in the form of a patch, which is treated with salicylic acid. It helps to soften the pathological tissue of growths, which leads to complete cleansing of the skin.

Mode of application:

  • Place a piece of plaster on the growth and secure it on top with a regular plaster or bandage;
  • Leave for 24-48 hours. Then remove, clean off the softened layer of keratinized tissue, apply again for the same time;
  • Do not get it wet;
  • The procedure is done until the spine is completely removed.

If the treatment is not carried to its logical conclusion and the roots remain in the skin, the growth will soon appear again. The patch is sold at the pharmacy and can be purchased without a doctor's prescription. Not recommended for use on the face. The duration of use depends on the size and depth of the tumor.

Contraindications include pregnancy, impaired renal function, dermatological diseases (psoriasis, dermatitis, eczema), allergies to salicylic acid, and childhood. Moles cannot be removed.


Freezing pharmaceutical preparations help get rid of the spikes. CryoPharma is the most popular among them. The refrigerants contained in it destroy the structure of the abnormal growth. This causes the death of the treated tissues and leads to the disappearance of the problematic formation.

The drug CryoFarama has many advantages. Chief among them are:

  • Simplicity and speed of use;
  • Affordability;
  • Minimum age restrictions (allowed for use by everyone except children under four years old).

However, the medication also has a number of disadvantages:

  • Exceeding the exposure time may lead to scarring at the treatment site;
  • Gentle freezing may not kill the virus itself, hidden in the layers of the epidermis. Because of this, a new growth or even a conglomerate of them may appear in place of the removed spine.

Treatment of a problem area on the foot takes 40 seconds. The time must be kept very precisely. This is especially noted in the instructions for the drug.

Exposure to refrigerants is carried out using an applicator sold along with the drug. It is applied to the spine and held for the specified time. A tingling or burning sensation may be felt during treatment. The skin color should turn white.

After some time, the tubercle turns red. A blister forms above it, protecting the process of formation of new healthy skin.

After two weeks the spine disappears. If this does not happen, then the problem area should be re-treated.

To remove the same spine, CryoPharm is allowed to be used no more than three times. The break between treatments should be fourteen days.

Twelve applicators are included with the can. One package of the drug is enough to remove seven growths.


Composition and instructions for use of Sebozol shampoo

There are many ways to combat warts. To get rid of a pathological growth, it is necessary to act comprehensively. They use drugs that act directly on the spine and tablets. They are aimed at increasing the immune status and strengthening the body's barrier functions.

Worth knowing: Cycloferon in tablet form is produced on the basis of acridoneacetic acid. Upon penetration, it promotes the production of interferons - proteins whose functionality is to fight viral infections.

Features of application:

  1. The dosage for an adult varies from 2 to 4 tablets per day.
  2. The traditional regimen of use is 1, 2, 4, 6, 8, 11, 17, 20 and 23 days.

The advantage of the drug is that its active substances act from within the body; therefore, new tumors do not appear, since the activity of the human papilloma virus is inhibited.

It should not be taken in case of liver cirrhosis in the stage of decompensation, against the background of high sensitivity to the constituent medications, during pregnancy and breastfeeding, in children under 4 years of age.

The drug is truly powerful and has a high degree of antiviral activity; independent use is prohibited. The medicine is prescribed exclusively by a medical specialist, taking into account the characteristics of the clinical picture of the disease.

How does infection occur?

Plantar wart is a viral disease that can be contracted through open wounds on the sole, through contact with a sick person, or through shared objects. Bacteria feel especially comfortable in a humid environment, so people with excessive sweating of the feet are prone to the appearance of horns. Very often, infection occurs after visiting swimming pools, showers, and gyms. To prevent the appearance of plantar warts, doctors recommend always having personal hygiene products and swimming shoes with you.

Vishnevsky and salicylic ointment

A spine on a finger or toe can be removed using salicylic ointment. The therapeutic substance prevents the growth of the pathological neoplasm, leading to its complete disappearance. The product is inexpensive and highly effective with regular and long-term use.

Do not use if the growth appears in a sensitive area. For example, on the mucous membrane of the genital organs, face. In some cases, patients complain of burning, itching and soreness after applying the ointment.

How to use salicylic ointment:

  • Steam the affected area, wipe dry;
  • To protect healthy skin, the wart is covered with an adhesive plaster in a circle;
  • Treat the problem area several times, apply a sterile bandage;
  • Apply once a day just before bedtime;
  • Therapy continues until the growth is completely removed.

Note: the drug should not be used to treat small children for more than one week.

Contraindications: infancy, impaired renal function, hypersensitivity to salicylic acid, pregnancy, breastfeeding. The ointment is sold at the pharmacy, the price varies from 0.5 to 1 $.

Vishnevsky ointment helps remove the spine at home. This is one of the most popular remedies, which is characterized by low cost and relatively quick therapeutic results.

Instructions for the use of Taktivin injections and analogues

The drug has disinfectant properties, neutralizes inflammatory processes, stimulates local immunity, and promotes rapid regeneration of damaged skin tissue.

Removing spines using ointment is carried out as follows: apply the product to the dry growth three times a day, cover the top with a protective bandage. The manipulation is repeated until the tumor disappears. Cannot be combined with other local medications for warts.


Cauterizing pharmaceutical preparations are considered very effective medicines for spines. One of them is Verrukacid solution. It is used only externally and has pronounced necrotizing properties.

The drug contains two active substances - metacresol and phenol. They are poisonous. By destroying abnormal cells of the spine, part of the solution is absorbed into the blood and has a detrimental effect on the nervous system. Using the drug strictly in accordance with the instructions will help reduce its toxic effect.

To quickly and effectively remove a spine using Verrucacid solution you must:

  1. Pre-soften the skin growth. To do this, it is recommended to stick the Salipod keratolytic patch on the wart a day before the planned procedure or apply Vartox cream;
  2. Prepare the tumor for the procedure. To do this, the keratinized layers are cut off as much as possible with nail scissors, the problem area is washed with soap and water, and wiped thoroughly;
  3. Immediately before treatment, coat the tissue around the spine with zinc paste. This will help avoid skin damage if the cauterizing solution gets on healthy areas of the epidermis;
  4. Moisten the applicator on the cap in the solution, remove excess liquid;
  5. Apply a drop of cauterizing agent directly to the skin lesion;
  6. Wait a few minutes until the preparation dries, repeat the manipulations;
  7. Depending on the size of the growth, perform up to seven treatments in a row, taking pauses;
  8. After the last drop of the drug has dried, wipe off the zinc paste with cotton wool.

About ten minutes after the end of the procedure, a slight burning sensation will be felt, and the skin will acquire a reddish tint. This is considered an indicator of the correctness and effectiveness of the procedure performed.

Verrukacid is an improved version of its almost complete analogue, Feresol. However, unlike its predecessor, it has a lower concentration of active substances. This reduces the intensity of burns and minimizes the likelihood of scars appearing on the treated areas of the skin.

Super clean

The solution consists of various sodium derivatives. The pharmacological effect is due to its cauterizing properties, as a result of which warts die and disappear over time.

Apply the solution directly to the growth. Neighboring tissues are pre-protected - covered with adhesive tape or lubricated with a thick cream. The procedure is carried out once a day. The duration of the course of treatment is five days.

Advice: if a little solution accidentally gets on undamaged tissue, you should immediately rinse with running water to avoid redness and burns of the skin.


  1. Children under 12 years of age;
  2. The presence of birthmarks near the problem area;
  3. Do not use on mucous membranes;
  4. Do not use against the background of a violation of the integrity of the skin.

After home manipulation, the spine begins to gradually turn black. This indicates tissue necrosis. Over time, the wart falls off and a small wound surface forms in its place. It drags on for several weeks.

Plantar wart removal price

The cost of removing plantar warts in Moscow can vary and reach several thousand rubles.

Before removing the spine, you need to clarify the cost of the manipulation. Many clinics indicate a low cost in their price list. Most often, this means that the true price is veiled and at the appointment it turns out that you need to pay extra for anesthesia, bandaging, etc.

In our clinic, the price list indicates the full price of the intervention, i.e. no additional payments will be required.

Consultation with a doctor at the initial appointment - 1,700 rubles

Removal of a plantar wart— RUB 1,500

Other pharmaceutical preparations for spine

There are many answers to the question of how to get rid of a spine. The pharmaceutical industry offers a wide range of medications that help get rid of the abnormal element on the skin. The doctor will advise which remedy is best, taking into account the individual characteristics of the disease.

Effective medications for spine:

  • The lapis pencil works due to the silver nitrate present in the composition. Before use, moisten with cold water and lubricate the affected area. The procedure is repeated every ten days. Not used for removing warts on the face, during pregnancy, lactation and in childhood;
  • Mountain celandine is produced in the form of a balm, it contains medicinal herbs and has a specific smell. Before manipulation, the neoplasm must be steamed in hot water and applied pointwise using a match or a cotton swab. Application of the solution lasts for 12 minutes. During the procedure, the stick is constantly dipped in Mountain Celandine. Repeat twice a day. Duration of treatment is up to ten days;
  • The Chinese product “Doctor Wei Speckle Killer” consists of two bottles. The first contains a composition for removing warts, the second contains a solution that accelerates skin regeneration. Shake the bottles well before use. Apply a small drop exclusively to the growth. There is pain during use - this indicates that the drug is working. After 2-3 minutes, apply the composition from another bottle. It should be processed up to five times a day. The course of treatment is 5-10 days;
  • Verrucacid is an effective solution against thorns. The disadvantages include an unpleasant odor and prohibited use for small children under 7 years of age. Apply to the steamed tumor 7-10 times with a short time interval. A bandage cannot be applied. Repeat every other week and so on until the growth completely disappears.

Before using any pharmaceutical drug, it is recommended to visit a dermatologist. The doctor must examine the neoplasm and determine its benign nature. Based on the degree of compaction, depth and size of the growth, the optimal treatment option is selected.

In advanced cases, complex treatment of warts is required or hardware removal techniques are used. However, in most cases, it is possible to get rid of the spine at home with the help of medications.


A convenient and simple remedy for growths on the soles is a special medical pencil containing silver nitrate. It is able to cauterize spines and have a parallel bactericidal effect on tissue.

Using Lapis is very simple:

  • It is soaked in cold water;
  • The problematic bump on the skin is treated once or twice a day.

The product is absorbed very well, so there is no need to wash it off the epidermis.

Lapis pencil has some contraindications for use. The main one is the body's increased sensitivity to silver ions.

Among the side effects caused by the drug, skin allergies in the form of rashes are observed. Such reactions do not require action on the part of the patient and go away on their own.

Doctors do not recommend using Lapis simultaneously with drugs made from organic substances. As a result of their interaction, chemical reactions may occur, leading to the loss of effectiveness of the active substances of the medical pencil.

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