What is a Jessner peel? What are its advantages? Can it be done at home?

Serviceprice, rub.
Glycolic peeling 50/70%1700
Classic Jessner peeling (2-3 layers)2500
Jessner peeling modified MEDIDERMA3500
Milk peeling 80% DMAE 11% MEDIDERMA3000
Yellow peeling Yellow Peels (2 layers)2800
Yellow peeling Yellow Peels (3 layers)3500
Yellow enhanced peeling 10% MEDIDERMA5000
Yellow peeling 4% MEDIDERMA4500
Peeling TCA 10%2000
Peeling TCA 30%2500
Additional tools:
Post-peeling serum “Shine”400
Post-peeling cream mask600
Activator additive for peeling800

The desire to preserve beauty and youth is natural and characteristic of any woman. And while some people have the patience to carry out long-term care, when a lady uses mild cleansers, moisturizing and nourishing creams, others strive to get quick results. One of the most effective techniques for achieving a beautiful complexion, significant rejuvenation and increased skin elasticity are medium peeling procedures. There are several types of effects of this kind, but all of them should be carried out by experienced dermatocosmetologists in specialized medical centers for aesthetic improvement.

In our center, the mid-peeling services provided are performed by qualified specialists, the quality of their practical skills and theoretical knowledge is confirmed by certificates. We care about maintaining the attractiveness of residents of St. Petersburg, and therefore we have created a sincere atmosphere in the salon, in which various cosmetic procedures become a real gift for each of our clients. When constructing our financial policy, we were guided by the principle of maximum accessibility of work both for regular visitors and for girls who came to our clinic for the first time.

What is a chemical peel?

Chemical peeling is an acid-based product that dissolves dead cells and helps them quickly disappear from the surface of the skin. Depending on the type, concentration and time of exposure, the acid can not only exfoliate the top layer, but also destroy the middle and deep layers of the epidermis. Peels are divided into superficial, medium and deep. And if the first type can be attributed to self-care, then the second and third should be under the supervision of a specialist.

Editor's Choice

Green peeling-biorevitalizant with BTpeel peptides

Innovative two-phase product

A special patented formula makes this peeling painless and can be used at any age. And the effect is noticeable immediately!

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The structure of human skin

Understanding the essence of the medium peeling procedure is impossible without at least general information about the structure of the skin.

Human skin is a natural multi-layered barrier against pathogens, atmospheric influences and other negative external factors. Its structure is formed by the following layers:

    • the outer epidermis, where the ducts of the skin glands exit, its cells are divided into types: horny, shiny, granular, spinous, basal; • dermis (or skin itself), formed by the papillary and reticular layer, in which receptors, hair follicles, elastin and collagen fibers, and secretory glands are located; • hypodermis, which is a subcutaneous fat pad penetrated by microcapillaries that deliver oxygen and trophic components to the dermis and layers of the epidermis.

The structure of the skin is individual; the type of skin (dry, combination, oily), its color, microrelief and elasticity depend on the characteristics of the cells.

Can it be done at home?

Superficial peeling can be called “SPA at home”:

  • buy the treasured bottle;
  • cleanse your face and apply acid to your forehead, chin, cheeks and nose;
  • wait as long as indicated in the instructions;
  • wash off the peeling;
  • apply moisturizer.

It’s more difficult with other peels. You cannot carry out medium and deep peeling yourself for two reasons. Firstly, the acid can “eat in” very deeply; the process must be controlled by a specialist. Secondly, only a cosmetologist always makes a conclusion about the benefits of the procedure for your skin. Otherwise, a chemical burn will simply occur, which can take years to heal.

What skin problem bothers you?

Acne Find out the cost

Skin aging Find out the cost

Problem skin Find out the cost

*In February there is a 60% discount on all BTPeel products.

Photos before and after facial peeling

Scrub peeling for problematic facial skin allows you to achieve excellent results. It gets rid of blackheads, unhealthy complexion, and reduces inflammation. In addition, there are also anti-aging, moisturizing, deep cleansing methods that target specific dermal problems.

You can see what the skin looks like after the procedure in the photos below.

How much does a chemical peel cost at a salon?

The cost depends on the type of peeling, the concentration of acids and additional services for the procedure. For example, superficial peeling will cost 2-3 thousand rubles. For the middle one you will have to pay more, on average 5-8 thousand rubles. The price includes not only the drug itself, but also the specialist’s time, makeup removal, and post-procedure care.


It's no secret that any chemical peel is a serious irritant for the skin. And if you don’t know the subtleties, you can harm yourself. Therefore, many women are wary of such procedures.

But, for example, ferulo-almond peeling 16% BTpeel is often used as a base before such procedures as: laser and diamond facial resurfacing, combined facial cleansing and mechanical peeling.

When performed independently, ferulo-almond peeling returns the skin the ability to breathe freely, cleansing it and controlling the functioning of the sebaceous glands, stimulates cell renewal and, as a bonus, eliminates freckles and unwanted pigmentation.

Find out the price

How much do the procedures cost?

Before you sign up for the procedure, it’s worth finding out: how much does chemical facial peeling, diamond or mechanical, cost? Exact prices depend on several factors:

  • From the city in which the salon is located;
  • From the location and level of the cabin;
  • From education as a cosmetologist;
  • Depending on the type of cleaning and materials used.

Average rates will be displayed in the table below.

Chemical850 rubles
Mechanical1600 rubles
Ultrasonic1500 rubles
Laser6500 rubles
Fruit1450 rubles
Diamond2200 rubles

This is the approximate price for the procedures. You can find out specific prices in the salon of your choice.

Make sure that the final price includes all additional components: facial cleansing, application of a moisturizing mask, powder or cream to close pores. In some salons, these services are calculated separately, which can be an unpleasant surprise when paying.

How does a chemical peel work?

Chemical peeling preparations contain various acids. They are included in formulations for superficial procedures in a weakly concentrated form - up to 20%, for medium renewal - from 20% to 70%.

Popular types of acids for chemical peeling:

  • glycolic;
  • salicylic;
  • dairy;
  • trichloroacetic (TCA peel);
  • pyruvic;
  • retinol (yellow peeling);
  • almond.

Mixtures of acids are used for procedures such as BioRePeel or Jessner peel.

The chemical peeling procedure consists of 3 stages. The first is preliminary cleansing of the skin, using milk and tonic. They remove secretions secreted by the sebaceous glands and normalize acidity (pH).

The second stage is the exfoliation itself: the acid is applied in a thin layer to the entire skin of the face and neck except the area around the eyes. This stage lasts from 10 to 15 minutes. Why is there no exact time? Everyone has individual characteristics. As soon as the skin turns red and the tingling begins, the composition needs to be removed. It is impossible to predict this moment in advance.

And the last stage is neutralization. You cannot simply wash the acid off your skin; this can cause a burn. For this purpose, a special solution with a slightly alkaline reaction medium (neutralizer) is used. And only then the remaining acid is washed off the skin with water. Be sure to apply a cream selected according to your skin type.

Home peeling recipes

It is not difficult to make such compositions, but do not neglect the recipe and add other ingredients at will that can react chemically with the main components of the mixture.

With alpha hydroxy acids

First, mix cane sugar with lemon juice and homemade unsweetened yogurt (proportion 1:1:1). These products contain citric, lactic and glycolic acids, which have a deep cleansing effect.

Next, apply this mixture to the face area with your fingertips, massage lightly for 2 minutes and leave on the skin for 10 - 15 minutes.

With beta hydroxy acids

You will need to prepare in advance a neutralizing solution consisting of soda and water, taken in equal proportions, in a separate, non-metal container.

Aspirin tablets - acetylsalicylic acid, which belongs to beta-hydroxy acids, are mixed with a small amount of lemon juice until a liquid paste forms.

Apply the composition to the face with light circular movements along the massage lines, leave for 10 minutes, then wash off with a neutralizer solution prepared in advance using a cotton pad.

Fruity with glycolic acid

For this recipe you will need: gelatin powder, honey (optional), pineapple and papaya.

For this recipe you will need: gelatin powder, honey (optional), pineapple and papaya.

The fruits are prepared first - grind them in a blender to a puree (1:1). Add honey and gelatin powder (2 tablespoons) to this mass. Gelatin is a source of natural collagen necessary to restore skin elasticity.

You will need to heat the composition in a water bath or in a microwave until the gelatin is completely dissolved, then cool in the refrigerator.

Apply this mixture to your face and leave for 15 – 20 minutes.

With oat flakes and almonds

Keep the product on your face for 15 minutes

Oatmeal and almonds (1:1) are ground in a coffee grinder to a powdery mass. In a separate container, mix milk heavy cream with a strong infusion of green tea (1:1), add 1 drop of rose oil to the mixture. Mix both compositions until smooth, let it stand for 20 minutes, then apply to a damp face with massaging and light movements strictly along the massage lines. Keep the product on your face for 15 minutes.

For oily skin, this recipe is slightly modified by adding skim milk instead of cream, and replacing rose oil with lemon or tea tree oil.

Based on dried citrus peel

Any dry citrus fruit zest is ground in a coffee grinder to a powder. For oily skin, add kefir to the composition, and for dry skin, homemade fatty yogurt without sugar or additives. The mass should be thick, convenient for applying peeling to the face.

With coffee grounds

Apply the product to a moistened face, wait for it to dry and rinse off.

Coffee beans crushed in a coffee grinder or wet grounds can be used as an effective peeling composition. For dry skin, it is diluted with a small amount of heavy milk cream, sour cream or any vegetable oil, and for oily skin - with kefir, whey or homemade yogurt. Apply the product to a moistened face, wait for it to dry and rinse off.

With clay and eggshell powder

Clay is an excellent natural adsorbent that deeply cleanses pores of all kinds of impurities and sebaceous plugs. You can make a composition for deep skin peeling by diluting clay powder with eggshell powder, taken in equal proportions.

With rice and cottage cheese

Rice crushed in a coffee grinder is mixed with cottage cheese (1:2), olive oil (1/2 teaspoon) is added to the mixture, heated and the mixture is applied for 15 minutes.

With freshwater sponge (badyaga)

Badyagi peeling exfoliates dead cells from oily skin

Effectively and deeply exfoliates dead cells from oily skin with a peeling made from badyagi, dried and ground into powder. It is diluted with hot water to a paste, 2-3 drops of hydrogen peroxide are added, applied to the skin and left for 10 minutes.

With fresh strawberries

Make puree from fresh strawberries (take a tablespoon), combine with ½ tablespoon of honey and 3 drops of almond oil. Apply the mixture to the skin using rubbing movements, allow to dry, and then rinse.

With lemon, orange and sea salt

Squeeze the juice from 1 lemon and 1 orange, add a heaping tablespoon of sea salt and the same amount of milk. The resulting mass is applied to the skin with rubbing movements for 2 minutes. Leave on face for 10 minutes and wash off.

From salt or sugar

Take a teaspoon of salt or sugar, mix it with cream or olive oil, apply with massage movements and leave on the face for up to 5 minutes.

From dry herbs

For oily skin, take dried herbs of chamomile or sage, and for dry mint or linden, grind them in a mortar, apply to the face, heated over steam with rotating movements, leave for 10 minutes, rinse off.

With cucumber, sea salt and oat flakes

Leave the mixture on your face for 10 minutes

You will need to grind the oatmeal in a coffee grinder, take a tablespoon, add fresh cucumber juice and a tablespoon of sea salt until a mushy mass forms. When applying to the skin, actively massage problem areas. Leave the mixture on your face for 10 minutes.

From cranberries and essential oils

Chopped cranberries are combined with almond oil

Cranberries crushed to a pulp (20 pieces) are combined with almond oil (5 ml), ½ tablespoon of crushed oatmeal and a teaspoon of granulated sugar. Quickly, until the sugar dissolves, apply the mixture to your face in a circular motion. Wait 15 minutes and rinse thoroughly.

From soda and laundry soap

For oily skin, peeling performed on a face soaped with laundry soap using baking soda powder is perfect. The procedure is continued for no longer than 2 minutes and washed off immediately.

Whitening with beans

Several cooked beans are kneaded with a small amount of olive oil and lemon juice (3-4 drops). Rub this composition into the skin for 3 minutes, then immediately rinse off.

With soda, oatmeal

For combination skin, the following peeling will have an excellent effect. Ground oatmeal (a tablespoon) is mixed with raw chicken yolk, honey and baking soda (a teaspoon each). When applying the composition to your face, you must thoroughly massage the problem areas of the skin, then rinse everything off with cold water.

With carrot juice and oatmeal

Cereal-based peels deeply cleanse the stratum corneum of dead cells

This peeling not only effectively removes the stratum corneum, but also gives the skin a natural tan color.

You will need fresh carrot juice, ground oatmeal (a tablespoon), sea salt (a teaspoon). The more carrot juice you add, the more intense your tan will be. Apply the composition to moistened skin, massage well, hold for 10 - 15 minutes.

Peels based on cereals deeply cleanse the stratum corneum of dead cells, help cleanse pores, and trigger the processes of cellular renewal and rejuvenation.

With wheat grains

You will need to crush a tablespoon of wheat grains with the same amount of birch buds in a mortar, adding 50 ml of full-fat homemade sour cream at the end. Apply this composition to damp skin with massaging movements for 2 minutes, then leave for 10 - 15 minutes and rinse off.

With oat grains

A tablespoon of oat grains crushed in a mortar is mixed with the same amount of plantain seeds, 40 grams of homemade fat cottage cheese are added and everything is thoroughly mixed.

With sprouted wheat grains

In a mortar, sprouted wheat grains are ground with onion seeds (1:1), 40 ml of fatty fermented baked milk are added and everything is mixed. Apply to the face, massage, leave for 15 minutes, rinse.

With banana

Grind one banana until mushy, add 3 tablespoons of sugar and a few drops of your favorite essential oil. The mass should be thick. Apply the composition to the skin with active massaging (rubbing) movements, leave for 15 minutes and rinse with warm water.

With chocolate

Take high-quality cocoa powder (3 tablespoons) and mix it with 100 grams of brown sugar. After this, add olive oil (1 teaspoon) to the mixture and mix everything thoroughly again. Apply to the skin in a circular motion, leave for 15 minutes and rinse with warm water.

Compositions with natural cocoa powder contain vitamins A and B, as well as microelements - potassium, magnesium, iron, which strengthen skin cell membranes, improve metabolic processes, blood circulation and promote rejuvenation.

Tomato-sugar for deep cleaning

Leave the mixture for 5 – 10 minutes and rinse well with cool water.

Ripe tomato (tomato) is washed under running water and cut into 2 halves. Take a small saucer and pour granulated sugar into it. Half a tomato is lowered cut side down (into the sugar), wait a few seconds for the sugar to penetrate into the pulp, after which they begin to clean the problem areas of the skin with rotational movements. Leave the mixture for 5 – 10 minutes and rinse well with cool water.

Ripe tomatoes contain a substance called lycopene, which is a powerful antioxidant that rejuvenates, regenerates, protects from ultraviolet radiation and renews the skin at the cellular level. In addition, they contain components that eliminate inflammatory processes on the skin, acne, narrow enlarged pores, tone, tighten, and even out the complexion.

Sugar is a strong exfoliant (exfoliating dead cells) containing glycolic acid. By combining sugar with organic tomato acids, you get an effective composition that deeply cleanses the skin by simultaneously performing physical and chemical peeling, so the result of this procedure doubles.

How to take care of yourself after peeling

Redness may be observed for a couple of days after the procedure. After this, the skin begins to peel off - do not be afraid of this, on the contrary, the process of cell regeneration has begun. Be sure to apply moisturizer: it removes the feeling of tightness and helps the epidermis recover faster.

For 3 weeks after peeling, cosmetologists do not advise going out in the sun (if you really need it, products with SPF-50 can help); You cannot visit the solarium and sauna. A repeat visit to the doctor is recommended. The specialist will examine the skin, make a conclusion about the tolerability of a particular acid and advise the optimal time for the procedure next time.

What are the contraindications?

Each type of peeling has its own specific contraindications, but the exfoliation procedure also has general contraindications. Thus, peeling is contraindicated during pregnancy, as well as during breastfeeding. Obviously, the procedure cannot be performed in case of diseases and problems with the skin (the presence of burns, ulcers, inflammation, open wounds, etc.), as well as in case of increased body temperature, viral diseases and poor health. Moreover, the procedure is not recommended in late spring and summer, since after peeling the skin is defenseless against the negative effects of sunlight. Contraindications also include malignant diseases, chronic skin diseases, problems with blood clotting and some others. In each specific case, it is better to consult with a specialist: a good cosmetologist should immediately warn you about all the dangers of peeling.

Reviews from experts

Figlovsky Konstantin Petrovich, cosmetologist:

Peelings have a very rich history of use in cosmetology and can rightfully be considered one of the most ancient beauty procedures. Nowadays, chemical peels are not losing ground and remain popular, in demand and loved by both specialists and patients, due to their high efficiency and wide range of indications. With their help, we eliminate hyperpigmentation, even out skin tone, correct wrinkles, scars, treat acne and post-acne, acting with acids on different levels and layers of the skin. However, there are still contraindications, the main ones being pregnancy and lactation, skin damage and infections, the presence of an acute inflammatory process, and some systemic diseases.

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Kristina Tulaeva, dermatologist, cosmetologist:

Chemical acid peels are an indispensable procedure in cosmetology. Acids gently exfoliate and stimulate the division and renewal of cells in the stratum corneum. The procedure is seasonal, the optimal time to perform it is autumn and winter. Peels differ in depth of penetration and acid composition. Thus, for thin, finely wrinkled skin, superficial peels are perfect; for skin with post-acne scars, medium peels are used. For gentle rejuvenation, superficial peels are suitable for everyone, medium peels are only suitable for indications.


In the fall, there is a real boom in cosmetology - the time to “save” the skin after a busy summer has come. Are there peelings that can be done not only in the autumn-winter period, but at any time of the year?

Eat. Red peeling-revitalizant with the peptide complex Red peeling BTpeel is an innovative new generation drug with a biostimulating and renewing effect.

The unique peptide complex in the composition saves aging skin, improves its firmness, density and elasticity. Rehabilitation does not occur as quickly as with some other peels, but it is unnoticeable. That is, you won’t have to be bored at home for a week with a scarlet complexion. And one more plus: the drug from BTpeel does not require neutralization.

However, no one has canceled the main rule: moisturize the skin and use sun protection products.

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In what cases should media peeling not be used or should be used with caution?

Medium peeling is completely contraindicated for diabetes, pregnancy, lactation, manifestations of herpes in the acute stage, dermatitis, eczema, oncology, and mental disorders. If there are small wounds on the skin of the face after acne, cuts or abrasions, you should wait until they are completely healed. Before performing a mid-peel, acne or other inflammations must be put into remission, for which patients are prescribed various types of cleansing.

It should be borne in mind that a number of peeling medications are allergens. Therefore, before the start of the preparatory period, you should warn your cosmetologist about the likelihood of hives, itching and other allergic reactions; a knowledgeable specialist will select medications in such a way that the risk of undesirable consequences will be minimized.

Also, you should not hide from your doctor the fact that you have recently undergone other traumatic effects on the skin. Failure to follow this recommendation increases the risk of developing a more serious burn (3rd degree).

Our salon’s team of specialists will select the optimal medium peeling option that suits your skin type and shade. Reviews from our regular clients and many years of medical practice as cosmetologists show that with the correct calculation of the frequency and type of medium peeling, you can achieve amazing results. The skin after peeling is clean, well-groomed, has a healthy tone and excellent texture. Try to shed the weight of years from your face - sign up for a preliminary consultation by phone. Beauty and health to you!

Popular questions and answers

Why do you need a chemical peel? How often should it be done?

Peels are prescribed in a course for a more pronounced effect.
On average, the course is 4 procedures with an interval of 7-10 days. The exact course is prescribed by the doctor after consultation. It is always individual. Indications for peelings: • dull complexion • pigmentation • uneven skin texture (for example, post-acne scars) • as an additional therapy for acne • gentle skin rejuvenation

Can chemical peeling be done at home?

There are special peelings for home care. They have a lower concentration of acids; such peels are superficial. An excellent addition to home care - as a preparation for salon peeling, prolonging the cleanliness and freshness of the skin. Use the same course, or the entire autumn-winter period with an interval of 2 weeks.

Side effects

Like all cosmetic preparations, milk peeling has its side effects:

  • Severe redness, which is most often observed in those with sensitive skin. This can be easily corrected with Panthenol cream;
  • A burning sensation during peeling, which disappears during the neutralization stage;
  • After the procedure, slight peeling of the skin is observed in the first 2 to 4 days;
  • Minor redness of the skin, which goes away on its own within a few days;
  • It is extremely rare that burns can occur as a result of an unprofessionally performed procedure.
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