Treatment of streptoderma in adults
Dermatovenereologist Alina Rashidovna Khasanova Experience 9 years Make an appointment Common purulent-inflammatory skin disease
Erythema nodosum
Erythema nodosum of the lower extremities - photo with detailed description
Dermatovenerologist Khasanova Alina Rashidovna Experience 9 years Make an appointment One of the forms of vasculitis,
Herpes zoster and herpes-associated pain
Shingles: answering frequently asked questions about the disease
Shingles or herpes is an infectious disease that causes damage to the skin with the appearance of characteristic
What is herpes type 6 - complications, treatment, prevention
Human herpes virus type 6 is an infection no less common than those known to many
Causes and secrets of effective treatment of fingernail fungus
Few people know about this, but a fungal infection can also affect fingernails.
Skin types: what they are, how to determine yours and how to properly care for your face
In this article you will learn: What you need to know before determining your skin type 5
Causes and treatments for scalp pilaris
What is ringworm? Ringworm is an infectious skin disease caused by parasitic
Dermatitis on hands
Atopic dermatitis and mental disorders: psychosomatic relationships
One of the most common skin pathologies in children is dermatitis. The nature of the disease is due to the widespread
Red nails
Nail fungus varnish – is there any effect from the product? (Reliable)
Symptoms of the disease Healthy nails have a pink color and a smooth, shiny surface. About problems with
Sulfur ointment for acne on the face: effectiveness, detailed instructions for use, advice and reviews from experts
Sulfur ointment is a long-known pharmaceutical drug that can solve many problems with
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