Medical massage: methods, indications and contraindications

  1. What is a classic massage?
  2. Varieties of classical massage.
  3. Preparing the body for the massage procedure.
  4. Basic techniques in classical massage.
  5. Application of aromatic compounds.
  6. Classic self-massage.
  7. The result of the massage.
  8. Indications for the massage procedure.
  9. Contraindications.
  10. How does the massage procedure work?

Classic massage promotes health and serves as a prevention of various diseases. Using this technique, muscles and ligaments are brought back to normal condition and regeneration processes in damaged tissues are stimulated.

What is a classic massage?

Classic massage means a set of universal movements aimed at kneading the surface of the body. When performing it, the master uses his palms.

In the standard version, the massage is performed on clean skin without the use of auxiliary devices (creams, aromatic oils). The master makes movements towards the lymph nodes, starting from the collar area and moving down to the lower back. At the first stage, large areas are worked on, such as the shoulders and back, then the legs and arms.

Classic massage is basic in cosmetology and medical practice. It brings particular benefits to the spine. Usually it is performed in a horizontal plane; the person who wants to carry out this procedure lies on a flat and hard surface.

The body can be completely naked, only the décolleté and bikini area is covered. Uncovered skin interacts better with the hands of a master.

Classic massage has various effects:

  1. Relieves nervousness;
  2. Normalizes blood pressure;
  3. Promotes calm.

Several sessions of classic massage will relieve sleep problems and provide pleasant sensations. It will have a positive effect on the condition of the back, internal organs and skin.

The classic form of massage is designed to influence the central nervous system, which first helps to relax the body and then tone it. Regenerative processes are activated in the body and common diseases are cured.

This type of massage has a positive effect on the condition of soft tissues and blood vessels. Compared to other methods, it has many distinctive features.

This type of massage is performed no more than 2 times a week. For example, it differs from Thai in that it lasts no longer than an hour. The movements are characterized by intensity and rhythm; the work is carried out with the body, and not with points that have biological activity and energy channels.

Classic massage differs from the therapeutic variety in that it has a general strengthening effect. Therapeutic includes classical techniques, but it is aimed at the patient’s recovery. As a rule, it is done by nurses who have completed special courses. To perform classic massage you do not need to have a medical degree.

On a note! The traditional version of massage involves working with the physiological resources of the body; it does not require a special atmosphere or the use of auxiliary equipment. In some cases, aromatic oils are used, but you can do without them.

A massage therapist in a clinic, a massage therapist in a beauty salon, a chiropractor: what’s the difference?

The massage therapist works on the patient's body with his hands, kneading, patting, stroking, rubbing, shaking, pressing, rolling and vibrating. Unlike a chiropractor, he does not have the right to prescribe treatment or realign joints and vertebrae.

A “manual specialist” is a doctor who graduated from a medical school, residency or internship in the specialty “neurologist” or “traumatologist-orthopedist”. In addition, such a doctor has additionally completed a specialized retraining program in manual therapy.

A massage therapist in a medical clinic is a specialist with a secondary medical education in the specialties “therapeutic physical education”, “medical massage”, “nursing”, “physical rehabilitation and recreation”, “massage nurse”. An option with retraining is possible, but only if you have a secondary medical education. Such a specialist has the right to conduct medical, sports, myofascial and other types of massage. Without confirmed qualifications, a person will not be able to perform such procedures and get a job in a clinic. If this norm is violated, then according to Article 69, Article 323 of the Federal Law, the person bears criminal liability.

A massage therapist in a beauty salon, as a rule, does not have a medical education and provides non-medical massage (cosmetological, relaxing). The theoretical and practical knowledge base of a specialist is limited to short-term courses (53-72 academic hours). In this case, the quality of services is practically not confirmed by anything other than the reputation of the salon.

Types of classical massage

Type of massageEffectsPeculiarities
Medicinal Eliminates symptoms of various diseases. Has a local effect.

Elimination of disease symptoms. General, local impact

The technique of implementation depends on the type of disease (performed in accordance with the specific purpose). Used in conjunction with therapeutic techniques.
Hygienic Helps maintain health, prevents diseases, and strengthens the body. It can be general or private. Can be performed independently or in combination. Often combined with gymnastics and sauna.
Cosmetic Improves the condition of the epidermis, prevents its aging and fading.

Corrects cosmetic external imperfections.

It is divided into plastic, therapeutic and hygienic. The plastic variety makes it possible to neutralize the effects of aging. Therapeutic relieves swelling, cleanses the skin, eliminates deposits.

Hygiene is performed for preventive purposes, preventing the aging of the skin.

Sports Training - prepares muscles, adapts them to loads. Preliminary - achieves maximum preparation.

Restorative - accelerates recovery after endured stress.

Sports massage is performed with varying intensities. The emphasis is on working the muscles that are maximally loaded during the competition.

The differences between these types are conditional; they consist in localization, duration and speed of exposure.

Hygienic massage is done to maintain health and strengthen the body.

Sports training massage prevents injuries and sprains and increases endurance. During its implementation, a specific muscle group is worked out, which bears the maximum load. For example, cyclists have their feet massaged.

Preliminary sports massage prepares the athlete for the upcoming competition. It has a relaxing effect on the psyche, relieves tension, and helps cope with stress.

Restorative - used after intense training, in the intervals between approaches to apparatus. This massage is very useful during long competitions and after their completion.

Thanks to preventive massage, it is possible to prevent injuries caused by overuse.

Medicinal - prescribed for diseases of the musculoskeletal system and nervous system. It makes the symptoms of diseases less pronounced.

During a general massage, the whole body or a large part is treated. With local - separate areas.

Therapeutic is usually practiced in medical centers.

With the help of cosmetics, a number of aesthetic deficiencies can be corrected.

Classic massage is also classified according to the area being treated. Most often they work on the back and cervical-collar region. In addition, they practice massage of the face, abdomen, and limbs.

Preparing the body for a massage procedure

Before the procedure, the body is covered with massage oil. For relaxation, special aromatic oils are used that have a relaxing effect on the nervous system.

In the absence of special indications for the procedure, ready-made oils are chosen, focusing on the composition. They are created taking into account the specifics of the process, they improve hand gliding.

In the case of facial massage, make-up removal is performed at the preliminary stage, after which the skin is thoroughly cleansed.

Creams and oils are selected according to skin type.

Medical gels are often used in therapeutic massage.

The effect of the massage procedure will be more pronounced if you take a warm shower before it. A couple of hours before the session, avoid eating - this will avoid discomfort and digestive upset. A warm shower will relax muscle tissue and cleanse the skin.

As for recommendations after the procedure, it is advisable to lie down for 10-15 minutes. There are no restrictions after that.

What to look for when choosing a massage therapist

Incompetent massage therapists are a big problem in the medical world. Such specialists have harmed the health of many people. There are several signs that this is not a medical professional who is trying to help, but a person aimed solely at commercial gain.

You should be wary if the massage therapist:

  • gives a 100% guarantee of complete recovery;
  • says that there are no contraindications to massage;
  • promises, using the author’s method, to remove all toxins and waste from the body in 3 sessions, get rid of 10 kg of excess weight with one touch, etc.;
  • insists on replacing the treatment prescribed by the doctor with dietary supplements and other magic pills;
  • names the exact duration of the course in absentia.

Remember that medical massage is a fairly serious physiotherapeutic procedure in which such negligence is unacceptable. Do not risk your health, contact a medical institution, and not dubious specialists.

Our Clinic has professionals with many years of experience and medical education. They are well versed in anatomy, neurology and other fields, which help them form a correct idea of ​​what processes occur in your body. Your health is in good hands here.

Basic techniques in classical massage

The classical technique consists of standard movements. At first they are light, calm, then rhythmic and tonic. If discomfort appears during the session, you should immediately notify the master, he will change the intensity of movements. There are 4-5 key techniques in classical massage.

The session begins with stroking to activate the skin. They also finish the procedure to calm the epidermis.

At the preparatory stage, kneading is done. Such movements stimulate nerve endings and provide “warming up” of the muscles for subsequent effects.

Thanks to vibrations, it is possible to loosen tight muscle areas, relax the body, eliminate spasms, and activate internal processes. Rubbing stimulates blood circulation and normalizes lymph flow.

By controlling the degree of rubbing, the person performing the massage regulates the depth of penetration and intensity of movements. Not only the skin on the outside is treated, but also the fat deposits underneath it, muscles and internal organs.

Squeezing is necessary when bruises or bruises are found on the body. Such movements stimulate the resorption of stagnant fluid and accelerate tissue restoration.

In some cases, masters use striking techniques and beat the body with the edges of the palm. Options for a massage procedure can always be discussed before it begins.

Choose a specialist very carefully, collect information about him, read reviews from other clients. Having a diploma confirming completion of professional courses, a medical college, or a university will be a big plus. A good specialist will immediately find out if the client has any contraindications.

Classic massage techniques can be varied depending on your goals. It is permissible to change the degree of impact depending on the situation.

For example, vibrations have the ability to constrict and dilate blood vessels. They act on muscles like an anesthetic and enhance the manifestation of tendon reflexes. This massage technique also has a cosmetic effect.

Kneading serves as a kind of gymnastics for the body. Stimulates metabolism and excretory processes. Thanks to contrast kneading, a person gets the opportunity to get rid of muscle weakness - this happens by increasing overall tone.

Rubbing improves tissue mobility and the functioning of the musculoskeletal system. Such movements lead to the expansion of the lumens of blood vessels, an increase in blood flow to tissues and organs, and the elimination of congestion in the body. Rubbing accelerates the regeneration of damaged cells and increases their conductivity. In addition, they have a relaxing effect in osteochondrosis. Rubbing helps increase muscle tone and reduce increased central nervous system activity.

Stroking increases skin elasticity, normalizes blood circulation, and eliminates muscle tension.

The technique also consists of alternate and timely application of techniques during the session. The master needs to clearly understand on which areas of the body various effects will be most effective.

The massage procedure can be performed with different parts of the hands. Oils for it need to be purchased at pharmacies or beauty salons. Experienced massage therapists use not only standard techniques, but also auxiliary ones.

For example, effleurage improves the activity of the central nervous system and has a positive effect on the body as a whole. They are performed with knuckles on the palms, delivering a string of gentle blows.

Squeezing is in many ways similar to stroking, but is performed more actively. When carrying out a massage procedure, it is advisable to use them after stroking or in anticipation of rubbing. The main purpose of this technique is to improve blood circulation.

To study the technique of classical massage in detail requires a lot of time and perseverance. This is an art that takes years to learn. But to carry out a classic massage at home, basic knowledge is enough. In addition to the execution technique, it is important to observe the sequence and duration of the techniques.


The classification of massage includes several types. Depending on the purpose, the massage can be:

  • therapeutic – restores the body after illness and injury;
  • sports – prepares the body of athletes for competitions and training, helps prevent injuries, relieve excess tension after physical overexertion;
  • hygienic – strengthening the body. This type of massage also includes relaxation and cosmetic massage.

Application of aromatic compounds

When communicating with a specialist, you should immediately find out about the possibility of using aromatic oils.

Aromatic compounds will help enhance the effect of a classic massage. They have therapeutic properties when inhaled. They are used taking into account the main rules.

It is necessary to use essential oils with extreme caution, otherwise it may result in burns.

You need to choose your scent carefully. Lavender and sage, for example, have a calming and relaxing effect. Citrus and pine notes tonify.

Patchouli and jasmine awaken sexual energy. Before the procedure, it is important to make sure that you are not allergic to the chosen scent. If dizziness or discomfort occurs, stop using it.

Classic self-massage

Classic massage with its characteristic elements and techniques can be performed at home, it is not necessary to visit a salon. The duration of one session is about 15 minutes; with longer work on the muscles in the arms, fatigue appears.

It is advisable to have a massage table, because you need to lie on a flat surface during the procedure. Most often, self-massage of the face and limbs is performed at home.

The face is massaged with pressing and smoothing movements, making them towards the ears. You can use two tablespoons for this.

During self-massage, the abdomen, thighs and buttocks are first stroked, and then proceed to intensive rubbing, working out the fatty tissue under the skin. Rubbing is combined with pinching and vibration.

Massage of palms and feet is performed according to the same scheme. They start by stroking the outer and inner surfaces, then move on to warming up, rotating the fingers and pressing on the pads underneath them.

When performing self-massage, be sure to remove jewelry, watches and other accessories so as not to injure the skin.


In many cases, classical massage has healing powers. It has a calming, relaxing effect. It is carried out for cosmetic purposes and to achieve general relaxation. This procedure strengthens the immune system and is simply enjoyable.

The effects of its implementation are:

  1. Improving the functioning of the nervous system;
  2. Normalization of sleep;
  3. Increased performance;
  4. Improving metabolism;
  5. Relaxes the neck muscles and relieves headaches.

There is an opinion that the procedure increases hemoglobin levels, promotes weight loss, eliminates swelling, and improves lymphatic drainage function. Positive externalities are hard to miss.

With its help you can reduce the load on the spine, get rid of back pain and pain syndrome. After several sessions, the internal organs begin to function fully.

The key features and effects are accelerated recovery and reduction of the rehabilitation period for injuries and cardiovascular diseases. This massage also has a slight anti-cellulite effect.

Positive effect

Mechanical and reflex effects on organs and tissues have long been a natural remedy that has a beneficial effect on the entire body. Thanks to massage procedures, a person is filled with new strength and energy, the body is cleansed and rejuvenated. However, the main positive effect of medical massage is that it is a fairly effective therapeutic method that allows you to fight various diseases.

Classic medical massage allows you to achieve the following results:

  • normalize lymph flow, increase blood flow to internal organs, improve blood circulation;
  • improve blood quality;
  • increase immunity;
  • strengthen ligaments, relax muscles, eliminate swelling;
  • reduce various pains;
  • prevent disturbances in the activity of the sympathetic nervous system;
  • speed up metabolic processes;
  • increase skin sensitivity, improve the performance of the skin's excretory system;
  • increase skin elasticity and firmness;
  • cleanse the epidermis of dead cells;
  • strengthen your back muscles;
  • rejuvenate the skin and the entire body;
  • relieve fatigue and eliminate the effects of stressful conditions;
  • normalize the psycho-emotional state;
  • cleanse the body of toxins;
  • calm or excite the nervous system;
  • reduce the patient’s body weight;
  • correct your figure and eliminate the appearance of cellulite.

All of the above advantages of this method, which help improve human health, are the answer to the question: is massage a medical service or not? The pronounced therapeutic effect of the massage procedure leaves no doubt that massage refers specifically to therapeutic methods.

Indications for the massage procedure

Massage in its classical form brings great benefits; it is often prescribed to healthy people for the purpose of prevention and relief from accumulated fatigue. It helps well with headaches and relieves pain in the neck and back.

The procedure is often prescribed during the rehabilitation period after fractures. Traditional techniques manage to soften neuroses.

The list of indications for classical massage includes:

  1. Diseases of the gastrointestinal tract;
  2. Frequent bronchopulmonary diseases.
  3. Paralysis;
  4. Heart attack, blood pressure surges;
  5. Chronic fatigue;
  6. Pain in the neck and back.

You can try this massage just for fun. You will feel better after just a few sessions.

Correct execution guarantees positive effects.

How did massage appear and why was the attitude towards it controversial?

The word “massage” comes from the French language (masser - to rub). Moreover, the procedure itself was known even to primitive peoples. The first official evidence of massage techniques appeared in Ancient China, in the 3rd millennium BC. Even then, there were medical and physical education educational institutions, where one of the disciplines was massage.

During the Middle Ages, massage therapists were subjected to severe persecution. The Holy Inquisition was convinced that pain relief and healing through the touch of hands was a clear sign of the devil. Witch doctors were declared sorcerers and witches and burned at the stake. Only 300 years ago in Europe the works of scientists about massage and its healing properties began to appear again.

Fortunately, in our country there has never been a bias towards the procedure, and therefore the methodology has developed over many centuries. In Ancient Rus', massage was revered both as a full-fledged healing tool and as a pleasant element when going to the bathhouse (rubbing, patting with a broom). Nowadays, massage is recommended for the prevention and treatment of many diseases, and along with manual methods, modern hardware technologies are appearing.


First of all, you need to make sure there are no contraindications. When carrying out such a procedure, it is important not to cause harm. You will have to refuse classical massage if you have the following health problems:

  1. Aggravated infectious diseases;
  2. Damage to the surface of the skin, rashes;
  3. Exacerbated chronic diseases;
  4. High temperature;
  5. Benign and malignant neoplasms;
  6. Scars from recent surgery;
  7. Tendency to form blood clots.

If you have heart problems or pregnancy, you must notify the specialist about this. Massage techniques may include stimulation of the abdominal area.

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