Zerkalin: what it contains, how it works, instructions

Zerkalin is a drug for the treatment of acne vulgaris, the composition penetrates deep into the epidermis and acts specifically on the cause of the skin defect - bacterial activity. Suitable for use in adolescents, it gives a quick effect and does not cause increased sensitivity to ultraviolet radiation.

Review of the drug Zerkalin

Zerkalin is an antimicrobial drug for topical use in dermatology. It is a transparent, colorless liquid substance with a specific odor.

The main drug contains the antibiotic clindamycin. 1 ml of medicine contains 10 mg of the main component. Additional substances are represented by alcohol, purified water and propylene glycol.

You can buy Zerkalin in Moscow in 30 ml tinted glass bottles. Each is equipped with a dropper for dispensing lotion and a cap. The bottles are sold in cardboard boxes complete with annotation.

Composition and release form

Zerkalin is an antibacterial non-hormonal agent for the treatment of acne.

Let's take a closer look at its composition:

Clindamycin (in the form of clindamycin hydrochloride) is a broad-spectrum antibiotic from the lincosamide group, which has a pronounced bacteriostatic effect.

Propylene glycol is a preservative and has an additional antiseptic effect.

Ethanol is an antiseptic and has a disinfectant effect. The substance actively inhibits the growth of all types of bacteria and fungi.

Unlike the gel, Klindovit is a solution and it has a homogeneous liquid structure with a light consistency and a completely transparent color. It comes in 30 ml dark glass bottles with a drip dispenser, which is extremely inconvenient and creates unnecessary difficulties during use.

Drip dispenser
Zerkalin It is necessary to store Zerkalin at room temperature - according to the manufacturer’s advice, no higher than 25 ° C. It is not advisable to store the product in the refrigerator or near heating devices, because If proper storage conditions are not observed, the product deteriorates and loses its effectiveness.

Therapeutic effect of Zerkalin

Zerkalin helps against acne due to the properties of clindamycin. This is a linosamide antibiotic that has a detrimental effect on all strains of propionobacteria that cause acne.

In the process of using Zerkalin the following is noted:

  • reducing the number of acne by stopping the growth of pathogenic microflora;
  • disappearance of “black spots”;
  • smoothing and cleansing of the skin;
  • relieving inflammation in the sebaceous hair follicles.

Due to the alcohol content, the medicine is able to penetrate faster into the deeper layers of the skin and act on microbes from the inside. Clindamycin is able to accumulate in pores and act locally in areas of inflammation.


The product has a relatively small number of contraindications, these include:

  • Age up to 12 years;
  • Hypersensitivity to clindamycin or lincomycin;
  • High sensitivity to the components of the drug;
  • Taking muscle relaxants;
  • Crohn's disease;
  • Various colitis.

I would also not recommend the use of Zerkalin during pregnancy, since it can enter the systemic circulation and potentially penetrate the placental barrier, as well as during lactation, since there is insufficient data on this topic in the studies conducted.

How to use Zerkalin

The instructions for Zerkalin prescribe applying the solution only to clean and dry skin twice a day - in the morning and in the evening. For the procedure, you can use a cotton swab or cotton pad.

The duration of therapy is 1.5-2 months. Can be used for up to six months.

If there is no positive dynamics or additional symptoms appear, you need to visit a doctor.

When applying the solution, avoid accidental contact with the mucous membranes of the mouth and eyes, and open wounds. If contact with highly sensitive areas does occur, it is necessary to rinse them in cool water. After the procedure, you must wash your hands well with soap.


Zerkalin is an antibacterial agent that helps to quickly cope with acne.

The drug not only reduces the number of rashes, but also fights the cause of the inflammatory process. Zerkalin contains the antibiotic clindamycin , which fights bacteria that lead to acne.

Thanks to Zerkalin, acne quickly disappears, the skin becomes clean, and the greasiness of the epidermis is reduced several times.

Helpful information

You should not use Zerkalin in parallel with other medications for external use in the treatment of acne, which contain sulfur or salicylic acid, exfoliating ingredients. Since in this case there is an increased irritant effect on the skin.

The lotion is prescribed with caution to persons taking peripherally acting muscle relaxants.

If diarrhea develops during treatment and does not go away for a long time, then the use of the medicine must be discontinued.

The ability to drive a car or engage in other activities requiring increased alertness is not affected.


If you want something inexpensive, but very effective, then we recommend turning your attention to the following drugs. Zerkalin has the following analogues, which are divided into several groups.

With antibiotic

These creams contain components of similar (or the same) action (one or more), but in different dosages and forms, these include:

  • Klenzit – C;
  • Klindovit;
  • Dalatsin;
  • Sintomycin;
  • Levosin;
  • Levomethyl;
  • Levomekol;
  • Tetracycline;
  • Erythromycin;
  • Dioxidine.
Name Price
Dalatsin~900 rubles
Klindovit~400 rubles
Klenzit – C~700 rubles
Sintomycin~100 rubles
Levosin~100 rubles
Levomethyl~70 rubles
Levomekol~150 rubles
Tetracycline~100 rubles
Erythromycin~100 rubles
Dioxidine~450 rubles

No antibiotic

These ointments and creams have different ingredients, dosages, indications and contraindications, but they have similar pharmaceutical effects.

Non-structural analogues include:

  • Liniment Vishnevsky;
  • Ichthyol ointment;
  • Stellanin;
  • Metrogyl gel (Rozamet cream);
  • Baneocin.
Name Price
Liniment Vishnevsky~80 rubles
Ichthyol ointment~80 rubles
Stellanin~420 rubles
Metrogyl gel (Rozamet cream)~220 rubles (~450 rubles)
Baneocin~400 rubles

Cheaper, more effective and accessible analogues are the following drugs: lincomycin and erythromycin.

Before purchasing an analogue, it is strongly recommended to consult a dermatologist (the analogue may not be suitable for the patient to treat inflammation that he has developed).


The opinions of patients who use Zerkalin in the fight against acne are positive. Within a few days after use, the number of acne noticeably decreases, redness and signs of inflammation disappear, and the appearance of the skin improves.

The absence of side effects, high efficiency and stability of the result are positively noted. However, if acne is severely treated and at an advanced stage, then a local drug will not be enough to solve the problem.

Dermatologists classify the drug as a modern and effective means of treating acne. Prescribed to eliminate rashes on the chest and back. It is recommended to use it with caution on the face due to the presence of ethyl alcohol. In any case, you must follow the instructions and follow the dosage regimen to avoid side effects.

Side effects

If the drug is used incorrectly, the risk of an allergic reaction or irritation increases sharply.

The most common reasons are:

  • High skin sensitivity to active substances;
  • Presence of contraindications for use.
  • Immediate reactions may be accompanied by:
  • Skin rashes;
  • Peeling;
  • Burning;
  • Dryness
  • Itching;
  • Local swelling;
  • Redness;
  • Urticaria;
  • Dermatitis.

Since the main active ingredient of the product is an antibiotic, it is not recommended to use Zeraclin on an ongoing basis, but it is also necessary that the duration of the course of treatment be sufficient so that the bacteria do not have time to develop addiction. Typically, at least 2 weeks per affected area.

Do not use simultaneously with sulfonamide drugs, pyrazolone derivatives, or cytostatics. If the patient has been taking antibiotics from the lincosamide group, for example Lincomycin, for a year, then the effectiveness of Zerkalin will be much weaker than the expected effect, and the likelihood of developing side effects will also increase.

Limitations in use

Despite the high degree of effectiveness and safety of the Zerkalin antibacterial lotion, it still has contraindications for use.

This medicinal liquid should not be used in such cases.:

  • in case of hypersensitivity to the components of the drug,
  • during lactation,
  • with Crohn's disease (intestinal disease),
  • children under 12 years old,
  • when used simultaneously with other acne treatment agents.

During pregnancy, a doctor can prescribe a drug only if the benefit to the expectant mother outweighs the risk to the developing fetus.

How to use?

Some people don’t know how to use Zerkalin, now we’ll show you how to do it correctly. You can use two methods:

  1. Using a cotton pad . This method is applicable if the area of ​​the rash is large; you need to apply the product to the face, décolleté, and back.
  2. Using an ear cleaning stick . If acne appears on the body in spots, that is, in several places, then it is not at all necessary to wipe the entire face. It is enough to treat only those areas where there is an abscess.

Advantages and disadvantages of Zerkalin medicinal liquid

This drug is quite common; there are many reviews about it on the Internet . We have analyzed user ratings and are pleased to present you with a list of the pros and cons of the drug.

Lotion benefits:

  1. Operational action . After just two days, acne begins to clear up and the skin becomes clearer.
  2. Normalization of the sebum secretion process . Zerkalin is ideal for people with oily skin types, since the product dries out the epidermis. A person immediately solves two problems: fights acne and increased greasiness of the epidermis.
  3. 100% action . The drug penetrates deep under the skin, kills bacteria that cause acne. Zerkalin not only eliminates the rash, but also the cause of its appearance.
  4. Low cost . The drug is in an affordable price range; anyone can afford to buy it.
  5. Easy to use . There are no difficulties in using the product.

Release form

The drug is available in a single form - an alcohol solution . It is a colorless liquid with the odor of ethyl alcohol.

Sometimes the solution is called lotion , many people get confused and think that these are two different forms of release. But it's the same drug. Therefore, further in the text we will use the words “lotion” and “solution”.

The product is available in glass bottles with a dispenser. Bottle volume – 30 ml.

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